With Historical Sketches of
Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle Haddam,
Middletown & Its Parishes;
David D. Field, D.D.;
Middletown, Conn.
Pages 219 - 225
First Society

Harvard College
Nathaniel COLLINS, 1697. He was the son of the first settled pastor in Middletown, and became himself the first pastor of the church in Enfield, where he labored more than twenty years. He then resigned his ministry in that place, but preached in other places; he died in Enfield in 1757, aged 79.
Yale College
Seth WETMORE, 1714. Was the first Congregational minister in North Haven, embrased episcopacy about 1722, went to England for orders, in 1723, was rector of the Episcopal Church in Rye, N.Y., where he died May 14th, 1760. He published a defence of Waterland's discourse on Regeneration and two or three othe controversial pieces. [Note: according to the J.C. Wetmore 1861genealogy of the Wetmore family, this should be James WETMORE] r
Joseph CLARK, 1745. Was town clerk, justice of the peace and deacon in the First Congregational Church.
Jeremiah LEAMING, S.T.D., 1745. He became an Episcopal minister, preached eight years in Newport, R.I., twenty-one in Norwak, and eight or nine at Stratford. He died in New Haven, in Sept., 1804, aged 86. Besides two controversial pieces, he published Evidences of the Truth of Christianity, and dissertation on various subjects. His writings indicate a strong and well informed mind.
Israkiah WETMORE, 1748. Was pastor of the First Church in Stratford, preached the election sermon before the Legislature in Connecticut in 1773, died in 1798. [Note: Israkiah's given name is usually spelled Izrahiah]
Jabez HAMLIN, 1769. Son of Col. J. HAMLIN, went to Boston, as ensign inthe company comanded by Return J. MEIGS, in 1775, afterwards received a captain's commission, and died of sickness, while in the service of his country, at East Chester, N.Y., Sept. 20th, 1776, aged 24.
Robert HUBBARD, 1769. Entered the ministry, settled in Shelburne, Mass., became consumptive, was brought to Middletown, after his sickness commenced, where he died Nov. 2d, 1788, in the 45th year of his age. His body rests with those of his friends, in Tomb-lane Yard.
George PHILLIPS, 1769. Was a merchant in the city, and the first collector of customes for the District of Middletown. He died in New Orleans, in 1802.
Elisha ATKINS, 1773. Chaplain in the Revolutionary army, and pastor of the Congregational Church in Killingly, where he died in 1839.
Alexander WOLCOTT, 1778. Practiced law in Hartford County, possessed a strong mind and superior legal attainments. He was collector of customs in the district of Middletown, from Aug., 1801, untilil his death June 26th, 1828, when he was in the 70th year of his age..
Wait CORNWELL, 1782. Preached occasionally, but never had the charge of a parish -- moved late in life to some part of the State of Ohio, where he died in March 1816.
Samuel MATHER, 1792. Native of Lyme, merchant in Albany, N.Y., has resided in Middletown many years.
Joseph WASHBURN, 1793. While fitting for college and while studying theology, he was under the instruction of Rev. Enoch HUNTINGTON. By talents, education and grace, he was well prepared for the sacred ministry. He was pastor of the First Congregational Church in Farmington, between ten and eleven years and discharged the duties of his office to the great acceptance and benefit of his people. Being in declining health he commenced a journey to the south, near the close of 1805, and undertook to pass from Norfolk to Charlestown by water, but died at sea Dec. 25th. A question has been raised whether he was born in Middletown as he represented, or in what is now the town of Portland. In a funeral sermon preached in Farmington by Rev. Asahel HOOKER, he is said to have been born at Middletown, May 13th, 1766. But at that time Portland was one of the parishes of Middletwon. His parents lived in Portland a number of years, and some persons who knew the family well, have a strong impression that they lived there at the time of his birth..
Samuel Gray HUNTINGTON, 1800. Was a Dean scholar, studied law probably with his brother Enoch HUNTINGTON, was admitted to the bar and practised three years in East Haddam, then moved to Waterford, and tence to Troy. Has been a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Rensselaer County..
Alexander WOLCOTT, 1809. Was born in Windsor, before his father, just named, moved from that town. He studied medicine with Dr. Nathaniel SMITH, at Hanover, N.H. In the second war with Great Britain he was an assistant surgeon, and stationed at Fort Moultrie, S.C., and afterwards on Governor's Island, N.Y. He established himself as a physician, in Vincennes, In.; but in 1819, was appointed Indian Agent at Detroit, and after spending a year or more there, was transfered to Chicago, where he held his post until his death, Oct. 23, 1830, aged 40.
Richard HUBBARD, 1813. Son of Nehemiah HUBBARD, Esq., was elected mayor of the city of Middletown in 1838 and died in office, Sept. 1st, 1839, aged 47.
Henry Dana Artemas WARD, 1819. Settled as a planter in South Carolina; lived in Columbia (near where his plantation lay,) where he died April 3d, 1827, in his 27th year.
Seth Birdsey PADDOCK, 1820. Studied theology in the Episcopal Theological Seminary, about the time of its temporary establishment at New Haven, preached for a time in St. John's Church in Essex; was afterward colleague with Rev. John TYLER, in Christ Church in Norwich city, and after his death, rector, laboring there, in both capacities, more than twenty years. He was hen preceptor of the Episcopal Academy in Cheshire, about six years and a half, where he died June 24th, 1851. His body was brought to his native palce for interment.
Enoch HUNTINGTON, 1821. Studied theology in Norwalk in 1822 and '23, and preached in Pennsylvania and Connecticut from 1823 to 1826, was rector of the Episcopal Church in New Milford, from 1827 to 1846, and is now living in Bridgeport.
Phineas Bacon WILCOX, 1821, studied law in Columbus, Ohio, in 1822 and 23, where he has practiced law since that time.
Timothy ROGERS, 1823. Was afflicted with feeble health, did not study a profession; died in 1829.
William Edward HURLBUT, 1824. Was clerk in Middletown Bank; died Sept. 19th, 1845 aged 42.
Jabez Brooks HUBBARD, 1825. Was merchant in New York; is now occupied in a counting room.
Simeon NORTH, 1825. Tutor, LL.D D.S. T.D, studied theology in New Haven, professor in Hamilton College, N.Y., now president of that institution.
Charles Bezaleel FISH, 1826. Son of John Fisk, Esq., an engineer, much employed and greatly esteemed, in his profession, living in the city of Washington.
Samuel GAYLORD, 1826. A young man of much promise, died on the 14th of November following his graduation.
Samuel LEE, 1827. Studied theology in New Haven, is stated supply at Mantua, Ohio.
Thomas Robinson HUBBARD, 1829. Studied law at Dayton, Ohio, and settled as a lawyer, firm of Ballistier & Hubbard, Chicago, Ill.; is now corresponding clerk in the Bank of Commerce, N.Y. city.
Phineas Timothy MILLER, 1833, M.D. Kept and apothecary store in New Haven, where he died in 1850.
William Huntington RUSSELL, 1833, M.D., Tutor. He and Mr. Stiles FRENCH, are the princpals of a very important school in New Haven, styled the "Collegiate and Commercial Institute," in which the design is "to secure to boys, at as early an age as possible a thorough English education, and upon this as a basis, to give a critically accurate preparation for any year in College, or for commercial business."
James Burnet CRANE, 1838. Studied law iwht Johnson & Kent in New York city, where he practised some time. He has given up the profession of law, and is now studying theology at Princeton.
Charles Chauncey WHITTLESEY, 1838. Studied law with Jonathan BARNES, Esq., went to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1840, where he is now practicing law.
John Smith KELLY, 1840. Was a teacher, and for a time preceptor of Brainerd Academy in Haddam. Died while a student of Union Theological Seminary, in the city of New York, Dec. 29th 1844, aged 24.
Henry Dana Artemas WARD, 1842. Son of H. D. A. WARD, before mentioned, studied law with Jonathan BARNES, Esq., and at the Law School in Cambridge, Mass., and also in Detroit, where he is now settled as a lawyer.
George Walter CRANE, 1850. Died one week after graduation, Aug 22d, 1850, aged 22
Middlebury College, Ver.
John P. H. HENSHAWE, 1808. Studied theology, was rector of an Episcopal Church in the city of Baltimore. Is now Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island. Died in Maryland, while officiating for Bishop WHITTINGHAM, July 20th, 1852.
Wesleyan University.
Samuel Livingston MATHER, 1835. Was a merchant for a time in New York; has since studied law, and is now practicing in Cleveland, Ohio.
Theodore HINSDALE, 1836. Studied law and is practising in the city of New York.
Loudon B. WARD, 1842. Taught school in Virginia several years; now resides in Middletown.
Ebenezer Tracy WHITTLESEY, 1843. Studied law for a time but has relinquished the study is now pursuing merchantile business in San Francisco, California.
Abram J. WRIGHT, 1843. Is a merchant in New York city.
Jonathan Kelsey BURR, 1845. Studied theology at the Union Theological Seminary in New York; is now a member of the New Jersey Methodist Episcopal Conference, and preaches in that State.
Silas W. ROBBINS, 1847. Studied theology at Yale Colege, is a Congregational minister and now preaches in Meriden.
Perry Child SMITH, 1847. Studied law in the city of New York, where he was admitted to the bar in 1851. He is now in Albany.
Jonathan E. BARNES, 1848. Is studying theology at Yale College.
Joseph A. BAILEY, 1849. Studied theology at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Newton, and is now pastor of the Baptist Church in Essex.
Theophilus Bradbury CHANDLER, 1850. Is a preacher, labored a while in Plymouth, is now stationed at Haddam.
Ira E. CHASE, 1850. Present residence and employment not ascertained.
Graduate from Middlefield, not mentioned in the Address
Brown University.
Curtis COE, 1776. Studied theology, was settled over the Congregational Church in Durham, N.H., Nov. 1st 1780, and dismissed May 1st, 1805. He died at Newmarket, June 7th, 1829, aged 79.
Oliver WETMORE, born in Middletown and for a time a merchant in the city, moved to Western New York when that part of the State was very new, and entered the ministry. He died at Utica, Jan. 1st, 1852, aged 77. An obituary notice of him declares him to have been an eminent Presbyterian clergyman; a descendant of Rev. Timothy EDWARDS, father of President EDWARDS, and a direct line from Elder William BREWSTER of the Mayflower.