Incriptions on
Tombstones in Milford, Conn.
Erected prior to 1800, together with
A few of aged persons who died after that date
Transcribed & Annotated by
Nathan G. POND
New Haven Historical Society, 1889
[The author's annotations, originally presented as footnotes, are indicated by italics. -jd]
A - H

"The first ground occupied for a burying place in the town, was a part of Mr. PRUDDEN's home lot, being the east end of his garden. On the north side of it was a road called Prudden's or burying yard lane, which has long been shut up. The first English person who died in Milford, was a son of William EAST aged a year: he died Jun 18th 1644. The first adult, was Sarah, wife of Nicholas CAMP. The records state that 'she had twins on the 2d of September, 1645, and was doing well till the night of the 4th, when she was taken very ill with cold -- she died on the 6th (being the last day of the week) in the morning, and was buried the evening after, in the garden of Mr. Peter PRUDDEN Pastour.' Here were buried all who died in the town previous to about 1675, and among these was Mr. PRUDDEN himself in 1656. The present burying ground was first laid out small, but the town since, at five different times, have purchased land adjoinging and added to it. The original part is the southeast side."
Thus far wrote Lambert in 1838, but since then, great additions have been made to the area, principally by the purchase of private lots, and it is now one of the largest "Burying Grounds" in the State, that has in it graves of those born in England previous to 1640. A few old stones on which but a few letters are legible, are not recorded in this book. The writer is confident that many stones are missing.
1. [A Table] Here lies interred the body of Capt George ALLEN who dec'd Oct'r ye 7th Anno Dom. 1734, in the 57th year of his age
[Son of Gideon & Sarah (___) ALLEN; m. Frances ARNOLD, dau of Josiah & Mary (WARD) ARNOLD, Nov 20, 1707]
2. A table adjoining, probably the tomb of his wife.
3. Here lyes buried the body of Abigail ANDREW, wife of ye Rev'nd Mr. Samuel ANDREW, who dec'd Decem'br 5th Anno Dom 1727 in ye 68th year of her age.
[Dau. of Gov'r Robert TREAT]
4. Here lyes ye body of ye Rev'd & Learned Mr Samuel ANDREW Pastor of ye Church of Christ in this place for above 50 years, formerly fellow of Harvard College & more lately Rector of Yale College a singular ornament & Blessing in every Capacity & Relation. of exemplary Holiness & Unwearied Labors Modest, Courteous and Beneficent, never fond of this world, earnestly pursuing and reccomending a better, greatly esteemed in Life & Lamented at death, which was Jan'ry 24th 1737/8 lacking 5 days to complete 82 years of Life.
[Son of Samuel & Elizabeth [WHITE] ANDREW; b. in Cambridge, Mass.]
5. He lyes ye body of Mrs. Abigail ANDREW, wife to the Rev'd Mr. Samuel ANDREW Died Sept ye 9th 1742 In ye 77th yohrA
6. Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Samuel ANDREW Jun'r who dec'd April 26th Anno Dom 1728 in ye 40th year of his age
[Eldest son of Samuel & Abigail. Y. C. 1711. m. Eunice, only dau. of Hon. John HALL of Wallingford, Dec 9, 1719. His widow m. Gov. Jonathan LAW, as 5th wife.]
7. Samuel ANDREW A. M. juris, perites, integer Vitae scelerisque purus. Obitt Oct'ris 13 mo. A. D. 1760 AEtatis Suae 38
[Only son of Samuel & Eunice (HALL) ANDREW. m. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Dr. John & Mary (CAMP) HERPIN, Nov 3, 1748.]
8. John ANDREW aged 4 days, Died March ye 27 : 1728
9. ANDREWS d. April ye 13th 1733 in ye 49 year of his age.
[Probably John, son ot Thomas ANDREW; b. 1686]
10. ANDREW John, Died 1733, year of ___ age
11. In memory of Mrs. Esther ANDREW, the amiable concort of Mr. William ANDREW who departed this Life Feb 17 A.D. 1787 in the 43rd yohrA
[Husband was son of Jonathan & Elizabeth (SMITH) ANDREW]
12. Here lyes the body of Mr. Jonathan ANDREW Died Sep ye 1st 1739, in the 29th year of his age
[Son of Samuel, the Paston]
13. In memory of John ARNOLD wdtl August 15th A.D. 1783. In the 50th year of his age.
14. John ASBUN died March ye 1st 1728/9 aged 4 years
Thomas ASBUN aged one year, 1 mo. & 26 ds. d. March ye 9th 1728/9.
[Children of Joseph & Thankful (WHEELER) ASHBUN]
15. Mary ASHBUN aged 3 years, 1 mo. & 17 days died March ___
[Child of Joseph & Thankful (WHEELER) ASHBUN]
16. In memory of Deacon William ATWATER wdtl August 8th, 1816, in the 70th year of his age. ~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
[b. in New Haven, son of David & Hannah (TALMAGE) ATWATER]
17. In memory of Mrs. Mehetable ATWATER the Amiable & Virtuous Consort of Mr. William ATWATER who departed this Life Nov 30th, 1784 in the 31st year of her age. ~ "Firm & unmoved are they Who rest their Souls on God."
[b. in Bristol, R.I., March 15, 1754, dau. of Gamaliel & Elizabeth (CARY) CLARK]
18. Here lyes the body of Mr. Timothy BALDWIN Died Dec 8t 1703 in the 49th yohA.
[b. Jun 12, 1658; son of Timothy, the Settler, 1639]
19. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary BALDWIN Died ye 29th day of Nov'r 1703 in ye 45th year of her age Wife to Mr. Timothy BALDWIN
[b. Nov., 1658, dau. of John & Anna BEARD]
20. Mr. Obediah BALDWIN died Jan 8. 1738 in ye 78th year of his age
[Son of John (the settler, 1639) & Mary (BRUEN) BALDWIN]
21. Mr Ebenezer BALDWIN died Aug 26, 1740, in ye 41st year of his age.
[Son of Obediah & Abigail]
23. Here lyes ye body of Ebenerzer BALDWIN son (remainder lost)
[Probably the son of Jonathan & Thankful (STRONG) BALDWIN]
24. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Jerusha BALDWIN wife of Mr. Thomas BALDWIN, Aged ___ rs & 10 mos Died Apr 1728
[Dau. of George CLARK, baptised June, 1692; m. Jan 17, 1712]
25. Thomas BALDWIN died March ye 2nd 174_ in ye 54th year of his age
[ Son of Richard & ___; m. in 1725, Abigail BALDWIN; dau. of Joseph ]
26. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs. Arney BALDWIN wife of Mr Richard BALDWIN who dec'd May 28th, 1728 in ye 62nd year of her age
[Her Husband was son of John (the settler of 1639) & brother to 27]
27. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Jonathan BALDWIN Died Dec ye 13th 1739 in ye 91st yohA
[He was the son of Joseph & Hannah BALDWIN, settlers 1639; m. 1st Hannah, dau. of John WARD; 2nd Thankful STRONG, dau. of Elder John STRONG, of Windsor, Ct.]
28. Here lyes the body of Serj't Samuel BALDWIN Dec'd Jany 8th 1737/8 in the 63rd year of his age
[b. March 14, 1674/5, wife of Josiah & Mary (CAMP) Baldwin; m. Rebecca WILKINSON; dau. of Edward & Rebecca (SMITH) WILKINSON]
29. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Eunice BALDWIN wife of Mr. Stephen BALDWIN wdtl Oct'r ye 18th A D 1740 inye 48th year of his age
[By birth, Eunice HAYS, and m. 1st Wm. FOWLER, Jr., Sept. 15, 1730]
30. Here lies ye body of Eunice BALDWIN dau't of Mr. Noah & Mrs Thankful BALDWING who died Mar 22nd 1737/8 aged 4 years & 2 months
[An only child, father was deacon in Plymouth Church]
31. Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Joshua BALDWIN who departed this Life Apr 20th 1758 in ye 67th year of his age
[Son of Jonathan & Hannah (WARD) BALDWIN, baptised Jan 24, 1691]
32. Here lies ye body of Mrs. Elizabeth BALDWIN, wife of Mr. Joshua BALDWIN who died Nov ye 20, 1753 in ye 52nd year of her age.
33. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah BALDWIN, wife of Mr. Stephen BALDWIN who departed this Life Sept the 30th 1758 in ye 46 year of her age
[Was his 2d wife]
34. Sacred to the memory of Mr Stephen BALDWIN who departed this Life March 30th 1788 in the 89th year of his age
[m. 1st, Sep 15, 1730, Eunice FOWLER, widow of William, Jr., son of Zackariah & Elizabeth BALDWIN; baptised Dec 31, 1699]
35. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Philena BALDWIN, wife of Solomon BALDWIN who departed this Life April 23, 1785 Aged 45 years, also her infant daughter who was born Oct 30th 1772. ~ The small & great are there.
[Her husband was the son of 34 & 29; d. Jul 4, 1798, she was probably dau. of Peleg & Abigal (CAMP) BALDWIN; baptised Oct. 21, 1739]
36. In memory of Comfort the daughter of Mr. Hiel & Mrs Ann BALDWIN, who dec'd December 14th 1785, in the 7th year of her age
[Her motherwas Ann, dau. of Theophilus MILES]
37. In memory of Mrs Abigail BALDWIN wife of Mr Elihu BALDWIN who died October 9th, 1784 in the 47th year of her age. "Our Life is --- on the wing ~ and death is ever nigh ~ The moment when our lives begin ~ We all begin to die"
[b. March, 1737; Abigail, dau. of Samuel & Sarah (CLARK) GUNN. Her husband was the son of Nathan & Elizabeth (ROGERS) BALDWIN]
38. In memory of Mr. Noah BALDWIN Deacon & ruling elder in the Second Chruch in Milford who departed this Life March 5th A.D. 1784 in the 83rd year of his age. "The Memory of the just is blessed"
[Son of Jonathan & Thankful (STRONG) BALDWIN; baptized Nov 30, 1701; m. March 27, 1733, Thankful JOHNSON of Stratford. See 30. Half brother to 31.]
39. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary BASSET wife of Mr John BASSET who died Oct ye 23rd AD. 1752 aged 64 years.
40. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Samuel BEACH, who died Sept ye 9th 1728 in ye 69th year of his age
[b. Jun 1660; son of Thomas BEACH]
41. Mr. John BARD died August 24th in the 54th year of his age 1708
[b. Jun 1654; eldest son Capt. John BEARD]
42. Here lyes the body of Mr. Joseph BEARD aged about 66 years, Dec'd Nov 1732
[b. July, 1666; m. 1st, Sarah SANFORD, in 1703; 2d, Sarah SMITH, in 1706, see 43; son of Capt. John & brol to 41]
43. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah BEARD wife to Mr. Joseph BEARD Aged 61 years Dec'd October 30 1732
[Dau. of Benjamin & Mary (BALDWIN) SMITH; b. Oct., 1671; m. #42, June 27, 1706]
44. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Jeremiah BEARD wdtl Nov 2nd Anno Dom 1744 in ye 72nd year of his age
[Twin bro. to Ebenezer (who d. in 1674), sons of Capt. John & bro. to #41 & #42; b. April, 1672; See #45.]
45. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Marcy BEARD, wife to Mr Jeremiah BEARD wdtl Feb'y 21, 1761 in ye 88th year of her age.
[b. ___ Martha (say records) PETTIT, and m. #44, May 26, 1697]
46. John BEARD, son of Mr. John & Mrs Abigail BEARD Died Aug 14, 1756 Aged 1 year & 11 months.
[Mother was Abigail HOLLINGSWORTH, by birth.]
47. Here lyes Buried the body of Mr. John BEARD who departed this Life Feb'ry ye 14th 1774 in ye 72nd yohA.
[Son of Joseph & Sarah (SANFORD) BEARD; b. March, 1702, see #42; m. Martha BURWELL, daug of Ephraim, Jan 30, 1729]
48. Here lyes ye body of Mr. John BEARD only son of Mr John & Mrs Martha BEARD who departed this Life July ye 7th 1761 in ye 32nd year of his age
[Son of #47]
49. In memory of Mr Joseph BEARD who died February 19 1779 in the 72nd year of his age
[Son of Joseph & Sarah (SMITH) BEARD; b. May, 1707. See #42.]
50. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Sarah BEARD wife to Mr Joseph BEARD died August ye 30th 1751 in ye 39th year of her age.
Joseph BEARD son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs Sarah BEARD died August ye 30th 1751 in ye 2nd month of his age
[Wife of #49; dau. of Josiah & Sarah (BURWELL) PLATT; b. March, 1713]
51. John son to Jeremiah & Thankful BLAGUE aged 17 days died Feb 10 1741
[The mother was Thankful ROACH]
52. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mr. John BRINSMEAD who departed this Life Jan'y ye 19th AD. 1753 in ye 71st year of his age
53. In memory of Mrs Mary BRISTOL, wife of Capt Richard BRISTOL, who departed this Life Nov'm 10th A.D. 1781 in the 68th year of her age
[Dau. of Nathan & Elizabeth (ROGERS) BALDWIN]
54. Heth Son to Heth & Ann BOTSFORD aged 7 years &6 mos. Died Oct ye 28th 1748
55. Here lyes ye body of Ann daugh'r of Mr. Heth & Mrs Ann BOTSFORD who ____ Sept ye 22nd 1750 aged 4 years & 10 mo
56. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah BOTSFORD
[Probably the wife of Nathan BOTSFORD who m. Sarah, dau. David COLLINS]
57. In memory of Mr. Timo BOTSFORD wdtl Feb'r 28, 1774 in his 65th year. "Life how short Eternity how long"
[Son of Timothy & Mary (PECK) BOTSFORD; m. Lydia SMITH, dau. of Timothy & Elizabeth, Jan 6, 1735 ]
58. In memory of Ruth wife of Nathan BRISCOE who dec'd Nov'r A.D. 1806, aged 87 years
59. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Ebenezer BRYAN Dec'd Sept ye 20 1728 in ye 38th year of his age
[ Son of Alexander & Sybella (WHITING) BRYAN; m. Esther GOODYEAR of N. H., Jul 15, 1713. His widow m. Thomas GIBB, Aug 20, 1729]
60. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Richard BRYAN Died Jan : ye 18. 1734. in ye 69th year of his age
[Son of Richard (the merchant and settler, 1639); m. Sarah PLATT, daul of Josiah & Sarah (CANFIELD) PLATT]
61. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Joseph BRYAN who departed this Life August the 1st 1742 in the 57th year of his age
[Son of Richard, the merchant, & Elizabeth; m. Mary NEWTON, dau. of Rev. Roger & Abigail]
62. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mr. Joseph BRYAN, who departed this Life, April ye 3rd Anno Domni 1751 in ye 30 year of his age
[Son of (61); m. Mehitable CLARK, dau. of Samuel]
63. Mehitable dau to Mr. Richard & Mrs Sarah BRYAN, aged 1 year & 4 months died Sep 4th 1746
Sarah, dau't to Mr. Richard & Mrs Sarah BRYAN aged 2 years & 21 days Died Jun 17th 1746
64. Sarah BRYAN Dau'r to Mr. Richard & Sarah BRYAN died Oct ye 26th 1739 in ye 17th year of her age
65. In memory of Mrs Sarah ye wife of Richard BRYAN died November 12th 1748 in ye 49th year of her age
[Dau of Joseph & Sarah (BRYAN) TREAT. Was his 2d wife]
66. Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Nathan BRYAN who departed this Life Feb'ry the 29th 1766 in ye 52nd year of his age
[Son of Richard & Sarah (PLATT) BRYAN, see #60; m. Elizabeth WHITMAN, dau. of Zachariah & Hannah (ALLEN) WHITMAN]
67. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth wife of Mr. Nathan BRYAN who died Oct 12, 1802, in the 87th year of her age
[ Dau. of Zachariah & Hannah (ALLEN) WHITMAN, b. July, 1716]
68. Here lies buried the body of Capt. Joseph BRYAN wD August ye 11th 1783 Aged 38 years. ~ "Let not the dead forgotten be ~ Lest men forget that they must die"
[Son of Joseph & Mehitable (____) BRYAN]
69. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr Daniel BUCKINGHAM aged 75 years Dec'd May ye 2nd 1712
[b. in England in 1636, was one of the seven pillars of the "Church of Christ"; oldest son of Daniel BUCKINGHAM, the settler. ]
70. Mr. John BUCKINGHAM died Novemb the 17 in the 31st year of his age anno domni 1703
[Son of #69 & Alice NEWTON, his 2nd wife; his widow Sarah m. George CLARK]
71. Here lyes the body of Capt. Samuel BUCKINGHAM who decs'd this Life Dec ye 29th anno dom 1749 in ye 56 years of his age
[Son of Samuel & Sarah (BALDWIN) BUCKINGHAM; m. Silence, dau. of Ensign George CLARK, May 20, 1714. Years should perhaps be read yeare.]
72. Here lyes ye body of Samuel son to Capt. Samuel & Mrs Silence BUCKINGHAM who de'cd this Life February ye 3rd Anno Domoni 1749/50 in the 25th years of his age
73. HLyybo Gideon BUCKINGHAM died June 1st 1719 Aged 44 years
[Son of #69 & Alice NEWTON, his 2d wife; m. Sarah HUNT Feb 3, 1703, his widow m. Joseph PLATT]
74. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Gideon BUCKINGHAM wife of Gideon & Sarah BUCKINGHAM who died Jun 24th Anno Domini 1733 in ye 29th year of his age
75. Here lyes ye body of George BUCKINGHAM son of Jared & Sarah BUCKINGHAM died Aug ye 20th 1757 in ye 2nd month of his age
76. Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Josiah BUCKINGHAM who departed this Life August ye 28th A.D. 1749 in ye 71st year of his age
[Son of Elder Daniel (#69) & Alice NEWTON, his 2d wife]
77. In memory of Mrs Anne BUCKINGHAM dau'tr of Capt Josiah & Mrs Anne BUCKINGHAM who died Mar 12th 1766 aged 19 years, 5 month & 13 days. ~ "Mature from Heaven the fateful mandate came ~ With it a chariout of AEtherial Flame. ~ In which Elijahlike she passed the spheres ~ Brought joy to Heaven, but left the world in tears."
[Her mother was Ann BRINSMADE, dau. of John & Abigail, b. Feb 1723]
78. Capt Josiah BUCKINGHAM died Oct 18, 1784 AEt 66 to whose memory This Monument is erected. ~ "Time how shore. Eternity how long. "
[Was captain in the French Wars.]
79. In memory of Mrs. Anne BUCKINGHAM, relict of Capt. Josiah BUCKINGHAM who died Jan 21, 1806, aged 83
[b. Feb. 1723; dau. of John & Abigail BRINSMADE]
80. In memory of Deacon Nathaniel BUCKINGHAM who departed this Life Oct 26 AD 1780 in the 80th year of his age
[Son of Thomas & Mary (BRISCOE) BUCKINGHAM; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph & Martha (BRYAN) SMITH, May 30, 1728]
81. In memory of Mrs Sarah the wife of Deacon Nathaniel BUCKINGHAM who departed this Life April 22nd A.D. 1771 in the 68th year of her age
[dau. of Joseph & Martha (BRYAN) SMITH, sister to #82]
82. In memory of Miss Sarah BUCKINGHAM who departed this Life February 19th A.D. 1772. in the 38th year of her age.
[Dau #80 & #81, b. Feb 29, 1734]
83. This Monument is erected in memory of Gideon BUCKINGHAM E'sqr who died Dec'r 8, 1809 AEt 65 Judge of the County Court. Justice of the Peace. Town Clerk &c And was improved in almost every kind of publick Business for 35 years in which he sustained a good Character.
[b. Jun 22, 1744; son of Josiah & Rebecca (BRINSMADE) BUCKINGHAM and 1788, Delegate to Convention for Ratification of State Constitution; m. a widow BRIAN, but had no issue]
84. Benjamin Son to Benjamin & Martha BURN aged 3 years & 2 mo Died Nov ye 21st 1746
85. Here lieth buried the body of M's Susanna BURIL died July the 20th 1703 in 52 ye_r of her age
86. Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mrs Esther BULL wife to Mr. Benjamin BULL. Died Marcy ye 26th Anno Dom 1750 Aged 22 yrs
[Dau. of Solomon BALDWIN & m. son of Benedict & Sybella (BRYAN) BULL]
87. Here lyes intomb'd the body of Frederick BULL son to Henry & Harriet BULL who was killed by a fall from a Horse Sept 11th, 1798, aged 13 years. ~ "Oh! what is man, poor feeble man ~ Born just to bloom & die ~ Like as the glass his courses run ~ His fleeting moments fly."
[His mother was Harriet, dau. of John & Mary (READ) HERPIN]
88. Here lyes ye body of Stream BURWELL died September ye 5th 1729 in ye 30th year of his age
[Son of Ephraim & Sarah (STREAM) BURWELL]
89. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Sarah BURWELL, wife to Mr. Ephraim BURWELL Died August 1729, in ye 62nd year of her age
[b. Feb. 1667, dau. of John & Martha (BEARD) STREAM]
90. Here lyes ye body of Eprhraim BURWELL Died August ye 28 172_ in ye 23rd year of his age
[Bro. to #88 & son of #89; b. July, 1707]
91. Here lyes ye body of Mary BURWELL died August ye 7th 1729 in ye 23rd year of her age
[Sister of #88 & #90, & dau. of #89]
92. Mrs. Marcy BURWELL wife to Mr. Ephraim BURWELL, who died Aug 31 1748 in ye 69th year of her age
93. Here lyes ye body of Daniel BURWELL who died Oct ye 21st AD 1751 in ye 6th year of his age
Here lyes ye body of John BURWILL who died Nov'r ye 8th AD 1751 in ye 10th yohA
children of Mr. John & Mrs Sarah BURWELL
94. Here lyes ye body of Benj'n BUNNELL Died June ye __ 1753 aged 21
[Son of Benjamin & Mehetable (BALDWIN) BUNNEL]
95. Margaret dau'r to Gershom & Margaret BUNNEL aged 17 days Died July ye 2nd 1729
[b. twin with sister Hannah]
96. Abigail BUNNEL aged 1 year 5 mo & 11 days died March ye 12 1728
[Sister to #94]
97. In memory of Mrs Abigail BURNS, Wife of Mr David BURNS who departed this Life November 8 1797 in the 44th year of her age ~ "Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord, ~ even so saith ye spirit that they may rest from their labors And their works do follow them."
[By birth, Abigail JONES]
98. Charles BURROUGH, son of Mr. Charles & Mrs Mary BURROUGH of Charleston Died Nov 26, 1778
99. Here lyes the Body of Mr. Thomas CLARK Dec'd Oct'r ye 23rd 1719 in ye 82nd year of his age b. before the town was settled; son of Deacon George CLARK, carpenter; m. May 20, 1663, Hannah, dau. of William GILBERT]
100. Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Rebeckah CLARK wife to Mr. George CLARK aged about 54 years Dec'd Oct'r ye 17. 1712
101. Here lyes the body of Mrs. Mehetabe CLARK wife to Mr Samuel CLARK Dec'd Dec ye 15th 1721 in the 54th year of her age
102. Here lyes buried the body of Samuel CLARK Esq'r who Dec'd May ye 29, 1725 in ye 59th year of his age
[Son of Thomas & Hannah (GILBERT) CLARK]
103. Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Thomas CLARK who dec'd Feb'ry ye 12th 1727/8 in ye 60th Yoha
[Son of Thomas & Hannah (GILBERT) CLARK, bro. to #102; m. Martha CLARK, dau. of John, of Hartford, Nov 1703]
104. Thomas CLARK, son of Thomas & Susannah CLARK aged 10 days died October the 4th 1728
105. Here lyes buried ye Body of Mr. Nathan CLARK who died Sept'r ye 3rd Anno Domoni 1729 in ye 43rd year of his age
[Son of George CLARK, m. Elizabeth, dau. of William & Ann (BEARD) FOWLER, Jun 29, 1710]
106. Here lyes ye body of Jonathan CLARK son of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Elizabeth CLARK, who died Aug 19. 1729 in ye 5th year of his age
[Son of #105]
107. Elizabeth CLARK, daugh'tr to Mr Gamaliel & Mrs Elizabeth CLARK aged 7 months Died August ye 24 1742
[The mother was Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin & Susanna CARY, and sister to #17]
108. Here lyes buried the body of Ensign George CLARK dtL July the 19th 1734 in the 87th year of his age
[Son of Deacon George, the carpenter, & bro. to #99; m. Deborah, dau. of Nathan GOLD of Fairfield]
109. Here lyes ye Body of Eld'er George CLARK who departed this Life Sept'br ye 28th A.D. 1754 in ye 47th year of his age
[Son of George & Mary CLARK; m. Abigail LAW, dau. of Gov. Jonathan]
110. Here lyes ye Body of Richard CLARK who died August 1750 in ye 10th year of his age
Here lyes ye Body of Hezekiah CLARK who died August 1750 in ye 6th year of his age
Children of Mr. George & Mrs Abigail CLARK
[See #109]
111. Susanna ye wife of Thomas CLARK died December ye 11th 1742 in ye 36th year of her age
[See #123, dau. of John & Mary (PLATT) WOODRUFF; b. May, 1707]
112. Here lyes ye body of Andrew CLARK son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Mary CLARK Died August ye 28th 1750 aged 12 years & 3 months
[His mother was dau. of Rev. Samuel & Abigail (TREAT) ANDREW]
113. Here lyes the body of Job CLARK son of Mr.Job & Mrs Jean CLARK, who departed this Life Marcy ye 15th 1757 in ye 17th year of his age
[Mother was Jane, dau. of Joseph & Ruth (ALLEN) NORTHRUP]
114. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Job CLARK who departed this Life Oc'to 13th 1766 aged 40 years 5 months & 24 days. ~ "Memento Mori"
[Son of Ensign George & Mary CLARK]
115. Here lyes the body of Capt. Isaac CLARK who departed this Life Jul 12, 1787 in the 61st year of his age. ~ "The sweet remembrance of the Just ~ Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust."
[Son of Thomas & Suanna (WOODRUFF) CLARK; b. Feb 1727. See #116]
116. In memory of Mrs Hannah CLARK the consort of Capt. Isaac CLARK who departed this Life March 11, 1786 in the 57th year of her age
[Dau. of Jonathan & Hannah (CLARK) FOWLER; b. 1729]
117. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Joseph CLARK who departed this Life May the 17th in tyooL 1763 in ye 57th year of his age
[Son of Joseph & Mary (___) CLARK. See #118 & #119; m. Mary, dau. of Andrew & Margaret SANFORD]
118. Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Joseph CLARK who departed this Life Feb'ry ye 9th 1758 aged 81 years wanting 20 days
[Son of Thomas & Hannah (GILBERT) CLARK. See #99]
119. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Mary CLARK wife to Deacon Joseph CLARK who departed this Life Oct'r ye 28th 1755 aged 81 years wanting 20 days.
[Dau. of Deacon Josiah & Sarah (CANFIELD) PLATT]
120. [A Foot Stone] Bethuel CLARK
[Son of #118 & #119; his wife Abigail d. August 1805, aged 85]
121. Sacred to the Memory of Deacon Daniel CLARK who died March 24, 1787 aged 71 years. ~ "In hopes of a bleseed immortality ~ For the just live by Faith ~ and they die in the Lord ~ and their Memory is blessed."
122. Sacred to the memory of Mrs Sarah CLARK, the amiable consort of Mr. Enoch CLARK who departed this Life July 29th 1797, aged 51 years & 7 days. ~ "Death thou hast conquered me ~ I by thy dart am slain ~ But Christ will conquer you ~ And I shall rise again."
[Enoch, her husband, d. 1811, aged 65]
123. In memory of Capt. Thomas CLARK who departed this Life 6th 1774 June 6th in the 75th year of his age
[m. Susanna, dau. of John & Mary (PLATT) WOODRUFF, Dec15, 1725; son of Samuel. See #111]
124. In memory of Mrs Hannah CLARK wife of Mr Isaac CLARK who died Decemb'r 29. 1800 AE 42
[Probably dau. of Thaddeus & Hannah (CAMP) NETTLETON]
125. Mr. Nicholas CAMP died Jun the 10th 1706 in the 77 year of his age
[Son of Nicholas, the settler, and b. before the town was purchased; m. 1652, Kattern, widow of Anthony THOMPSON]
126. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Hannah CAMP wife to Mr. Joseph CAMP who departed this Life January 9 AD. 1739/40 in ye 76th year of her age
127. "Me. Mento. Mori." Here lyes ye body of Mr. Joseph CAMP who departed this Life May ye 20th Anno Dom 1750 in ye 93rd year of his age
[Son of Nicholas the settler, #125]
128. Here lyes interred the body of Mr. Caleb CAMP who died Oct'r ye 3rd 1749 in the 44th year of his age
[Son of Joseph, #127 & #126; probably m. Mary NORTHRUP, dau. of Amos; b. 1705]
129. Here lyes ye body of Joseph CAMP son of Mr. Caleb & Mrs Mary CAMP who departed this Life Sept ye 30th AD. 1750 in ye 3rd year of his age
[See 128]
130. Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Ezra CAMP who departed this Life August 30th 1758 in ye 66th year of his age
[Son of Joseph; m. Mary ROGERS, dau. of Joseph]
131. This is in Memory of Mr John CAMP who Departed this Life Sept'r ye 12th AD 1752 in ye 55th year of his age
[Son of John & Mary CAMP; b. Dec 1697]
132. Here lyes the Body of Deacon John CAMP Departed this Life August the 2nd 1731 in the 69th year of his age
[Son of Nicholas & Kattern (THOMPSON) CAMP, #125; b. 1662]
133. Here lyes the body of Mr Samuel CAMP Sen'r Died March ye 13th 1743/4 in ye 69th year of his age
[Son of Samuel & Hannah (BETTS) CAMP; b. May, 1675]
134. Here lyes the body of Mrs Mary CAMP wife to Mr Samuel CAMP Died Oct the 29th 173(?)
[Probably dau. of Timothy & Mary BALDWIN; baptised Nov 1684]
135. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Mary CAMP wife to Mr. Samuel CAMP who dec'ed Sep't ye 12th A.D. 1750 in ye 40th year of her age
[ Dau. of Timothy & Eliza (WILKINSON) SMITH]
136. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah CAMP wife to Mr Jonah CAMP who departed this Life Nov ye 28th AD 1752 in ye 22nd year of her age
[Her husband was son of #137 & #138]
137. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Enos CAMP who departed this Life June ye 20th 1768 in ye 81st year of his age
[Son of Samuel, #142, a m. #138, Sep 28, 1710; he m. 2d, Elizabeth CLARK, dau. of Samuel, June 19, 1744]
138. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Martha CAMP wife to Mr Enos CAMP aged 50 years & 15 days. Died September ye 14th 1740
[By birth Martha BALDWIN, dau. of Theophilus & Elizabeth (CANFIELD) BALDWIN]
139. Here lyes ye body of Lucy dau'g of Phineas & Rebecca CAMP dec'd Aug't ye 7th 1750 aged 3 years & 8 mos
[Mother was Rebecca CLARK, dau. of Thomas]
140. Hlyitbo Mr. Samuel CAMP who departed this Life on the 17th day of Feb'ry A.D. 1773 in the 68th year of his age
[Son of Samuel & Mary (BALDWIN) CAMP]
141. In memory of Mr Amos CAMP who departed this Life 30th Sept 1775 in the 42nd year of his age
[Son of John & Mary CAMP, and bro. to #143]
142. Here lyes buried the body of Deacon Samuel CAMP died ------
143. In memory of Mr David CAMP who died Feb 19th A D 1798 AE 60 ~ "The Living should think of the dead ~ As of me, so of you will be said."
144. Elizabeth daughter to Jeremiah & Judah CANFIELD died Oct ye 24th in the 9th year of her age
145. Jeremiah son to Jeremiah & Judah CANFIELD died Jan'y ye 20th 1726 in ye 15th year of his age
[The mother was Judith MALLORY, & m. July 24, 1711]
146. Here lyes ye body of Moses son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs Abigail CANFIELD who dec'ed Sept'b ye 9th 1750 in the 5th year of his age
[Mother was dau. of John SMITH of Derby]
147. [Double stone] Mary dau of Mr David & Mrs Mary CANFIELD died Jan'y 25 A D 1757 in ye 5th year of his [sic] age
Abel son of Mr David & Mrs Mary CANFIELD died Jan'y ye 23rd 1751 in ye 6th month of his age
[Father was bro. to #144 & #145, and settled in New Milford; mother was Mary NORTHRUP, dau. of Joseph & Ruth (ALLEN) NORTHRUP]
148. In memory of Dr. Elias CARRINGTON who departed this Life Aug 6th AD 1800 in the 66th year of his age. For more than 40 years he served his generation As a faithful, candid & aproved Physician Nor was he taken off from the duties of his Profession 'til within a few days of his Death. In him his mourning consort has lost an affectionat friend, the breaved children a tender & benevolent Parent, the Church of Christ an Exemplary member, the Community a general & faithful servant. Stranger! as you pass this Monument remember that neither usefulness nor esteem will protect thee from the Shaft of Death." ~ "Tho worth & high Esteem, thy useful life attend ~ Or friends or wealth their many comforts blend ~ Yet Death must soon o'er cast thy brightest day ~ And make thy bed beside this mouldering clay.
[Son of Noahdiah CARRINGTON of New Haven; m. Feb 23, 1763, Esther, dau. of Ephraim & Sarah (GUNN) NORTHRUP]
148a. In memory of Mr. Freegift COGGESHALL who departed this Life August ye 5th 1767 in ye 78th year of his age
[b. in Rhode Island; he m. Martha, dau of Samuel & Martha (BALDWIN) NETTLETON, Jun 28, 1726]
148b. HlBtbo Capt William COGGESHAL who departed this Life September 21st 1773 aged 40 years & 10 months
[Son of #148a; m. Mehitable SMITH, dau. of John]
149. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Martha COLEY Died Oct ye 1st 1737 in ye 74th year of her age
[Dau. of Ensign John & Marhta (BEARD) STREAM, settlers 1639]
150. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Ruth COLLINS wife to Serg't Daniel COLLINS Aged 64 years died Dec'r ye 3rd 1747
[Dau. of Edward & Rebecca (SMITH) WILKINSON; m. Dec 7, 1699, Daniel COLLINS a grandson of Thomas TIBBALS, settler; sister to #459]
151. Samuel son to Jacob & Mary COLLINS aged 8 days died March ye 30th 1749
[Mother was Mary CANFIELD, sister to #144 & #145]
152. Here lyes ye body of Elijah son of Mr Jacob & Mrs Mary COLLINS died Decem'br ye 6th 1752 in ye 2nd year of his age
[See #151]
153. In memory of Mrs Eunice wife of Capt William DAVISON who departed this Life May 15, 1776, being 23 years & 10 days old. ~ "See there, all pale and dead she lies ~ Forever flowing from my streaming eyes ~ Eunice is fled, the lovliest mind ~ Faith, sweetness, witt, together joined ~ Dwell faith & wit & sweetness there ~ O view the change and drop a tear."
[b. Eunice BALDWIN, m. Nov 30, 1775. Her husband m. 2d, May 20, 1778, Mary FENN, and 3d, Feb 28, 1782, Anna TREAT]
154. "Pause & reflect That as I am, you soon must be" ~ Entomed is here deposited the dear remains of Mr. Garrit V. H. DeWITT who bid a vain world adieu Febr'y 23rd 1793 aged 58 ~ "Happy the woman who called him her husband, ~ happy the child who called him Father ~ but his character requires not ~ the panigerick of a tombstone to perpetuate it to posterity. ~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord ~ Even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labors."
[b. in Holland, came when a child to America; m. Margaret VAN HORN]
155. "Here the wicked cease from troubling & here the weary are at rest" ~ Entombed is here deposited the Dear remains of Mrs Margaret DeWITT who closed her eyes upon a vain world Feb'y 11 1794 aged 54. ~ "Her exemplary conduct in Life her unparralled patience when wrecked with pains the most excruciating & her perfect resignation in her last illness disarmed the King of Terrors of his Sting & softened him to a Prince of Peace"
[By birth Margaret VAN HORN, dau. Abraham]
156 "Be ye also ready" ~ Entombed is here deposited the dear remains of Mrs. Martha DeWITT the amiable consort of Mr. Ab'rm V. H. DeWITT & daughter of Capt. Charles POND, who in sure & certain hope of the resurrection, closed her eyes upon a vain transitory world Sept 30, 1790 aged 20. ~ "She was Charitable, Humane, Benevolent & of a truly sympathetic Disposition. Could real virtue have added to the number of her months Patty had yet been living, her Husband her Parents and her friends had yet been happy, but alas, she languished, she sickened, & she died Heaven is the reward of Vertue." ~ "She's gone and I shall see that face no more ~ But pine in absence and till death adore ~ When with cold dew my fainting eyebrows hung ~ My eyeballs darken, with my faltering tongue ~ Her name shall tremble with a feeble moan ~ And love with fate -- divide my dying groan",
[Dau. of #335 & #336; m. Jan 3, 1790, and her husband m. 2d., Martha BELDEN of Wethersfield, Aug 22, 1792]
157. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Rebecca DOWNS wife to Mr Deliverance DOWNS Died Feb'y ye 2nd 1740. in ye 64th year of her age
[Dau. of Simon & Persis LOBDELL, of Springfield]
158. Here lies buried ye Body of Mrs Margaret EMES wife to Mr Joseph EMES who departed this Life June ye 2nd A D 1756 in ye 38th year of her age. "The body was opened to let her flie ~ To build her happiness on high"
[Dau. of Samuel & Margaret (FOWLER) SMITH; m. Joseph EMES, May 1754; sister to #384]
159. Abigal FARRAND dau't to Mr Nathaniel & Mrs Anna FARRAND died June the 28th 1729 in the 12th year of her age
[Her mother was dau. of Timothy & Mary (BAIRD) BALDWIN. See #16 & #17]
160. Here lyes ye body of Ester FARRAND daugh't of Mr Jonathan & Mrs Abigail FARRAND to Died Decem'r ye 15th 1757 aged 3 years. "Beneath these clods my body lyes. ~ To cruel death a sacrifice ~ No age nor sex from death is free ~ O think of death then think of me"
161. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Sarah FENN wife to Deacon Benjamin FENN who dec'd May ye 26th 1727 in the 64th year of her age.
[Dau. to Thomas & Hannah (GILBERT) CLARK, see #99; b. March, 1664]
162. Here lyes buried ye body of Deacon BenjaminFENN who departed this Life August 29th anno Dom'ni 1732 in ye 71st year of his age
[Son of Benjamin & Mehitable (GUNN, dau. of Jasper) FENN; m. #161]
163. Here lyes the body of Capt Benjamin FENN for many years a ruling Elder of the Second Church of this town - who departed this Life January the 10th Anno Domini 1770 aged 80 years ~ "The memory of the just is blessed"
[Son of #161 & #162, husband of #164]
164. Deposited under these clods is the body of Mrs Sarah the amiable consort of Elder Benjamin FENN who was removed from this, into the eternal world May the 9th A.D. 1773 aged 86 years. ~ "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
[Probably dau. of Gamaliel PRINCE]
165. In this grave is deposited the body of Colonel Benjamin FENN who was removed from this into the invisible State February the 20th Anno Domni 1778 in the 58th year of his age ~ "It is appointed unto men once to die."
[ son of #163 & #164; m. Sarah Mary PECK, dau. of Samuel & Martha (CLARK) PECK]
166. Here lyes ye body of Nathan FENN son of Mr Benjamin & Mary FENN died Novem'b ye 9th 1750 in ye 6th year of his age
[See #165]
167. Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Benjamin FENN who departed this Life Oc'to 27th 1780 in ye 39th year of his age ~ "Happy are they who rest their Souls on God"
[Son of Benjamin & Mary (PECK) FENN; m. Sarah, dau of Joseph & Clemence TREAT, Oct 31, 1765]
168. Mrs Mary FENN wife to Mr. Aron FENN aged 28 years Died Marcy ye 28th 1746
169. Here lyes ye body of Mary FENN dauth't of Mr. Joseph & Mrs Sarah FENN died Aug'st ye 13th in ye 4th year of her age, 1750.
170. Here lyes ye body of James FENN Died December ye 28th 1746 in ye 47th year of his age
[For wife, see #171; son of Benjamin & Susanna (WARD) FENN]
171. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Joanna FENN wife to Lieu't James FENN who died June 2nd 1740 in ye 64th year of her age
[Dau. of Samuel & Grace (JUDSON) PRUDDEN]
172. Here sleeps in death the body of Lieu't Dan FENN whose mortal existence ended Febr'y 23rd 1789 aged 36 years
[Son of Benjamim & Mary (PECK) FENN, #165]
173. Come view the ground were lie'th the remains of Mrs Sarah the beloved wife of Lieut Dan FENN who yeilded to death May ye 9th A.D. 1784 aged 27 years. ~ "O! Death where is thy sting?"
174. In memory of Miranda FENN Daugh'tr to Mr Peck & Mrs Urania FENN who died March 11th AD. 1796 AEt 1 year & 4 months ~ "Rest lovely babe, thy toils are at an end ~ Returned to God, thy Saviour, & thy Friend"
[Father was son of Benjamin, see #167; mother, dau. of Lemuel & Catherine (SMITH) DURAND]
175. Benjamin FISKE son to Ebenezer & Mrs Mehitable FISKE aged 18 days Died Feb ye 3rd 1729/30
176. HlyBybo Mr William FOWLER Jun who dec'd March ye 7th 1726/7 in ye 26 year of his age
[Son of #177 & # 178, 1st husband to #29]
177. Here lyes buried ye Body of Mr William FOWLER who dec'd Feb'ry the 23rd 1728 in ye 65th year of his age
[Son of Wm. (the settler) & Mary (TAPP) FOWLER; m. Anna, dau. of Capt John BEARD]
178. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Anna FOWLER wife to Mr Wm. FOWLER who died June 25th Anno Dom 1740 in ye 76th year of her age Dau. of Capt. John BEARD, who came with his mother, Martha -- a child at the settlement of the town]
179. Here lyes ye body of Susanna FOWLER Daughter to Mr John & Mrs Susanna FOWLER who died Sept ye 13. 1727 in ye 15th year of her age
[Drowned in Long Island Sound; mother was dau. of Lt. Samuel & Sarah (FENN) BURWELL]
180. Here lyes ye body of Fletcher FOWLER Son of Ensign John & Mrs Mary FOWLER who dec'd Mar ye 8th AD. 1751/2 in ye 1st day of his age
[Mother was dau. of Fletcher & Hannah (PLATT) NEWTON]
181. Here lies Buried the body of Mr Jonathan FOWLER who departed this Life May the 5th 1773 in ye 70th year of his age ~ "The hopes we have, the better part is now above the Skies."
[Son of #177 & #178, bro. to #176; m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph & Mary (PLATT) CLARK, Jan 9, 1728. See #118 & #119]
182. Here lyes interr'd under this earth, the body of Mr Jonathan FOWLER who departed this Life on the 21 day of Sept'r AD. 1789 in the 54th year of his age ~ "In his Life he sustained the character of a kind husband & indulgent parent --, a beloved brother in the Church of Christ & a worthy member in the community. In his last distressing illness was patient & submissive until death conquored" ~ "Ye living men come view the ground whre you must shortly lie."
[Son of Jonathan & Hannah (CLARK) FOWLER, see #181; m. Content, dau. of Nathan & Elizabeth (ROGERS) BALDWIN]
183. Here lyes the body of Elihu the son of Jonathan FOWLER who departed this Life Oct 9th AD. 1784, aged 3 years & 9 months ~ "His life a Span -- the Mournful toll ~ Declares the exit of his Soul ~ Grim death is come His life is called ~ To take its flight, the means a Scald" ~ "Ye who are young come learn your end ~ By deep repentance make Christ your friend."
[Son of #182]
184. In memory of Mr. William FOWLER Jun'r the only son of Mr William & Mrs Eunice FOWLER who departed this Life Dec'r 9th 1785 in 63 23rd year of his age ~ "William is dead. Death's closed his eyes ~ Here in this Grave his body lies ~ While living, lived in love of all ~ When dead was mourned by great & small"
[His mother was dau. of Nathan & Elizabeth (ROGERS) BALDWIN; sister to his brother's wife, #182]
185. Sacred to Memory William only son of Mr. Nathan & Mrs Sarah FOWLER who died Sept 3, 1799 AEt 3 years 7 months ~ "Stop children dear as you pass by ~ and see you'r not to young to die."
[Mother was Sarah PLATT]
186. Here lies the body of Mrs Susanna FOWLER the amiable consort of Mr Nathan FOWLER wDtL Sept'r 2, 1798 in the 55th year of her age ~ "For this the end of all manking ~ How swift we hasten to the grave ~ See all the living must be joined ~ Unto the dust from whence they came."
[By birth, Susan MILES, au. of Theophilus; her husband, son of #181]
187. Sacred to the memory of Miss Mary FOWLER daughter to Mr William & Mrs Eunice FOWLER who died Feb 1, AD 1792 in the 27th year of her age ~ "Molly tho pleasant in her day ~ Was suddenly seized and sent away ~ How soon she's ripe, How soon she's rotten ~ Sent to her grave & soon forgotten."
[Dau of William & Eunice (BALDWIN) FOWLER]
188. In memory of Lieut John FOWLER who departed this Life Aug'st 17th AD. 1787 Aged 39 years. ~ "All gracious heaven is this the end of man ~ A dreadful thought, a melancholy plan."
[Son of John & Mary (NEWTON) FOWLER; m. Mary Ann HARPIN, #189]
189. Beneath these clods are deposited the remains of Mrs Mary Ann FOWLER who made her exit on the 25th Nov 1789, AEt 47 years ~ "This kind relief the social passions crave ~ Jesus himself, wept at a good mans grave."
[Dau. of Dr. Jean & Mary (READ) HARPIN. See #219; wife of #188; mother of #190]
190. In memory of Mr John FOWLER who departed this Life Oct'r 13th AD 1790 Aged 21 years & 6 days ~ "Mysterious Heaven why nip'd this charming flower ~ The Frost of Death before the Evening hour."
[Son of #188 & #189; m. Lucy, dau of Lewis & Mary (MERWIN) MALLETT]
191. Mary FORD, dau't to Thomas & Mary FORD Died Dec ye 2nd / 1737 in the 7th year of her age
192. [Dual Stone] Here lies buried the body of Lieu't John FORD who departed this Life Nov ye 10th 1760 in ye 56th year of his age
Here lies buried the body of Mrs Mary FORD wife to Lieu't John FORD who departed this Life Nov ye 10th 1769 in ye 48th year of her age
[Son of John & Sarah FORD; wife was dau. of Samuel & Mercy (SMITH) GUNN, Se #193]
193. "Me Mento, More" ~ Here lyes interr'd ye body of Capt'n Samuel GUNN Esq'r who departed this Life Sept'br ye 10 Anno Domni 1749 in ye 80th year of his age
[Son of Jebomah & Sarah (LANE) GUNN; m. Mercy, dau. of Ephraim SMITH]
194. "Memoto mori" ~ Here lyes interr'd ye body of Mrs Mercy GUNN, wife to Mr. Samuel GUNN Esq'r who departed this Life August ye 11th Anno Domni 1750 aged 76 years
[Wife to #193, mother of Mary #192 & #311]
195. Here lyes buried the body of Lieut Samuel GUNN who departed this Life Jan'y 8th 1756 - aged 55 years 4 months & 11 days
[Son of #193 & #194; m. Sarah, dau. of George & Sarah (____) CLARK]
196. Sarah dau'r to Mr Samuel & Mrs Sarah GUNN died Feb'ry ye 18th 1743 in ye 15th year of her age
[ Dau. of # 195]
197. "Memento Mori" ~ Here lyest interr'd the body of Mr. Lazarus GUNN who departed this Life Mary ye 27th Anno Dom'o 1751 in ye 44 year of his age
[Son of #193 & #194; bro. to #198]
198. [A Foot Stone] Isiah GUNN
[Son of #193 & #194, and bro. to #197 & #198]
199. Here lyes ye body of Abel GUNN, son of Lieut Samuel & Mrs Sarah GUNN Died Sept'br ye 7th 1750 in ye 4th year of his age
200. In memory of Mr. Isaac GUNN who departed this Life Jan 15th AD 1776 aged 32 years
[Son of #195 & bro. to #199; m. Susanna NETTLETON, dau. of Nathan]
201. Here lyes the body of Mr John GAUD who died Septe'b ye 15 1750 in ye 58th year of his age
202. Here lyes ye body of Mr. Joseph GARNSEY died Mar ye 3rd 1730 in ye 80th year of his age
203. Here lyes ye body of Gamaliel GIBSON Died Jul 31st 1740 in ye 43rd year of his age
204. In memory of Abigail ye daught'r of David & Abigail GIBSON dec'd Jun ye 23rd 1746 in the 20th year of her age
[The mother by birth was dau. of John BRINSMEAD. See #51]
205. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Esther GIBB wife to Mr. Thomas GIBB who departed this Life Jan 24th, 1740/1 aged 46 years.
[By birth Esther GOODYEAR; m. 1st Ebenezer BRYAN. See #58 & #207]
206. Here lyes buried the body of Mr Thomas GIBB Jr who departed this Life Dec'r ye 10th 1776 in ye 26th year of his age
[Son of 207 & his second wife Hannah]
207. Here lyes buried the body of Mr. Thomas GIBB who departed this Life Nov 12th, 1768 in ye 61st year of his age
[See 205]
208. [no listing, the number is skipped]
209. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Mary GIBB wife to Mr John GIBB who departed this Life Oct ye 21st 1769 aged 38 years & 4 months
210. [Quad. Stone] Capt John GIBBS Born 1731. Died 1809
His wife Eunice, Born 1738 Died 1826
John GIBBS born 1762 Died 1782
Esther GIBBS born 1760 Died 1846
[John, 1st son of #205 & #207; m. 1st #209, 2nd Eunice; John, 2d, son of #209, m. Sarah JONES, dau. of John & Sarah (HAWLEY); Esther, dau of #209.]
211. Here lyes ye body of Mrs Hannah GREEN wife to Mr Edward GREEN who died Aug ye 12th 1757 in the 38th year of her age. Also the daughter that was still born was buried in her arms
212. Here lyes ye body of Jonathan GILLIT Deces'd Sept the 5th 1732 in the 29th year of his age
[Son of Eliphal & Mary (WHEELER) GILLIT; b. 1703]
213. Hlyb Jeremiah GILLIT Dec'd Sept ye 24th 1732 in ye 32 year of his age
[Bro. to 212; m. Frances BRYAN, dau of Richard; his widow m. Stephen MILES]
214. Here lyes ye body of Mary GILIT wife to Mr Eliphel GILIT aged 53 years Dec'd Jan ye 31st 1730
[Dau. of Ephraim & Mary (HOLBROOK) WHEELER, mother of #212 & #213]
215. Here lyes the body of Mrs Elizabeth GILLET aged 76 years Died Jul 17, 1732
[Probably mother to the husband of #214]
216. Here lyes the body of Mrs Phebe GILLIT wife to Mr William Gillit Jun'r who died Feb'y ye 10th AD. 1756 AE 29 ~ "Her dying word unto her husband are ~ Refrain you Passions, why so much dispare ~ Its the will of God I hope its for the best ~ For you -- for me & for my motherless ~ To whom adue -- to God & you ~ I now commit thare care" ~~ "Pattern of Pationts to the end of Life ~ Now ded she speak to every liveing wife ~ Peti such juelss should be laid in the dust ~ Men are unwarthy & the Lord is just."
[Dau. of Daniel & Zeruiah (CANFIELD) TERRELL; m. son of William & Elizabeth (WELCH) GILLIT, Sept. 1749]
217. Here lyes buried ye body of Elisha GILLIT son of Mr Elisah GILLIT & Mrs Sarah his wife who died May ye 22nd A D 1750 in ye 2nd year of his age ~ "Oh happy babe so early fled away ~ From this vile earth to realms of endless day ~ What wondrous change dear hast thou known ~ Leaving thy cradle to ascend a Throne"
[Mother was Sarah, dau. of John & Keziah (CLARK) BUCKINGHAM. For this name see also JILLIT]
218. Here lyes the Body of Elizabeth HAISE who Dec'd Sept'r ye 13. 1727. In ye 19th year of her age
219. In memory of Doct. John HERPIN who was born & educated at Rochfort in France, practised Physick & Surgery in this place 50 years with much reputation & sucess and died Nov 14th 1765 AEt 74
[m. Mary CAMP, dau. of John, #132]
220. Here lyes buried ye body of Anthony HERPIN son of Dr. John HERPIN & Mrs. Mary his wife who died Jan'y 31st Anno Dom'n 1737/8 in the 5th year of his age
[See #219]
221. Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs Anna HARPIN daugh't of Doct'r John HARPIN & Mrs Mary his wife who departed this Life Aug ye 16th Anno Domni 1742 aged 18 years & 6 months
[See 219]
222. [Dual Stone] John Anthony HERPIN obit 13th Sept'm 1730 Aetat 4
Mary Ann HERPIN Obit 28th Aug 1750 AEtat 2
~ "How loved how valued once events ye not ~ To whom related or by whom begot ~ A heap of dust alone remains of thee ~ This all thou art and all the PRouD shall be".. Pope
Nicholas HERPIN Obiit Jan'y 9th 1759 AEtat Die 16 ~ "Of such is the kingdom of heaven. Christ"
[Children of John & Mary (READ) HERPIN, mother was the dau. of Col. John READ]
223. Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Susanna HEPBURN wife to Mr Peter HEPBURN who departed this Life July ye 17th A D 1762 in ye 27th year of her age
[By birth, dau. of Joel & Abigail (FENN) BALDWIN; b. May 18, 1736; m. Dec 16, 1763]
224. Rebecca HINE wife to Samuel HINE died Feb ye 4th 1748 in ye 27th year of her age
[ Dau. of Samuel & Rebecca (PRITCHARD) OVIATT; m. Aug 9, 1739]
225. Jane HINE daugh'r of Mr. Josiah & Mrs Mehitable HINE Died May 1st 1750 in ye 11th year of her age
[The mother was dau. of Daniel & Sarah NORTHRUP]
226. In Memory of Martha HINE Dau'tr of Mr. Joel & Mrs Martha HINE who departed this Life Jul 20th 1771 in the 6th year of her age ~ "Beneath these Clods my body lies ~ To cruel death a sacrifice ~ No age, not sex from death is free ~ Oh think on death, then think on me"