Grand List of the North Society of Preston
Extracted from
Griswold - A History
Being a History of The Town of
Griswold, Connecticut
From the Earliest Times to the
Entrance of Our Country into
The World War in 1917
By Daniel L. Phillips
1929 (no copyright statement)
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Found among the papers of the late Col. Samuel TYLER by his grandson, Henry Billings BROWN, late Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and given by him into the keeping of the Anne Brewster FANNING Chapter, D. A. R., Jewett City. [Transcriber's Note: in a note at the end of the chapter, this list is described as the names of all the Taxpayers in the North Society of Preston in 1775 and the amount of their property.]
(Montary amounts are espressed in pounds (£), shillings (s) , & pence (p))
AVERILL, Jabez, 187-5-0
AVERILL, James, 101-4-0
ALDRICH, Mary, 3-0-0
ADAMS, David, Dr.,, 50-0-0
BELCHER, Elijah, 49-10-0
BELCHER, Moses, 85-12-0
BORDMAN, Elijah, 22-0-0
BUTLER, Zaccheus, 31-16-0
BELCHER, Wm. Capt. 166-15-0
BRANCH, Stephen, 30-0-0
BUTTON, Jesse, 23-4-0
BRANCH, Peter, 51-3-0
BROWN, Judah, 25-0-0
BENNET, Nathan, -- -- --
BRAMAN, James, -- -- ---
BENNET, James 2d, 30-0-0
BENNET, Zebulon & Dalt, 101-8-0
BILLINGS, Roger, Capt.,, 43-10-0
BILLINGS, John, 146-0-0
BILLINGS, Joseph, 132-0-0
BILLINGS, Nathan, 36-0-0
BILLINGS, Peleg, 3-10-0
BOARDMAN, Joseph Capt. 140-15-0
BORDMAN, David, 120-3-0
BROWN, Nanthaniel, 129-3-0
BROWN, Jacob, 76-19-0
BROWN, Elias, 231-12-0
BURTON, Israel, 144-9-0
BURTON, Barnerd, 23-0-0
BURTON, Henry, 45-19-0
BURTON, Nath'l, 24-10-0
BENJAMIN, Abial, 93-9-0
BENJAMIN, Ezra, 34-2-0
BENJAMIN, Abial, Jun., 37-14-9
BENJAMIN, John, 76-19-0
BRUMBLY, Luke, 56-0-0
BRUMBLY, Bethewel, 27-16-0
BRUMBLY, Preserved, 19-12-0
BRUMBLY, John, 24-0-0
BRUMBLY, Christopher, 66-14-0
BLISS, Samuel, 77-18-0
BUTTON, Elisha, 77-2-6
BRANCH, Thomas, Jun., 92-5-0
COGSWELL, Nath'l Capt., 224-15-0
COGSWELL, John, 25-0-0
COOK, Capt. Thaddeus, 206-0-0
COOK, John, 109-13-6
COOK, Barton, 215-2-6
CADY, Jacob, 55-12-0
CLEVELAND, John, 06-0-0
COIT, Wheler, 79-4-0
CLARK, Daniel, 29-12-0
CLARK, James, 80-18-0
COIT, Sam'll, Junr., 201-14-0
COIT, Sam'll Coll, 217-0-0
CLIFT, Joseph, 25-0-0
COIT, Benjamin, Esq., 196-10-0
COIT, John, 117-18-0
CLIFT, Amos, 115-0-0
COIT, Oliver, 108-10-0
DAVIS, Sam'll, 20-8-0
ELDRIG, Wm., 21-0-0
FREEMAN, Silas, 27-8-0
FRINK, Jonas, Capt., 58-7-0
FARNAM, Wm., 22-0-0
GUILD, Elisha, 65-5-0
GUILD, Samuel, 27-15-0
GATES, Isaac, 32-0-0
GATES, Stephen, 20-13-0
GATES, Stephen, Jun., 28-0-0
GATES, Stephen, 3rd, 16-18-0
GATES, Joseph, 154-0-0
GATES, Ezra, 28-0-0
GATES, Mercy, 21-0-0
GATES, Daniel, 64-18-0
GATES, Joshua, 18-0-0
GATES, Esther, 5-16-0
GEER, James, 97-3-0
GEER, Allin, 4-0-0
GEER, Abel, 24-18-0
GEER, John, 31-12-0
GEER, Stephen, 57-8-0
GEER, Elisha, 91-14-0 (this entry has £6 s8 added)
GEER, Asa, 52-2-0
GEER, Dinah, 83-4-0
GREEN, John, 17-10-0
GREEN, Winter, 51-14-0
GEER, Roger, 21-0-0
GEER, Christopher, 36-11-0
GREEN, David, 18-8-0
GEER, Daniel, 78-4-0
GEER, Lemuel, 12-0-0
GATES, Robert, 40-6-0
GATES, Nehemiah, 79-1-0
GOVE, Nathaniel, 36-18-0 (this entry has £18 added)
GATES, Olive, 6-0-0
HARRIS, Nathan, 1-12-0
HARRIS, Daniel, 40-6-0
HARRIS, Daniel, Jun., 33-0-0
HATCH, Rufus, 107-12-0
HUNTINGTON, Andrew, 83-1-0
HERRICK, Nathan, 135-6-0
HARRIS, Jobe, 82-8-0
HERRICK, Isaac, 31-6-0
HERRICK, Ephraim, 117-16-0
HERRICK, Eleazer, 18-0-0
HERRICK, Israel, 62-8-0
HERRICK, Ebenezer, 30-11-0
HERRICK, Widow Edward, 4-17-0
HERRICK, Henry, 4-17-0
HUTCHINSON, Israel, 91-4-0
HUTCHINSON, Elisha, 27-0-0
HATCH, Jeremiah, 48-4-0
HATCH, Jeremiah, Jun., 69-10-0
HARTSHORN, Zephaniah, 20-0-0
HARTSHORN, Jonathan, 78-4-0
HARKNESS, John, 87-0-0
HOLLY, John, 39-10-0
HOLLY, Samuel, 4-15-0
JOHNSON, Joseph, 25-0-0
JONES, Comfort, 21-0-0
KINNEY, Asa, Capt., 71-13-0
KINNEY, Asa, Jun., 7-0-0
KINNEY, Jeremiah, 13-15-0
KINNEY, James, 2-0-0
KINNEY, Gideon, 90-12-0
KINNEY, Ezra, 126-0-0
KINNEY, Spencer, 110-16-0
KINNEY, Daniel, 29-1-6
KIMBALL, John, 24-8-0
KILLAM, Nathan, 36-0-0
LESTER, Timothy, 390-0-0
LEONARD, Samuel, 126-17-0
LEONARD, Daniel, 41-2-0
LORD, Nathaniel, 93-0-0
LANGWORTHY, Joseph, 47-12-0
LESTER, Moses, 115-0-0
MORGAN, Benjamin, 68-6-0
MORGAN, Benjamin, Jun., 69-8-0
MORSS, Daniel, 97-12-0
MORSS, John, 58-14-0
MORGAN, James, Capt., 172-0-0
MORGAN, Daniel, Jr., 201-15-0
MORSE, Moses, 45-12-0
MULKIN, John, Jun., 23-7-0
MULKIN, John, 18-15-0
OLIN, Philip, 38-2-0
OTISS, Richard, 21-0-0
PRENTICE, Eliezer, 77-6-0
PARTRIDGE, Asa, 69-14-0
PRENTICE, Manassah, 3-0-0
PARTRIDGE, James, 59-12-0
PUNAM, John, 55-6-0
PHILLIPS, Jonathan, 1-12-0
PHILLIPS, Jonathan, Jun., 91-10-0
PHILLIPS, Jonathan, 3rd, 22-0-0
PHILLIPS, Nathaniel, 21-0-0
PARTRIDGE, Reuben, 103-19-0
PARTRIDGE, John, 79-6-0
RIX, James, 97-11-0
RIX, Thomas, 79-3-0
RIX, Theophilus, 33-13-0
RIX, Daniel, 16-15-0
RAY, John, 114-4-0
RAY, Daniel, 48-13-0
ROOSE, Peter, Capt., 123-1-0
ROSE, Peter, Jun., 50-1-0
ROSE, Elisha, 56-0-0
ROBBINS, Joseph, 18-0-0
RUDE, Joseph, 2-3-0
RICH, Solomon, 24-3-0
SPENCER, John, 52-0-0
STANTON, Robert, 138-0-0
STANTON, Robert, Jun., 27-0-0
STANTON, David, 76-2-0
STANTON, Samuel, 83-3-0
STANTON, Isaac Wheeler, 131-12-0
STANTON, John, 75-7-0
STANTON, Elisha, 23-0-0
STANTON, Lester, 25-0-0
STANTON, Joseph, 26-0-0
STANTON, Widow Mary, 28-19-0
STARKWEATHER, Samuel, 137-0-0
STARKWEATHER, Joseph, 49-18-0
STARKWEATHER, John, 18-0-0
STANTON, Abel, 30-6-0
STEWART, Elexander, 112-4-0
SMITH, Joseph, 28-0-0
STEPHENS, Jacob, 39-0-0
STORY, Asa, 33-10-0
TYLER, Joseph, Capt., 159-0-0
TYLER, Samuel, 135-0-0
TYLER, John, Coll, 361-6-0 (this entry has £13 added)
TYLER, Moses, Capt., 249-4-0
TYLER, Joseph, 3rd, 36-0-0 (this entry has £8 d6 added)
TYLER, Elisha, 105-10-0
TUCKER, William, 128-19-0
TUCKER, Ephraim, 94-17-0
TRACY, Samuel, 106-0-0
WETHEY, Lemuel, 80-10-0
WETHEY, Elijah, 28-10-0
WOODWARD, Moses, 34-6-0
WALTON, Oliver, 125-4-0
WOODWARD, Abisha, 32-3-0
WEEDEN, Elijah, 73-9-0
WOODWARD, Reuben, 19-0-0
WILKSON, John, 34-0-0
WILBUR, Joseph, 23-0-0
Single Additions of the North Society Preston:-
John GREEN, Jun., 16-0-0
Nathan WALTON, 3-0-0
Elisha GEER, 6-8-0
Joseph TYLER, 3rd, 8-6-0
Samuel STARKWEATHER, 8-0-0
Col. John TYLER, 18-0-0
Nathaniel GROVE, 18-0-0
Forefold Additions:
The foregoing is a copy of the List of the North Society of Preston 1775 as on file. Roger STERRY, Town Clerk