Incriptions on
Tombstones in Milford, Conn.
Erected prior to 1800, together with
A few of aged persons who died after that date
Transcribed & Annotated by
Nathan G. POND
New Haven Historical Society, 1889
[The author's annotations, originally presented as footnotes, are indicated by italics. -jd]
I - W

227. Here lies buried the body of Mr Jonathan INGERSOLL who dec's'd May ye 28th 1760 in ye 80th year of his age
[Son of John& Mary (HUNT) INGERSOL, of Westfield, Mass, and by #228 had Jared. See Center Church Drypt, New Haven]
228. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Sarah INGERSOLL wife to Mr Jonathan INGERSOLL, who departed this Life April 22, AD. 1748 in ye 62nd year of her age
[m. 1st Daniel MILES, son of Ensign John & Mary (ALSOP) MILES and by him had John & Daniel]
229. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr David INGERSOL who died Feb 14th Anno Dom 1742 in ye 23rd year of his age
[Son of #227 & #228; m. Mehitable, dau of Richard & Mehitable BRAN]
230. In memory of Mrs Mehitable INGERSOLL wife of Mr David INGERSOL who dec'd Jun 7th 1798 in the 77th year of her age.
[Dau. of Richard & Mehitable (CLARK) BRYAN, twin sister to Richard BRYAN, that d. 1803]
231. In Memory of David INGERSOLL Esq. His Piety was early and unaffected His benevolence pure & universal As a civil officer, a minister of God for good In friendship endearing & faithful A patter of conjugal & Parental affection In prospect of a better state He departed this Life July 10th AD 1774 in the 34th year of his age ~ "All All on Earth is shadow, all beyond ~ Is substance the reverse is follys creed ~ How solid all were change shall be no more
[Son of #229 & #320; m. Clement, dau. of Joseph & Clement (BUCKINGHAM) TREAT]
232. William JILLIT son to William & Elizabeth JILLIT aged 1 year 7 months & 11 days dec'd Oct'r ye 19th 1726
[Mother was dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth WELCH]
233. Zebulon son to William & Elizabeth JILLIT aged 1 year 7 mo Died March ____
[Bro. to #232 & #234]
234. Sarah dau'r to William & Elizabeth JILLIT aged 5 years 11 mo & 30 ds Died April ye 11 1746
235. Hear Lieth Bvred the Bodey of Martha LAMBARD Desesed October 28 1703 in Hir 20 Year
[Dau. of Jesse & Deborah (FOWLER) LAMBERT. Sister of #236]
236. In memory of Mr Jesse LAMBART who departed this Life Dec 26th 1773 in the 82nd year of his age. ~ "Come my children see ~ Where you must shortly lie."
[m. #237, Dec 6, 1717]
237. In memory of Mrs Mary the wife of Mr Jesse LAMBERT who died June 6th 1776 in the 80th year of her age ~ "Remember my children & friend ~ That you must die as well as I"
[Wife of #236. See #214; dau. of Eliphal & Mary (WHEELER) GILLIT]
238. Jonathan LAW govenour of the Colony of Connecticut From 1742 to 1750 He was born at Milford August 6 1672 where he died Nov 6, 1750.
[Son of Johnathan & Sarah (CLARK) LAW; his mother ws dau. of Deacon Geo. CLARK]
239. Sarah LAW dau'gr to Hon'b Jonathan LAW Esq'r & Eunice his wife died Octo'r ye 25th 1736 in ye 6th year of her Age
[Her mother was Eunice HALL, of Wallingford. See #6]
240. In Memory of Mrs Eunice Wisf of Mr Jonathan LAW who died May ye 2nd AD. 1762 in the 42nd year of her age
[Dau. of Samuel & Eunice (HALL) ANDREW. See #6]
241. In memory of Mrs Sarah LAW, the wife of Mr Benedict A. LAW who died Nov 29th 1785 in the 36th year of her age ~ "Blessed are the dead ~ Who die in the Lord"
[Dau. of Richard & Sarah (FOWLER) BRYAN; husband was son of Jonathan & Eunice (ANDREW) LAW. See #240]
242. ---AI - LAW Died the --- Day of Anno Domni 1704 : Whose Body Lieth Here Interred
[Probably mother of Gov. Jonathan LAW, by birth Sarah, dau. of Deacon George CLARK & sister to #99]
243. Daniel LANGSTAFF Died March the __ 1688 (?) in the __ of his age.
[Son of Bethuel & Hannah (BUCKINGHAM) LANGSTAFF]
244. Daniel LANGSTAFF Died March 9th 169_ in the 6th year of his age
[Bro. to #243]
245. In memory of Elisha Arnold LEEWIS son of Mr Elisha & Mrs Anne LEEWIS who departed this Life Feb'r ye 6th 1756 in ye 2nd year of his age
246. Mr. Louis LIRON Marchant dtL Septemb'r ye 18th 1738 in ye 88th year of his age
[b. in France]
247. Mrs Katherind LIRON wife to Mr. Louis LIRON dtL Nov'r the 26th 1727 in the 58th year of her age
248. In Memory of Mr. Lewis MALLETT who died Sept'r 7th 1790 in the 82nd year of his age
[Son of John & Jane (LIRON) MALLETT; his mother sister to #246]
249. In memory of Mrs Eunice MALLETT wife of Mr Lewis MALLETT who died Oct'o 19th 1789 in the 77th year of her age
[Dau of Ezekiel & Abigail (BRISCOE) NEWTON]
250. Aaron son of Mr Moses & Mrs Francis MALARY who dec'd Novem'b ye 11 age'd 3 years 1749
[See #251]
251. In memory of Mr. Moses MALARY who died Decem 7 A D 1794 aged 70 years ~ "Children weep not, dry up your tears ~ Prepare to meet your God ~ I must ly here til Christ appear ~ Who paid my ransom with his blood"
[m. in 1744, Frances, dau. of Samuel & Rebecca (PRICHARD) OVIATT]
252. In memory of Mrs ANna MALLORY the amiable consort of Capt Daniel MALLORY who died Feb 7. A.D. 1800 in the 46th year of her age ~ "Children weep not, dry up your tears ~ Prepare to meet your God ~ I must ly here til Christ appear ~ Who paid my ransom with his blood"
253. Here lyes ye body of Amos son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Sarah MERCHANT Dec'd Dec'r 20th 1750 in ye 3rd year of his age
[Mother was Sarah, dau of Joseph FENN]
254. [Triple Stone] Here lyes ye body of Jedediah MERCHANT Died Nov'mb ye 30th AD. 1755 in ye 3rd year of his age
Here lyes ye body of Hannah MERCHANT ye 1st Died Sept ye 13th AD 1750 in ye 11th month of her age
Here lyes ye body of Hannah MERCHANT ye 2nd who died March 5th 1755 in ye 3rd year of her age
Children of Mr. Ezra & Mrs Elizabeth MERCHANT
[Mother was dau. of Joseph PRITCHARD]
255. Joseph MARSHALL son to Mr Joseph & Mrs Abigail MARSHALL aged 2 years & 3 months Dec Nov ye 11th 1739
[Mother, dau. of Joseph & Mary (NEWTON) BRYAN, & sister to #61]
256. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Elizabeth MOOR of Boston dec'sd December 29gh 1769 (?) in ye 84th year of her age
257. Daniel ye son of John & Martha MILES Died Jun ye 16th 1746. aged 3 ys 11 ms & 10 ds Father was son of #228 by 1st husband, Daniel MILES; wather was #258]
258. Entombed is here depostied the dear remains of Mrs Martha MILES The amiable consort of Mr John MILES who with a Christian resignation closed her eyes upon a vain world April 26th 1797 aged 85
[Dau. of Joseph & Martha (BRYAN) SMITH; m. Nov 3, 1737, John, son of Daniel MILES & #228]
259. Sacred to the memory of Isaac MILES Esq'r Distinguised by manly sens Genuine Integrity and firmest in Patriotism & in virtue After a lave active incommerce and in Public employments A Life very useful to his family and to the Public: worn out by a long and distressing asthma borne with a singular patience He died on the 15th of Nov 1780 in the 55th year of his age
[Son of Stephen & Susanna (BURWELL, b. BALDWIN) MILES; m. Catherine, dau. of Phineas & Rebecca BALDWIN. Was with Ephriam STRONG, representative in first session held unde the State Constitution]
260. In Memory of Miss Susanna MILES daugh't of Mr Isaac MILES Esq'r who died January 16th 1788. AEtat 36. ~ "Think what I was ~ Think what I am ~ Ah! think what you must be"
[Dau. of #259]
261. Here lyes ye body of Sarah MILES daugh'tr of Lieut Theophilus & Mrs Katherine MILES who died Sept ye 13th 1750 in ye 21st year of her age
262. Here lyes ye body of Theophilus son of Lieut Theophilus & Mrs Katherine MILES who dcd'd Sept ye 3rd 1750 in ye 9 year of his age
263. In Memory of Mrs Sarah PRINCE wife of Mr Theophilus MILES who departed this Life May 15 AD 1790 in the 28th year of her age ~ "O Death where is thy sting ~ O Grave where is thy victory."
[Dau. of Benjamin & Mary (PECK) FENN, #165]
264. In memory of two children of Mr Theophilus & Mrs Martha MILES. Susanna MILES died Septem'br 28gh 1796 aged 3 years 3 months & 12 days. Theophilus MILES Jr died October 2nd 1796 aged 1 year 6 months & 12 days. ~ "Fresh in the morn the Summer rose ~ Lies withered ere tis noon ~ Wee scarce enjoy the Balmy gift ~ But mourn the perfume gone."
[Mother was dau. of Thomas & Sibly (SMITH) CLARK]
265. Heere ---- T. E ---- ME --- In Aged --- Years Died of April 1697
[Probably the grave of Miles MERWIN, who came here in 1645, d. April 23, 1697. His wife Sarah d. March 5, 1698]
266. Here lyes the body of Elizabeth onley Daugh'tr to Mr John & Mrs Elizabeth MERWIN who Dec'd this Life July 24th Anno Dom 1749 In 18 year of her age
[Mother, was by birth, dau. of Samuel & Martha (BALDWIN) NETTLETON; father, son of #267 & #268]
267. Here lyes ye body of Mr John MERWIN Died January the 13th 17__ in the ___ of his age
268. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Elizabeth MERWIN, wife to Mr John MERWIN aged about 69 years Died May the 16th 1730
[Dau. of Thomas & Phebe CANFIELD, the settler; m. 1st Theophilus BALDWIN in 1682, 2d, J. M., 1705; b. Feb 1660]
269. Here lyes ye body of M's Anne MERWIN wife to Mr Miles MERWIN who dec'd Decem'br ye 3rd 1723 in ye 28th year of her age
[Dau. of Ensing Joseph & Frances (BRYAN) TREAT]
270. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Miles MERWIN who departed this Life May the 14th 1764 in ye 45th year of his age
271. In Memory of Mrs Mary MERWIN Relict of Mr Miles MERWIN wdtl Dec 27th 1797 in the 75th year of her age
[Rpobably Mary ALLYN of New Haven]
272. Here Lyeth Buried the Body of M's Sarah NISBETT Wife to M'r Mvngrow NISBETT aged 41 Yeares Departed This Life Septembe ye 16 Anno Domni 1698
[Dau. of Richard BRYAN, the settler; m. 1st, Samuel FITCH, Oct, 1678, 2d, Mvngow NISBETT, 1696. See #421]
273. Here lyes the body of Mr Ezekiel NEWTON Deceased Febr'y the 12th 1728 in the 41st year of his age
[m. Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary (CAMP) BRISCOE, May 21, 1711]
274. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Thomas NEWTON who departed this Life June ye 8th AD 1753 in ye 72nd year of his age
[Son of Samuel & Martha (FENN) NEWTON]
275. Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Mary NEWTON wife of Mr Thomas NEWTON who died March the 29th 1744 in the 66 year of her age Dau. of Zackariah BALDWIN; m. #275, June 20, 1704, sister to mother of #259.]
276. Here llies buried the body of Mr Samuel NEWTON who Decd December ye 26th 1728 in ye 52nd year of his age
[Son of #274 & #275]
277. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Phebe NEWTON wife to Mr Samuel NEWTON who dec'd November ye 12th 1727 in ye 42nd year of her age
[Dau. of Joseph & Mary KELLOGG) PLATT, and wife of #276]
278. Here lyes ye body of Joseph NEWTON son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Phebe NEWTON who dec'd Feb'ry 20th 1727/8 aged 9 years & 1 month
[Son of #276 & #277]
279. Mrs Lydia NEWTON wife to Mr John NEWTON died Oct ye 23rd 1747 in ye 86th year of her age
[Dau. of Thomas FORD, the settler, 1646; m. John NEWTON, son of Roger, the Pastor, April 14, 1680]
280. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Martha NEWTON wife to Mr John NEWTON who Died Jul ye 10th AD 1750 in ye 37th year of her age
[Dau. of Samuel & Rachel (LAMBERT) SMITH; husband, son of #279]
280a Here lyes ye body of Mrs Phebe NEWTON wife to Serg't Jonah NEWTON who departed this Life April ye 26th AD 1756 in ye 36th year of her age Dou. of Joseph & Sarah PLATT; wife of #252]
281. Here lyes the body of Mrs Elizabeth NEWTON died July the 5th 1734 in the 31st year of her age
282. Here lyes buried ye body of Serg'e Jonah NEWTON who departed this Life, April ye 19th AD. 1756 in ye 42nd year of his age
[Son of #276 & #277, bro. to #278; m. Phebe, dau. Joseph & Sarah PLATT]
283. This Monument is erected to the memory of Mr Jonah NEWTON Jr., The only son of Capt Jonah & Mrs Sarah NEWTON who suddenly departed this mortal Life on the 1st of October 1794 aged 18 years & one month & three days
[Mother was Sarah WOODRUFF, dau. of John & Sarah (BALDWIN)]
284. The truly honorable & pious Roger NEWTON Esq'r an officer of distinguished note in ye expeditions 1709 & 1710 for many years one of the council & Col'o of the Second Regiment of Militia, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas 33 years and he departed this Life Jan'y 13th 1771 in the 87th year of his age ~ "His mind returned to God, intombed here lies ~ The part the Hero left beneath the Skies ~ Newton as steel inflexible from right ~ In Faith, in Law, in Equity, in Fight"
[Son of Capt. Samuel & Martha (FENN) NEWTON; m. #285, April 10, 1712]
285. Mrs Susanna NEWTON, relict of the Hon'o Roger NEWTON, Es'qr dtL May 15th AD. 1776 in the 86th year of her age ~ "If the days of our years ~ Be fourscour years yet ~ It is soon cut off & we fly away"
[Dau. of Samuel & Martha (WHITING) BRIAN. See #284]
286. [no listing, the number is skipped]
287. "Memento more" ~ Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Fletcher NEWTON [stone broken, remainder lost]
[Son of Roger & Abigail (FLETCHER) NEWTON; m. Hannah, dau of Joseph & Mary PLATT, sister to #277]
288. Here lyes the body of Mr Ezekiel NEWTON aged about 74 years Died May the 4th 1734
289. Here lyes ye body of Joseph NETTLESON aged 24 years & 11 mo Died January ye 31st 1724/5
[Son of Samuel & Martha (BALDWIN) NETTLETON]
290. Susanna daught'r to Nathan & Susanna NETTLETON died Novem'r 5th 1736 in the 11th year of her age
[Her mother #293]
291. Susanna dau'r to Nathan & Susanna NETTLETON aged 3 months died Jan'y ye 8 1737
[See #290]
292. Benajah, son to Silvanus & Mary NETTLETON aged 4 months & 7ds Died Nov'r 25th 1746
[His mother was Mary, dau. of Josiah WHITMORE]
293. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Susannah NETTLETON wife to Mr Nathan NETTLETON who departed this Life June ye 6th AD. 1754 in ye 53 year of her age
[Dau of Joseph & Susan PLUMB]
294. Susanna dau'r of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah NETTLETON died Sept 15th 1774 in her 5th year
295. David, son of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah NETTLETON died Sep 24th 1774 in the 9th year of his age
296. In memory of Isaac NETTLETON who died Sept 26th 1774 in his 12th year ~ Hezekiah who died Sept 27th 1774 in his 7th year
[Children of Mr. Isaac & Mrs. Sarah NETTLETON]
297. Daniel, son of Mr Isaac & Mrs Sarah NETTLETON Died Oct 7th 1774 In his 2nd year of his age
298. In Memory of Mr David NETTLETON who departed this Life June 11, 1792 in the 29th year of his age
299. In Memory of Mrs Hannah NETTLETON wife of Mr Thaddeus NETTLETON Died May 9th 1797 AE 61
[Dau. of Caleb & (____) CAMP]
300. Here lyes inter'd the body of Nathan NETTLETON son to Miss Susanna P. MARTIN who died Dec 29th 1780 aged 6 months ~ "Why want they months Inlarged to years ~ To dry a forsaken mothers tears"
[The mother was dau. of Rev. Ebenezer & Susanna (PLUMB) MARTIN of Spencertown, N.Y. 300a (a footstone) N. N. 1749]
301. Here lyes ye body of Elizabeth NEWHALL wife to Eliazer NEWHALL Died Nov'r ye 12th 1743 in ye 37th year of her age
302. Amos NORTHROP (died about 1726)
[No more can be deciphered; he was born in 1689; and his widow married in 1729, Henry PECK; she was Mary GUNN, dau. of Jebomah]
303. Here lyeth the body Joseph NORTHROP who died in the 50th year of his age May 1700
[Son of Joseph & Mary (NORTON) NORTHROP, settlers, b. Aug 1649]
304. Here lyes ye body of Mr Jeremiah NORTHROP died April ye 11th 1734 in ye 81st year of his age
[Bro. to #303, b. in 1654]
305. David NORTHROP son to David & Rebecca NORTHRAP Died ___ 9, 1741 in ye 19th (?) year of his age
[and #306 Mother was dau. of Deliverance DOWNS]
306. Rebecca NORTHROP dau'r to David & Rebecca NORTHROP Died Oct ye 30th 1738 in the 5th year of her age
307. Here lyes ye body of Mrs ___ NORTHROP wife to Mr James NORTHROP aged about 42 years Died May ye 25th 1739
[Husband was son of #303]
308. [Double Stone] Here lyes ye body of John NORTHROP son of Mr Phenihas & Mrs Elizabeth NORTHRUP died August ye 21st 1750 in ye 5th year of his age
Here lyes ye body of Rachel NORTHROP da'u of Mr Phenihas & Mrs Elizabeth NORTHRUP died August ye 22nd 1750 in ye 7th year of her age
[The mother was the dau. of John & Abigail BRINSMEAD. See #51. Father son of #304]
309. Israel NORTHRVP son of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary NORTHRVP Died August ye 10th 1750 in ye 11th year of his age
[Mother was Mary, dau of Samuel & Esther (BALDWIN) SANFORD]
310. In memory of Mr Ephraim NORTHROP who departed this Life October 10th AD. 1787 aged 91 years ~ "Sweet is the memory of the just ~ While dying nature sleeps in dust"
[Son of William & Mary (PECK) NORTHROP; m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel & Mercy (SMITH) GUNN]
311. In memory of Mrs Sarah NORTHROP wife to Mr Ephraim NORTHROP who died November 1st 1780 aged 77 years ~ "Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord"
[Dau. of #193 & #194]
312. In memory of Miss Abigail NORTHROP Daugh't of Mr Ephraim & Mrs Sarah NORTHROP who died March 20 1790 aged 59 ~ "Let not the dead forgotten be ~ Lest you forget that you must die"
[Dau of #310 & #311]
313. John OVIAT Died Jul 17, 1748 in ye 47th year of his age
[Son of Samuel; m. Susanna HINE, dau. of John (prob.), Jan 16, 1724]
314. Alexander, son to Alexander & Lydia OVIAT died March ye 31st in ye 10th year of his age 1737
315. Here lyes ye body of Lieut Joseph PECK Dec'd March the 1st 1731(?) in the 79th year of his age
316. Content dau't to Joseph & Han__ PECK died July the 16th 1737 in ye 4th year of her age
317. Edward PERIT son to Peter & Abigail PERIT aged 1 month & 3 D's Died March ye 10 1738/9
[Mother was dau. of John & Abigail (ALLEN) SHEPHERD]
318. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary PERIT wife to Mr Peter PERIT wdtl Janu'ry ye 1st Anno Dom 1752 in ye 67th year of her age
319. In Memory of Mr Peter PERIT who departed this Life April 8th AD 1791 in the 84th year of his age
[b. in France]
320. Here lyes the body of Abner PERMELE Died July ye 26th 173(?) in the 19th year of his age
321. Here lyes the body of Captain Joseph PRIME Departed this Life December the 22nd 1729 in the 41st year of his age
322. Here lyes ye body of Mr Epenetus PLATT who dec'd April ye 10, 1723 in ye 27th year of his age
[Son of Joseph & Mary (KELLOGG) PLATT]
323. Here lyes the body of Hester PLATT daugh't to Richard & Hesther PLATT Died December 24, 1728 in the 21st year of her age
[Her mother was Hesther, dau. of Samuel & Sarah (BALDWIN) BUCKINGHAM]
324. Here lyes buried ye body of Serg't Richard PLATT who departed this Life May ye 3rd A.D. 1756 in ye 42nd year of his age
[ Son of Josiah & Esther (BUCKINGHAM) PLATT, m. Mehetable, dau. of Ebenezer FISK]
325. In memory of Mr Richard PLATT who died Jan'y 11th 1799 in the 57th year of his age ~ "A loving Husband, a tender Father ~ Left this world to enjoy the other"
[Son of Richard & Mehetable (FISK) PLATT, #324]
326. Sacred to the Memory of Mr Gideon PLATT who departed this Life Sept 24th A.D. 1796 in the 63rd year of his age in hopes of a glorious immortality ~ "Behold my friend as you pass by ~ Returned to dust - I here do lie ~ As I am now so you must be ~ Prepare for death and follow me"
[Son of Lt. Gideon & Mary (BUCKINGHAM) PLATT]
327. Here llies buried the body of Mrs Rachel PLUM wife to Mr John PLUM who dec'd July ye 21st 1723 in ye 45th year of her age
328. Hlbybo Mr Zuriel PLUM who died March ye 24th 1728 in ye 21st year of his age
[Son of John & Rachel PLUM, # 327]
329. Mr. Robart PLUM Desesed Desembr the 4 1703 in the 56th year of his age
[Son of Robert & Mary (BALDWIN) PLUMB, settlers 1639; m. Ruth FINCH widow Thomas, by birth CLARK]
330. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Samuel PLUMB aged 68 years died May ye 19th 1728
331. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Joseph PLUM who decesd'd Nov ye 7th 1742
332. This stone is erected in Memory of Mrs Sarah POMEROY widow of the Rev'd Seth POMEROY former minister of Greenfield she died May 6th 1783 in the 48th year of her age ~ "Thou dear departed with no laboured bust ~ Nor panegyric I insult thy dust ~ Yet let a child with duty in arrear ~ Say while he heaves a sigh & drops a tear ~ The tenderest of all parents Slumbers here." Dau. of Gov. Jonathan & Eunice (HALL) LAW. See # 238 & #8, her husband, son of ( ) Graduate of Yale 1753]
333. M -- Peter I-- D Din ----- May --- Year of --- His Age Anno Domni
[Probably Peter, son of Samuel & Grace (JUDSON) PRUDDEN, died May 19, 1704]
334. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary POND, wife to Mr Peter POND wD June ye 16th 1761 in ye 37th year of her age
[By birth Mary HUBBARD]
335. In Memory of Charles POND who died May 18, 1832, aged 88. ~ "He was a good Husband; ~ A kind Parent; ~ A pattern of industry; ~ An actor in the revolution ~ And through Life, Liberty's friend."
[Son of #334; m. 1st #336, 2nd Catherine, sister of #154]
336. Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs Martha POND the amiable consort of Capt. Chas POND who with a Christian resignation closed her eyes upon a vain world May the 29th, 1797 aged 57 ~ "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labors & their works shall follow them"
[Dau. of John & Martha (SMITH) MILES (#258), mother of Gov. Charles Hobby POND]
337. In memory of Charlotte POND Dau'tr of Mr Charles & Mrs Martha POND who died July 8 1772 aged 19 days
[See #335 & #336]
338. Here lyes buried ye body of William POWELL son of Capt William POWELL & Mrs Rebecca his wife who dec'd April ye 12th A.D. 1755 in ye 6th year of his age
339. Here lyes ye body of Abigail PRINCE, dau'tr to Mr Josiah PRINCE & Abigail his wife aged 3 years 6 mos 21 days Died July ye 14, 1729
[See #340]
340. Here lyes ye body of Capt. Josiah PRINCE who departed this Life December the 22nd 1729 in the 41st year of his age
[Son of Gamaliel PRINCE & bro. to #164; m. Abigail, dau of Samuel & Martha (WHITING) BRYAN, sister to #285; his widow m. as 2d wife, John FOWLER]
341. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mrs Sarah PRINCE dau't of Capt Josiah PRINCE & Mrs Abigail his wife died Oct'r ye 1st 1750 in the 23rd year of her age
[Dau. of #340]
342. Here lyes ye body of Howell PRINCE son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Abigail PRINCE Died Nov'r ye 7th 1751 in ye 2nd year of his age
343. Sibel dau't to Roger & Sarah PRITCHARD who died Dec ---- in ye 2nd year of her age
344. Hannah PRICHARD Dau'tr to Roger &
[Father was bro. to #345]
345. Here lyes ye body of Mr Benjamin PRICHARD Died April ye 9th 1743 in ye 86th year of his age
[Son of Roger (the settler of 1653) & Elizabeth SLOUGH, who was dau. to James, the bro. of Peter PRUDDEN, the pastor.]
346. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Samuel PRUDDEN who departed this Life Octo'br 17th AD 1742 Aged 69 years & 2 months
[Son of Samuel & Grace (JUDSON) PRUDDEN; m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas & Hannah ( ) CLARK]
347. Here lyes ye body Grace PRUDDEN Daught'r of Mr Samuel & Mrs. Hannah PRUDDEN who died Nov'br 18. 1742 aged 20 years & 1 month
[Dau. of #346]
348. Here lyes buried ye body of John PRUDDEN who departed this Life Jan'y 16th AD 1762 in the 82nd year of his age
[Son of Samuel & Grace (JUDSON) PRUDDEN, bro. to #346; m. Mary, dau. of Samuel & Mary (CLARK) CLARK; father of #353 & #349]
349. Here lyes intere'd the body of the Rev Mr Job PRUDDEN late worthy Pastor of the Church of Christ in the second society Milford. He had his education at Yale College in New Haven & continued in the work of the Ministry almost 27 years. A bountiful benefactor to mankind well beloved in his Life and much Lamented at his death which happened on the 23rd day of June Anno Domni 1774 in the 59th year of his age
[Son of #348; m. Esther, dau. of Nathaniel & Rebecca (BURWELL) SHERMAN, whose sister m. Joseph BELLAMY]
350. Here lyes ye body of Sibella PRUDDEN daugh'r to Mr John & Mrs Mary PRUDDEN who died June 4th 1740 aged 7 years 10 months & 4 day's
[Sister of #349]
351. In memory of Samuel PRUDDEN who in prospect of a better world departed this mortal Life August 14th 1774 in the 67th year of his age. ~ "Unshaken as the Sacred hill ~ And firm as mountains be ~ Firm as a rock the soul shall rise ~ That leans o Lord on thee."
[Son of Samuel & Hannah (CLARK) PRUDDEN; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph & Sarah (SMITH) BEARD]
352. In memory of Hannah PRUDDEN wife of John PRUDDEN who died Oct 7th 1790 aged 73 years
[Dau. of Fletcher & Hannah (PLATT) NEWTON]
353. In memory of John PRUDDEN who died Sept 3, 1786 in the 79th year of his age
[Son of John & Mary (CLARK) PRUDDEN, #348; m. #352]
354. This monument is erected to prepetuate the memory of Mr Joseph PRUDDEN who departed this Life January 16th 1775 in the 30th yer of his age. ~ "Death is a debt to nature due ~ Which I must pay & so must you"
[Son of #351 & #355]
355. In memory of Sarah PRUDEN who with a happier world in view departed this mortal state July 27th 1788 in the 80th year of her age. ~ "Our age to seventy years is set ~ How short the term how frail the state ~ And if to Eighty we arrive ~ We rather sigh & groan than live"
[Dau. of Joseph & Sarah (SMITH) BEARD; m. Samuel PRUDDEN, Feb 25, 1742. See #351]
356. In memory of Sarah & Anne PRUDDEN, daughters of Mr. Samuel & Mrs Anne PRUDDEN. They were lovely & pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided. Seized by a distemper which baffled human efforts they suddenly departed this Life on the 26th of January 1788 the former in the 6th and the latter in the 4th year of her age.
357. Sacred to the memory of Mrs Anne PRUDDEN the amiable consort of Mr. Samuel PRUDDEN who departed this Life May 15th 1794 aged 35 years. ~ "Death thou hast conquered me ~ I by thy dart am slain ~ But Christ will conquer you ~ & I shall rise again."
358. Katherine, dau'r to Daniel & Mary RILUM died Mar 1740 in ye 17th year of her age
359. Here lieth the body of William ROBARTS who departed this Life in the 72nd year of his age August 6, 1689
360. Ann ROGERS dau't to Lieut Joseph & Sarah ROGERS Died Feb ye 18th 1733 in ye 18th year of her age
[Child of #361 & #362]
361. Here lyes interr'd the body of Lieu't Joseph ROGERS who departed this Life June ye 6th AD 1754 in ye 83 year of his age
[Husband of 362, son of Eliazer & Elizabeth ROGERS]
362. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah ROGERS wife of Lieu't Joseph ROGERS who died Sept ye 1st 1750 aged 72 years
[Dau. of Samuel & Mary (CLARK) CLARK]
363. Here lyes ye body of Joseph son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth ROGERS who died Sept 21 1750 in ye 9th year of his age
[Mother was Elizabeth, dau of Nathan & Elizabeth (FOWLER) CLARK]
364. Here lyes ye body of Ann daughter of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth ROGERS who dec'd March 13th 1746 aged 7 days
[See #363]
365. Here lyes ye body of Ann daugh't of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth ROGERS who dec'd Sept ye 30th 1750 in ye 2nd year of her age
[See #363]
366. Here lies the body of Nathan son of Mr Joseph & Mrs Elizabeth ROGERS who died May ye 3rd 1745 aged 5 months
[See #363]
367. Here lies entombed the body of Mrs Sally ROGERS the amiable consort of Capt Josiah ROGERS who departed this Life Sept 25th 1799 in the 23rd year of her age ~ "The Rose that flourish in the morn ~ But little knows its doom ~ My Sally is taken from my arms ~ and hastened to the Tomb ~ Unto the mighty power of death ~ Its hard to be resigned ~ But Jesus calls & I must go ~ And leave my friends behind"
[Dau. of Samuel & Sarah (PECK) ANDREWS; husband was son of Timothy & Eunice (HAMMOND) ROGERS of New London]
368. Here lyes ye body of Ephraim SANFORD Died April ye 15th 1728 in ye 52 year of his age
[Son of Ephraim & Mary (____) SANFORD]
369. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Hannah SANFORD wife to Mr Samuel SANFORD who deceased January ye 14th 1726 aged 51 years
[Dau. of Nathaniel & Hannah (BOTCHFORD) BALDWIN]
370. Here lyes the body of Thomas SANFORD aged about 43 years Died Oct 18, 1731
[Son of Samuel & Hannah BRONSON]
371. Here lyes buried ye body of Capt Andrew SANFORD who departed this Life April 23rd Anno Domni 1747 in ye 73rd year of his age
[Son of Andrew & Mary (BOTCHFORD) SANFORD; m. Margaret]
372. Here lyes ye body of Elijah SANFORD son of Mr Andrew & Mrs Andrew SANFORD who dec'd March 20th 1737 in ye 19th year of his age.
[Son of #371]
373. Here lyes ye body of Mary SANFORD wife to John SANFORD aged 26 years & 19 days Dec'd July ye 29th 1744
[Dau. of Jesse & Mary (GILLET) LAMBERT; m. Sept 14, 1743, son of #371]
374. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Cornet David SANFORD who departed this Life Jan'ry ye 16th AD 1751 in ye 41st year of his age
[Son of Samuel & Esther (____) SANFORD]
375. He lyes ye body of Mary SANFORD Dau'tr of Mr Samuel & Mrs Ann SANFORD who died Jul 23 AD 1746 aged 7 months & 19 days Mother was dau. of Joseph & Susanna (___) PLUMB]
376. Here lies ye body of Mr John SMITH Deses'd Jan'y 8, 1732 in ye 87th year of his age
[Son of John the settler, baptized Sept 1746; husband of #380]
377. Mrs Ruth SMITH wife to Mr John SMITH died Jun ye 16th 1749 In ye 68th year of her age
[Dau of James & Sarah (WHEELER) BRISCOE, wife of #379]
378. HERE LIES YE BOD ---- RUI ---- WIFE TO MR JOHN SMITH --- GED --- YEARS -AY ye 31 -- 30
379. Here lyes ye body of Mr John SMITH who departed this Life May ye 14th AD 1751 aged 77 years
[Son of John & Phebe (CANFIELD) SMITH, see #380; m. Ruth, dau. of [rest is missing] ]
380. Here lyes ye body of Phebe wife to Mr John SMITH aged 74 years died May ye 3rd 1730
[Dau. of John & Phebe CANFIELD, settlers; baptized March 1656; m. Jan 23, 1673 to #376]
381. Here lyes ye body of Mr Timothy SMITH Died March ye 2nd 1739 in ye 71st year of his age
[Husband of #386]
382. "Memento Moir" ~ Here lyeth interr'd ye body of Mrs Anna SMITH wife to Mr Ebenezer SMITH who died Sept'br ye 27th AD 1750 in ye 56th year of her age
[Dau. of William & Anna (BEARD) FOWLER; sister to #385; husband, son of Benjamin & Sarah (HAUGHTON) SMITH]
383. Anna SMITH daugh'ter of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs Anna SMITH dec'd December ye 29th 1626 in ye 4th year of her age
[Dau of #382]
384. Here lyes inter'ed ye body of Elias SMITH only son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Margaret SMITH Died July 63 25th AD 1749 aged 17 years
[His mother, #385; bro. of #158]
385. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mrs Margaret SMITH wife to Mr Samuel SMITH Died Aug'st ye 20th AD 1750 aged 53 years
[Dau. of William & Anna (BEARD) FOWLER, see #178; husband, son of Benjamin & Mary (BALDWIN) SMITH]
386. "Memento mori" ~ Here lyes ye body of Mrs Elizabeth SMITH wife to Mr Timothy SMITH who departed this Life August ye 27th 1750 aged 77 years
[Dau of Edward & Rebecca (SMITH) WILKINSON; Rebecca SMITH was dau. of Henry SMITH of Stamford]
387. Here lyes ye body of Mr Ebenezer SMITH who departed this Life August ye 31st Anno Domi 1750 in the 33rd year of his age
[Bro of #388 & M. Phebe CANFIELD, Aug 10, 1742]
387a. Phebe dau'r to Ebenezer & Phebe SMITH aged 1 year & 5 mos Died March 2nd 1746
[See #387]
388. Here llies buried the body of Mr Benjamin SMITH Jr who died Sept'r ye 22nd 1749 in ye 36th year of his age
[Son of Timothy & Elizabeth (WILKINSON) SMITH; m. Mehetable BOTCHFORD, dau. of Samuel, June 16, 1747]
389. Benjamin son of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs Phebe SMITH who died Sept ye 7th 1759 aged 8 months
[See #387]
390. Here lyes ye body of Cumfort SMITH daugh'tr of Mr Benjamin & Mrs Mehetable SMITH Died Dec'r ye 13, 1750 in ye 7th month of her age ~ "Sleep on my lovely babe and take your rest ~ For Jesus Christ has called you hence because he thought it best"
[See #388]
391. Here lyes ye body of Ephraim son of Mr Ephraim & Mrs Sarah SMITH who dec'd Sept ye [Stone broken]
392. Beard SMITH son to Mr John & Mrs Mary SMITH aged 2 years 4 mo Dec'd March ye 25th 1736
[Mother was dau. of Jeremiah BEARD, see #43 & #44]
393. [Double stone] Here lyes ye body of Ammiel SMITH who died July 21st 1750 aged 5 years 1 mo & 21 d's
Here lyes ye body of Beard Still SMITH who died July 28th 1750 aged 12 years & 16 days
Children of Mr John & Mrs Mary SMITH
[See #392]
394. Susanna SMITH dau to Mr Joseph & Mrs Mary SMITH ---- [Stone broken]
395 In memory of Mr Nehemiah SMITH who departed this Life May ye 23rd 1789 in the 70th year of his age ~ "Let not the dead forgotten be ~ Lest you forget that you must die."
[Son of Nehemiah & Elizabeth (PLATT) SMITH]
396. Here lyes ye body of Mr Samuel SMITH Died ----- 1749 ----- year of his age
[Probably husband of #385]
397. This Monument is erected to the memory of Mr James SMITH son of Mr Joel & Mrs Mary SMITH who departed this Life Aug't 31st AD 1796 aged 21 years ~ "Stop gentle reader ~ Drop a mournfull tear ~ Over a youth who was like you ~ But now lies buried here ~ Who in his blooming youth was cut down ~ And from his friends & parents now is gone"
398. Mrs CLEMANT SMITH DIED SEPTEMBER THE 20 1695 in the _6 YEAR --- HER ----
399. Here lyes ye body of Ezekiel STONE son to Mr Ezekiel & Mrs Hannah STONE Died July ye 17th 1728 in ye 17th year of his age
[Mother was dau. of John & Mary (WELCH) MERWIN]
400. In memory of Mr Ezekiel STONE who died Novemb'r ye 22nd 1744 in ye 65th year of his age
[Son of John & Susanna (NEWTON) STONE]
401. John son of Mr John & Mrs Susanna STONE who dec'd Augu'st 29 AD 1750 in ye 5th year of his age
[See #400]
402. Sarah dau't of Mr. S. Mansfield & Mrs Sarah STONE died October 18th 1773 aged 5 years & 2 months ~ "Sleep lovely babe & take thy rest ~ God called thee home Because he saw if best"
[Mother was dau. of Samuel & Hannah (JENNINGS) PECK]
403. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Joanna STONE wife to Mr John STONE died May ye 19th 1741 in ye 25th year of her age
[Dau. of James & Joanna (PRUDDEN) FENN; husband m. 2d, Jan 14, 1742, Susan MANSFIELD of New Haven]
404. In memory of Mrs Eleanor STONE relict of Mr Joseph STONE who departed this Life August 9th 1798 in the 78th year of her age
[By birth Eleanor BEACH, dau. of Thomas & Hannah]
405. Here lyes ye body of John STRONG son to Mr Ephraim & Mrs Mary STRONG died April ye 14. 1734 in ye 19 year of his age
[His mother was Mary BRISCOE, dau of Nathaniel, widow of Samuel BUCKINGHAM. E.S. her second husband]
406. Here lyes ye body of Mr Daniel TERRELL aged 67 years Died June ye 10th 1727
[Son of Roger, the settler; m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Thomas & Ruth (CLARK) FINCH, of Norwalk; 2nd, Abigail BRISTOL in 1712]
407. "Memento Mori" ~ Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mr Thomas TIBBALLS who departed this Life Sept'br ye 1st Anno Dom'i 1750 aged 71 years
[Son of Thomas & Abigail (STREAM) TIBBALS; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of Nathniel BRISCOE, 2d Ann, dau. of Josiah ARNOLD]
408. Here lyes ye body of Samuel TIBBALLS only son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Ruth TIBBALLS dec'd Jan ye 1st 1752 in ye 27th year of his age
[Mother was Ruth ROGERS, dau of John]
409. Here lyes ye body of Mrs ---- TIBBOLS wife to Mr Samuel TIBBOLS who departed this Life March 25 1767 in ye 71st year of her age
[Probably Ruth ROGERS by birth]
410. Here lyes ye body of Eliakim son of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary TIBBALS died Sept'r ye 4th 1750 in ye 16th year of her [sic] age
411. Here lyes the body of Mary dau'tr of Mr Josiah & Mrs Mary TIBBALLS who died Sept'r ye 9th 1759 in ye 6th year of her age
412. In memory of Mrs Mehetable wife of Mr Samuel TIBBALLS who died 2nd March 1774 aged 22 years ~ "Behold & see as you pass by ~ As you are now so once was I ~ As I am now so you must be ~ Prepare for death & follow me ~ Here doth my body rest in dust ~ Till my Redeemer come ~ With him ile live & spend a long ~ Eternity at home"
[Dau. of Jesse & Anna (PECK) LAMBERT; husband was son of Arnold & Dorothy (THOMPSON) TIBBALLS]
413. In memory of Mr Josiah TIBBALS who died the 2nd day of February 1790 aged 81 years - also - Mrs Mary TIBBALS his wife who died the 28th day of November 1798 in the 86th year of her age.
[Husband, son of Josiah & Bethiah (MILES) TIBBALS; wife, dau. of Samuel & Abigail (BALDWIN) TERRILL]
414. Sacred to Mrs Polly TIBBALLS the amiable consort of Capt Samuel TIBBALS who departed this Life March 17, 1790 aged 37 years & 8 mos. ~ "Death thou' hast conquered me ~ I by thy dart am slain ~ But Christ will conquer you ~ And I shall rise again"
[His 2d wife; dau. of Benjamin & Ann (PLATT) BULL]
415. In memory of Mr Lemuel TIBBALS who died the 11th day of May 1816 aged 76 years. Also Mrs Mary TIBBALS his wife who died the 6th day of October 1798 aged 50 years
[Son of #413; wife ws dau. of Aaron & Mary FENN]
[Son of Richard TREAT; m. 1st, Jane,dau of Edmond TAPP, #417; m. 2d, Elizabeth, widow of Richard BRYAN]
[By birth, Jane TAPP, dau of Edmond & Ann; she died the last of April, 1703, say town records]
417a. [Foot stone] Mrs JANE TREATE
[Born dau. of Elder Michael POWELL of Boston; m. 1st, Richard HOLLINGSWORTH, Aug 23, 1659; 2d, Richard BRYAN, the settler & merchant of 1639; 3d, Gov. Robert TREAT]
419. Here lyes buried the body of Capt Joseph TREAT who departed this Life Aug'st 9th Anno Com'ni 1721 in ye 59th year of his age
[Son of Gov. Robert & Jane (TAPP) TREAT; m. 1st, #421; 2d, Nov 8, 1705, Elizabeth MERWIN]
420. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Robert TREAT who dec'd Marc 20th Ann'o Dom'ni 1720 in ye 67 year of his age
[Son of Gov. Robert & Jane (TAPP) TREAT; m. Abigail CAMP, dau. of Nicholas, about 1687, #429]
421. Mrs Franceas TREAT wife to Mr Joseph TRET Died Septemb'r the 21 1703 in the 36th year of her age
[Dau. of Richard & Mary BRYAN, settlers 1639, sister to #272]
422. Here lyes the body of Mrs Jean TREAT who dec'd Nov'br ye 12th 1723 in ye 22nd year of her age
[Dau. of #419 & #421]
423. Here lyes ye body of Mr John TREAT who dec'd Novem'br the 20gh 1723 in the 26th year of his age
[Son of #419 & #421; bro. #422]
424 In memory of Robert TREAT Esq'r a Gentleman of learning & integrity who acted his part worthily in private life & in various public employments till he closed the Scene Sept'r 16 1770 in his 75th year ~ "Useful in Life at death Lamented ~ The small & the great are there"
[Son of Robert & Abigail (CAMP) TREAT; m. Jane, dau. of Bethuel & Hannah (BUCKINGHAM) LANGSTAFF]
425. In memory of Mr Robert TREAT who died August 10th 1807 aged 76 ~ "Our friend is dead ~ a solemn sound ~ Although we hope ~ In Christ he's found"
[Son of Robert & Jane (LANGSTAFF) TREAT; m. #426]
426. In memory of Mrs Mary TREAT wife of Mr Robert TREAT who died Aug 29, 1799 AE 66 ~ Attend poor mortals grieve no more ~ No more lament thy departed friend ~ Her soul is wafted to a happier shore ~ Where every sorrow every trouble end"
[ Dau. of Thomas & Mary (PLATT) CLARK]
427. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Samuel TREAT who departed this Life April 28th 1753 in ye 57th year of his age
[Son of Robert & Abigail (CAMP) TREAT]
428. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Anna TREAT wife to Mr Samuel TREAT who departed this Life Decem'br 12th 1731 in ye 23rd year of her age
[Probably Ann, dau. of Samuel CLARK]
429. Here lieth buried the body of Mrs Abigail TREAT relict of Mr Robert TREAT who departed this Life March 20th AD 1742 aged 74 years
[Dau of Nicholas CAMP 2d, #125]
430. This stone was erected in memory Mr Jonathan TREAT who departed this Life May 31st 1779 aged 78 years ~"Think mighty God on feeble man ~ How few his hours, how short his Span ~ Short from the cradle to the grave ~ Who can secure his vital breath, ~ Against the cold demands of Death ~ With skill to fly or power to save"
[Son of Robert, #420, & Abigail, #429, TREAT; m. 1st Martha, #431; 2d, #432]
431. In memory of Martha ye wife of Mr Jonathan TREAT who dec'd Jan'y 12th AD 1752 in ye 46th year of her age
[Dau. of Thomas & Martha (CLARK) CLARK, b. Jan, 1706]
432. In memory of Ann wife of Jonathan TREAT who died Dec'r AD. 1801 aged 82 years
[Dau. of Samuel & Ruth (ROGERS) TIBBALS; b. April 1719]
433. In memory of Samuel TREAT Esqr whose piety was early & unaffected ~ His benevolence pure & universal ~ In Serving his generation constant & unweried ~ As a civil officer. A minister of God for good ~ Faithful and endearing in friendship ~ An example of conjugal & parental affection ~ in prospect of a better state He suddenly ~ departed this Life, August the 17th 1787 ~ in the 59th year of his age ~ "All, All, on earth is shadow, all beyond ! Is substance, the reverse is folly's creed. ~ How solid all where change shall be no more. ~ I hear the Voice ! ye dead arise ~ And lo the graves obey ~ And wakening Saints with joyful eyes ~ Salute the expected day."
[Son of Samuel & Anna TREAT, #427 & #428; m. Francis Bryan, dau of Richard & Sarah, #438, Jun 27, 1751]
434. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Hannah TREAT wife to Mr Joseph TREAT who departed this Life May 25th Anno Dom'ni 1733 in ye 32nd year of her age
[Dau. of John & Sarah BUCKINGHAM; husband was son #419, by 1st wife]
435. In memory of Deacon Joseph TREAT who departed this Life July 27th AD 1791 in the 69 year of his age ~ "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
[Son of Joseph & Hannah (BUCKINGHAM) TREAT; m. #436]
436. In memory of Mrs Mary TREAT wife of Deacon Joseph TREAT who died July 2nd 1803 AE 78 ~ "Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaim ~ For all the pious Dead ~ Sweet is the memory of thier name ~ And soft their sleeping bed."
[Dau. of John & Elizabeth (CANFIELD) MERWIN]
437. Here lyeth buried the body of Mr Jonathan TREAT only son & only child of Mr Jonathan & Mrs Martha TREAT & great grandson of Gov TREAT wdtl Aug'st ye 22nd A D. 1746 aged 18 years six months & 16 days
[Son of #430 & #431]
438. In Memory of Mrs Frances TREAT wife of Samuel TREAT Esq who died June 13, 1806 AE 80 ~ "Behold I lie as you pass by ~ As you are now so once was I ~ As I am now, so you must be ~ And so prepare to follow me"
[Second wife, dau. of Richard & Sarah (TREAT) BRYAN]
439. In memory of Tente daughter of Robert & Content TREAT who died July 21st 1794 aged 2 years & 8 months
440. In memory of Jule TREAT daughter of Mr Joseph & Mrs Rebecca TREAT who departed this Life December 14, 1795 in the 8th year of her age ~ "Christ called at Midnight as I lay ~ In thirty hours was turned to clay"
[Mother was dau. of Joseph & Rebecca DOWNS]
441. In memory of Mrs Jane TREAT Daughter of Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement TREAT who died August the 14th 1785 in the 46th year of her age
[Mother, dau. of Gideon & Sarah (HUNT) BUCKINGHAM, see #73]
442. In memory of Mrs Susannah TREAT the amiable & virtuous consort of Capt Isaac TREAT who departed this Life Feb'ry 1772 in the 36th year of her age ~ "Her flesh shall slumber in the ground ~ Till the last trumpets joyful sound ~ Then burst the band with sweet surprise ~ And in her Savious image rise"
[Dau. of Thomas & Susanna (WOODRUFF) CLARK]
443. Sacred to the memory of Miss Susanna the only child of Capt Isaac TREAT who died greatly lamented 19th Nov'r 1777 aged 7 years ~ "Her morning sun which rose devinely bright ~ Is quickly covered ------"
444 In memory of David TREAT son of Mr David & Mrs Mehetable TREAT who died Feb'y 3rd 1797 aged 2 years & 20 days ~ "Rest lovely babe thy toils are at an end ~ Returned to God, they Saviour & they friend"
[Mother was Mehetable, dau. of Joseph & Hannah (BUCKINGHAM) PLATT]
445. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Marcy TREAT wife to Mr Philo TREAT who deceas'd July 6e 31st 1758 in ye 27th year of her age ~ "Sleep on my dearest ~ and take thy rest ~ Thy maker has called thee home ~ Because he thought it best"
[By birth, Mercy HULL of Bridgeport; m. Jun 1655; her husband was son of 424]
446. Here lyes ye body of Mr Richard TREAT son to Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement TREAT who died April 8th 1760 in ye 25 year of his age
447. Here lyes bried ye body of Gideon ye son of Capt Joseph & Mrs Clement TREAT who died October ye 10th 1746 in ye 10th year of his age
449. This monument sacred to the memory of Mr John TREAT who in hopes of a glorious Immortality departed this Life Oct'br 19th A D 1794 in the 63rd year of his age ~ "Though Earth to Earth & dust to dust return ~ And silent sorrow sits to guard the urn ~ Yet moves the soul through Ether unconfin'd ~ Thrice happy state of the immortal mind ~ While angel guards lead on their shining way ~ To fairer mansions of unclouded day ~ In bliss to dwell till the last trump shal sound ~ Shall cleave the skies, & shake the solid ground ~ The Elect redeemed shall wing their aerial flight ~ To reign forever in the realms of light."
[Son of Samuel & Buelah (JENNINGS) TREAT; m. Ann, dau. of Richard & Sarah (TREAT) BRYAN, see #438]
450. This monumnet erected in remembrance of Ephraim UFFOTT who departed this Life Sept'r 4th ADomoni 1774 AEtat 66 ~ "Death great propriator of all ~ Tis thine to tread out Empire ~ and to quench the skies. - Young"
451. In memory of Mr Nathaniel WALLACE of Litchfield who died in this town on his return home from Virginia October 10th 1785 in the 33rd year of his age
452. Ruth WHEELER died September the 27 in the 42nd year of his age 1705
[b. Ruth SMITH; m. Wm. WHEELER, April 10, 1682]
[Town records say Wm. WHEELER died Nov 12, 1705]
[Probably son of Thomas & Joanna WHEELER, b. July 1650]
[Dau of #452 & #453]
456. In memory of Dr. Elisha WHITING AM who departed this Life March the 11th 1766 aged 37 years
[Son of Joseph & Hannah (TROWBRIDGE) WHITING; m. Esther, dau. of John & Mary (CAMP) HERPIN, #219]
457. In memory of Dr. Samuel WHITTLESY A.M. a young gentleman endowed with good Natural abilities & furnished by eduction for public service but (such was the pleasure of righteous Heaven) he departed this Live in the 31st year of his age Feb 9, 1776
[m. Mary, dau. of Dr. HUBBARD, of New Haven, CT; she m. 2d. Rev. ___ LEWIS, of Rocky Hill, Ct.]
458. "Memoriae sacrum" ~ Reverendi Samuelis WHITTLESEY V D M Collegii Yalensis et Harvardini Honoribus exornati cujus Virtutes, Pietas et Res gestae proprio Splendor ubiq enttescunt cujus labor perennis Fidufq: de facris per annos triginta et supra inter incolas Milfordiensis Honorem jure vendicat Denique ab omnibus terrenis Amicis officiis ac Honoribus Morte abreptus est anno Aetatis 56'to die Octobris 22'do et anno Domni MDCCLXVIII
[Son of Rev Samuel & Sarah (CHAUNCY) WHITTLESEY, of Y. C. 1729; m. Sept 21, 1743, Susanna NEWTON, dau. of #284 & #285]
459. Here lyes the body of John WILKINSON aged 37 years Dec'd July the 10th 1729
[Son of Edward & Rebecca (SMITH) WILKINSON; m. Hannah, dau. of Betheul LANGSTAFF, Jan., 1771, see #460]
460 Here lyes the body of Mrs Hannah WILKINSON wife to Mr John WILKINSON Died January 23rd 1733/4 in the 37th year of her age
[Dau of Betheul & Hannah (BUCKINGHAM) LANGSTAFF]
[Son of Thomas WELCH, the settler, and he died 1704; m. Elizabeth]
462. Here lyes the body of Mr Thom'as WELCH husband M's Sarah WELCH who dec'd this Life September the first Anno Domni 1748 in the 48th year of his age
[Son of #461, & husband #463]
463. Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Sarah WELCH wife to Mr Thomas WELCE aged near 36 years Departed this life October ye 27th 1740
[Dau. of Zachariah & Sarah (FITCH) WHITMAN]
464. John son of Mr Thomas & Mrs Mary WELCH to the Smallpox a victim June 6 1774 in his 20th year
[Son of #462 & #463; m. Martha, dau of Thomas CLARK]
465. In memory of Mr Fitch WELCH