Extracted From
Early Annals of Newington
Transcribed & Edited by Roger Welles
Clerk of the Society & Church
Hartford, 1874
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

1805 -
28 Apr, Joshua, son of Fitch & Lois ANDRUS
5 May, Ralph, son of Absalom & Lorrain WELLS
18 Aug, Julia, Nancy, Chester & Cynthia, children of Solomon & Lucretia CHURCHILL
27 Oct, Irene ANDRUS & Mary SHEPARD, adults
1806 -
5 Jan
John BUTLER, Jennette & Lucy, children of John & Jennett KIRKHAM
Abigail DEMING, dau. of Leo C. & Elizabeth HUBBARD
18 May, Jemima, d. of Solomon & Lucretia CHURCHILL
8 Jun, Mary Skinner, dau. of Joab & LucyBRACE
15 Jun, Walter Wells, son of Ashbel & Mary SEYMOUR
9 Sep, Cornelia Susanna Wesley, dau. of Joseph & Martha LYNDE, per Mr. BELDEN
26 Oct, John Mason, son of Joshua, Jr., & Dorotha BELDEN
1807 -
31 May, ------, s. of Levi CHURCHILL
6 Sep, Rhoda, dau. of Absalom & Lorrain WELLS
1808 -
28 Aug, Mary, dau. of Justus & Lois FRANCIS
1809 -
26 Mar, Martha, dau. of Joab & Lucy BRACE
25 Jun, Hubertus, son of John A. & Honor PHILLIPS
3 Sep, Thomas Foster, son of Reuben & Zerviah WHAPLES
17 Sep, Caroline, dau. of Levi & Sally DEMING
1810 -
13 May, Calvin, William, Daniel, Reuben & Abigail, children of Reuben & Zerviah WHAPLES
1 Jul, Joseph, son of Levi & Lois HURLBURT
21 Oct, Amelia, Harriet, Mary & Hiram Hopkins, children of Joseph & Mary HULET
1811 -
11 Aug, Seth Collins, son of Joab & Lucy BRACE
25 Aug
William KIRKHAM, adult
Lucy, wife of Simeon STODDARD
Almira, dau. of John A. & Honor PHILLIPS
1812 -
19 Apr, Sally Maria, dau. of Levi & Sally DEMING
10 May, Martha, dau. of Levi & Lois HURLBURT
27 May, Thomas, a black man
31 May, George, son of Reuben & Zerviah WHAPLES
14 Jun, Hiram Edwards, Sabra, Nathan Fenn, Candace, Joseph & Abigail Honor, children of Jonathan & Candance STODDARD
23 Aug, Abigail, wife of David HUNN
1813 -
2 May, Abigail, wife of Samuel WHAPLES
27 Jun, Newton, William & Simeon, children of Simeon & Lucy STODDARD, per Mr. WILLIAMS
18 Jul, Enos Higley, Mary Ann & Albet Smith, children of David & Abigail HUNN
12 Sep, Harriet, Sally, Fanny, Henry, Mary & Laura, children of Samuel & Abigail WHAPLES
26 Sep, Elisha, Curtis & James Blinn, children of Elisha & Nancy WHAPLES
1814 -
19 Jun, Marcus Willard, son of Allen & Mary STODDARD
10 Jul, Eliza (adopted) & Mary Anthony, children of Origen & Sarah WELLS
7 Aug
Joab, son of Joab & Lucy BRACE
Robert & Solomon Welles, children of Elisha & Sarah WHAPLES
1815 -
14 May, Lucinda, dau. of Origen & Sarah WELLS
2 Jul, Martin & Roger Welles, children of Elisha & Sarah WHAPLES
15 Oct, Abigail, dau. of Samuel & Abigail WHAPLES
1816 -
18 Feb, Charlotte, dau. of Asaph & Sophronia WILLARD
5 May
Sophia, wife of William KIRKHAM
Henry Laurens, son of Martin, Jr., & Mary KELLOGG
7 Jul, Mary Sophia, dau. of Allen & Mary STODDARD
17 Nov, Fidelia, dau. of Simeon & Sucy STODDARD
1817 -
25 May, Samuel, son of Joab & Lucy BRACE
22 Jun, Jane, dau. of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
1818 -
17 May, James Daniel, son of Asaph & Sophronia WILLARD
24 May, Levi Sage, son of Levi & Sally DEMING
23 Aug, Sarah Sage, dau. of Elisha & Sarah WHAPLES
15 Nov, Sidney, son of Allen & Mary STODDARD
1819 -
25 Jul, Henry BLANNOT, adult
22 Aug, Mary, dau. of Martin, Jr., & Mary KELLOGG
5 Sep, Ruth Maria, dau. of MArtin & Ruth BARNS
19 Sep, Abigail KILBORN, adult
17 Oct
Sarah Clarina, dau. of Origen & Sarah WELLES
Jane, dau. of William & SOphia KIRKHAM
5 Dec, Lucy Ann Sophronia, dau. of Asaph & Sophronia WILLARD
1820 -
18 Jun, Mary, Henry, Harriet, Edwin Washington, Fanny & Nancy, children of Henry & Harriet BLANNOT
6 Aug, Harriet, dau. of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
20 Aug - adults
Elizabeth KILBOURN, adults
24 Sep, Amanda, Emily, Nancy, Samuel Stanley & Silvester, children of Silvester & Nancy HURLBURT
4 Oct, Julia NORTON, dau. of Martin & Francis WELLES
1821 -
6 May,
- Elisha WHAPLES, 1st
Laura WILLARD, wife of Daniel WILLARD
Eunice HUBBARD, wife of Dositheus HUBBARD
Sarah DOW, wife of Samuel DOW
Mary DEMING, wife of Jedidiah DEMING
Fany HOPKINS, wife of Horace HOPKINS
Anson WHAPLES & Sarah, hwf
William M'CARTY
Sophia LUCE, wife of Lester LUCE
Harriet HOPKINS, wife of Benjamin HOPKINS
Electa, wife of Roger WELLES
John Cheney DOW
Sarah DOW
1 Jul
Rebekah TRYON
5 Aug
James, son of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
Charles Kellogg, son of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
19 Aug
Sarah & William Smith, children of William & Sarah DEMING
Harriet Amanda, Nancy Maria & Horace Kilbourn, children of Thomas & Nancy DRINKWATER
Cornelia, Mary Lusk & Jedidiah, children of Jedidiah & Mary DEMING
Frances Norton, Edwin & Charlotte Jemima, children of Roger & Electa WELLES
Deliah, dau. of Benjamin & Harriet HOPKINS
Henry, son of Lester & Sophia LUCE
26 Aug, Susan Sophia, dau. of Origen & Sarah WELLS
2 Sep
Reuben WHAPLES, Harriet HALL, Erastus LATTIMER, adults
Rhoda, Daniel, Elizabeth, William Francis, children of Daniel & Laura WILLARD
William, Eunice Maria, Emily, Orrin, children of Dositheus & Eunice HUBBARD
Samuel Russell, son of Giles & Lydia SMITH
Henry, Richard, Julia Ann, children of Aaron & Rebekah TYRON
30 Sep
Martha & William, children of William & Jerusha McCARTY
Mary Ann & Angeline Belden, children of Josiah W. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
21 Oct, Franklin Blin, son of Henry & Harriet BLANNOT
4 Nov, Samuel Mills, son of Martin, Jr., & Mary KELLOGG
5 May
Samuel Talmage, Lucinda Deming, Robey Williams, Jonathan Barton, Royal Sereno & Cornelia Hale, children of Archibald & Harriet HALL
Henry Benjamin, George Botsford, & Horace Root, children of Horace & Fanny HOPKINS
Sarah Maria & Walter, children of Anson & Sarah WHAPLES
Elizabeth Emery, dau. of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
2 Jun, Abigail, Catherine, William, Frances Griswold, & John Gaylord, children of William & Catherine WELLS
7 Jul, George Grannis, son of Giles & Lydia SMITH
11 Aug, Chester Wells, son of William & Jerusha McCARTY
29 Dec, Rufus, son of Allen & Mary STODDARD
18 Apr, Joshua, son of Sylvester & Nancy HURLBUT
6 Jul
Elizabeth COOK, dau. of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
Julia, dau. of Roger & Electa WELLES
Josiah Elbert, son of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
20 Jul, Henry James, son of Henry & Harriet BLANNOT
17 Aug, Delia, Lemuel, Laura Kellogg, Hannah, children of Asaph & Laura WHITTLESEY
1824 -
23 May, Nathan Fenn, son of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
6 Jun
Lucy, dau. of Origen & Sarah WELLS
Hapsebath, dau. of Jedidiah & Mary DEMING
29 Aug
John Whitman, son of Joab & Lucy BRACE
Julia, dau. of Anson & Sarah WHAPLES
24 Oct
Thomas Robbins, son of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
Emily Eliza, dau. of wid. Lydia PARKER of New York
21 Nov, Edwin Boardman, son of J. W. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
1825 -
12 Jun, Levi Sedgwick, son of Horace & Pamela WELLS
4 Sep, Rollin Peck, son of Horace & Fanny HOPKINS
18 Sep, Samuel Newton, son of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
25 Sep, Martha Edwards, dau. of Henry & Harriet BLANNOT, per Mr. ROBBINS
2 Oct
Charles, son of Martin, Jr., & Mary KELLOGG
Joseph Camp, son of Edwin & Lucy GAYLORD
28 Oct, Wyllis, son of Benjamin & Harriet HOPKINS
1826 -
7 May
Prudence DEMING, Mary Ann BECKWITH, Mary COLE, adults
Marilla, dau. of Dositheus & Eunice HUBBARD
4 Jun
John Mitchelson, son of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
Abigail, dau. of Roger & Electa WELLES
20 Aug
John Stoddard, son of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
Joshua Chauncey, son of Lester & Sophia LUCE
6 Dec, Abigail, dau. of Josiah W. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
1827 -
7 Jan, Anna WELLS, adult
11 Feb, Samuel, son of John C. & Laura DOW
27 Mar, Hapsebath, dau. of Jedidiah DEMING
6 May, Mary Avaline, dau. of Erastus & Salome CUNNINGHAM
27 May, Robert Raikes, son of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
19 Aug, Harriet Prudence, dau. of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
16 Sep,
Harriet Eliza, dau. of Henry & Huldah KILBOURN
Mary Webb, dau. of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
7 Oct, Eunice Cordelia, dau. of Erastus & Seviah LATTIMER
1828 -
18 May, John Gaylord, dau. of Hiram E. & Fanny STODDARD
25 May
John Belden, son of Josiah W. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
Lucy Lowrey, dau. of Unni & Sarah ROBBINS
22 Jun, James Butler, son of James & Anna BLINN
10 Aug, Nancy Angeline, dau. of Elisha & Amanda WHAPLES
19 Oct, Julis, dau. of Chester & Lucretia CHURCHILL
1829 -
16 Mar, Horace, son of Erastus & ELmina KILBOURN
3 May, Dorothy STODDARD & Eleanor Celia WELLS, adults
17 May, Sophia Leffingwell, dau. of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
24 May, Henry Sedgwick, son of Henry & Huldah KILBOURN
21 Jun, Sarah Welles, dau. of Martin & Mary KELLOGG
12 Jul, Roger, son of Roger & Electa WELLES
13 Sep, Joseph, son of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
25 Oct, Lucy Lowrey, dau. of Unni & Sarah ROBBINS
1830 -
13 Jun
Mary Kellogg, dau. of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
Heman Francis, son of Hiram E. & Fanny STODDARD
20 Jun
Lemuel Whittlesey, son of Homer & Delia CAMP
Eunice, dau. of Anson & Sarah WHAPLES
27 Jun, Jane Eliza, dau. of Josiah W. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
19 Jul, Joseph, son of Samuel & Rhoda CLARK
8 Aug, Jane Aurelia, dau. of Erastus & Seviah LATTIMER
13 Aug, John Churchill, son of John DOW
5 Sep, Loretta, dau. of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
1831 -
1 May, Lucretia, wife of Chester CHURCHILL
15 May, Abigail Jane, dau. of Henry & Huldah KILBOURN
24 Jul, Sarah Jane, dau. of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
1832 -
1 Jan - adults
Augustus WILSON
6 May
Lot BECKWITH, adult
Hannah HUNTER, adult
William, son of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
13 May, Delia Ann, dau. of James & Anna BLIN
27 May
William Sherman, son of William & Charity P. CLARK
Erastus, son of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
10 Jun
Julia Norton, dau. of Josiah & Prudence ATWOOD
Laura Kelllog, dau. of Homer & Delia CAMP
15 Jul, Francis, son of Chester & Lucretia CHURCHILL
29 Ju., Mary Urania & Martha Eunice, daughters of Anson & Sarah WHAPLES
7 Oct, Warren Day, son of Elisha & Amanda WHAPLES
4 Nov, Sarah Theodotia, dau. of Unni & Sarah ROBBINS
1833 -
June 23, Electa Stanley, dau. of Roger & Electa WELLES
1834 -
4 May, Josiah ATWOOD, adult
8 Jun
Timothy Woodford, son of Henry & Huldah KILBOURN
Lemuel Franklin, son of William & Charity P. CLARK
15 Jun
Elisha BURRIT, son of Elisha & Esther BLINN
Henry Edwin, son of James & Anna BLINN
3 Aug, Laura Churchill, dau. of John C. & Martha DOW
10 Aug, Abigail Whaples, dau. of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
21 Sep, Mary Jane, dau. of Hiram E. & Fanny STODDARD
2 Nov, Charles Clinton, son of Erastus & Seviah LATTIMER
1835 -
2 Aug
Chauncey Wright, son of James & Anna BLINN
Franklin, son of Elisha & Esther BLINN
27 Sep
John Wallace, son of Anson & Sarah WHAPLES -
Timothy Woodford, son of Henry KILBOURN
11 Oct, Caroline Anna, dau. of Homer & Deliah CAMP
18 Oct, Mary, dau. of Unni & Sarah ROBBINS
1836 -
31 Jul, Martha Urania, dau. of John C. & Martha DOW
14 Aug, Agnes Whittlesey, dau. of Joshua & Agnes BELDEN
2 Oct, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. S. N. & Martha B. SHEPARD
9 Oct, Sarah Denman, dau. of Rev. John & Mary S. B. TODD
1837 -
27 Aug
Almira Day, dau. of Henry & Emeline G. KILBOURN
Chauncey Mason, son of Erastus & Elmira KILBOURN
Esther Amelia, dau. of Elisha & Esther BLINN
8 Oct, Mary, dau. of Chester & Lucretia CHURCHILL
22 Oct, Hiram Hudson, son of Hiram E. & Fanny STODDARD
19 Nov, Emily Sophia, dau. of Lowrey & Emily ROBBINS
1838 -
6 May - adults
Minerva C. RODGERS
1 Jul - adults
Elisha BLINN
Sophronia TUCKER
Eliza Jane DAVIS
Julia Ann Lucretia DAVIS
9 Sep, Nancy, dau. of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
30 Sep, Mary Abilene, dau. of John C. & Martha DOW
21 Oct, Richard, son of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
4 Nov, Mary BLINN, adult
11 Nov, Daniel Dwight, son of Daniel H. & Maria S. D. WILLARD
1839 -
17 Feb, Emeline Elizabeth, dau. of Henry & Emeline G. KILBOURN
27 Oct
Fanny Eliza, dau. of Hiram E. & Fanny F. STODDARD
Henry Martin, son of Unni & Sarah D. ROBBINS
1840 -
1 Feb, Infant of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
9 Feb, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
4 Apr, Ellen, dau. of William & Sophia KIRKHAM
20 Sep, Shubael Hart, son of Elisha & Amanda A. WHAPLES
1840 -
11 Feb, Walter Lowrey, son of Lowrey & Emily ROBBINS
28 Mar, Samuel Hart, son of Henry & Emeline G. KILBOURN
2 May, Chauncy DEMING, adult
20 Jun, Charles Levi, son of Daniel H. & Maria S. D. WILLARD
27 Jun, Mary, dau. of Stephen & Sophronia SAUNDERS
1842 -
22 May, John Davis, son of James & Eliza I. D. GRISWOLD
31 May, Lucy Frances, dau. of James & Anna BLINN
24 Jul, Mary Jane, dau. of Elisha & Esther BLINN
28 Aug, Henry Willis, son of Willis P. & Marty T. DAVIS
11 Sep, John Newton, son of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
1843 -
30 Apr, Sarah Adaline, dau. of John F. & Mary A. W. WILLARD
4 Jun - adults
Lucretia DAVIS
Henry & Martha DEMING
Wyllis Philander DAVIS
Hannah Maria LUCE
George Thomas DAVIS
16 Jul
Agnes Whittlesey, dau. of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
Burdett Eugene, son of Daniel H. & Maris S. D. WILLARD
20 Aug, Marcus Lent, son of Henry & Emeline G. KILBOURN
15 Oct, Julia Newell, dau. of Lowrey & Emily ROBBINS
19 Nov, George Scranton, son of Levi S. & Caroline S. DEMING
1844 -
10 Nov, Levi Welles, son of Elisha & Esther BLINN
1845 -
8 Jun, Joseph & Lydia Francis, children of Joseph CAMP
20 Jul, Cornelia Hale, dau. of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
1846 -
15 Mar, Stephen Dwight, son of Stephen P. & Maria H. LAMBERTON
27 Apr, Child of Rev. Mr. KEELER
19 Jul
Frances Arabella, dau. of Lowrey & Emily ROBBINS
Newell Foote, son of Chancey DEMING
23 Aug
DeForest, son of Daniel H. & Sarah M. D. WILLARD
Edward Levi, son of Levi S. & Caroline S. DEMING
30 Aug, Eugene Franklin, son of Willis P. & Mary T. DAVIS
15 Nov, John Newell, son of John C. & Martha DOW
1847 -
4 Jul, Agnes Whittlesey, dau. of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
3 Oct, John Franklin, son of Stephen P. & Maria H. LAMBERTON
10 Oct
Harriet Lavinia, dau. of Elisha & Esther BLINN
William Albert, son of William & Margaret T. HUBBARD
1848 -
29 Oct, Mary Deming, dau. of William & Cornelia WELLS
19 Nov, Mary Ellen, dau. of Willis P. & Mary T. DAVIS
17 Dec, Clarence Henry, son of Samuel N. & Eliza H. ROCKWELL
1849 -
11 Mar, Henry Marius, son of Henry & Hannah Maria LUCE
1 Apr, Joshua, son of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
27 May, Jane Electa, son of Heman A. & Eunice C. WHITTLESEY
22 Jul, David Lowrey, son of Lowrey & Emily ROBBINS
29 Jul, Elbert Edwards & Ellen Eunice, children of Erastus & Elmina KILBOURN
1850 -
13 Jan, Thomas Wilson, son of Hugh DAVIES & wife
24 Mar, Edward Merton, son of William F. & Frances G. WILLARD
1 Sep, Catharine Griswold, dau. of William & Cornelia WELLS
31 Oct, Lewis Stephen, son of William & Margaret T. HUBBARD
1851 -
29 Jun, Martha Elizabeth, dau. of Willis P. & Mary T. DAVIS
14 Dec, William, son of Hugh & Margaret DAVIES
1852 -
12 Sep
Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Levi S. & Caroline DEMING
Abbot, son of William F. & Frances G. WILLARD
William Gaylord, son of William & Cornelis WELLS
1853 -
29 May, Ellen Amanda, dau. of Jedidiah W. & Nancy A. DEMING
5 Jun
Julia, dau. of John M. & Mary E. H. BELDEN
John Wilson, son of Hugh & Margarette DAVIES
12 Nov, Laura Lewella, dau. of John C. & Martha DOW
1854 -
21 May
Mary, dau. of John D. & Abigail W. SEYMOUR
Fanny Augusta, dau. of Edwin & Lucy L. R. WELLES
18 Jun, Cornelia Lucretia, dau. of Willis P. & Mary T. DAVIS
9 Jul, Frederick Wayland, son of Elisha & Esther BLINN
24 Sep, John Hammond, son of Roger & Harriet MILLS
22 Oct, Cornelia Augusta, dau. of William & Cornelia WELLS
31 Dec, Marcus Lewis, son of Marcus W. & Frances S. STODDARD
1855 -
17 Jan, Elizabeth Caroline, dau. of William Noah TURNER & Jane McELRATH
24 Jun
Rebecca Smalley, dau. of Rev. J. S. & E. G. WHITTLESEY
Eunice Cornelia, dau. of Heman A. & E. C. WHITTLESEY
Marshall Allen, son of Rufus & S. W. STODDARD
Edward Laurens, son of G. T. & M. A. DAVIS
4 Nov - adults
Samuel Chauncey DIX
Henry Elbert LOVELAND
Jane Margaret FINNEGAN
Mary Elizabeth BROWN
Julia Maria CADY
Valina Ann FRANCIS
Eliza Kilbourn RICHARDS
1856 -
2 Mar - adults
Franklin Carroll LATTIMER
Thomas Russel BYRNES
11 May - Mary Elisabeth, Dwight Nelson, Ella Harriet & Sarah Adaletta, children of the late Nelson DILLINGS & Harriet hwf
6 Jul, Celinda Clarissa WIERS, adult
5 Oct, Roger Welles, son of John D. & Abigail SEYMOUR
1857 -
1 Mar, Joseph J. FRANCIS & Mary Ann, hwf
29 Mar
Mary Dayton, dau. of George & Mary DAVIS
Mary Robbins, dau. of Edwin & Lucy L. WELLES
Catharine Maria, dau. of Levi S. & Caroline S. DEMING
26 Apr, Emily Welles, dau. of Rufus & Sarah STODDARD
-- May, Nancy FRANCIS, adult
19 Jul
Alice Cornelia, dau. of Jedidiah & Nancy DEMING
Heman Charles, son of Heman & Eunice WHITTLESEY
1858 -
7 Feb, Charles Jedidiah, son of William & Cornelia WELLES
25 Apr, Alfred Osborn, son of ----- PATCHETT
30 May, Walter Baldwin, son of John D. & Abby SEYMOUR
1 Jul, Alice Robbins, dau. of Nelson & Sarah WOODRUFF
4 Jul
Abby Coffin AIKIN, adult
John Deming SEYMOUR, adult
Abigail Barber & Charlotte Gillett, children of Reuben C. & Olive OSBORN
7 Nov, Laura Louisa, dau. of Benjamin BENSTEAD
21 Nov, Charles Edwin, son of Edwin & Lucy WELLS
1859 -
19 Jun, Edwin Edgerton, son of William P. & Susan C. AIKIN
6 Aug, Henry Laurens, son of Henry L. & Julia A. KELLOGG
22 Dec, Georgeanna, dau. of Heman A. & Eunice WHITTLESEY
25 Dec, Mary Maria, dau. of ---- PATCHETT
1860 -
16 Apr, Fanny Lillie, dau. of Benjamin & Eliza BENSTEAD
23 Sep, William, son of John D. & Abby SEYMOUR
30 Sep, Welles, son of Coleman E. & Electa S. WHEELER
1861 -
2 Jan, Henry Holmes, son of Henry & Fanny LUMM
10 Feb, Martin, son of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
21 Jul
Frances Harriet, dau. of John S. & Harriet P. KIRKHAM
Kate Mary, dau. of Josiah E. & Jerusha ATWOOD
18 Aug, Susan Curtis, dau. of William P. & Susan C. AIKIN
25 Sep, Frank Rufus, son of Rufus & Sarah STODDARD
31 Oct, Eliza Webster, dau. of Lemuel W. & ELiza CAMP
1862 -
-----, A child of ---- PATCHETT
4 May, Mary Crowell, dau. of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
3 Jul, George Dayton, son of George & Mary A. DAVIS
4 Sep
Thomas Atwood, son of John S. & Harriet KIRKHAM
Julia Welles, dau. of John D. & Abby SEYMOUR
26 Nov, Lillie, dau. of Benjamin & Eliza BENSTEAD
1863 -
-----, Martha Lois BUTLER, adult
21 Jun
Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Henry & Fanny LUMM
Roger, son of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
1 Nov, Henry Curtis BUTLER, adult
1864 -
30 Oct, Alice Louisa, dau. of William P. & Susan C. AIKIN
1865 -
-- May - adults
Elias Merwin STEELE
Sarah Louisa WIERS
Mary Cornelia FRANCIS
Mary Ann BACON
4 Jun
George Sheldon, son of Reuben C. & Olive OSBORN
Sarah Aikin, dau. of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
10 Sep, John Henry, son of John S. & Harriet KIRKHAM
1866 -
1 Apr
Prudence Elizabeth & Levi Burritt, children of Burritt & Hannah BLINN
Mary Rebecca, dau. of widow Mary CHURCHILL
28 Jun, George Wolcott, son of John D. & Abby SEYMOUR
5 Aug, William Pope, son of William P. & Susan C. AIKIN
1 Nov
Isabel Ellis, dau. of Josiah Elbert & Jerusha ATWOOD
Mary Atwood, dau. of John S. & Harriet KIRKHAM
1867 -
4 Jan, Catharine & Laura, children of Lemuel W. & Eliza CAMP
10 Mar, Edwin Stanley, son of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
5 May, Arthur Winthrop, son of Dea. Rufus & Sarah STODDARD
7 Jul, James Levi, son of Edward & Eliza I. DEMING
1868 -
4 Jan, Charles Levi, dau. of Alex D. & Mary J. McLEAN
3 May - adults
James Blinn GRISWOLD
Ellen Maria FRANCIS
George Newton DOWNS
Blinn Chester GRISWOLD
Agnes Elizabeth WHAPLES
Sarah Hanmer BOARDMAN
Frances Louisa CAMP
Henry William BLINN
6 Jul, Daughter of Blinn C. & Mary Ann GRISWOLD
6 Sep
Pratt FRANCIS - adult
Flora FRANCIS - adult
John S. ROWLEY - adult
George H. & Edward R., sons of J. S. ROWLEY
Abby F. RICHARDS - adult
Mrs. Marilla R. WEBSTER
Edward WETHERELL, immersed
George WHAPLES, immersed
1869 -
3 Jan
Martha, wife of Henry WHAPLES
3 Jul, Elbert Webster, son of Henry WHAPLES
1871 -
2 Jul, Lillie Frances McLEAN, on profession of faith
26 Mar
Lemuel Aikin, son of Roger & Mercy D. WELLES
Child of Lemuel W. CAMP
1873 -
-- Jul, Alice Mary, dau. of Franklin C. LATIMER
1874 -
5 Jul, Frank Clarence, son of Clarence H. ROCKWELL
