A catalogue of the names of the first Puritan settlers of the colony of Connecticut;
with the time of their arrival in the colony and their standing in society,
together with their place of residence, as far as can be discovered by the records.
&c collected from the state and town records by R.R. Hinman,
Hartford. Printed by E. Gleason, 1846,

[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Underhill, Captain John in 1636, sailed from Boston under Capt. Endicott, for Block Island, to put the Indians to the sword and take possession of the Island, with orders to spare the women and children; after which to sail to the Pequot country, and demand of the Pequot Indians, the murderers of Capts. Norton and Stoneówhich mission was performed. In the same year he was directed to reinforce the Fort at Saybrook with 20 men. In 1643 Capt. John Underhill was a deputy from Stamford with R. Gildersleeve at N. Haven, and after a residence of a few years at Stamford, he moved to Long Island, where he died about 1673. Probably the same man who accompaniod Capt. Endicott to Block Island. He took the Indian prisoners, and wounded men by water, in 1637, from Mystic to Saybrook, while Maj. Mason and Capt. Patrick went through the woods with the soldiers to Saybrook, after the Pequot action.

Ufford, Thomas was a juror 1644, at Hartfordóand probably was the same Thomas Ufford who resided at Roxbury in '33, afterwards at Springfield, and in '44 in Fairfield.

Ufford, Benjamin a juror at Hartford in 1643óprobably a relative of Thomas.

Upson, Thomas Hartford. In 1640 had four acres of land in the division east of Connecticut River. Soon after 1700, Stephen Upson resided at Waterbury, who was the ancestor of the Hon. Stephen Upson, late of Georgia, deceased.

Usher, Robert was a constable in 1662-3 in Stamford.

Varlet, Jasper in 1661, brought a Dutchman and his wife, by the name of Bolters, to Hartford, without any security to the town; upon which order was taken against him.

Vandict, Gilbert 1649óa Dutch officer of Hartford, '36.

Vantine, Cornelius Hartford, 1649.

Veats, Francis Windsor, 1663. This name is yet in the north part of Hartford county.

Vere, Voare or Vose, Richard came to Windsor with the first settlers as early as 1636. He came from Cambridge with Mr. Wolcottóand was the ancestor of some of the Parsons' family. The name is spelt various ways, but more generally Vere, upon the record. He died in 1683. Wife Annóchildren, Abigail, wife of Timothy Bucklandówife of Nathaniel Cook, Mary, wife of Thomas Alvord, Sarah Parsons, wife of Benjamin Parsons, of Springfield. His name is spelt Vere by himself in his signature to his will. Benjamin Parsons above was the ancestor of Major Gen. Parsons so much distinguished in the Revolutionary War.

Ventris, Moses, Sen'r. Farmingtonódied about 1697. Children, Sarah, wife of John Brunson, Grace, wife of John Blakely, Mary Ventris, Moses and ---- Ventris.

Vincent, Richard 1647.

Vincent, William is supposed to have come from Dorchester to Windsor before 1647.

Wade, Robert Hartford, 1639óof Saybrook in '57. He was divorced from Joanna his wife, who had refused to fellowship with him in England and America for 15 years. This was the second divorce granted in the colony. He held 10 acres of land in Hartford in '39. This was a highly respectable name in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Wadsworth, William Hartfordóselectman in 1642, also in '47, collector in 1637, deputy in 1642, and frequently afterwards. He was an original proprietor of Hartford, and in the division of the land of the town in 1639. He was a valuable man in the town and colony. (He is supposed to have been the ancestor of Joseph Wadsworth of Charter notoriety.) He died in 1675. His sons were, John, Samuel, Joseph, and Thomas. He had a daughter who married a Mr. Stotonóanother Terryóanother Jonathan Ashley, and left Rebecca unmarriedóhe also had a grand daughter Long. He was a getleman of wealth and of high reputation in the colony. This Wadsworth was of the blood of him who told Col. Fletcher when he demanded the command of the militia of Connecticut,- that if he was again interrupted by him, "he would make the sun shine through him in an instant."

Wadsworth, Elizabeth widow of Williamódied 1680. Her children were, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, Elizabeth Terry, Jonathan Ashley, Rebecca and John Wadsworth.

Wadsworth, John Hartfordódied in 1689, (Sarah his wife.) He gave his negro man to his wife. Children, Samuel 29, Sarah Root 31, Hezekiah 6, John 27, William 18, Nathaniel 15, James 12, Thomas 9óhe had grand children, Timothy 8, and John 4 years old.

Wadsworth, Samuel son of William, of Hartford, 1682, brother of Joseph, Thomas and John. He was a cousin of William Wadsworth, 2d, and died unmarried.

Wadsworth, John Farmington, 1670.

Wadams, John Wethersfield, 1664 he died in '76, and left a widow and son John. He might have came into the colony earher than '64. Perhaps ancestor of those of the name in Litchfield Co.

Wainwright, Thomas 1643.

Wakeman, Samuel the first constable of Hartford, 1636ósurveyor of Dorchester and Watertown with George Hubbard in 1636. He was directed by a law of the landholders, to attend to the watch, and warn them in their turn to do duty as a watch against the Indian depredators upon the lives and property of the settlers. He with George Hubbard, sen'r., in 1636, were appointed to survey the breadth of Windsor, and say how far it should extend above the house of Mr. Stiles; he was also to survey the breadth of Watertown. He died in 1645, and left one son and three daughters. He was an original proprietor of Hartford, and in the division of the land in 1639.

Wakeman, Samuel a clergyman at Fairfield in 1665. His name is rarely found in the State except in Fairfield county.

Wakelee, Henry Hartford, 1639óthe first lawyer of record in the colony.

Waldo, John Windhamódied in 1700. This family appears to have come late into the colony. He had a son John in Windhamóperhaps other children. He left an estate of £292. It was a family of respectability, and probably he was the ancestor of L.P. Waldo, Esq., of Tolland.

Walker, Rev. Zechariah Stratfordówas first settled at Jamaica, L.I., and preached there for a time, and about 1668 removed to Stratford, where he had a severe contest with Rev. Mr. Chauncy, and a part of the congregation at Stratford. The controversy closed by Gov. Winthrop's advising Mr. Walker and his friends to remove and settle a new town, with which he engaged they should be accommodated; and Mr. William Curtiss, John Sherman and others were authorised to locate at Pomperaug (now Woodbury); therefore Mr. Walker with his friends moved there from Stratford about 1672-3. Woodbury was settled by several different companies at different times, and embraced a large territory.

Walker, Jacob Stratford, about 1665. Josiah and Joseph Walker, went from Woodbury to Litchfield to settle.

Walkeley, Henry Hartford, 1639. In '63 appeared in court as attorney for James Wakelee. He held land in Hartford by liberty of the town in '39.

Walkeley, James a brother of Aliceóimproved land in Hartford in 1639, with the right of wood and pasture, not having been an original proprietor of Hartford.

Walkeley, Alice sister of Jamesóin court in 1663.

Walkeley, Richard Died at Haddam in 1681. It appears by the record that Richard's property was given to his two sons and one daughter. Alice the daughter died in '83. The name is spelt Walkley and Walkeley. Alice left an estate of £348. The sons were James and Henry, and were brothers of Alice. Richard was the father of the family.

Waller, Matthew Lyme, 1674. William Waller had moved to Lyme in '64.

Ward, Andrew was amongst the first Puritan settlers who came to Wethersfield. He was one of the five persons who held the first Court in the colony, in April, 1636ótried the first cause, and made the first law. He was a member of this court seven sessions in 1636, and five sessions in 1637. He was a member of the Upper House in May, 1637, when war was declared against the Pequots. He was twice a member of the Committee or Lower House of the General Court in 1637, and of the same House again in 1638ófour sessions he acted as deputy after the Confederation of the three towns into a Colony in 1639ówas frequently made a member of both branches of the General Court afterwardsócollector of rates in 1637, and a magistrate in 1639. He was a member of the church in Wethersfield. He held other offices in Wethersfield. He was frequently united with the Governors and the most important men in the colony on committees of the General Court. He was a gentleman of great worth in the colony, and was the ancestor of a respectable and wealthy family who reside in Hartford; also of the Wards in Southbury and other parts of Connecticut, and of a few famihes in Pennsylvania. In 1653, Ward and Hill were appointed by the General Court to press men in Fairfield for an expedition. In the fall of 1640, Mr. Ward and Robert Coe, of Wethersfield, for themselves and several others, purchased the town of Stamford of the New Haven Companyóall of which purchasers obligated themselves to move there within one year; and in the spring of 1641, Matthew Mitchell, Thurston Rayner, Robert Gildersleeve, Robert Coe and others moved to Stamford, Mr. Ward also moved to Stamford, but whether at this time, is not known to the writer. These with their pastor, Mr. Denton, were the leading men of Stamford. Within a few years Mr. Denton left Stamford and moved to Hempsted on Long Island. Mr. Ward also removed to Hempsted within a few yearsóbut about 1650 he returned and settled in the town of Fairfield, where he closed a long and useful life.ó(See Denton.)

Ward, Nathaniel was an early settler in Hartford, and a gentleman of good standing in the colony. In 1642 he was a juror, and frequently afterwards. He was a member of the first grand jury in 1643, held in the colony, and held other offices of trust and honor in the town and colony. In 1645 he was one of the committee appointed by the General Court to collect funds for the students in Cambridge College. He was townsman in 1639-44 and 47, and constable of Hartford in 1636ójuror in 1643. He moved to Hadley, where it is supposed he died without issue, and gave no part of his estate to any person of his name. A Nathaniel Ward was at the Emanuel Institution in England, in 1613. Mr. Ward was one of the leaders with Gov. Webster and others, in procuring the settlement of Hadley, by emigrants from Connecticut, in 1659.

Ward, Joyce Wethersfieldódied in 1640. Her children were, Edward, Anthony, William, Robert and John. She had a son-in-law, John Fletcher, who perhaps resided at Guilford. Robert had given to him by his father, £20 in England, in the hands of Edward his eldest brother's son. Robert was put to a trade.

Ward, John Middletownódied in 1683, and left an estate of £446 to his family, viz. John, 18 years old, Andrew 16, Easter 14, Mary 11, William 9, Samuel 4, and one unborn.

Ward, William was confirmed a sergeant by the General Court for the train-band at Middletown in 1664.

Warham, Rev. John was the first Elder of a church who came into the colony in 1636. His church had been located with him as their pastor, at Dorchester, in Massachusettsóbut in 1636 the minister and church all moved to Windsor, where he lived until April 1, 1670, when he was called from his people by death; he however lived to see not only his church, but many others in the colony prosperously located. He had lived to witness much of the dense forest he found there in 1636, by the industry of the good men he brought with him, removed. He left a large estate intends to his family, and saw some of them happily located in life, before his decease. He had preached at Exeter, in England, before he came to New England. He had four daughters. After his decease, his widow married Mr. Newbury, and had two children, both daughters. After the death of Mr. Warham, Easter or Hester, one of his daughters, married Rev. Mr. Mather, and had children, Eunice, Warham and Eliakim. After the death of Mr. Mather, she married Mr. Stoddard, and had six sons and six daughtersóthree of the sons lived to adult years, Anthony, John and, Israel; Israel died in prison, in FranceóJohn settled at Northamptonówas a colonel, chief judge of the court of common pleas, and was a leading politician (or rather statesman) in Massachusetts. His brother Anthony settled as the 2d minister at Woodbury, Conn., and died there in 1776, at the age of 82, after having been the only officiating clergyman there for about 60 years. Anthony left a son Israel, who resided in Woodbury until his death. Israel had a son Asa, who married and had a son Henry, and two daughters. Asa and his children moved to Dayton, Ohio, about the year 1817. Hon. Henry Stoddard is now a gentleman of high standing in that State. Asa the grandson of Anthony, died a few years since, in Ohio, far advanced in years.

Warham, Abigail widow of Rev. John Warhamódied in 1684. She was a cousin of Miles Marwine or Merwin, for whom she had formerly done muchóthat in her will she declared "that if she had thousands she would not give him a pennyóno, not a pin's point." Merwin attempted to persuade her to give him her property in exclusion of her children.

Ware, Nathaniel Hartford, 1648. Several of this name settled in Massachusetts.

Warner, Andrew Hartford, 1639. He came to Cambridge in '32ó was one of the committee with Webster, Talcott, Timothy Stanley and others to divide the lands east of the riverósurveyor of lands and fences in '47óin the land division of Hartford in '39ósigned to move to Hadley in '59.

Warner, Robert deputy in 1663, and often afterwards. Supposed son of Andrew.

Warner, John 1639óhad six acres of up-land in the division east of the river in '40.

Warner, John Farmingtonómade free in 1663, and died in '78-9. Left sons, John, Daniel, (Thomas did not reside in Farmington,) and William Higginsonóa son-in-lawófather of John, of Waterbury, who died in 1707. He was a soldier at Pequot, for which the colony gave him a tract of land, which he gave to Higginson.

Warner, John, sen'r. Waterburyódied at Farmington in 1707. His children were, John, jr., Ephraim, Robert, Ebenezer, and Lydia who had married Samuel Brunson before the death of her father.

Warner, Daniel signed to move to Hadley, in 1659, son of John.

Warner, Andre Middletownóson of Andrew, of Hartfordódied in 1683-4. Children, Andrew, 19 years old, John 11, Joseph 9, Abigail 21, Mary 17, Hannah 13, Rebecca 6. It is supposed this Andrew, jr. moved to Windham.

Warren, William, sen'r. Hartfordósurveyor of highways at Hartford in 1663, and died in 1689. He resided at Hocanum on his farm. He left a widow, and children John, William and Thomas. He appears to have had four younger children. He married two wives, and ordered his girls to be bound out until they were 18 Years of age, and Abraham until 21.

Wastall, John deputy in 1643ójuror in '43óselectman of Saybrook in '63-4 with Zechariah Salford and John Clark.

Wasby or Wasly, William Hartford, 1645.

Way, Elizur died in 1656. His wife Mary had over £200 in his estate. His children were, Ebenezer, Sarah (married Ichabod Wells,) Elizabeth (married Joseph Wells,) and Lydia Way. He left an estate of £867.

Watts, Capt. Thomas Hartfordódied in 1683ówife Elizabeth--her brother's son, Samuel Hubbard, lived with her, and shared largely in his estate; he was a kinsman of Samuel Steel, jr., who shared in his property.óHis sister Hubbard's children were, Joseph, Daniel, Nathaniel, Richard, Elizabeth Hubbard and Mary Ranny. His brother Brown's children were, Nathaniel, John, Benoni Brown, and Hannah wife of Isaac Laine; to the last five she gave her land in Middletown. He was a brother of James Steel, who had sons James and John Steel. He gave £20 to the poor of the church in Hartford. Martha Harrison shared in his will. He made some provision for the south church in Hartfordóowned a grist mill in Haltford.

Watts, Elizabeth who died in 1684, widow of Thomas Watts, was a sister of James Steel, who had four daughters, viz. Elizabeth, Sarah, Rachel Steel, and Mary Hallóshe was a cousin of Martha Henderson, and had a sister Willet.

Watts, Richard Hartfordóan early settler, 1639ónot an original proprietor of Hartford. Had 14 acres of land, with liberty of pasture on the common and to fetch wood, &c.

Watts, William Hartfordóheld four acres of land in Hartford, in 1639, with the liberty of wood and pasture of cows and swine.

Watts, Elizabeth widow of Richardóher daughter married Hubbard; she was a cousin of Daniel and Elizabeth Hubbard, of Hannah and Nathaniel Brown, and had a daughter Brown.

Watts, Elenor 1646óselectman of Hartford in '61.

Waterhouse, Isaac New Londonófined £5 for upsetting Tinker's warehouse. Thomas Waters married Sarah Fenn, of Milford, a daughter of Benjamin and Mary Feen, 1696. Waters, Watrous and Watghouse appear to have been the same name.

Waterhouse, Jacob 1639.

Waterman 1647. Richard, of Salem, '37, was one of the founders of the first Baptist church in America.óFarmer.

Waters, Peter (a Dutchman) 1672.

Watson, Thomas 1644. Robert Watson came to Windsor in '39, in the 2d colonyóhe died July, '89. Widow Watson signed to move to Hadley in '59. John, of Hartford, '44ósurveyor of highways in '46ójuror in '44ósigned to move to Hadley in '59.

Watson, Margaret Windsoródied in 1683. Children, Sarah Merrills, wife of JohnóMary Seymour, grand daughter Sarah Merrills-grand children Mary Seymour and Margaret Seymourógrandson John Watson.

Webster, Gov. John This gentleman probably came into Connecticut in 1637, or in the autumn of 1636. His first appearance as an officer of the Court was in April, 1637. He was then one of the Committee, who for the first time sat with the Court of Magistrates for the purpose of declaring war against the Pequot Indians. He was again the same year elected to the General Court, and was also elected as one of the committe (deputy) in 1638. He was elected a member of the Court of Magistrates at the first General Court holden by Gov. Haynes, in April, 1639. From this time forward for many years he was a member of the General Court as a magistrate or assistant. That the public may appreciate the arduous services of Gov. Webster, I take the liberty of stating, that in 1639 he attended four sessions of the General Courtóthree sessions in 1640ófour in 1641óthree in 1642ófive in 1643ófive in 1644ó five in 1645; and held five sessions of the Particular Court in 1639ófour in 1640ótwo in 1641ótwo in 1642ósix in 1643ófive in 1644ósix in 1645, and four in 1646óand so continued faithfully to discharge all the duties of the responsible and important offices bestowed upon him by the people for years. He was uniformly a magistrate or assistant while he remained in the colony after 1633. He was appointed with Mr. Ludlow and Gev. Welles to consult with their friends in the New Haven Colony, respecting the Indian murders which had been committed, to learn of them whether they would approve of a declaration of war as a reparation of the injury, in 1640; he was appointed with the Hon. William Phelps, to form a law against lying, and to hold a consultation with the elders upon the subject. He was of the committee with Wm. Phelps, &.c., who formed the noted criminal code of laws for the colony, reported and approved by the General Court in 1642óseveral of which laws yet remain in our statute book with little alteration, except in punishment. In 1655 Mr. Webster was elected Deputy Governor of the colony, and the following year was made Governor. In 1654 he was appointed with Maj. Gen. Mason a member of the Congress of the United Colonies.óEnough is already said to show the elevated position held by Gov. Webster in the colony, while he remained in it. He was the first in this country who gave the high character for talent to the name of Webster, which has been since so nobly and amply sustained by Noah as a man of literature, and Daniel as a statesman and orator. Many of his descendants yet reside in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Gov. Webster was from Warwickshire, in England, and was an original settler in Hartford as early as 1637, when he was a member of the General Court. He greatly aided and improved the new form of government in the colony. The severe quarrels in the churches at Hartford and Wethersfield so disgusted, not only Gov. Webster, but 59 others of the settlers in the colony, that upon the 18th day of April, 1659, they signed an agreement, in which they engaged to remove themselves and famihes out of the jurisdiction of Connecticut, into Massachusetts. Gov. Webster headed the list of names. About three-fourths of the Signers did remove to Massachusetts, and purchased and settled the town of Hadley, which Then included what is now Hadley, South Hadley, Granby and Amherst, east of Connecticut river, and Hatfield and a part of Williamsburg west of the river. Gov. Webster became a Judge of the Court in Hampshire. He died in 1661, and left four sons, Robert, Matthew, William and Thomas. He also left three daughters. Matthew settled in Farmington, William in Hadley, Thomas moved to Northampton, afterwards to Northfield, and was driven from the latter place by the Indians, he then located at Hadley, but finally returned and died at Northfield. His daughter Ann married John Marsh, of Hadley; the other two married Markham and Hunt. Robert, the eldest son, appears to have remained in Hartford, where he died in 1676. Robert left six sons and four daughters. The daughters were connected by marriage with the famihes of Seymours, Mygaits and Graves, some of the most respectable settlers. Robert was the branch of Gov. Webster's family through whom Hon. Noah Webster, LL.D., late deceased, traced his ancestry.ó(See Robert Webster.)

Webster, Robert the eldest son of Gov. Websteróprobably came into the colony in 1637, with his father. He appears to have been a man in active life in the early settlement of Connecticut. He received many marks of respect, showing his fair standing as a citizen; but like most young men who have a father of wealth and distinction, he borrowed some of the plumes of his father's greatness. As is often the case with young gentlemen in his situation in life, he fell short of arriving at the eminence to which Gov. Webster had attained; yet he was above a mediocrity in talents and standing in the colony. In 1659, he with 59 others, his father at the head of the company, signed a contract to remove from Connecticut to Massachusetts; but from all the facts, it appears that Robert did not remove his family, but continued in the colony until his death. The children of Robert, jr., the grand children of Gov. Webster were, Robert, born October, 1689, Abraham, September, 1693, Hannah, Nov. 1695, Matthew, April, 1698, Joshua, March, 1700, Caleb, January, 1702, Mary, December, 1704. Abigail, January, 1710. Robert married Hannah Bockly, daughter of John, Sept. 1689. Jonathan Webster married Easter Judd, daughter of Benjamin, Dec. 1704. John Bracy married Mary Webster, daughter of Jonathan, 1705. Joseph Webster married Mary Judd, 1695. Benjamin Webster, supposed the great grandson of Gov. Webster, after 1717. moved to Litchfield, where he located, and where the name yet continues. Jonathan resided on Wright's Island in 1730.

Webster, Matthew made free in 1645.

Webb, Richard Hartford, 1639óon the first grand jury at the General Court in the colony in 1643óalso juror in '43-4óselectman in '45ósurveyor of highways in '49. He soon after moved to Stamford, was made free there in '62, and he was sworn by Judge Gold, at Fairfield court. He was an original proprietor of Hartford in '39, and was a gentleman of standing in the colony. Henry Webb, '42. John, Hartford, '48 and '63. William, Hartford, in '40. Richard was the ancestor of John Webb, Esq., of Hartford.

Weed, Joseph Fairfieldómade free in 1662. Jonas, Wethersfield,-1636ójuror in '39. Perhaps the father of Joseph.

Weeks, Thomas John Ketchum and Mr. Ridgebell, in the reception and organization of the towns of Huntington, Setauk and Oyster Bay, on Long Island, in 1662, were appointed constables of those towns under the Charter of Connecticut. All the towns upon Long Island were also notified by Capt. Sylvester and Leut. Gardner, to attend the General Court of Connecticut by representatives, the next May session. Mr. Weeks appeared and took the oath with 22 others. After he returned to Long Island he revolted, and made great disturbance in Southoldóto quell which the General Court appointed M. Allyn and S. Wyllys to go to Long Island, and with the assistance of the magistrates there, to settle the affair.

Welles, Gov. Thomas came into the colony and located himself at Hartford in the autumn of 1636, and upon the 28th day of March, 1637, he became a member of the Court of Magistrates. In April following an important crisis had arrived. The inhabitants of the colony had been constantly annoyed by the Indians, and particularly by the Pequots, by robberies, murders, and the abduction of two respectable young ladies from Wethersfield, who had been carried among the Indiansówhich outrages could no longer be submitted to by the English settlers. To redress these grievances a General Court of Magistrates were convened, and the three towns which then formed the colony, were ordered, for the purpose of adding safety to the counsels of the court, to send a committee of three persons from each town, to set as advisers with the General Court. Gov. Welles was one of the Court of Magistrates held on the 7th day of May, 1637, who declared an offensive war against the powerful and warlike nation of Pequots, for the redress of the many grievances hey had visited upon the English settlers. It was a most important meeting and decision not only to the colony, but to all the settlers in New England. The Indians had not only murdered many of the English, but had driven away their cattle, and committed other gross wrongs. After mature deliberation, war was declared, and the result saved the colony, and was of immense advantage to all the other colonies, and much credit was due to Mr. Welles for his course taken in this important step. After this time he appears to have become an important man in the colony. He was uniformly a member of the Court of Magistrates after March, 1637, until he was elected Deputy Governor, in 1654. In 1640 he was appointed secretary of the colony, which office he held until 1649, and performed the duty of both offices during the whole period. For a time he also performed the duties of treasurer for the colony in 1639. At the session of the General Court in 1653, in March and April, the Governor being absent, Mr. Welles performed the duties of the Governor as Moderator of the General Assembly under the Constitution of the Commonwealth. In 1654 he was elected Deputy Governor, in 1656, 7 and 1659. He was also elected Governor in 1655 and 8. In 1649 he was a Commissioner to the Colony Congress. Gov. Welles was frequently associated with Haynes, Ludlow, Mason and other leading men upon important committees appointed by the General Court. He did much in the formation and union of the colonies in 1643, for the mutual benefit and protection of each other. No one of the distinguished men of his time was more uniformly attentive to all his official duties than Gov. Welles, from his first appointment in 1637, until 1659. He was a constant attendant upon the General Court, except when employed in other public duties. His whole public life being fairly examined, he was as important a prop to the new colony as any of the principal men, except Gov. Winthrop. He died in 1668, and left a large estate to his children, viz. Thomas, Ichabod, Samuel, Jonathan, Joseph, Rebecca and Sarah. Samuel settled at Wethersfield. The descendants of Gov. Welles are numerous in Connecticut at this time. The most prominent of whom are Hon. Gideon, of Hartfordósince his late appointment, at WashingtonóThaddeus, Esq., of GlastenburyóHon. Martin, of Wethersfield. and Doct. H. Welles, of Hartford. Gov. Welles came to Massachusetts in a vessel named the Susan and Ellen, E. Payne, master, in company with Richard Saltonstall, Esq. and family, Walter Thornton and others.

Welles. Capt. Samuel died in 1675. His children were, Samuel, 16 years old, Thomas 14, Sarah 12, Mary 10, Ann 7, and Elizabeth 5. John, son of Samuel, 1664. Edward, 1644. Thomas, son of Thomas, born 1690.

Welles, Wid. Elizabeth Wethersfieldódied in 1683. Children, Robert Foot, (died before her,) Sarah Judson, deceasedóleft children, daughters Churchill, Goodrich, Barnard and Smith. Nathaniel Foot's eldest son Nathaniel and his brother and their children shared in her will, Daniel and Elizabethógrandson John Stoddardógrandsons Joseph and Benjamin Churchill. She was a sister of John Deming, sen'r. and had a grandson Henry Buck.

Welles, Samuel moved from Wethersfield to Stratford, with three sonsóThomas, Samuel, and another, perhaps other children. He was the son of Gov. Welles. Perhaps the same Capt. Samuel who died in 1675.

Weller, Richard came early to Windsor. He married Ann Wilson in 1639. Children, Rebecca born May, 1641; Sarah in '43; William in '45; Nathaniel in '48; Ebenezer in '50, and Thomas in '53. This name is yet known in Litchfield county.

Westover, Jonah, sen'r. Simsbury, father of Jonah, jr., died in 1708. Samuel Case married his daughter. Children, Jonah, Jonathan, Margaret, Hannah, Jane, Mary and Joanna.

Welton, Richard 1656.

Welton or Wilton, David juror in 1644ódeputy in '46.

Westley, William Hartford, 1639óheld 14 acres of land there, with liberty to fetch wood and keep swine and cows on the common. Widow Westley signed to move to Hadley in '59.

West of Saybrook, 1669. John West, '49.

Westcoat, Richard 1639.

Westwood, William Selectman of Hartford in 1636ómember of the General Court in April, June, July, November and February, '36 óaided in declaring war in '37ódeputy in '42-16óselectman in '39. He was one of the first settlers and leading men of the colonyóan original proprietor of Hartford, and in the land division in '39. In '59 he signed a contract to remove his family to Massachusetts with those who settled the town of Hadley.

Wakelin, Henry Stratford, 1650.

White, John one of the early and principal settlers of Hartford, before 1639ówas a juror in 1643-1óorderer of the town in 1641 and '45ó fence viewer in 1649. He was an original proprietor of Hartford, and in its land division in 1639. He was one of the 60 persons, in 1659, who signed an agreement to remove to Massachusetts for the settlement of Hadley. He removed, and died there in 1683. His children were, Nathaniel, (who resided at Hadley,) Daniel, Jacob, John, Sarah Gilbert, Mrs. Taylor, and a daughter who had married Mr. Hixton. Nathaniel had a daughter Sarah. Mr. White in his will gave Rev. John Whiting £5 in silver. He had intended to have given Stephen Taylor a select tract of land, but he found himself bound for a large sum to redeem his son Taylor's house and home-lot; he therefore ordered the land originally designed for Taylor to be sold to redeem his house and lot. He gave property to the children of his daughter Hixtonóto his grandson Stephen Taylor, to be received at Nathaniel White's at Hadleyóto his grand daughter Sarah, (a daughter of Nathaniel) he gave £5. The remainder of his estate he gave to his grand children, viz. Jonathan Gilbert, and to the children of his sons Nathaniel, John and Daniel, also the children of Sarah, (who had three sons)óhis grandson Gilbert was the son of his daughter Mary. He owned a share in a mill at Hadley. His son Nathaniel was his executor. Mr. White was a strict Puritan in all its forms, and left the colony in consequence of a division in the church at Hartford.

White, Nathaniel confirmed an ensign at Middletown in 1664ódeputy in '63. Philip, 1646.

Whaples, Ephraim Wethersfieldówife Mindwellódied in 1712. His children were, Ephraim and three daughters. He ordered his daughters to be paid out of his estate £10 each, by his son Ephraim, and to have a share of the moveables. The will was signed in the presence of Eliphalet Whittlesey and Joseph Hurlbut. Jabez Whittlesey was made overseer of the will. He was a brother of Thomas.

Whaples, Thomas 1644ódied in '71, and left children, Rebecca, Hannah, Joseph, Jane, Ephraim and Johnóresided in Hartford in '64. Thomas, son of Thomas, of Hartford, died in 1712-13. Children, Nathan, Joseph, Abigail, Rebecca. Mary and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was learning the trade of a tailor.

Wheatly, James 1644.

Wheeler, John from Concord in Massachusettsówent to Fairfield in 1644. He was one of the early settlers of the town. Moses, Stratford, '50. Samuel, sen'r., of Hartford, had children in 1712ó Rachel 14, Elizabeth 7, Isaac 17. and Moses 9 years of age. Thomas of Fairfield, 1653. John, juror at Stratford, 1730. Ephraim, collector for the students of Cambridge College in '45ófrom Fairfield or Stratford. Farmer says, 30 distinct famihes of the Wheelers lived in Concord, Mass. between 1650 and '80óa prolific race of men. Whelpley's fine remitted in 1661.

Whitefield, Thomas removed from Dorchester to Windsor, 1635-6. Henry, first minister at Guilford, from Surry, England, '39. John, came to Windsor as early as '36.

Whitehead, Samuel had owned land in Hartford before 1639. Richard, jr., juror in '40.

Whiting, William Hartfordówas a member of the General Court in 1637. The Court ordered him to supply 100 pounds of beef (for Hartford) to carry on the Pequot war, in 1637. He was treasurer of the colony in 1641 to 1647. In 1633 he was allowed to trade with the Indians; and was appointed with Maj. Mason, &c. in 1642 to erect fortifications; he was also appointed with the Major in 1642 to collect tribute of the Indians on Long island and on the Main;óon a committee to build a ship, and also to defend Uncasóforeman of the jury in 1640. He was a magistrate as early as 1639, and a leading man in the colony. His estate at his decease was over £9000 sterling. In 1649 he made his will. His children were, William, John, Samuel, Sarah, Mary and Joseph. Joseph appears to have been born after the will was made, and he provided for him by a codicil to his will. He had a sister Wiggins who had children. He gave £10 to Margery Parker, £10 to Mr. Hopkins; £10 to Mr. Webster; £10 to the children of Mr. Hooker; £10 to the children of Mr. Stone; £10 to the poor of Hartford; £5 to the town of Hartford; £5 to the poor of Windsor; £5 to the poor of Wethersfield, and £5 to the children of the Rev. H. Smith, of Wethersfield. His son William was a merchant in London, and sold the lands he received by his father to Siborn Nichols, of Witham, in England.

Whiting, Rev. John His children were, Sibbel Bryan, aged 34, Martha Bryan 28, Sarah Bull 26, Abigail Russell 24, William 30, Joseph 8, Samuel 19, and John one year oldó(probably had two wives.) Ordained at Hartford in 1660. In '69 the church divided, and Mr. Whiting became pastor of the south church, and died in '89.

Whiting, Joseph was the third treasurer of the colony. John was afterwards also treasurer. William was an original proprietor of Hartford, and in the land division in '39.

Whiting, Giles 1643. Samuel, educated at Emanuel College in 1613, Anna married Nathaniel Stanley in 1706.

Whittlesey, John 1662óthe first of the name who came into the colony. He was located at Saybrook, not however as early as many others. The name was next found at Middletown and Wethersfield. It has been a most prolific race. The family have been uniformly respectable, generally wealthy, and produced some men of high standing and reputation, viz. Hon. Elisha, of Ohio. He has through a long and constant public life, from early manhood, retired to private life, and carried with him the reputation of an honest manóthe fate of few politicians. John Whittlesey and William Dudley, of Saybrook, in 1663, contracted with the torn to keep a ferry across the river at Saybrook from Tilley's Point, for which the town gave them all the toll received of strangers, (except the inhabitants of Saybrook,) 20 acres of up-land, 10 acres of meadow, and £200 of commonageó£100 on each side of the river. Whittlesey and Dudley contracted to build a road to the Pointóbuild a horse canoe or boat large enough to carry over 3 horses at a time, and such passengers as desired to cross the river. They made the contract with John Wastall, John Clark, William Pratt, William Waller and Robert Lay, agents for the town.

Whitmore, Thomas Middletown, 1654ówas a gentleman of good character, and received appointments of the General Court. The name is spelt differently by the same family. It has been an ancient name at Middletown and in Stratford. Seth and William, of Middletown, were jurors as late as 1730.

Whitmore, Thomas, sen'r. aged 66. He was a carpenter by trade, and gave his tools to two of his sons. He died at Middletown in '81, and left a wife Katherine, and children, viz. John aged 36 years, Beriah 23, Thomas 29, Hannah Stowe 28, Samuel 26, Elizabeth 32, Abigail 3, Israhiah 25, Nathaniel 20, Joseph 18, Josiah 13, Sarah 17, Mehitabel 13, and Benjamin 7. I find the name spelt Whitmore, Whetmore, Whittemore and Wetmore, apparently the same name.ó John, of Hartford, 1665.

Whittemore, John Stamford, was murdered by the Indians previous to 1649.

Whitcombe, Job Wethersfieldódied in 1683. Wife Mary. His children were, Mary, aged 12 years, Job 9, Jemima 6, and John 4. This name is yet in New London county.

Witchfield, Margaret died at Windsor in 1663. Her daughters were, Hannah and Abigail. They married two men by the name of Goff at Wethersfield. Her son married Miss Hayward. Margaret was a sister of Jane Winship, who left a daughter Joanna. Samuel Goff had children, Edward and Deborah.

Whitefield, Henry the first minister at Guilford. He left preaching there in 1650, and was succeeded by Rev. John Higginson.

Wickham, Sarah Wethersfieldódied in 1699. Children, Thomas, Wittin, Sarah Hudson, Samuel, Joseph and Johnóperhaps others. She had a grandson John Cherry, the son of Sarah Hudson.

Wilcox, John Hartfordósurveyor of highways in 1642 and '44óselectman in '49ójuror in '45. He had moved to Middletown in '54 óand died in '76. His children were, Sarah Long, aged 28 years, Israel 20, Samuel 18, Ephraim 4, Hester 2, and Mary 1- He was an original proprietor of Hartford, '39. John, of Middletown, (wife Mary died in 1671.) His children were, Joseph, Samuel and Mary, Israel, sen'r., died in '89. Children, Israel aged 10, John 8, Samuel 5, Thomas 3 years, and Sarah one month. Mary, widow, of Hartford, died and left a cousin Sarah Long, a daughter, Ann Hawley, and a son-in-law John Bidwell.

Wilcocks, Ephraim Middletownódied in 1712óson of John, and grandson of Andrew, of Middletown.

Wilcoxson, Samuel Windsor, deputy in 1646. William, '47óperhaps the same who was made free in Massachusetts in '38. Timothy moved to Stratford as early as '40. William, of Stratford, '50óhad sons, Joseph, John and Timothy.

Wickham, Thomas Wethersfield, 1671.

Wild, Edmond 1663. John, a grand juror in '43.

Wilkinson, Josiah about Saybrook in 1664. Thomas, '49. Willard, Josias, Wethersfieldódied in 1674ójuror in '71. Joseph, Wethersfield, '70, and died in '74.

Willet, Nathaniel Hartfordóconstable in 1644. Elizabeth, '48.

Willer, Richard Windsor, 1640.

Williams, Roger juror in 1642-44 and 45ódeputy in '37. He came to Windsor as early as '36. He was often a member of both branches of the General Court, and was a gentleman of importance in the colony.

Williams, William a landholder at Podunk, an early settler, 1646. Arthur, of Windsor, '40ójuror in '43. David, died in '84, and left a small estate. Matthew, of Hartford, '46. James, son of James and Sarah, born in '92, Hepzibah in '98, Sarah in '99, Samuel in 1700, Abigail in 1707, Daniel in 1710. John, of Windsor, married Bethia Marshall, in 1672. John and Ebenezer born in '73, another in '75. (John, of Hartford, '37. See Aaron Starks.)

Williams, Amos an orphan. The magistrates ordered the little Bible and a paper book, left by his mother, to be delivered to him, in 1663. He died in '83. Children, Amos 13, Samuel 8, Elizabeth 6, and Susannah 3 years old.

Willey, John Haddamódied May 2, 1688. He left an estate of £169 to his wife and 7 children, viz.. Isaac 18 years old, Isabel 17, John 14, Miriam 12, Allyn 9, Mary 7 and Abel 6 years. Thomas, 1664. Isaac, 1649, about N. London in '71.

Wills, Joshua Windsor, 1647. This was a common name in Massachusetts in its early settlement. Henry, a Pequot soldier in '37. Wilton, Nicholas, Windsoródied July, 1683.

Winterton, Gregory constable of Hartford in 1642óselectman in '45ójuror in '40 and '42--surveyor of common lands in '47. He was an original proprietor of Hartford, and in the land division in '39. Signed to move to Hadley in '59. He was an uncle of John Shepard, and gave John £34. John was a brother of Thomas Greenhill, 1654. Record, p. 118.

Willoughby, Jonas Wethersfield, 1666. This was a reputable name in Massachusetts in the early settlement of the colony, as it was in Connecticut.

Wilson, Anthony deputy in 1646. Phineas, of Hartfordódied in '92, and left a large estate. He had an only son Nathaniel, and daughters Hannah and Mary. Had 3 sisters, Hannah, Margaret and Jane, who then lived in Hull, in Yorkshire, England. His wife had a daughter Abigail Warren. Samuel married Mary ---ó, May, '72, and had a daughter in '74, and another born in '75, and Samuel in '78.

Wilton, David moved to Northampton from Windsor, in 1660, where he died. He left a grandson, Samuel Marshall, to whom he gave much of his property at Northampton. Joseph Hawley was about to marry his grand daughter Lydia, at Northampton, to whom he gave a share of his estate, provided he married her, and built a house on the land at Northampton, and lived there four yearsóif not, he gave it to Samuel Marshall, his grandson. He provided for his wife Katherine. Samuel Marshall, sen'r., married his daughter, and died before him. He was a brother of Nicholas Wiltonóhad a sister Joan Wilton. He gave a silver bowl to the church in Northamptonó£10 to the Collegeógave his wife the sawmill at Northampton. His grandson Thomas Marshall lived with him at Northampton. Medad Pomeroy was overseer of his estate at Northampton. Daniel, 1644. Nicholas, of Windsor, died July, 1683.

Wimbell, Robert a distributor of the estate of Thomas Dewey, 1648.

Winchell, Robert Windsoróa juror in 1614. In '37 was appointed with Mr. Ludlow and William Phelps as agents for the purchase of corn, &c., He came early to Windsor. His children were, Phebe born in 1639, Mary in 1641óDavid, Joseph, Martha, Benjamin.óRobert died in 1657. Nathaniel, son of Robert, married Sarah Porter, and had Nathaniel, Thomas and Sarah, born 1674, and Joseph 1677. Jonathan Winchell married Abigail Brunson, and had a son Jonathan, 1663. David married Elizabeth Filly, 1669, and had Joseph and two daughters. Nathaniel Winchell, 1664óprobably the same who was at Westfield in 1686.

Winthrop, Gov. John who first came to Saybrook, in 1635ówas the son of John Winthrop, the Governor of Massachusetts. He arrived at Boston in the autumn of 1635, with a commission from Lord Say and Seal, Lord Brook and others, who were interested in a Patent of a large tract of land adjoining the Connecticut River, as agent of the Companyóto erect houses and build a Fort at the mouth of the river, not only for self-protection against the savages, but to command the navigation and prevent the Dutch from taking possession of the lands. Mr. Winthrop brought with him from England, men, ammunition, ordnance and money, furnished by the Company, to carry out their design. He was directed by the Company, on his arrival at Boston, to repair at once to Connecticut, with 50 men, to erect fortifications and build houses for the garrison, and the houses for the men of quality within the Fort. He was also directed that such as should locate there in the beginning, should plant themselves either at the harbor or near the mouth of the river, for their own safety, and that they should set down in bodies together, that they could be better entrenched; also to reserve to the Fort 1000 or 1500 acres at least of good ground as near to the Fort as could be obtained. The Company also, before Mr. Winthrop left England, appointed him Governor of the Connecticut River, in New England, and of the harbors and places adjoining, for the space of one year after his arrival there. Gov. Winthrop soon learned that the Dutch at New Netherlands intended to seize upon the mouth of the river, and he immediately despatched 20 men from Boston to his place of destination, (now Saybrook) to get command of the river, and repel the Dutch if they should appear. Soon after the arrival of Mr. Winthrop's men at the mouth of the Connecticut, the Dutch who had been sent from New Netherlands arrived to take possession, but Gov. Winthrop's men had in season planted two of their cannon in so favorable a position that the Dutch troops were prevented from landing. Mr. Winthrop soon went to Saybrook and fulfilled his commission as agent for the Company. He and Mr. Fenwick did not consider either themselves or the lands within their grant, as strictly under the government or within the jurisdiction of Connecticut, until after the colony of Connecticut had purchased the land upon the river, and the Fort of Mr. Fenwick, in 1644; for which reason Gov. Winthrop is not found very frequently upon the records of the colony for some of the first years of its settlement. Even Mr. Fenwick was not a magistrate in the colony until 1644. Gov. Winthrop the younger apphed to the General Assembly of Connecticut, in 1640, for a grant to him of Fisher's Island. The Court decided that so far as it would not hinder the public good, either in fortifying it for defence, or fishing, or making salt, that he had liberty to proceed therein. He therefore took possession of it, and his heirs hold it to this day. Gov. Winthrop did not become a member of the House of Assistants in the colony until after 1650; after which time he became the favorite of the colony, and received apparently any appointment he desired. He was elected Governor in 1657, 9 and 1660, to 1675. He was the first Governor of the colony who was ever elected previous to 1660, two years in successionóthe old law upon this subject, owing to the universal popularity of Mr. Winthrop as Governor, was repealed. In 1662 he procured the Charter for the colony, for which he was agent, which greatly added to his popularity in Connecticut, but gave much offence to the colonists at New Haven; yet at the Union of the two Colonies, in 1665, Mr. Winthrop was continued as Governor of the colony, and Major Mason, Deputy Governor. To give the honors and incidents of the life of so valuable a man as Gov. Winthrop would require volumes, it therefore will not be expected even an outline can be detailed in this small pamphlet. In September, 1647, the General Court "thought meet" to give Mr. Winthrop a commission to execute justice, at Pequot, according "to their laws, and the rule of righteousness. "Previous to 1660 no person was eligible by law, two years in succession to the office of Governor. But the people had now become so much enamored with the good management of the affairs of the government by Mr. Winthrop, that the General Court, at the April term, proposed repealing the law, that Gov. Winthrop should be eligible the second year to the office of Governor. To do which it was propounded to the freemen, and inserted in the warrants for the choice of deputies, which was effected, and Gov. Winthrop triumphantly elected, not only two years in succession, but many years after. This was a year full of great and happy events in the colony. Mr. Winthrop had been elected Governor, and Gen. Mason, Deputy Governor; two of the most popular, deserving and able men in the colony, and better acquainted with the affairs of the country than any others. Gov. Winthrop was deemed by the people as a learned, safe and judicious statesman, while it appeared to be a conceded point by all, that no man could be as familiar with the condition of the various tribes of Indians as Maj. Masonóand in this respect was viewed as peculiarly fitted for his new and responsible office of Deputy Governor. In the repeal of the law, the freemen had wisely discovered that the first year of holding an office was wasted more in learning its duties than in performing them acceptably to the public. I here for brevity, skip over that part of the record which appointed Gov. Winthrop agent to procure the Charter for the colony, and much of their distress in meeting the expense of his mission. In July, 1662, it was discovered that the £500 which had been appropriated for the expenses of Gov. Winthrop, had proved altogether insufficient for the object, and a part of that even then, unpaid, and the expenses had far exceeded their expectation. All was now consternation and excitementóa new and unexpected debt had been added to their misfortunes, while they were ignorant of the progress or success of their petition to the King óyet never daunted, the General Court at once appointed committees to notify those persons who were yet owing Mr. Cullick any part of the £500, to pay it at once, and the collectors for the country to prepare for payment without delay, to discharge the sums required by the Worshipful Governor. The General Court, in case those indebted as aforesaid, failed to pay as directed, appointed a committee to procure corn or other provisions, and compel such as were indebted towards the £500 so appropriated, to pay for it. The distress continued through the summer. But when the General Court convened at Hartford on the 9th day of October, 1662, all was hilarity and excitement in-doors and out, such as had never before been witnessed in the colony, and probably never since, when the people were notified that Gov. Winthrop had succeeded in the object of his mission to England, and that the Charter had arrived full of liberty for the people, confirming their titles to their lands, extending their territory, with the confidence of the King in the loyalty of his new subjects. They were publicly notified that it was then in the possession of the Court. It was then publicly read to both Houses of the General Court, with an immense concourse of the freemen and people presentówhen one of the Court, (probably Major Mason) held it out in his hand, and declared it to be theirs and their successors! It was viewed by all as a full confirmation, not only of all the titles in the colony, but of the colony itself. Gov. Winthrop at this time had not arrived, but remained in England for some time after he forwarded the Charter. The question in the House at once arose, who should take charge of and hold an instrument that was the Palladium of every man's Liberty in the Colony, and the safeguard to the title of every foot of soil in the jurisdiction of Connecticut. The Court selected Mr. Wyllys, John Allen and John Talcott to take the Charter into their custody and keeping, in behalf of the Colony. An oath was then administered to them in open Court, for a faithful discharge of so important a trust. It now became necessary for the General Court to prepare to legislate in conformity to and under the provisions of the Charter. The General Court, therefore, established and confirmed all civil and military appointments in the colonyóall orders and laws not at variance with the provisions of the Charter were also confirmed. The Colony Seal was declared to be continued in the hands of the Secretary as the seal of the colony under the Charter. The town of Hartford was decreed by the freemen as the settled location for the convocation of the General Assembly for all future time, (except when visited by epidemic diseases.) The people throughout the country at once saw the advantages which Connecticut necessarily must possess under the Charter, over other colonies, and particularly over the New Haven Colony. Towns from all parts of the country soon began to apply to the General Court to become members of the colony under the new government. Capt. John Young and others apphed for the admission of Southold, on Long Island, into the colony, and submitted their persons and property under the Charter, which was accepted, with a promise of protection. South and Easthampton had before united with the colony. Capt. Young was declared a freeman, and a commission given him to act in Southold as the General Court should require. Their citizens were required to meet and elect a constable for the organization of the town. The inhabitants of Guilford apphed for admission, and tendered themselves and estates, and were accepted upon the usual terms. The towns of Stamford and Greenwich also apphed, and were received as other towns had been. The inhabitants of Mystic and Paugatuck had until this time held their commissions under Massachusetts, but the Court now ordered that "henceforth they should forbear exercising any authority by virtue of commissions from any other colony than Connecticut; "and ordered the inhabitants to elect a constable and organize the town, and pay the sum of £20 towards defraying the expense of procuring the Charter, as their proportion. Gov. Winthrop executed his will in Boston, at the time of his sickness, where it is supposed he died. His sons were, Fitz John and Wait Still. He had five daughters, viz. Elizabeth, Lucy, Margaret, Martha and Anne. He gave his sons double portions compared with his daughters, and made all his children executors and executrixes of his will. He also appointed John Allen, Mr. Humphrey Davie, James Allen and his brother John Richards, to settle any difficulty that might arise in the settlement of his estate, or any three of them. His will was proved in court by Thomas Hatch and John Blake, July 25, 1676.

Winthrop, Fitz John son of Gov. Winthrop, of Connecticut. He early became an important man in the colony, and was a magistrate when young. He depended not so much upon the exalted reputation of his honored father as upon his own exertions, for preferment and honors. His doctrine was the same as that of the Wolcottsóthat all men were self-made who became eminentóthat the son of a great man was no better than the son of a pauper, except that his advantages were preferable for accomplishing the object. Fitz John appears early to have imbibed a military spirit, and possessed every qualification for an important military officer; he was educated in the art of warówas bold, brave and daring to a fault, and received the commission of Captain when young. The first important appointment which brought him particularly before the public, was an appointment by the General Assembly of Connecticut in 1664, with his honored father, Matthew Allyn, sen'r., Gold, Richards, Howell and Young, some of the most important men in the colony, to meet His Majesty's Commissioners in New York, and hear the differences and settle the boundaries of the Patent of the Duke of York and the colony of Connecticut, by which decision Long Island was awarded to the Duke of York, (Sze, and the boundaries of Connecticut settled. We next find Mr. Winthrop, in 1683, appointed by the King of England, and associated with Cranfield, the Commaderin-Chief of New Hampshire, with Dudley, Stoughton, Randolph, Shrimpton. Palmes, Pyncheon, jr., and Saltonstall, as a committee to quiet all disputes regarding the Narragansett country, as Commissioners of Charles H. In 1693 the colony of Connecticut found it necessary to address King William and Queen Mary with reference to the militia of the colony, and to send an Ambassador to England for this special purpose. Maj. Gen. Fitz John Winthrop was at once selected and appointed for the important mission. While in England, in 1697, he laid before the Council of Trade a memorial giving an answer to the Dutchess of Hamilton's petition to the King regarding her claims to Narragansett, so far as the people of Connecticut were concerned, though this matter was not included in his instructions. He managed the affair with great adroitness and good judgment. Gen. Winthrop was appointed Major General in 1690 over the army designed against Canada. In 1698, such was his popularity that he was elected Governor of Connecticut, and continued to be re-elected until his death, in 1707. He was the last of the eminent men of the name in Connecticut, though Massachusetts yet has her Winthrops.

Wood, Jonas Wethersfield, 1636óproduced to the court his certificate of church-membership, dated at Watertown, Mass., 29th of March. 1636, to join a church in Connecticut; and he was at Wethersfield in '36. He came with Andrew Ward, Coe, &c. Jonas, at Southamton, L.I., in '48, (which was under the jurisdiction of Connecticut)ówas custom-master there in '61ómagistrate and commissioner in '63. Perhaps the same who located at Wethersfield in '36.

Wood, John was killed in 1639, near the mouth of Connecticut river. Leut. Bull, while in pursuit of the Pequots, found his gun marked I.W. Matthew, '63. Consider, '64, of Westchester, which at this time was claimed within the jurisdiction of Connecticut.

Woodcock, John 1639. This name is found in Connecticut before it is in Massachusetts.

Woodbridge, Rev. Timothy Hartford. I insert this family as a family of clergymen; there having been seven of the name, ministers in the colony at about the same period of time. Timothy was settled over the first church in Hartford, in 1685, and died in 1732. According to an account by T. S. Perkins, Esq., deceased, (who was a descendant,) Timothy was the 2d son of Rev. John, who married a daughter of Gov. Dudley, of Massachusetts, and was settled at Andover, in that colony, in 1644. Thomas Woodbridge was first married to a daughter of Hon. Samuel Wyllys, of Hartford, and was the ancetor of Sheldon Woodbridge, Esq., of Hartford. A daughter of Thomas married Gov. Pitkin. Rev. Samuel (was a nephew of Timothy, of Hartford,)ówas settled over the 3d church in Hartford, in 1705, and died in 1746. He was a grandson of Rev. John, of Massachusetts, mentioned aboveófrom him are the descendants of those of the name in Hartford, East Hartford, and Manchester. Rev. John Woodbridge was settled at Killingworth. Rev. Dudley Woodbridge was settled over the first church in Simsbury, and died in 1710. The 2d Rev. Timothy, son of the first Timothy, was settled also at Simsbury, over the first church in 1712, and died in 1742. Rev. Ashbel was settled at Glastenbury, in 1728, and died in 1758;óhe was the son of the first Rev. Timothy by his second marriage to Mrs. Howell. Rev. Benjamin was settled at Amity in the town of Woodbridge, in 1742. Rev. Ephraim Woodbridge was settled over the first church in Groton, in 1704, and died in 1724óneither of whom were either dismissed or removed from their places of settlement. The first Rev. Timothy, was a member (in 1708) of the Convention which, for the better regulation of the administration of church discipline, formed the noted Saybrook Platform, of which meeting Rev. James Noyes and Thomas Buckingham were moderators, and Rev. Stephen Mix and John Woodward were chosen scribes.

Woodbridge, Benjamin 1673ówitness of Thrall's will.

Whittlesey, Ruth Wethersfieldódied in 1734. This is the first death in the family, in Connecticut, on the Probate record at Hartford. Jabez Whittlesey was administrator. Jabez, of Wethersfield, was a farmer at Newington. He died in January, 1743, and left an estate of £718.

Wolcott, Hon. Henry, sen'r. was an early settler at Windsor. He came to Massachusetts from Tolland, England, and moved his family to Windsor in 1636, to continue with Mr. Warham's church, with which he had united in England. He had married Elizabeth Saunders before he left his country, and had some family. His son Henry, Jr., was about 25 years of age when the family moved to Windsor, in 1636, and soon became an active business man. Hon. Henry was a gentleman of education, wealth and distinction, and had been a magistrate before he left England. He was long a magistrate and assistant in the colony, though he had become somewhat advanced in life before he settled at Windsor. He was made the first constable of the town, which at that day and for many years after, was an office of great honor and power in the colony. In 1637 he was appointed collector of ratesódeputy in 1639 and '41ójuror in 1641, 3 and 4óa committee with Major Mason to locate and erect fortifications ówas frequently a member of both houses or branches of the General Court, and upon many of the most important committees in the colonyówas one of the nineteen signers of the Petition to Charles II. for the Charter of Connecticut, all of whom were the principal men in the colony. Mr. Wolcott was the ancestor of more Governors of the Colony and State than any other individual, not only in the State, but in the United States. He was the ancestor of three Governor Woleotts in Connecticut, viz. Roger and two Oliver Wolcottsótwo of whom had been Leutenant Governors; also by the marriage of his daughter to the first Matthew Griswold, of Saybrook, he became the ancestor of the two Governor Griswolds, viz. Matthew and Roger. His son Simon married a daughter of the first William Pitkin; and by this connexion he also became the ancestor of Gov. Pitkin. The children of Hon. Henry were, Henry, jr., George, Ann, Mary and Simon. Simon's children were, Elizabeth, Martha, Simon, Joanna, and the Hon. Rogeróthe latter was the second in command at the siege and reduction at Louisburg, in 1745, and in 1751 he was elected Governor of Connecticut. The first Oliver, LL.D., was Governor in 1796 and 7. The second Oliver, LL.D.. had been Secretary of War, and Governor from 1817 to 1827. Erastus, who served as General in the War of the Revolution, was a brother of Oliver, who was also General in the same service. Erastus was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut for some years. This worthy band of a single line, were the descendants of Henry Wolcott, of Windsor. Of the same line of ancestry was the Hon. Frederick, late of Litchfieldóa brother of the last Gov. Oliverówho was a gentleman no less talented and worthy than any of his ancestors. There are at this day no public men by this name in the high public stations of our country. It was well for the Wolcotts that they lived when integrity and talents were the only qualifications for preferment and high places of public trust. There are two of the sons of Hon. Frederickóone in Boston, the other in New Yorkówho are merchants of distinction. A grandson of the last Governor Oliver, and a son of the late Col. Gibbs, of Long Island, is fast rising into notice and favor as a gentleman of literature by his valuable productions. One other of the descendants in Hartford, not of the name, but of the blood, is also by his talents, industry and acquirements, making rapid progress to public favor and preferment. Hon. Henry Wolcott died in 1630. He gave in his will his seal ring to Henry, jr. He had land at Tolland, in England, at his decease, which was in the possession of John Wolcott and John Dart, which he gave to his youngest son Josiah, after the expiration of the estate given by his (Henry's) uncle Christopher to John Wolcott, sen'r., then deceased. He also held land at Willington, called Longforth, in England, in the possession of Hugh Wolcott at his decease. He at the close of his will changed his views, and gave his lands in England to Henry, jr., for life, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and to their heirs forever, by Henry, jr.'s paying £1234. His other property in this country at £2743, exclusive of his property in England.

Wolcott, Henry, jr., received many- appointments from the General Court. George, 1640óa brother of Henry, jr., and son of Henry, sen'r. Hannah, had a sister who married James Russell, who had a daughter, Mary Russellóshe also had a sister Price, who shared in her estate. She died unmarried in 1683-4. Sarah, died unmarried, or without children, in July, 1684. Simon, of Windsorómoved to Simsbury, and owned land there in 1667. Simon, son of Simon, brother of Henry, John, William Pitkin, Christopher, William and Roger. Treat, an assistant in 1663.

Woodford, Thomas Hartford, 1639ófence viewer in '39ócollector of funds for the students of Cambridge College in 1645ósexton to dig graves and ring the bell for funerals, with orders that Thomas Woodford ehould ìattend making graves for any corpses deceased; and that no corpse shall be laid less than four feet deep; none that be above four years old shall be laid less than five feet deep; none that be above ten, shall be laid less than six feet deep. He was not an original proprietor of Hartford, but had 14 acres of land there, with the right of pasture on the common, to fetch wood, &c. He was appointed to cry all lost property at public meetings, at 2 pence paid in advance, in 1640. Joseph, made free in 1663.

Woodhull, Richard and Thomas Pierce, were appointed officers under Connecticut, on the admission of Setauk, L.I., into the jurisdiction of Connecticut.

Woodruff, Matthew came early to Hartford among the first setlers. After remaining awhile at Hartford, he removed with his family to Farmington; since which the Woodruffs have emanated from Farmington. Nathaniel, after 1717, moved from Farmington to Litchfield, which makes Matthew the ancestor of the name there. Matthew died at an advanced age, in 1691. His children were, Matthew, aged 23, John 19, Samuel 14, Nathaniel 5, Joseph 2, Mary 21, Sarah 17, Elizabeth 12, Hannah 10. Widow Sarah Woodruff died in 1690. John died at Farmington in 1692, and left Joseph, aged 13, John 23, Mary 25, Hannah 21, Phebe 16, Margaret 10, and Abigail 8. The family have uniformly supported the good reputation of their ancestor. Gen. Morris Woodruff was as prominent as any of the name. The Woodruffs of Connecticut are the descendants of Matthew, and not of William.

Woodward, Rev. John was scribe, in 1708, for the Convention who formed the Saybrook Platform.

Woodward Hartford, 1640. It was voted by the town that he should employ his whole time in killing wolves, for which he was to have 4s. 6d. per week for his board in case he killed neither wolves or deers in the course of the week, but if he killed either, to pay for his board. This name was frequent in the early settlement of Massachusettss.

Woolfe, Edward New London, 1671. Peter was at Salem as early as 1634.óFarmer.

Wolterton, Gregory Hartfordódied in 1674 or in '74. He had a nephew James, son of his brother Matthew, in New London. He left no children. He was a useful citizen.

Worstall, John juror in 1644.

Wright, Thomas deputy from Wethersfield in 1643ódied in '70, and left Margaret, his widow, and children, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas and others. A daughter of his son Thomas married Job Hillyer, and they had a son William, and daughters, Margaret and Sarah. His widow died in '71.

Wright, Thomas Wethersfieldódied in August, 1683. His children were, Thomas, aged 23 years, Mary 18, Hannah 13, Lydia 11. His estate was £673. Anthony Wright married Mary, the widow of Matthias Treat, by whom she had children. Anthony died in '79.

Wrisly, Richard one of the first settlers.

Wrotham, Simon Farmingtonódied in 1694-5. His daughter House's children were, William, Susannah and Samuelósons Samuel, and Simon, and daughter Newel.

Wyard or Wire, Robert Wethersfieldódied in 1682.

Wyatt, John 1646, died in '68. His children were, Mary, Hepzibah, Dorcas, Sarah, Joanna, Elizabeth and Israel.

Wyllys, Gov. George was the son of Richard, of Fenny-Compton, in Warwickshire, in England. He was the first of the family who came to New England. He held an estate there of £500 per annum, in possession of George, his eldest son, who he left in England. In 1636, being a Puritan in principle and feeling, he became anxious to remove to Connecticut with his family, he therefore to prepare a comfortable situation in the new country for himself and family, at Hartford, during the year 1636, sent his steward, (William Gibbins) with 20 men, to Hartford, to purchase and prepare for him a farm, and erect such buildings as should be needed for his reception. Mr. Gibbins therefore came to New England, and purchased that elevated and delightful plat of ground, at this day celebrated not only by the location of the Charter Oak upon it, but as the Wyllys Place, at the south part of the city. He erected the necessary buildings, and prepared the grounds for a garden, where the family have uniformly resided. In 1633 Mr. Wyllys removed with his family direct to Hartford. His reputation in England had been of that high character, that in the following year he was made a magistrate, and in 1641 was elected Deputy Governor of the colony, and in 1642 was made Governor. He was once elected Commissioner to the United Congress of the Colonies. Dr. Trumbull says, "he was a Puritan of the strictest kind, and lived in all the exactness of the most pious Puritans of the day." His death, which took place March 21, 1644, was deeply realised throughout the colony. He left a son Samuel, who was born in England, about 12 years of age at the decease of his father, who at the age of 22, was made a magistrate, and became a prominent man in the colony. Gov. Wyllys, as early as 1639, was appointed with Gov. Welles to revise the laws of Connecticut. Among the many important offices which have been held by the different members of the Wyllys family, it is worthy of remark, in this day of shifting and change, that three of the descendants of Gov. Wyllys, (viz. Hezekiah, George and Samuel) held in succession, the office of Seretary of State of the Colony and State of Connecticut 98 years. Gov. Wyllys had brothers, William and Richard. This family, so long and so favorably known in Hartford, are now all deceased, and the name become extinct in the State;óand that beautiful seat occupied by them nearly 200 years, has passed, for want of Wyllys heirs, into the hands of a gentleman no less talented than its original proprietorsóa regular descendant of the Hon. Henry Wolcott the first, of Windsor. He left a wife, Mary, and children, George, Samuel, Hester and Amy. His son George remained in England, and was there, as appears by the will of Gov. Wyllys, in 1644; property was given to his son George in Connecticut, provided George should move with his family to Hartford, &c., otherwise given to his son Samuel.óRecords, Trumbull, and Farmer.

Wyllys, Hon. Samuel son of Governor Wyllys, of Connecticut, was born in Warwickshire, in England, in 1632, and came to Hartford with his father in 1638. When only 22 years of age he was made a magistrate, (in 1654) which he held for many years. He married a daughter of Governor Haynes and died aged about 77 years, in 1709. His son Hezekiah held the office of Secretary for the colony from 1712 to 1734, when he died. George, his grandson, was Secretary from 1735 until he died in 1796, when Samuel the son of the 2d George succeeded his father in the same office, and held it until 1809, when Hon. Thomas Day was appointed, and held it 24 years. In 1659 Mr. Wyllys was appointed by the General Court to go to Saybrook and assist Major Mason in examining the suspicions there about witchery. In 1660 he was auditor of public accounts with Capt. Lord. He was a member of the Congress of the United Colonies in 1661, 2, 4 and 7.

Wyllys, Hezekiah married Elizabeth Hobart, a daughter of Rev. Jeremiah Hobart, in 1704. George Wyllys, son of Hezekiah and Elizabethówas born October, 1710ógrandson of Samuel firstóSamuel, his great grandson, was the last Secretary of the Wyllys family.

Young, John of Southold, L.I., was appointed a magistrate by Connecticut as early as 1662, to assist the magistrates of South and East-Hampton. The towns of Southold, Huntington, East and Southampton, Oyster Bay and other towns on Long Island, were under the jurisdiction of Connecticut for several years; and the Island was claimed as being within the bounds described in the Charter, as was Rye, Hastings, Westchester, Narragansett, &c., and most of them were organized as towns by order of the General Court of Connecticut, and were represented in the General Assembly of Connecticut for some years, until the bounds of the Colony under the Charter were settled by the King's Commissioners, in 1664-5. On the admission of Southold into the jurisdiction of Connecticut, a petition, signed by said Young, Richard Terre and 22 others, inhabitants of Southold, was presented, all of whom were made freemen of Connecticut. George, 1664. Capt. J. Young was appointed in 1655, to command a vessel for observation, with men from Saybrook and N. London, to prevent Ninegrate's crossing the sound to attack the Indians on Long Island, and in case he did, to destroy his canoes, and kill his men, if possible. John, of Windsor, 1840.

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