With Historical Sketches of
Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle Haddam,
Middletown & Its Parishes;
David D. Field, D.D.;
Middletown, Conn.
Pages 228 - 232
William PLUMBE, a native of the Society of Westfield, graduate of Yale College, 1769, practised law a short time, became a preacher & chaplain in the army of the Revolution, afterwards a merchant. He died June 2d, 1843, leaving a few thousand dollars worth of property for Foreign Missions, under the care of the American Board. The exact sum cannot be given, as the estate is not entirely settled.
Ezekiel WOODRUFF, said to be a native of Farmington or Southington, graduate of Yale, 1779, practised here a few years. He was City Cleark from 1786 to 1789 inclusive, resigned this office and probably soon after moved away, to what place is not known.
Matthew Talcott RUSSELL, was named after Col. Matthew TALCOTT, who had married his aunt and had not children of his own. He was educated at his expense at Yale College, where he was tutor for four years. He sutdied law with the Hon. Oliver ELLSWORTH, and commenced practice in this city. Though of a slender constitution and delicate health, he was able through great care and prudence to attend continually to his professional concerns. He was accurate and methodical in every thing, and therefore well fitted to transact the large amount of collecting business which was entrusted to his hands. For some time he was State's attorney. The communtiy respected him for his integrity and faitfulnees and the church honored him for his consistent christian conduct. He died 13 Nov 1828, aged nearly 68 years.
William BROWN, native of Guilford, graduate of Yale 1784, practised law some years here, was City Clerk after Mr. WOODRUFF, three years. He afterwards practised in Madison a few years, and then in the city of Hartford, where he died in the close of 1803. He was a man of good abilities and much respected.
Joshua HENSHAW, native of Middletown, and graduate of Yale, 1785. He moved to Vermont, and thence, it is understood, to Montreal, in Canada.
Enoch HUNTINGTON, son of Rev. Enoch HUNTINGTON, graduate of Yale, 1785, had superior natural talents, was a Dean scholar, spoke with great fluency at the bar, and was Colonel of militia. He died March 7th, 1826, aged 58.
Silas STOW, was a native of the Society of Middlefield.
George W. STANLEY, born in Wallingford, gradated at Yale, 1793, practised law many years in his native town, came to Middletown in 1819, and was State's Attorney; moved to Cleveland, Ohio, about 1837.
Alexander COLLINS, son of General Augustus COLLINS, of North Guilford, graduate of Yale, 1795, studied law int he office of the late Judge HOSMER. He died while on a journey, 14 Sep 1815, aged 41, at Brattleboro, Ver., where his body is interred. The enterprising men, from whom Collinsville derives its name, are his sons.
Elijah HUBBARD, graduate of Yale, 1795, studied at the Law School in Litchfield, practised law some years in New London, returned to Middletown upon the dath of his father, Elijah HUBBARD, Esq., in 1808, was many years President of Middletown Band, and repeatedly mayor of the city. He died 4 Dec 1846, aged 69.
Chauncey WHITTLESEY, son of Chauncey WHITTLESEY, Esq., graduate of Yale, 1800, & a Dean scolar, read law with the Hon. Charles CHAUNCEY of New Haven, and was admitted to the bar in November, 1804. From the close of 1804 until 1819, Chauncey WITTLESEY, Esq., practised in this county and though able lawyers from Middlesex & adjoining counties, attended the courts, he acquired an elevated rank among his brethren. He was also advanced in military life to the command of a brigade. In the last mentioned year he removed to Louisville, Kentucky, where he practised about four years, and afterwards to New Orleans, where he practised about four years more. His health having been seriously injured while in the latter city, he returned to his native town in 1827, and attended in a degree to official business until the autumn of 1829, when his illness became distressing. His sight and other bodily powers were affected, so that for the residue of his life he was almost helpless and often racked with severe pain. He died 24 Dec 1834, aged 51. Gen. WHITTLESEY's earthly disappointments and suffering served to render the grace of God, in which he trusted, the more conspicuous. Those who visited him in his afllictions were surprised in view of his weak and disordered body, and at the continued vigor of his mind; were instructed by his conversation and improved by his resignation to God and his benevolence to men, and prospects of blessedness in the life to come. An able writer in the Philadelphian for 8 Jan 1835, declares concerning him: "When almost every early comfort was withdrawn, he was not cast down, for he looked to his inheritance among the saints in light. When blindness and darkness came over his bodily snese, the eye of his mind remained strong and unclouded, and the light of Heaven still penetrated to his soul and kept up a constant warmth in his heart. While he was in a condition which would have made some men forget all but self and suffering, his expansive benevolence, worthy of its celestial origin, constantly flowed out to his fellow beings. His intellect was still firm and figorous after years of severe disease had taken from his body almost all power but that of endurance, and his feelings, instead of being souered by disappointment and calamity,
John L. LEWIS, native of Philadelphia, studied with Judge HOSMER, and was admitted to the bar in March, 1805. In May, 1818, he was appointed Sheriff of Middlesex County. He afterwards moved to Florida, where he died.
William VAN DEUSEN, graduate of Yale, 1801, studdied law in Middletown & Litchfield, was admitted to the bar as early as 1807, received a captain's commission from the General Government and for a time had command of the fort at New London. He died in Middletown, 26 Sep 1833, aged 49.
Levi H. CLARK, a native of Sunderland, Mass., and graduate of Yale, 1802, studied law with the Hon. Charles CHAUNCEY of New Haven, and with Asa BACON, Esq., in Canterbury. He commenced practice in Haddam in the Spring of 1805. Levi H. CLARK removed from Haddam to Middletown in 1807 or 8. In both towns he had considerable paractice. About 1816, he removed to Carthage, N.Y., invested property in that village and engaged in the building of the famous "Carthage Bridge," which was the wonder of western tourists. In the fall of that bridge he lost much property, and resorted afterwards mainly to the use of his pen for support. In 1821, he was appointed an associate judge of the County Court for the new county of Munroe, and that year he reported the proceedings of the Convention which formed a constitution for the Empire State. His reports were subsequently published in an octavo volume, styled "Clarke's Reports." From that time until 1835, he was generally connected in some way with papers and publications in New York city, as owner, partner, editor or correspondent, and from 1835 until Jun 1839, was a justice of the 7th, 10th & 15th wards. He died a Feeding Hills in West Springfield, 6 Feb 1840, aged 57. There is much evidence that before his death he became a sincere christian.
Noah A. PHELPS, native of Simsbury, studied law with Hon. Elisha PHELPS, was admitted to the bar in Hartford in 1811, and practised in that city -- was sheriff of Hartford county from 1819 to 1828. He came to Middletown in 1829, being appointed collector of customs; he has since been judge of the County Court, mayor of the city of Middletown, judge of Probate, State Senator, and Secretary of Connecticut.
Jonathan BARNES, son of Jonathan BARNES, Esq., of Tolland, (attorney in Tolland County,) graduate of Yale, 1810, studied law with his fther, and after he came to Middletown, for a time with Chauncey WHITTLESEY, Esq., began practice in Middletown, in 1813, and has ever since confined himself closely and unusually to the appropriate duties of his profession.
Major Andre ANDREWS, native of Cornwall, studied law, for a time at least, with his brother, Benajah ANDREWS, in Wallingford, began to practice in Middletown, as early as 1815 -- was appointed State's Attorney in Sep 1818, moved to Buffalo in 1819, where he died during the second prevalence of the cholera in the place 17 Aug 1834, aged 42.
Minor HOTCHKISS, born in New Haven, graduate of Yale, 1813, studied law in Litchfield & New Haven, was admitted to the bar in New Haven in the close of 1815, and came immediately to Middletown. Minor HOTCHKISS, Esq., is remembered by many. Upon his appearance in this county he was marked as a young man of talents and promise. He soon became distinguished in his profession, and his prospects of business and usefulness in the world were as great as those of any man of his age in the state. With a mind well stored with knowledge were associated dispositions, manners and habits adapted to secure affection and confidence. In the last two years of his life he represented the town in the Legislature of the Stae, with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. A long and distressing sickness "he bore with patience and resignation, and gave the strongest evidence of personal piety." He died 21 Oct 1825, age 34.
Abiel L. LOOMIS, began to practice law in Middle Haddam, as early as 1816; in two or three years he moved to Killingworth, now Clinton, where he remained about ten years, he then came to Middletown, but aftewards removed to Hartford where he died.
William L. STORRS, graduated at Yale, 1814, read law with his brother, Henry R. STORRS, Esq., at Whitestown, N.Y., was admited to the bar in New York, in 1817, and in Connecticut soon after. He was Representative to the Legislature of Connecticut, in 1827 and '28, and to Congress from March, 1829 to 1823 [sic] -- was speaker of the House of Representatives in Connecticut in 1834. He was elected member of Congress again for two years, from March 4, 1839, but in 1840, became a judge of the Superior Court. He has also been professor in the New Haven Law School. The Western Reserve College has conferred upon him the degree of LL. D.
Ebenezer FORCE, studied law with the Hon. Sylvester GILBERT of Hebron, practised in Middle Haddam, in 1819, '20, and '21, came to Middletown and practised a short time, enlisted into the army of the United States. Has been dead for some years.
John G. C. BRAINERD, native of New London, and graduate of Yale, 1815, son of Hon. Jeremiah G. Brainerd.
Enoch Thomas PARSONS, graduate of Union College, 1818, was admitted to the bar in 1822, practiced a short time, lost his health, died 15 Apr 1830, aged 30.
Asahel UTLEY, Middle Haddam
Samuel Holden PARSONS, graduate of Yale, 1819, admitted to the bar in 1822, practised for a time in Middletown, then in Hartford; is now travelling in Europe.
Samuel Dickinson HUBBARD, graduate of Yale, 1819, studied at the New Haven Law School, practised law some years, has been mayor of the city, and Member of Congress.
John Hiram LATHROP, graduate of Yale, 1819. Tutor, LL. D., practised law here a short time, has since been professor in Hamilton College, and in the University of Missouri; and is now president of the University of Wisconsin.
Ezekiel L. HOSMER, son of the late Judge HOSMER, was admitted to the bar in 1823, and died 14 Nov 1826, aged 24.
Charles Richard ALSOP, graduate of Yale, 1821, studied law in the office of Jonathan BARNES, Esq., and was admitted to the bar in this State. He then attended the lectures of the late Chancellor KENT in New York, studied in the office of Daniel LORD, Esq., an attorney in the city, and was admitted to the bar there. He remained in that city until 1832, when he returned to Middletown. Upon the resignation of Noah A. PHELPS, Esq., he was elected mayor of the city of Middletown, 25 Apr 1843, for the residue of the term. He was then re-elected for two years, after which he declined a re-election. While mayor he first started the movement for the New York & Boston Railroad, usuall spoken of as the Air Line Railroad. He also obtained the charter for the Middletown Railroad (wow the Branch to the Hartford & New Haven Railroad.) He was one of the original corporators of the New York & Boston Railroad Company, and in Nov. 1850, was elected the President of it.
Isaac WEBB, born in Chester, graduate of Yale, 1822, and tutor; studied law in New Haven, began practice here in 1827 or '28; afterwards established a school for the instruction of lads; died 29 Sep 1842, aged 45.
Stillman K. WIGHTMAN, graduate of Yale, 1825, studied law with Jonathan BARNS, Esq., and at the Law School in New Haven, and was admitted to the bar in 1827 - was State's Attorney, Speaker of the house of representatives, and State Senator. He moved to the city of New York about 1844, where he now practises.
Ebenezer JACKSON, native of Savannah, Ga., educated at the college of St. Mary's in Baltimore, studied law in Litchfield, was admitted to the bar in 1827 -- has been a Member of Congress.
Charles C. TYLER, native of Haddam, studied law with Judge STORRS, was admitted to the bar in 1828, has been State's Attorney and Judge of the County Court.
Thomas Griswold MATHER, graduate of Yale, 1826, studied law with Judge STORES, was admitted to the bar in 1829, has been town clerk.
Samuel W. GRISWOLD, was born in the Society of Westfield, studied law with Abiel A. LOOMIS and Jonathan BARNES, was admitted to the bar in Oct 1832, died 16 Feb 1844, aged nearly 36
Alfred HALL, native of Portland, graduate of Trinity College, 1828, studied law in Middletown, New Haven & Cambridge, began to practice in Middletown, about 1833 or '34, but soon returned to Portland and is a merchant in that town -- has been Representative to the General Assembly from that town for two or three years past.
Elihu SPENCER, native of Warren, Ohio, graduated at the Wesleyan University, 1838, studied with Judge STORRS, was admitted to the bar in Oct 1841 -- has been Town Clerk, Cleark of the County & Superior Courts, and Treasurer, and Representative to the General Assembly of the State.
Dennis SAGE, graduate of Wesleyan University, 1839, studied law iwth Judge STORRS, admitted to the bar in 1842 - practiced a short time, then went into other business; has been to California, but recently returned.
Charles WHITTLESEY, born in Salisbury, graduate of Williams College, 1840, studied law in Litchfield county, where he was admitted t the bar in 1844 -- came the same year to Middletown, has been State's Attorney.
Norman L. BRAINERD, born in Portland, studied law in Cambridge & N.Y. city, was in a law office and practised in that city, has been a year or two in Middletown.