Stratford, Fairfield Co., CT, Burying Place A-J
Extracted from
History of Stratford by Orcutt
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown

P. 203
Burying Places -- Before the second meeting-house was built or any action taken
to secure that end, it became apparent to the people of the town that the first
burying-ground was in the wrong place -- could not be extended to meet the
wants of the community and that another must be secured. Hence, in 1676, the
town appointed a committee to select and lay out such a place, but the work was
delayed until February 1677-8, when it was completed. Of those who died before
the new ground began to be occupied, the town records furnish only the following
John Knell, son of Nicholas, died Jan 16, 1651
Thomas Sherwood, died in 1656
John Young departed this life Apr 7, 1661
Samuel Blakeman (an infant) died January, 1661
Samuel Blackeman's infant buried January, 1664
Hannah Griffin, dau. of Hugh, Sen., was buried Apr 30, 1670
Dorothy Griffin, wife of Hugh, Sen., was buried Apr 30, 1760
Robert Lane, son of Robert and Sarah Lane, died 17th, 1st, 1673-4
Mary Harger, dau of Jabez, died Apr 17, 1673
Mr. Nicholas Knell, died April 2, 1675
Mr. Thomas Fairchild, died Dec 14, 1670
Mr. Philip Groves died 10th Feb 1675
Joseph Judson, son of Joseph, died Feb 1, 1677
James Levens, son of John, died Apr 23, 1678
John Peat Jr, died January 28, 1677-8
Esther Gelpin, wife of Samuel, died Aug 27, 1678
Sarah Birdsey, dau of John Jr, died Jan 21, 1678
Sergt. Nathaniel Porter, died Jan 14, 1679
Henry Tomlinson died March 16, 1680-1
Elizabeth Curtiss, wife of John Jr, died March 9, 1681-2
John Hurd, Sen., died Feb 4, 1681-2
Elizabeth Porter, died Feb 6, 1683
Samual Blackeman, died Nov 27, 1668
Abram Tomlinson, son of Henry, died May 30, 1662
Feb. 13, 1677-8. The townsmen according to town act Feb 12, 1676, and by town order have laid out one acre of land on the west end of John Beers his home lot for the use of a burying place, bounded east with John Beers, his home lot and common land, South, West, and North with common land.
This was the place which is now, and for more than a hundred years has been commonly called the Congregational Burying Ground. When laid out it was, doubtless, intended for all the people of the town, but many years afterward, when the Episcopal Church was established, another place was laid out which has always been called the Episcopal Burying Ground. Both of these grounds are well filled, and but seldom in these days is a new grave made in them. To walk through them and read the insciptions is something like a visit to the hearthstones of long remembered kindred, where the house is left vacant. (more, which I did not copy).

Alice Ambler, died 1851
Elizur Andrews, died May 30, 1753, age 83
Sarah Morton, Wife of Elezer Andrews, Died Oct 24, 1868, age 95 yrs.
Hortensia E Armstrong, died Sept 5, 1854, age 45
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwin, Relict of Nathaniel Baldwin, who died July 30, 1821, age 52.
In calm repose her body lies, When Christ appears her dust shall rise.
Laura Maria, Wife of Charles Barker and daughter of Thomas M and Harriet M Rogers. Born at Stratford, Ct., Sept 20, 1822. Died at West Farms, N.Y., Dec 18, 1853, Aged 31 years a month and 26 days.
The memory of other days When they loved form was by, Will guide they dear ones to thee, In they house beyond the sky.
In Memory of Capt. John Barlow, who died May the 4, 1786, in the 37th yr of his Age.
Tho' Borea's Blasts and Neptune's Waves Have tossed me to and fro In spite of Death by God's Decree I harbor here below. Where I do now at anchor ride, With many of our fleet, Yet once again I must make sail Our admiral Christ to meet.
In Memory of Capt. David Barlow, who died Oct 6, 1820, age 59 years.
Helen T., wife of Edward Batterson, died Feb 5, 1848, age 21 yrs and 5 mo.
Also their: INFANT daughter, died Jan 31, 1848, age 2 ds.
Hiram, son of Sillick & Emma Batterson, died Sept 6, 1814, age 1 yr 1 mo & 2 ds.
Isabella and Helen J, daughters of Edward & Mary H Batterson, age 5 1/2 mos. Died Feb 5, 1848
Here Lyes Buried the Body of Ephraim Beach, Who Deceasd March the 15th, 1716/17, in ye 30th year of his age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Isaac Beach, Who Died April 30th, Anno Dom, 1741, aged 71 years & 10 mos.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Jerusha Beach, Daug. of Mr. Jeames Beach & Mrs. Sarah his wife, who died Jany ye 20, 1760, in ye 19 year of her age.
Here Lyes ye Body of Jerusha Beach, Dau of Mr. James and Mrs. Sarah Beach, who died Aug 27th, 1738, Aged 5 years 10 mos & 11 Days.
Here lyes ye Body of Lieut. Joseph Beach, Who departed this life December ye 17th, Anno Dom, 1737, in ye 66th Year of His Age.
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel Beach, Who Died Aug 20th Ann. Dom. 1734, in ye 38th Year of his age.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel Beach, Who departed this life July 24, Anno. Dom, 1747. Aged 84 years & 3 mos.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Beach, Wife to Mr. Nathaniel Beach, Who Died March ye 25th, A.D., 1738, Aged 70 years.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Nehemiah Beach, Who departed this life March ye 5th, 1770, in ye 30th year of His Age.
In Memory of Eunica Beach, Wife of Mr. Nehemiah Beach, who departed this Life November 11th, A.D., 17__, in the 4_ year of her Age. (This stone is broken and two dates destroyed.)
In Memory of Eunica Beach, Daughter of Mr. Nehemiah and Mrs. Eunica Beach, who departed this Life Aug 24th, A.D. 1775, in the 6th year of Her Age.
In Memory of Sarah, Daut of Mr. Nehemiah Beach, Who died May 2, 1770, in ye 3d year of Her Age.
Ransom Beach, Died Oct 4, 1859, Aged 75
Susan Beach, Daugher of Ransom & Lucy F Beach, Died July 28, 1882, Aged 74
Lucy Frost, Wife of Ransom Beach, died Aug 17, 1849, age 63
Elijah W, Son of Ransom & Lucy F Beach, died July 25, 1832, Age 22
Here lyes ye Body of Ruth Beardslee, Relict of Daniel Beardslee, Died May ye 4th, 1732, in ye 71 year of her age
Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Daniel Beardslee, died Oct ye 7, 1730, in ye 86 year of his age
Her lyes ye Body of Mr. John Beardsley, Died November 17th, 1739, in ye 52 Year of his age
Here lyes ye Body of Mr. John Beardslee, Died November ye 7, 1702, in ye 52nd year of his age
John Beardsley, Died Nov 20, 1833, aged 30 years
Sidney J Beardsley, Died May 19, 1852, age 54
Mary Ann Thompson, Wife of Sidney J Beardsley, Died Aug 16, 1844, age 45
In Memory of Helen Judson, who died May 26, 1825, age 26 years
Also of: Edwin Judson, son of Sidney J & Mary Ann Beardsley, who died Sept 25, 1825, aged 5 months
Charles P Beers, Died Oct 7, 1850, age 27 years
Josiah, son of Nathan and Hannah Beers, died June 22d, 1752, aged 13 mos & 4 ds.
Josiah Beers, son of Ensn. Josiah and Mrs. Elizabeth Beers, died Janry ye 7th, 1750-51, age 27 years
Lewis Beers, Died April 12, 1851, age 52 Yrs.
Susan, Wife of Lewis Beers, Died Dec 23, 1881, age 80
Margaret. daughter of Lewis & Susan Beers, died June 30, 1831, aged 1 year and 11 months.
The Remains of Samuel Beers, who departed this life Oct 17, 1798, aged 70 years & 4 months.
In Memory of John Bell, from London, late merchant of the City of New York; who died Sept 21st, 1798 in the 44 year of his age. He was son-in-law to John Brooks, Esquire, of Stratford.
Our Father & Mother Wm. H. Benjamin, Died Feb 10, 1860, age 63 also Cynthia A., his wife, Died Sept 28, 1866, age 60.
George F, Son of William H & Cynthia A Benjamin, died Oct 13, 1848, age 3 yrs & 6 mo.
George, son of William H & Cynthia A Benjamin, died Feb 14, 1838, aged 5 yrs & 2 mo's.
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Betts, the Wife of Mr. Moses Betts, who died December 24th A.D. 1782, in ye 22 year of her Age.
Sacred to the memory of Benjamin Bigelow, who died Sept 25, 1815, age 70 years.
Sacred to the memory of Catharine Bigelow, who died Aug 1, 1821, age 73
Here lyes Buried the Body of Lieut. Abel Birdsey, who departed this life May 14th, Anno Domni, 1747, in ye 68th year of His Age
In Memory of
Nathan Birdsey, who died Aug 5, 1832, aged 88 years & 3 mo.
In memory of Abigail Birdseye, who died May 4, 1827, aged 72 years
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Nathan Birdseye, A.M. He was born Aug 19, 1714; Graduated at Yale College 1736. Ordained at West Haven 1742; Dismissed & recommended by the Consociation, 1758, and departed this life Jan 28, 1818, aged 103 years 5 months & 9 days.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Dorothy Birdseye, Consort of the Rev. Nathaniel Birdseye, who died Sept 21, 1807, in the 88th year of her age.
In memory of Miss Lucy, daughter of the Rev. Nathan Birdsey, who died nmuch lamented, Dec 24, 1823; aged 64 years.
In memory of Mr. Philo Birdseye, who died Jan 6, 1814, in the 30 year of his age. He was interd in Masonic Order.
Mrs. Betsey Birdsey, His Relict, Died Feb 1, 1814; in the 27 year of her age.
This stone was erected by Mrs. Helen Birdseye in memory of her husband, Mr. Thadeus Birdseye, who died Feb 25, 1800, in the 47th year of his Age.
Helen, Widow of Thaddeus Birdseye, Died April 26, 1856, age 94 yrs 11 mo, & 13 Days.
Here Lyes the Body of Richard Blackleach, Esq., Decd. Sept the 4th, 1731, in the 78th year of his Age.
Here Lyes Body of Mrs. Abigail Blackleach, Wife to Richard Blackleach, Esq., Aged 60 years. Died March ye 10, 1712/13.
Frederick, son to James & Fanny Blackman, was drowned Aug 10, 1826, aged 19.
In Memory of Capt. Abijah Blakeman, Who was lost at Sea on his passage from Bermuda to Newprovidence. In August 1807, aged 29 years.
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Blekman, Wifeto Mr. Zechariah Blekman, Who Died March 23rd, 1732, in ye 52d year of her age.
Miss Anne Blakeman, Daughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Anne Blakeman, died March 5, 1809, in the 22 year of her age.
In Memory of Mr. James Blakeman, who died Novem 12th, 1791, In the 79th year of his age.
Also, Mrs. Sarah, his Wife, died Decem 15th, 1793, in the 73rd year of her age.
In memory of: Sarah, the wife of Mr. James Blakeman, Junr., Who Died December the 12 A.D., 1775, in the 26 year of her age.
In Memory of Miller Blakeman, son of James Blakeman, Jun., who departed this Life, May 27, 1781, in the 8th year of his age.
In Memory of Capt. Agur Booth, who died Oct 29, 1818, aged 70 years. Mrs. Anna, his relict, died Nov 26, 1818, aged 66.
In Memory of Daniel Booth, who departed this Life May 8, 1801, In the 77 year of his Age.
Here lieth the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Booth, Who died in the 21st year of her age. July 29, 1702
Elizabeth Pratt, wife of Charles H Booth, Died in New York, Dec 29, 1844, age 33 yrs.
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which
sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."
Charles E., son of Charles H & Elizabeth P Booth, Born March 27, 1843, Died Sept 18, 1870.
"We know that when he shall appear we shall be like him; for we shall see Him as he is."
In Memory of Edward Wainwright, infant son of Charles H & Elizabeth P Booth, who died July 17, 1835, aged 6 months.
In Memory of Eli Booth, son of Abijah L & Abby B Booth, who was killed by fall of a tree, April 15, 1823, aged 14 years.
Eli Booth, Died Feb 1, 1864, age 76 years & 10 mos.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
Mary, wife of Eli Booth, Died Sept 12, 1865, age 78.
"For they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."
Frederick Leavenworth, son of John C & Margaret J Booth, died Dec 29, 1852, age 7 months.
In Memory of Capt. James Booth, who died March 19, 1809, In the 75th year of his age.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. James Booth, Who departed this life, August the 20, 1766, Aged 78 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. James Booth, who died Aug 10, 1817, age 79.
In Memory of the Children of Capt. James & Mrs. Abigail Booth,
Abel Booth, wo died April 15, 1777, in the 20th year of his Age.
James Booth, who died March 30th, 1766, in the 2d year of his Age.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mrs. Martha Booth, 2nd wife to Mr. James Booth, Who Departed this Life Decem. 3d, 1747, in the 52d Year of Her Age.
In Memory of Mr. John Booth, who died Dec 2, 1822, aged 86 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Lucy Booth, wife of Mr. John Booth, who died Sept 17, A.D., 1817, in the 77 year of her age.
In Memory of Mary Booth, wo died Nov 24, 1772, in ye 3d year of her age.
In memory of Josiah Booth, who died Dec 30th, 1772, in ye 5 year of his age.
The Children of John and Mrs. Lucy Booth
In Memory of John Booth, who died Aug 10, 1825, aged 61 years.
In memory of Mrs. Sarah Booth, the wife of John Booth, who died March 24, 1826, aged 60 years.
In memory of Mrs. Jerusha Booth, & her two babies, Wife of Mr. John Booth, Jur, & Daugher of Mr. Eli Lewis, who died Nov 10, 1796, Aged 31 years.
(A Monument, West Side, Erected over the graves of:
Joseph Booth, son of Richard Booth, who died Sept 1, 1703, age 46. And Hannah, Wife of Joseph Booth & daugher of John & Elizabeth Wilcoxson, who died July 10, 1701, age 38. Their children were:
James, Born 1688, Died 1766
Joseph, Born 1687; Died 1763
Robert, Born_____, Died______.
Nathan, Born_____. Died______.
Zechariah, Born_____, Died 1762.
David, Born 1679, Died 1753
Hannah, Born ______, Died_____.
(North Side)
James Booth, son of Joseph Booth, died Aug 20, 1766, age 78
Martha Clark, wife of James Booth, died Dec 3, 1747, age 52
Their Children were:
Sarah, Born 1732, Died 1786
James, Born 1735, Died 1809
John, Born 1736, Died 1822
Hezekiah, Born 1739, Died 1761
Josiah, Born 1742, Died 1767
James Booth, son of James Booth, died March 19, 1809, age 75
Abigail Ann, wife of James Booth, died Aug 11, 1817, age 78.
Their Children were:
Abel, Born 1757, Died 1777
Sarah, Born 1759, Died 1841
Hezekiah, Born 1762, Died 1819
James, Born 1765, Died 1766
Abigail Ann, Born 1766, Died ___.
Betsey, Born 1768, Died 1825
Charity, Born1771, Died 1810
Amy, Born 1773, Died 1844
James, Born 1776, Died ___.
Abel, b 1780, Died _____.
(South Side)
John Booth, son of James Booth, Born Aug 3, 1736, Died Dec 2, 1822
Lucy, Wife of John Booth & Daughter of Henry & Ann Curtiss, Born March 1, 1741, Died Sept 17, 1817.
Their Children were:
John, Born 1764, Died 1825
William, Born 1765, Drowned 1810.
Josiah, Born 1768; Died 1772
Mary, Born 1770, Died 1772
David, Born 1771, Died 1792
Josiah, Born 1773, Died 1852
Elijah, Born 1776.
Isaac, Born 1783, Drowned 1810.
(East Side)
Richard Booth, From England, one of the first settlers in this town in 1639.
Born 1606. Age 82 years in 1688. Date of death unknown. Their children were:
Elizabeth, Born 1641
Ann, Born 1643
Ephraim, Born 1648
Ebenezer, Born 1651
John, Bprn 1653
Joseph, Born 1656
Bethya, Born 1658
Johanna, Born 1661
Sarah A, the WIFE of John C Booth, died March 8, 1849, age 39 yrs.
John Henry, the son of John C & Sarah A Booth, died Dec 6, 1848, age 1 yrs & 7 mos.
(A Monument)
Capt. William Booth, was drowned off Cape Cod, Oct 18, 1810, aged 45 yrs.
Mary Ann, Wife of Capt. Wm. Booth, Died July 22, 1851, aged 83 yrs.
David, son of Wm. & Mary Ann Booth, was drowned off Cape Cod, Oct 18, 1810, aged 18 yrs.
In Memory of Capt. William Booth, aged 45 years, and his son David Booth, aged 17 years; and of Isaac Booth, Aged 27 years. Who were all drowned in Boston-Bay on the 18th day of Oct. A.D. 1810.
Also in memory of David Booth, who died at New York, Dec 23d, 1792, Aged 21 years.
Mr. Zechariah Booth, 1762. (This is the footstone, of fine slate. The head-stone has been broken off at the ground, and is not to be found.
Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Ann Booth, Wife to Mr. Zechariah Booth. Who died May 18th, 1733, in ye 37 Year of her Age.
In Memory of Zechariah Brinsmade died November ye 22d, 1741, in ye 56 year of his age.
Here lyes ye Body of Sarah Brinsmade Wife to Mr. Zechariah Brinsmade, Aged 48 Years 6 months. Died June ye 9, 1736
Hannah Brinsmade Dau to Mr. Zechariah & Hannah Brinsmade, Aged 3 years & 4 mo. Died Sept ye 2d, 1736
Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Benjamin Brooks Who Departed this life Dec 30, Anno Domini, 1745, in ye 61st Year of His age.
Here lyes Buried the Body of Huldah Brooks Daut. of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Mary Brooks, Who Died January 2nd, 1737, in ye 12th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Anna Brooks, Relict to John Brooks Esq., who died March 19, 1804, aged 89 years.
Here lies the remains of John Brooks, Esq. who departed this Life October 22d, 1788. Aged 49 Years.
Farewell bright soul a short farewell Till we shall meet again Above. In the sweet groves where pleasures dwell And tears of life bear fruits of love, There glory sits on every face There friendship smiles in every eye, There shall our tongue relate the grace That led us homeward to the sky.
John Brooks, Esq. and Mrs. Dorothy Brooks, his Wife have erected this stone in memroy of their Son ELI, who died August 29, 1783, Aged 4 Years, 4 months & 25
days. Likewise in memory of another infant son, named also ELI, who died the 11 of August, 1785, aged 1 week & 7 hours.
In memory of Theodosia Brooks Daur. of Mr. John Brooks, Junr, & Mrs. Dorothy his wife, who died Nov 15th, 1773, Aged 4 years and 22 Days.
Beneath this scattered dust here's silent laid the Father's Comfort & Mothers Aid, Cropt like a flower she fell a victim soon the flattering life had promised years to come.
Nathan Brooks, Son of Mr. David & Mrs. Anna Brooks, who Died Nov 2d, 1746, Aged 13 months and 7 Days.
In memory of William Brooks, who departed this lfie August 11, 1804, in the 50 year of his age.
In Memory of Phebe, relect of William Brooks, who died July 6, 1822, aged 66
Sacred to the Memory of William Brooks, who departed this life July 24, 1809, aged 30 years .
Nathan, son of Cap. Isaiah & Mrs. Ann Brown, died Nov 23rd, 1753, aged 4 months
Rhoda, Daughter of Capt. Isaiah & Mrs. Ann Brown, died Jany 24, A.D. 1754, aged 3 years.
John Bruce, Died May 10, 1870, age 82 yrs 8 mo.
In memory of Comphy, Wife of John Bruce, died Sept 17, 1849, age 60.
Sarah Burch, Daughter of Mr. Jeremiah & Mrs. Sarah Burch, Died May ye 14th, 1738, aged 2 years 9 mo & 12 Da.
In Memory of Hezekiah Burritt, who departed this Life, June 1, 1809; In the 70th year of his Age.
In Memory of Mr. John Burritt, Who departed this Life, June 29, 1787, in ye 77 Year of his Age.
Redeemed from Earth and Pain Oh when shall we assend And all in Jesus presence reign With our departed Friends.
Here lyes the body of Mrs. Phebe Burritt, formerly Wife to Mr. John Burritt, who departed this Life, March 22, 1789, in ye 83 Year of her Age.
*Redeemed from Earth and Pain
And all in Jesus presence reign
With our departed friends.
In memory of
Nathan W. Burritt, who died Aug 4, 1838, age 40 years.
In memory of
Robert, Son of Nathan & Sarah Burritt, who died Aug 18, 1803, aged 3 years.
Here lieth the Body of
Capt. Stephen Burritt, who departed this Life in the 57 years of is age.
January 24, 1697/8.
In memory of
Mrs. Mary, the Wife of Mr. Charles Burroughs, Who departed this life April the
13, A.D. 1777, With the small pox in the 62 Year of her age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Bette Burton, Wife to Mr. Ephraim Burton, departed this life, Aug 10, 1783,
in the 55 Year of Her Age.
Erected by Robert Coldwell, in memory of his mother.
Jane Coldwell, and sister of Joseph Jamieson, who died Mar 23, 1851, age 53.
Here lyes interred the Body of
Samuel Casrell, who died April ye 2d, 1707, in ye 29 year of his age
Here lyeth ye body of
Mr. Isarell Chauncey, Who was minister of ye Gospell in this place upwards of 38
years & dyed March ye 14th, in 1702/3, in ye 59th year of his age
Here lyes ye Body of
Sarah Clark, Wife to David Clark. Aged 18 years and 12 Ds. Died March ye 12,
Carrie Clark, dau of Myron & Jane E Jurson
Here lyeth the Body of
Deborah Clarke, Wife to J.C. Senr. who departed this life in the 61st year of
her Age, December 14, 1705
In Memory of
Edward Lawarence, Son of John W. and Susana A. Close, who died May 12th 1843,
aged 6 months and 14 days.
David Coe, Died Oct 6, 1842, aged 30 years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Mary Elizabeth, Wife of David Coe, Died Aug 27, 1849, age 37 yrs.
Into thy hand I commit my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of Israel.
In Memory of
Capt. Ebenezer Coe, Who departed this life March 26th, 1766, Aged 62 years.
In Memory of
Mrs. Mary Coe, Wife of Capt. Ebenezer Coe, who departed this life, May the 23d,
1773, in ye 68 years of Her Age.
In Memory of
Deac. Ebenezer Coe, who died Aug 1, 1820, aged 85 years
In Memory of
Mrs. Sarah Coe, Wife of Deac Ebenezer Coe, who died Oct 15th 1802, aged 67 years
In Memory of
Sarah Coe, Dautr. of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Sarah Coe, who died Nov. 29th, 1772, in
ye 6th year of her age
In Memory of
Mrs. Esther Coe, Wife of Mr. Josiah Coe, who departed this life Oct 16th, 1794,
the the 26th year of her age
Isaac Thompson, son of James and Sally Coe, died Dec 6, 1822; aged 12 yrs.
In Memory of
James Coe, Who died May 12, 1851, age 70
Sarah T., wife of James Coe, Died Oct 5, 1868, Aged 87
In Memory of
James Coe Jr., who died Dec 18, 1848, age 33 yrs.
The sweet rememberence of the just
Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
James R., son of James & Helen Coe, died Sept 10, 1852, aged 4 yrs & 9 mos.
In Memory of
Mr. James Coe, Who departaed this life July 31, 1790, in the 50th Year of his
In Memory of
Huldah Coe, wife of James Coe, who died Nov 10, 1814, aged 75 years
In Memory of
James Coe, the son of James & Huldah Coe, who Departed this Life September 18, A.D. 1778, Aged 6 months & 9 days.
Capt. John Coe, Who died April 19, Anno Domni 1741, in ye 83d year of His Age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of
Mrs. Mary Coe, Wife to Capt. John Coe, Who died September ye 9th, 1731, in ye 69th year of Her Age
In Memory of John E. Coe, who died Nov 8, 1827, aged 59 years
In Memory of Mrs. Eunica Coe, Wife of Mr. John E. Coe, who died Aug 3, 1815; Aged 43 years.
In Memory of three children of John Ebenezer & Eunice Coe:
Sally Coe, died Oct 31st, 180_ [1801 or 2], aged 6 years.
Mary Coe, died Oct 10th, 1802, aged 2 years & 6 months.
Robert Coe, died April 4th, 179_ [perhaps 1796] aged 3 months.
John Wm., son of John & Anna Coe, died Aug 4, 1826, aged 6 months
Sacred to the memory of Deacon Zechariah Coe, Who died Aug 8th, 1805, age 73
Also of his wife Levinia Coe, who died July 10th, 1805, age 71
Charles Mortimer Cook, Son of Joseph & Mary Cook, died June 4, 1809, age 7 years & 25 days.
In Memory of Helen Louisa, only child of Joseph H & Susan T Cowdry, who was born in New York, Feb 26, 1839, and died in New York, Dec 4, 1840, Aged 1 year 9 months and 18 days.
In Memory of Helen Louisa, second child of Joseph H and Susan T. Cowdry, who was born in New York, Oct 16, 1842, and died in New York, Nov 21, 1844, Aged 2 years 1 month and 5 days.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of
Mrs. Abigail Curtis, Wife to Mr Ebenezer Curtis, Who Departed his* life Nov
29th, A.D. 1746, Aged 32 years 10 months and 25 Days. (*?????)
In Memory of
Mr. Abner Curtiss, who departed this Life December 19th, 1779 in the 48th
year of his age.
O reader stop and cast an eye
As thou art now so once was I.
As I am now soon thou must bee,
Prepare for death and follow me.
Here lies the Body of
Mr. Abram Curtiss, Who departed this Life September ye 7th, A.D. 1779, Aged 79
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Elizabeth Curtiss, Wife to Mr. Abraham Curtiss, Who departed this Life,
August ye 31st, 1770, in ye 68 year of her Age.
Anna Curtis, died Jan 4, 1871, age 86 yrs.
Sacred to the Memory of
Dea. Agur Curtis, who died April 22, 1844, in the 84th year of his age.
In memory of
Huldah Curtis, wife of Agur Curtis & Mother of Lewis & Benjamin Curtis, who died
on the 6th day of June 1858, Aged 92.
In Memory of
Agur Curtiss, who died Nov 10, 1838, age 81 yrs.
In Memory of
Mercy, wife of Agur Curtiss, who died Dec 17, 1850, age 90 yrs & 7 mo.
Agur Peck, son of David & Amy Curtiss, died Oct 1, 1810, aged 2 y'rs & 2 mo.
Here lyes ye body of
Mrs. Bethsheba Curtiss, formerly wife to Mr. Ephraim Stiles, Aged 74 years.
Died February ye 9th, 1735
In memory of
Betsey Curtiss, who died March 21, 1843, aged 52 years.
Catharine, Wife of Marcus Curtiss, died June 17, 1855, age 61 years.
In Memory of
Charlotte Curtis, who died Mar. 13, 1866, age 67 yrs.
In Memory of
David Curtiss, who died Nov 1, 1819, in his 82 year.
In Memory of
Mrs. Sarah Curtiss, Wife of Mr. David Cuttiss, who departed this life, March
6th, 1801, in the 60th year of her age.
Agur, The son of Mr. David & Mrs. Sarah Curtiss, who died Oct ye 9, 1776, in ye
5 year of his age.
Your moans fond parents cease and let this hope suffice Your
babe shall sleep in peace till Jesus bid it rise.
Dolly Curtiss, died Feb 27, 1875, age 75 yrs. 10 mo.
In Memory of
Ebenezer Curtiss, who died May 19, 1819, age 42.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Ruth Curtis, wife to Mr. Ebenezer Curtis, Departed this life May ye
28th, 1739, in ye 70th year of her age.
In memory of
Mr. Elihu Curtiss, who died Aug 9, 1820, aged 79 years.
Elihu, son of Daniel Curtis, died Sept 23, 1820, age 73
Aner, wife of Elihu Curtis & daughter of Lewis Nodine, died 1804, age 47.
This stone erected to their memory by their son Alfred.
In Memory of
Mr. Elijah Curtis, Son of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Anne Curtiss, who died Sept 23d, A.D.
1776, in the 35th year of his Age.
Here lies inter'd the Body of
Ephraim Curtiss, Esqr., who departed this Life May 9th, 1775, in the 92d Year of
his Age.
Elizabeth, his wife, who departed this Life, October 5th, in the 91st year of
her Age.* (*No year is given to the death of Mrs. Elizabeth; but probably she
died in 1775.)
Here lyes ye Body of
Ephraim Curtiss, son of Ephraim Curtiss, Esq., & Mrs. Elizabeth his Wife, Who
Died December 2, 1737, Aged 20 years 3 months & 2 days
Here lyes ye Body of
Elizabeth Curtiss, Daughter of Ephraim Curtiss, Esq., & Mrs. Elizabeth his Wife,
Who Died July 31, 1788, aged 8 years 8 months & 15 Days.
[Transcriber's note: in the Barbour Collection, this death
is entered: "Elizabeth, dau Ephraim, died July 3, 1728.]
In Memory of
Dr. Ezra Curtiss, who died & was buried at Litchfield, Nov 17, 1797, in the 33d
year of his age.
In Memory of
Hannah Curtis, wife of Samuel Curtis, who died Jan 7, 1822, age 74 years & 1
In Memory of
Hannah Curtis, wife of Stiles Curtis, of Norwalk, & daughter of Seymour C &
Hannah Whiting, who died Feb 8, 1838; aged 35 years.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Hannah Curtis, Wife to Mr. Zechariah Curtis. Age 73 years. Died Feby
14th, 1737/8 [or 1757/8]
Henrietta Curtiss, Born Jan 25, 1811. Died April 30, 1874
In Memory of
Mr. Henry Curtiss, who departed this life, May 23d, 1804, in the 95th Year of
his Age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Anne Curtiss, the wife of Mr. Henry Curtiss, who Departed this Life
September 14th, A.D. 1783, in the 68th Year of her Age.
In Memory of
Mr. Henry Curtiss, who died April 18, 1814, aged 63 years.
In Memory of
Phebe Curtiss, wife of Henry Curtiss, who died Feb 5, 1826, Aged 67 years, also
George Curtis, their son, died in the State of Illinois, Sept 18, 1822, age 24.
Harriet, Daughter of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Phebe Curtiss, died June 20th, 1793, aged
5 months.
Eliza, their Daughter, died March 7th, 1800, aged 15 days.
In Memory of
Mrs. Hepsy Curtis, who died Feb 10, 1832, aged 54
Here lyes buried the Body of
Mr. Hezeikaih Curtiss, Who departed this life Oct ye 9th, 1771, in ye 64th year
of His Age.
Here lyes Buried the Body of
Mrs. Bulah Curtiss, Dau of Mr. Hezekiah Curtiss & Mrs. Mehetable Curtiss, Who
departed this life September ye 16, 1771, in ye 17th year of her age.
In memory of
Mrs. Huldah, Late Consort of Mr. Samuel Curtiss, who was born April 15th,
1738, & died April 28, 1765
Huldah, Dau of the above Parents, who was born March 16th, 1765 & died July,
A.D. 1765
In calm repose Their body lies When Christ appears Their dust shall
Mr. Isaac Curtiss, Son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Hannah Curtiss, who died Jan 17,
1796, age 21.
Behold and see as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am
now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me.
Elezabeth Curtiss, wife of Isaac Curtiss, died July 1, 1797, aged 26.
In Memory of
Mr. Jabez Curtiss, who deparated this life, Jan 16th, 1829, in the 90th year of
his age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Betty Curtis, wife of Mr. Jabez Curtis, who departed this life Oct 1, 1818,
in the 75th year of her age.
In memory of
James Curtis, who died March 22, 1821, Aged 41 Years.
Here lyes Buried the Body of
Mrs. Jerusha Curtiss, Wife to Mr. Stephen Curtiss, Who Departed this Life Dec
24th, A.D. 1747, in ye 21 Year of her Age.
Abraham Curtiss, Son of Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Jerusha Curtiss, Died Janry 23d,
1747/8, Aged 2 months and 2 Ds.
In memory of
John Curtiss, who died Aug 31, 1825, age 80 years.
Also of
Mary, his wife, who died the same day & hour, aged 78.
They were both deposited in the same grave.
Mr. Joseph Curtiss, died Mar 15, 1801, aged 80 yrs.
Here lyes enter'd the Body of
Mr. Josiah Curtiss, who died May 26th, 1773, in the 71st year of his Age.
In Memory of
Miss Eunice Curtiss, daughter of Mr. Josiah Curtiss, who died Oct 21, 1817, in
the 53 year of her age.
In Memory of
Mr. Josiah Curtiss, who departed this life, Feb 6th, 1804, in the 70th year of
his age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Mary Curtiss, Wife of Mr. Josiah Curtiss, who died May 20, 1817, in the 80
year of her age.
In Memory of
Lewis Curtis, who died March 5, 1834, Aged 89 years.
In Memory of
Mrs. Hepsa Curtiss, the wife of Mr. Lewis Curtiss, who died April 16, 1819, aged
71 years.
Mrs. Martha Curtiss, died Aug 26, 1790, aged 77
Mary, wife of Judson Curtiss, died Feb 23, 1814, aged 42 years.
Judson Curtis, Son of Mr. Judson & Mrs. Mary Curtiss, was killed by a Cart wheel
going over him Octo. 4th, 1805, aged 5 years & 10 days.
In Memory of
Nehemiah Curtiss, who died May 13, 1810, aged 69 years.
Phebe Curtiss, who died May 13, 1810, aged 69 years.
Here lies intered the Body of
Mrs. Phebe, Wife to Mr. Nehemiah Curtiss, who departed this life, July 24, 1770,
in the 32nd Year of her age.
No gift of nature, Art of Grace, Exempteth from the
Burying place, All must obey the solemn call, Before that Tyrant all must fall.
In Memory of
Polly, wife of Nehemiah Curtis, who died Sept 17, 1817, aged 34 years.
Also of three Children of Nehemiah & Polly Curtis:
Stiles, died Sept 15, 1808, aged 15 months.
Betsey Ann, died Sept 11, 1813; aged 6 months.
Nehemiah, died Sept 25, 1817; aged 17 months.
In memory of
Nehemiah Curtis, who departed this life, Sept 30, 1835, ae 61.
Sacred to the Memory of
Anne Curtiss, Wife of Nehamiah Curtis, Junr., who died March 3, 1804, in the 22d
year of her age.
She lived must esteemed And died much lamented.
Peter Pixlee, Son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Betsey Curtiss, died May 10, 1817,
aged 3 months.
Dea. Philo Curtis, Died May 5, 1852, age 78
In Memory of
Betsey Curtis, wife of Dea. Philo Curtis, who died Feb 11, 18144, aged 68
In memory of
Rebecca, Consort of William Curtiss, Deceased, Dec 3, 1823, aged 41 years.
In Memory of
Rejoice Curtiss, who died Oct 11, 1861, age 74 y/rs.
In memory of
Sally Curtis, Who died May 2, 1831, aged 39 years.
Eliza Curtis, Died Jan 11, 1831, aged 28 years
In memory of
Capt. Samuel Curtiss, wo died Feb 14, 1833, aged 63 years.
In Memory of
Alice, Wife of Capt. Samuel Curtiss & daugher of Elisha & Sarah DeForest, Who
died Dec 13, 1859, age 74.
Mary Ann, daugher of Capt. Samuel & Mrs. Alice Curtiss, died June 14, 1814, aged
5 months.
Erected by Capt. Curtiss In Memory of his Daugher
Henrietta, who died Aug 26th, 1803, in the 7th Year of her age & of his son
Saml. J., who died Aug 28th, 1803, aged 5 years.
Miss Mary Ann, dauaghter of Capt. Samuel & Mrs. Temperance A. Curtiss, died
April 1, 1814, aged 19 years.
Erected by Capt. Saml Curtiss, In memory of is Wife
Temperance Anna Curtiss, who departed this life Aug 30th, A.D., 1800, aged 30
In Memory of
Mr. Samuel Curtiss, who died Sept. 8th, 1802, in the 68 year of his age.
In Memory of
Samuel Curtiss, who died May 19, 1826, aged 69 years.
In Memory of
Dolly Curtiss, wife of Samuel Curtis, who died Sept 19, 1829, age 66 yrs.
In Memory of
Charles Curtiss, the beloved son of Mr. Samuel Curtiss Jr., & Mrs. Dolly
Curtiss, who died Janry 8th, 1793, In the 4 year of his age.
Sleep, sweet Babe and take thy rest
God call'd thee Home he thought it best
Though to thy parents dear.
Sarah, Wife of Charles Curtiss, Died Nov 25, 1877, Aged 85 yrs. 4 mo.
In memory of
Mary J., who died May 12, 1831, aged 3 yrs.
Samuel H., died April 16, 1831, aged 1 y & 3 mo., daughter & son of Charles &
Sarah Curtis.
As you stand by this grassy tomb In silent sorrow weep For two
sweet infants side by side In death's cold slumpers sleep. So fades the lovely
blooming flower Frail smelling solace of an hour So soon our transient comforts
fly And pleasures only bloom to die.
Charles, son of Charles & Sarah Curtiss, died Sept 3, 1833, aged 5 mo. & 23 ds.
Emily, daughter of Charles & Sarh Curtis, Died Feb 11, 1832, age 8 mos.
Adieu sweet baby thy stay was short
Just looked aboaut and call'd awy.
Roxanna Peck, Adopted Daughter of Charles & Sarah Curtis, Died April 16,
1848, age 23.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
In memory of
Sarah, Dr of Mr. Curtiss & Mrs. Mary.
In memory of
Mr. Silas Curtis, who died Aug 5, 1822, Aged 72 years.
In memory of
Mr. Silas Curtiss, who died Jan. 15, 1816, in the 74 year of his age.
In memory of
Mary, wife of Silas Curtiss, who died April 11, 1805; in the 50 year of her age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Helen Curtiss, Wife of Silas Curtiss, Ters. Daughter of Stiles & Naomi
Judson, who died April 2d, 1801, Aged 21 years.
In Memory of
Hannah, Wife of Silas Curtiss, who died Nov 25, 1811, in the 65 year of her age.
Sacred to the Memory of
Solomon Curtis, who departed this life, July 13, 1824, Age 76 years & 11
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Sacred to the Memory of
Jerusha Curtis, relict of Solomon Curtis, who died Aug 29, 1834, aged 76
O Death! where is thy sting?
O Grave! where is thy victory!
In Memory of
Jabez Curtis, son of Mr. Solomon & Jerusha Curtis, who died Feb 8, 1797, age 8
Thy flesh disolv'd in sorrow must appear, While here we drop ye
sympathetic tear; The tomb shall safe retain its sacred trust, Till life divine
reanimates thy dust.
In memory of
Stephen Curtis, who died May 8th, 1806, aged 79 years.
In memory of
Mrs. Sarah Curtiss, Wife of Mr. Stephen Curtiss, who departed this Life,
November 2d, 1794, Aged 64 yrs.
Here lyes ye Body of
Stephen Jetson Curtiss, Son of Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Sarah Curtiss, Who died
June 17, 1760, Aged 3 Years.
Sarah Curtiss, died April 9, 1766, Aged 2 Years & 8 months.
Stephen Jetson Curtiss, died April 9, 1766, Aged 5 years & 6 mos.
In Remembrance of 2 Children of Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Sarah Curtiss:
Abram Curtiss, Departed this Life at New York, September 4th, A.D. 1776, &
Buried in Harlem Burying place, in the 23rd year of his age. Betty Curtiss,
Departed this Life, October 9th, A.D. 1777, in the 11th Year of her age.
In Memory of
Capt. Stiles Curtiss, who departed this Life the 22nd Day of April, A.D.
1785, in the 78 year of his age.
In Memory of
Mrs. Rebeckah Curtiss, Relict of Capt. Stiles Curtiss, who departed this
Life, July 1st, 1798, in the 89th Year of her Age.
In memory of
Mr. Thaddeus Curtis, Who died Septr. 23d, 1776, in the 30th Year of his age.
Mr. Thaddeus Curtiss, who died on his passage from Exuma and was buried in the
Sea, Dec 25, 1801, in the 22d year of his age.
In memory of
Sally Curtis, Who Died, May 2, 1831, Aged 39 yrs.
Elizabeth Curtis, Died Jan 11, 1831, aged 28 yrs.
Andrew Dayton, died Feb 11, 1807; age 53
Anna Dayton, died March 23, 1869, Aged 81 yrs & 8 Mos.
John Dayton, Died June 16, 1819, age 35 years.
Betsey Dayton, died Sept 9, 1815, age 21 yrs.
Jerusha, widow of Andrew Dayton, died Jan 7, 1847, age 91 Yrs.
Robert Dayton, died June 16, 1816, aged 24.
Mrs. Ruth Dayton, Wife of Mr. Brewster Dayton & Daughter of Mr. Abner Judson,
died June 15, 1788, Aged 26 years & 11 months.
Sarah, Wife of Wm. S. DeForest, died March 16, 1848, age 30 y'rs.
Our Little
Willie, only son of A.E. & M.L. Dudley, died Feb 20, 1856, age 3 mos.
How many hopes lie buried here.
Here lyes the body of
Mr. Archable Dunalp, who deceased Septbr 24, 1713, in ye 35th year of his age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of
Mrs. Sarah Easton, Wid. of Mr. John Easton, of Hartford, who died Mar ye
10th, 1750, In the 59 year of her age.
Charles S., son of Charles & Sarah M. Edmund, Died Oct 1, 1843, age 3 and a half
Sarah M., Wife of Charles Edmond, Died Sept 1, 1881, aged 80 years,
Betsey, daughter of William & Hannah Edwards, died Nov 13, 1825, age 28.
Sacred to the Memory of
Anne Fairchild, Wife of Robert Fairchild, Esqr., who departed this Life,
August 29th, 1796, in the 85th Year of her Age.
Benjamin Fairchild, Died April 14, 1865, age 83 yrs. 9 mo.
Eunice Fairchild, Died Feb 10, 1874, age 88 yrs & 11 mo.
In Memory of
Cornelia, Daughter of Robert & Esther Fairchild, who died April 11, 1836, age 22
In Memory of
Frederick, son of Robert & Esther Fairchild, who died May 9, 1862, age 50 yrs.
In Memory of
Mr. Hamlet Fairchild, Son of Capt. John Fairchild, of Durham, who departed this
life, January the 13, 1773, in ye 17th Year of His Age.
In Memory of
Jane Emeline, daughter of Robert & Esther Fairchild, who died Nov 25, 1835, age
30 yrs 10 mo & 4 ds.
John C. Fairchild, Died Feb 27, 1873, age 67 Yrs.
Mabel, Wife of J.C. Fairchild, Died May 16, 1880, age 77 Yrs.
Here lyes the Body of
Mr. Joseph Fairchild, Who Died April ye 20th, 1727, in the 37th year of His Age.
Julia A., Died July 10, 1809, age 9 yrs.
Maria, Died Sept 5, 1882, age 83 yrs.
Daughters of Robert & Esther Fairchild.
Esther Fairchild, wife of Robert Fairchild, Esq., Died Dec 19, 1819; aged 43.
In memory of
Lewis Fairchild, who died Sept 4, 1826, aged 32.
Give joy or grief, give ease or pain,
Take life or friends away;
But let me find them all again
In that eternal day.
Louisa, wife of Lewis Fairchild, Died Oct 16, 1867, aged 71.
Mariah, Daughter of Thomas & Susan Fairchild, Died May 19, 1849, age 1 yr. & 11
In Memory of
Martha, wife of John Fairchild, who died Nov 25, 1834, age 79 yrs. 7 mo. & 24
Here lyes ye Body of
Mr. Nathan Fairchild, Who died Jany ye 9th, 1730-1, Aged 38 years.
In memory of
Philip Fairchild, who died Nov 8, 1830, aged 64 years.
Philip, son of Mr. Philip & Mrs. Charry Fairchild, died Jany 21st, 1803, Aged 9
In Memory of
Robert Fairchild, Born Jan 19, 1775, died July 11, 1835, age 60 yrs. 6 mos. 22
"Requiescat in pace"
Robert R. Fairchild, Died Nov 1, 1849, age 34 yrs & 6 mo.
Sacred to the Memory of
Robert Fairchild, Esqr., who departed this Life January 20th, 1793, In the 90th
year of his age.
In memory of
Mr. Robert Fairchild, only son of Robert Fairchild, Esq., and Mrs. Anne
Fairchild, his wife, who deceased, April 12th, 1765, in the 17th year of his
In Memory of
Elizabeth Fairchild, the only daughter of the same Parents, who deceased July
19, 1745 in the 3d year of Her Age.
Sarah Fairchild, daughter of Curtis & Mary Fairchild, died Oct. 1756, aged 9
In Memory of
Samuel A. Fairchild, who died Nov 1, 1844, age 24 y'rs & 10 mo.
Samuel William, son of Benjamin & Eunice Fairchild, Born in Stratford, March 30,
1811, Who was lost at sea, on his passage in Steam Ship Pacific, which left
Liverpool for New York, Jan 23, 1856.
Susan E., daughter of Robert & Sarah M Fairchild, Born July 25, 1854, Died mar
19, 1860
He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand, For my stay
shall not be transient In that holy, happy land.
Here lyes ye Body of
Timothy Fairchild, Aged 39 years, Died November 23, 1728.
Joseph Farrand, Died Sept 26, 1860, age 64
Anna, His Wife, Died Aug 19, 1863, age 76
In Memory of
Mr. Jehiel Foot, who died Novbr. 16, 1754, In His 31st Year.
Here lies the Body of
Mr. Jehiel Foot, who doed Sept. ye 2d, 1740, in the 55 year of His Age.
Joseph Foot, son of Miller & Mary Foot; Decd March 26th, 1726, in ye 17th
year of his age.
Here lies the Body of
Mr. Peter Foot, who died Decemb ye 8, 1753, in ye 56 year of His Age.
Sarah Foot, wife to D____ Foot, sen., died Mar 26, 1704, in her 46th year.
Eugenia, daughter of John & Hannah Ford, Died Aug 23, 1851, age 12 yrs. 10 mo. &
17 ds.
Bud of promise early taken To a more congenial clime, Oh! how soon thou
hast forsaken Those who loved thee here in time.
In memory of
Mr. Stephen Frost, who died Aug 3, 1807, in the 61st year of his age.
In memory of
Eunice Frost, Wife of Stephen Frost, who died Jan 14th, 1807, aged 63 years.
Joseph Frost, son of Miller & Mary Frost, Died March26th, 1726, in ye 17th year
of his Age.
Wheeler Frost, Died March 2, 1851, age 79.
Here Lyes Interred the Body of
Samuel Gaskill, Who died April ye 2d, 1707, in ye 29 Year of his Age.
Christopher Godfree, aged 58, Died November 26, 1715.
Mrs. Amy Goodwin, [This is on a foot stone; the head stone, a fine brown
stone, is broken off and the inscription entirely gone.]
In Memory of the
Rev. Hezekiah Gold, Who departed this moral Life April the 22d, A.D. 1761, in ye
67 Year of His Age. He was the 4th Settlte Minister in the first Society of
Stratford of the Presbyterian & Congregational Denomination, & executed the
Ministerial office in Sd Place for more than 30 years, which he performed with
Dilligance & an honest heart to the end of his Ministry.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of
Mrs. Mary Gold, Consort to the Rev. Mr. Hezekiah Gold, who Departed this Life
July the 2d, 1750, In the 48th year of her Age.
Here lyes ye Body of
Anna Gold, Daughter to ye Rev. Mr. Hezekiah & Mary Gold, who died April 9th,
Anno Dom. 1739, Aged about 4 years & 4 Mo.
Here lyes ye Body of
Catee Gold, Daughter of ye Revd. Mr. Hezekiah & Mrs. Mary Gold, who died Sept
30th, Ann Dom. 1742, in ye 18 year of her Age.
Here lyes ye Body of
Catharine Gold, Daughter of ye Revd Hezekiah & Mrs. Mary Gold, Who died Oct 23d,
1743, Aged 1 year & 7 Ds.
Ann Gorham, Died May 2, 1878, Aged 87
Charles R Gorham, Died Feb. 25, 1881, Aged 83 years & 4 mos.
Eliza B., Daughter of Charles R & Sarah Gorham. Died June 3, 1862, age 25 yrs &
6 mo.
In Memory of
Eliza, Wife of Charles R. Godham, & daughter of the late Isaac Brooks, who died
May 2, 1835, aged 27 years & 10 months.
In memory of
Capt. Isaac Gorham, who died Feb. 14, 1820, aged 81
Capt. Nehemiah Gorham, died Feb. 17, 1836, aged 83.
He was an officer in the army of the Revolution, and served his country
faithfully through the war which established the Independence of his country.
Joseph Gorham, died April 24, 1742, aged 60 years.
Sarah, his wife, died April 18, 1822, in ye 37th year of her age.
Mary Gorham, Wife of Capt. Nehemiah Gorham, died Jan 2, 1837, aged 74.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Lewis Walker, son of Lewis W. & Louisa M Gorham, died July 17, 1852, age 8 mos.
& 16 d's.
In Memory of
Julia Elizabeth, wife of Judson Gorham, who died Oct 7, 1832, aged 26 years.
Judson Gorham, Died March 29, 1848, age 44.
In midst of life we are in death.
Nancy Gorham, Relict of Judson Gorham, Died Apr. 24, 1878, age 65 y'rs.
In the midst of life we are in death.
In Memory of
Miss Mary Gorham, daughter of Mr. George Gorham, who died Dec 26, 1813, in the
70 year of her age.
In memory of
Phebe Gorham, who died July 6, 1824, age 65
Charity Gorham, who died Dec 14, 1833, aage 78
George Gorham, Died April 28, 1872, aged 66.
Blessed rest.
James, son of Jeremiah & Sarah Greemman, died Mar. 29, 1726, Aged 1 year 7 mo. &
20 ds.
Here Lyes the Body of
Joseph Grimes, Died March ye 4th, 1716, in ye 25th Year of his age.
Here lyes the Body of
Hannah Grimes, Wife to Joseph Grimes, Died Jan ye 4th, 1715-6, in ye 22 Year of
Her Age.
[A Monument.]
Merwin Hale, aged 58, Died at Elizabethtown, N.J., Aug 13, 1847, from
injuries received on the Rail Road.
Mary, wife of Merwin Hale, Died Aug 30, 1870, Aged 70.
In Memory of
Asael Hawley, who died Jan. 23, 1820, aged 25 years.
In Memory of
Mrs. Abigail Hawley, Relict of Mr. Edward Hawley, who died Aug. 31st, 1803, in
the 72d year of her age.
In Memory of
Mr. Edward Hawley, who departed this Life January the 11th, A.D. 1782, in the 62
Year of his Age.
Catrin Hawley, Daughter of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Patience Hawley, who died in the 2d
year of her age, February, 1696. J. H., May 20, 1690* [Probably the monument of
Joseph Hawley, the first of the name in Stratford] J. H., June 25, 1691 M.
Hawley, 1693
Here Lyes Buried the Body of
Mr. Daniel Hawley, who departed this life July ye 28th, Anno Domini, 1750 in ye
66th year of His Age.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Deborah Hawley, Wife to Joseph Hawley, Esq., Who died December 3rd, Anno
Domni, 1739, in ye 73d year of Her Age.
In Memory of
Mr. Edmund Hawley, who died March 21st, 1810, Aged 55 years.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Elizabeth Hawley, Wife to Mr. Daniel Hawley, who departed this life, Jan
the 6, 1763, in ye 79th Year of Her Age.
Here lyes the Body of
John Hawley, Esq., aged 68 years and 1 mo. Died July 27, 1729.
In Memory of
Lucy Hawley, Relect of Edmund Hawley, who died Aug. 31, 1840, age 82 years. This
stone is erected by her son Lewis Hawley.
Lucy, Daughter of Emond & Lucy Hawley, Died Nov 6, 1822, aged 25 yrs.
Here Lyes Buried the Body of
Mr. Nathaniel Hawley, Who Departed this Life Janry 7th, Anno Dom. 1754, in ye
52d Year of His Age.
In Memolry of
Pairson Hawley, who departed this Life, Aug 27, A.D. 1795, in the 65 year of his
In Memory of
Mrs. Abiah Hawley, widow and Relect of Mr. Pairson Hawley, who departed this
Life, Oct. 10, A.D. 1795, in the 60th year of her age.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of
Mr. Samuel Hawley, Who Departed this Life, Aug 24th, A.D. 1734 in ye 87th
year of His Age.
Wm. Hawley, Killed Nov 26, 1842, age 22.
Charles Hill, son of Charles & Sarah Tomlinson, Died Jan. 19, 1814, Aged 5
months & 5 days.
Daniel Holmes, Son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Mary Holmes, Died May 3, A.D. 1738, Aged
1 year 6 months & 21 Days.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mary Holmes, Dautr of Mr Daniel & Mrs. Mary Holmes, who Died May 5th, 1738, Aged
6 years 7 months 5 days.
Mehetabel Holmes, Dautr of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Mary Holmes, Died April 25th, 1738,
Aged 4 years & 5 Days.
Here lieth ye Body of
Mr. Nathaniel Hodson, aged 27 years, Deceased May the 6th, 1701.
Mr. Eliakim Hough, died Jan. 3, 1822, aged 53 Years.
Sarah Lewis, widow of Eliakim Hough, Died Dec 9, 1858, aged 88 yrs. 2 mos. & 21
This stone is erected in memory of
Aner Howes, Wife of Eben Howes, who died Oct 20th, 1803, in the 47th year of her
In memory of
Ebenezer Howe, who died Jan 16, 1832, aged 90 years.
Mary Howe, Died Sept 5, 1863, age 84
Sarah Howe, Died Oct 2, 1861, age 85
Emily Hoyt, Born Feb 17, 1800, died Sept 28, 1862
"He giveth his beloved sleep."
In memory of
Mrs. Betsey Hubbell, Wife of Mr. David Hubbell, who died March 4th, 1811,
aged 23 Years.
Hannah Hubbard, Widow of Daniel Hubbard, Died Aug 1, 1855, age 73.
In memory of
Mrs. Mary Hubbell, wife of Mr. Ebenezer Hubbell, who died Septr 18th, 1790, age
Sarah Mariah, daughter of Lewis S. & Julia Ann Hubbell, died July 22, 1835, aged
4 yrs. and 4 mos.
In Memory of
Lovisa, wife of Roswell Humiston, who died March 11, 1831, aged 29 years.
Sleep on dear wife & take thy rest.
Thy God has called, he thought it best,
Sleep calmly with the silent dead,
For thy blest spirit now has fled.
No joys on earth were worth thy stay,
They'll soon forever pass away,
But joys eternal now are thine
Far, far beyond the bounds of time
Lovisa, I hope to meet you there
And in God's kingdom have a share
I hope to sing with you above
The notes of everlasting love.
Miss Sibel Huntington, of Norwich, Conn., Died April 11, 1820, age 78
Erected by Jedediah Hungtington
In Memory of
Josephine, daughter of Frederick & Delia C. Hunt, who died July 7, 1834, age 2
y'rs. & 1 mo. Also Frederica, died July 20, 1834, age 1 year.
Suffer little
children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdrom of
In Memory of
Delia C. Hunt, widow of the late Capt. Frederick Hunt, of New Haven; & dautr of
John Thompson, dec'd; who died April 16, 1842; aged 39 years.
In thee, O Lord,
do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed; deliver me in they righteousness.
Into they hand I commit my sprit; thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. I
will be glad and rejoice in they mercy; for thou hast considered my trouble;
thous hast known my soul in adversities.
Here lyes ye body of
John Hurd, deceased in ye 68 year of his Age.
In memory of
Naomi, the wife of James Hurlburt and daughter of Stiles & Naomi Judson, who
died, March 6, 1845, Aged 50 yrs.
In Memory of
Dorothy Ives, formerly wife of John Brooks, Esq., dec'd, and late widow of
Thomas Ives, Esqr., who died Sept 12, 1834, aged 92.
Here lyeth the Body of
Alice Jenkins, the Daughter of D. J., Who departed this life in the 20 year of
her age, January 9th, 1708-9.
Abel Judeson, son to David & Phebe Judeson. Aged about 7 mo. Died Sept. ye
18th, 1721.
Mr. Abner Judson, died July 16, 1814, Age 49.
Fanny Judson, daughter of Abner & Elizabeth A. Juson; died Dec. 29, 1812, age
In memory of My beloved husband,
Abner Judson, who departed Nov. 22, 1867, age 76 yrs & 10 mo.
Maria, Wife of Abner Judson, Died July 31, 1881, age 85 yrs. & 9 mo.
Here lies inter'd the Remains of
Mr. Abner Judson, who Departed this Life February ye 18th, A.D. 1774 in ye 43d
Year o his Age.
Here lyes the Body of
Mrs. Ann Judson, wife to Mr. Samuel Judson, Aged 19, Years & 6 months 14
days. Died March 14, 1729.
In Memory of
Aaron Judson, who died Jan. 31, 1835, aged 75 years.
In Memory of
Betty Judson, who died Oct 2, 1815; in the 59 year of her age.
In Memory of
Clarissa, wife of Isaac Judson, who died Oct 29, 1822, aged 39 years.
[A Monument]
David P Judson, Died May 24, 1869, age 60.
William Judson, Died Aug 30. 1968, age 55.
Kate Holden, Died Oct 5, 1857, age 5 mos.
William, Died Mar. 5, 1869. age 7 mos.
Children of D.P. & E.S. Judson
Here lyes Buried the Body of
Capt. David Judson, Who Departed this life May the 5th, 1761, Aged 67 years & 9
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Phebe Judson, formerly Wife to Capt. David Juson, Who departed this life
May ye 20th, 1765, Aged 69 years & 2 months.
Daniel Judson, Esq., Deceased Nov 4, 1813; in the 86 year of his age.
Daniel Judson, the son of Daniel & Sarah Judson; died Sept 14, 1815; in the 14
year of his age.
Death called Daniel long before his hour; (How immature this
sacred marble tells) It called his tender soul, by break of bliss, From the
first blossom, from the buds of joy; To join the dull mass, increase the trodden
soil, And sleep till earth herself shall be no more.
Daniel, son of Daniel & Sarah Judson, died Dec 6, 1823, aged 7 years.
Sol break out glittering shaddows,
human joys,
The faithless morning smiled,
he takes his leaved.
[A Monument]
Daniel Judson, Died Oct 4, 1847, Aged 84.
Sarah, Wife of Daniel Judson, Died Aug 14, 1857, Aged 82.
The Children of Daniel and Sarah Judson.
Daniel, Died Sept 7, 1815, Aged 14
Daniel, Died Dec 6, 1823, aged 7.
In memory of
Mrs. Elizabeth Abigail Judson, who died Aug. 31st, aged 38 years;
Also their Daughter
Betsey Judson, who died Sept 21st, aged 15 years;
Also their Son
David Judson, who died Sept 3d, aged 8 months;
All in the year 1803.
Elizabeth Ann Mills Judson, daughter of Roswell & Sarah Judson, died March 12th,
1806, aged 22 months & 11 days. Alas! how transient all our earthly store; Today
we bloom tomorrow are no more.
H.T. Judson, M.D., Died Feb. 23. 1851, age 50.
Nancy T. Judson, died Sept. 27, 1864, age 69.
Sarah Judson, died April 18, 1859, age 83.
Miss Hannah Judson, Daughter of Mr. Abner & Mrs. Hannah Judson, died Septr 17,
1795, Aged 21 years & 5 months.
In Memory of
Mrs. Hannah Judson, formerly Wife ot Mr. Abner Judson, Who departed this Life
May ye 15, A.D. 1777, in the 41 Year of her Age.
In Memory of
Helen Judson, wife of Aaron Judson, who died May 26, 1825, aged 56 years.
Also of
Edwin Judson, son of Sidney I. & Mary Ann Beardsley, who died Sept. 25, 1825,
aged 5 months.
In Memory of
Isaac Judson, son of Mr. Abner & Mrs. Hannah Judson; Who died July ye 26, 1772,
Aged 4 years & 6 months.
In memory of
Abner Judson, son of Mr. Abner & Mrs. Hannah Judson, Who died May 17, 1764.
Aged 2 months & 17 Ds.
Here lyes Buried ye Body of
Joshua Judson, who departed this Life, Nov. 27, Anno Domni, 1735, in ye 58th
year of his age.
Here lyes the Body of
Capt. James Judson, Esq., Who dyed Feby ye 25th, 1721, Aged 71 yrs.
Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs. Rebeckah Judson, Who Dyed Nov. ye 5th, 1717, Aged 62 Years.
In Memory of
Isaac Judson, who died Nov 5, 1831, Aged 46 years.
Here lyeth the Body of
Mr. Jeremiah Judson, Who died in the 79 year of His Age, May 15, 1700
Here lyes Buried ye Body of
Mr. Jeremiah Judson, wo departed this life, Decem. 11th, 1759, in ye 26 Year of
His Age.
Here lyes Burried ye Body of
Capt. Jeremiah Judson, Who departed this life Feb 9, 1734, aged 63 years.
Sacred to the memory of
Joseph Judson, and Sarah, his wife: Joseph died Oct 8, 1690, aged 71 years.
Sarah, died March 16. 1696. aged 70 years. Joseph came from England when 13
Years old in 1634 with his father Wm., and two brothers and resided in this
Town: The old monument being so effaced by time as to be scarcely ledgible his
descendants have erected this to perpetuate his momey, in the year 1812.
In memory of
Lewis Judson, son of Stiles & Charry Judson, who died Mar. 25, 1837, aged 21.
In memory of
Charity Judson, daughter of Stiles & Naomi Judson, who died Feb. 26, 1817, aged
29 years.
In Memory of
Lewis Judson, Son of Stiless & Naomi Judson, who died July 9, 1815, aged 25
In memory of
Naomi, wife of Stiles Judson, who died June 4, 1850, age 91 yrs.
Stiles Judson, Died March 10, 1834, aged 81 years.
Sacred to the memory of
Sarah Judson, Consort of Daniel Judson, Esq., Who died May 30th, A.D. 1808, Aged
77 years.