Vital Records of
1659 - 1848
Part I - Pages 80-107
Society of Colonial Wars
in the
State of Connecticut
Publication Committee:
Lucious Barnes Barbour
Williston Walker
Winslow Tracy Williams
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]
[80] John Andrews & Sarah Cook were married Feb. 26, 1707/08.
[Please note that the records are not arranged either by name or by date, but are transcribed as they appeared in the original.]
John Andrews, son of John & Sarah, was born April 18, 1710.
Sarah Andrews was born Jan. 9, 1712/13.
Jane Andrus was born June 26, 1716.
Thankfull Andrus was born Sept. 20, 1719.
Joseph Andrus was born June 26, 1722.
Sarah, ye wife of John Andrus, deceased May 17, 1724.
John Andrus & Ruth Gates were married Sept. 30, 1724.
Ann Andrus, daughter of John & Ruth, was born June 8, 1725.
Dorcas Andrus was born Sept. 24, 1728.
Isaac Andrus was born April 22, 1731.
Jacob Andrus was born April 9, 1734.
Isaac Woodworth & Ruth Duglace were married Dec. 5, 1711.
Isaac Woodworth, son of Isaac & Ruth, was born Dec. 26, 1712.
Isaac Woodworth deceased Oct. 3, 1714.
Isaac Woodworth was born Oct. 30, 1714.
Assa Woodworth was born Feb. 13, 1716/17.
Ruth Woodworth was born Sept. 22, 1718.
John Woodworth was born May 4, 1722.
Thomas Woodworth was born July 17, 1726.
Zerviah Woodworth was born Sept. 23, 1728.
Nathan Woodworth was born Sept. 16, 1732.
Ruth, wife of Isaac Woodworth died April 30, 1737.
Jonathan Hartshorn & Mary Birchard were married Aug. 15, 1700.
Mary Hartshorn was born in June, 1701.
Abigael Hartshorn was birn Feb. 1, 1704/05.
Ruth Hartshorn was born May 12, 1706.
Hanna Hartshorn was born Dec. 2, 1709.
Lydea Hartshorn was born April 12, 1711.
John Hartshorn was born Nov. 19, 1715.
Jonathan Hartshorn was born Oct. 25, 1717.
Zerviah Hartshorn was born Jan. 27, 1719/20.
Lydea Hartshorn died Dec. 9, 1726.
[81] Thomas Bingham & Hannah Edgerton were married May 5, 1713.
Elisabeth Bingham was born June 7, 1714.
Hannah Bingham was born Nov. 22, 1716.
Martha Bingham was born July 14, 1719.
Jeremiah Bingham was born Oct. 4, 1721.
The marriage of Thomas Bingham with Sarah Huntington was on April 23, 1724.
Sarah Bingham was born March 7, 1730/31.
Thomas, son of Thomas & Sarah, was born Feb. 12, 1732/33.
Tryphena Bingham was born Sept. 30, 1735.
Nathaniel Larebie & Sarah Lamb were married Jan. 18, 1713/14.
Nathaniel Larebe of Norwich died Jan. 6, 1740/41.
Christopher Huntington Jun and Abigaell Lothrup widow of Barnabas Lothrup, were married Feb. 4, 1717/18.
Christopher Huntington was born June 20, 1719.
Elisha Huntington was born Sept. 22, 1720.
Ruth Huntington was born Aug. 3, 1722.
Azarjah Huntington was born Nov. 26, 1723.
Margret Huntington was born Nov. 23, 1724.
Theophilus Huntington was born Sept. 12, 1726.
Barnabas Huntington was born May 29, 1728.
Sarah Huntington was born April 27, 1730.
Abigail Huntington, wife of Christopher Huntington, died June 2, 1730.
Christopher Huntington Jun or Norwich and Elizabeth Ensworth of Canterbury were married May 2, 1733.
Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher & Elizabeth was born Feb. 3, 1734/35.
[82] Simon Lothrup & Martha Lothrup were married March 24, 1714.
Martha Lothrup, daughter of Simon & Martha, was born March 7, 1715/16.
Simon Lothrup was born June 18, 1718.
Elijah Lothrup was born Sept. 4, 1720.
Hannah Lothrup was born July 1, 1722.
Eunice Lothrup was born April 14, 1725.
Mary Lothrup was born July 1, 1729.
Rufus Lothrup was born Oct. 29, 1731.
Elizabeth Lothrup was born Aug. 30, 1733.
Luce (Lucy?) Lothrup was born Sept. 1, 1735.
Simon Lothrup, son of Simon Lothrup & Martha, died in Eustatia about July 8 or 9, 1740.
Elizabeth Lothrup, daughter of Simon & Martha, died March 4, 1763.
Hugh Calkin Jun & Phebe Abell were married Nov. 9, 1714.
Sarah Calkin was born May 6, 1716.
Bathia Calkin was born July 22, 1718.
Phebe Calkin was born June 27, 1721.
Lois Calkin was born Oct. 4, 1723.
Abell Calkin was born Feb. 5, 1725/26.
Bathiah Calkin died June 7, 1727.
Elisha Calkin was born June 5, 1728.
Simon Calkin was born Oct. 6, 1730.
Hugh Calkin was born March 15, 1732/33.
Francis Griswould (Griswold?) & Elisabeth Lomer were married Nov. 30, 1714.
Elizabeth Griswold deceased April 13, 1718.
Francis Griswold & Abigaell Bingham were married Dec. 13, 1721.
Francis Griswold, son of Francis & Abigail, was born Jan. 31, 1722/23.
Mary Griswold was born March 2, 1724/25.
Daniell Griswold was born Nov. 21, 1726.
Abigail Griswold was born April 18, 1729.
Abell Griswold was born March 12, 1731.
Elizabeth Griswold was born Feb. 21, 1732/33.
Isaac Griswold was born April 3, 1735.
Francis Griswold, son of Francis & Abigail, died Nov. 25, 1736.
[83] Jonathan Ladd & Susanna Kinsbery were married Dec. 23, 1713.
Ezekiel Ladd was born Jan. 31, 1714/15.
Mary Leffingwell, daughter of Benajah & Joanna, was born Oct. 28, 1731.
Christopher Leffingwell was born June 11, 1734.
Benajah, son of Benajah & Joanna, was born Jan. 11, 1737/38.
Hezekiah Leffingwell was born June 24, 1740.
Joseph Leffingwell was born June 28, 1742.
Elisha Leffingwell was born Nov. 4, 1743.
2nd Richard Leffingwell was born Dec. 29, 1745.
John Edgerton & Ruth Adgate were married Dec. 27, 1714.
Ruth Edgerton, daughter of John & Ruth, was born Sept. 28, 1715.
Mary Edgerton was born Nov. 19, 1717.
John Edgerton was born Aug. 16, 1720.
Luce Edgerton was born Aug. 22, 1723.
Elisha Edgerton was born Feb. 28, 1726/27.
Ruth Edgerton, wife of John Edgerton, died Feb. 23, 1728/28. [trans note: she died five days before Elisha was born???]
New London April 1, 1737:
These may Certife that John Edgerton of Norwich & Phebe Prentiss of New London were married May 11, 1731, by me, Eliphlet Adams.
Phebe, daughter of John & Phebe, was born Feb. 8, 1731/32.
Eunice, daughter of John & Phebe, was born June 25, 1735.
Daniell Edgerton was born March 1, 1737.
Temperance Edgerton was born Mar (?) 18, 1738/39.
Samuell Backus & Elizabeth Tracy were married Jan. 18, 1715/16.
Samuel Backus, son of Samuel & Elizabeth, was born Jan. 11, 1716/17.
Ann Backus was born June 11, 1718.
Elizabeth Backus was born Feb. 9, 1720/21.
Isaac Backus was born Jan. 9, 1723/24.
Elijah Backus was born March 14, 1726.
Simon Backus was born Jan. 17, 1728/29.
Eunis (Eunice?) Backus was born May 17, 1731.
Andrew Backus was born Nov. 17, 1733.
Asa Backus was born May 3, 1736.
Luce Backus was born April 19, 1738.
John Backus was born Oct. 16, 1740.
Mr. Samuel Backus died Nov. 24, 1740.
[84] Joseph Armstrong & Lydea Worth were married Nov. 15, 1712.
Joseph Armstrong, son of Joseph & Lydea, was born Feb. 22, 1713/14.
Abner Armstrong was born Aug. 21, 1714.
William Armstrong was born Oct. 11, 1718.
Elijah Armstrong was born May 4, 1723.
Silas Armstrong was born May 31, 1725.
Lydia Armstrong, daughter of Joseph & Lydia, was born April 20, 1731.
John Lothrup & Elisabeth Abell were married April 7, 1715.
Zebulon Lothrup was born Jan. 10, 1716/17.
Azubah Lothrup was born March 3, 1718/19 & died April 23, 1719.
Azubah Lothrup 2d was born June 18, 1720.
Bethiah Lothrup was born July 26, 1723.
Elisabeth Lothrup was born May 26, 1726.
Rebekah Lothrup was born Dec. 15, 1728.
Ebenezar Huntington & Sarah Leffingwell were married June 20, 1717.
Sarah Huntington was born April 28, 1718.
Simon Huntington was born Sept. 12, 1719.
Luce Huntington was born May 28, 1722.
Lydia Huntington was born Oct. 27, 1735.
Sarah, daughter of John Lothrup & Elizabeth his wife was born Sept. 23, 1731.
Ann Lothrup was born March 23, 1734.
Rhoda Lothrup was born March 8, 1737.
John Lothrup, son of John & Elizabeth, was born June 2, 1740.
Sarah, dau of John & Elizabeth, died April 17, 1744.
[85] John Waterman Jun & Anne Hide were married Jan. 18, 1715/16.
John Waterman, son of John & Ann, was born Oct. 11, 1720.
Anne Waterman was born April 12, 1722.
William Waterman was born July 13, 1724.
Anne Waterman was born June 21, 1727.
Freelove Waterman was born Dec. 4, 1729.
Jedidiah Waterman was born May 4, 1732.
Darias Waterman was born March 17, 1734/35.
Samuell Lothrup & Elisabeth Waterman were married June 26, 1712.
Elisha Lothrup was born July 13, 1713.
Samuell Lothup was born Jan. 12, 1715.
Moses Haggit & Rebeckah Adams were married Oct. 17, 1712.
Rebeckah Haggit was born July 6, 1713.
Moses Hagget was born July 8, 1717.
Abigaell Haggitt was born Feb. 22, 1719/20.
Loue Haggit was born Aug. 31, 1722.
Ruth Haggitt was born Nov. 12, 1725.
Mrs. Rebeckah the wife of Moses Hagget died Jan. 9, 1760.
[86] The names & age of children of Joseph Chapman and Marcey his wife as follows:
Joseph Chapman was born April 5, 1708.
Mary Chapman was born Sept. 17, 1709.
Moses Chapman was born Nov. 10, 1711.
Sarah Chapman was born Jan. 9, 1713/14.
Ezekiel Chapman was born March 3, 1715/16.
Aaron Chapman was born July 12, 1718.
Daniell Chapman was born Jan. 10, 1720/21.
Simon Chapman was born April 22, 1723.
Joseph Chapman died June 10, 1725.
Mare Chapman died June 3, 1725.
Samuell Lothrup the son of Samuel Lothrup and Deborah Crow, were married July 24, 1715.
Deborah Lothrup was born Jan. 9, 1716/17.
Ezra Lothrup was born Dec. 4, 1718.
Samuel Lothrup was born Jan. 1, 1720/21.
Elisha Lothrup was born Dec. 29, 1723.
Elisabeth Lothrup was born Jan. 1, 1725/26.
Elisabeth Lothrup died Oct. 13, 1726.
Hannah Lothrup was born June 15, 1728.
Hannah Lothrup was born Jan. 8, 1731/32.
Samuel Lothrup Esq. died Nov. 7, 1754.
Benjamin Lothrup & Mary Adgate were married Nov. 13, 1718.
Luce Lothrup was born Sept. 20, 1719.
Benjamin Lothrup, son of Benjamin & Mary, was born March 28, 1721.
Cyprian Lothrup was born June 2, 1722.
Matthew Lothrup was born May 23, 1725.
Gideon Lothrup was born April 2, 1727.
Arunah Lothrup was born March 22, 1732.
[85] John Bishop & Mary Bingham were married July 30, 1718.
Mary Bishop was born June 25, 1719.
Deborah Bishop was born May 22, 1722.
John Bishop was born Aug. 4, 1724 & deceased Sept. 14, 1724.
Mary Bishop, wife of John Bishop, deceased Nov. 17, 1724.
John Bishop & Temperance Lothrup were married Nov. 22, 1727.
John Bishop, son of John & Temperance, was born Oct. 11, 1731.
Temperance Bishop, daughter of John & Temperance, was born Oct. 15, 1735.
Joseph Bishop was born Aug. 28, 1735.
The names & age of the children of Paul Wintworth [Wentworth?] and Kathrine his wife:
William Wintworth was born Dec. 25, 1680.
Silvanus Wintworth was born Feb. 28, 1681. [trans note: hmmm, only two months after the last one?]
Paul Wintworth was born May 10, 1682.
Ebenezer Wintworth was born June 18, 1683.
Martha Wintworth was born Feb. 9, 1684.
Marcy Wintworth was born July 18, 1686.
Aaron Wintworth was born Jan. 1, 1687.
Moses Wintworth was born April 17, 1689.
Mary Wintworth was born Dec. 25, 1692.
Kathrine Wintworth was born July 28, 1694.
Sarah Wintworth was born April 8, 1697.
Benjamin Wintworth was born Dec. 28, 1698.
Edward Wintworth was born June 20, 1700.
Thomas Grist was born Jan. 10, 1699/1700.
Thomas Grist & Ann Birchard were married Aug. 14, 1721.
Sarah Grist was born May 17, 1722.
Ann Grist was born Feb. 16, 1723/24.
Elisabeth Grist was born June 19, 1727.
Hannah Grist was born March 6, 1729.
Luce Grist was born March 24, 1731.
George Grist was born Nov. 25, 1732.
John Grist was born July 21, 1734.
Zillah Grist was born April 20, 1736.
Theophila Grist was born July 16, 1738.
Mary Grist was born April 12, 1740 & died 17th of same month.
[86] The marriage of Jonathan Roise & Ruth Bekwith was in March, 1700.
Mary Roise was born Nov. 19, 1701.
Elisalbeth Roise was born Nov. 7, 1703.
Jonathan Roise was born Nov. 5, 1705.
Ruth Roise was born in June, 1707.
Martha Roise was born in March, 1709.
John Roise was born in March, 1712.
David Roise was born March 4, 1713.
Nehemiah Roise was born in March, 1715.
Deborah Roise was born Jan. 1, 1717/18.
The marriage of Samuell Griswold Jun with Elisabeth Abell was April 2, 1719.
Samuell Griswold, son of Samuell & Elisabeth, was born April 21, 1720.
Elisha Griswold was born May 6, 1722.
Ebenezer Griswold was born July 29, 1725.
Samuell Griswold, son of Samuel & Elisabeth, died June, 1726.
Samuell Griswold, son of Samuell & Elisabeth, was born April 7, 1728.
Simon Griswold was born Aug. 14, 1731.
Elizabeth Griswold was born May 19, 1734.
Joseph Willoughby & Thankfull Bliss were married April 6, 1719.
Ann Willoughby was born Jan. 20, 1720/21.
Bliss Willoughby was born Dec. 15, 1721.
Joseph Willoughby was born May 6, 1724.
Samuell Willoughby was born Aug. 20, 1730.
John Willoughby was born Dec. 21, 1733.
2nd Mary, daughter of Thomas Grist & Ann his wife was born June 30, 1742.
Lucy Grist, daughter of Thomas & Ann, died April 18, 1757.
George Grist, son of Thomas & Ann, died Dec. 13, 1757.
[87] The Rev. Mr. Benjamin Lord & Mrs. Ann Tayller of Westfield were married June 14, 1720.
Benjamin Lord, son of Benjamin & Ann, was born April 5, 1722.
Ann Lord was born Aug. 4, 1724.
Benjamin Lord was born Sept. 4, 1727.
Elizabeth Lord was born Aug. 29, 1729.
Joseph & Ebenezer Lord, sons of Benjamin & Ann, were both born Aug. 28, 1731.
John Heath, son of Josiah Heath, & Hannah Hains were married Dec. 16, 1697.
Mehittabell Heath was born Oct. 1698 & died 1699.
John __ David __ Jonathan born Nov. 24, 1699, died Nov. 25, 1699.
Obadiah Heath was born Jan. 24, 1700/01.
John Heath born July 6, 1702.
Abigaell Heath born Jan. 6, 1703/04.
Jonathan Heath born Nov 21, 1706.
Mehitabell Heath born Nov. 19, 1708.
Bartholomew Heath born Oct. 1, 1710.
Thomas Heath born July 25, 1712.
Josiah Heath born Aug. 20, 1715.
Hannah Heath born Feb. 25, 1716/17.
Joseph Heath was born Dec. 9, 1718.
William Adams & Susannah Wodward (Woodword?) were married May 2, 1723.
William Adams, son of William & Susannah, was born Sept. 5, 1724.
Phinehas Adams was born Sept. 7, 1726.
Mr. William Adams died Aug. 1, 1727.
[88] The names & age of children of John Carpenter & his wife Sarah:
Sarah Carpenter was born May 5, 1720.
Lois Carpenter was born July 30, 1722.
Mehittabell Carpenter was born June 22, 1724.
Sarah Carpenter died Dec. 10, 1724.
Huldah Carpenter was born April 4, 1726.
John Carpenter was born April 30, 1728.
The names & age of children of Ephraim Davis & his wife Mary, as follows:
Jonathan Davis was born Sept. 16, 1695.
Daniell Davis was born Aug. 15, 1698 and deceased Sept. 12, 1698.
Elisabeth Davis was born May 2, 1700.
Daniell Davis was born June 20, 1705.
Isaac Sabin & Sarah Olmsby were married June 2, 1718.
Isaac Sabin, son of Isaac & Sarah, was born May 1, 1719.
Eldad Sabin was born Aug. 2, 1722.
Marabah Sabin was born June 26, 1725.
Phinehas Sabin was born Oct. 22, 1727.
Sarah Saben was born April 17, 1731.
Samuell Saben was born June 28, 1733.
Samuell, son of Isaac Saben & Sarah, died Oct. 19 1733.
Sybil Saben was born Sept. 17, 1742.
Isaac Saben died July 15, 1756.
Thomas Wood & Experience Abell were married Jan. 26, 1719/20.
Anne Wood was born June 14, 1721.
Abiah Wood was born Oct. 14, 1723.
Benjamin Wood was born Sept. 7, 1725.
Abiah Wood was born Aug. 29, 1725. [trans note: huh?]
Martha Wood was born Dec. 23, 1727.
Ruth Wood was born Jan. 19, 1729/30.
Zebedee Wood, son of Thomas & Experience, was born March 30, 1732.
Bela Wood was born March 17, 1733/34.
Luce Wood was born Aug. 5, 1735.
Phinahes (Phineas?) Wood was born Sept. 20, 1737.
Amy Wood was born Feb. 28, 1738/39.
Bela Wood was born Oct. 25, 1751.
[89] Mathew Huntington & Mary Morgan were married Dec. 3, 1719.
Mathew Huntington, son of Mathew & Mary, was born March 20, 1720/21.
Mary Huntington died March 20, 1720/21.
Mathew Huntington & Elisabeth Wheeler were married Dec. 12, 1721.
Mary Huntington was born July 17, 1723.
Elisabeth, wife of Mathew Huntington, died Oct., 1725.
Thomas Hazen Jun & Sarah Ayre married Sept. 30, 1714.
Sarah Hazen was born Sept. 12, 1715.
Joseph Hazen was born June 30, 1717.
Thomas Hazen was born Sept. 30, 1719.
Alles Hazen, daughter of Thomas & Sarah, was born April 30, 1722.
Martha Hazen was born July 3, 1725.
Hannah Hazen was born April 20, 1729.
Moses Hazen was born Dec. 1, 1731.
Jonathan Brewster & Ruth Morgan were married Feb. 25, 1718/19.
Benjamin Brewster was born Dec. 13, 1721.
Jonathan Rudd & Joanna Grigory were married Oct. 27, 1720.
Samuell Rudd was born Sept. 14, 1722.
Rebeckah Rudd was born June 14, 1727.
Joanna Rudd was born Dec. 23, 1729.
Caroline Rudd was born March 1, 1731/32.
Caroline Rudd died April 9, 1732.
Jonathan, son of Jonathan & Joanna, was born Sept. 13, 1733.
Mr. Jonathan Rudd died Aug. 29, 1772.
[90] Joseph Wood & Hannah Carrier were married Nov. 28, 1720.
Priscilla Wood was born Oct. 31, 1721.
Joseph Wood, son of Joseph & Hannah, was born Oct. 1, 1732.
John Renals (Reynolds?) and Lydia Lord were married Dec. 6, 1720.
Deborah Renalls was born Oct. 14, 1721.
Ann Renall was born Oct. 28, 1723.
Sarah Renalls was born Nov. 21, 1725.
Ruth Renells was born Jan. 27, 1727/28.
John Renells, son of John & Lydia, was born April 18, 1730.
Joseph Renells was born May 2, 1732.
Abigail Renells was born Sept. 8, 1734.
Abigail Renells was born Dec. 16, 1736.
Elizabeth Reynolds was born March 13, 1738/39.
Mr. John Renells died Nov. 16, 1742.
Mrs. Lydia Reynolds, widow of Mr. John Reynolds, deceased, died July 16, 1786.
Joseph Rockwell & Dorathy Prier were married Jan., 1706/07.
Joseph Rockwell was born in Aug., 1712.
William Rockwell was born Aug. 18, 1714.
Dorathy Rockwell was born July 6, 1719.
Joseph Rockwell died Aug. 10, 1720.
Mark Williams was born June 24, 1705. [perhspa 1715]
Joseph Rockwell, son of Joseph & Dorathy, died June 15, 1733.
Gershom Mott & Anna Walton married April 4, 1720.
Mary Mott was born Dec. 30, 1721.
Sarah Wedge, widow of Joshua Wedge, late of Norwich, died July 14, 1733.
Entred July 23, 1733.
[91] Theophelus Rogers and Elizabeth Hide were married Oct. 24, 1720.
Lois Rogers was born July 22, 1721.
Ezekiel Rogers was born Oct. 2, 1723.
Elizabeth Rogers was born April 17, 1729.
Theophilus Rogers, son of Thophilus & Elizabeth, was born Aug. 4, 1731.
Uriah Rogers was born July 3, 1734.
Zabdiel Rogers was born May 20, 1737.
Lucretia Rogers was born May 4, 1740.
Ebenezer Wood & Mary Rudd were married Jan. 25, 1718.
Mary Wood was born Jan. 25, 1719/20.
Lydia Wood was born July 26, 1721/22.
Elisabeth Wood was born Aug. 16, 1724.
Ebenezer Wood was born Nov. 15, 1726.
Nathaniell Wood was born Nov. 19, 1729.
Martha, daughter of Samuel Hartshorn & his wife [entry crossed out].
John, son of Ebenezer Wood and Mary was born Jan. 6, 1731/32.
Esther Wood was born July 29, 1734.
Samuell Hartshorn & Rebeckah Hartshorn were married Oct. 25, 1713.
Sara Hartshorn was born Nov. 5, 1721.
Samuell Hartshorn was born April 10, 1725.
Susannah Hartshorn was born Aug. 9, 1728.
Martha Hartshorn was born Sept. 12, 1732.
Rebeckah, wife of Samuell Hartshorn, died May 6, 1743.
The names & age of children of Nathaniell Gold & his wife Mary as follows:
Abigall Gold was born Nov. 23, 1720.
Norwich May 11, 1725, then Jabez Perkins Jun & Rebeckah Leonard, both of Norwich in ye county of New London, were married by me, John Brown, Justice of ye Peace.
[92] Jabez Bingham & Bathiah Wood were married Feb. 8, 1720/21.
Bathiah Bingham was born March 26, 1721/22.
Jabez Bingham was born April 12, 1724.
Silas Bingham was born April 20, 1726.
Daniell Bingham was born July 24, 1728.
Benjamin Bingham was born Oct. 1, 1730.
Ebenezer Bingham was born Jan. 30, 1732/33.
Zeruiah Bingham was born May 10, 1735.
Solomon Bingham was born Sept. 16, 1737.
The names & age of children of William Bushnell & Mehittabell his wife:
William Bushnell was born Dec. 2, 1716.
Mehittabell Bushnell was born Feb. 17, 1714 & deceased Dec. 12, 1717.
Samuell Bushnell was born Nov. 1, 1719.
Benjamin Bushnell was born Dec. 16, 1722.
The names & age of children of Increase Mosely & his wife Mary as follows:
Increase Mosley was born May 18, 1712.
Sarah Mosley was born May 18, 1715.
Edna Maseley was born Oct. 18, 1718.
John Mosley was born April 7, 1720.
Thomas Mosely was born Aug. 1, 1722.
Pebody Mosely was born Aug. 19, 1724.
Mary Mosely was born Feb. 15, 1726/27.
Mrs. Sarah Pabody, widow of Capt. John Pabody of Boxford mother to Increas Mosely of Norwich, deceased Jan. 7, 1724/25.
Increase Mosly, died Feb. 25, 1730/31.
The names and ages of children of Benjamin Bragg and his wife Abigail:
Natnahiel Bragg was born Jan. 20, 1727/28.
Betty Bragg was born Feb. 9, 1731/32.
Benjamin Bragg was born Dec. 16, 1734.
[93] David Lad & Hephziba Hazen were married Oct. 1, 1716. [mine]
Azuba Ladd [mine], was born Nov. 3, 1717.
Hephaiba Ladd was born July 12, 1719.
Bethsheba Lad was born July 6, 1721.
Jeremiah Lad was born Oct. 8, 1723.
Hannah Ladd was born Oct., 1725.
David Ladd was born Dec. 10, 1727.
Hephziba Ladd, wife of David Ladd, died March 13, 1728.
Joseph Edgerton Jun & Elisabeth Hoskons were married Dec. 10, 1722.
Hannah Edgerton was born June 6, 1724.
Benjamine Edgerton was born Sept. 20, 1726.
Elisabeth Edgerton was born April 13, 1729.
Simion Edgerton was born March 9, 1732.
Luce Edgerton was born July 8, 1735.
Joseph Edgerton, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, was born Nov. 18, 1738.
Martha Edgerton was born May 25, 1742.
William Edgerton was born Jan. 17, 1744/45.
Samuell Falls & Abigaell Elderkin were married Nov. 26, 1709.
Margaret Falls was born March 20, 1711.
Elisabeth Falls was born Oct. 30, 1713.
Abigaell Falls was born Sept. 30, 1716.
Luce Falls was born Jan. 28, 1720.
Silence Falls was born Oct. 15, 1724.
Stephen Johnson, son of Benjamin Johnson and his wife Sarah was born Feb. 10, 1716/17.
The names & age of children of Ebenezer Lyon & Abigaell his wife:
Abigaell Lyon was born March 1, 1722/23.
Ebenezer Lyon was born Jan. 20, 1724/25.
Loice (Lois?) Lyon was born Oct. 15, 1726.
Asa Lyon was born July 26, 1729.
Luce Lyon was born Nov. 19, 1731.
Sibyl Lyon was born June 30, 1736.
Sibyl Lyon died March 16, 1750/51.
Mrs. Abigail Lyon, wife of Mr. Ebenezer Lyon, died Sept. 1, 1778.
[94] Ebenezer Johnson and Deborah Champian were married Oct. 29, 1717.
Deborah Johnson was born Sept. 13, 1718.
Hannah Johnson was born Dec. 31, 1720.
Susannah Johnson was born July 7, 1723.
Isaac Johnson was born Feb. 9, 1726.
Isaac Johnson died May 2, 1727.
The Reverend Henrey Willes and Matha Kirkland were married Oct. 27, 1718.
John Willes was born Sept. 14, 1719.
John Wills died Sept. 25.
Martha Willes was born April 20, 1721.
Parnel Willes was born March 14, 1722/23.
Lydia Willes was born Nov. 25, 1725.
Henry Willes was born Jan. 20, 1727/28.
Hannah Willes was born July 13, 1730.
Ruth Willes was born Jan. 21, 1732/33.
Bethiah: ye daughter [line has been drawn through this entry]
Joshua Willes was born Aug. 28, 1735.
Temperance Willes was born May 19, 1738.
The Reverend Mr. Henry Willes died Sept. 3, 1758.
Ebenezer Baker & Ruth Johnson were married Dec. 15, 1719.
Eunice Baker was born March 5, 1722.
Lowes (Lois?), daughter of Ebenezer & Ruth was born Jan. 5, 1723/24.
Joseph Baker was born May 6, 1727.
Deliverance Baker was born July 13, 1731.
Priscilla Baker was born Oct. 13, 1734.
John Crocker & Elizabeth Champen were married Dec. 5, 1722.
Simon Crocker was born Sept. 15, 1723.
Elisabeth Crocker was born Aug. 14, 1725.
Simon Crocker died March 19, 1727.
Phebe Crocker was born July 24, 1727.
Samuel Crocker was born March 30, 1729.
John Crocker was born June 8, 1731.
Anonijah Crocker was born Aug. 25, 1733.
[95] Thomas Sluman and Sarah Prat were married Jan. 31, 1702/03.
Sarah Sluman was born Jan. 31, 1703/04.
Thomas Sluman was born March 17, 1706.
Margetet Sluman was born Sept. 11, 1708.
Joseph Sluman was born Nov. 7, 1710.
Charity Sluman was born Jan. 25, 1712/13.
David Sluman was born April 20, 1715.
Joshua Sluman was born June 15, 1717.
James Elderkin and Phebe Lee were married June 31 [sic], 1722.
The names and ages of Some of the Children of Ebenezer Johnson & Deborah his wife:
Isaac Johnson was born March 24, 1728.
Ebenezer Johnson was born Feb. 25, 1730/31.
Bethiah Johnson was born April 16, 1734.
Mary Johnson was born April 7, 1738.
Elisha Munsill & Anna Wallbridg were married Dec. 24, 1719.
Anna Munsell was born Oct. 12, 1721.
Daniell Munsell was born March 22, 1722/23.
Lois Munsill was born Jan. 6, 1725/26.
Elisha Munsell was born Jan. 26, 1728/29.
Lydia Munsell was born May 18, 1731.
Henry Munsell was born Sept. 25, 1734.
John Munsill was born Feb. 10, 1736/37.
Phineas Munsell was born Dec. 18, 1739.
2d Lydia Munsell was born March 17, 1743.
Lydia Munsell died Feb. 17, 1736/37. [marginal note].
Thomas Carew & Abigaell Huntington were married Sept. 10, 1724.
Daniell Carew was born May 7, 1726.
Abigail Carew was born Feb. 28, 1728/29.
Eliphalet Carew was born July 30, 1740.
Mr. Thomas Carew died Jan. 13, 1761.
[96] William Hide and Ann Bassett were married April 24, 1722.
Flavius Hide was born May 22, and died June 2, 1723.
Elizabeth Hide was born Aug. 23, 1724.
Ann Hide was born Oct. 8, 1727.
Mary Hide was born Sept. 23, 1729.
William Hide was born Sept. 22, 1731.
Priscilla Hide was born June 10, 1734.
Hannah Hide was born May 19, 1738.
Capt. William Hide died June 7, 1738.
Daniell Waterman & Mary Gifferd were married June 26, 1723.
Daniell Waterman, son of Daniell & Mary, was born May 6, 1724.
Benjamin Waterman was born May 2, 1726.
Mary Waterman was born Nov. 2, 1731.
Elizabeth Waterman was born June 8, 1734.
Simon Waterman was born Jan. 3, 1736/37.
Ezra Waterman was born March 11, 1739.
Ann Waterman was born July 25, 1742.
John Waterman was born Jan. 13, 1744/45.
Abner French & Sarah Sluman were married Nov. 6, 1723.
Elisabeth French was born Nov. 14, 1724.
Mary French was born July 26, 1726.
Sarah French was born Aug. 27, 1728.
John French was born April 7, 1731.
Jonathan French was born Oct. 21, 1733.
Charity French was born May 20, 1736.
John Roth & Mary Stone were married March 25, 1723/24.
[97] Samuell Coye and Elisabeth Read were married May 22, 1717.
Abraham Coye was born Dec. 22, 1719.
Ziporah Coye was born April 11, 1720. [trans note: not likely three & a half mos after the last one].
Samuell Coye was born March 5, 1723.
Elisabeth Coye was born May 3, 1726.
The names & age of children of William Whitney:
Mary Whitney was born Sept. 13, 1724.
Isaac Read & Abigaell Lenard were mararied July 4, 1722.
Abigaell Read was born April 29, 1723.
Ammity Read was born June 10, 1725.
Isaac Read was born July 4, 1729.
Jabez Fitch & Anna Knowlton were married April 1, 1719.
Elisha Fitch was born March 6, 1719/20.
Paletia Fitch was born May 26, 1722.
Lurena Fitch was born Aug. 27, 1724 & died Dec. 20, 1726.
Asa Fitch was born June 1, 1730.
Lurena 2d daughter of Jabez & Anna, was born May 3, 1732.
Jabez Fitch was born Feb. 15, 1736/37.
Cordile, son of Jabez & Anne, was born Oct. 16, 1738.
Cynthia Fitch was born June 8, 1743.
[98] Obed Cook & Phebe Clark were married July 12, 1704.
Richard Cook was born Aug. 10, 1705.
James Cook was born May 8, 1708.
Priscilla Cook was born Dec. 17, 1716.
Nathaniell Cook was born Dec. 17, 1712.
Pelatiah Fitch & Elizabeth Haskoll were married Dec. 24, 1723.
Abigail Fitch was born Sept. 15, 1724.
Elisabeth, wife of Pelatiah, died June 3, 1725.
John Elderkin Jun & Susanna Baker were married Aug. 26, 1714.
Abigail Elderkin was born Sept. 29, 1715.
Jedidiah Elderkin was born 18th of ____, 1717/18.
John Elderkin was born Feb. 3, 1718/19.
Joshua Elderkin was born Oct. 30, 1720.
Susanna Elderkin was born Aug. 12, 1722.
Mr. John Elderkin first above named, died Feb. 27, 1736/37.
[99] Thomas Clark & Elisabeth Lenard were married July 10, 1703.
Mary Clark was born Dec. 28, 1705.
Thomas Clark was born March 17, 1709.
Elisabeth Clark was born March 1, 1711.
Joseph Clark was born Feb. 24, 1713/14.
Ruth Clark was born Sept. 4, 1722.
The names & age of children of Nathaniell Walton:
Joseph Walton was born Nov. 14, 1719.
Susannah Walton was born Dec. 13, 1721.
The names & age of children of Amos Stickny & Hephzibah his wife:
Amos Stickny was born Aug. 1, 1724.
Ebenezer Lothrup & Lydia Leffingwell were married May 13, 1725.
Sybell Lothrup was born April 13, 1726.
Lydia Lothrup was born Oct. 14, 1728.
Anne Lothrup was born Feb. 15, 1730/31.
Zipporah Lothrup was born May 11, 1733.
Sarah Lothrup was born Oct. 2, 1735.
Zerviah Lothrup was born May 6, 1738.
Lydia Lothrup, daughter of Ebenezer & Lydia, died July 7, 1738.
2d Lydia Lothrup was born July 4, 1740.
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer & Lydia, was born March 30, 1743.
Zephaniah Lothrup was born March 26, 1746.
Jedediah Lothrup was born April 17, 1748.
Mrs. Lydia Lothrop died April 2, 1766.
[100] Nathaniell Backus and Hannah Baldwin were married Jan. 6, 1726.
Nathaniell Backus, son of Nathaniell & Hannah, was born May 14, 1727.
Hannah Backus was born Dec. 9, 1728.
Ezra Backus was born Aug. 13, 1730.
Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel & Hannah, died Nov. 5, 1730.
Hannah 2d, was born June 4, 1732, and died July 27, 1733.
Hannah 3d, was born March 3, 1733/34.
Phebe Backus was born Dec. 27, 1735.
John Backus was born Nov. 4, 1737.
The names & age of children of Benjamin Killam & Mary his wife:
Hannah Killam was born April 17, 1726.
Mary Killam was born Oct. 26, 1728.
Lydia Killam was born Jan. 29, 1730/31.
The names & age of children of Andrew Richard and Hipsiba his wife:
Sarah Richard was born Jan. 23, 1727/28.
Luce Richard was born April 3, 1730.
Lowes Richard, daughter of Andre Richard & Hipsib, was born July 21, 1735.
[101] Mr. Jabez Wight & Ruth Swan were married Feb. 8, 1725/26.
Joseph Wight was born Jan. 6, 1725/27.
Jabez Wight was born April 2, 1730.
John Wight was born Feb. 2, 1731/32.
Ebenezer Wight was born Nov. 20, 1734.
Mary Wight was born May 23, 1737.
The names & ages of children of Daniel Wightman and his wife Katherine:
Jeane Wightman born Sept. 3, 1726.
Susanna Wightman was born March 11, 1728.
Mary Wightman was born Nov. 6, 1729.
Volenting Wightman was born Aug. 28, 1731.
Freelove Wightman was born Feb. 2, 1733/34.
Daniel Wightman was born April 22, 1736.
Katharine Wightman was born Feb. 9, 1737/38.
Margrit Wightman was born Aug. 24, 1740.
Zebubbabol Wightman was born Dec. 2, 1743.
The names and age of some of the children of Silvanus Wintworth & Elenor, his wife:
Silvenaus (Silvanus?) Wintworth was born May 9, 1724.
Abish Mosely, son of Increase Mosely and his wife Mary was born Aug. 5, 1731.
Thomas Mosely, son of Increase Mosely, died on Jan. 15, 1744/45.
[102] Matthew Adgate and Hannah Hide were married March 26, 1727.
Benjamin Adgate was born Dec. 17, 1727.
Luce Adgate was born March 6, 1731.
Andrew Adgate was born Jan. 24, 1732/33.
Daniell Adgate was born March 7, 1734/35.
Matthew, son of Matthew & Hannah, was born May 13, 1737.
Elijah Adgate was born July 30, 1739.
Jabez Adgate was born Nov. 1, 1741.
William Adgate was born April 23, 1744.
Benjamin Adgate died June 26, 1750.
William Adgate was born April 23, 1744.
Andrew Adgate died July 25, 1751.
Jabez Adgate died April 20, 1764.
Mrs. Hannah Adgate, wife of Matthew, died May 28, 1766.
The names & ages of the children of Joshua Brown and Mary his wife:
Joshua Brown, son of Joshua & Mary, was born July 12, 1724.
Elisabeth Brown was born Aug. 18, 1726.
Sarah Brown was born Nov. 6, 1728.
Joseph Brown was born April 1, 1731.
Mary Brown was born Sept. 12, 1733.
James Burnam and Elisabeth Hough were married June 3, 1728.
James Burnam, son of James & Elizabeth, was born Nov. 17, 1729.
William Burnam was born May 8, 1732.
Mrs. Elizabeth Burnam, wife of James Burnam, died Oct. 20, 1749.
William Burnam died June 25, 1758.
[103] Thomas Todd and Martha Perkins were married April 19, 1727.
Luce Leffingwell, daughter of Capt. John Leffingwell and his wife Mary was born Aug. 31, 1731.
Heart Leffingwell, son of John & Mary, was born Oct. 27, 1733.
Ruth Leffingwell was born Oct. 21, 1736.
Matthew Leffingwell was born March 28, 1739.
Phinehas Leffingwell was born April 9, 1742.
Eunie Leffingwell was born Oct. 1, 1744.
Karoline Leffingwell was born Sept. 2, 1748.
Capt. John Leffingwell died Aug. 16, 1773.
Joseph Chapman and Mary Taylor were married Feb. 9, 1727.
Tayler Chapman was born Oct. 16, 1727.
Mary Chapman, wife of Joseph Chapman, died Nov. 4, 1727; who was born Nov. 9, 1702.
Joseph Chapman and Elizabeth Ormsby were married Feb. 22, 1728.
Joseph Chapman, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, was born Sept. 8, 1729.
Benjamin Chapman was born Sept. 8, 1731.
Benjamin Chapman, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, died Aug. 18, 1732.
Amaziah Chapman was born Sept. 13, 1734.
Joseph Chapman, the first above mentioned, died March 30, 1736.
Benjamin Chapman, son of Joseph & Elizabeth, was born June 17, 1736.
[104] Benjamin Wentworth and Mehetael Carrier were married Jan. 13, 1726.
Jedediah Wentworth was born Oct. 23, 1726.
Jedediah Wentworth died Nov. 20, 1727.
Jared Wentworth was born June 7, 1728.
Zerviah Wentworth was born Oct. 4, 1729.
Elisabeth Wentworth was born May 29, 1732.
Meetabel Wentworth was born Jan. 21, 1734.
Edward Wentworth was born Jan. 13, 1735/36.
Mary Wentworth was born March 9, 1737/38.
Mehitable, wife of Benjamin Wentworth, died Aug. 29, 1751.
Samuell Parrish Jun & Mary Rood were married July 6, 1724.
Samuell Parrish, son of Samuell & Mry, was born Feb. 12, 1727/28.
Ebenezer Parrish was born June 8, 1730.
Lemuel Parrish was born Nov. 17, 1732.
Mary Parrish was born Feb. 17, 1734/35.
Judeth Parrish was born March 26, 1737.
Edward Wentworth died Aug. 27, 1727.
Asa Stephens, son of Jonathan Stephens & his wife Mary, was born May 27, 1734.
[105] Daniell Woodworth and Mahetabel Brown were married Dec. 15, 1720.
Daniell Wooodworth was born Aug. 20, 1721.
Mahetabel Woodworth was born March 13, 1723.
Benjamin Woodworth was born Dec. 9, 1724.
Mary Woodworth was born May 10, 1726.
Anne Woodworth was born Dec. 28, 1727.
Joseph Woodworth was born Nov. 5, 1729, and died same year.
2d Joseph Woodworth was born March 4, 1731 & died same year.
William Woodworth was born Oct. 3, 1732.
Nathaniel Woodworth was born March 15, 1734.
Samuell Woodworth was born Aug. 8, 1739, & died same year.
Absolum Woodworth son of Daniel Woodworth & his wife Mehitable [this entry crossed out in original].
John Case and Hannah Ormsby were married June 1, 1727.
John Case, son of John & Hannah, was born Feb. 5, 1728/29.
Ebenezer Case was born Feb. 9, 1730/31.
Simion Case was born April 2, 1733.
Hannah Case was born June 3, 1735.
Hannah Case died Dec. 20, 1736.
2d Hannah Case was born June 2, 1740.
The names and ages of the children of Ephraim Engraham and Ruth his wife:
Ruth Engrum, daughter of Ephraum & Ruth, was born March 20, 1728.
Rebeckah Ingraham was born Feb. 22, 1729/30.
Hannah Ingraham was born Oct. 1, 1731.
Rachall Ingraham was born Aug. 25, 1733.
Ephraim Ingraham was born Jan. 4, 1735/36.
Mr. Ephraim Ingraham died Jan. 1, 1781.
Mrs. Ruth Ingraham died Jan. 4, 1781.
[106] The names and ages of some of the children of Thomas Perkins and Elizabeth his wife:
John Perkins was born Sept. 23, 1727.
Elizabeth Perkins the wife of Thomas Perkins died April 24, 1730.
Thomas Perkins and Sarah Jewett, both of Norwich, were married June 29, 1730: Daniell Kirtland.
Thomas Perkins died Feb. 24, 1730/31.
Sarah Perkins, daughter of Thomas and Sarah the 20th day of April, 1730 [trans note: doesn't say just what happened on that date].
Mrs. Sarah Perkins widow of Mr. Thomas Perkins died June 12, 1748.
Jabez Fitch, son of Jabez Fitch Jun and his wife Lydia, was born May 23, 1729.
Ebenezer Rood and Mary Green were married May 9, 1726.
Ebenezer Rood, son of Ebenezer & Mary, was born Jan. 24, 1726/27.
Mary Rood was born May 20, 1729.
Sarah Rood was born June 1, 1731.
Lowas (Lois?) Rood was born Jan. 27, 1733/34.
Lydia Rood was born Feb. 20, 1735/36.
[107] William Whiting of Windham & Ann Raymond of New London were married March 5, 1724, as appear by a certificate from him that married them.
John Whiting, son of William & Ann, was born Aug. 5, 1725.
William Whiting, son of William & Ann, was born Aug. 3, 1728, and died Oct. 6, 1728.
Caleb Whiting was born July 11, 1729.
William Whiting, son of William & Ann, was born April 17, 1731.
Anne Whiting was born Nov. 16, 1732.
Mrs. Anne Whiting, wife of Col. William Whiting, died Nov. 26, 1773.
Col. William Whiting and Mrs. Alathea Woodworth, widow, both of Norwich, were married March 8, 1774.
The names & ages of Some of the children of Moses Case and Mary his wife:
Loes (Lois?) Case was born Nov. 3, 1727.
Alles Case was born Dec. 7, 1730.
Hannah, daughter of David Bozworth & his wife Priscilla, born March 12, 1739/40.
Rebeckah was born March 24, 1743.
Thomas Hinson and Sarah Hough were married July 9, 1723.
William Hinson was born Aug. 30, 1724.