[Page 1]
Mary SMITH daughter of Arter Smith was born Febuary the __ on
thousand six hundreth for[ty] & fower.
John PRATT sunn of William PRATT was borne Febur[ry] the twenty
& three one thousand six hundreth forty & fo[ur]
Abigail KELSEA, daughter of William KELLSEA, ws bor[ne]
Aprell the nineteenth one thousand six hundred forty &
Daniel STEEL sunn of John STEEL was borne Aprell the twen[ty]
nyne in the yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundreth forty & fi[ve
Mary LAWES daughter of William LAWES Junior was borne sixth
of May one thousand six hurndreth forty & five.
Elizabeth WADSWORTH, daughter of William WADSWOR[TH] was
borne May ye seuenteenth one thousand six hundr[ed] forty & fiue.
Sara GIBBINES daughter of William GIBENES was b[orn] August
the seuentene one thousand six hundreth forty &
Loues STANDLA daughter of Timothy STANDLA was b[orn] August
twenty and three one thousand six hundreth forty &
Elizabeth BAYSA daughter of John BAYSA was baptised Augu[st]
the twenty and three one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
John BLOMFILLD sun of William BLOMFILLD was baptised August
the twenty & three, one thousand six hundreth forty & fi[ue]
Mary BUNC daughter of Thomas BUNC was borne Septm seuenteeb
one thousand six hundreth forty & fi[ue]
Joseph WHIGHTTING sun of Mr Wiliam WHIGHTTING was borne
abought October the seckond, one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Samiwell PATRECK sunn of ___ PATRECK was borne October the
fifteneth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Jacob WHIGHT sun of John WHIGHT was borne October the
eyghten(?) one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Samewell ANDREWS sun of William ANDREWES was borne October
twentyth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Samiwell ADDAMS sun of Jerrymy ADAMS was baptised November
the twenty & three one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
[Page 2]
Elisabeth ALLCOCK daughter of Thomas ALLCOCK was baptised
Decm the seuenth one thousand six hundreth forty & three
Isack BRUNCSON sun of John BRONSUN was baptised Decem the
seuenth, one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Daniel HUBBERD, sunn of George HUBBARD was baptised the
seuenth of Desem one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
John PECK sunn of Paul PECK was borne Decm the twenty &
two one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Thomas BUR sunn of Beniamin BUR was borne the twenty &
sixth of Jenruary one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Hanna KICHARELL daughter of Samiwell KECHERELL was born the
forth of Junary one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Elizabeth SAMFORD daughter of Robbard SAMFORD was borne
Febuary the nynetenth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Debory BARTTLETT daughter of Roberd BARTLETT was baptised
March the eyghteth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
Mabell HAYNES daugher of Mar. John HAYNES Esqr. was borne
March the ninetenth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
John ROOTT sunn of Thomas ROTTE was borne the tenth of June
one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Thom SILLDEN sun of Thomas SILLDEN was baptised August ye
thirtieth one thousand six hundreth forty & fiue.
John WHITTMORE sun of Thomas WHITMORE was baptised Septem the
sixth one thousand forty & six [sic.]
Eli[sabeth] KEERBE daughter of John KEERBE [was .....] the
eaighten (or eaighteth?) of September one thousand six hundreth forty &
[Page 3]
John ANDREWES sunn of Francis ANDREWES was baptised Sepm. the
twenty and seuen on thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Joseph STONE, sunn of Mr. Samwell STONE was baptised October
the eigteneth one thousand six hundreeth forty & six.
Samiwell WADSWORTH sun of William WADSWORTH was bapti[sed]
Octobr. the twentyth one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Samiwell WRISLEA, sun of Richard WRISLEA was baptised Novemr
the first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Samiwell HOTTEN, sun of William HOTTEN was baptised Novemr
the first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
John FELOWES Sunn of Rchard FELOWES was Babtifed Nowemr the
first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Thomas MERRELLS Sunn of Thomas MEERIELS was babtifed Nowr the
first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Mary OLMSTED Daughter of Nickolas OLMSTED was borne Nowembr
the twenteth first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Mary STEEL Daughter of John STEEL Junr was Borne [Novr] the
Twentith first one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Mary CATTELLING was baptised Nowemr the twenty & Ninth
first one thousand Six hundreth forty & Six.
Philip LAWES Sun of Will LAWES Junr was babtised Desem the
thertenth first one thousand Six hundreth forty & Six.
Pheabe DISBOROW Daughter of Nickolas DISBOROW was baptised
Desem 20th first one thousand Six hundreth forty & Six.
Bazeles TOMSUN daughter of Thomas TOMSUN was baptised
Jeneuary the seuntenth one thousand six hundreth forty and six.
Joseph MARSH, sunnof John MARSH was baptised Jeneuary the twenty
and forth one thousand six hundreth forty and six.
Daniel GARROD, sunn of Daniel GARROD was baptised Jeneuary
the twenty and forth one thousand six hundreth forty and six.
[Page 4]
Ruth JUDG, daughter of Thomas JUDG & Sarah COLL, daughter
of John COLL, both of Farmington ware baptised on Feabruary ye seuenth one
thousand six hundreth forty and six.
Sara CROW, daughter of John CROW was borne March the first in
the yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundred forty and six.
Joseph STANTEN, sunn of Thomas STANTEN was baptysed March the
twenty one in the yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundred forty and six.
Samiwell ELLMER sun of Edword ELLMER was baptised March the
twenty and one in the yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundred forty and six.
Sarah HULBERD, daughter of William HULLBERD was borne ye
tenth of July one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Samewell BLOUMFILD sun of William BLOMFILLD was borne July
the twellth one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Abriham BRUNSON ws baptised Noum the twenty and eaight one
thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Stuen KELLSA sunn of William KELLSA was baptised Nouemr the
seuenth one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Sarah WHITMORE daughter of John WHITMORE was born Desem the
sixtenth one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Births, Marriages, &
Deaths Contained in the volume lettered
"Original Distribution of the Town
of Hartford (Ct.) among the Settlers, 1639."
New England Historical & Genealogical Register,
Vol 12, April 1858, p. 196 - 198,
transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood.

John STANLA sunn of John STANDLA was borne Nom the third or
forth one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Thomas ANDREWES sunn of Frances ANDREWES was baptised Jeneuary
the second one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Ledia STONE daughter of Mr. Samiwell STONE was borne Jeneuary
the twenty and two one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
[Page 5]
Samiwell MARUEN sun of Matthew MARUEN was baptised Feb. the
sixth one Tousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Izack STANDLA sunn of Timothy STANDLA was borne March tenth
one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Samiwell RUSCO sun of Will. RUSCO was born March the twellth
one thousand six hundred forty and seuen.
Rebecka OLLMSTED was borne March the twell one thousand six
hundreth forty and seuen, wich is ye daughter of Nicholas OLLMSTED.
Ezeckell SAMFORD sunn of Robbard SAMFORD was borne March the
thirteenth one thousand six hundred forty and seuen.
John GILLBERTT un of John GILLBART was borne Jeneuary the
sixteenth one thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Elizabeth SPENCER daughter of Thomas SPENSER was baptised
March the twenty and six one thousand six hundreth forty and eaightt.
Mary SELLDEN daughter of Thomas SILLDEN was baptised March
the twenty and six one thousand six hundreth forty and eaightt.
Samiwell LANES sun of Will: LANES was borne August the
eaighteth one thousand six hundreth forty and eaightt.
Richard RISLA sunn of Richard RISLA was baptised August the
twenty and one one thousand six hundreth forty and eaight.
Sara WILLCOCK daughter of John WILLCOCK Junr was borne
October the third one thousand six hundreth forty and eaightt.
Sara BARNARD daghter of Bartellmaw BARNARD was borne Desember
the third one Thousand six hundreth forty and eayght.
Mara WEBB daughter of John WEBB was borne the fifth of
Febuary one Thousand six hundreth forty and seuen.
Abigail DISBOROW daughter of Nicholas DISBOROW was borne
Febuary the first one thousand six hundreth forty and eaightt.
Johanna SMITH daughter of Gylles SMITH was baptised March the
twenty five one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Jonathan BULL sun of Thomas BULL was baptised March the
twenty and five one thousand six hundreh forty and nyne.
___ STONE sunn of Mr. Samuel STONE was baptised Aprell the
twenty and nyne one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
John CULLECK sun of Mr. John CLLECK was borne May the forth
one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Mary CATLING daughter of Thomas CATTELLING was baptised May
the sixth one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Anna CROW daughter of John CROW was borne July the thirtene
one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Joseph MARSH son of John MARCH was baptised the fifteene of
July one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Elizabeth ELLMER the daughter of Edward ELLMER was baptised
July ye fiftene one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Ledea ENSIGN daughter of James ENSIGNE was baptised August
the Nintenteth one Thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Philip JUDD sun of Thom JUDD was baptised Septemr the seckond
one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Sara WODFORD daughter of Thomas WODFORD was baptised Septm
the seckond one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
[Page 7]
Mary GILBERD, daughter of Jonathan GILBERD was baptised Desem
the seuententh one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
John OLMSTED sunn of Richard OLMSTED was baptised Desember 30
in the yeare one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Rachel MARUEN daughter of Maththew MARUEN was baptised Desemr
the 30 one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
John STELLE, sunn.
John ALLCOCK sunn of Thomas ALLCOCK was baptised Feburary ye
third one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
John OLMSTED sunn of Nicholas OLMSTED was baptised Febeuary
ye third one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne.
Sary WADSWORTH daughter of William WADSWORTH was baptised
March the seuentene one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne
Anna HULBERD daughter of William HULLBERD was baptised March
the seuententh one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne
John PANTREE sunn of John PANTREE was baptised March the
seuenteenth one thousand six hundreth forty and nyne
Joseph HILLES, sunn of William HILLES was baptised March the
seuenteenth one thousand six hundrethe forty and nyne.
Elizabeth SEGER daughter of Richard SEGER was borne June the
___ one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Daniel KELSA sunn of William KELLSA was borne the ___ one
thousand six hundreth fifty.
Abbigall STONE daughter of Mr. Samiwell STONE was borne Septm
9th one thousand six hundreth fifty.
John RUSSELL sunn of Mr. John RUSSELL was baptised Septm the
twenty and three one thousand [six] hundreth fifty.
Gorg HUBBERD sunn of Gorg HUBBERD was baptised Desem the
twenty and two one thousand six hundreth and fifty.
Joseph PECK sunn of Pall PECK was baptised Desem the twenty
and two one thousand six hundreth fifty.
John WILLCOCK sunn of John WILLCOCK Junr was borne Oc[to]ber
the twenty and nyne one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Thomas HEALLS son of Thomas HEALLES was baptised Jeuneuary
the nyntenth one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Thomas GRIDLA sun of Thomas GRIDLA was borne the first week
in August one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Mary FELOWES daughter of Richard FELOWES was baptised Febuary
the ninth one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Daued BULL sun of Thomas BULL was baptised Febuar the ninth
one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Rebecka KEELER daughter of Ralph KEELER was baptised Febeuary
the ninth one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Arther SMITH son of Arther SMITH was baptised Apell the
twentyyeth one thousand six hundreth fifty.
Sary WHIYHTMORE daughter of Thomas WHYTMORE was baptised
Aprell the twentyeth one thousand six hundreth fifty and one.
Esther SELDEN daughter of Thomas SELDEN was baptised the
third day of March one thousand sixe hundred forty and nyne.
John SELDEN sonn of Thomas SELDEN dyed in the month of May
one thousand sixe hundered and fifty.
Esther SELDEN daughter of Thomas SELDEN dyed in the month of
June one thousand sixe hundred forty and one.
Joseph SELDEN the sonn of Thomas SELDEN baptised the second
day of November one thousand sixe hundred fifty and wone.
Elizabeth CULLECK daughter of Captaine Mr. John CULLECK born
July the 15th one thousand sixe hundred fifty twoe.
John GILBERT the sonn of John GILBERT borne the 19th day of
February 1652
Hannah SPENCER the daughter of Thomas SPENCER borne the 25th
of Aprill 1653.
[Page 9]
Dorothy LORD daughter of Mr. Thomas LORD borne the 17th day
of August one thousand six hundred fifty and three.
Jonathan GILBERT the sonn of Jonathan GILBERT borne the 15th
od December one thousand sixe hundred forty eight.
Sarah GILBERT the daughter of Jonathan GILBERT borne the 25th
day of July one thousand sixe hundred fifty one.
Lydia GILBERT the daughter of Jonathan GILBERT borne the 3
day of October one thousand sixe hundred fifty four.
Marah SPENCER the daughter of Thomas Spencer borne the 18th
of May one thousand sixe hundred fifty fyve.
Mary GRAVES the daughter of Isaack GRAVES born the 5 day of
July one thousand sixe hundred forty seeven.
Isaak GRAVES, son of Isaack GRAVE born the 21st day of August
one thousand sixe hundred fifty.
Rebeckah GRAVES the daughter of Isaack GRAVES born the third
day of July one thousand sixe hundred fifty twoe.
Samuel GRAVES the son of Isaak GRAVES born the first day of
October one thousand sixe hundred fifty fiiue.
Elizabeth GILBERT the daughter of John GILBERT was born the
twelfh day of February one thousand sixe hundred fifty fiue.
Joseph GRANNIS the sonne of Edward GRANNIS was born the 31st
day of March one thousand sixe hundred fifty six.
Martha SPENCER the daughter of Thomas SPENCER born the 19th
day of March one thousand sixe hundred fifty seven.
Hannah STOCKIN the daughter of Samuel STOCKIN of Middle Towne
borne the 30th of October one thousand sixe hundred fifty four.
Samuel STOCKIN the sonn of Samuel STOCKIN of Middle Towne
borne October the 29th one thousand sixe hundred fifty six.
Judith AMBECK the daughter of Mr. Johannes AMBEECK born the
fifth of December one thousand sixe hundred fifty four.
Births, Marriages, &
Deaths Contained in the volume lettered
"Original Distribution of the Town
of Hartford (Ct.) among the Settlers, 1639."
New England Historical & Genealogical Register,
Vol 12, p. 331,
transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood.

Mr. Paulus SCHRICK was married to Mrs. Mary AMBEEK widdow the
late wive of Mr. Johannes AMBEEK deceased, December 30, 1658.
Thomas GILBERD ye son of John GILBERD ws born ye 4th of Sept.
Amy GILBERTD, daughter of John GILBERT was born ye 3 of
Aprill 1663
Joseph GILBERT son of John GILBERT was born ye 3d of Aprill
[Page 10]
Anna ALLYN daughter of Jno ALLYN was borne the 18th of Agust
Mary ALLYN daughter of Jno ALLYN was borne ye 3d of April
Margrett ALLYN daughter of Jno ALLYN was borne ye 29th of
July 1660
Rebecca ALLYN, a daughter of John ALLYN was borne the 2d of
March 1664
Martha ALLYN, a daughter of John ALLYN was borne the 27 July
Elizabeth ALLYN, a daughter of John ALLYN was borne the 1st
Decembr 1669
Jonathan ARNOLD son of Jonath ARNOLD and Hannah his wife was
born 11 Jul 1710
Andrew BELCHER son of Mr. Andrew BELCHER and Sarah his wife
was born the 12 March 1671/2
Abigail BUTLER daughter of Tho BUTLER and his wife Abigail
was born Octobr 24th 1692
Isaac BUTLER born Nov 27, 1693
Deborah was born Aprill 27 1698
Danll BUTLER born October 25, 1700; died Dec 28, 1700
Sibill was born March 6 1701/2
Daniell was born Octr 11 1704
Martha BARTLETT daughter of Johojada BARTLETT was born July
28, 1674
John BIDDOLL son of John BIDDOLL of Hartford was born Septr
1: 1679
His daughter Hana was born August 31, 1680.
His daughter Sarah was born August 19, 1681
His son Thomas was born 27 December 1682
His son Jonath was born 5 Mar 1684
James BIDWELL son of James BIDWELL and Ruth his wife was born
July 26, 1716
Sarah BULL daughter of Joseph and Sarah BULL was born July
11, 1672
Joseph BULL, son of Joseph and Sarah BULL was born August 9,
Daniel BULL, son of Joseph and Sarah BULL was born November
9th, 1677
Caleb BULL son of Joseph and Sarah BULL was born February the
1st 1679
Susanah BULL daughter of Captn Joseph and Sarah BULL was born
26 of December 1685
Sarah their daughter was born August 26: 87
Sibbell their daughter was born Aprill 13, 1690
Ruth their daughter was born 21 Aprill 1692
Abigall their daughter was born 24 Jul 1694
Jonathan their son was born 14 July 1696, about one of the
clock in the morning
Moses BULL their son was born May 18, 1699
Ebenezer BULL was born Augt 27, 1701
Abigail BURCHARD daughter of Samll BIRCHARD was born 24th
July 1704
Thomas BIDWELL's child was born May 29th 1710, and dyed few
hours after its birth.
Barthsheba BARRET daughter of Jonathan and Rebekah BARRET was
born Janr the 1st 1716
Dorothy BARRET was born Feb 14th 1717
Sarah BLANCHARD the daughter of William BLANCHARD and Sarah
his wife was born Octob 29th, 1719
Esther BULL daughter of Thomas BULL and Thankfull his wife
was born Aprill 15th 1721.
Samuel BULL was born Febry 26th 1722/3
Amos BULL was born MArch 16th, 1725
Thankfull BULL was born October __ 1729
Susanah was born Febry 20th 1731/2
Jerusha was born Jun 20 1734.
[Page 11]
Hannah CAMP the daughter of John CAMP was borne Nouember 24,
John CAMPE his son was born 13 Feb. 1675
Sarah CAMP his daughter was born 17 Feb 1677
Joseph CAMP his son was born Jan 30, 1679
Mary CAMP his daughter was born June the 30, 1682
James CAMP his son was borne June the 23d 1686
Samll CAMP was born the 29th of January 1690
Abigail CAMP was born July 31, 1699.
Mary CADWELL daughter of Thom. CADWELL was born January 8,
Edward his son was born Noumber the 1st 1660
Thomas his son was born December the 5, 1662
Edm. his son was boen July 14, 1664
Mathew his son was born Octobr 5, 1668
Abigail CADWELL his daughter was born Nov. 26, 1670
Elizabeth CADWELL his daughter was born Dece 1st 1672
Samuel was born Aprill the 30th 1675
Hana CADWELL was born the 12 January, 1679
Edward CADWELL son of Edward CADWELL and his wife Eliz was
born Sept [24?] 1681
William was born 24 August 1684
Elizabeth was born Dec 5, 1687
Rachell was born Aprill 3, 1689
Aaron COOK son of Aron COOK was born May 12, 1686 and dyed
Aprill 8: 89
Aaron COOK was born 23 Septr 1689
Martha COOK was born the 2d of Jun 1693
John COOK was born 23 Dec 1696
Moses COOK was born Oct. 7, 1700
Eliz COOK was born Sept 4, 1703 Died 23 Sept 1703
Mary COOK was born Jun 2d 1706
Nathl COLE son Nathl COLE and Lidiah his wife was born Nov.
6th 1682
Mary CATLING daughter of John CATTLING was born July 10, 1666
Samll CATTLING was born Nov. 4th 1672
John was born 27 day Aprill 1676
Thomas was born [27?] August 1678
Benjamin CATLING born 1 Feb 1680
John CATLING son of Samll CATLING and his wife Eliz was born
Oct. 20th 1703
Thomas CATLING was born Febr 17th 1705-6
Samll CATLING was born 27th March 170_
Isaac CATLIN was born Nov. 11th 1712
Abijah CATLIN was born Aprill 6th 1715
Mary CATLIN was born March 26th 1717
Ebenz CATLIN was born July 25 1724
Hannah CLARK, daughter of Danll CLARK was born May 10th 1694
Mary CLARK was born March ye 8th 1695
Joseph CLARK was born July 22, 1698-9
Mary CLARK was born
Isaac CLARK was born July 15, 1710
Jacob DEMMON son of Jacob DEMMON was born March [24?] 1696
Lidiah DAY daughter of John DAY was born 11th of Aprill 1698
Mary was born Augt 14th 1699
John DAY was born 6th Jun 1701
Abigail daugher of Daniel MILES and Eliz his was born Febry
10th 1718-19
Mary was born Febry 8th 1720-21
Daniel was born August 20th 1723
[Page 12]
David ENSIGNE son of David ENSIGNE was born the 26 day of
Novr 1664
James ENSIGNE son of David ENSIGNE was born the 8 OF July
Thomas ENSIGNE son of David ENSIGNE was born the 7th of
Decembr 1668
Sarah ENSIGN son of David ENSIGNE was born 22 January 1671
Mary ENSIGNE son of David ENSIGNE was born the 26th January
Sarah EASTON daughter of Jno EASTON was born July 18th 1670
Mary was born Decembr 26, 1772
Sarra was born Nov. 15, 1675
John was born Janr 10, 1678
Mary was born Octobr 1, 1681
Mehittabell Janry 17, 1683
Abigail was born March 16,1687
John was born Octobr 22, 1689
Esther CADWELL daughter of Nath CADWELL and Esther his wife
was worn Janry 24, 1722-23
Matthew CADWELL was married to Abigail BECKLY daughter of
John BECKLY March 25, 1695
Matthew CADWELL was born Jun 11, 1696
Abigail was born May 6, 1700
John was born Novembr 30th 1702
Abell was born Novembr 27th 1703
John COLE son of Nath and Eliz COLE was born Feb 15th 1707-8
Elizabeth was born March 18, 1709-10
Zerviah CLARK daughter of Josia and Elizabeth CLARK was born
Decem 27th 1703. Dyed Feb. 5th following.
Zervia the 2d born Janry 3, 1704-5.
Barzilai was born August 17th 1706
Sylvanus was born April 14th 1710. Dyed the [19th?]
Mary EDWARDS daughter of John and Christian EDWARDS was born
August 20th 1721
Sarah CASE daughter of Richard CASE & Sarah his wife was
born Octobr 1st 1703
Joseph was born Decem 27th 1705.
Elizabeth was born Sept 1, 1710
Jonathan EDWARDS son of Richd EDWARDS was born Janr 20,
1692-3, and dyed ye 24th March following.
John EDWARDS born 27 Feb 1693-4
Hanna EDWARDS born 3 Jar 1695-6
Richard EDWARDS born born June 5, 1698
Danill EDWARDS born Aprill 11, 1701
Samll EDWARDS born Novem. 1, 1702
Richd EDWARDS dyed 20th May 1713
Timothy WEBSTER son of Stephen and Mary WEBSTER was born
Octo. 20th 1723
Samll CADWELL was married to Mary CLARK March 16th 1707-8
Joseph COOK was married to Rachel SPENCER Octo 24th 1705
John CAMP was married to Rebeckah GALPIN June 27th 1711
Benjamin COLTON was married to Ruth TAYLOR Decembr 3d 1713
Samll CATLIN had a daughter born Sept. 17, 1719, and dyed the
27th of the same month
Thomas CADWELL son of Thomas CADWELL Junr & Hannah his
wife was born Decembr 29th 1719
Abigail was born Janry 5th 1722-3
Matthew was born July 10, 1725
Hannah was born August 18th 1729
[Page 13]
Benjamin GRAHAM son of Benja GRAHAM was born Dec 1, 1685, and
dyed Janry 13, 1685
George GRAHAM son of Benja GRAHAM was born Aprill [29 or 31]
John GRAHAM born Decem 29th 1689, being Benja GRAHAM his son.
Benja GRAHAM son of Benja GRAHAM was born was born March 7,
Samll GRAHAM son of Benja GRAHAM was born March 6, 1696
Elisha was born Feb. 24, 1699
Isaac was born July 3, 1702
Jonathan GILBERT son of Samll GILBERT his wife Mary was born
June 29th 1685
Saml was born Feb. 5th 1687
Nathl was born Sept 26, 1690
John was born Aprill 12, 1692
Mary was born Dec 2d 1696
Ozias GOODWIN son of Ozias GOODWING and Martha his wife was
born June 6th 1724
Nathl GOODWIN son of Nathl GOODWING was born July 1665
Sarah GOODWIN was born Aprill 1668
John GOODWIN was baptized May 19, 1672
Samll GOODWIN was born Aug. 22, 1682
Eliz GOODWIN was born Octobe 14, 1691
Ozias GOODWIN was born June 26, 1689
Hester GILBERT daughtr of Ebenr GILBERT was born Nov 13, 1694
Thomas GILBERT son of Ebenr GILBERT was born Sept 30, 1699
Timo KELLOGG son of Jacob KELLOGG and Mary his wife was born
Nov. 25th, 1723
Eliz KELLOGG was born Aug. 8th 1727.
Lydia KELLOG was born July 22d 1729
Thomas HUXLY son of Thomas HUXLY was borne the 7th of Aprill
Watts HUBBARD the son of Samll HUBBARD & his wife Sarrah
was born the 1st day of March 1686
Abigail was born Aprill 1687, Died Aprill 1687
Mary HUBBARD born Feb. 1688
John HUBBARD born Aug. 1691
Sarrah HUBBARD born Nov. 10, 1696
Hannah HUBBARD daught of John HUBBARD & Agnes his wife
was born Dec. 25th 1716
Abigail HUBBARD born Jan 29, 1718-19
John HUBBARD born Aprill 25, 1721
Zebulon CHAPPELL the son of Samll CHAPPELL and Hannah his
wife was born Decemr 19th 1724
Lydia was born October 3d 1724
Hannah was born March 29th 1729
Nath GOODWIN son of Nath GOODWIN and his wife Lois was born
Feb. 20, 1691
Thomas was born May 3, 1692
Lois was born Sept 10th 1694
Vnis [Eunice] was born March 17, 1697
Timothy the son of Nath GOODWIN and his wife Sarah was born
Janr 14, 1700
Thankfull was born Aprill 29, 1703
Daniel GOODWIN was born Janr 15th 170[torn]
Samll GROSS son of Josiah GROSS and Susannah his wife was
born Janry 24th 1719-20
Susannah GROSS was born June 20, 1722
[Page 14]
Hannah BENTON daughter of Caleb BENTON was born July 27th,
Caleb BENTON was born Janry 28, 1721-22
Mehetabell BUSHNELL daughter of Wm. and Mehetabell born Feb.
28th, 1726-7
Sarah BUSHNELL was born Jany 31, 1728-9
Mary BUSHNELL was born Octob. 27, 1730
Elizabeth BUSHNELL was born Febry 24th, 1732-3
Nathll BRACY son of Stephen BRACY was born Octobr 30, 1711
Sarah BRACY was born July 4, 1713
Samuel BRACY was born Septembr 4th 1716
Abigail BRACY was born June 19th 1718
Benjamin BRACY was born Febry 5th 1719
Ruth BRACY was born September 19th 1722
Irenee OLMSTEAD daughter of Stephen OLMSTEAD and Sarah his
wife was born Aprill 18, 1724
Richard LORD was married to Ruth WYLLYS December 31st 1724
Eliz LORD daughter of Richard and Ruth was born October 9th,
Abigail HOPKINS daughter of Thomas and Mary HOPKINS was born
March 11th 1718
Sarah was born Octor 28, 1719
Stephen was born May 8th 1722
Thomas was born August 29, 1725
Moses was born Janry 1, 1726-7
Aaron was born July 14, 1729
John KELLOGG was married to Sarah OLMSTEAD Janry the third
Sarah KELLOGG daughter of John KELLOGG & Sarah his wife
was born October 30th 1719
Mr. Elisha LORD was married to Mrs. Mary HAYNES May 4th, 1723
John Haynes LORD son of sd. Elisha & Mary was born Janry
13th 1724-5
Susannah & Abigail twin daughters of William BUSHNEL and
his wife Mehetabel was born May 12th 1735
Rd. LORD died Nov. 5th 1684, being 49 years of age.
Mary LORD alias HOOKER died May 17th Sabeth day being 58
years and 2 months old 1702
Mr. Richard LORD dyed January 29th 1711-12 being 42 years of
Mr. Elisha LORD dyed April 16, 1725
[Page 15]
Richard LORD ye son of Richd & Mary LORD was born Feb. 1,
Abigail LORD the daughtr of Richd & Abigail LORD was born
ye 15th of March 1694. Died May 22, 94.
Richard LORD was born ye 16 day of August 1695
Abigail LORD was born Janry 19th in ye year 1697-8 Dyed
Aprill 19th, 98.
Jerusha LORD was born Feb 25, 1698/9 on Fryday night about 11
Richard LORD died Dec. 16, 1699 Saturday night
Elisha LORD was born March 15th Satterday night 1700/1
Mary LORD was born Feb. 20, on Sunday afternoon 1702/3
Richard LORD ye 2d was born Feb. 18, 1704/5 Sabeth night
Elizabeth LORD was born August 3d, 1707
Epaphras LORD was born Decembr 26th 1709
Ichabod LORD was born March 16, 1712
Esther WELLS, dafter of Samll WELLS & Esther his wife was
born Octo. 22, 1723
Samll WELLS was born Octobr. 5, 1725
Ruth WELLS was born Decembr 17, 1727
Ann WELLS was born Decembr 17, 1727 -twins
John was born Febry 20th 1732-3
Hannah WELLS was born April 26th day 1736
Rebecca born December 16 1743
Samll & John WESTON sons of Samll WESTON & Anne his
wife was born June ye 2d 1729
Elisha WELLS was married to Lydia DEMING of Wethersfield
April 4th 1757
Elisha WELLS son of said Elisha & Lydia was born Sept 27,
Lemuel WELLS their son was born July 30th, 1763
Sarah MERRILLS the daughter of John MERRILLS was born Septr
19, 1664
Nathaniel MERRILLS son of John MERRILS was born Janurary 15,
John MERRILLS son of John MERRILLS was born April 7, 1669
Abram MERRILLS son of John MERRILLS was born Decembr 21, 1670
Daniel MERRILLS son of John MERRILLS was born Jun 15, 1673
Wolterton MERRILLS born June 28, 1675
Susannah MERRILLS born May 20, 1677
Abell MERRILLS son of John MERRILLS born January 25, 1679
Isack MERRILLS son of John MERRILLS born March 11, 1681/2
Jacob MERRILLS son of John was born March 27, 1686
Joseph LONG son of Thomas LONG of Hartford was born January
22, 1667-8
Births, Marriages, &
Deaths Contained in the volume lettered
"Original Distribution of the Town
of Hartford (Ct.) among the Settlers, 1639."
New England Historical & Genealogical Register,
Vol 13, p. 48 - 58,
transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood.

William LONG Son of Thomas LONG was born February 4th 1669
Mary MARSHALL daughter of Tho MARSHALL was born May 10, 1670
John his son was born 24th of febr 1671
William his son was born 21st of Aprill 1674
Thomas his son was born 3d Octobr 1676
Elizabeth his daughter was born 23d Octobr 1678
Sarah his daughter was born 27th of March 1681
Benjamin his son was born 22th of feb. 1684
John MERRILLS the son of John MER[ILS] Junr & his wife
Sarrah was born the 29th of Septembr 1695
Sarrah MERRILLS was Born Janry 13th 1696
Ebenezr was Born the 18th of Decem 1698
Nathanll was born July 15th 1702
Anne was born Novembr 16th 1704
Caleb was born July 14 1707
Lydia was born Novembr 24th 1709
[Page 16]
Joseph MYGATT son of Joseph MYGATT & Sarrah his wife was
born 27th Oct. 1678
Susanna was born 1 day of octobr 1680
Mary was born 4th Decembr 1682
Jacob was born 9th Decembr 1684 & Dyed 29 Janry 1684
Jacob was born 9th Novembr 1686 Dyed in Nov. 1687
Thomas was born 11th Sept 1688
Sarrah was Born 9 March 1691
Zebulon was Born Nov[?] 1, 1696
Dorithy was born 26 Janry 1696 [sic]
Timo PORTER son of Timo PORTER & Mary his wife born Sept
28th 1717
Moses PORTER was born ffebr 9th 1718-9
Hannah PORTER was born Janry 28th 1720
Nathl STANDLY Son of Nath STANDLY & Anna STANDLY was born
August 11th 1706
Sarah STANDLY was born Jan 13 or 23, 1708-9
Mary SEAMOR daughter of Thomas SEAMOR & Ruth his wife was
born Nov. 30th 1703
Thomas was born July 29th 1705
Ruth was born Novembr 10th 1707
Joseph STANLY son of Nathll STANLY & Anna his wife Janr
4th 1710-11
John SKINNER son of John SKINNER & Mary his wife was born
March 29th 1726
Mary SKINNER was born March 22, 1727-8
Ann OLMSTEAD daughr of Thomas OLMSTEAD Junr & Ann his
wife was born Novembr 5th 1717
Susanna OLMSTEAD was born Octo. 19th 1719
Hez. PORTER Son Hez PORTER 2d & Sarah his wife was born
Sept 11th, 1720.
Abram PORTER was born Decembr 1st 1722
Daniel WEBSTER son of Danll WEBSTER & Mirriam his wife
was born Febry 16th 1720
Noah WEBSTER was born March 25th 1722
Zephania WEBSTER was born Jun 1, 1724
Abram WEBSTER was born Janry 17th 1726-7
Mirriam WEBSTER was born Octobr 1 1729
Daniel WEBSTER, the 2d was born Septembr 4th 1731
Eilhu WEBSTER was born November 15th 1733
Mary WHEELER daughter of John WHEELER & Sarah his Wife
was born March 10th 1719
Joseph WHEELER was born May 19th 1723
Sarah WHEELER was born Aprill 16th 1725
[Page 17]
Abigail PANTREY, the daughter of Mr. John PANTRY of Hartford
was born January the 11th 1678
Sarah PORTER daughter of Hez. PORTER Junr and Sarah his wife
was born March 7th 1724
Jonath. was born Decembr 10, 1727
Benja PORTER born Decembr 11th 1730
Hanah PRATT daughter of John PRATT was born 25 of November
John PRAT son of John PRATT of Hartford was born the 17 of
May 1661
Elizabeth PRAT daughter of John PRAT was born the 20th Jun
Joseph PRAT son of John PRAT was born 6th March 1671
Ruth PRATT daughter of John PRAT was born 21 of December 1677
Susanah PRAT the daughter of John PRAT was born the 2d of
October 1680
Jonathan PRATT son of John PRATT was born October 6, 1683
Eliz PITKIN Daughter of Mr. Wm PITKIN was born Augt 30, 1687.
Died Desembr 17, 1688
Eliz was born Augt 18th 1689
Martha was Born Feb. 28, 1691
Wm was born Aprill 30th 1694
Joseph was born May 26 1696
Sarrah was born March 26, 1698-9; Died Dec 18, 1701
Thomas was born June 18th 1700
Sarrah was born Nov 28, 1702
Samll PECK Son of Samll & Abigail PECK was born Janr 6th
Moses was born April 1703
Isaac was born Nobembr 28, 1706
Ann Porter Daughte of John Porter & Hannah his wife was
born Decembr 9th 1716
Abigail PORTER was born March 15, 1718-19
John PORTER was born Janr 22th 1720-1
Jerusha PORTER was born Nov. 4th 1723
Cornelius MERRY son of Cornelius MERRY & Bethia his wife
was born November 15, 1702
Samuel was born Septembr 16th 1704
Sarah was born March 27th 1706
John was born Aprill 20th 1708
Rachele was born Febry 11th 1709
Bethia was born Aprill 20, 1712
Lydia was born Jun 6, 1714
Mary was born January the 5th 1715
Ebenz was born January 15th 1717
Elisha WORDSWORTH Son of Ichabod & Sarah WORDSWORTH was
born Sept 21st 1721
Elizabeth PRATT daughter of Peter PRATT & Mehetabell is
wife was born July 24th 1711
Mehetabell PRATT was born Octo: 12th 1712
Sarah PRATT was born Sept 1st 1714 and Dyed May 1717
Peter PRATT was born July 19, 1716
Mary PRATT was born Janry 6, 1717-18 and Dyed April 27th 1718
They also had a daughter born at Hartford Janry 1719 and dyed
Phineas PRATT was born Octo: 20th 1720
Daniel PRATT was born June 2d 1722 and dyed August 29th 1722
[Page 18]
Temperance PRATT was born at Hartford Decembr 20th 1723
Thomas RICHARDS sonn of James RICHARDS Esq. of Hartford on
connecticutt was Born in Hartford afoarsd Septembr the 16th 1670 fryday about
12 at Night
Lydia RICHARDS Daughter of Samll RICHARDS was born March 14,
Hannah ye Daughter was born June 17, 1700
Josiah was born Febry 15, 1702
James was born Febry 2, 1705-6
Danll was born Decembr 25, 1708
Esther was born June 18, 1713
Jnoa SEAMR son of John SEAMR was born Janry 10, 1678
Nathll SEAMOR was born Nov 6, 1680
Zachary was born Janry 10, 1684
Nathaniell STANDLY son of Nathl STANDLY & Sarrah his wife
was born June 5th 1664. Died Aprill
12th 1665
Sarrah STANDLE was born Augt 24th 1669
Joseph STANDLY was Born Febr 20, 1671 Died March 18, 1675-6
Hanah STANDLY was Born Sept 30, 1674 Hannah died October 31, 1681
Mary was born October 8, 1677
Susanna was Born Aprill 13, 1681 Died Sept 18, 1683
Nathll STANDLY was born July 9th 1683
Sarah STANDLY Died Nov. 28, 1689
Thomas SAD son of John SADD & his wife Hepzibah was born
March 10th 1691
Benja SPENCER son of John SPENCER & his wife Sarah was
born Sept 13th 1704
John STEDMAN son of John STEDMAN was born ye 5th of Aprill
Mary STEDMAN daughter of John STEDMAN was Born ye 24th of
Sept 1653
Thomas STEDMAN son of John STEDMAN was born ye 9th of October
Robart STEDMAN son of John STEDMAN was born ye first of
February 1657
Samuel STEDMAN son of John STEDMAN was born ye 27th of
Febuary 1659
Elizabeth STEDMAN Daughter of Sargt John STEDMAN was Born the
9th of November 1665
John SEAMOR son of John SEAMOR was born June 12, 1666
Thomas SEAMOR son of John SEAMOR was born March 12, 1668-9
Mary SEAMOR daughter of John SEAMOR was born Nouember 1670
Margaret SEAMOR daughter of John SEAMOR was born January 17,
Richard SEAMOR son of John SEAMOR was born February 11, 1676
Mary SKINER daughter of John SKINNER was Borne December 1,
1664 &
John SKINER his son was born March 1, 1666-7
Joseph SKINER his son was born aGUST 26, 1669
Nath SKINER his son was born 5 Aprll 1672
Richd SKINER his son was born 16 Jan 1674
Sarah SKINER his daughter was born 4 Novr 1677
Thomas SKINER his son was born 15 Novr 1680
Hanna STANDLY the daughter of Caleb STANDLY was born October
13, 1666
Elizabeth his daughter was born Octob 24, 1669
Caleb STANDLY his son was born the 6th of Septr 1674
Ann STANLY was born the 14th of Jan 1692 &
>Mary the daughter of Captain STANLY was borne 14 Jun 1692
Abigail STANDLEY was Born feby 24, 1694
Ruth STANDLEY ws Born July 1, 1696
[Page 19]
Sarah SANDFORD daughter of Sergt. Zecharyah SANDFORD was born
November 15, 1681
Zachary SANFORD his son was born Aprill 26, 1686
Ann SANFORD was born Augt 27, 1689
Rebecca SANFORD was born Augt 27, 1689
Abigail SANFORD was born Oct. 11th 1692
Joseph SMITH son of Jos. SMITH & Lydia his wife was born
March 1657
Samll was Born May 1658 Dyed Octobr 1660
Ephraim was born 8th Sept 1659
Lydiah was Born Aprill 1661 Dyed Oct. '64
Simon was Born Augt 2, 1662
Nathll was Born Octobr 1664
Lidiah was Born Febry 14, 1665
Susannah was Born Jun 1667
Mary was Born Nov. 1668
Martha was Born March 1670
Benja was Born July 21, 1671
Eliz was Born Nov. 1672
Sarrah was Born Aprill 1674
Edward was Born 19 Jun 1677
Mercy was Born Nov 16, 1679
Jonathan WEBSTER son of Jona WEBSTER was Born March 18th 1681-2
Susanna WEBSTER daughter of Jonathan WEBSTER was Born April
25, 1686
Mary WEBSTER was born Sept 29, 1688
Mehetable WEBSTER was Born March 8th 1690-1
Stephen WEBSTER was born Janry 1, 1692
Benja WEBSTER was born Augt 9th 1698
Joseph SMITH Son of Richd & Elizabeth SMITH was born
Novembr 14th 1706
Sarah SMITH daughter of Arthur SMITH & Sarah his wife was
born April 14th 1684
Hannah SMITH was born 4th Octobr 1688
Phebe SMITH daughter of sd Arthur & Phebe his wife was
born Sept 4th 1701
Zephania SMITH son of Jobannah SMITH & Sarah his wife was
born Feb 1st 1715-16
Samuel WILLARD son of Mr. Joshia WILLARD was Born ye 19th
Sept. 1658
Josiah WILLARD son of Mr. Josi WILLARD was Borne ye 13th of
March 1659/60
Anna WHITING daughter of Joseph WHITTING was borne August 28,
John WHITTING son of Joseph WHITTING was Born 13 Novembr 1679
Susanah WHITING was born March 14 '8[5?] Died Sept 6, 1702
Will WHITING was born March 14 '8[5?] Died Sept 6, 1702 [sic]
Anna yr second was born Augt 18 '87
Margaret was born January 5, 1690
John the 2d was born the 15 December '93
John BELDEN Married Sarah KELLOGG 1738
Sarah Born April 2d 1739
John Kellogg BELDEN Born May 1[7 or 9] 1740
Mary WHITING daughter of Wm. WHITING was born Aprill 1st 1688
Charles WHITING was born July 5, 1692
Wm WHITING was born Febry 15, 1694
Ebenezer WAY son of Eliezer WAY & his wife Mary was born
Nov. 4 or 11, 1673
Hezekiah WYLLYS the son of Samuel WYLLYS Esqr & Ruth his
wife the daughtr of John HAYNES Esqr was born Aprill 3d Anno Dom. 1672.
Mary WELLS Daughter of Mr. Ichabod WELLS was born Ap. 15,
Jonathan WELLS was born Sept. 17 [torn]
Ebenr WELLS was born Oct 5, 1694
Sarah WELLS was born Dec. 1, 1701 She died Feb. 12. 1702/3
Hannah WELLS Daughter of Sammll WELLS was born Nov. 22, 1689
Samuel WELLS his son was born Dec. 26, 1693
Ruth WELLS was born Janry 29, 1696
Sarah was born Dec. 16, 1700
Rebecca was Born Oct 3, 170[5?]
[Page 20]
Mary WEBSTER daugher of Steven WEBSTER & Mary his wife,
was born Decembr 10th 1720
Joseph WHAPLES son of Thomas WHAPLES & Elizabeth his wife
was born Janry 14th 1727-8
John ENSIGN & Jacob ENSIGN sons of John & Elizabeth
were born Febry 2[torn] 1723-4
Lois & Lydia ENSIGN was born August 9th 1727.
John CHURCH son of James CHURCH & Abigail CHURCH his Wife
was born April 21, 1724
Abigail CHURCH was born Febry 1, 1727-8. Married Hon. Wm. PITKIN
Jerusha CHURCH was born Janry 10th 1729-30
Jonathan ENSIGN son of Jonathan ENSIGN & Phebe his wife
was born December 2d 1722
James ENSIGN was born September 27th 1724
Jemima RICHARDS was born Sept 13th 1734
Elizabeth the daughter of Josiah RICHARDS & Mary his wife
was born July 7th 1727
Hezekiah was born March 15, 1731-2
Sraah REEVE daughter of Robert REEVE & Sarah his wife was
born Decembr 14th 1720
Ann REEVE was born March 28, 1724-5
Abram SEDGWICK son of Ebenz & Prudence SEDGWICK was born
Aprill 27th 1721
Abigail SEDWICK was born Decembr 2d, 1722
Prudence SEDWICK was born Sept 14th 1724
Mary SEDWICK was born Aprill 29th 1726
Thankfull SEDWICK was born Aprill 7, 1728
Eliz SEDWICK was born June 17, 1731
Ebenr SEDWICK was born March 4, 1734-5
James PORTER son of James & Mabell his wife was born July
1st 1721
Sarah PRATT daughter of Elisha PRATT & Sarah his wife was
born Aprill 10th 1729
Mary PRATT was born March 11th 1730-31
Samll SEDGWICK son of Joseph SEDGWICK was born 11th of Aprill
Elizabeth WHITE daughter of Nathll WHITE & Sarah his Wife
was born Aug 28th 1726
Martha WHITE was born Aprill 24, 1729
Sarah WHITE was born July 4, 1731
Ann WHITE was born December 30th 1733
Abigail WHITE was born January 29th 1735-6
[Page 21] 1644
The Record of marriages in Hartford
William WADSWORTH was maried to Elizabeth STONE on the second
of July one thousand six hundreth forty & fouer.
Francis BARNARD was maryed to hanna MERUELL on August the
fifteneth one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Thomas GRIDLA was maryed unto Mary SIMMOR upon Septm the
twenty Nineone thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Thomas FORDE was maryed to Ann SCOTT on the seventh of Nou.
one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Robert PORTER was maryed unto Mary SCOTT upon the seaue[ ] of
Nou one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Benamin HARBOR was maryed to Christian NETHECOOLL in August
abought the twenty & two one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
William SMETH was marryed to [Eliz? ] in August one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
William PATREDG was marryed to Mary SMITH the [24th?] of
Desember one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Thomas PORTTER was maryed to Sarai HARTT on the twenty of
Nouember one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Thomas WATTESS was married to Elizabeth STEEL the first of
May one thousand six hundreth forty & fower.
Thomas DEMEN was maryed to Mary SHAFF on July the twenty
& fower one thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Thomas SPENCER was marryed to SAry BARDDING Septm the eluenth
one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
John STANDLA was Maryed unto Sary SCOTT the fifteth of
desember one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
[Page 22]
Isack MORE was maryed unto Ruth STANDLA the fifth of desemr
one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Capt. HARDING was maryed vnto Mrs. Ester WILLYES October the
senntenth one thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Mr. John PENCKING [PYNCHEON} was maryed unto Mrs. Anne
WILLYES Nouembr the sixth one thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Nathaniel RESCO was maryed to Johanna CORLET on Nou the
elennth one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Thomas WHITTMORE was maryed to Sara HALLES the eleuenth of
Desem one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
John STEEL was maryed to Maryy WARNER on the twenty & two
of Jeneur one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Jonathan GILLBERTT was maryed unto Mary WRIGHT on Jennary the
Twenty Ninth one Thousand six hundreth forty & five.
Thomas TOMSUNN was maryed unto Anne WELLES Aprill the
forteenth one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Thomas WILLCOCK was maryed vnto Sara WADSWORTH the seuentene
of Septem one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Nickolas PAMMOR was maryed unto Jane PURKES Octobr. the
twenty Nyne one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
[____ ____] was maryed to Hanny STEBBING October the twenty
Nyne one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Joseph PARSONS was maryed to Mary BLES [BLISS] the six &
twenty of Nouemr one thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Henry COLL was maryed to Sary RUSCO the tenth of Desem one
thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Births, Marriages, &
Deaths Contained in the volume lettered
"Original Distribution of the Town
of Hartford (Ct.) among the Settlers, 1639."
New England Historical & Genealogical Register,
Vol 13, p. 141,
transcribed by Lucius M. Boltwood.

[Page 23]
Moses Ventres was maryed to Grace ____ Jenneuary the fortenth
one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
Thomas UPSUNN was maryed to Elisibeth FULLER Jenneuary the
twenty & three one Thousand six hundreth forty & six.
John GILLBERD was maryed to Amy LORD May the sixth one
Thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
Heew WELLES was marryed to Mary RUSCO August the Nineteenth
one Thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
William WILLIAMS was maryed to Janne WESTAVHOR Nouem the twenty & five one Thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
Nathaniel BROWNE was maryed unto Ellner WATES Desem the
twenty & three one thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
Josua JININGS was maryed to Mary WILLIAMS Desem the twenty
& three one Thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
Walter GAYLER was maryed to Mary STEBBING Aprell twenty &
nynth one Thousand six hundreth forty & eight.
Henry HAYWORD was maryed to Sara STONE SEptm the twenty &
eight one Thousand six hundreth forty & eaight.
William GOODREDG was maryed t[o] Sara MARUEN October the
forth one Thousand six hundreth forty & eaightt.
Richard BUSHNELL was mared to Mary MERUEN October the eluenth
one Thousand six hundreth forty & eaightt.
Barthellmaw BARNARD was maryed to Sara BURCHARD the twenty
& fiue of October one Thousand six hundreth forty & seven.
John LORD was maryed to Adrean BAYE [BAYSEY] May the fiftenth
one Thousand six hundreth forty & eaight.
[Page 24]
Captt CULLECK was maryed to Mrs Elizabeth FEANERK [FENWICK]
the twenty of May one Thousand six hundreth forty & eayghtt.
Mr. John RUSSELL was maryed to Mary TAYLLCOTT June the twenty
& eaight one thousand six hundreth forty & nyne.
John WILLCOCK was maryed to Retorn STOUGHEN [STOUGHTON}
Jeneuary the eaighttene one Thousand six hundreth forty & nyne.
Anthony DORCHESTER was maryed to Marth KICHERELL the second
of Jeneuary one Thousand six hundreth and fifty.
John RUSCO was maryed to Rebecca BEEBEE the seckond of
Jeneuary the yere one thousand six hundreth & fifty.
Mr. Samivel FITCH was maryed to Mrs Mary WHIGTING one
Thousand six hundreth and fifty.
George GRAVES sunn of Georg GRAUES was maryed to Elizabeth
VENTRES Aprell the seckond one thousand six hundreth fifty & one.
Samuel STOCKIN sonn of Georg STOCKIN, was married to Bethia
HOPKINS daughter of John HOPKINS, the twenty seaventh day of May one thousand
six hundred fifty twoe.
James WAKELY of Hartford was married to Elizabeth DUBBIN the
tenth day of Febru one thousand sixe hundred fifty two.
Mr. Thomas WELLS sonn of Mr. Thomas WELLS, magistrate of
Wethersfield, was married to Mrs. Hannah Pantree of Hartford, widdowe the 23
day of June one thousand sixe hundred fifty four.
Edward GRANNIS of Hartford was married to Elizabeth ANDREWES
of Farmington, the daughter of Willm ANDREWES of Hartford, May the third one
thousand six hundred fifty fore.
[Page 25]
Joseph SMITH of Hartford was married to Lydia HUIT, daughter
of Mr. Ephraim HUIT of Windsor Aprill the 20th 1656.
John CHURCH sonn of Richard CHURCH of Hartford was married to
Sarah BECKLY daughter of Richard BECKLY of New Haven the 27th day of October
Anno 1657.
David ENSIGNE son of James ENSIGNE & Mahatebell GUNN
daughter of Thomas GUNN were maryed the 22th of October 1663
John CATLIN, son of Thomas CATLIN & Mary MARSHALL were
maryed the 27th of July 1663 [5?]
Samuel DOWE was maryed to Mary GRAVE daughter of George GRAVE
Sen, December 15h 1665
Mr Andrew BELCHER was marryed to Mrs. Sarah GILBERT daughter
of Mr. Jonath GILBERT of Hartford the 1st July 1670
John BIDDOLL Junr was marryed to Sarah WELLS daughter of Mr.
Tho. WELLS of Hartford deceased, Novr 7, 1678
Steuen HOPKINS son of Steuen HOPKINS was married to Sarah
JUD, the daughter of Thomas JUD of Waterbury Novr 17, 1686
Benjamin GRAHAM & Abigail HUMPHRY was married Feb. 12,
Abigail GRAHAM dyed Jun 27, 1697
Nathll COLE was married to Lidia DAVIS Nov. 1676. She died in
Janry 25, 1683
Nath. COLE was married to Mary BENTON Octobr 23, 16[84?]
Joseph MAYGATT was married to Sarrah WEBSTER 15th day Nov.
Tho. BUTLER was married to Abigail SHEPARD Aug 6, 1691
Tho. DAY was married to Hannah WILSON daughter of John WILSON
Septembr 21, 1698
Samll GILBERT was married to Mary ROGERS daughter of Samll
ROGERS of New London Oct. 2, 1684
Jonathan BULL was married to Sarrah WHITTING March 19, 1684/5
Daniel CLARK son of Tho. CLARK was married to Mary BURR Jun
John DAY was married to Grace SPENCER 21 Janry 1696
Caleb STANLY was married to Hannah SPENCER of Hartford May
13, 1686. His wife died Decembr 5th
John BAKER was maryed to Rachell MERRY Dec 1702
[Page 26]
Christopher CROW of Hartford was maryed to Mary BURR,
daughter of Benj BURR of Hartford the 15th of january 1656
Jacob DEMMON was maried to Eliz EDWARDS ye 14 of March 1695
Edward CADWELL was married to Deborah BUNCE, daughter of John
BUNCE, Dec. 20, 1704
John ANDREWES was married to Hanna GILLET April 23, 1702
Steph ANDREWES was married to Sarah GILLET March 29, 1705
Jonath ASHLY was married to Eliz OLOCOT May 20th 1703
Joseph ASHLY was married to Mary MIX Decem 28th 1709
John BUTLER was married to Mary MARSHFIELD March 14,
John BRACY was married to Mary WEBSTER, daughter of Jonathan
WEBSTER of Hartford February 22d 1705-6
Josiah CLARK was married to Elizabeth TAYLOR daughter of
Thomas TAYLOR March 11th 1703
Jonath ARNOLD was married to Hannah ROBINSON October the 5th
John ARNOLD was married to Hannah MEAKINS Janr 12th 1709-10
John WATSON Junr was married to Sarah STEEL the daughter of
James STEEL Febr 19th 1707-8
John PECK was married to Mehitable REVE Nov. __ 1707
Jonath BUTLER was married to Mary EASTON Sept 18, 1707
Henry BRACY was married to Ann COLLYER Janr 30th 1706
Joseph BUNCE was married to Ann Sanford April 1708
Samll CHURCH was married to Eliz CLARK August 17th 1710
Joshua CARTER was married to Mary SKINNER May 21, 1691
Joseph BENTON was married to Sarah WATERS Feb. 19, 1697
Tho CADWELL ws married to Hanna BUTLAR Sept 23d 1687
Edward DOD was married to Lydia FLOWERS August 2, 1705
Wm BLANCHARD was married to Sarah COWLES Octo 5th 1718
Jacob BENTON was married to Abigail CARTER July 6, 1724
Thomas BUNCE was married to Eliz EASTON June 2, 1709
Tho. BIDWELL was married to Prudence SCOTT March 28th 1710
Baysey BAKER was married to Hanna WILLET April 1st 1697
Jonath BIDWELL was married to Martha BUTLER Decembr the 25th
Thomas BULL was married to Thankfull BUTLER June 29th 1720
Edward FOSTER married Ann HILL Novem. 15, 1710
David ENSIGN married 2 time to Sarah MOODY Aprill 29, 1626
James ENSIGN married to Lydia BAKER March 20th 1689-90. She
died Sept 16th 1701
John ENSIGN was married to Elizabeth DICKINSON May 13,
Joseph COLLYER was married to Eliz Humprreys July 4th 1705
Wm CADWELL was married to Ruth Marsh Octobe 31st 1711
John COLE was married to Elizabeth GOODWIN Septembr 125h 1713
Matthew CADWELE was married August 31, 1722 to Esther BURNHAM
[Page 27]
Benjamin GRAHAM was married to Sarrah WEBSTER Nov. 20th 1698
Jonah GROSS was married to Rebeccah WADSWORTH Augst 11th 1708
Richard GILMAN was married to Eliz BURNAM March 4th 1702
Samll GOODWIN was married to Mary STEEL March 18, 1707-8
John GROSS was married to Mary WADSWORTH Novem. 17, 1709
Isaac HOPKINS son of Ebenz HOPKINS was born Novembr 25th 1708
Joseph borne June 23, 1710
Thomas HOSMER was married to Ann PRENTISS Decembr 24, 1700
Samuel HOWARD was married to Alice HOOKER Septembr 20, 1720
Nathanll JONES was married to Rebekah PANTRY Aprill 30, 1713
Thomas JUDD was married to Hepzuibah WILLIAMS, Janry 16,
Annon Dom 1717-18
William KELSEY was married to Rebecca MESSENGE Janr 5th
Steph KELSY dyed Novemb. 30th 1710
Samll KELLOG was married to Hannah BENTON May 11th 1711
Thomas KING was married to Sarah MYGATT Novem 6th 1712
Joseph KING was married to Mary JESS May 2, 1717
Isaac KELLOGG was married to Mary WEBSTER Decemb 26, 1717
Benja KELLOGG was married to Abigail SEDGWICK Nov. 9th 1721
John AUSTIN was married to Mary HOOKER Decem 8th 1713
Jonathan ARNOLD was married to Sarah JONES August 18th 1715
Tho HOSMER son of Thomas HOSMER & Anna his wife was born
Octobr 28th 1701
Steph was born Jan. 6th 1703-4
Joseph was born Novemb 28th 1705
Sarah was born Sept 7th 1707
Ann was born Sept [1?]4 1710
James HANNISON was married to Mehetabell GRAVE Janr 1st 1701
Nathll HUMPHREYS was married to Agnes SPENCER March 14th
John HUBBARD was married to Abigail HUMPHREYS Octo 1715
Joseph GILLET was married to Sarah BURR Aprill 14th 1715
Jonah GROSS was married to Susannah Howard March 13, 1717-18
Ozias GOODWIN was married to Martha WILLIAMSON June 6th 1723
Charles BUCKLAND was married to Hannah SHEPARD May 22d 1712
Samuel BARNARD was married to Sarah WILLIAMSON August 12th
Benony BROWN was married to Elizabeth ARNOLD Janr 25th
Jonathan BARRETT was married to Rebeckah WHAPLES November
12th 1714
John EASTON was married to Sarah BUTLAR Decem 11th 1712.
John EDWARDS was married to Christian WILLIAMSON Decemr 10th
Samuel CHAPPELL was married to Hannah CADWELL July 3, 1723
[Page 28]
Richard LORD was married to Abigail WARREN Janry 14, 91-92
Robert REEVE was marryed to Sarah ADKINS July 2d 1717
Isaac MERRELL was married to Sarah COOK May 22d 1706
Abell MERRELLS was married to Mabell EASTON March 5, 1710-11
Peter MORRISS was married to Kezia AMES March 9, 1718-9
Thomas OLMSTEAD was married to Ann WEBSTER February 21, 1716
Paul PECK was married to Leah MERRY August 20th 1701
John PARSONS was married to Dorothy SPARKS May 27th 1712
Peter PRATT was married to Mehetable WATORUS Sept 7th 1709
Elisha PRATT was married to Sarah BURNHAM Decembr 7, 1726
Ebenezer JUDD was married to Hannah RICHARDS on the 5th Day
of Novemr 1729
Samuel RIZLEY was married to Rebeckah GAINS August 1, 1704
Thomas RICHARDS was married to Abigail TURNER June 6th 1717
Joseph ROOT was married to Hannah KELLOGG Octo. 20th 1715
Samll SEDGWICK Junr was married to Ruth PECK Feb. 1, 1710-11
Caleb STANLY Junr was married to Abigail PRINCE Feb 15, 1704-5
Joseph SYMONDS was married to Abigail SPENCER March 2d 1709
Gershome SEXTON was married to Abigail KING Janr 20, 1708-9
Thomas SHEPARD was married to Jane NORTH October 12, 1710
Isa SHELDING was married to Eliz PRATT Feb. 29, 1716-17
Steph TAYLOR was married to Violet BIGELOW Sept 1st 1709
Stephen TAYLOR was married to Esther RICHARDS Octobr 6th
1703. She died April 27, 1705
Jonathan TAYLOR was married to Eliz RICHARDS Octobr 5th 1709
Abell GILLET was married to Abigail ENSIGN on the 18th Day of
May A.D. 1731
John PRATT Junr was married to Hannah NORTON the daughter of
John NORTON Janr 29th 1712-13
John PORTER was married to Hannah HOPKINS the wido of Joseph
HOPKINS deceasd, on the 3d day of December 1713
Hezekiah PORTER 2d was married to Sarah WRIGHT August 25th
[Page 29]
Joseph SKINNER was married to Dorothy HOSMER Janr 1st 1696
Joseph SKINNER was married to his second wife who was Eliz
OLMSTEAD Janr 28th 1707-8
Richard SEAMER was married to Mary WILSON Octo: 30th 1707
Thomas STEEL was married to Susan WEBSTER May 10, 1709
Thomas SADD was married to Hannah GRANT the daughter of Math.
GRANT Decembr 25th 1712
Jobannah SMITH was married to Sarah GRAVES Sept: 26, 1714
Eben SEDGWICK was married to Prudence MERRELLS June 30th 1720
Jonath SEYMOR was married to Mary BULL May 27th 1725
Thomas HOPKINS was married to Mary BECKLEY March 1, 1716-17
Jonathan STEEL was married to Dorothy MYGATT May 5th 1715
Timothy SEYMOUR was married to Rachel ALLYN Aprill 27th 1727
John SEYMOUR was married to Lydia MASON June 25th 1718
Daniel KELLOGG was married to Deborah MOOR November 27th 1729
Freeman GROSS was married to Susannah DEMMING January 7th
Thomas HOSMER was married to Susannah STEEL July 18th 1734
John GURNEY was married to Sarah HUBBARD Oct 2, 1728
Jonathan WADSWORTH was married to Hepzibeth MARSH Novem 29th
John WEBSTER was married to Abiel STEEL Decembr 25th 1712
James WILLIAMS Junr was married to Sarah JUDD the 29th of
December Anno Dom 1715
Stephen WEBSTER was married to Mary BURNHAM June 6th Anno Dom
Jacob WEBSTER was married to Elizabeth NICKOLS Feb. 16th
Daniel WEBSTER was married to Mirriam KELLOGG Nov. 11th 1719
Ichabod WADSWORTH was married to Sarah SMITH Decembr 21st Anno
Dom. 1720
Joseph WEBSTER was married to Hannah BAKER May 11, 1726
Samll WESTON was married to Anna THORNTON May 23, 1728
Cyprian WEBSTER was married to Elizabeth SEYMOUR Sept 25th
Henry NICKOLSON was married to Sarah HINSDALL July 29th 1725
Nathaniel WHITE was married to Sarah HINSDALL July 29th 1725
Caleb WATSON was married to Hannah PORTER on the 5th Day of
July 1733
Daniel BULL was married to Hannah WADSWORTH October 26th 1733
Dositheus HUMPHRISS was married to Anne GRISWOULD May 23d
James BIDWELL was
married to Ruth STANLY December 3d 1713
[Page 30]
Jacob BENTON was
marryed to Elizabeth HINSDALL Aprill 4th 1728
Jacob BIDWELL of Hartford was married to Sarah BELDING the
daughter of Mr. Timothy BELDING of Hartford December 31st 1764
Thomas PELLITT Juneor & Martha his wife was married March
18th 1730
Philliss the daughter of Thomas PHILLETT his wife [sic] was
born March 8th 1731
Patience was born October 8th 1736
Sarah GURNEY daughter of John GURNEY & Sarah his wife was
born July 13th 1729
Elizabeth was born 27th Febry 1730-1
John was born Janry 13, 1732-3
Lydia was born December 6th 1734
Bazaleel was born Novemr 28th 1737
Charles KELSEY was married to Hannah LARKHAM of Enfield May
8th 1729
Ezekiel WEBSTER was married to Rebeccah GAINES January 21st
Rebecca daughter of Ezekiel & Rebecca his wife was born
August 18 1733
Ruth born June 13, 1736
Ezekiel born June 21, 1739
Elijah born May 1, 1742
Hannah WAINWRIGHT daughter of William WAINWRIGHT born of
Abigail WHAPLES the 13th day A Dom 1742
[Page 31]
John MERRILLS Junr was married to Sarrah MARSH Sept 29, 1694
John MOODY was married to Sarah EVETTS April 3d 1700
Caleb MERRELLS was married to Mercy SEDGWICK August 2d 1733
Timothy SKINNER was married to Ruth COLTON May 1738
Ruth SKINNER the daughter of Timo SKINNER & Ruth his wife
was born March 9th 1738-9
Anne was born Novemr 22d 1740
Mabel was born March 19, 1742-3
Thomas OLMSTEAD was married to Hanna MIX June 25, 1691
Stephen OLMSTEAD was married to Sarah MERRELL daughtr of Jno
MERRELL June 27th 1723
Timo PORTER was married to Mary PITKIN June 14th 1716
Experience SEDGWICK daughtr of Joseph SEDGWICK & Ruth his
wife was born March 12th 1726-7
Esther SEDGWICK was born Janry 1st 1728-9
A son born Febry 5th 1730-31 and dyed two days after
Mary SEYMOR daughter of Jonathn SEYMOR & Mary his wife
was born May 23d 1726
Millecent was born Augst 23d 1728
Benjamin DAMMON of Hartford lawfully married to Mercy PALMER
of Windham November 5th 1740
David the son of sd Benja & Mercey was born July 30, 1744
[Page 32]
Samuel RICHARDS was
married unto Hannah HENBURY June 14, 1697
Abigail HAMLIN daughter of Abigail WHAPLES was born April
29th day A.Dom 1748
Thomas SEAMOR was married to Mary WATERS June 21st 1711
Jonathan SEDGWICK was married to Isabell STEBBINS March 7th
John SKINNER was married to Mary TURNER Decembr 24th 1724
Nathal STANDLY was married to Sarah BOOSEY June 2, 1659
John SPENCER was married to Sarah SMITH daughter of Joseph
SMITH Octo: 4, 1693
Garret SPENCER was married to Sarah DAY daughter of John DAY
June 10th 1708
John SHELDING was married to Elizabeth PRATT April 20, 1708
Ephraim TURNER was married to Mary NICCOLS May 2, 1700
John WATSON was married to Bethia TYLER, daughter of Wm TYLER
Aprill 30, 1730
Richard TREAT was married to Susannah WOODBRIDGE August the
Seventh 1728
Ichabod WELLS was married to Sarah WAY Sept 4th 1684
John WEBSTER was married to Dorcas HOPKINS May 11th 1681
Wm WHITTING was married to Mary ALLYN, daugther of Col. Jno
ALLYN Octobr 1686
Moses WEBSTER was married to Mary BRACY the 6th day of
December Anno Dom. 1733
>Zechariah SEAMOR was married to Hannah OLMSTED Nouemb. 24,
Samll SHEPARD was married to Bethia STEEL May 17, 1709
Phillip SMITH was married to Mary ROBINSON Sept. 1708
Joseph SHEPARD was married to Eliz FLOWERS June 19, 1711
Jobannah SMITH was married to Mary FLOWERS Aprill 16, 1719
Joseph SEDGWICK was married to Ruth SMITH Janry 24th 1722-3
Stephen SEDGWICK was married to Mary HARRIS Decembr 16th 1725
Marcy DAMMON the wife of Benjamin DAMMON dyed April 26th A.
Dom 1740
George WRIGHT was married to Mary HANNISON Octo: 18, 1694
John WILSON was married to Mary GILBERT Novem. 27th 1707
Jacob MERRELLS was
married to Abigail WEBSTER May 10th 1710
Samll WELLS was married to Rachel CADWELL May 26th 1709
Cyprian WATSON was married to Eliz STEEL Janr 27th 1715
Samuel WILLIAMS was married to Hannah HICKCOX Nov. 13th 1722
Samuell WELLS was married to Esther ELLSWORTH Janry 31, 1722
[Page 33]
George WYLLYS Esqr. late of Fenny Compton in Old England,
dyed March 9th 1644
Abigail ANDREWES daughter of Willm ANDREWES dyed, was buried
May 1653
Col. John ALLYN dyed November 11th 1696
Maj. Jonath. BULL died Augus 17, 1702
John TOWSEND died Nov. 20, 1702, apprentice to Samll CATLING
Capt. Tho SEYMOUR died August the 30th 1740
Lidiah wife of John BAKER died May 16, 1700
Helena wife of Cyprian NICCOLS died May the 12th 1702
Esther PRATT died Octobr 7th 1702
Thomas THORNTON died Sept 22, 1703
The wife of Mr. Joseph TALCOTT died March 24, 1704
Mrs. Sarah HAYNES died Nov. 15, 1705
Mary the wife of Thomas KING died Sept 27th 1706
Nath COLE died Aprill 20, 170[9?]
Samll WYLLYS Esq., born in England, son of George WYLLYS son
of Timo of Fenny Compton, dyed May 30th 1709
Hezekiah WYLLYS Esq. dyed December 24th Anno Dom. 1741
Hannah SKINNER dyed Octobr 23d 1709
Jonath BIGELOW dyed Janr 9th 1710-11
Ann BUNCE dyed Octobr 18th 1710
Dorothy SKINNER dyed in March 1702
John SKINNER son of Joseph dyed in Jun 1704
James CAMP dyed Decembr 14th 1710
Samll CAMP dyed Decembr 17th 1710
Mathew WEBSTER son of Robert WEBSTER dyed Feb. 2d 1707
Ruth SEAMOR wife of Tho SEAMOR dyed July 19th 1710
Robbin WILSON dyed April 7th 1708
Timothy HIDE dyed May 28, 1710
George OLCOTT dyed Janr 18th 1710-11
Eliz EASTON wife of John EASTON dyed June 10th 1710
Mary ASHLY wife of Joseph ASHLY dyed June 23, 1710
Wats HUBBARD dyed June 10, 1710
Sarah WHEELAR the wife of Samll WHEELAR dyed in Octobr 1710
Ann WHEELAR dyed Novem 28th 1710
Sarah SPENCER the wife of Samll SPENCER dyed April 24th 1706
Mrs. Elizabeth WADSWORTH, wife of Capt Jos. WADSWORTH dyed
Octo. 26, 1710
Mr. Rich LORD's Negro man Jo. dyed June 14th 1710
Mary SMITH wife of Phillip SMITH dyed Decem 23, 1717 in the
37th year of her age
John CAMP Senr dyed March 14th 1710-11
Abigail ELMOR decsed Janr 15th 1711-12
Phillis PARSONS the wife of John PARSONS dyed Janr 9, 1711-12
Esther GILBERT the daughte rof Ebenz GILBERT dyed Feb. 13th
Thomas KING dyded Decembr 26, 1711, and his wife Jan. 2,
John MERRELLS Senr dyed July 18th 1712
Hepzibath SADD dyed December 20th 1711
Abram WATERS son of Thomas WATERS died July 2th 1712
Capt. Saml SEDGWICK dyed March 24th 1734-5
Caleb MERRELLS dyed Septemr 24th 1735
Thankfull the wife of Thos BULL dyed July 6th 1734
Mrs. Sarah HAYNES 2d, dyed Nov. 9th 1724
Mary the wife of Col Wm WHITING dyed Decemr 14th 1734
Joseph HAYNES dyed Sept 14, 1716
Mr. John HAYNES dyed Nov. 25, 1713
Hannah the wife of Jonathan ARNOLD dyed Septembr 18th 1714
Lamorock FLOWERS dyed June 19th 1716
Hannah the wife of David ENSIGN Junr dyed Nov 4th 1719
John Easton dyed on the 2d November 1716
Thankfull SEDGWICK dyed July 2, 1720
Daniel WEBSTER son of Danll WEBSTER dyed Febry 27th 1720-1
Nath CADWELL dyed Decembr 27th 1723
Samll BUSHNELL dyed Feb. 5th 1725-6
Tho BURNHAM Jun dyed May 12, 1726
Mr. David BIDWELL dyed Jun 24, 1758
Thomas JUDD died August 24th 1724
John MOODEY of Hartford dyed Novembr 5, 1732, aged 72 years
Mary TURNER died March 24, 1728
[The above completes all that is contained in the first book of Hartford Records]