John ALLYN, son of Edward ALLYN & Rachel his wife was Born March 4th 1689.
Rachell was Born Augt 20th 1694.
Elizabeth ADAMS, daughtr of John and [Hes?]ter ADAMS was born March 6th 1706.
John ADAMS August 4th 1708.
Abigail ADDAMS was born Octo. 12, 1710.
Patience ADAMS was born Novem. 9, 1712.
[Timo?] BIGELOW, son of Jonath BIGELOW was born June 20th 1702.
Mabell was born Nov. 12, 1704.
Samuel BENTON, son of Saml BENTON was born Janurary 28th 1680.
Sarrah was born Sept. 28, 1685.
Hannah was born March 14, 1688.
Abigail was born Decemb 9, 1691.
Caleb was born March 1, 1694.
Daniell was born June 25, 1696.
Jacob was born Sept. 21, 1698.
Moses was born April 26 1702.
Medad BENTON, son of Samll BENTON and Mary his wife was born Octor 28th 1705.
[Jon?]ath BENTON was born Sept 2d 1707.
Isaac BUCKINGHAM son of Mr. Tho BUCKINGHAM was born Sept. 25, 1700.
Joseph BUCKINGHAM was born Augt 7, 1703.
Ann BUCKINGHAM was born April 12, 1706.
Sarrah BURNHAM daughter of Richd BURNHAM was Born July 11, 1683.
Rebecca BURNHAM was born Sept. 20, 1685.
Mercy         was born Aprill 14, 1688.
Mary         was born [no date].
Richard         was born July 6, 1692.
Martha         was born [no date].
[      ]let         was born March 22, 1697.
[Jupiter?]         was born 23 Jul 1699.
Susanna         was born Feb. [no day or year given].
Michael         was born May 30, 1705.
Violet BUTLAR, daughter of Thomas BUTLAR & his wife Abigail was born Septembr 21, 1706.
Elizabeth was born Sept. 12, 1708.
Thomas was born July [3?] 1711.
Joseph CHURCH, son of Samll CHURCH was born April 25, 1697.
[      ]ez COLE, son of Samll COLE, was born Febr 9th 1698.
[Nat?]hanll COLE was born August 18th 1701.
[Caleb?] COLE was born Febr 8' 1703.
[Sarah?] COLE was born Febr 1705, Dyed Sept. 96.
Abigail COLE was born Sept 18th 1706.
[Jose?]ph CLARK son of Tho CLARK was born [ ]y 25, 1698/9.
Ann was born Aprill 17th 1702.
John CHURCH, son of John CHURCH was [born?] February 20th 1700/1
[      ] born Janry 7, 1702/3.
[      ] born Aprill 22, 1704.
[      ] CADWELL, daughter of Edward [ ] CADWELL was born [Oc]tobr 19th 1705.
Tho DAY, son of Tho DAY, was born Jun 8th 1699.
Wm ADDAMS son of John & Esther ADDAMS was born Sept 6, 1714
Sylvanus ADDAMS      was born Nov. 1, 1719.
Elizabeth DICKENSON born Sept 8th 95, daughter of Tho. DICKINSON.
Hannah DICKENSON Daughter of Tho. DICKINSON was born 25 Jun 1698.
Mehitabell          was born August 25, 1700.
Ester          was born Augt 24, 1702.
Moses          was born August 15th 1710.
Joanna DOD daughter of Edward DODD and Lydia his wife was born Febr 17th 1705/6.
John was born May 21, 1707.
[          ] born Decembr 15, 1708
Tho. ENSIGNE son of Tho ENSIGNE was born 29th Augt 1693
John ENSIGNE was born 21 Febr 1694/5.
Hanah ENSIGNE was born 30 Janry 1697/8.
Danl was born March 27, 1702; Died July 23, 1702.
Samll EDWARDS son of Rd EDWARDS was born Nov. 1, 1702
Mehetabell HANDERSON, daughter of James HENDERSON was born Novem 3d 1710 or 1711.
Gideon HENDERSON was born August 25th 1713
Lidya FLOWER was born March 22d 1686.
Lamarock FLOWER born March 25th 1689.
Elizabeth FLOWER born March 8, 1692.
John FLOWER born Feb. 20, 1694.
Mary FLOWER born Sept 8, 1697.
Francis FLOWER born May 21, 1700.
Ann FLOWER born Novembr [23?] 1703.
Joseph FLOWER born July 24, 1706.
Wm GIBSON was maried to Mary MARSHALL both of Boston, July 1, 1701.
Ruth GAYLOR, daughter of Wm. GAYLOR and Hope his Wife was born 18th Otobr 1704.
Two Twins born 25th Augst 1706, they dyed August 1706.
William was born Novem 24, 1700.
Samll was born Decemb 10, 1711.
Sarah was born May [19?] 1714.
Abig                                      | Joseph GILLET born May 17
Joseph                                   |
James GILL [ ]                        | Jona was born
Benjamin                                | Mary was born
Mercy was                              | Ester was born Ma[]
         Dyed                            | Hanah was born Nov.
Mary was                               | Sarah was born Sept. 30.
Mercy GI                               | Abigail was born August 9.
Matthew was born March 4th      | Dority was born Jan. 1710
Ebenezer HOPKINS son of Eben. HOPKINS and his wife Mary was born Nov. 16, 1693. Died Nov. 29, 16[      ].
Jonathan was Born June 23 169[].
Ebenr his son was Born June 24.
Hezekiah      was Born Novr. 21, 170[ ].
Mary          was Born Jan 30th 170[3?]
Stephen      was born August 17th 1706.
Saml HAYWARD son of Samll HAYWARD was born June 18, 1698
Susanna HAYWARD,      was born Dec. 18th 1699
Jonathan                  was born June 22, 1701
Abigail                    was born Octobr 21, 1702
Elisha                      was born Octobr 1, 1704
     Elisha dyed July 16, 1706
John HAYNES son of John HAYNES waqs Born Sept 18, 1694.
Sarrah HAYNES was born Aug. 25 1[      ]
Mary          born Nov. 27, 1703
John          born July 8 1705
Eliza HANDERSON was born April
Susanna HANDERSON, Daughter of Mr. James HANDERSON      1703
John was born March 20
Barnabas HINSDALE [                  ] of [Bar]nabas and Martha HINSDALS born August 28th 1694
Martha HINSDALL was born Febr the 17th 1696
Jacob         was born July 14, 16___
Sarah         was born July _____
Elizabeth      was born Janry _____
Mary         was born July
John         was born Aug. 13th
Danll         was born 13 May 17[ ]
Amos         was born 24 Aug. 1710
Samll KELLOGG was born 27th ____ 1688 son of Samll KELLOAG.
Margrett was born Jan __ 1690
Abraham was born [Oct?] __ 1692
John was born Dec. 16, 169[ ]
Isaac was born Jan. ___ 169[ ]
Jacob was born April 17
Benjamin was born Jany
Joseph was born April 13
Daniel was born April
Hannah KILBORNE daughter of Tho KILBORN was born Feb. [14?]
Thomas                      |         was born
Susannah was born         |         eptr 20th 1677
                       1706 |         [b]orn Janr 20th 1679
                       1707 |         [bo]rn Septr 14th 1682
                    th 1709 |         born Febr 19th 1684
           h 10th 1710-11 |         was born Augt 21 1687
         of Steph [Kelsey?] | Charles was born June 15th 1692
Danll MERRILL son of Danll MERRILL & his wife Susanna, was born Janry 1, 1698-9. Dyed Feby 1698-9
Susanna was born Augt 18, 1700
Moses was born Dec. 25, 1702
Jonathan, was born 15 June, 1705
Ruth was born 5 Janr 1707
Mary was born March 25, 1710
Hepzibah was born April 14, 1712
Prudence MERRILL, Daughter of Abram MERRILL was born Dec. 22, 1700
Abraham was born Dec. 3, 1702
Morgan, Daughter of Tho [      ]gan & his wife Rachell was born May 19th 1694
     ye daughter was born 5 Jul 1701
Hanah was born Nov. 24th, 1703
Rachell was born Augst 27, 1706
[      ] MARSHFIELD, son of Josiah MARSHFIELD & his wife Rachell was born 17th Day of March 1704
[      ] MYGAT son of Zeb. MYGATT Dorothy his wife born [ ]y 17th 1721
Thomas MYGATT was born Janry ___ [1]723-4
     MYGATT was born 172[5?]
     ah was born Octo.
Samll OLCOTT son of John OLCOTT was born Augt 16, 1696
Mary was born Augt 1, 1698
Rachell was born October 28, 1701
Abigail was born Feb. 15, 1703/4
Mary OLMSTEAD daughter of Nicholas & Mary OLMSTEAD was born Feb. 6th 1706-7
Stephen was born April 7th 1709
Isaac OLMSTEAD was born Sept 28, 1710
Eliza PRATT Daughter of Daniel PRATT & Eliza his wife Augt 19, 1693
Hannah was born [June?] 29, 1695; Died April 08, 1696
Danll was born Febry 17 1696
Mary PHELPS Daughter of Timo PHELPS was born Aug 20th 1692
Hannah was born Sept 10, 1694
Mabell was born Sept 28, 1696
Eliza was Born Oct 22, 1699
Timothy was Born May 24, 1702
Mary Roby was born No 4th 1692
Elizabeth Roby born Ap. 3 1694 [these last two grouped with the PHELPS children]
Tho. RICHARDS the son of Tho & Mary RICHARDS was born Ap. 3, 1694
Ebenezer was born May 4, 1698
Jedediah was born July 18, 1700
Abigail was born Oct 11, 1702
Mary was born June 25, 1705
Benja was born Novem 22, 1707
Joseph was born April 21, 1710
Tho SHEAPARD son of Tho SHEPARD was Born 2 Ap 1697
Susanna was Born 24 Augt 98
Violett was Born ye 14th May 1700
Ebenezr was Born Feb 21, 1701/2
Daniel was Born Janry 11, 1703
Zebulon was Born Octobr 5, 1705
Nathaniel SMITH, son of Nathll SMITH & Hester his wife was born 20th Janry 1697
Susanna was born 5th Oct. 1699
Abigail was born Dec 15, 1704
Thomas STEEL, the son of Samll STEEL & Mary his wife was born Sept 9, 1681
Samll his son was born Febry 15, 1684
Jerusha was born Febry 15, 1685
Wm. Febry 20, 1687 was born.
Abiel was Born Octobr 8th 1693
Daniell was Born Aprill 3, 1697
Eliphalett was Born June 23, 1700
Benjamin GEEREY, the son of Nathl GEE[REY] and Sarah his wife was born May 6 Anno Dom. 1717
John SHEPARD, son of John SHEPAR[D] Junr was born Nov: 1, 1681
Samll SHEPARD was born Feb. 2, 1687
Hannah SHEPARD was born Jan. 29, 1688
Joseph SHEPARD was born Apr. 29, 1689
Timothy SHEPARD was born June 7, 1697
Rebecca SHEPARD was born May 20, 1698, dyed Oct. 29, 1706
Timothy SHEPARD dyed Aprill 6th 1716
John SEAMR son of John & Eliza his wife was born 25 Dec 1694
Timothy SEAMOR their son was born Jun [1?]7 1696
Danll SEAMOR was born Octobr 20, 1698
Elizabeth was born May 1, 1700
Jonathan was born March 16, 1702/3
Nathaniell was born Nov. 17, 1704
Susanna was born April 13th 1706
Margeret was born Janr 30, 1707
Zebulon was born May 14th 1709
Moses was born Feb 17th 1710/11
William SPENCER, son of Samll SPENCER & Hepzibah his wife was born Febry 7, 16[98?], Died Sept. 28, 1702
Hepzibah was born Decembr 28, 1707
Lucy was born Sept 7th, 1710
Rachell SKINNER, Daughter of Jno SKINER & his wife Rachel was born Febry 2d 1694
John SKINNER was born July 1, 1697
Danll was born Janry 19, 1699
Timothy was born Feb. 8, 1701
Daniel Dyed Janry 15, 1701
Mary was born May 28, 1704
Hannah was born June 27, 1707
Jerusha SPENCER Daughter of Ebenezr SPENCER was born Janry 16, 1700
Mary was born Aprill 26, 1703
Ann SPENCER was born Aprill 25, 1705
Ebenezer SPENCER was born July 1, 1707
Hez was born Febry 1, 1709
Obediah SPENCER son of Obediah SPENCER and Ruth his wife was born July 29, 16[ ]
Stephen was born March 16, 170[1/2?]
Jonathan was born March 15, 170[3/4?]
Daniel SPENCER born June 10, 1705
Caleb SPENCER was born Apr 26, 1709
Hannah SPENCER Daughter of Garrard SPENCER & his wife Hanah was born Oct. 12, 1681
Garrard was born Janry 15, 1682
Nathll was born Feb 2, 1694. D.
John was born Oct 25, 1686
Sarrah & Elizabeth was born 16 F
Nathaniel was born 21 Dec. 16[ ]
Mary was born Sept 8, 1692
Saml THOMPSON son of Tho. THOMSON & Hannah his wife was Born Augt 3, 1677
John TALCOTT son of Mr. Joa TALCOTT was born Febry 27th 1698/9
Joseph was born Feb. 17, 1700-1
Nathan was born Nov 26, 1702
Abigail was born April 13, 1707
Unice was born Janry 26, 1708/0
John TURNER son of John & Susanna TURNER was born August 5th 1703
Caleb was born March 15th 1707-8
Sarah TURNER was born Augt 18, 1710
Susanna THORNTON Daughter of Samuell THORNTON & his wife Susannah was born May 19, 1704
Samll SEDGWICK son of Samll SEDGWICK & Mary his wife was born Augt 22, 1690
Jonathan was born March 29, 1693
Ebenezer was born Feb 25, 1695
Joseph was born May 16, 1697
Stephen was born March 17, 1701
Abigail was born Feb 21, 1703
Mary was born May 24, 1705
Elizabeth was born Decem 10th 1708
Thankful was born Novembr 3d 1710
Mercy was born Febr 16, 1712-13
Benjamin was born Nov 7th 1716
John WATSON son of Jno WATSON was born Dec 14, 1680
Thomas, was Born Sept 14th 1682
Zacheriah, Born Octo 26, 1685
Ann, Born May 26, 1688
Cyprian, Born Janry 12, 1689
Sarrah, Born Dec: 13, 1692
Caleb, Born May 5, 1695
Mehitabell WATERS was born Feb 21, 1696/7. Died March 24th, 1698/9
Joseph WATERS, son of Tho & Sarrah WATTRS was born Augt 1, 1698
Sarah WATERS was born Decembr 23 1699
Mehetabell WATERS was born Nov 22d, 1701
Dorothy WATERS was born Augt 28, 1704
Samll was born July 15th 1707
Benjamin was born Apr 17th 1709
Abram WATERS, was born May 24th 1712
John WHITE, son of John WHITE & Mary his wife was born 24 Jun, 1687. Died June 20, 1689
Mary was born August 14, 1689. Died Jan. 3, 1693
John was born Fabry 8, 1691
Nathll was born Aprill 8, 1694
Mary was born May 4th 1696
Elizabeth was born June 11th 1698
Jacob was born Sept 22d, 1700
Joanna RICHARDS Daughter of Mr Tho RICHARDS & Joanna his Wife was born July 21, 1702
Mary RICHARDS was born Oct: 14, 1703.
Robt WEBSTER, son of Robt and Hannah WEBSTER was born Octor 1689
Abram WEBSTR was born Sepr 1, 1693
Hannah was born Novembr 7th 1695
Matthew was born April 17th 1698
Josh. was born March 7, 1700
Caleb was born Febr 22, 1702
Mary was born Decembr 5, 1704
Abigail was born Janr 22, 1710-11
James WILLIAMS Son of James and Sarah WILLIAMS was born Feb. 14th 1692
Hezibath was born August 2d 1698
Sarah was born March 8th 1699
Samll was born June 5th 1700
Abigail was born March 12, 1706-7
Danll was born Dec. 6, 1710
Thomas WELLS, son of Thomas WELLS was born Octo: 16, 1690
John was born Dec. 15, 1692-3
Ruth WILLIS, Daughter of Hez WILLIS and Elizabeth his Wife was born Febr 22, 1704-5
Elizabeth WILLIS was born July 15, 1708
George WYLLYS was born Nov, 28, 17[09?] Dyed June 20, 1709
George WYLLYS was born October 6th 1710
Mabel WYLLYS was born Febr 13th 1712-3
Samll WYLLYS was born August 26th 1714
Samll WYLLYS dyed Nov. 3d 1732
Births, Marriages, &
Deaths From Book lettered "Records of Town of Hartford, 1685-1709, No. I" New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 13, October 1859, p. 343 - 346, transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood. 
Wm WORTHINGTON was born Dec 5, 1695
Danll was born May 18, 1698
Mary was born Sept. 23, 1701
Mehetabell was born July 18, 1706
Elijah WORTHINGTON was born June 16, 1710
Jonath WEBSTER Son of Jonath and Ester WEBSTER was born Octobr 5th 1705
Hannah SPENCER Daughter of Samll SPENCER & Deborah his wife [ ] March 27, 1703-4
John SPENCER was born October 10th 16[ ]
Nathll was born Dec. 5th 1704
William, a negro child, Tho. SEAMORS Servt dyed May 27th 1711
Samll SPENCER, son of Samll SPENCER & Deborah his wife was born May 7th 1717
Peter PECK, son of Paul and [Leah?] was born April 27, 1702
Elisha PECK was born Octor 20th 170[?]
Sarah PRICE, the wife of Ebn PRICE of Wethersfield & Daughter of David ENSIGN of Hartford, dyed Sept 21st 1748 in Hartford.
Ebenezr PRICE, son of Ebenezr PRICE, and his wife Sarah, the daughter of David ENSIGN of Hartford was born Sept. 13, 174[ ]
Mary WEBSTER, daughter of Joseph was born May 31st 1697
Elizabeth was born March 16, 1700
George WYLLYS, the son of Hezekiah WYLLYS, and Elizabeth his wife was born October 6th AnnoDom. 1710
Isaac PARSONS, son of John and Phillis PARSONS was born August the 2d 1699
Jacob was born Aprll 15, 1701
Moses was born Decembr 21, 170[ ]
Phyllis was born Novembr 2th 170[ ]
Aaron was born Sepr 6, 1706
Ruth was born Aprill 6, 1711
Ruth HOWARD daughter of Samll HOWARD was born July 7, 1707
Mercy SWETLAND, Daughter of John SWETLAND and Abi his wife was born Octr 8th 1758
Abi SWETLAND, their Daughter was born July 26th 1760
Sarah SWETLAND, their Daughter was born August 22d 1762
Mary COLE, daughter of Samll COLE, & Mary his wife was born July 10th 1707
Samll was born Feb 7th 1710-11
Ichabod was born March
Dorothy was born Novem 27
Samll KELLOUGE was married to Sarah MERRILS Sept 22, 1687
Tho SHEPARD was married to Susannah SCOTT Sept. 5, 1695
Nathl SMITH was married to Ester DICKINSON July 9, 1686
Samll STEEL was married to Mercy BRADFORD Sept 16th 1680
John SHEPARD Junr was married to Hannah PECK May 12th 1680
Tho ENSIGNE was married to Hannah SHEPARD 1 Dec 1692
John SEAMOR Junr was married to Eliza WEBSTER Dec 19, 1693
Joseph GILBERT was married to Eliza SMITH, Daughtr of Joseph SMITH of Hartford, the 7th May 1695
[Nathan?]iel MERRIELL was married to Susannah PRATT Janry 18th 1697-8
Ebenezer HOPKINS was married to Mary BUTLER Daughter of Samll BUTLER of Wethersfield Janry 21, 1691
Daniel PRATT, son of Daniel PRATT was married to Eliza LEE March 10th 1691-2
Samuel SPENCER, son of Samll SPENCER was married to Hepzibah CHURCH of Hatfield, Sept 1696
Samuel HAYWARD was married to Susanna BUNCE Feb. 18, 1696-7
Tho. RICHARDS, son of John RICHARDS was married to Mary Parsons daughter of Deacon Benjamin PARSONS of Springfield October ye first 1691
John SKINNER was married to Rachel PRATT, daughter of Danll PRATT Febry 22, 1693
Joseph HOPKINS was married to Hannah PECK, daughter of Paul PECK, April 27, 1699
Mr. John HAYNES was married to Mrs. Mary GLOVER of Springfield pr. John PYNCHON Nov. 7th 1693
Tho CLARK was married to Elizabeth BURR Aprill 6t 1698
Mr. Thomas BUCKINGHAM was married to Mrs. Ann FOSTER daughter of Mr. Isaac FOSTER Nov. 29, 1699
Richard BURNHAM was married to Sarah UMPHRIES June 11th 1680
Joseph GILLETT was married to Mary GRISWOLD May 17th 1692
William GIBSON & Mary MARSHALL, both of Boston br married July 1, 1701
Ebenezer SPENCER was married to Mary BOOTH Feb. 28th 1699
John CHURCH was married to Abigail CADWELL Aprill 16999
Samll THORNTON & Susanah WHITING wr married Febr [?]2 1701-2
Jarrett SPENCER was married to Hanah PRATT, daughter of John PRATT Dec 22, 1680. His wife died Oct. 1692
Wilterton MERRILL was married to Ruth PRATT Janry 1, 1702
Aaron COOK was married to Martha ALLYN Janry 3, 1683
Samll CATLING son of Mr. John CATLING was married to Elizabeth NORTON of farmington Janry 5th 1702-3
Abraham MERRILL was married to Prudence KELLOUGE Aprill 16, 1699
Samll BUTLER was married to Mary GILMAN March 2, 1703-4
Mr. Hezekiah WILLIS was married to Mrs. Eliza HOBART the Daughter of Revd Mr. HOBART May 2d AnnoDom. 1704
John MILLENTON was married to Martha REUE July 1, 1703
Samll BENTON was married to Mary POMERY, Daughter of Medad POMERY of North HAMPTON Janry 2d, 1704
Barnabas HINSDALL was married to Martha SMITH Novembr 9th 1693
Saml COLE was married to Mary KINGSBURY, daughter of James KINSBURY of Plainfield Janry 2d 1693
Cyprian NICHOLLS was married to Mary SPENCER, daughter of Samll SPENCER May 24, 1705
Thomas WATERS was married to Sarah FENN, daughter of Mr. Benjamin FENN of Milford, May 19th 1696
Thomas KILBOURNE was married to Hannah HILLS daughter of Joseph HILLS of Glastenbury Febr 1st 1699
Jonath BIGELOW was married to Mabell EDWARDS Decembr 14th 1699
Robt WEBSTER married Hannah BECKLEY daughter of John BECKLEY Sept 10th 1689
Jonath. WEBSTER married Ester JUDD, daughter of Benja. JUDD Decembr 14, 1704
John BRACY married Mary WEBSTER, daughter of Jnath WEBSTER, Febr 22d 1705
John WILLIAMS married Sarah RICHARDSON Octobr 2, 1691
Joseph WEBSTER was married to Mary JUDD Janr 23, 1695
Paul PECK was married to Leah MERRY August 8th 1701
Edward DOD married Lydia FLOWER August 2d 1705
Stephen KELSY married _____ HINGESON, daughter of John HINGESON of Westfield Novembr 15th 1672
Nath STANDLY was married to Anna WHITING Novembr 14th 1706
John PARSONS was married to Phillis HILLS Decem 1st 1698
Samll Peck was married to Abigail COLLYER, daughter of Joseph, March 6, 1700-1
Nicholas OLMSTEAD was married to Eliza KNIGHT, daughter of George KNIGHT, June 12, 1707
David ENSIGNE was married to Hannah SMITH, daughter of Symon SMITH, May 16, 1709
Stephen BRACY was married to Sarah LANE March 30th 1701
Thomas SEAMER was married to Ruth NORTON Feb. 20 [or 29,] 1700
John MARSH was married to Susanna BUTLER Janry 1, 1707
Andrew ROBY was married to Abigail CURTICE Novemb. 19, 1691
John SHEPARD was married to Mary BIGELOW May 18, 1712
James PORTER was married to Mabele PITKIN July 7th 1720
Joseph JUDD was married to Elizabeth RYCE Novembr 10th 1726
John WELLS Junr was married to Sarah GAYLORD Decembr 24th 1735
Sarah WELLS, daughter of the sd John and Sarah was born Octo: 31, 1736
Sarah, the wife of the said John WELLS dyed Novembr 2, 1736
Moses GAYLOR son of Wm and Hope GAYLORD dyed Aprill 23d 1733
David BIDWELL, son of David and Mehetabell BIDWELL was born Decembr 9th 1715 and dyed Feb. 7th following
David BIDWELL 2d was born October 16th 1721
Isaac BIDWELL was born Aug. 16th 1723
Steph. BIDWELL was born July 29, 1725
Jacob BIDWELL was born August 23, 1727
Amos BIDWELL was born August 18, 1729
Oliver BIDWELL was born Decemr 13, 1732
Elisha MERRELLS son of Jacob MERRELLS was born Decembr 25th 1718
Asa MERRELLS was born Feb. 16, 1720-1
Abigail MERRILLS was born Aprill 5th 1723
Job BURLISON was married to Thankfull GAINES May 3d 1744
Joel BURLISON, son to said Job and Thankfull his wife was born Febry 1, 1745
David BIDWELL was married to Mehetabell WEBSTER July 8th 1714
Jonath WELLS was married to Ruth BULL Decem. 15th 1715
Lidia SMITH, daughter to Jobannah SMITH and Mary his wife was born Aprill 28, 1720
Isaac WEBSTER son of Stephen WEBSTER and Mary his wife was born Jun 11, 1718
Elisha PRATT was married to Sarah BURNHAM December 7 ADom 1726
Sarah PRATT, dau of the sd Elisha & Sarah his Wife Born Apr. 10 1729
Mary, Born March 11th Day 1730
Daniel, Born April the 29th 1733
Ezra, Born August 30th 1735
Ashbel, Born January 8th 1737
Rebecca, Born July the 20th 1740
Levi, Born April the 30th 1743
Elisha, Born April the 13th 1746
Records of Town of Hartford, 1709 - 1716 New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 20, p. 234 - 237, transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood. 
Jonathan ANDREWS, son of John ANDREWS and Hannah his wife was born Nov. 25, 1703
Elizabeth ANDREWS was born Feb. 17, 1705-6
Abigail ANDREWS was born Feb. 21, 1707-8
Asahell ANDREWS was born Dec. 2, 1711
Elisha ANDREWS, son of Stephen ANDREWS and Sarah his wife, was born July 10, 1706
Diana ANDREWS was born August 10, 1708
Charles ANDREWS was born Oct. 3, 1710
Mary ANDREWS, dau. of Solomon and Elizabeth his wife, was born Jan. 23, 1708
Jonath. BUTLER, son of Jonath. BUTLER and Mary his wife, was born June 26, 1708
Elizabeth was born January 21, 1709-10
Daniel was born March 8, 1712-13
Moses was born August 30, 1716
Ann BRACY, daughter of Henry BRACY and Ann his wife, was born Dec. 28, 1706-7
Pheba was born Jan. 6, 1707-8. She dyed Feb. 14 following
Phebe was born Dec. 28, 1710
Henry was born March 15, 1712-13
Abijah BUNCE, son of Joseph BUNCE and Ann his wife, was born Feb. 11, 1709-10
Samuell BENJAMIN, son of John BENJAMIN and Hannah his wife, was born May 30, 1708
Caleb BENJAMIN was born July 15, 1710
Mary CHURCH, daughter of John CHURCH, was born Sept. 26, 1706
Joseph was born March the 15, 1707-8
Daniel was born Jun 12, 1710
Mary CADWELL, the daughter of Samuell CADWELL and Mary his wife, was born Dec. 18, 1708
Samuell CADWELL was born Nov. 1, 1710
Moses DICKINSON, son of Thomas DICKINSON and Mehetaell his wife, was born Aug. 19, 1710
Mary DYER, the daughter of Benjamin DYER, was born Feb. 25, Anno Dom. 1736-7
John CAMP, son of John CAMP and Rebeckah his wife, was born Dec. 21, 1711
Lemuel EASTON, the son of Joseph EASTON and Sarah his wife, was born June 13, 1710-11.
Hannah EASTON, daughter of Jonathan EASTON and Elizabeth his wife, was born March 4, 1709-10
Abigail ENSIGNE, the daughter of David ENSIGNE and Hannah his wife, was born March 22, 1710-11
Hannah ENSIGNE was born Jan. 19, 1711/2
Zerviah ENSINGE was born Dec. 20, 1713
David ENSIGN was born June 12, 1716
Eliphalet ENSIGNE was born April 26, 1718
Sarah ENSIGN, daughter of David ENSIGN and Sarah his wife, was born Feb. 9, 1726-7
Datis ENSIGN was born Sept. 22, 1729
Jerusha was born May 25, 1731 and died July 27, 1731
Ezekiel was born Jan 21, 1732-3
Solomon was born May 19, 1738
Sarah, the daughter of David FORBS and Sarah his wife, was born July 5, 1710
Mary CARTER, daughter of Joshua CARTER and Mary his wife, was born Sept. 21, 1692
Sarah CARTER was born Nov. 1, 1694
Abigail CARTER was born April 26, 1697
Ruth CARTER was born Dec. 27, 1699
John CARTER was born Oct. 12, 1702
Joshua CARTER was born Sept. 23, 1705
Gideon CARTER was born June 23, 1708
Anna COOK, dauther of Aaron COOK and Martha his wife, was born March 17, 1708-9
Elizabeth GILMAN, daughter of Richard GILMAN and Elizabeth his wife, was born June 2, 1704
Richard was born Oct. 13, 1706
Samuell was born Dec. 3, 1708
Naomi was born Jan. 15, 1710-11
Dinah FLOWER, the daughter of Lumrock FLOWER and E_____ his wife, was born A___ the 22d, 1714
Elijah FLOWER was born Aprill 15, 1717
Mehetabell HANNISON, daughter of James Hannison and Mabell his [wife?] was born Nov. 3, 1710
James HANNISON was born March 25, 1716
Dorotheus HUMPHREYS, son of Nathaniel HUMPHREYS and Agnes his wife, was born Dec. 4, 1709
William HILLS, son of Ebenezer HILLS and abigail his wife, was born June 16, 1702
Abigail HILLS was born Dec. 10, 1703
Sarah HILLS was born Feb. 8, 1705-6
Ebenezar HILLS was born Jan. 14, 1707-8
Esther HILLS was born Sept. 8, 1710
Mary JONES, the daughter of Nathaniell and Rebekah JONES, was born Sept 8, 1714
Daniell CADWELL, son of Mathew CADWELL, was born May 18, 1710
Oliver CLAPP, son of Thomas CLAPP, was born July 7, 1718
Hesther CHURCH, daughter of Samuell and Elizabeth Church was ____ Nov. 2, 1711
Esther KELSEY, daughter of William KELSEY and Rebecah his wife, was born Sept. 12, 1710
Joseph KENNY, son of Joseph KENNY and Hannah his wife, was born Nov. 8, 1693
Benjamin KENNY was born Jan 18, 1695
John KEENY was born May 22, 1699
___nna KEENY was born Jan. 7, 1701
___ll KENNY was born Nov. 25, 1704
____ KENNY was born May 29, 1707
____ena ARNOLD, daughter __ Nathan and Sarah ARNOLD ___ born Aprill 18, 1717
Mary MESSER dyed Nov. 17, 1710
Noah MERRELLS, son of Isaac MERRELLS and Sarah his wife, was born May 28, 1707
Timothy was born March 22, 1708
Isaac was born March 9, 1712
Lucy MERRELLS, daughter of Jacob and Abigail MERRELLS, was born Feb. 16, 1710-11
Zeb. MERRELLS was born Jun 5, 1716
John NASH, son of Moses NASH and Rebeccah his wife, was born Oct. 1, 1728
Sarah was born July 20, 1713
Abigail was born Dec. 12, 1733
Joseph was born Dec. 30, 1735
Moses NASH their son, dyed Jan __ 1736-7
Sarah NASH dyed Jan __ 1736-7
Sarah the 2d was born April 26, 1738
Joseph OLMSTEAD, the son of Joseph OLMSTEAD and Hannah his wife, was born May 25, 1705
Jonathan OLMSTEAD was born Nov 14, 1706
_____ OLMSTEAD was born Sept. 4, 1708
_____ OLMSTEAD was born Aug. 6, 1710
___ail OLCOTT, the daughter __ Thomas OLCOTT and Sarah __ wife, dyed Aug. 17, 1710 [6?]
William PERRY, the son of William PERRY and Hannah his wife, was born Dec. 16 1710
Ruth PITKIN, the daughter of Nathaniell PITKIN and Esther his wife, was born Jan. 31, 1710-11
John PECK, the son of John and Mehetabell PECK, was born Nov. 8, 1708
Paul PECK, son of Paul PECK and Leah his wife, was born April 30, 1702
Elisha PECK was born Nov. 15, 1704
Elizabeth PECK was born Dec. 31, 1706
Thomas PECK was born Dec. 30, 1709
Cornelius PECK was born Feb. 25, 1712/3
Ozias PITKIN, son of Ozias and Elizabeth PITKIN, was born May 10, 1710
Susanna PRATT, daughter of John and Hannah PRATT, was born Dec. the 1st, 1714
Ozias PRATT was born Feb. 16 1716-7
Ruth PRATT was born Oct. 2, 1718
Samuell RIZLY, son of Samuell RIZLEY and Rebecca his wife, was born April 29, 1705
Rebeckah was born May 23, 1707
Richard was born July 24, 1709
Anna SEDGWICK, daughter of Stephen and Mary SEGWICK, was born Sept. 16, 1726
Isabel SPENCER was born March 23, 1709-10
John SPENCER was born Sept. ye 24th 1715
John SHEPARD, son of Samuell Shepard and Bethia STEEL his wife, was born April 28, 1710
James SHEPARD was born April 27, 1714
Jerusha STEEL, daughter of Thomas STEEL and Susanna his wife, was born July 1, 1710
Samuel was born March 11, 1712
William was born Dec. 10, 1713
Hannah SEAMER, daughter of Zechariah SEAMER and Hannah his wife, was born Dec. 17, 1710
Zacharich SEAMER was born Sept. 24, 1712
Rebeccah SEAMER was born Oct. 2, 1714
Timothy STANLY, son of Caleb and Abigail STANLY, was born Feb. 9, 1705-6
Caleb was born May 25, 1707
Jonathan STANLY was born Nov. 30, 1709
Abigail SYMONS, daughter of Joseph SYMONS and Abigail his wife, was born May 20, 1709
Joseph was born Feb. 24, 1710-11
Amos, son of Gershome SEXTON and Abigail his wife, was born Oct. 25, 1709
Abigail was born Aug. 22, 1711
Hannah SPENCER, daughter of Jared SPENCER, was born Feb. 16, 1708
John SPENCER was born Dec. 20, 1710
Joseph SKINNER, son of Joseph SKINNER and Dorothy his wife, was born Oct. 27, 1697
Stephen SKINNER was born Aug. 7, 1699
Jonathan SKINNER was born April, 1701
Nath. STANLEY, son of Mr. Nath. STANLY and Anna his wife, was born Aug 11, 1707
Sarah STANLY was born Jan. 18, 1708-9
Joseph STANLY was born Jan. 4, 1710-11, dyed 14 Aug 1712
Augustus STANLY was born March 31, 1713
Anna STANLY was born June 22, 1715
Susannan STANLY was born June 26, 1717
Abigail STANLY was born July 24, 1719
Mary STANLY was born June 20, 1721
Joseph STANLY, June 18, 172_
Moses TAYLOR, son of Steph. TAYLOR and Violet his wife, was born June 3, 1710
Violet TAYLOR was born Sept. 10, 1712
Stephen was born Jan 9, 1715
Jonathan was born March 3, 1719-20
Esther TAYLOR was born Oct. 23, 1725
Jonathan TAYLOR, son of Jonath. TAYLOR and Elizabeth his wife, was born Sept. 20, 1710, and dyed the 3d of March following
Anna THORNTON, ye daughter of Samuell THORNTON and Susanna his wife, was born Aug 30, 1706
Abigail was born Oct. 1, 1707
Jerusha was born March 19, 1710
Ruth CADWELL, daughter of Willaim CADWELL and Ruth his wife, was born Nov. 18, 1714
Jonathan CATLIN, son of Benjamin CATLIN and Margaret his wife, was born Feb. 8, 1714-15
Daniel CATLIN was born Dec. 6, 1716
Sarah was born June 18, 1718
Abraham was born Aug. 13, 1720
Joell was born Feb. 16, 1721-2
Benjamin was born Dec. 7, 1723
Jacob was born June 3, 1727
Amos CATLIN was born June 29, 1729
George was born Dec. 22, 1731
Jacob CADWELL, son of Edward CADWELL and Deborah his wife, was born Feb. 22, 1709
Nehemia was born Aprill 8, 1711
Edward was born Feb. 5, Anno Dom. 1712-13
Deborah was born Jan. 26, Anno Dom, 1714-15
Abram CADWELL was born Jan 13, 1716-17
Records of Town of Hartford, 1709 - 1716 New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 22, p. 192 - 195, transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood. 
John WATSON, son of John and Sarah WATSON, ye 2d, was born June 9, 1708
Mary was born Aug 29, 1710
Margaret WATSON was born June 7, 1715
Abigail WATSON was born Aug 16, 1717
Elizabeth WATSON was born Aug 14, 1719
Sarah WATSON was born June 23, 1712
Deborah WATSON was born April 26, 1723
Sarah WRIGHT, daughter of George WRIGHT and Marah his wife, was born Oct. 17, 1695
Eliza WRIGHT was born Feb 1, 1700
Martha WRIGHT was born July 5, 1703
Hez WRIGHT was born June 27, 1707
George WRIGHT, Jonath WRIGHT, twins, were born Oct. 11, 1709
Stebbin WILSON, son of John WILSON and Mary his wife, was born Sept. 14, 1708
Mary WILSON was born Feb 25, 1709-10
Lydia WILSON was born Jan. 26, 1710-11
Cypria WEBSTER, son of William WEBSTER and Sarah his wife, was born Sept. 3, 1701
Wm. WEBSTER was born Sept. 3, 1703
Moses WEBSTER was born Sept. 26, 1706
Susanna WEBSTER was born April 18, 1710
John WELLS, son of Samll WELLS and Rachel his wife, was born Oct. 2, 1710
Moses WEBSTER, son of Moses WEBSTER and Mary his wife, was born Sept. 3, 1734
Abijah WEBSTER was born Jan. 28, 1735-6
Cornelius WILLIAMS, son of Gabriel WILLIAMS and Hannah his wife, was born June 10, 1710
Elisha WEBSTER, son of John WEBSTER and Abiel his wife, was born Nov. 12, 1713
Jerusha was born Jan. 8, 1714-5
Aaron was born Feb 24, 1716-7
Abiel was born July 31, 1718
Mary WEBSTER was born July 23, 1720
Sarah WEBSTER was born April 17, 1722
Ann WEBSTER was born April 18, 1724
Susannah WEBSTER was born July 8, 1726
John WEBSTER was born Sept 4, 1728
Sarah KELLOG, daughter of Isaac KELLOGG and Mary his wife, was born Feb. 16, 1734-5
Margaret was born June 12, 1737
Ann and Esther were born Aug. 21, 1729 - which are twins
Huldah was born March 30, 1742
Hannah PITKIN, daughter of Roger PITKIN and Hannah PITKIN, was born May 30, 1684
Caleb PITKIN was born Aug. 19, 1687
Mary PITKIN was born Dec 30, 1689
Rachell PITKIN was born Dec. 14, 169[2?]
Mabell PITKIN was born Dec. 5, 1695. She dyed fourteen days after
Jonath. PITKIN was born March 1, 1696
Mabell PITKIN 2d was born March 23, 1700
Roger PITKIN was born Oct. 29, 1703
Hannah PITKIN< the wife of Roger PITKIN< dyed Nov. 1, 1703
Dorothy HILLS, daughter of Jonath. HILLS and Dorathy his wife, was born Feb. 9, 1696
Jonath. HILLS was born Dec. 20, 1699
David HILLS was born Oct. 2, 1702
Sarah HILLS was born Oct 1, 1706
Thankfull HILLS was born Dec. 9, 1710
John HILLS, son of John HILLS and Margaret HILLS his wife, was born April 20, 1705
Margaret HILLS was born July 12, 1710
Huldah HILLS was born July 20, 1712
Joannah HILLS was born May 17, 1715
Tho. SPENCER, son of Tho. SPENCER, was born Sept. 8, 1695
Sarah SPENCER was born May 15, 1697
Joseph SPENCER was born June 12, 1703
Silas SPENCER was born April 27, 1706
Gideon SPENCER was born July 25, 1708
Timothy SPENCER, son of Tho. SPENCER and Sarah his wife, was born July 25, 17__
Lois SPENCER was born Jan 15, 171[7?]
Sarah ASHLY, daughter of Jonath. ASHLY and Eliza his wife, was born Feb 19, 1704-5
Jonath. ASHLY was born Aug 10, 1706, he dyed Dec 4, 1708
Eliza ASHLY was born Sept. 24, 1708
Jonath. ASHLY was born Aprill 30, 1710
Mary ASHLY, daughter of Joseph and Mary ASHLY, was born Jun 11, 1710
John AUSTIN, son of John AUSTIN and Mary his wife, was born Oct. 15, 1714
Hannah ARNOLD, daughter of John ARNOLD and Hanna his wife, was born Nov. 20, 1710
Mary was born March 3, 1713
John was born July 8, 1715
Sarah was born Dec. 1, 1717
Samll was born March 16, 1720-1
Henry was born July 27, 1722
Ruth BENTON, daughter of Joseph and Sarah BENTON, was born Feb. 9, 1698
Sarah BENTON was born Jun 28, 1700
Isaac BENTON was born Feb 8, 1702
Aaron BENTON was born May 24, 1704
Jemima BENTON was born March 21, 1708
Jehiel BENTON was born Jan 27, 1710
John BUTLAR, son of John BUTLAR and Mercy his wife, $March 7, 1707-8
Susannah BUNCE, daughter of Thomas BUNCE and Eliza his wife, was born Oct. 22, 1710
Isaac BULL, son of Daniell BULL and Mary his wife, was born born Oct. 9, 1714
Mary BUR, daughter of Samll BUR and Mercy his wife, was born Sept. 25, 1691
Martha was born Jan. 14, 1693
Baysey was born Feb. 27, 1695
Samll was born May 4, 1697
Daniel BULL, son of Daniel BULL, was born ___
Joseph BULL, son of Daniel BULL, was born Feb. 11, 1735-6
Tho. CADWELL, son of Tho. CADWELL and Hanner, was born June 30, 1689
Jonath. was born Aug. 15, 1694
James was born April 3, 1697
Hanner was born April 8, 1699
Moses was born July 7, 1703
Lois was born Feb. 18, 1705-6
Aaron was born April 9, 1710
Joseph COLLYER, son of Joseph COLLYER and Sarah his wife, was born May 4, 1696
Mary COLLYER was born June 9, 1698
Abell COLLYER was born Sept. 21, 1700, dyed the next May following
Sarah COLLYER was born Nov. 6, 1702
Abell COLLYER, 2d, was born Nov. 20 , 1704
Hez. COLLYER was born March 22, 1707
Danll COLLYER was born March 17, 1709-10
Eliza COLLYER, daughter of John COLLYER and Eliza his wife, was born April 14, 1706
Unice COLLYER was born Nov. 15, 1709
Daniel, son of Daniell and Sarah DAVIDSON, was born March 23, 1690
              Copia Vera as on Ipswich RECORD
                                Attest, DANIEL ROGERS, Clerk.
Thomas BIDWELL, son of Tho. and Prudence BIDWELL, was born May 16, 1711
Abigail was born Aug 18, 1713
Jonath, was born Jan. 12, 1714-5
Adonijah BIDWELL was born Oct. 18, 1716
Sarah BIGELOW, daughter of Joseph and Sarah BIGELOW, was born Sept. 6, 1715
James ENSIGNE, son of Jame ENSIGNE and Lydia his wife, was born Feb. 8, 1690-1
Lydia ENSIGNE was born Aug. 7, 1692
Jonath. ENSIGNE was born March 20, 1695-6
Ebenz ENSINGE was born March 20, 1698-9
Anna, daughter of of sd. James ENSIGNE and Anna his 2d wife, was born Dec. 10, 1706
Joseph ENSIGNE was born July 24, 1708
Mary ENSIGNE was born Feb., 1, 1711/12
Samll ENSIGNE was born Aprill 20, 1714
Sarah EASTON, daughter of John EASTON and Sarah his wife, was born May 27, 1714
John EASTON was born Aprill 15, 1717
Elias EASTON was born July 16, 1719
Eliza ENSIGNE, daughter of John ENSIGN and Eliza his wife, was born Dec. 18, 1721
Elisha ENSIGN was born Dec. 29, 1729
Nathll CROW, son of John CROW and Habell his wife, was born July ye 11, 1711
Eli COLTON, son of Benjamin COLTON and Ruth his wife, was born Aug. 8, 1716
Ruth COLTON was born Nov. 5, 1718
Theodocrus COLTON was born July 13, 1721
Benjamin COLTON was born June 4, 1724
Lucina COLTON daughter of Benjamin COLTON and Elizabeth his wife, was born March 8, 1726-7
Eliza COLTON was born Nov. 28, 1728
Elizabeth COLE, daughter of John COLE and Eliza his wife, was born Sept. 8, 1714
Jerusha COLE was born June 17, 1716
Lydia COLE was born Nov. 2, 1718
Eliza GROSS, daughter of John GROSS and Mary his wife, was born Feb. 23, 1710-11
Mary was born Aug. 17, 1712
Sybill GILLET, daughter of Joseph GILLETT, 3d, and Ann his wife, was born Dec. 1, 1733
Alice GOODWIN was born May 19, 1719
Abigail GOODWIN, daughter of Samll GOODWIN and Mayr his wife, was born Dec. 12, 1708
Samll was born Oct. 10, 1710
Sarah GILLETT, daughter of Joseph GILLET and Sarah his wife, was born March 3, 1719, and dyed the 21st of May after
Sarah GILLET, the 2d, was born Aug. 6, 1722
Mary GILLET was born April 19, 1724
Joseph GILLET was born Aug 11, 1726
Stephen GILLET was born MArch 21, 1728
Asa GILLIT was born Feb. 17, 1731
Michael GILLIT was born May 7, 1733
Abigail, daughter of Nathll HOOKER and Mary his wife, was born Oct. 4, 1707
NAthll HOOKER was born Oct. 5, 1710
John HOPKINS, son of Consider and Elizabeth HOPKINS, was born Sept 5, 1714
Eliza HARRIS, daughter of Wm. HARRIS, was born Dec. 17, 1695
Sarah HARRIS was born August 1700
Robt HARRIS was born July 12, 1703
Mary HARRIS was born July 2, 1705
William HARRIS was born Jan 14, 1708-9
Thankfull HARRIS was born Dec. 27, 1709
Sarah BROWN, daughter of Benoni and Eliza was born May 23, 1718
Benoni BROWN was born Feb. 27, 1719-20
Zacheus WATSON, son of of Cyp. WATSON and Eliza his wife, was born Nov. 27, 1715
Cyprian WATSON was born Aug. 1, 1718, and dyed Sept 1st following
Eliza WATSON was born the 9th of July, 1719
Deliverance GRAVES was born Oct. 27, 1713
Ebenezer GILBERT, son of Ebenez GILBERT and Esther his wife, was born Feb. 25, 1711-12
Samll KELLOGG, son of Isaac KELLOGG and Mary his wife, was born Jan. 17, 1720-21
Abram KELLOG, son of Isaac KELLOG, was born Jan. 17, 1720-21
Mary KELLOGG was born March 12, 1722-3
Theodocus KELLOGG was born June 7, 1724[5?]
Isaac KELLOGG, born Oct. 8, 1727
Noah KELLOGG, born Dec. 13, 1729
Joseph KELLOGG, born Oct. 14, 1731
Ashbell KELLOGG, born Oct. 18, 1732
Sarah KELLOGG, daughter of Samll KELLOGG, Junr and Hannah his wife, was born Nov. 21[2?], 1712
Daniel BIDWELL, son of Danll BIDWELL and Eliza his first wife, was born Oct. 19, 1682
Dorothy, daughtr of sd Danll BIDWELL and Dorothy his 2d wife, was born Aug. 18, 1692
Mary BIDWELL was born Sept. 18, 1694
Hannah was born June 2, 1697
Aaron was born Dec. 5, 1699
Ebenezer was born Feb. 28, 1701
William was born Nov. 27, 1703
Lydia was born Aprill 20, 1706
Sarah BARNARD, daughter of Samuel BARNARD and Sarah his wife, was born May 15, 1715
Elisha BUTLAR and Elizabeth BUTLAR, son and daughter of Thomas BUTLAR and Abigail his wife, was born Sept. 30 1716
William BROWN, son of Benony BROWN and Elizabeth his wife, was born Dec. 24, 1716
Samll BARNARD, son of Samll and Sarah BARNARD, was born Aug. 9, 1717
Isaac JUDD, son of Joseph JUDD and Elizabeth his wife, was born Nov. 18, 1727
Lucy MERRELLS, daughter of Jacob MERRELL and Abigail his wife, was born Feb. 16, 1710:11; Dyed Aug. 23, 1712
Jacob was born Nov. 19, 1712
Sarah MIGHILL, daughter of Samll MIGHILL, was born Sep. 20, 1712
John MOODY, son of John MOODY and Sarah his wife, was born Feb. 7, 1701
Sarah MOODY was born May 21, 1702
Hanna MOODY was born Aug. 11, 1703
Samll MOODY was born Dec. 7, 1704
Ebnz. MOODY was born Sept. 6, 1706
Silence MOODY was born Oct. 21, 1707
Patience MOODY was born April 5, 1709
Nathll MOODY was born Sept. 17, 1712
Adonijah MOODY was born May 13, 1717
Susanna MARSH, daughter of John MARSH and Susanna his wife, was born Feb. 25, 1710-11
Abigail MERRELL, daughter of Abram MERRELLS and Prudence his wife, was born Jan. 16, 1704
Joseph was born March 28, 1707
Margret was born June 6, 1709
Elizabeth was born Oct. 2, 1711
Jerusha was born Nov. 19, 1713
Elizabeth MERRELLS, daughter of Abram MERRELS, Junr, was born Dec. 11, 1727
Abigail MERRELLS was born August 4[3?], 1729
Prudence MERRELLS was born Nov. 7, 173[3?]
Thankfull MERRELLS was born Abell MERRELLS & Mabell his wife, was born March 25, 1712
Mary MERRELLS was born Nov. 7, 1713
Thomas MERRELLS was born Nov. 25, 1715
Abel MERRELLS was born Jan 25, 1717-8
Elijah MERRELLS was born May 9, 1720
Susannah MERRELLS was born July 7, 1722
Sibill SHEPARD, the daughtr of Joseph SHEPARD and Eliza his wife, was born Jun 7, 1712
Richard EDWARDS, son of John EDWARDS, was born Oct. 6, 1723
John EDWARDS, son of John and Christian EDWARDS, was born Feb. 8, 1733-4
Thomas OLMSTEAD, son of Thomas OLMSTEAD and Hannah his wife, was born Aug. 10, 1692
Stephen was born Jan. 1, 1694
Sarah OLMSTEAD was born Jan. 1, 1696
Rebecca OLMSTEAD was born Oct. 10, 1697
Damaras OLMSTEAD was born May 28, 1699
Daniell OLMSTEAD was born Sept. 28, 1701
Hanna OLMSTEAD was born Jan. 26, 1704
Jerusha OLMSTEAD was born March 28, 1706
Susanna RICHARDS, daughter of Thomas and Abigail RICHARDS, was born May the 12th, 1718
John HOPKINS, son of Consider HOPKINS and Elizabeth his wife, was born Sept. 5, 1714
Elizabeth HOPKINS was born Jan. 28, 1715-6
Asa HOPKINS was born Aug. 8, 1719
Consider HOPKINS was born June 9, 1723
Elias HOPKINS was born July 5, 1726
Sarah PORTER, of Hez. PORTER and Hannah his wife, was born Aug. 10, 1708
Mabell PORTER was born May 30, 1710
Records of Town of Hartford, 1709 - 1716 New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 23, p. 42 - 46, transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood. 
William SEDGWICK, son of Jonathan SEDGWICK and Isabell his wife, was born Dec. 21st, 1717
Jonathan SEDGWICK was born April 15th, 1721
[M?] SEDGWICK was born March 18th, 1723-4
Izabell born the same time
Naomi SEDGWICK, daughter of Joseph SEDGWICK, was born July 19th, 1735
Samll ROOT, son of Joseph ROOT and Hannah ROOT, was born June 28, 1716
Thankfull ROOT was born July 15, 1717
Hannah ROOT was born July 13, 1719
Joseph ROOT was born Janry 4th, 1720
Mary ROOT was born August 16, 1722
Lydia ROOT was born Octo. 5th, 1725
Temperance ROOT was born July 9th 1733
Thankfull SEDGWICK was born April 21, 1721
Ruth SEDGWICK, daughter of of Samll and Ruth SEDGWICK, was born Janr 22, 1711/2
Mary and Jerusha SEDGWICK was born Janr 7th, 1713-4
Samll SEDGWICK was born Jan. 8th, 1716-17
Danll SEDGWICK was born July 24th, 1719
Sybill SHEPARD, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth SHEPARD, was born May 13th, 1712
Joseph was born Sept 17th, 1714
Luther SHEPARD was born Aprill 29th, 1719
Elizabeth SHELDON, daughter of Isa SHELDON and Eliza his wife, was born Nov. 17th, 1718
Sarah SHELDON was born May 9th, 1721
Isaac SHELDON was born Febry 14th, 1723-4
Charles SPENCER, son of Disbrow SPENCER and Abigail his wife, was born April 12th, 1708
Eldad SPENCER was born April 30th, 1710
Samuel STANLEY, son of Samuel STANLEY and Ann his wife, was born Janry 17th, 1730:31
Nathll BAKER, 2d son of Baysey BAKER and Hannah his wife, was born Sept 10th, 1702
Timo BAKER was born Janr 15th, 1706-7
Thankful BAKER was born 31 Janr 1709-10
Nathll BAKER, son of Baysey BAKER and Hanna his wife, was born Feb. 4th, 1696-7; he dyed the 14th following
Baysey BAKER was born April 4th, 1698; dyed June 24th following
Baysey BAKER 2d was born May 10th, 1699, dyed May 4, 1701
Hanna BAKER was born Feb. 25th, 1704-5, dyed 20th Octo. following
Ebenr BAKER was born Decem, 15th, 1708, dyed the 31 day following
Jeremiah was born June 10, 1712
Jane SHEPARD, daughter of Thomas SHEPARD and Jane his wife, was born July 20th, 1711
Deborah was born Decembr 18th, 1713
Sarah SHEPARD was born May 15, 1717
Ebenz SMITH, son of Phillip SMITH and Mary his wife, was born Janr 1st, 1706-7
Nehem SMITH was born July 17th, 1709
Hannah SMITH was born Novem. 20th 1711
Ebenezer SMITH, son of Symon SMITH and Hannah, was born Feb. 8th, 1702
Martha SMITH was born Sept, 15th, 1704, she dyed May 22d, 1706
Elisah SMITH, born June 30, 1706
Jemina SMITH, born Decem. 11th, 1708
Martha SMITH 2d, Feb. 20th, 1710
Abigail RICHARDS, daughter of Thomas RICHARDS and Abigail his wife, was born 2d day of Febry, 1721-2
Samuel was born Oct. 22d, 1726
Abigail, daughter of John SHELDING and Eliza his wife, was born Septr 8th, 1710
Jane SHEPARD, daughter of Thomas and Jane SHEPARD, was born July 20th, 1711.
Elizabeth BUTLAR, the daughter of Tho. BUTLAR, dyed August 8th, 1712
Mercy GILBERT, the daughter of Mr. Joseph GILBERT, dyed August 25th, 1712
Mary GROSS, the wife of John GROSS, dyed Decemb. 2d, 1712
Dorothy PARSONS, the wife of John PARSONS, dyed Octobr 10th, 1712
Moses PARSONS, the son of sd John PARSONS, dyed Octo. 10th, 1712
Sarah MIGHILL, the wife of Samll MIGHILL, dyed Sept. 26, 1712
Sarah BENTON, the daughter of Joseph BENTON, dyed Octo. 6, 1712
Ruth BENTON, the daughter of Joseph BENTON, dyed October 7, 1712
Ebenezar BIDWELL, the son of Danll BIDWELL, dyed October 18th, 1702
Dorothy BIDWELL, the daughter of Danll BIDWELL, dyed July, 1708
Aaron BIDWELL, the son of Danll BIDWELL, dyed Febr 11, 1712
Joseph ENSIGN, the son of James ENSIGN, dyed Decembr 10th, 1712
Mary GROSS, the daughter of John GROSS, dyed Novembr 19th, 1712
Ruth, the wife of William CADWELL, dyed Novembr 21st, 1714
Susanna MARSH, the wife of John MARSH, dyed Decem. 24th, 1714
Mary CATLIN, the wife of John CATLIN, dyed Octo: 20th, 1716
Sarah ENSIGN, the wife of David ENSIGN, dyed Feb. 3d, 1717-8
Sarah SMITH, the wife of Johanna SMITH, dyed May 3d, 1718
Elizabeth WATSON, the wife of Cyprian WATSON, dyed July 12, 1719
Mary GILLETT, the wife of Joseph GILLETT, dyed December 9th, 1719
Rebecca GROSS, the wife of Jonah GROSS, dyed September 22d, 1717
Nathl STANLY, Esq., dyed November 14th, 1712
Mrs. Sarah STANLY, the wife of Mr. Nath. STANLY, dyed Aug. 18th, 1716
Anna STANLY, the daughter of Mr. STANLY, dyed Decembr 27th, 1722
Joseph STANLY, the son of Mr. STANLY, dyed August 21, 1723
Mary GILLETT dyed Decembr 9th, 1719
Elizabeth CATLIN, the wife of Samll CATLIN, dyed August 4th, 1724
Samll SEDGWICK, Junr, dyed Decemb. 25th, 1724
and Samll SEDWICK his son, dyed Janry 8th, 1724-5
Thomas BUTLER dyed August 23d, 1725
Consider HOPKINS was born Janry 20th, 1726-7
John KELLOGG dyed July 12th, 1725
Jonathan EASTON, of Hartford, dyed Decembr 17th, 1727
David ENSIGN Senr., of Hartford, dyed Decembr 13th, 1727
Tho. MYGATT, son of Zeb. MYGATT, dyed May 16th, 1727
Philip SMITH dyed January 25th, 1724-5
Mr. Francis DUPLESSEY departed this life June 8th, 1731, a 10 clock at Night, Aged Thirty Eight Years.
Capt Thomas HOSMER departed this Life March 9th, 1731-2, at Night, in the 57th Year of his age.
Samuel HUBBARD of Hartford dyed November 4th, 1732, aged 88 years
Ebenezer JUDD of Hartford dyed May 20th, 1734
Rebecca NASH, the wife of Moses NASH, dyed October 6th, 1743
1712. RECORDS TOWN OF HARTFORD, 1716 - 1721 No. 3
Mr. John ELLERY of Boston was married to Mrs. Mary AUSTIN, the daughter of Mr. John AUSTIN and Mary his wife, of Hartford, on the 28th of day of July, Anno Dom. 1737
Daniel BURLESON of Hartford was married to Mary BURLESON the __ day of September 1744; Mary, daughter of the sd Daniel and Mary BURLESON, was born September 25th, 1745 and dyed May the 30th, 1748. 2d Mary, born the 6th day of April, 1749
James CADWELL was married to Sarah MERRY the 24th day of July, A.D. 1734; Christian CADWELL, their daughter, was born September 24th day, 1735; Sarah CADWELL, their daughter, was born August 6th, 1737; Peletiah CADWELL, their son, was born Decemr 2d, 1739.
Daniel HINSDELL of Hartford was married to Katharine CURTISS of Wethersfield, April 21st, 1737. Barnabas HINSDELL, the son of sd Daniel HINSDELL and Katharine his wife, was born February 23d, 1737-8
Gideon BUTLER was married to Zerviah ENSIGN Novembr 24th, 1737; Thankfull BUTLER, the daughter of the sd Gideon and Zerviah, was born December 26th, 1738
Silas BURNHAM, the son of John BURNHAM, was born Novemr 27th, 1721; Mary was born December 30th, 1722; Stephen was born November 25th, 1724; Sarah was born July 19, 1727; Daniel was born November 4th, 1730; Mabel was born May 7th, 1734
Hezekiah BIGELOW, the son of Timothy BIGELOW and Abigail his wife (who was Abigail OLCOTT), was born February 9th, 1728; Timothy BIGELOW, their son was born May 22d, 1730; Abigail BIGELOW, their daughter, was born Sepr 27th, 1732; Anne BIGELOW, their daughter, was born Sept. 27th, 1735; Martha BIGELOW, their daughter, was born Novembr 22d, 1737, John BIGELOW, their son, was born November 21st, 1739.
Elizabeth WEBSTER, the daughter of Cyprian WEBSTER and Elizabeth his wife, was born July 19th, 1730, dyed August 3d, 1730; Elizabeth 2d, was born June 19th, 1731; Cyprian WEBSTER was born July 28, 1733; Timothy WEBSTER was born October 11th, 1734.
Abram MERRELS, the son of Abram MERRELLS, Junr, of Hartford, and Abigail his wife, was born November 12th, 1737.
John HOLLIBERT was married to Anna COLE February 2d, 1738-9; Hannah, born January 25th, 1738-9; Anna, wife of the sd John HOLLIBERT, dyed August 31t, 1739; October 1st, 1741, John HOLLIBERT was married to Mabel LOOMISS of Windsor; July 11, 1742, John, the son of the sd John and Mabel his wife, was born; Joseph, the son of the said John and Mabel, was born May 23d, 1744; Mabel the daughter of sd John and Mabel, was born Feby 23d, 1746; Samuel, the son of sd John and Mabel, was born August 28, 1750; Anna, the daughter of sd John and Mabel, was born April 8th, 1753.
John BULL was married to Mercy BUCK of Woodbury, the 9th of October, A.D. 1734
Aaron GAYLORD was married to Mary CLARK, July 7th day, 1741; Moses GAYLORD the son of the said Aaron and Mary, was born August 28th, 1742
Isaac BUTLER was married to Sarah MARSHFIELD, Janry 22, A.D. 1722-3; Oliver BUTLER, daughtr of sd Isaac and Sarah, was born March 2d, 1725; Samll Stone BUTLER was born January 31, 1726-7; Olive BUTLER aforesd dyed Sept 27th, 1727; Olive BUTLER the 2d was born May 10th, 1729; Josiah BUTLER was born Novembr 9th, 1731
James BIDWELL was married to Mary MORTON, January 12th, 1746-7; Mary, the daughter of the said James BIDWELL and Mary his wife, was born June 8th, 1748; Ruth BIDWELL, the daughter of sd James BIDWELL and Mary his wife, was born April 18th, 1750; Mary, the daughter of James BIDWELL and Mary his wife, dyed, Jun 3th, 1750; Mary, 2, the daughter of James BIDWELL and Mary his wife, was born February 9th, 1752; James was born April 30th, 1754; Huldah was born October 10th, 1756; Anne was born April 7th, 1759; Huldah, died April 23d, 1760.
John CHENEVARD, the son of Mr. John Michael CHENEVARD and Margarett his wife, was born July 29th, 1733.
Adonijah MOODEY, of Hartford, was married to Susannah BAKER, daughter of Baysey BAKER, Aprill 13th, 1738; Susannah MOODY (alias BAKER,) the wife of Adonijah MOODEY, dyed October 9th, 1738.
Charles SPENCER, the son of Disborough SPENCER and Abigail his wife, of Hartford, was born April 12th day, A. Dom. 1708.
Mary, the daughter of Samll FLAGG and Sarah his wife, was born August 19th, anno Dom. 1733; Samll FLAGG was born March 17, 1735-6; Abigail was born March 22d, 1737-8; Joseph FLAGG was born March 7, 1739-40; Hannah FLAGG was born December 28th, 1741; Susanna FLAGG was born Sept 23d, 1743.
Jonathan GILLETT was married to Mehitable DICKINSON on the 15th day of July, Anno Dom. 1731; Jonathan, their son, was born July 28, 1732; Mehitabell, their daughter, was born Novembr 22, 1733.
Zebulon SEYMOUR was married to Kezia BULL June 7th, 1733; Keziah SEYMOUR, their daughter, was born March 5th, 1733-4; Zebulon SEYMOUR, their son, was born September 12th, 1736; Margaret SEYMOUR was born Aprill 23d, 1738.
Lucretia, the daughter of Josiah GROSS and Susannah his wife, was born August 21, 1724; Rebeckah was born July 20th, 1727; Loranzo was born Decemr 8th, 1729
William SEDGWICK, of Hartford, was married to Elizabeth BRACE, daughter of Henry BRACE, May 8th, 1740.
Mary, the wife of Jame BIDWELL, died January the first, 1761.
Freeman GROSS, the son of Freeman GROSS and Susannah his wife, was ____ September 5th, 1732; Susannah was born May 8th, 1734.
Joseph, the son of Benjamin and Margarett DYER, was born August 13th, 1734; Margaret BYER the daughter of Benj. and Margarett DYER deceased Sept. 3d, 1734, aged 2 years and 2 months; Mary, the daughter of Benja. and Margarett DYER, was born February 25th, 1736-7; Margaret DYER, the daughter of Benja. and Margarett DYER was born July 12, 1732.
Timothy SHEPARE, son of Joseph SHEPARD and Elizabeth his wife, was born Aprill 9th, 1717; Luther SHEPARD was born Aprill the 29th, Anno Dom. 1719; David SHEPARD was born December the first, anno Dom. 1721; Josiah SHEPARD was born January the 12th, anno Dom. 1723; Elizabeth SHEPARD was born Septembr the 11th, anno DOM. 1726; Mary SHEPARD was born January the 8th, anno DOM. 1729; Eli SHEPARD was born May 11th, 1731
Ruth SEDGWICK, the daughter of Joseph SEDGWICK and Ruth his wife, was born March 20th, 1731-2
Lydia, the daughter of Isaac HINSDALL and Lydia his wife, was born Decembr 6th, 1717; Isaac, son of the sd Isaac and Lydia, was born June the 8, 1719; Joseph, son of said Isaac and Lydia, was born August 9th, 1720; Jonathan, son to said Isaac and Lydia, was born March the 17th, 1724. Janry 6th, 1714-15. Then was Isaac HINSDALL married to Lydia LOOMISS.
Ebenezer BURLISON, the son of Ebenezer BURLESON and Sarah his wife, was born Novemr 20th, 1748
Augustus FITCH, the son of Joseph FITCH and Sarah his wife, was born December 20th, 1732, 6 of the clock att night.
Mr. Daniel WADSWORTH was married to Mrs. Abigail TALCOTT, February 28th day, 1733-4; Abigail WADSWORTH, the daughter of Mr. Daniel WADSWORTH and Abigail his wife, was born January 28th, 1734-5; Eunice WADSWORTH was born August 31st, 1736; Elizabeth WADSWORTH was born June 19, 1738; Daniel WADSWORTH was born June 21, 1741; Ruth WADSWORTH was born July 1, 1746.
Lydia SEYMOUR, the daughter of John SEYMOUR and Lydia his wife, was born May 11th, 1719; Abigail was born August 7th, 1720; Elisha was born March 25, 1722; Isaac was born October 10th, 1723; Lucretia was born Feb. 19th, 1725; John was born November 24th, 1726; Lucretia died May 13, 1728; William was born August 18th, 1728; Lucretia 2d was born August 1st, 1730.
Hannah JUDD, the daughter of Ebenez. JUDD and Hannah his wife, dyed November 10th, 1736, Ruth JUD, the daughter of Ebenezer JUDD and Hannah his wife, dyed November 9th, 1736; Hannah, the daughter of Ebenezer JUDD and Hannah his wife, was born Aprill 4th, 1731; Ruth JUDD was born March 10th 173/4 [1733-4].
Stephen HOSMER was married to Deliverance GRAVES, June 18th, Anno Dom. 1730; Sarah HOSMER was born March 25th 1731; Stephen HOSMER was born Janry 10th, 1733-4; Ma[rrianne] HOSMER was born Febry 2d, 1734-5.
Thomas SEYMOUR was married to Hepzebah MERRELLS, March 5th, 1730; Jared was born January the 13th, 1731; Eunice was born May the 6th, 1732; David was born October the 13th, 1733; Thomas was born March 17th, 1735; George was born Septr 23d, 1736, died Novemr 12, 1738; Hepzibah was born May 27, 1738; Ruth was born Feb. 7th, 1740; Hannah was born March 25, 1742; Geroge the 2d was born Novr 9th, 1743; Caroline was born August 28th 1745.
Daniel, the son of Daniel KELLOGG and Deborah his wife, was born November 3d, 1730; Seth was born July 7th, 1732; Joel was born October 12th, 1733; Moses was born November 23d, 1736; Deborah was born June 25, 1740.
Daniel RICHARDS was married to Jane BUCKLAND December 26th, 1734; Samuel RICHARDS, the son of said Danl RICHARDS and Jane his wife, was born Septemr 17th, 1735.
Thomas RITTER was married to Mary EVERDEN of Coventry, March 3d day, 1743; Lydia the daughter of sd Thos RITTER and Mary his wife, was born Decembr 18th, 1743; Daniel, the son of Thos RITTER and Mary his wife, was born July 1st, 1746; John the son of Thos RITTER and Mary his wife, was born Novr 3d, 1750.
Sarah STEELE, ye daughter of Jonathan and Dorothy STEEL, was born Janry 8th, 1715-16; Dorothy was born Decembr 29th, 1717; James was born Aprill 27th, 1720; Hannah was born July 30th, 1722; Jonathan was born August 5th, 1724; Abigail was born June 12, 1726.
