Deed of the Indians to the Inhabitants of Middletown
Centennial Address
David D. Field, D.D.
Middletown, Conn., 1853
pp. 138 - 139

This writing made the twenty-fourth of January 1672, between SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT, proprietors of Middletown, alias Mattabesett, of the one part, and Mr. Samuel WYLLYS, Capt. John TALCOTT, Mr. James RICHARDS, and John ALLYN, in behalf of the inhabitants of Middletown, on the other part, witnesseth that the said SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT, being privy to and well acquainted with SOWHEAG, the great Sachem of Mattabesett, his gift of great part of the township of Middletown to the Honorable Mr. HANYES formerly, and for a further and full consideration to us now granted and paid by the said Mr. Samuel WYLLYS, Capt. John TALCOTT, Mr. James RICHARDS, and John ALLYN, have given, granted, bargained, sold and confirmed, and by these presents do fully and absolutely give, grant, and confirm unto the the said gentleme, all that tract of land within these following abutements, viz. on Wethersfield bounds on the north, on Haddam bounds on the south, and to run from the great river the whold breadth towards the east six miles, and from the great river towards the west so far as the General Court of Connecticut hath granted the bounds of Middletown shall extend; to have and to hold the aforementioned tract of land as it is bounded, with all the meadows, pastures, woods, underwood, stones, quaries, brooks, ponds, rivers, profits, commodities, and appurtenances whatsoever belonging thereunto, unto the said Mr. Samuel WYLLYS, Capt. John TALCOTT, Mr. James RICHARDS, and John ALLYN, in behalf and for the use of the inhabitants of the towns of Middletown, their heirs and assigns forever; always provided, there be three hundred acres of land within the township of Middletown on the east side of the Connecticut river, laid out, bounded and recorded to be and remain the heirs of SOWHEAG and the Mattabesett Indians and their heirs forever; as also one parcel of land on the west side of the Connecticut river, formerly laid out to SAWSEAN, shall be recorded and remain to the heirs of the said SAWSEAN forever, anthing in this deed to the contrary notwithstanding. And the foresaid SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT, for themselves, do convenant to and with the said Mr. WYLLYS, Capt. TALCOTT, Mr. RICHARDS and John ALLYN, in behalf of the inhabitants of Middletown, that they the said SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, &ct, have only full power, good right and lawful authority, to grant, bargin, sell and convey all and singular the before hereby granted, or mentioned to be granted premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, accoding as it is above expressed, unto the said Mr. WYLLYS, Capt. TALCOTT, Mr. RICHARDS and John ALLYN, in behalf of the inhabitants of Middletown, shall and may by force and virtue of these presents, from time to time and at all times forever, hereaftr, lawfully, peaceable and quitely, have, hold, use, occupy and possess and enjoy the aforesaid parcel of land with all its rights, members and appurtenances, and have, receive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof to their own proper use and behoof forever, without any let, suit, trouble, or disturbance whatsoe ever of the said SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT, their heirs or assigns, or of any other person or persons, claiming right, by, from or under us, or any of us, or by the means, act consent, privity or procurement, and that free and clear, and freely and clearly aquitted, exhonerated and discharged, or otherwise well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless by the said SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT, their heirs, executors and administrators, of and from all former and other grants, gifts, bargains, sales, titles, troubls, demands, and incumbrances whatever, had, made, committed, suffered, or done, by the said SEPUNNAMOE, JOAN, alias WEEKPISSICK, MACHIZE, WESUMPSHA, WAMPHANEH, SPUNNO, SACHAMAS, TACCOMHUIT. In witness hereof they have signed, sealed and delivered this writing in their own hands the day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed &

Sepunnamoe X his mark
delivered in the
presence of us,

Joan, alias

Joseph Nash
George Graves
Thomas Edwards

Mamschize X his mark
Robert Sanford

Wesumpsha X his mark
Nessehegen X his mark

MamphahehX his mark
WannoaeX his mark

SpunnoX his mark
TarramugusX his mark

SachamasX his mark
Puccacun X his mark

Tacumbuit X his mark
mother X her mark

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