Early Inhabitants of North Preston
Extracted from
Griswold - A History
Being a History of The Town of
Griswold, Connecticut
From the Earliest Times to the
Entrance of Our Country into
The World War in 1917
By Daniel L. Phillips
1929 (no copyright statement)
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Appendix I - Names of Early Inhabitants of North Preston Efforts to Locate the Meeting House - Petitioners and Non-petitioners to General Court Connecticut State Library, Connecticut Archives Ecclesiastical Affairs, Vol. II, Doc. 48b (spelling corrected in parenthesis.)
Subscribers of this Petition as followeth: (The towns given are where the inhabitants were from and the date of their first deed in Preston when known)
William BILLINGS, Stonington, 1701
James RIKS (RIX), Salem, Mass., 1703
Henri (Henry) HODGE
Joseph BILLINGS, Stonington, 1713
Thomas RIKE (RIX), Salem, Mass
Isaac AVERILL, Topsfield, Mass, 1704
John COOKE, Newton Mass, 1715
Joseph COIT, Plainsfield, 1714
Thomas COITE
Lazaras TILER (Lazarus TYLER), Andover, Mass ?. 1710
Jacob BURTON, Topsill, Mass, 1709
James TILER (TYLER), Andover Mass, 1706
John BRANCH, Situate, Mass,
Thomas AVERILL, Topsfield, Mass., 1704
Edward COGSWELL, Ipswich, Mass., 1713
Joseph FOSTER (in Preston 1717), Ipswich ?
Samuel COYE (in Preston in 1711)
Luke BRUMBLY, Stonington, 1715
William HATCH, Swanzey, Mass, 1710
Thomas DAVISON, Ipswich, Mass, 1694
Thomas KINNE, Salem, Mass.,
------------------- Killingly, Conn, 1717
John BOARMAN (BOARDMAN), Topsfield, Mass, 1706
David BOARMAN (BOARDMAN), Topsfield, Mass, 1703
Jacob RUDE
mosses belcher (Moses BELCHER), Milton, Mass, 1715
Petition of the North part of Preston contri---
Part of the Inhabitants May 17 P 3
May the 7 1717
Conecticut State Library
Connecticut Archives
Ecclesiastical Affairs
Vol. II, Doc 51A. (The towns given are where the inhabitants were from and the date of their first deed in Preston when known)
Sam'll LENERSON, Duxbury MASS, 1711
Daniel GEER, Preston, 1698
Thomas ROSE, Preston, 1709
Mark WILLIAMS, New London ?, 1716
Samuel GUILD, Providence, R.I., 1710
Charles WILLIAMS, New London ?, 1687
Thomas GATES, Stowe, Mass, 1699
John STANTON, Stonington, 1689
John PRENTICE, Newtown, Mass, 1714
Stephen GEATES (GATES), Stowe, Mass, 1696
Daniel WOODARD (WOODWARD). England ? 1706
Samuel LENARD junr (LEONARD, Jun.). Bridgewater, Mass, 1705
James PARKE, Preston, 1716
Joseph PRENTIS, Stonington, 1704
Ephraim HERRICK, Beverly, Mass, 1694
Timothy HERICK (HERRICK), Beverly, Mass ?, 1703
Willem (William) GREEN, Preston, 1710
William GONES (JONES), New London ?
Joseph GEER, Preston, 1706
William GONES junr (JONES, Jun)
Joseph GEER Jun, Preston, 1717
Jonathan DOWNING
Benjamin GUILD, Providence, R.I., ?
Joseph PARKE, New London, 1711
Ephraim HERRICK Jun, Beverly, Mass ?, 1719
Richards ADAMS, Canterbury, 1706
George HOLKINS (HAWKINS), Ipswich, Mass. ?, 1694
Jonathan COY, Boston, Mass. ?
Laserus TILER (Lazarus TYLER), Andover, Mass. ?, 1710
Edward STALLIN, New London, 1677 ?
John BENNETT, Stonington ?
John BENNET, Jun, Stonington ?
John PRAY, Marlborough, Mass., 1715
Samuel PARTRIDGE, Duxborough, Mass., 1717