Vital Records of
1659 - 1848
Part I - Pages 29-53
Society of Colonial Wars
in the
State of Connecticut
Publication Committee:
Lucious Barnes Barbour
Williston Walker
Winslow Tracy Williams
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]
John Bacon & Marcy Foster were married May 23, 1710.
[Please note that the records are not arranged either by name or by date, but are transcribed as they appeared in the original.]
John Bacon, the son of John & Marcy, was born April 29, 1711.
Jacob Bacon was born April 20, 1714.
Marcy Bacon deceased March 9, 1716.
Ebenezer Bacon was born March 5, 1716.
John Bacon & Hannah Perkins, widow of Joh Perkins, were married Dec. 25, 1716.
Joseph Bacon, ye son of John & Hanna was born March 18, 1717/18.
The names & age of children of Benjamin Peck:
Elisabeth Peck was born Aug. 16, 1704.
Joseph Peck was born Feb. 19, 1708/09.
Benjamin Peck was born Dec. 4, 1710.
Jon Peck was born March 7, 1712/13.
Ebenezar Peck was born Feb. 15, 1715/16.
Jonathan Peck was born March 1, 1717/18.
Daniell Peck was born May 9, 1719.
Elisabeth Peck deceased Aug. 4, 1720.
Submit Peck was born Aug. 1, 1722.
Mrs. Mary Peck ye wife of Mr. Benj Peck died March 3, 1728.
Mr. Benjamin Peck died May 31, 1742.
[30] In Pageing this book 30 & 31 is twice dated.
Thomas Leffingwell Junior was married with Mary Bushnell in Sept., 1672.
The names & ages of their childrenis as follows:
Thomas Leffingwell was born March 11, 1674.
Elizabeth Leffingwell was born in Nov., 1676.
Anne Leffingwell was born Jan. 25, 1680.
Mary Leffingwell was born March 11, 1682.
Zurviah Leffingwell was born Oct. 17, 1686.
John Leffingwell was born Feb. 2, 1688.
Abigall Leffingwell was born Sept. 14, 1691.
Benaiah Leffingwell was born Aug. 9, 1693.
Hesekiah Leffingwell was born Nov. 18, 1695.
Hesekiah Leffingwell deceased April 24, 1699.
Mr. Thomas Leffingwell the first above Named, died March 5, 1723/24.
Mrs. Mary Leffingwell widow of Mr. Thomas Leffingwell died Dec. 2, 1745.
John Downs & Hannah Rockwell were married March 1, 1693/94.
The names & age of ye children of Jabez Rood & his wife Mehitabell as follows:
Afsa (Assa?) Rood was born March 20, 1717.
Ruffas (?) Rood was born July 5, 1719.
Mehitabell Rood was born Oct. 23, 1721.
Jonathan, son of Aaron Read & his wife Hannah died Dec. 13, 1736.
Jerusha, daughter of Aaron Read and Hannah was born May 5, 1741.
Aaron Read, son of Aaron Read and Hannah died April 7, 1742.
2nd Aaron, son of Aaron Read & Hannah was born April 22, 1743.
Deborah, daughter of Aaron & Hannah was born Nov. 13, 1746.
Zippore, daughter or Aaron & Hannah died March 20, 1752.
[31] The names & ages of the children of Hugh Amos is as follows:
Mary Amos was born in Jan., 1670.
John Amos was born Jan. 16, 1672.
Samuell Crocker Jun. & Jemima French were married May 25, 1720.
Andrew Crocker was born April 7, 1721.
Roswell Crocker was born Nov. 16, 1722.
Lydia Crocker was born Feb. 21, 1725.
Anne Crocker was born March 20, 1727.
Jemima Crocker was born July 28, 1729.
Oliver Crocker was born Aug. 20, 1731.
Ireney was born Feb. 9, 1733/34.
Samuel was born Jan. 3, 1736/37.
Nathaniell Leffingwell & Mary Smith married June 8, 1682.
Nathaniell Leffingwell was born Feb. 16, 1844/85.
Jonathan Leffingwell was born March 6, 1687/88.
Daniell Leffingwell was born Feb. 15, 1689/90.
Samuell Leffingwell was born in June, 1692.
Nathaniell Leffingwell deceased Sept. 20, 1697.
Jonathan Leffingwell deceased in May, 1699.
Mary Leffingwell, wife of Liut. Thomas Leffingwell deceased Feb. 6, 1710/11.
Joseph Roath & Sarah Yeomans were married Jan. 8, 1723/24.
[30] The names & ages of the children of Benjamin Armstrong are as follows:
Benjamin Armstrong, son of Benjamin Armstrong & his wife Rachell was born Nov. 30, 1674.
John Armstrong was born Dec. 5, 1678.
Joseph Armstrong was born Dec. 10, 1684.
Stephen Armstrong was born March 31, 1686.
Benjamin Armstrong deceased Jan. 10, 1717/18.
Samuel Spifor (Spisor?) and Susannah Olmsby were married Dec. 12, 1715.
Susanna was born Oct. 11, 1717.
Hannah was born April 11, 1720.
Sarah was born Oct. 18, 1722.
Anne was born Jan. 4, 1724/25.
Hannah died July 5, 1726.
Samuell was born June 10, 1727.
Benjamin was born July 8, 1730.
Joshua was born Sept. 7, 1733.
The names & ages of some of the children of Abram Daines of Norwich:
Ebenezer Daines was born Oct. 17, 1680.
Sarah Daines was born Jan. 19, 1683.
Ephrim Daynes born Jan. 15, 1686.
Mrs. Mary Hazen, wife of Mr. Thomas Hazen, died Oct. 24, 1727.
Mr. Thomas Hazen died April 12, 1735.
Elisabeth Perkins, the wife of Thomas Perkins, died April 24, 1730.
Thomas Perkins & Sarah Jewitt, both of Norwich were married June 29, 1730.
[31] The marriage of Joshuah Abell with Mehittabell Smith was in Nov., 1677.
The ages & names of their children:
A son born Jan. 1, 1678 & deceased Jan. 6 the same year.
Nehemiah Abell was born Jan. 15, 1679 & deceased about the 27th of the same month & year.
Anne Abell was born April 2, 1681.
Martha Abell was born Feb. 13, 1682.
Mahitobell died March 14, 1684/85.
Joshua Abell and Bathiah Gadger were married Nov., 1685.
Mahitobell was born Dec., 1686.
Lidea was born in May, 1688.
Sarah was born in Feb., 1690.
Mehitobell died in Jan., 1694/95.
Elizabeth was born in Oct., 1695.
Bethiah was born in Aug., 1697.
Bethiah Abell the Wife of Joshua Abell died March 31, 1723.
Joshua Abell died March 1, 1724/25.
Sarah Eastman, the daughter of Philip & Sarah was born Feb. 8, 1709/10.
John Tracy Jun & Margret Hide were married Jan. 21, 1723/24.
John Tracy, son of John Tracy & Margret ws born Feb. 11, 1725/26.
Eleazer Tracy was born March 16, 1727/28.
Josiah Tracy was born April 17, 1730.
Elizabeth Tracy was born May 1, 1732.
Margret Tracy was born May 16, 1734.
Daniell Tracy was born March 14, 1737/38.
Rachel Tracy was born Sept. 22, 1740.
Theophilus Tracy was born Sept. 14, 1742.
Joshua Tracy was born Aug. 13, 1745.
[32] The marriage of Robert Parks & Rachell Leffingwell was on Nov. 24, 1681.
Rebeckah Parks their first child was born Sept. 7, 1682.
Daniell Palmeter & Mary Ems were married the 29th day of 1725.
Marey (Mary) Palmeter was born April 16, 1726.
Sarah Palmeter was born Aug. 1, 1728.
Sarah Palmetor died Jan. 1, 1728/29.
Rebeckah was born Oct. 5, 1735.
Amma was born Feb. 23, 1741/42.
Samuell Leffingwell married Anna Dieckenson Nov. 16, 1687.
Samuel Leffingwell was born Feb. 4, 1690/91.
Thomas Knowlton Jun deceased Nov. 2, 1711.
Hannah Knowlton the wife of Thomas Knowlton deceased Oct. 24, 1708.
Thomas Knowlton & Sarah Benjamin were married Dec. 31, 1708.
The names & age of the children of Thomas Polly & Ann his wife as follows:
Daniell Polly was born May 24, 1719.
Martha, daughter of Daniel Haskin and wife Mehitabel died May 14, 1738.
Barnabas, son of Daniell Haskin and Mehitabell was born June 1, 1738.
Enoch was born May 22, 1740.
Barnabas died April, 1741.
Daniel, son of Daniel & Mehitable was born March 31, 1744.
Mr. Daniel Haskin died April 20, 1755.
The marriage of David Perkins & Deliver Bliss the daughter of Thomas Bliss of Norwich was June 8, 1682.
[33] The marriage of Solomon Tracey with Sarah Huntington was Nov. 23, 1676.
The names & ages of their children as follows:
Lidyah Tracy was born Oct. 11, 1677.
Simon Tracey was born Jan. 8, 1679.
Sarah Tracey the wife of Sollomon above written departed this life Aug. 31, 1683.
Solomon Tracy married Sarah Sloman, relict of Tho Sloman, April 8, 1686.
Solomon Tracy the son of Solomon & Sarah, was born Sept. 22, 1688.
Mr. Solomon Tracy died July 9, 1732.
Mrs. Sarah Tracy, wife of Solomon, died Aug. 19, 1730.
Samuell Tracy deceased Jan. 11, 1693.
Obediah Smith & Martha Abell were married Feb. 8, 1699/1700.
Joshua Smith was born Sept. 11, 1705.
Daniel Smith was born Dec. 4, 1707.
Martha Smith was born Nov. 26, 1710.
John Smith was born Nov. 15, 1715.
Abner Smith was born Sept. 22, 1722.
James Smith was born June 30, 1725.
Capt. Obadiah Smith died May 11, 1727.
James Smith, son of Obadiah & Martha died Oct. 1, 1729.
Abner Smith, son of Obadiah & Martha, died Oct. 4, 1729.
[34] The marriage of Danell Tracey with Abigaell Adgate was Sept. 19, 1682.
Daniell Tracy was born Dec. 7, 1688.
Abigaell Tracy deceased Sept. 23, 1711.
Daniell Tracy & Hannah Bingham, widow of Thomas Bingham late deceased, were married March 4, 1711/12.
Elisabeth Tracy, daughter of Daniell and Hannah, was born Feb. 10, 1712/13.
Samuell Tracy was born March 12, 1714/15.
Elisabeth Tracy deceased April 16, 1715.
Mr. Daniell Tracy died June 29, 1728.
David Birchard & Lydea Backus were married the 10th day of May 1702.(sic). [this could have been 1720?]
Lydea Birchard the daughter of David & Lydea was born July 13, 1721.
Jonathan Birchard was born April 6, 1724.
Jabez Birchard was born July 9, 1726.
Samuell Birchard was born March 19, 1730.
Anne Birchard was born April 3, 1732.
Elijah was born July 25, 1738.
Eunice was born Feb. 1, 1740/41.
The marriage of Jonathan Royce with Deborah Calkins was in June, 1660.
Elisabeth Royce was born in Jan., 1661.
John Royce was born in Nov., 1663.
Sarah Royce was born in Oct., 1665.
Abigael Royce was born in Sept., 1667 & died in Aug., 1668.
Ruth Royce was born in April, 1669.
Hannah Royce was born in April, 1671.
Abyjah Royce was born in April, 1673.
Jonathan Royce was born in Aug., 1678.
Deborah Royce was born Aug .10, 1680.
David was born Aug. 19, 1682.
[34] The marriage of Greinfeild Lareby with Allice Parks was in March, 1672/73.
The names & ages of their children are as follows:
Thomas Lareby was born in June, 1675.
John Lareby was born June 19, 1677.
Phebe Lareby was born Dec. 13, 1680.
Allis Lareby was born Aug. 18, 1684.
Dorothy Labibee was born March 25, 1686/87.
Nathaniell Lareby was born in Jan., 1689.
Greenfield Lareby was born June 13, 1696.
Allice Larrebe wife of Greenfield Laribe died Nov. 24, 1729.
Mr. Greenfield Larabe died Feb. 4, 1738/39.
Theophelus Abell & Ann Calkin were married June 27, 1716.
Ann Abell ye daughter of Theopelus & Ann was born July 2, 1717.
Zerviah Abell was born Jan. 29, 1721/22.
The marriage of John Post Jun. with Sarah Renalls was on Dec. 24, 1685.
Sarah Post was born Dec. 1, 1686.
John Post was born July 14, 1689.
John Post deceased July 15, 1690.
The names & ages of Isaac Fox & his wife Hannah:
Eliphelet Fox was born March 23, 1723.
Isaac Fox was born Aug. 4, 1717.
Martha Fox was born May 12, 1720.
The birth of the two next above were entered at the desire of their father Isaac Fox: Sept. 12, 1732, by Isaac Huntington, Town Clerk:
Elizabeth was born July 21, 1733.
[35] The names & ages of the children of Thomas Rood:
Sarah Rood was born in Oct., 1649.
Thomas Rood was born in March, 1651.
Micha Rood was born in Feb., 1653.
Rachell Rood was born in Feb., 1655.
John Rood was born in Sept., 1658.
Joseph Rood was born in March, 1661.
Benjamin Rood was born in Feb., 1663.
Mary Rood was born in March 1664 & dyed the same month & year.
Samuell Rood was born in June 1666.
Sarah Rood the wife of Thomas Roode deceased in March, 1668.
The marriage of Richard Edgerton with Mary Silvester was on April 7, 1653.
the names & ages of their children:
Mary Edgerton was born Feb. 3, 1655.
Elisabeth was born Dec. 25, 1657.
Anna was born in Sept., 1659.
John Edgerton was born June 12, 1662.
Richard was born March 10, 1665.
Sarah Edgerton was born in April, 1667.
Samuell was born in May, 1670.
Lidia Edgerton was born in April, 1675.
Joseph Edgerton was born March 8, 1677.
Richard Edgerton Sr. deceased in March, 1691/92.
Mr. Daniell Kirtland & Mrs. Mary Pirkins (Perkens?) were married July 15, 1723.
Robert Bell died Aug. 23, 1727.
Abigail Bell died Nov. 13, 1727.
Elijah Huntington, son of Hez Huntington & his wife Hannah was born March 2, 1733/34.
Elijah died April 13, 1734.
Eunice was born June 12, 1735.
Dorithy was born Sept. 27, 1737.
Gurdon was born Aug. 14, 1739.
Luce was born Dec. 18, 1741.
[36] The marriage of John Royce with Sarah Perigoe was on Nov. 29, 1683.
The marriage of Thomas Bliss and Mary Loomer was May 27, 1708.
Thomas Bliss the son of Thomas and Mary was born June 26, 1709.
Samuell Bliss was born July 3, 1712.
Elijah Bliss was born March 30, 1715.
The first named Thomas Bliss deceased in June, 1719.
Benjamin Baldwin & Elisabeth Longbottom were married April 27, 1724.
Theophelus Baldwin ye son of Benjamin & Elisalbeth was born April 10, 1724.
Theophelus Baldwin was born April 10, 1725.
Elisabeth Baldwin was born Oct. 22, 1727.
Benjamin Baldwin was born Nov. 30, 1730.
Benjamin Baldwin died April 15, 1732.
Benjamin ye 2d of ye name was born Dec. 9, 1733.
Ebenezer was born Feb. 5, 1735/36.
The marriage of Joseph Renalls with Sarah Edgerton Jan. 10, 1688.
John Renols was born Feb. 21, 1691.
Mary Renols was born March 10, 1693/94.
Joseph Renols was born Jan. 26, 1695/96.
Stephen Renolds was born Sept. 27, 1698.
Daniell Renols was born July 6, 1701.
Lyde Renols was born Feb. 14, 1702/03.
Daniell Renols deceased Nov. 23, 1701.
Daniell Renols was born Dec. 4, 1705.
Sare Renols was born June 7, 1707.
Daniel Renols deceased April 1, 1706.
Sarah Renols the wife of Joseph Renols deceased Aug. 14, 1714.
Mr. Joseph Renells died Feb. 1, 1728/29.
[37] The marriage of Simon Huntington Junior with Lidiah Gager was Oct. 8, 1683.
Simon Huntington was born May 11, 1686.
Sarah Huntington was born Feb. 3, 1687.
Ebenezer Huntington was born May 10, 1692.
Joshua Huntington was born Dec. 30, 1698.
Simon Huntington, the son of Simon & Lydea, deceased July 29, 1707.
Deacon Simon Huntington died Nov. 2, 1736.
Peletiah Fitch & Elizebeth Choate were married Nov. 2, 1726.
See Alfo on page 98 [trans note: I have no idea what that means].
Benjamin Fitch, son of Pelatiah & Elesabeth was born Sept. 24, 1727.
Jabez Fitch was born Nov. 26, 1729.
Elizabeth Fitch was born March 24, 1732.
Stephen Fitch was born Aug. 16, 1734.
Walter Fitch was born Oct. 19, 1736.
Jabez, son of Peletiah & Elizabeth died Oct. 30, 1736.
Samuell Abell and Elizabeth Sluman were married Nov. 3, 1696.
Elizabeth Abell was born Feb. 11, 1697/98.
Margaret Abell was born Feb. 27, 1700.
Samuell Abell was born Oct. 9, 1702.
Joshua Abell was born Nov. 23, 1706.
Sarah Abell was born Oct. 13, 1711.
Mrs. Elizabeth Abell, wife of Mr. Samuell Abell, died Nov. 3, 1741.
Mr. Samuel Abell died Nov. 26, 1761.
Samuell Star of Groton, and Ann Bushnell of Norwich, were married Sept. 29, 1726.
Samuell Starr was born Sept. 2, 1728.
Anne Starr was born April 25, 1731.
Jonathan Starr was born April 20, 1733.
Katharine Starr was born Aug. 11, 1735.
Elizabeth Starr was born Dec. 24, 1738.
David Starr was born Oct. 16, 1742.
Lucy Starr was born Nov. 12, 1747.
[38] The marriage of Christopher Huntington with Ruth Rockwell at Windsor was Oct. 7, 1652.
The names & ages of their children as followeth:
Christopher Huntington was born in Jan., 1653 & lived on year & about 4 months & died.
Ruth Huntington was born in April, 1658.
Christopher Huntington the Second was born Nov. 1, 1660.
Thomas Huntington was born March 18, 1664.
John Huntington was born March 15, 1666.
Susanah Huntington was born in Aug., 1668.
Lydyah Huntington was born in Aug., 1672.
Anne Huntington was born Oct. 25, 1675.
Samuell Pratt the son of Samuel Pratt of Feabrooke & Ruth his wife which was the daughter of Christopher Huntington of Norwich was born Feb. 11, 1683.
Jonathan Fowler the Smith married Elizabeth Renalls Aug. 3, 1687.
John Huchins & Jerusha Bushnell (dau. of Joseph), were married Aug. 4, 1715.
Jerusha Hutchins was born May 29, 1718.
Abigail Hutchings was born June 17, 1720.
John Hitchins was born July 22, 1722.
Elisabeth Hutchins was born Nov. 17, 1724.
Joseph Hutchens was born Jan. 28, 1726/27.
Benjamin Hutchens was born Jan. 28, 1726/27.
Joshua Hutchens was born Nov. 2, 1731.
Samuell Hutchins was born Feb. 7, 1733/34.
Jerush (???), daughter of John Hutchens & Jerusha, died Dec. 26, 1736/37.
Jerusha, wife of John Hutchins, died on April 7, 1744.
[39] The marriage of Caleb Fobes with Sarah Gager the daughter of John Gager of Norwich was June 30, 1681.
The names & ages of their children as follows:
Sarah Fobes was born June 24, 1684.
[trans note: the one name is all that appears here.]
The names & age of the Children of Samuell Parish & wife March as follows:
Solomon Parish was born Oct. 1, 1710.
Nathaniell Parish was born Jan. 12, 1712/13.
Nehemiah Parish was born Aug. 12, 1715.
Rebeckah Parish was born April 9, 1718.
Marcy ye wife of Samuell Parish died June 13, 1725.
John Parrish died June 1, 1725.
Samuell Parish died May 13, 1735.
John Tracy Junior and Elizabeth Leffingwell were married May 10, 1697.
Elizabeth Tracy was born April 6, 1698.
John Tracy was born June 27, 1700.
Hesekiah Tracy was born Aug. 30, 1702.
Josiah Tracy was born Feb. 27, 1704/05 and deceased April 28, 1705.
Isaac Tracy was born May 25, 1706.
Anne Tracy was born Nov. 29, 1708.
Ruth Tracy was born Sept. 13, 1711.
John Tracy deceased March 27, 1726.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy ye widow of Mr. John Tracy, died Oct. 25, 1737.
Samuell Storey & Mary Burnam were married _______.
Samuell Storey the son of Samuell & Marey was born Aug. 16, 1712.
Marey Storey was born June 20, 1714.
Joseph Storey was born July 5, 1716.
Ezekiel Storey was born Sept. 16, 1718.
Jonathan Storey was born Sept. 13, 1720.
Loucy (Lucy?) Storey was born Oct. 16, 1723.
Abigail Storey was born July 5, 1726.
Elisabeth Story daughter of Samuell & Mary was born March 12, 1729.
[40] The marriage of Mr. James Fitch of Seabrooke with Mrs. Abigail Witfeild the daughter of Mr. Henry Whitfeild of Gillford was in Oct., 1648.
The names & ages of his children born at Seabrooke (Saybrook??) is as follows:
James Fitch was born in Aug., 1649.
Abigail Fitch was born in Aug., 1650.
Elisabeth Fitch was born in Jan., 1651.
Hannah Fitch was born in Sept., 1653.
Samuel Fitch was born in April, 1655.
Dorothy Fitch was born in April, 1658.
Mrs. Abigaell Fitch the wife of Mr. James Fitch above named departed this life in Sept., 1659.
Mr. James Fitch pastor of the Church of Christ at Norwich, was married with Mrs. Prissilla Mason the daughter of Maj. Mason of Norwich in Oct., 1664.
The names & ages of their children as follows:
Danell Fitch was born in Aug., 1665.
John Fitch was born in Jan., 1667.
Jeremiah Fitch was born in Sept., 1670.
Jabez Fitch was born in April, 1672.
Anne Fitch was born in April, 1675.
Nathanell Fitch was born in Oct., 1679.
Joseph Fitch was born in Nov., 1681.
Eleazer Fitch was born May 14, 1683.
Marey (Mary?) Hall the daughter of Thomas Hall and Susannah his wife was born the Middle of November, 1688.
Miles Hall was born Dec. 27, 1693.
Ichabod Hall was born Nov. 3, 1696.
Henry Wallbridg Jun & Mary Jewitt were married Feb. 21, 1722/3.
Anna Wallbridg was born Nov. 5, 1723.
Eleazar Wallbridg was born Feb. 10, 1724/25.
Henery Wallbridge, son of Henry & Mary, was born Jan. 23, 1726/27.
Henery Wallbridge died Aug. 5, 1727.
[41] The marriage of Thomas Roode of Norwich with Hannah Bennum of Wallingsford was May 5, 1684.
Jonathan Rood was born Oct. 9, 1685.
David Rood was born Dec. 21, 1688.
Thomas Rood was born Oct. 23, 1692.
Hannah Rood the wie of Thomas Rood deceased Oct. 15, 1695.
Susanah Richards, daughter of Daniell Richards and his wife Sarah was born Sept. 7, 1732.
Daniell Richards died May 3, 1733.
Samuel Rood married with Mary Mariner May 20, 1690.
Samuel Rood born March 20, 1691.
Elizabeth Rood was born Dec. 31, 1692 and died same year.
Jabez Rood was born in April, 1696.
Elizabeth Rood was born in Sept., 1700.
Mary Rood was born in May, 1703.
Abigaell Rood was born March 30, 1705/06.
Marcy Rood was born in May 179(sic). [trans note: maybe 1709?]
Marriner Rood was born Aug. 12, 1712.
Mary the wife of Samuell Rood deceased Dec. 30, 1715.
John Carter was born March 31, 1720.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lothrup wife of Joseph Lothrup deceased Nov. 29, 1726.
Mr. Joseph Lothrup & Mrs. Martha Perkins both of Norwich were married Nov. 22, 1727.
Mr. Joseph Lothrup of Norwich died July 5, 1740 (born 1661).
[42] Josiah Rockwell married Ann Bliss April 8, 1686.
Daniell Rockwell born Oct. 24, 1689.
John Rockwell was born April 3, 1692.
Jerusha Rockwell was born March 6, 1694/95.
Hannah Rockwell was born April 19, 1700.
Ann the wife of Josiah Rockwell deceased Feb. 19, 1714/15.
Josiah Rockwell & Ann Birchard the widow of Samuell Birchard, were married Jan. 19, 1720/21.
Mr. Josiah Rockwell died March 18, 1728/29.
Iserell (sp.?) Louthrup married Rebeckah Bliss April 8, 1686.
Israell Lothrup was born Feb. 1, 1687/6.
William Lothrup was born Sept. 20, 1688.
John Lothrup was born Oct. 2, 1690.
Samuell Lothrup was born July 12, 1692.
Rebecka Lothrup was born April 20, 1695.
Mary and Martha Lothrup were born Nov. 15, 1696.
Benjamin Lothrup was born July 31, 1699.
Ebenezar Lothrup was born Feb. 7, 1702/03.
Jabez Lothrup was born Jan. 11, 1706/07.
Mr. Israell Lothrup died March 28, 1733.
Mrs. Rebeckah Lothrup widow of Mr. Israel Lothrup died Aug. 22, 1737.
Joseph Louthroup married March Scudder April 8, 1686.
Zerviah Lothrup daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth, was born April 9, 1718.
Barnabas Lothrup was born Feb. 4, 1686.
Abigall Lothrup was born Sept. 16, 1693.
Marcy Lothrup the wife of Joseph Lothrup deceased Sept. 18, 1695.
Joseph Lothrup and Elizabeth Waterhous were married Feb. 2, 1696/97.
Mehittabel Lothrup the daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth, was born Nov. 2, 1697.
Samuell Lothrup was born May 23, 1699.
Elizabeth Lothrup was born Jan. 17, 1700/1701.
Sarah Lothrup was born Oct. 18, 1702.
Temperance Lothrup was born Oct. 6, 1703/04.
Solomon Lothrup was born Dec. 13, 1706.
Ruth Lothrup was born Dec. 11, 1709.
Esther Lothrup was born Nov. 17, 1712.
[43] Samuell Calkin & Hannah Gifferd were married in Nov., 1691.
John Calkin was born March 30, 1693.
Hannah Calkin was born July 4, 1694.
Ruth Calkin was born Sept. 29, 1695.
Ebenezer Metcalfe & Hannah Abell were married April 28, 1702.
Ebenezer Metcalf the son of Ebenezer and Hannah, was born April 3, 1703.
Benjamin Metchalf was born March 12, 1704/05.
Lydea Metcalfe was born April 11, 1607(sic) [trans note: probably 1707].
Cyprian Lord Elisabeth Backus were married Sept. 26, 1725.
Elisha Lord was born Aug. 10, 1726.
Andrew Lord was born Jan. 7, 1728/29.
Elizabeth Lord was born Aug. 24, 1731.
Simon Lord was born Feb. 16, 1733/34.
Ann Lord was born Sept. 21, 1736.
Cypiran (Cyprian?) Lord, son of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, was born March 20, 1702; certified from Saye Brook Records, Samll Willard, Register. Isaac Huntington T: Clerk. Entred Dec. 17, 1737.
Mary Lord daughter of Cyprian Lord & Elizabeth, was born Dec. 31, 1739.
Samuell son of Cyprian Lord & Elizabeth was born May 7, 1743.
George Rood and Hannah Bush were married in July, 1702.
Ebenezer Rood was born Feb. 21, 1704/05.
Isaac Rood was born March 26, 1706/07.
Solomon Rood was born ______.
Hannah Rood was born July 16, 1712.
Simeon Rood was born Aug. 16, 1714.
Keziah Rood was born the latter end of Dec., 1716.
Experience Rood was born Jan. 20, 1719/20.
Thankfull Rood was born Feb. 2, 1721/22.
Simeon Rood, son of George & Hannah, died in July, 1727.
Hannah Rood, wife of George Rood died Jan. 1, 1743/44.
George Rood died March 10, 1744.
[44] Thomas Roode
Jonathan Rood was born Oct. 9, 1685.
John Hide & Experience Abell were married March 3, 1697/98.
John Hide the son was born Dec. 5, 1698.
Experience Hide was born Sept. 7, 1700.
Margeret Hide was born Aug. 16, 1702.
Eliezar Hide was born Dec. 12, 1704.
James Hide was born Feb. 28, 1706/07.
Ester Hide was born Feb. 16, 1708/09.
Mathew Hide was born April 28, 1711.
Luce Hide was born April 16, 1713.
Deborah Hide was born Jan. 22, 1715/16.
John Hide died July 26, 1727.
Mr. Thomas Meex [trans note: Meeks?] and Hannah Fitch were married June 30, 1677.
Daniell Meex was born April 23, 1678.
Abitail Meex was born March 10, 1680.
James Meex was born Dec. 29, 1683.
Hannah Meex was born April 13, 1685.
Rebecah Meex was born April 14, 1687.
Elizabeth Meex was born April 15, 1689.
Dolathry Meex was born Nov. 23, 1691.
Ann Meex was born May 7, 1694.
Zebediah Meex was born Dec. 12, 1697.
Hannah Green, daughter of Jabez Green & his wife Hannah, was born July 12, 1731; according to account of the Said Jabz Green; and Entred att his Desire April 18, 1732.
Thomas, son of Jabez Green
[45] John Elderkin and Abigail Fowler married Feb. 8, 1685.
Abigal Elderkin born April 20, 1688.
John Elderkin was born May 7, 1694.
Benjamine Elderkin was born Sept. 15, 1695.
James Elderkin was born in Nov., 1698.
Benjamine Elderkin deceased April, 1699.
Margeret Elderkin was born in Nov., 1700.
Jedidiah Elderkin was born Nov. 7, 1701.
Judith Elderkin was born March 8, 1702/03.
Abigaell Elderkin the wife of John Elderkin deceased March, 1713/14.
John Elderkin & Hannah Coalman, widow, were married Aug. 15, 1720.
Jonathan Fowler & Elizabeth Renalls married Aug. 3, 1687.
Elizabeth Fowler was born March 10, 1688/89.
Joseph Fowler was born Sept. 28, 1691.
Sarah Fowler was born Dec. 20, 1693.
Jonathan Fowler the son of Jonathan & Elizabeth was born May 20, 1696.
Jonathan Fowler deceased June 10, 1696.
William Walbridge & Abigaell Larance were married Jan. 27, 1713/14.
John Wallbridge, son of Wm & Abigaell was born Nov. 21, 1714.
Ede Wallbridg was born Oct. 14, 1716.
Zebulon Wallbridg was born July 17, 1718.
Civill Wallbridg was born Dec. 25, 1720.
Eunice Wallbridg was born May 22, 1723.
[46] Hugh Calkins married Sarah Slonman in May, 1689.
Hugh Calkins was born Jan. 29, 1690.
Ann Calkin was born Oct. 10, 1692.
Elizabeth Calkin was born March 10, 1694/95.
Joshua Calkin was born March 2, 1698/99.
Stephen Calkin was born Sept. 5, 1700.
Daniell Calkin was born Sept. 5, 1702.
Sarah Calkin, wife of Hugh Calkin, deceased April 5, 1703.
Hugh Calkin & Loes Standish Standis were married Nov. 29, 1706.
Elizabeth Calkin deceased Sept. 11, 1714.
Hugh Calkin deceased Sept. 15, 1722.
John Edgerton married Mary Renalls March 20, 1689/90.
John Edgerton born Feb. 20, 1690.
John Edgerton deceased in May, 1692.
Ebenezer Hartshorn the son of David Hartshorn was born June 8, 1702.
Mr. David Hartshorn died in Norwich Nov. 3, 1738.
Mrs. Rebeckah Hartshorn widow of Mr. David Hartshorn died March 4, 1742/43.
The names & ages of Children of Amas ["William" written first and erased] Wallbridg and Theodia his wife were as follows:
Deborah WallBridg was born Aug. 6, 1722.
Theodia Wallbridge was born March 15, 1724/25.
Amas Wallbridge, son of Amas & Theodia, was born Dec. 15, 1727.
William Wallbridge was born Dec. 12, 1730.
[47] John Calkins Jun. married Abigail Birchard Oct. 23, 1690.
Abigall Calkins was born Sept. 8, 1691.
Sarah Calkin was born Feb. 14, 1694.
Enos Randall & Sarah Knight were married Feb. 21, 1707/08.
Elizabeth Randall was born Dec. 10, 1709.
Sarah Randall was born Nov. 2, 1711.
Abigael Randall ws born Dec. 27, 1713.
Thomas Wallbridg & Mary Knight were married March 24, 1722.
Elijah Wallbridg was born Feb. 27, 1722/23.
Elijah Wallbridg died in July, 1724.
Sarah Walllbridg was born Aug. 23, 1725.
Sarah Wallbridge died July, 1726.
Sarah Wallbridge ye second of that name was born Aug. 9, 1727.
Mary Wallbridge was born Aug. 17, 1729.
Thomas Wallbridge was born July 31, 1731.
Lydia Wallbridge was born April 16, 1734.
Elijah Wallbridge was born Dec. 23, 1736.
Robert Wade married Abijah Royce March 11, 1691.
Susanah Wade was born in Jan., 1691. [trans note: I know this doesn't make any sense, but...]
Joseph Renols Jun & Hannah Bingham were married Nov. 10, 1717.
Olever Renalls was born Oct. 3, 1718.
Sarah Reynolds was born March 10, 1720.
Zeruiah Reynolds was born Aug. 17, 1722.
Gamaliel Reynolds was born Nov. 4, 1725.
Elisha Reynolds was born March 7, 1728.
Adoniram Reynolds was born Nov. 13, 1730.
Oliver, son of Joseph Reynolds & wife Hannah died April 28, 1734.
Hannah Reynolds was born June 28, 1737.
Joseph Reynolds above named died Sept. 1, 1756.
Hannah, daughter of Joseph & Hannah, died June 18, 1757.
[48] John Huntington married Abigail Louthroup Dec. 9, 1686.
Abigail Huntington born Feb. 19, 1687.
John Huntington was born April 29, 1688.
John Huntington deceased Dec. 11, 1690.
Hannah Huntington was born March 25, 1693/94.
Martha Huntington was born Dec. 9, 1695/96.
John Hoskins & Anna his wife, the names & age of their children:
Sibell Hoskins was born July 30, 1718. ["Ann" written first and erased]
Anna Hoskins was born in July, 1721.
Mrs. Mary Dean, widow, died Feb. 16, 1744/45.
Samuell Hide married Elizabeth Calkins Dec. 10, 1690.
Samuell Lomar & Anna Morgan were married May 22, 1718.
Elisabeth Lomer was born Feb. 20, 1718/19.
Stephen Loomer was born May 4, 1721.
Anna Loomer was born Jan. 31, 1723/24.
Samuell Loomer was born Feb. 7, 1726.
Joseph Loomer was born Oct. 7, 1728.
John Loomer was born April 16, 1731.
Mary Lomer was born March 26, 1733/34.
Ebenezer Loomer was born Feb. 25, 1736/37.
Daniel Loomer was born Jan. 25, 1739/40.
[49] Joseph Backus & Elizabeth Huntington married April 9, 1690.
Joseph Backus born March, 1691.
Samuell Backus was born Jan. 6, 1693/94.
Ann Backus was born Jan. 27, 1695.
Simon Backus was born Feb. 11, 1700/01.
James Backus was born Aug. 14, 1703.
Elisabeth Backus was born Oct. 27, 1705.
Sarah Backus was born July, 1709.
Ebenezar Backus was born March 30, 1712.
Richard Edgerton & Elizabeth Scudder were married Jan. 4, 1691.
Hannah Edgerton was born Feb. 6, 1692.
Joseph Edgerton was born Jan. 17, 1696/97.
Lydea Edgerton was born Aug. 14, 1699.
Richard Edgerton was born Feb. 17, 1702/03.
Elizabeth Edgerton was born Aug. 23, 1704.
Jacob Edgerton was born March 30, 1706/07.
Ann Edgerton was born March 29, 1710.
Mr. Richard Edgerton, first abovenamed, died June 29, 1729.
Lidia Edgerton, daughter of Richard & Elizabeth, died Sept. 28, 1753.
Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Richard Edgerton, died Dec. 20, 1762.
The names & age of children of John Colver & his wife Sarah.
Sarah Colver was born Aug. 26, 1713.
Lemuell Colver was born May 21, 1716.
John Colver was born Feb. 15, 1719.
Solomon Colver was born Dec. 11, 1720.
Stephen Colver was born Nov. 23, 1721.
Elisabeth Colver was born Jan. 1, 1723/24.
Mary Colver was born Sept. 15, 1727.
Lydia Colver was born March 25, 1729.
[50] Thomas Bingham & Hannah Backus were married Feb. 17, 1691/92.
Thomas Bingham was born Nov. 20, 1692.
Jeremiah Bingham was born July 4, 1694.
Hannah Bingham was born March 31, 1696.
Mary Bingham was born Feb. 20, 1697/98.
Dorathy Bingham was born Jan. 24, 1699/1700.
Jabez Bingham was born Nov. 20, 1701.
Nathaniell Bingham was born June 30, 1704.
Joseph Bingham was born June 4, 1709.
Thomas Bingham deceased April 1, 1710.
Benajah Leffingwell of Norwich & Joanna Christophers of New London were married Aug. 24, 1726.
Richard Leffingwell, son of Benajah & Joanna was born Sept. 27, 1727.
Richard Leffingwell died Nov. 6, 1727.
Joanna Leffingwell, daughter of Benajah & Joanna, was born March 21, 1729.
Joanna Leffingwell died Jan. 25, 1729/30.
Benajah Leffingwell, son of Benajah & Joanna, was born Nov. 8, 1730.
Benajah Leffingwell, son of Benajah & Joanna, died May 5, 1731.
John Backus & Mary Bingham were married Feb. 17, 1691/92.
The names & age of children of Miles Hall & Unis [Eunice?] his wife:
Lydea Hall was born Aug. 1, 1724.
Micah Rood & Sarah Dayns formerly the wie of Abraham Dayns deceased, were married Jan. 15, 1691.
Mary Roode was born May 22, 1693.
Micah Rood was born April 29, 1696.
Joseph Rood was born Dec. 14, 1698.
Hannah Wintworth, daughter of Edward Wintworth & Hannah his wife was born Jan. 5, 1727.
[51] James Birchard and Elizabeth Beckwith were married March 17, 1695/96.
Elizabeth Birchard was born Sept. 2, 1699.
Sarah Birchard was born July 10, 1701.
Sarah Birchard deceased Aug. 15, 1701.
Mathew Birchard was born Dec. 5, 1702.
John Birchard was born April 12, 1704.
Phebe Birchard was born in Oct., 1705.
Sarah Birchard was born Oct. 11, 1707.
Jonah Birchard was born Oct. 9, 1709.
Rebeckah Birchard was born in 1717 & lived two years & two months & died.
Daniell Birchard was born May 9, 1718.
David Knight and Sarah Backus were married March 17, 1691/92.
Rachell Knight was born Nov. 14, 1691.
Jonathan Knight was born July 2, 1698.
Marey Knight was born April 2, 1700.
Hannah Knight was born Jan. 30, 1701/02.
Luranah Knight was born Nov. 7, 1705.
Benjamine Knight was born Aug. 13, 1707.
Mr. David Knight died Nov. 24, 1744.
Jabez Crocker and Ruth Hazzen (Hazen?) were married Feb. 25, 1723/24.
Jabez Crocker, son of Jabez & Ruth was born April 26, 1725.
Hannah Crocker was born Feb. 18, 1726/27.
Afa, son of Jabez & Ruth was born June 20, 1729.
Thomas was born July 19, 1731.
Ruth was born Dec. 1, 1733.
Ezekiel was born Jan. 1, 17365/36.
Ruth the wife of Jabez Crocker died Feb. 18, 1739/40.
[52] The marriage of Christopher Huntington Jun with Sarah Adgate was May 26, 1681.
Ruth Huntington was born Nov. 28, 1682.
Christopher Huntington was born Sept. 12, 1686.
Isaac Huntington was born Feb. 5, 1688.
Jabez Huntington was born Jan. 26, 1691.
Mathew Huntington was born April 16, 1694.
Hezekiah Huntington was born Dec. 16, 1696.
Sarah Huntington was born Jan. 5, 1699/1700.
Jeremiah Huntington was born Dec. 15, 1702.
Jeremiah Huntington deceased 1703.
Sarah, wife of Christopher Huntington, deceased Feb., 1705/06.
The marriage of Christopher Huntington with Judith Brewser the widow of Jonathan Brewster deceased was in Oct., 1706.
Judith Huntington, daughter of Christopher & Judith was born Sept. 10, 1707.
John Huntington was born Nov. 14, 1709.
Elisabeth Huntington was born May 6, 1712.
Jeremiah Huntington was orn Dec. 20, 1715.
Deacon Christopher Huntington died April 24, 1735.
Ebenezer Lamb was married with Mary Armstrong May 6, 1690.
Jonathan Lamb was born Sept. 15, 1691.
David Lamb was born Dec. 12, 1693.
Ebenezer Lamb deceased July 21, 1694.
David Hartshorn Jun & Abigaell Hebard were married June 30, 1715.
David Hartshoren, son of David & Abigaell was born June 20, 1717.
Eliphelet Hartshorn was born April 2, 1719.
Rebeckah Hartshorn was born Dec. 17, 1720.
Abigaell Hartshorn was born June 22, 1722.
Ziporah Hartshorn was born April 10, 1725.
Tabatha Hartshorn was born Dec. 15, 1726.
Rufus Hartshorn was born Sept. 17, 1728.
Ebenezer Hartshorn was born June 15, 1730.
Zebediah Hartshorn was born May 5, 1732.
Ann Hartshorn was born March 9, 1734/35.
Phebe Hartshorn was born Jan. 12, 1736/37.
[53] Thomas Adgate and Ruth Brewster were married June 15, 1692.
Ruth Adgate was born March 27, 1693.
Mary Adgate was born Aug. 27, 1694.
Rebecka Adgate was born March 10, 1696/97.
Hannah Adgate was born Aug. 10, 1699.
Thomas Adgate was born Feb. 9, 1702/03.
Mathew Adgate was born July 21, 1706.
Martha Adgate was born Oct. 9, 1710.
Luce Adgate was born Oct. 13, 1714.
Luce Adgate deceased Jan. 9, 1717/18.
Mrs. Ruth Adgate wife of Mr. Thomas Adgate died Aug. 22, 1734.
Deacon Thomas Adgate & Mrs. Elizebeth Starr were married Sept. 20, 1749.
Samuell Huntington & Mary Clarke were married Oct. 29, 1686.
Elizabeth Huntington was born April 24, 1689.
Samuell Huntington was born Aug. 28, 1691.
Caleb Huntington was born Feb. 8, 1693/94.
Mary Huntington was born Oct. 1, 1696.
Rebecka Huntington was born in Feb., 1698/99.
John Wiborn and Hester Wlborn
James Wiborn the son of John & Hester was born Sept. 25, 1704.
Stephen Calkin & Sarah Calkin were married Jan. 22, 1722/23.
Luce Calkin was born Aug. 5, 1723.