Rate Bill For The North Parish of Lebanon,
(Now Columbia), Conn., For The Year 1741;
John B. Newcomb.;
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Volume 20, January 1866, p 45 - 47
The Sume total of this Reat Bill is £330-16-09 made for the Defraing the Neserary Charges In ye North Parish of Lebanon Atested by us in ye year 1741 -- ELIAKIM TUPPER, JOHN NECOMB, Comite.
To Joseph PAINE, Collector of Raits for ye North Parish in Lebanon this is to order you to Collect and Geather this Raite of Each man his Portion as is set Down in this Reate Bill and you are to Beather it by ye first day of January Next and you are to Pay it unto ye Reved Mr. Eleazer WHEELOCK ye Sume of 290 by ye first Day of January next and ye Rest of ye money you are to Pay unto Mr. John SIMS by ye Same time and this Shall be your order December ye 14 AD. 1741. ELIAKIM TUPPER, JOHN NEWCOMB, Comite.
The Sum total of this RATE bill Except ye Dooms if I Cast Right is £324-19-0 Test. E. WHEELOCK.
p 45
£-s.-d. Ebenezer BALL 0-15-09 Samuel ALLEN 4-02-11 Joseph CLARK 7-10-01 Robert AVERY 1-19-10 Benony CLARK 4-15-00 Joshua ALLAN, Jur 1-07-02 Nehemiah CLASON 2-18-08 Joshua ALLEN 1-07-02 Beenj: COLLINS 4-18-00 John ALLEN 1-19-06 Solomon CURTIS 3-02-10 Samul ALLEN, Jun 0-17-06 Dudatus CURTIS 0-15-09 Samul BUCKENGHAM 4-14-06 Nathaniel CURTIS 0-13-08 Jeams BRIGS 3-02-01 Joen CLASEON 1-05-15 Jeams BILL 3-15-08 Nathan CLASEON 0-18-00 Samuel BREUSTER 3-01-03 Danel CHURCH 0-00-06 Benj: BALL 1-17-05 Eleazer CURTIS 0-18-05 Saxton BALY 2-05-10 John DOGIT 3-09-02 Jedediah BILL 0-17-06 John DAMOND 2-05-11 Philip BILL 0-17-06 Henry DYRE 1-17-01 Elisha BILL 0-18-05 Joseph DAVIS 1-14-01
p 46
Nathaniel DEWEY 0-05-03 Linsford MORY 2-11-07 Saml DUNHAM 1-01-11 John NEWCOMB 5-11-02 Saml DEWEY 0-02-08 Samuel NEGUS 2-06-05 John DAMON, Junr 1-01-11 Eddy NEWCOMB 1-06-03 Jonathan DEWEY 1-02-09 Josiah OWEN 0-19-03 Joseph DEWEY 1-14-09 Thomas PORTER 4-18-00 Moses DEWEY 0-15-09 Joseph PAINE 3-16-02 Richard ENGLISH 2-01-02 John PORTER 3-11-06 John ENGLISH 1-01-00 Josiah PHINEY 2-17-11 Benj: FULLER 3-01-01 Jeams PINNO 3-04-01 Amos FULLER 2-05-09 Samuel PORTER 2-05-07 Benj: FULLER, Jur 1-01-11 Jeams PEASE 2-08-03 Amos FULLER, Junr 0-16-08 Joseph PINNO 0-18-05 Jeremiah FUTTER 0-18-05 Samuel PARKER 2-13-02 Noah FULLER 0-18-05 Joshua PHINNEY 1-09-04 Henry GLOVER 3-01-11 William PHINNEY 1-00-03 William GAGER 2-15-06 John PITKIN 0-05-07 Samuel GUILDS 1-15-10 Israel POST 0-12-13 John GIBBS 3-05-05 Phineas POST 3-03-00 Henry GLOVER, Junr 1-15-00 Amos RANDAL 1-14-10 Samuel GUILDS, Juner 0-17-09 David ROYCE 1-08-11 Ebenezer GRAY, Esqure 0-07-05 Mathew ROYCE 1-18-09 Samuel HATCHENSON 1-01-08 Ephraim SPRAUGE 4-04-11 Nathanel HOUSE 2-08-00 John SIMS 4-08-05 Israel GUILDS 2-07-00 John SOLLARD 3-01-00 Walter HARRIS 2-09-00 John SWETLAND 3-17-11 Nathaniel HIDE 0-06-00 Benj: SMALEY 5-00-02 Eleazer HUTCHENSON 4-07-08 John SIMS, Junr. 2-08-08 Stephen HUTCHENSON 2-09-01 William SIMS 2-07-07 Jon HUTCHENSON 2-00-00 Peleg SPRAUG 0-18-05 Tim: HURCHENSON 2-02-04 Perez SPRAUG 2-00-08 Abel HOLE BROOK 1-13-05 William SWIFT 2-09-00 Nathaniel HOUSE, Jur 2-00-01 Joseph SMALEY 2-00-03 Stephen HUNT 2-02-09 George SIMS 1-09-09 Willim: HUNT 2-17-07 John SPRAUGE 0-02-10 John HOUSE 1-14-02 Benj: SWET LAND 1-02-09 Samul HOUSE 1-01-06 John SWEET LAND, Junr 1-08-02 Gideon HOUSE 0-15-09 Joseph SWET LAND 2-12-02 Nathanel KNAP 0-07-00 Elijah SPRAUGE 1-15-11 Richard LYMAN 2-16-01 Jeams SMALLY 2-01-02 Josiah LYMAN 3-08-02 Elakim TUPPER 3-16-08 Joseph LOOMIS 1-14-00 Stephen TUTTLE 1-08-02 Benony LOOMIS 1-05-05 Jeams TUTTLE 0-19-08 Nathanel LOMIS 1-09-07 Elias TUPPER 1-03-08 Caleb LOOMIS 1-14-05 Ebenezer TOMAS 0-05-03 Tomas LYMAN 2-03-01 Ezekel TOMAS 2-19-05 David LYMAN 1-07-09 William VALLENCE 1-17-05 John LOOMIS 0-12-03 Henry WOODWARD 4-05-09 Danel LEE 1-10-08 Nathanel WHITE 4-13-05 Ephraim LOOMIS 1-01-00 Thomas WOOWARD 3-02-09 Ichabod MAXFIELD 1-07-02 Ebenezer WOODWARTH 4-19-04 Isaac MERIT 1-13-01 Benj: WOODWARTH 2-14-06 Peter MESUSAN 0-16-08 Ichabod WOODWORTH 3-16-00
p 47
Amos WOODWARTH 2-03-04 Samuel WRIGHT 2-04-06 Ezekel WOODWARTH 2-03-10 Benony WRIGHT 1-02-09 Samuel WOODWARD 2-07-03 Henry WOODWARD, Juner. 0-13-09 Israel WOODWARD 3-19-06 Ebenezer RICHARDSON 4-16-07 Jeams WRIGHT 2-07-00 YOUNGS 0-03-07 Thomas WHITE 1-04-02 Noah DEWEY 1-19-01 Noah WEBSTER 1-15-05 Philip BILL his Doome Rate fore Estate not Given in 0-03-00 Preserved WRIGHT 2-04-03 Captin BUCKENGHAM is Doomed for Estate Not Given in 0-11-11 Ebenezer WOODWARTH, Jur. 1-01-00 Nathanel WRIGHT 1-11-00
Ebenezer WRIGHT 1-00-00