History of the South Congregational Church
New Haven [New Haven Co., CT]
From Its Origin in 1852 Till January 1, 1865
Gerard Hallcok, Clerk of Said Church
New Haven, 1865
Transcribed by Jane Devlin

General List of Members Comprising all who are or have been Members, at any period from the Organization of the Church to Jan. 1, 1865
Explanation:-- The letter [C] after a name, denotes that the person was received by certificate from some other church. All others were admitted on profession of their faith.
The letter [r] at the end of a name, signifies that the person had before been a member of this Church, but having asked and received a certificate of dismission, now returned it, or brought a new one, and was re-admitted.
The letter [w] inserted in the name of a femaile, signifies widow.
In the names of married women, who were so at the time of admission, the name of the husband is inserted in parenthesis.
To ascertain whether any person is still a member or not, and if not, when and how he was dismissed, see the two Alphabetical Lists, which follow this. In those Lists the names of women who have been married since their admission, as well as those who had been married before, take the names of their husbands.
The South Church was constituted November 8th, 1852, consisting of twenty-nine members, who presented letters from other churches, as follows:-- -
Benedict BURWELL, - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
Polly (Benedict) BURWELL, - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
[Given name should be Dolly, see list of Present Members] -
Charles B. BURWELL, - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
Harriet A. (Chas. B.) BURWELL, - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
William S. PORTER, - [C] 4th Church, Hartford
Jane B. (William S.) PORTER, - [C] 4th Church, Hartford
Caroline W. BURWELL, - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
Jane S. BURWELL, (afterwards Mrs. Thos. E. BARRETT), - [C] 3rd Congregational Church, New Haven
Thomas HORSFALL, - [C] Chapel Street Church, New Haven
Sarah G. (Thomas) HORSFALL, - [C] Chapel Street Church, New Haven
Nancy L. [w] BARRETT, - [C] Union Church, Worcester
Thomas E. BARRETT, - [C] Union Church, Worchester
Amos SMITH, - [C] Chapel St. Church, New Haven
Maria (Amos) SMITH, - [C] Chapel Street Church, New Haven
Eliza (Gerard) HALCOTT, - [C] College St. Ch., New Haven
Lucy COFFIN, - [C] College St. Ch., New Haven
Catharine McCANN, (now the widow of Robert STEELE), - [C] College St. Ch., New Haven
E. Porter BELDEN, - [C] Presbyterian Church, Sing Sing, N.Y.
Eliza (E. Porter) BELDEN, - [C] Presbyterian Church, Sing Sing, N.Y.
William M. HUBBARD, - [C] United Society, (North Church), New Haven
Harriet Jane (Wm. M.) HUBBARD, - [C] United Society, (North Church), New Haven
Sarah M. HUBBARD, (now Mrs. Wm. A. WRIGHT), - [C] North Church, New Haven
Martha Jane HUBBARD, - [C] North Church, New Haven
Eastman S. MINOR, - [C] North Church, New Haven
Judith M. (Eastman) MINOR, - [C] North Church, New Haven
Ann M. (Stephen, Jr.) HOTCHKISS, - [C] Trinity Church, New Haven
Augusta W. [w] CURRIER, - [C] College St. Ch., New Haven
Grace G. [w] (Andrew L.) MASON, - [C] Howe Street Church, New Haven
Mrs. Mary E. MERROW, - [C] East Granby Church, Mass.
At the first Communion, first Sabbath in December, 1852, the following persons were received as members:--
Dec 1852 -
Mary (Stephen, Sen.) HOTCHKISS - [C]
Harriet HOTCHKISS - [C]
George S. MINOR
Alfred MINOR
Mary (John) WARD
Feb 1853 -
James L. BURNETT - [C]
Juliet (James L.) BURNETT - [C]
Thomas OWENS - [C]
Josephine (Thomas) OWENS - [C]
Caroline E. ALLEY, (now Mrs. George S. FOOTE)
Lovisa (George) BRADLEY
Olivia E. (Charles F.) HOTCHKISS
Porter G. HULL
Abby (John) WHITE
Apr 1853 -
Henry JUDSON - [C]
George W. NETTLETON - [C]
Charlotte (George W.) NETTLETON - [C]
Evan THOMAS - [C]
Jane (Evan) THOMAS - [C]
Emily Bliss AUGUR
Charlotte A. CADWELL, (now Mrs. Henry LOOMIS)
Clarissa Chapman PORTER
Laura Eliza RUSSELL, (now Mrs. L. P. DEMING)
June 1853 -
Mary E. (Robert) BLAIR
Nicholas COUNTRYMAN - [C]
Sarah E. (Henry L.) STEWART - [C]
Harriet S. [w] THOMPSON - [C]
Josephine Benedict CLARK
Martha C. (Caleb S.) DUELL
Jane S. PRICE, (now Mrs. TERRILL)
Aug 1853 -
George R. BILL - [C]
Caleb S. DUELL
Elizabeth W. (John C.) NELSON
Henry Martyn BARRETT
David H. HINE
John Thomas MIX
Oct 1853 -
Christiana YOUNG, (now Mrs. Theophilus H. BENHAM) - [C]
Isaac MARTIN - [C]
Eliza Jane (Isaac) MARTIN - [C]
Chester F. POND - [C]
Nancy M. (Erastus R.) PHELPS - [C]
Polly [w] ARMSTRONG - [C]
Susan CARRINGTON, (now Mrs. David H. HINE) - [C]
Dec 1853
Feb 1854 -
Deborah (John L.) CADWELL - [C]
Elizabeth (Charles B.) POMEROY - [C]
Mary Elizabeth [w] (Wm. G.) HUNTER
Mary SCOTT, (now Mrs. Chester E. POND)
Apr 1854 -
L. Amelia (Geo. R.) BILL
Celia HALL, (afterwards Mrs. James H. BEERS)
Julia Virginia PHELPS, (now Mrs. James W. WILSON)
Mary M. (Charles) WARD - [C]
Aug 1854 -
Lindsley Monroe BURNETT
Margaret (John) CROSBY
Charles Edwin DAILY
Charles Augustus HOTCHKISS - [C]
Agnes (Gurdon W.) NOYES - [C]
Charles PHILLIPS - [C]
Patty (Charles) PHILLIPS - [C]
Sarah Maria (Ransom H.) THOMAS
Elizabeth (John) WILKINSON - [C]
Oct 1854 -
Jane (Adam) BAIRD - [C]
Marilla [w] HALL - [C]
Louisa HALL - [C]
Marietta HALL - [C]
Elizabeth [w] KNOX - [C]
Dec 1854 -
Lewis M. MILLS - [C]
Charlotte I. (Lewis M.) MILLS - [C]
Lucy B. MINOR - [C]
Feb 1855 -
Augusta ALLING
Ann (James) BUCHANAN
Susan B. (Thomas C.) HOLLIS
William C. SCOBIE
Amelia (Wm. C.) SCOBIE - [C]
Jane L. [w] SCOBIE - [C]
Pascal WITHEY - [C]
Lucy Wells (Pascal) WITHEY - [C]
Apr 1855 -
Horace A. AUGUR
Fannie E. (Horace A.) AUGUR - [C]
Thomas BENCE
Sarah (Thomas) BENCE
Charlotte A. CHURCHILL, (now Mrs. Minot A. BUTRICKS)
Henry Clarence DAILY
Julia [w] FOWLER - [C]
Mary HILL - [C]
Harriet Frances [w] (Wm.) HULL
William MERWIN - [C]
Lucy (Wm.) MERWIN - [C]
Mary E. MERWIN - [C]
Rufus S. PICKETT - [C]
Catharine (Rufus S.) PICKETT - [C]
Cornelia Eliza TAYLOR, (now Mrs. T. HANSON)
Charles Henry WARNER
Sarah M. (Charles H.) WARNER
Jun 1855 -
John EVANS - [C]
Eliza (John) EVANS
Mary Emeline HURD, (now Mrs. Frank HAYES)
Maria Louisa MILLS
Aug 1855 -
Cornelia BEVINS
Maria Helen BEVINS
Robert DYAS
Sarah Jane MAGIE (now Mrs. Orville F. PARSONS)
Catharine Cornelia (Harvey) MERCHANT
Emma B. (George) YOUNGERMAN
Oct 1855 -
Monot Augustus BUTRICKS
Charles Burwell FOOTE
Mrs. Ann FENN - [C]
Dec 1855 -
Alexander ADAMS
Eliza H. BRISTOLL - [C]
William A. HALLOCK - [C]
Frances Amelia HINE, (now Mrs. John H. LEEDS)
Mrs. Mary STUART - [C]
Lucina S. [w] TISDALE - [C]
Feb 1856 -
Susan Jane STREET, (now Mrs. John BUTLER)
Jessie (James) STEELE - [C]
Arabella [w] TYRRELL
Apr 1856 -
Mary (Ira) BRYAN - [C]
Sarah (Teunis) BOWNS
Charlotte E. (Thomas H.) FULTON
Lavinia C. (Edgar) SCOFIELD
Jun 1856-
Andrew BAIRD - [C]
Jane A. (Andrew) BAIRD - [C]
Margaret BAIRD, (wife of David)
Jennette BAIRD, (wife of Hugh)
Aug 1856 -
Frederick GRANT
Elizabeth W. McARTHUR
Oct 1856 -
Betsey A. MANSFIELD - [C]
Dec 1856 -
Jane (Wm. B.) CATLIN - [C]
John NICOLL - [C]
Cornelia C. (John) NICHOLL - [C]
John STETSON - [C]
Harriet (John) STETSON - [C]
Feb 1857 -
Reugene L. YOUNG
Mrs. Margaret WRIGHT
Jun 1857 -
Maria K. MUNSON - [C]
William E. SCRANTON - [C]
Sarah E. (Wm. E.) SCRANTON - [C]
Aug 1857 -
Paulina L. THOMPSON, (now Mrs. C. B. FOOTE)
Frances M. CLARK
Oct 1857 -
Charles M. SHUMWAY - [C]
Mary (Charles M.) SHUMWAY - [C]
Dec 1857 -
Maria (Henry S.) CATLIN - [C]
Lydia M. LORD - [C]
Feb 1858
Jun 1858 -
Julietta CURRIER, (now Mrs. G. W. HAZEL)
Isabella BAIRD
Jessie Ann TORBETT, (now Mrs. Alaric McNEILL)
Eliza HARE, (now Mrs. Henry CORBETT)
Preston B. BURNETT
Fidelia TAYLOR, (now Mrs. Theo. MORRIS)
Elizabeth S. DUELL, (now. Mrs. Ed. A. HART)
Charlotte MACOMBER
Jennette EDDY
Sophia (George H.) BUTRICKS
Anna (Edward) GILLETTE
William H. HAZEL
George W. HAZEL
Waldemir B. ALLING
Catharine (Seth) GILLETTE
Louisa B. TUTTLE, (now Mrs. D. UMBERFIELD)
Phebe M. DEAN
Ezra STAPLES - [C]
Vesta (Ezra) STAPLES - [C]
Elias GAYLORD - [C]
Mary A. (Elias) GAYLORD - [C]
James TORBETT - [C]
Ann (James) TORBETT - [C]
Lucy P. [w] YOUNG - [C]
Aug 1858 -
James A. BRYAN
Catharine C. JONES - [C]
Catharine MOFFAT - [C]
Oct 1858 -
Mary M. ABBOTT - [C]
Polly WOODRUFF - [C]
Martha WOODRUFF - [C]
Mary S. WOODRUFF - [C]
Martha STEWART - [C]
Feb 1859 -
Lydia L. (John) PIERSON
Ellen F. COREY, (now Mrs. James H. BURNETT)
Amos SMITH - [C] [r] [Admitted by letter, 3 Nov 1832, dismissed in 1856 to Congregational Church in Orange. Aug 1859, returned certificate and was re-admitted. Left again in 1864, without a certificate from South Church, and joined College St. Ch..]
Jun 1859 -
Agnes [w] BAIRD
Ira ALLING - [C]
Hannah ALLING - [C]
Aug 1858 -
Robert LATTA - [C]
Elizabeth (Robert) LATTA - [C]
Arabella [w.] TYRRELL, - [C] [r], [Admitted by profession in 1856. Dismissed, Sep 1858. Returned the letter in Aug 1849 & was re-admitted to South Church. Dismissed again in 1864 to a Church in Canada]
At this point in time the date of Communion was changed. The next Communion after December, was held in March and has been continued on each alternate month ever since.
Mar 1860 -
John H. LEEDS, - [C] [r]
Frances (John H.) LEEDS, - [C] [r], [The LEEDS were admitted by profession in 1855. Dismissed in 1859, to a Church in Northampton. Returned certificates in Mar 1860 & were re-admitted to South Church]
Thomas E. BARRETT, - [C] [r]John H. LEEDS, - [C] [r]
Jane S. (Thomas E.) BARRETT, - [C], [r], [The BARRETTs were admitted by letter, Nov 8, 1852. Dismissed 3 Aug 1858 to a Church in New Britian. Re-admitted to Sourth Church, Mar 1860. Mr. BARRETT was killed in the Battle of Fredericksburg, 13 Dec 1862. Mrs. B. was dismissed again, 19 Apr 1864 and joined College St. Ch.]
Polly W. WILLIAMS - [C]
Abbie S. WILLIAMS - [C]
Jul 1860
Henrietta E. WALKER - [C] -
John R. GARLOCK, - [C]
Catharine (John R.) GARLOCK, - [C]
Albert R. HARRISON - [C]
Jane (E. H.) SCOFIELD - [C]
Nov 1860
C. F. HOTCHKISS, - [C], [r] -
Olivia E. (C. F.) HOTCHKISS, - [C], [r], [The HOTCHKISSes were admitted by profession, Feb 1853. Dismissed to Congregational Church in Waubonsee, Kansas, in May, 1859. Re-admitted to South Church, 1860.]
Marion Ol HOTCKISS, (now Mrs. A. J. NICHOLS.) - [C]
Margaret MOFFAT - [C]
Nancy CRONE - [C]
Hannah (Joseph H.) SMITH
Ann (Capt. Wm.) BATES
Sep 1861
Nov 1861
George W. HAZEL, - [C], [r] -
Julietta (George W. HAZEL), - [C]. [r]. [The HAZELs were admitted by profession, 6 Jun 1858. Dismissed to Howe St. Church, 11 Jun 1861. Re=admitted to South Church, in November same year. Dismissed again by general letter, 1 Jul 1863.]
Jan 1862
Lucy A. SWEETLAND, (now Mrs. Ed. GILLETTE), - [C] -
Henry UPSON, - [C]
Edna M. WALKER, (now Mrs. DIBBLE)
Mar 1862
July 1862
Mary E. (Capt. Frederick S.) WARD -
Edward COE, - [C]
Louisa A. (Edward) COE, - [C]
Julia A. (Edwin W.) TREAT
Sep 1862
Mary Cordelia (M. Porter) SNELL -
Edna S. (Joseph) GRAY
Nov 1862
Jan 1863
Sarah MOFFAT -
Elizabeth M. BISHOP
Bettie LEE
Emma Jane MINOR
Theresa E. BURNETT
Martha DUELL
Wilbur JOHNSON, - [C]
Leicester A. CARRINGTON, - [C]
Laura A. (Leicester A.) CARRINGTON, - [C]
Mar 1863
Juliette BONNEY, - [C] -
Edwin W. TREAT
Joseph H. SMITH
Louisa E. BRYAN
Lafayette S. COMSTOCK, - [C]
Hannah M. (Lafayette S.) COMSTOCK, - [C]
May 1863
Ellen M. MINOR -
Huldah JENNINGS, - [C]
William H. DEMING
Pulaski LEEDS
Andrew MOFFAT, - [C]
Mary MOFFAT, - [C]
Huldah SCOTT, (now Mrs. BENJAMIN), - [C]
Gilbert MOORE
July 1863
Julia (Elias) HOTCHKISS, - [C] -
Joseph G. ISHAM, - [C]
Christina (Joseph G.) ISHAM, - [C]
Sep 1863
Josephine B. CLARK, - [C], [r] [Admitted by profession, 5 Jun 1853. Dismissed to a church in Scotland, 13 Dec 1860. Re-admitted to South Church, Sep 1863.]
Jan 1864
Louisa (Nicholas) COUNTRYMAN -
Sarah (Frederick) GRANT
Mar 1864
Samuel BRACE -
Sarah R. (Samuel) BRACE, - [C]
M. Porter SNELL, - [C]
Martha C. (Ralph V.) KENT
Sarah A. WEBSTER, (now Mrs. Geo. PETRIE)
Jane (John) MAGIE
Joseph GRAY
Thomas HORSFALL, Jr.
May 1864
Samuel L. HAWKINS -
Laura (Samuel L.) HAWKINS
Caroline S. (Alvin L.) WILLOUGHBY
Jul 1864
Sarah Louisa (R. W.) WRIGHT
Marie Antoinette KINGSBURY
Adelaide [w] Louisa LYON
Sep 1864
Margaret (Frederick) VEITCH
Nov 1864
John D. TYLER -
Sarah I. (H. D.) SMITH
Eleanor [widow of Bennett] CADWELL
Martha Jane HUBBARD, - [C], [r], [Admitted by certificate 8 Nov 1852. 3 Aug 1864, took a letter to the Second Congregational Church in Fair Haven. Returned it in November, same year, and was re-admitted to South Church.]
1852 | 5 | 32 | 37 |
1853 | 26 | 21 | 47 |
1854 | 17 | 15 | 32 |
1855 | 35 | 19 | 54 |
1856 | 13 | 10 | 23 |
1857 | 8 | 8 | 16 |
1858 | 28 | 15 | 43 |
1859 | 4 | 6 | 10 |
1860 | 4 | 17 | 21 |
1861 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1862 | 7 | 4 | 11 |
1863 | 24 | 14 | 38 |
1864 | 22 | 3 | 25 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 194 | 166 | 360 |
Deduct for re-admissions | 12 | 12 |
| --- | --- |
Certificate | 154 | 348 |
Profession | 194 | |
---- | |
Total | 348 | |
It is proper to remark, that quite a number of persons, especially since the action of the late ex-parte Council, have been admitted by profession, who had before been members of other churches.
Of the twelve re-admissions, two occurred in 1859, six in 1860, two in 1861, one in 1863, and one in 1864.

PRESENT MEMBERS Alphabetical list of Members, January 1, 1865
Note:-- The figures before the name, denote the year when the person was admitted to this Church.
1859 -- ABBOTT, Mary M.
1854 -- BAIRD, Margaret, wife of David
1856 -- BAIRD, Jennette, wife of Hugh
1856 -- BAIRD, Andrew
1856 -- BAIRD, Jane A., wife of Andrew
1858 -- BAIRD, Sarah, wife of James
1858 -- BAIRD, Isabella
1859 -- BAIRD, Agnes, widow of Archibald
1863 -- BAIRD, Agnes
1860 -- BATES, Ann, wife of William
1863 -- BENJAMIN, Huldah SCOTT
1855 -- BEVINS, Cornelia
1855 -- BEVINS, Mary Helen
1855 -- BISHOP, Hester
1863 -- BISHOP, Elizabeth M.
1863 -- BLAIR, Mary Jane
1856 -- BOWNS, Sarah T.
1863 -- BONNEY, Juliette
1864 -- BRACE, Samuel
1864 -- BRACE, Sarah R., wife of Samuel
1856 -- BRYAN, Mary, wife of Ira
1857 -- BRYAN, Lucy Jane
1858 -- BRYAN, James A.
1863 -- BRYAN, Lousa E.
1855 -- BUCHANAN, James
1855 -- BUCHANAN, Ann, wife of James
1854 -- BURNETT, Lindley Monroe
1852 -- BURWELL, Dolly, widow of Deacon Benedict
1864 -- CADWELL, Eleanor, widow of Bennet
1856 -- CATLIN, Jane, wife of William B.
1857 -- CATLIN, Maria, wife of Henry S.
1857 -- CLARK, Frances M.
1853 -- CLARK, Josephine B.
1852 -- COFFIN, Lucy
1858 -- CORBETT, Eliza HARE, wife of Robert
1853 -- COUNTRYMAN, Nicholas
1863 -- COUNTRYMAN, Louisa, wife of Nicholas
1863 -- COUNTRYMAN, Franklin
1858 -- COGGESHALL, Martha
1860 -- CRONE, Nancy
1854 -- CROSBY, Margaret, widow of John
1858 -- DEAN, Phebe M.
1858 -- DEMING, Ann E., wife of George
1863 -- DEMING, Mary C.
1863 -- DEMING, William H.
1853 -- DUELL, Caleb S.
1853 -- DUELL, Martha C., wife of Caleb S.
1863 -- DUELL, Martha
1855 -- EVANS, John
1855 -- EVANS, Eliza, wife of John
1855 -- FENN, Ann
1855 -- FOOTE, Charles B.
1857 -- FOOTE, Paulina L. THOMPSON, wife of Charles B.
1853 -- FOOTE, Caroline E. ALLEY, wife of George S.
1859 -- FRANCIS, Martha O.
1856 -- FULTON, Charlotte E., wife of Thomas H.
1856 -- GRANT, Frederick
1864 -- GRANT, Sarah, wife of Frederick
1858 -- GOODRICH, Martha STEWART, wife of John
1864 -- GRAY, Joseph
1862 -- GRAY, Edna S., wife of Joseph
1854 -- HALLOCK, Gerard
1852 -- HALLOCK, Eliza, wife of Gerard
1855 -- HALLOCK, Rev. William A.
1855 -- HANSON, Cornelia E. TAYLOR, wife of Thomas
1858 -- HART, Elizabeth S. DUELL
1864 -- HAWKINS, Samuel L.
1864 -- HAWKINS, Laura L., wife of Samuel L.
1855 -- HAYES, Mary E. HURD, wife of Frank
1855 -- HILL, Mary
1863 -- HOLLISTER, Josephine
1855 -- HOLLIS, Susan B., wife of Thomas C.
1852 -- HORSFALL, Thomas
1852 -- HORSFALL, Sarah G., wife of Thomas
1858 -- HORSFALL, Sarah L.
1864 -- HORSFALL, Thomas Jr.
1852 -- HOTCHKISS, Ann M. wife of Stephen Jr.
1852 -- HOTCHKISS, Lucy
1852 -- HOTCHKISS, Harriet
1853 -- HOTCHKISS, Charles F.
1853 -- HOTCHKISS, Olivia E., wife of Charles F.
1863 -- HOTCHKISS, Julia, wife of Elias
1863 -- HOTCHKISS, Ella M.
1863 -- HOTCHKISS, Annie D., wife of Frederick T.
1852 -- HUBBARD, William M.
1852 -- HUBBARD, Martha Jane
1853 -- HULL, Porter G.
1854 -- HUNTER, Mary E., widow of William G.
1855 -- HULL, Harriet F., wife of William
1863 -- ISHAM, Joseph G.
1863 -- ISHAM, Christina B., wife of Joseph G.
1863 -- ISHAM, John B.
1863 -- JENNINGS, Huldah
1863 -- KEELER, Carrie E. BURWELL, wife of Morris
1864 -- KENT, Martha C., wife of Ralph V.
1864 -- KINGSBURY, Marie Antoinette
1859 -- LATTA, Robert
1859 -- LATTA, Elizabeth, wife of Robert
1863 -- LEE, Bettie
1855 -- LEEDS, John H.
1855 -- LEEDS, Frances A. HINE, wife of John H.
1863 -- LEEDS, Pulaski
1863 -- LOCKWOOD, Mary L., wife of Edgar
1864 -- LYON, [w] Adelaide Louisa
1862 -- McDONALD, Agnes, (under dicipline)
1864 -- MAGIE, Jane, wife of John D.
1858 -- McNEILL, Jessie Ann TORBETT, wife of Alaric
1858 -- McPHEE, Jane
1853 -- MARTIN, Eliza J., widow of Isaac
1858 -- MARTIN, Susan
1856 -- MANSFIELD, Mrs. Betsey A.
1852 -- MINOR, Alfred
1863 -- MINOR, Ellen M.
1853 -- MIX, John T.
1864 -- MERSHAM, Mrs. Ann E.
1853 -- NELSON, John C.
1852 -- NELSON, Elizabeth, wife of John C.
1860 -- NICHOLS, Marion O. HOTCHKISS, wife of A. J.
1853 -- OWEN, Thomas
1853 -- OWEN, Josephine, wife of Thomas
1855 -- PARSONS, Sarah Jane MAGIE, wife of O. F.
1863 -- PETRIE, George
1864 -- PETRIE, Sarah A. WEBSTER, wife of George
1853 -- PHELPS, Nancy M., wife of Erastus
1854 -- RAWLING, Mary A. SMITH, wife of Benjamin
1856 -- SCOFIELD, Edgar
1856 -- SCOFIELD, Lavinia A., wife of Edgar
1864 -- SMITH, Sarah Jane, wife of Horatio D.
1864 -- SNELL, M. Porter
1862 -- SNELL, Mary Cordelia, wife of M. Porter
1852 -- STEELE, Catharine McCANN, [w] of Robert
1864 -- SUPPLE, Jane A.
1855 -- TISDALE, Lucina S., [w]
1858 -- TORBETT, James
1858 -- TORBETT, Ann, wife of James
1863 -- TREAT, Edwin W.
1862 -- TREAT, Julia A., wife of Edwin
1864 -- TYLER, John D.
1864 -- VEITCH, Margaret, wife of Frederick
1860 -- WALLACE, John
1855 -- WARNER, Charles H.
1855 -- WARNER, Sarah M., wife of Charles H.
1853 -- WHITE, Abby, wife of John
1864 -- WILLOUGHBY, Caroline S., wife of Alvin L.
1855 -- WITHEY, Pascal
1855 -- WITHEY, Lucy, wife of Pascal
1857 -- WRIGHT, Margaret
1864 -- WRIGHT, Robert W.
1864 -- WRIGHT, Sarah Louisa, wife of Robert W.
1855 -- YOUNGERMAN, George
1855 -- YOUNGERMAN, Emma B., wife of George
Total in the above list of present members, 153, -- viz. 41 males and 112 females. Of the whole number, 107 were received on profession of their faith, and 46 by certificate from other churches. To ascertain whether any particular person was admitted by certificate or by profession, see General List of Members, under the year mentioned at the beginning of the name concerning which the information is sought.

PAST MEMBERS Alphabetical List of persons who HAVE been Members of the South Church, but are not so January 1, 1865
Note:-- The firgures which immediately preced the name, denote the year of admission. If the month is wanted, see General List, under the year mentioned. The day of the month can be ascertained by referring to an Almanac, as no persons are admitted except at Communions, and these are always held on the first Sabbath of the month.
The figures opposite the name, on the right, show the date of dismission; the middle column, the mode of dismission, or place of removal, or both.
The letter [g] immediately before the date of dismissin, denotes that the person so designated was dismissed by general certificate; the letter [l], that he left this Church without asking or receiving a certificate from us.
Those removed by death, are marked with a * immediately preceding the date when they ceased to be members; those by discipline, with a [d]; those without any lettr or mark immediately preceding such date, were dismissed by certificate to some particular church or churches.
1855 | ADAMS, Alexander | | 29 Mar 1857 |
1855 | ALLING, Augusta | Ch. in W. Haven | 30 Apr 1861 |
1859 | ALLING, Ira | Died | *11 Nov 1861 |
1859 | ALLING, Hannah | Howe St. Ch. | 11 MAr 1862 |
1858 | ALLING, Waldemire B. | Died | *31 Dec 1858 |
1853 | ARMSTRONG, Polly | Died | *1 Jan 1859 |
1853 | AUGUR, Emily B. | Joined Bapt. Ch. | [l] 26 Mar 1854 |
1855 | AUGUR, Horace A. | College St. Ch. | 16 Dec 1863 |
1855 | AUGUR, Fannie E., wife of Horace | College St. Ch. | 16 Dec 1863 |
1852 | BARRETT, Thomas E. | Killed in Battle | *13 Dec 1862 |
1852 | BARRETT, Jane S. BURWELL, wid. of Thomas | College St. Ch. | 19 Apr 1864 |
1852 | BARRETT, [w] Nancy L. | Ch. in W. Killingly | 25 Nov 1863 |
1853 | BARRETT, Henry M. | Died | *26 Jul 1861 |
1854 | BARRETT, Origen A. | Died | *29 Jul 1854 |
1853 | BEERS, James H. | Pres. Ch. Brooklyn | 2 Jul 1856 |
1854 | BEERS, Celia Hall, [w] (sic) of James H. | Pres. Ch. Brooklyn | 2 Jul 1856 |
1852 | BELDEN, E. Porter | Pres. Ch. Sing Sing | 17 Dec 1854 |
1852 | BELDEN, Eliza A., wife of E. Porter | Pres. Ch. Sing Sing | 17 Dec 1854 |
1855 | BENCE, Thomas | Discipline | [d] 10 Jan 1862 |
1855 | BENCE, Sarah, wife of Thomas | Discipline | [d] 10 Jan 1862 |
1855 | BENEDICT, Lucy Jnae | College St. Ch. | 2 Jun 1861 |
1855 | BENHAM, Christina YOUNG, (Th. H.) | Died | *5 Nov 1859 |
1853 | BILL, George R. | Exeter Ch., Leb'n | 22 Jun 1858 |
1854 | BILL, Amelia L., wife of George R. | Died | *Feb 1856 |
1853 | BLAIR, Mary E., wife of Robert | College St. Ch. | 19 Apr 1864 |
1853 | BRADLEY, George | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1853 | BRADLEY, Lovisa, wife of George | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1855 | BRISTOL, Eliza H. | Third Church | Abt. 2 Feb 1858 |
1858 | BUNNELL, Mary E. | St. Paul's Church | 1 Dec 1861 |
1853 | BURNETT, James L. | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1853 | BURNETT, Juliette, wife of James L. | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1858 | BURNETT, James H. | College St. Ch. | 3 Mar 1863 |
1859 | BURNETT, Ellen F. COREY, wife of James H. | College St. Ch. | 3 Mar 1863 |
1858 | BURNETT, Preston B. | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1858 | BURNETT, Laura | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1863 | BURNETT, Theresa E. | College St. Ch. | 24 Mar 1863 |
1852 | BURWELL, Caroline W. | Third Church | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1852 | BURWELL, Deacon Benedict | Died | *14 Apr 1863 |
1852 | BURWELL, Charles B. | Third Church | 16 DEc 1863 |
1852 | BURWELL, Harriet A., wife of Charles B. | Third Church | 16 Dec 1863 |
1858 | BUTRICKS, Geo. H. | College St. Ch. | 5 Feb 1864 |
1858 | BUTRICKS, Sophia, wife of Geo. H. | College St. Ch. | 5 Feb 1864 |
1855 | BUTRICKS, Minot A. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1855 | BUTRICKS, Charlotte A. CHURCHILL, wife of Minot A. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1854 | CADWELL, Deborah, (John L.) | Ch. in Woodbury | 26 Apr 1859 |
1863 | CARRINGTON, Leicester | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | CARRINGTON, Emily, wife of Leicester | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1852 | CHAPMAN, James V. R. | Pr. Ch. Rochester | 17 Jan 1860 |
1854 | CHAPMAN, Lewis | Pr. Ch. Rochester | 17 Jan 1860 |
1853 | CHIDSEY, Lydia G. | Discipline | [d] 20 Dec 1861 |
1862 | COE, Edward | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1862 | COE, Louisa A., wife of Edward | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1856 | COGGESHALL, James | Died | *24 Apr 1857 |
1853 | COLLINSON, Margaret | A ch. in Canada | 1853 |
1863 | COMSTOCK, Lafayette S. | Chapel St. Church | [g] 4 Aug 1863 |
1863 | COMSTOCK, Hannah M., wife of Lafayette S. | Chapel St. Ch. | [g] 4 Aug 1863 |
1854 | CROSBY, John | Died | *6 Aug 1863 |
1852 | CURRIER, Augusta W. | College St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1854 | DAILEY, Chares E. | Ch. in Was. City | 26 Aug 1862 |
1855 | DAILEY, Henry C. | Ch. in Unionville | 26 Aug 1862 |
1853 | DEMING, Laura E. RUSSELL, wife of L. P. DEMING | | [g] 11 Aug 1863 |
1862 | DIBBLE, Edna M. WALKER | College St. Ch. | 8 Mar 1864 |
1854 | DOUGLASS, David | Presb. Ch. Rock I. | Jun 1855 |
1855 | DYAS, Robert | Chapel St. Church | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1858 | EDDY, Jennette | Dav. Chapel | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1855 | EDWARDS, Ann, wife of Wm. | | 29 Mar 1857 |
1855 | FOWLER, [w] Julia | Ch. in Guilford | 26 Oct 1858 |
1855 | FOWLER, Sarah | Ch. in Guilford | 26 Oct 1858 |
1857 | FRISBIE, Rev. A. L. | Ch. in Ansonia | May 1860 |
1867 [sic] | GASKILL, Sarah D. | Ch. in Norwich | 3 Jan 1861 |
1857 | GASKILL, Laura E. | St. Paul's | 9 Apr 1861 |
1860 | GARLOCK, John R. | Geo. St. Me. Ch. | 12 Aug 1862 |
1860 | GARLOCK, Catharine G. B., wife of John R. | Geo. St. Me. Ch. | 12 Aug 1862 |
1858 | GAYLORD, Elias | Ch. in Cheshire | 13 May 1862 |
1858 | GAYLORD, Mary Ann., wife of Elias | Ch. in Cheshire | 13 May 1862 |
1858 | GILLETTE, Edward | Davenp. Chapel | 22 Oct 1862 |
1858 | GILLETTE, Ann F., wife of Edward | Died | *32 Jul 1862 |
1862 | GILLETTE, L. A. SWEETLAND, 2d wife of Edward | Davenp. Chapel | 28 Oct 1862 |
1858 | GILLETTE, Seth | Davenp. Chapel | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1858 | GILLETTE, Catharine, wife of Seth | Died | *24 Nov 1861 |
1854 | HALL, Merilla [w] | Ch. in Wallingford | 6 May 1856 |
1854 | HALL, Louisa | Ch. in Wallingford | 6 May 1856 |
1854 | HALL, Marietta | Ch. in Wallingford | 6 May 1856 |
1860 | HARRISON, Albert R. | | [g] 16 Jun 1863 |
1858 | HAZEL, Geo. W. | Coll. St. Church | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1861 | HAZEL, Juliette CURRIER, wife of Geo. W. | Coll. St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1858 | HAZEL, Wm. Henry | Howe St. Ch. | 7 Jan 1862 |
1853 | HINE, David H. | 3d Meth. Ch. | 19 Feb 1856 |
1853 | HINE, Susan CARRINGTON, wife of David H. | 3d Meth. Ch. | 19 Feb 1856 |
1852 | HOTCHKISS, Mary, [w] Stephen, Sr. | Died | *16 Apr 1856 |
1852 | HOTCHKISS, Frank E. | 3d Church | 26 Oct 1858 |
1853 | HOTCHKISS, Amelia | Died | *5 Oct 1853 |
1853 | HOTCHKISS, Charles A. | Ch. in Waubonsee | May 1859 |
1852 | HUBBARD, Harriet J. (Wm. M.) | Died | *Jan 1861 |
1855 | JEFFRIES, Ellen | Pr. Ch. Rochester | 6 Dec 1859 |
1863 | JOHNSON, Wilbur | Pr. Ch. Hartford, Pa. | 5 Feb 1864 |
1858 | JONES, Catharine C. | Third Church | [l] 1864 |
1853 | JUDSON, Henry | Ch. in Bridgeport | 15 Nov 1854 |
1854 | KNOX, Elizabeth [w] | | [g] 24 Feb 1857 |
1853 | LOOMIS, C. A. CADWELL, (Henry) | Ch. in Woodbury | 22 Sep 1859 |
1857 | LORD, Lydia M. | | [g] 24 Jun 1862 |
1856 | McARTHUR, Elizabeth W. | Ch. in Wallingf'd | 14 May 1861 |
1858 | MACOMBER, Charlotte | College St. Ch. | 1864 |
1852 | MASON, Grace G. [w] | Died | *10 Mar 1855 |
1853 | MARTIN, Isaac | Died | *28 May 1857 |
1855 | MERCHANT, Harvey | Ch. in Westield | 2 Oct 1860 |
1855 | MERCHANT, Catharine C., wife of Harvey | Ch. in Westville | 2 Oct 1860 |
1852 | MERROW, Mrs. Mary E. | First Ch. F. Haven | 28 Oct 1856 |
1855 | MERWIN, William | Ch. in Milford | 9 Apr 1861 |
1855 | MERWIN, Lucy, wife of Wm. | Ch. in Milford | 9 Apr 1861 |
1855 | MERWIN, Emily O. | Ch. in Milford | 9 Apr 1861 |
1855 | MERWIN, Mary E. | Ch. in Milford | 9 Apr 1861 |
1854 | MILLS, Lewis M. | Ch. in Clinton | 26 Apr 1859 |
1854 | MILLS, Charlotte L., wife of Lewis M. | Ch. in Clinton | 18 Jan 1859 |
1855 | MILLS, Maria Louisa | Ch. in Clinton | 18 Jan 1859 |
1852 | MINOR, Dea. Eastman S. | College St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1852 | MINOR, Judith M., wife of Eastman S. | College St. Ch. | [g]31 Jul 1863 |
1852 | MINOR, George S. | College St. Ch. | [g]31 Jul 1863 |
1854 | MINOR, Lucy B. | Died | *28 Sep 1857 |
1861 | MINOR, Thomas T. | College St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1863 | MINOR, Jennie E. | College St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1863 | MINOR, Emma Jane | | [g] 4 Aug 1863 |
1857 | MUNSON, Maria K. | Ch. in W. Haven | 7 May 1861 |
1858 | MORRIS, Fidelia TAYLOR (Theodore) | Ch. in S. Canaan | 28 Oct 1862 |
1858 | MOFFAT, Catharine | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1860 | MOFFAT, Margaret | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | MOFFAT, Sarah | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | MOFFAT, Andrew B | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | MOFFAT, Mary | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | MOORE, Gilbert F. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1853 | NETTLETON, Geo. W. | Howe St. Ch. | 11 Mar 1862 |
1853 | NETTLETON, Charlotte, wife of Geo. W. | Howe St. Ch. | 11 Mar 1862 |
1856 | NICOLL, John | College St. Ch. | [g] 4 Aug 1863 |
1856 | NICOLL, Cornelia C., wife of John | College St. Ch. | [g] 4 Aug 1863 |
1854 | NOYES, Agnes, (Rev. G. W.) | F. Haven, 2d | [g] 11 Jun 1861 |
1854 | PHILLIPS, Charles | Died | *18 Oct 1861 |
1854 | PHILLIPS, Patty, wife of Charles | Howe St. Ch. | 11 Mar 1862 |
1855 | PICKET, Rufus S. | College St. Ch. | 17 Mar 1863 |
1855 | PICKET, Catharine, wife of Rufus S. | College St. Ch. | 17 Mar 1863 |
1859 | PIERSON, Lydia (John) | | [g] Sep 1861 |
1854 | POMEROY, Elizabeth, (Chas. B.) | Ch. in Webster, Mass. | Nov 1854 |
1854 | POND, Chester E. | Kansas | [g] 18 Mar 1856 |
1854 | POND, Mary SCOTT | Kansas | [g] 18 Mar 1856 |
1852 | PORTER, Wm. S. | College St. Ch. | 1 Apr 1856 |
1852 | PORTER, Jane B., wife of Wm. S. | College St. Ch. | 1 Apr 1856 |
1853 | PORTER, Clarissa C. | College St. Ch. | Nov 1854 |
1855 | SCOBIE, [w] Jane L. | Died | *1 Nov 1856 |
1855 | SCOBIE, Wm. C. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1855 | SCOBIE, Amelia, wife of Wm. C. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1856 | SCOFIELD, John W. | College St. Ch. | 19 Jan 1864 |
1860 | SCOFIELD, Eli H. | Davenport Chapel | 2 Jul 1862 |
1860 | SCOFIELD, Jane, wife of Eli H. | Davenport Chapel | 2 Jul 1862 |
1857 | SCRANTON, Wm. E. | Me. Ch. Geo. St. | 26 Jan 1858 |
1857 | SCRANTON, Sarah E., wife of Wm. E. | Me. Ch. Geo. St. | 26 Jan 1858 |
1853 | SEVERANCE, [w] Mary | Ch. in Mass. | 1856 |
1857 | SHUMWAY, Charles M. | | [g] 3 Jan 1861 |
1857 | SHUMWAY, Mary J., wife of Charles M. | | [g] 3 Jan 1861 |
1852 | SMITH, Amos | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1852 | SMITH, Maria, wife of Amos | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1863 | SMITH, Jos. H. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1860 | SMITH, Hannah, wife of Jos. H. | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1858 | STAPLES, Ezra | Ch. Farmi'gt'n, Me. | 24 Dec 1861 |
1858 | STAPLES, Vesta, wife of Ezra | Ch. Farmi'gt'n, Me. | 24 Dec 1861 |
1856 | STEELE, James | Discipline | [d] 21 Jan 1863 |
1856 | STEELE, Jessie, wife of James | Discipline | [d] 21 Jan 1863 |
1856 | STETSON, John | Pr. Ch. Brooklyn | 12 Mar 1861 |
1856 | STETSON, Harriet, wife of John | Pr. Ch. Brooklyn | 12 Mar 1861 |
1853 | STEWART, Henry L. | Ep. Ch. M. Had. | [g] 1 Aug 1860 |
1853 | STEWART, Sarah E., wife of Henry L. | Died | *20 Jun 1855 |
1860 | STOWE, Mary M. | Ch. in Milford | 14 May 1861 |
1855 | STUART, Mary | | [g] 26 Aug 1856 |
1856 | STREET, Susan J. | Third Ch. | 2 Feb 1858 |
1854 | THOMAS, Sarah M. (Ransom H.) | Ch. in Westville | 1864 |
1853 | THOMAS, Evan | North Church | Dec 1853 |
1853 | THOMAS, Jane, wife of Evan | North Church | Dec 1853 |
1853 | THOMPSON, [w] Harriet S. | Howe St. Ch. | 19 Nov 1857 |
1853 | TERRILL, Jane S. PRICE | Ch. in Hamden | 3 May 1864 |
1856 | TYRRELL, [w] Arabella | Church in Canada | Aug 1864 |
1858 | UMBERFIELD, Louisa B. TUTTLE (Dennis) | Chapel St. Ch. | 28 Oct 1862 |
1862 | UPSON, Rev. Henry | Ch. N. Preston | 12 Feb 1864 |
1860 | WALKER, Henrietta E. | College St. Ch. | 26 Apr 1864 |
1852 | WARD, Mrs. Mary (John) | | 1861 |
1854 | WARD, Mary M., wife of Charles | Chapel St. Church | 1860 |
1862 | WARD, Mary E. (Capt. F. S.) | College St. Ch. | [g] 31 Jul 1863 |
1860 | WILLIAMS, Abby S. | Con. Ch. Newark | 28 May 1861 |
1860 | WILLIAMS, Polly | Con. Ch. Newark | 28 May 1861 |
1860 | WILKINSON, John | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1854 | WILKINSON, Elizabeth, wife of John | College St. Ch. | [l] 22 Nov 1864 |
1854 | WILSON, Julia V. PHELPS, (Jo. W.) Ch. in Norwalk | 23 Apr 1861 |
1858 | WOODRUFF, Polly | College St. Ch. | 2 May 1863 |
1858 | WOODRUFF, Martha E. | College St. Ch. | 2 May 1863 |
1858 | WOODRUFF, Mary T. | College St. Ch. | 2 May 1863 |
1852 | WRIGHT, Sar. M. HUBBARD, (W. A.) | Fair Haven, 2nd Ch. | 30 Apr 1856 |
1857 | YOUNG, Reugene L. | Chapel St. Ch. | 16 Dec 1862 |
1858 | YOUNG, Lucy P. | | [g] 16 Dec 1862 |

Number of names in the foregoing list of ex-members -- 195
Males ------------------------------------------------------- 72
Females ----------------------------------------------------123
Of the whole number (195), eighty-seven were admitted by profession, and one hundred and seven by certificate. Of the same whole number, there were:
Dismised by certificate from this to other churches ---- 116
By general letter [g] --------------------------------------- 26
By discipline [d] ---------------------------------------------- 5
By death [*] -------------------------------------------------- 22
Joined other churches, without asking or receiving certificates of dismission from us [l] -- 26
Total, as above: 195
Of the 26 thus [l] separated from us, it is understood that 25 received a certificate from the Scribe of the late Ex-parte Council, Rev. Mr. EUSTIS, and that on the strength of that certificate, they have been admitted to other churches, as specified in the above list. Most of them were admitted to the College Street Church, 7 Aug 1864. In regard to these 25 persons, the following preamble and resolution were unamiously adopted at the annual meeting of the South Church, 22 Nov 1864:--
"Whereas, we are credibly informed that Amos SMITH, and Maria, his wife, Edward DOE, and Louisa A., his wife, Liecester CARRINGTON, and Emily, his wife, Minot A. BUTRICKS, and Charlotte A., his wife, Joseph H. SMITH, and Hannah, his wife, William C. SCOBIE, and Amelia, hwf, John WILKINSON, and Elizabeth, hwf, Andrew B. MOFFAT; Margaret, Catharine, Mary & Sarah MOFFAT; Gilbert F. MOORE, Jennette EDDY, Catharine C. JONES, Caroline W. BURWELL, Robert DYAS, and Seth GILLETTE, whose names stand on our books as members of this Church, have united with other churches, without asking letters of dismission from us, as was required by one of our Standing Rules, to which they were parties.
"Resolved, That notwithstanding the irregularity of their course in this particular, we accept it as at least an expression of their desire to be released from their connection with this Church, and that accordingly our Clerk be directed to enter their names on our Records as dismissed as members from this date (22 Nov 1864) in the same sense as if they had asked and received from us letters of dismission and recommendation, in the usual form."