Records of Farmington in Connecticut
Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford;
Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.;
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Volume 11, October 1857, p 323 - 328
Anno Dom. 1652
On the 13th of October, 1652, Mr. Rodger NEWTON, Stephen HART, Thomas JUDD, John BRONSON, John COLL, Thomas THOMPSON and Robert PORTER, joined in Church Covenant in Farmington.
About one month after, myself joined with them.
About one month after, Mrs. NEWTON, the wife of Stephen HART, the wife of Thomas JUDD, the wife of Jon COLL and the wife of Thomas THOMPSON, also, join with them.
A little before this, John LOOMIS was joined to this Church.
About the 30th day of January, 1652, Nathaniel KELLOGG and his wife, John STEELE, John STANLEY, Thomas NEWELL and Thomas BARNES was also, joined to the Congregation.
Upon February 7th John LANGDON, was joined to the Congregation.
July the 12th, 1653. Then Thomas NEWELL's wife, and John STANLEY's wife, and Robert PORTER's wife, were joined to the Congregation.
On July 19th, 1653, Thomas PORTER and his wife, and Richard BRONSON's wife was joined to the Congregation.
And Moses VENTRUSS was joined with them the said 19th July, 1653.
Upon July 19, 1653, Cornelius BRONSON, aged about 5 years, and Hannah BRONSON, aged about 3 years, and Elizabeth BRONSON, about the age of a year, all children of Richard BRONSON, were baptized.
And Sarah VENTRUSS, aged 4 years and [Grace] Ventruss, aged three fourths of a year, both the children of Moses VENTRUSS, was baptized July 29, 1653.
Sarah PORTER, about the age of 7 years, Thomas PORTER, about the age of 5 years, and Joanna PORTER< about the age of three fourths of a year, being all the children of Thomas PORTER, were baptized July 29, 1653.
Mary THOMPSON, daughter of Thomas THOMPSON, was baptized June 7, 1653
Joseph KELLOGG and his wife, and Simon WROTHAM, and the wife of John HART, and the wife of John WYATT, was joined to the Church, October the 9th, 1653.
And on the 23d of October, 1653, Maria WYATT, aged about 6 years, and John WYATT, about 4 years, and Hepzibah WYATT, aged about 1 year, all children of the wife of John WYATT, were baptized.
Sarah HART, daughter of the wife of John HART, was baptized October 23, 1653.
Upon the April the 2d, 1652, Richard BRUNSON and John [HART] were joined to the Church.
Upon the same 2d day of April, 1654, Samuel STEELE and his daughter Mary STEELE, about the age of 16 months were joined to the Church.
And on the same 2d day of April, 1654, Hannah WOODRUFF, the wife of Matthew WOODRUFF, and her daughter Hannah WOODRUFF, aged about 5½ years, and Elizabeth WOODRUFF, about the age of 2 years 5 months, were also joined to the Church.
And on the same day, April 2, 1654, Mary ANDREWS, the wife of John ANDREWS, and her son Abraham ANDREWS, about the age of 6 years and three months, and Daniel ANDREWS, about the age of 3 years and 10 months, and Joseph ANDREWS, about the age of 2 years and 3 months, wre joined to the Church.
On April the 9th, 1654, Rachel ANDREWS, daughter of Mary ANDREWS, was presented to the Church and baptized.
Hester THOMPSON, daughter ofthe widow THOMPSON, was presented and baptized, June the 17th, 1655.
John HART, son of John HART, was presented and baptized      1655.
Joseph BARNES, son of Thomas BARNES, was presented and baptized      1655.
Joanna PORTER, daughter of Robert PORTER, was presented and baptized January the 6th, 1655.
Thomas ORTEN and his wife were joined to the Church, December 22, 1656.
Hannah ORTEN, daughter of Thomas ORTEN, was presented and baptized, December 29, 1656..
The rest of his children, John ORTEN, Mary ORTEN, Sarah ORTEN, and Elizabeth ORTEN, being under 13 years when their father joined, ent'red also, with him.
John KELLOGG, son of John KELLOGG, presented and baptized, December 29, 1656.
Sarah STEELE, daughter of Samuel STEELE, was presented and baptized, December 29th, 1656.
Elizabeth STANLY, daughter of John STANLEY, was baptized April the 5th, 1657.
Upon February 14, 1652, Samuel LANETON, son of John LANETON, was baptized.
About July 26, in the year 1653, Benjamin BARNES, son of Thomas BARNES, was baptized.
On December 18th, Sarh NORTH, daughter of John NORTH, was baptized.
Mary COLE, daughter of John COLE, was born June, about 27, 1651.
Nathaniel KELLOGG, son of Joseph KELLOGG was baptized October 29, 1654.
Mary WOODRUFF, daughter of [Hannah] WOODRUFF was baptized November the 5th, 1654.
Rachel STEEL, daughter of Samuel STEEL, was born October 30, 1654.
Dorathy PORTER, daughter of Thomas PORTER, was baptized the     day of November, 1654.
Dorcas WIATT, daughter of Mary WIATT, was baptized February 4, 1654.
Sarah NEWALL, daughter of Thomas NEWALL, was baptized February 18th, 1654.
Moses VENTRUS, son of Moses VENTRUS, was baptized February the 18th 1654.
Eede BRONSON, daughter of Richard BRONSON, was baptized April 22, 1655.
Nathaniel NORTH, son of John NORTH, was baptized June 29, 1656.
John NEWTON, son of Mr. Rodger NEWTON, and Stephen ANDREWS, son of John ANDREWS, were both baptized, June the 6th, 1656.
Mary VENTRUS, daughter of Moses VENTRUS, was baptized, February 21, 1656.
John WARNER, and William SMITH, and the widow [STANS] and the wife of William LEWIS, and the wife of John NORTH, and the wife of Samuel LOOMIS, were joined to the Church, March 15th 1656.
William LEWIS, the son of William LEWIS, and Joseph SMITH, son of William SMITH, and Sarah WARNER, daughter of John WARNER, were baptized March 15, 1565.
On January 25, 1657, Anthony HAWKINS and William LEWIS, were joined to the church.
   SMITH, son of William SMITH was baptized, April 14, 1658.
April 10, 1658
The Children that were in adult, when we enteed into convenant at Farmington, [on the 13th of October, 1652] according to the account of the Church, not being over 13 years old.
Thomas JUDD's children
- John JUDD, 17 years old, about March 1657.
- Benjamin JUDD, 15 years old, about March 1657.
- Mary JUDD, 13 years old, about February, 1657.
- Ruth JUDD, 11 years old, about February, 1657.
- Philip JUDD, 8 years old, about January, 1657.
- Samuel JUDD, 6 years old, abut December, 1657
Richard BRONSON's Children
- Abigail BRONSON, 14 years old, about 8th September, 1657.
- John BRONSON, 12 year old abought August 1657.
John BRONSON's Children
- Jacob BRONSON, 17 years old, about January, 1657.
- John BRONSON, 14 years old, about January, 1657.
- Isaac BRONSON, 12 years old, about January, 1657.
- Abraham Bronson, 10 years old, about January, 1657.
John NORTH's Children
- John NORTH, 16 years old, about November, 1657.
- Samuel NORTH, 14 years old, 1657.
- Mary NORTH, 14 years old, 1657.
- James NORTH, 10 years old, 1657.
John STANLEY's Children
- John STANLEY, 10 years old, about November, 1657.
- Thomas STANLEY, 8 years old, about November, 1657.
- Sarah STANLEY, 5 years old, about March, 1657
Robert PORTER's Children
- Mary PORTER, 11 years old, about February, 1657.
- John PORTER, 9 years old, November 12, 1657.
- Thomas PORTER, 7 years old, October 29, 1657
William SMITH's Children
- Susanna SMITH, 7 years old in the year 1657.
- Elizabeth & Mahitabel SMITH, twin children, 5 years old, 1657
Thomas NEWELL's Children
- Rebecca NEWELL, 14 years old, about January, 1657.
- Mary NEWELL, 12 years old, about March 1658.
- John NEWELL, 10 years old, about January 1657.
- Thomas NEWELL, 8 years old, about March 1657.
- Hester NEWELL, 5 years old, about July 1657.
John COLLES's Children
- John COWELLS, 16 years old, about February, 1657.
- Hannah COWELLS, 13 years old, about February, 1657.
- Sarah COWELLS, 11 years old, 1657.
- Hester COWELLS, 8 years old, 1657
Martha NEWELL, daughter of Thomas NEWELL, was baptized, about April the 14th, 1658.
Lydia NORTH, daughter of John NORTH, was baptized May 9, 1658.
On the 9th of May, 1658, John ANDREWS joined the Church, in the Covenant.
On May the 16th, 1658, the Children of John WARNER were baptized, which were not 13 years old when their father did enter into Convenant with the church, being Daniel & Thomas.
And on the same 16th day of May, 1658, the Children of Hannah WOODWARD wee baptized, viz: John 15 years old and upward, and Matthew in the 12th year of his life.
and on the same 16th day of May, 1658, the children of John ANDREWS were baptized that werenot above 13 years old, when their mother Mary ANDREWS did enter into convenant with the Church, viz: Mary in her fourteenth year, and John, about 13 years, and Hannah, about 11 years.
And that day, viz: the 16th day of May, 1658, the children of Elizabeth ORVIS were baptized which were not aboube 13 years old, when their mother entered into Convenant with the Church, viz: Elizabeth, in about the 13th year of her life, and David in about the 9th year of his life.
John BRONSON, son of Richard BRONSON, was baptized February 20, 1658, being about the 12th year of his life.
Mary BRONSON, daughter of Richard BRONSON, was baptized the 12 day of February, 1658, or about that time.
Abigail BRONSON, daughter of Richard BRONSON, was baptized May the 30th, 1659, being about 15 years of age..
Felix LEWIS, daughter of William LEWIS was baptized December the 12th, 1658.
Samuel NORTON, son of Elizabeth NORTON, was baptized May the 13th, 1659.
John LEE & William JUDD, were joined to the Church July 15, 1660.
John LEE, son of John LEE, and Ruth LOOMIS, daughter of Samuel LOOMIS, and Mary JUDD and Elizabeth JUDD, daughters of William JUDD were baptized July 24, 1660.
Sarah WADSWORTH, daughter of John WADSWORTH, was baptized November the 1st, 1657.
Samuel WADSWORTH, son of John WADSWORTH, was baptized January 13, 1639.
John STEEL, son of Samuel STEEL, was baptized December 10, 1661.
Moses VENTRUS, son of William VENTRUES, was baptized November 16, 1662.
John WADSWORTH, son of John WADSWORTH, baptized April 14, 1662
Brother NEWELL's Children.
- Sarah NEWELL, baptized here, February 18, 1654.
- Hannah NEWELL, baptized here, about February 11, 1658.
- Samuel NEWELL, baptized December 5, 1660.
- Joseph NEWELL, baptized April 20, 1664
Samuel COLES, the son of Samuel COLES, born March 17, 1661. Baptized about a year old.
- Abigail COLES, January, 1663.
- Hannah COLES, December, 1664.
- Timothy COLES, about November 4, 1666.
- Sarah COLES, baptized December 25, 1668.
- John COLES, born June 28, 1670, -- baptized the Sabbath following.
- Nathaniel COLES, born February 11, 1672, -- baptized the Sabbath following.
- Isaac COLES, born March 28, 1665, -- baptized the same day.
- Joseph COLES, born January 18, 1777, -- baptized immediately after.
- Elizabeth COLLES, born March 17, 1679/1680, -- baptized immediately after.
- Caleb COLES, baptized June 25, 1682, -- born a few days before
- Robert PORTER, himself joined to the Church, October 13, 1652. His wife joined after him, July 12, 1653
The Children of Robert PORTER
- Mary PORTER, 11 years old, about February 16, 1657.
- John PORTER, 9 years old, February 12, 1657.
- Thomas PORTER, 7 years old, Oct 29, 1657.
- These three above mentioned were baptized at Hartford and entered with him (their father,) into Covenant with the church at Farmington.
- Elizabeth PORTER, baptized here in January, 1654.
- Sarah PORTER, born ann: 1658, and then baptized here.
- Benjamin PORTER, born ann: 1660, and then baptized here.
- Anna PORTER, born 1664, in the beginning of April, and immediately after baptized here.
- Hepsibah PORTER, born March 4, -- baptized March 11, 1665/1666.
Samuel HOOKER's Children [Died Nov. 5, 1697]
- Thomas HOOKER, born June 10, 1659.
- Samuel HOOKER, born May 29, 1661.
- William HOOKER, born May 11, 1663.
- John HOOKER, born February 20, 1664.
- Thomas HOOKER baptized at Hartford, and came with myself into this Church about July, 1661. The rest were baptized at Farmington a few days after their respective births..
- James HOOKER, born October 27, 1666. Baptized immediately after.
- Roger HOOKER, born September 14, 1668. Baptized speedily after.
- Nathaniel HOOKER, born December 28, 1671. Baptized immediately after.
- Mary HOOKER, born Jul3, 1673. Baptized immediately after.
- Hezekiah HOOKER, born November 7, 1675. Baptized immediately after.
- Daniel HOOKER, born March 25, 1678/1679. Baptized immediately after.
- Sarah HOOKER, born May 5, 1681. Baptized May 8, 1681
Capt. John STANDLY
- John STANDLY, Senior, joined to Farmington Church, July 12, 1653, and with him his sons John & Thomas, as also his daughter Sarah.
- His wife, Sarah STANDLY, daughter of Thomas SCOTT, joined to the Church, July 12, 1653.
- His son John STANDLY, born November 4, 1647.
- His son Thomas STANDLEY, born November 1, 1649.
- His daugher Sarah STANDLEY, born February 18, 1651.
- His son Timothy STANDLEY, born March 17, 1663/1664 [transcriber's note: mistake].
- His daughter Eliza STANDLEY, born April 1, 1657.
- His son Isaac born September 22, anno: 1660.
- The latter three, accepted and baptized here.
- The wife of John STANDLEY, Sarah STANDLEY, the daughter of John FLETCHER, joined in Church fellowship with us, April 20, 1669.
- Abigail STANDLEY, baptized August 1, 1669.
- Elizabeth STANDLEY, born November 28, 1672. Baptized speedily after
John THOMPSON's Children
- John THOMPSON, born December 29, 1671.
- Thomas THOMPSON, born [June or] January 30, 1674.
- Samuel THOMPSON, born December 29, 1679.
- Joseph THOMPSON, born March 25, 1679.
- James THOMPSON, born May 30, 1680.
William JUDD's Children
- Mary and Elizabeth were baptized July 22, 1660.
- Thomas JUDD, October 13, 1662.
- William JUDD, January 8, 1664
Brother WADSWORTH's Children
- Sarah WADSWORTH, born November 1, 1657.
- Samuel WADSWORTH, born January 13, 1659.
- John WADSWORTH, born April 14, 1662.
- Mary WADSWORTH, born November 13, 1665.
Brother MOORE's Children
- Ruth MOORE, was born January 5, 1656 - baptized at Norwalk.
- Sarah MOORE, born February 12, 1661 - baptized at Farmington.
- Mary MOORE, born September 15, 1664 - baptized at Farmington.
- Phebe MOORE, born April 25, 1669 - baptized at Farmington.

Records of Farmington in Connecticut
Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford;
Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.;
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Volume 12, April 1858, p 34 - 38 [continued from p. 328]

John NORTON's Children
- John NORTON joined our Church in October 1661.
- Hannah NORTON, daughter of John NORTON, aged about 12, baptized here, immediately after her father's joining above mentioned.
- Dorothy NORTON, daughter of John NORTON, aged about 10, was baptized at the same time.
- John NORTON, aged about 8 years, was baptized at the same time.
- Thomas NORTON, son of John NORTON, aged about 13 months, was baptized at the same time.
Elizabeth ORVIS, her Children
- Elizabeth CARPENTER, was baptized on May 16, 1658, being aged about 14 years.
- David CARPENTER, baptized at the same time, aged about 11 years.
- Mary CARPENTER, baptized also, born August, 1650.
- Samuel ORVIS, born May, 1653, - baptized immediately after his mother's entering into the Church.
- Hannah ORVIS, born in April, 1655
- Roger ORVIS, born Jun 1657
- Ebenezer ORVIS, born February, 1659
- Margaret ORVIS, born June, 1661.
- Mary ORVIS, born Jun 1663.
- All these were baptized here in Farmington; - the particular times at which they were baptized, not easily to be come at.
John LEE
- John LEE and his wife Mary LEE, joined to the Church, anno: 1660.
- John LEE, his son, born June 11, 1659
- Mary LEE, born August 14, 1664
- Stephen LEE, born April 2, 1667.
- These 3 above-mentioned children were baptized here.
- Mary WYATT, the wife of John WYATT, was joined to the Church of Farmington, October 9, 1653.
- Mary WYATT, Jun., was baptized October 23, 1653, aged about 6 years
- John WYATT, the same day, aged about 4 years.
- Hepzibah WYATT, the same day, aged about one year.
- Dorcas WYATT, togehter with the rest that follow, were baptized here; but the time of their baptism not registerd. Their age may be computed thus:--
- Dorcas WYATT, was 13 years of age, anno: 1668
- Sarah WYATT, 9 years of age, anno: 1668
- Joanna WYATT, 5 years of age, anno: 1668
- Elizabeth WYATT, 3 years of age, anno: 1668
- Daniel ANDREWS, the son of Daniel ANDREWS, born March 9, 72/73, - baptized July 20, 1673
- Mary ANDREWS, born December 9, 1674. Baptized immediately after.
- Joseph ANDREWS, born August 10, 1676. Baptized speedily after.
- John ANDREWS, born June 180, 1680. Quickly after, baptized.
- Martha ANDREWS, born July 17, 1682. Baptized soon after.
The Children of John STANDLEY, Jun.
- Esther STANDLEY, born December 2, 1674. Baptized immediately after.
- John STANDLEY, born April 9, 1675. Baptized immediately after.
The number of such as are in full Communion in the Church in Farmington, March 1, 1679/1680:
- 1. Deacon HART
- 2. Deacon JUDD
- 3. Thomas NEWELL and his wife
- 4. Capt. STANDLEY and his wife
- 5. Robert PORTER
- 6. Thomas PORTER, senior, and his wife
- 7. Richard BRONSON, and his wife
- 8. John LANETON and his wife
- 9.Thomas BARNES and his wife
- 10. Moses VENTRUS
- 11. William LEWIS, Jun., and his wife
- 12. Thomas ORTON, and his wife
- 13. John NORTH, senior, and his wife
- 14. John ANDREWS, senior, and his wife
- 15. Isaac MOORE and his wife
- 16. John NORTON, senior, and his wife
- 17. Mr. WROTHAM
- 18. Samuel HOOKER and his wife
- 19. John LEE and his wife
- 20. William JUDD, and his wife
- 21. John WADSWORTH and his wife
- 22. Matthew WOODRUFF, Jun. and his wife
- 23. Stephen HART, Jun.
- 24. Samuel COALES and his wife
- 25. John ROOT, senior, and his wife
- 26. John JUDD and his wife
- 27. Thomas HART and his wife
- 28. John THOMPSON and his wife
- 29. John STANDLEY, Jun., and his wife
- 30. Joseph BIRD and his wife
- 31. John CATE and his wife
- 32. Benjamin JUDD and his wife
- 33. Jo. WOODRUFF and his wife
- 34. Jo CLARK and his wife
- 35. Thomas PORTER, Jun. and his wife
- 36. Thomas THOMPSON
- 37. Thomas BALL and his wife
- 38. William LEWIS, senior
- 39. Jacob BRONSON and his wife
- 40. James BIRD and his wife
- 41. Thomas JUDD, Jun., and his wife
- 42. Obadiah RICHARDS and his wife
-      Mr. Hawkins
-      Samuel GRIDLEY's wife
-      John ORTON's wife
-      Samuel NORTH's wife
-      Richard SEYMOUR's wife
-      Joseph WOODFORD's wife
-      Widow WARNER
-      John NORTON, Jun's wife
-      Edmund SCOTT's wife
-      Mehialad SMITH
-      John WARNER's wife
-      Thomas WARNER's wife.
-      Joseph HICKCOCK's wife.
-      Samuel HICKCOCK's wife.
-      John SCOVEL's wife.
- Thomas GRIDLEY joined to the Church here, Feby 6, 1680/1681.
- Philip JUDD joined March 6, 1680/1681.
- Debora ORVIS, wife of Samuel ORVIS, joined with the Church here, May 7, 1682.
- Elizabeth NEWELL, wife of Thomas NEWELL, Junr., joined May 14, 1682
- Thomas PORTER, son of Robert PORTER, joined in full Communion here, August 13, 1682
- The wife of Thomas GRIDLEY, joined the same day.
- Sarah ANDREWS, daughter to Robert PORTER, wife of Abraham ANDREWS, joined in fellowship with us, July 15, 1683.
- Issac BRONSON joined with us in full communion, May 25, 1684.
- Lydia SMITH, the wife of Joseph SMITH, joined to us, August 3, 1684.
- Richard SEYMOUR joined here, May 31, 1685.
- John HART and his wife, John LEE, the wife of William LEWIS, Jun., Sarah, the wife of Matthew WOODRUFF, and Rebecca, the wife of Samuel WOODRUFF joined here November 24, 1686.
- January 3, 1686. Benjamin ANDREWS and his wife, Samuel PORTER and his wife, the wife of John LEE, Jun., the wife of Joseph (NORTH), and the wife Joseph (BACON) joined with us in full communion.
- June 5, 1687 Samuel NEWELL & Elizabeth LANETON, joined with us in full communion.
- December 11, 1687. Jonathan SMITH, and the wife of Timothy STANLEY, joined to the Church here.
- William LEWIS joined to us, May 23, 1688
- John HOOKER was added to us, October 13, 1688
- Sarah BARNES, wife of Benjamin BARNES, Mary NEWELL, wife of Samuel NEWELL, and Mary BIRD daughter of Joseph BIRD, joined in fellowship with the Church here, January 2, 1689.
- Joseph GAILER [GAYLORD] and Mary UPTON, daughter to John LEE, joined with us, June 9, 1689.
- Joseph NORTH entered full communion with us, May 15, 1690.
- The same day, May 25, 1690, were joined to us:--
- Samuel SMITH and his wife.
- Samuel COILES and his wife.
- The wife of John ORTON.
- The wife of Ephraim SMITH
- The wife of Thomas HANCOX
- The wife of Samuel HOOKER
- Susannah HOOKER, the relict of William HOOKER, and Joseph BARNES, Thomas JUDD, Jun., of Waterbury, joined with us in full communion July 20, 1690.
- Joseph SMITH joined to us, August 3, 1690
- Margaret HART, relict of Deacon HART, and Hannah WADSWORTH, the wife of Samuel WADSWORTH joined with us March 17 1690/91
- Benjamin BARNES and Thomas JUDD, son of William JUDD, both resident at Waterbury, joined with us, March 22, 1690/91.
- Samuel WADSWORTH, Sarah ROOT, the wife of Stephen ROOT, and Sarah, the wife of William HIGGISON, joined with the Church here, May 10, 1691.
- Samuel WOODRUFF and Thomas NORTH joined to us August 3, 1691.
- Elizabeth LEWIS, the wife of Samuel LEWIS, joined to the Church here, September 27, 1691
- Thomas BIRD and Mary his wife, joined with us, December 6, 1691.
- Abigail PORTER, the wife of Thomas PORTER, son of Robert PORTER, Elizabeth HART, the wife of Thomas HART, and Sarah HART, the wife of Stephen HART joined to the Church here, February 2, 1692/92.
- Thomas BARNES joined to the Church here, March 13, 1691/92.
- Thomas STANDLEY and his wife Anna, Joseph ROOT and his wife Elizabeth and the wife of James LEWIS joined to us April 17, 1692.
- Daniel ANDREWS, senior, and John NORTON, Jun. joined to us in fellowship with the Church here, May 24, 1692.
- Mary ROOT, the wife of John ROOT, daughter to John WOODRUFF, joined to the Church here, October 30, 1692.
- Elizabeth THOMPSON, the wife of Thomas THOMPSON, joined to us, December 7, 1692..
- Joseph WOODFORD, John COLE, and Mary WOODRUFF, daughter of Matthew WOODRUFF, joined to us, March 14, 1692/93..
- John CASE, of Simsbury, and Thomas NEWELL, of Farmington, joined July 4, 1693..
- Dorathy MOORE, the wife of Deacon MOORE, joined to the Church here, March 25, 1695/96..
- Isaac COALES and his wife joined to us August, 11, 1696..
- The wife of Caleb ROOT, joined to us March 30, 1696/97..
- John WADSWORTH and his wife, Elizabeth. -- the wife of John HOOKER, and the wife of Joseph LANGLON were added to us May 30, 1697.
An account of Children Baptized in the Church at Farmington
- Joseph LEWIS, son of Capt. Wm. LEWIS, baptized March 14, 1679/89. Born a few days before..
- Elizabeth COALES, daughter of Samuel COALES, baptized March 21, 1679/80..
- Obediah RICHARDS, his children baptized March 21, 1679/80. viz:
- John, 12 years of age.
- Hannah, aged 8 years, November 1679.
- Mary, aged 10 years, January 1679.
- Esther, aged 6 years, June 1679.
- Elizabeth, 4 years old, July, 1679.
- Sarah, 3 years old, April, 1680.
- Obadiah, born October 1, 1679
- Elizabeth STEELE, daughter of John STEELE, baptized March 28, 1677/78. Born a few days before.
- Thomas HART, son of Ensign Thomas HART, baptized April 4, 1680. Born a few days before.
- Hannah CLARK, daughter of ____ CLARK, baptized April 1, 1680. Born a few days before.
- James THOMPSON, son of John THOMPSON, born May 30, 1680. Baptized the same day.
- Elizabeth GAYLORD, baptized November 21, 1680. Asa Arthur THOMPSON, son of Thomas TOMPSON, born October 17, 1680. bsa.
- Mindwell BIRD, child of Joseph BIRD, baptized February 27, 1680/81.
- Mary JUDD, daughter of John JUDD, baptized March 6, 1680/81.
- Philip JUDD, son of Philip JUDD, baptized March 13, 1680/81.
- Lydia WARNER, daughter of John WARNER, baptized March 13, 1680/81.
- Dorathy COLE, daughter of John COLE, baptized 3 July 1681. Born two or three days before.
- John GRIDLEY, son of Samuel GRIDLEY, January 29, 1681.
- Mehitable BIRD, daughter of James BIRD, March 12, 1681/82.
- John HART, son of Ensign Thomas HART, baptized April 23, 1682.
- Margaret WOODRUFF, daughter of John WOODRUFF, baptized April 23, 1682.
- Jonathan BULL, son of Thomas BULL, baptized May 14, 1682.
- Benjamin JUDD, son of William JUDD, baptized at the same time, viz: May 14, 1682.
- Deborah ORVIS, daughter to Samuel ORVIS, baptized May 14, 1682. Born April 17, 1681 or thereabouts.
- Thomas NEWELL, son of Thomas NEWELL, Jun. baptized May 14, 1682.
- John STANDLEY, son of Johnn STANDLEY, of Matatuck, baptized May 25, 1682.
- Caleb COALES, baptized June 25, 1682. Born about five days before.
- Daniel LEWIS, son of Capt. LEWIS, baptized July 16, 1682.
- Martha ANDREWS, daughter of Daniel ANDREWS, baptized July 23, 1682.
- Mary THOMPSON, daughter of John THOMPSON, baptized October 1, 1681.
- Philoleatheros THOMPSON, son of Thomas THOMPSON, baptized November 12, 1682.
- Elizabeth HICKCOCK, daughter to Samuel HICKCOCK, baptized November 12, 1682.
- Susanna WOODFORD, daughter to Joseph WOODFORD, baptized December 3, 1682.
- Hezekiah WADSWORTH, son of mr. John WADSWORTH, baptized December 24, 1682.
- Mercy SEYMOUR, daughter of Richard SEYMOUR, baptized January 14, 1682. On the same day that his child was born, the father, viz: Richard SEYMOUR, went early into the woods to look for horses, 5, 6 or 7 miles off; found and followed one homeward:-- but like to have perished ere he reached home.

Records of Farmington in Connecticut
Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford;
Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.;
New England Historical & Genealogical Register
Volume 12, April 1858, p 147 - 150 [continued from p. 38]

Thomas WARNER, son of John WARNER of [Mattabuck] baptized May 6, 1683.
Rachel RICHARDS, daughter of Obadiah RICHARDS, baptized May 6, 1683.
Martha ORVIS, daughter of Samuel ORVIS, baptized May 6, 1683.
Thomas JUDD, son of Philip JUDD, baptized 27 May 1683
Thomas GRIDLEY, son of Thomas GRIDLEY, baptized June 17, 1683
Simon NEWELL, son of Thomas NEWELL, baptized Jun 24, 1683
Nathaniel JUDD, son of Benjamin JUDD, baptized July 22, 1683
William PORTER, son of Thomas PORTER, of Robert PORTER, baptized Oct 28, 1683.
Sarah STEELE, daughter of John STEELE, baptized November 25, 1683
Sarah ANDREWS, daughter of Abraham ANDREWS, by his wife Sarah, daughter to Robert PORTER, baptized March 9, 1683/84
Abigail WOODRUFF, daughter of John WOODRUFF, March 30, 1683/84
John NORTON, son of John NORTON, baptized April 6, 1684
Mary WARNER, daughter of Thomas WARNER of Mattabuck, baptized May 18, 1684
Thomas STANDLEY, son of John STANDLEY of Mattabuck, baptized May 25, 1684
Joanna RICHARDSON, daughter of Thomas RICHARDSON of Mattabuck, baptized there, April 8, 1684
Isaac BRUNSON, son of Isaac BRUNSON of Mattabuck; John BRUNSPN, son of Isaac BRUNSON, Samuel BRUNSON, Joseph BRUNSPN, and Mary BRUNSON, all children of Isaac BRUNSON of Mattabuck, baptized here June 29, 1684
John JUDD, son of John JUDD, baptized August 3, 1684
Joseph and Lydia SMITH, children of Joseph SMITH, baptized here, August 18, 1684
John GRIDLEY, son of Thomas GRIDLEY, baptized October 5, 1684
Hannah JUDD, daughter of Philip JUDD, baptized about October 19, 1684
Sarah BULL, daughter of Thomas BULL, baptized November 8, 1684
Hezekiah HART, son of Thomas HART, baptized November 23, 1684
John THOMPSON, son of Thomas THOMPSON, baptized December 14, 1684
Elizabeth BIRD, daughter of James BIRD, baptized November 23, 1684
Ebenezer THOMPSON, son of John THOMPSON, baptized December 21, 1684
Hannah ANDREWS, daughter of Daniel ANDREWS, baptized January 18, 1684
Ebenezer SEYMOUR baptized February 1, 1684
Joseph GRIDLEY, son of Samuel GRIDLEY, baptized March 8, 1684/85
Lydia COLE, daughter of John COLE, baptized March 22, Anno: 1684/85
Stephen HICHCOCK, son of Samuel HITCHCOCK, of Mattabuck, baptized April 12, 1685
Jobannah SMITH, son of Joseph SMITH, baptized April 12, 1685
Hannah and Mary ANDREWS, twins, daughters of Thomas ANDREWS of Milford, son-in-law to Robert PORTER, baptized here, by virtue of communion of Churches, May 31, 1685
Thomas RICHARDS, son of Obadiah RICHARDS, baptized August 9, 1685
Samuel ORVIS, son of Samuel ORVIS, baptized October 25, 1685
Abigail WOODFORD, daughter of Joseph WOODFORD, baptized December 27, 1685
Esther JUDD, daughter of Benjamin JUDD, baptized February 14, 1685
John STEELE, son of John STEELE, baptized March 7, 1685/86
Samuel GRIDLEY, son of Thomas GRIDLEY, baptized March 21, 1685/86
Thomas BRUNSON, son of Isaac BRUNSON, baptized April 11, 1686
John JUDD, son of John JUDD, baptized June 20, 1686
Sarah STANDLEY, daughter of John STANDLEY, baptized July 4, 1686
John PORTER, son of Thomas PORTER, son of Robert PORTER, baptized July 18, 1686
Abigail GAYLORD, daughter of Joseph GAYLORD of Waterbury, baptized November 7, 1686
John HART, son of John HART, baptized November 27, 1686
Isaac HART, son of John HART, baptized November 27,1686
John LEE, son of John LEE, baptized Nobember 27, 1686
Jonathan LEE, son of John LEE, baptized November 27, 1686
Isaac LEWIS, Ruth LEWIS, and Sarah LEWIS, children of William LEWIS, baptized November 28, 1686
Isaac BRUNSON, son of Jacob BRUNSON, baptized November 28, 1686
Josiah HART, son of Ensign Thomas HART, baptized December 6, 1686
Mary NORTON, daughter of John NORTON, baptized November 21, 1686
Paul ANDREWS, son of Daniel ANDREWS, _ about January 2, 1686
Mary ANDREWS, wife of Benjamin ANDREWS, and her two children Benjamin ANDREWS and John ANDREWS, baptized January 9, 1686
Nathaniel THOMPSON, son of John THOMPSON, baptized June 16, 1686
Mary SMITH, daughter of Joseph SMITH, baptized January 30, 1686
Margaret THOMPSON, daughter of Thomas THOMPSON, baptized February 20, 1686
Samuel WOODRUFF, son of Samuel WOODRUFF, baptized March 6, 1686/87
Stephen PORTER, son of Samuel PORTER, son of Thomas PORTER, April 10, 1687
Jonathan SEYMOUR, son of Richard SEYMOUR, baptized April 17, 1687
Susannah NEWELL, daughter of Thomas NEWELL, of Waterbury, baptized April 24, 1687
Esther GRIDLEY, son [sic] of Samuel GRIDLEY, baptized May 15, 1687
David BULL, son of Thomas BULL, baptized June 5, 1687
Samuel NEWELL, son of Samuel NEWELL, baptized June 19, 1687
William JUDD, son of Philip JUDD, baptized July 3, 1687
Abraham ANDREWS, son of Abraham ANDREWS, baptized July 17, 1687
Jacob BARNES, son of Joseph BARNES, born September 18, 1687. Baptized here immediately after
Sarah HART, daughter to John HART, baptized December 11, 1687
Mary GRIDLEY, daughter of Thomas GRIDLEY, baptized February 5, 1687
Margaret ORVIS, daughter of Samuel ORVIS, baptized April 7, 1687
Mary ORTON, daughter of John ORTON, baptized May 20, 1688
Hannah PORTER, daughter of Samuel PORTER, baptized June 17, 1688
Thomas WARNER, son of Thomas WARNER, baptized July 8, 1688
Mary ANDREWS, daughter of Benjamin Andrews, baptized August 25, 1688
Willaim LEWIS, son of William LEWIS, baptized September 23, 1688
Jonathan JUDD, son of Benjamin JUDD, baptized September 23, 1688
Hezekiah HOOKER, son of John HOOKER, baptized October 20, 1688
Jonathan WOODRUFF, son of Samuel WOODRUFF, baptized December 2, 1688
Anna THOMPSON, daughter of Thomas THOMPSON, baptized December 2, 1688
Hannah BRUNSON, daughter of Jacob BRONSON, baptized October 28, 1688
Sarah NORTON daughter of John NORTON, baptized April 1 1689
Ebenezer BRONSON, son of Isaac BRONSON, baptized April 8, 1689
Mercy HICCOK, child of Samuel HICCOCK, baptized April 8, 1689
Joseph WOODRUFF, son of Matthew WOODRUFF, baptized May 18, 1689, or thereabouts
Mary ANDREWS, son of [sic] Benjamin ANDREWS, son-in-law to Robert PORTER baptized May 18, 1689 or thereabouts
Joseph NEWELL, son of Thomas NEWELL, baptized June 2, 1689
Rachel STEELE, daughter of John STEELE, baptized June 2, 189
Mary PORTER, daughter of Thomas PORTER, of Robert, baptized June 2, 1689
Stephen ANDREWS, son of Daniel ANDREWS, -- Stephen UPSON and Mary UPSON,children of Stephen UPSON, == Benjamin and John BEVANS, children of Benjamin BEVANS, baptized here December 1, 1689
Mary ORTON, daughter of John ORTON, baptized February 16, 1689/90
Elizabeth SMITH, daughter of Joseph SMITH, baptized February 16, 1689/90
Abigail BARNES, daughter of Joseph BARNES, baptized February 23, 1689
Thomas NEWELL, son of Samuel NEWELL, baptized March 2, 1689/90
Benjamin JUDD, son of Philip JUDD, baptized May 4, 1690
Mary LEE, daughter of John LEE, baptized May 4, 1690
Elizabeth UPSON, daughter of Stephen UPSON, baptized May 11, 1690
Timothy STANDLEY, son of John STANDLY, baptized about May 11, 1690
Thomas COALES, son of Samuel COALES, baptized June 1, 1690
Rachel COALES, daughter of Samuel COALES, baptized June 1, 1690
William SMITH, son of Samuel SMITH, baptized June 1, 1690
Susanna HOOKER, daughter of William HOOKER, baptized June 8, 1690
Thomas BARNES, son of Benjamin BARNES, baptized June 8, 1690
Ebenezer CLARK, son of John CLARKE, and Sarah SMITH, daughter of Samuel SMITH, baptized August 10, 1690
Stephen ANDREWS, son of Benjamin ANDREWS, baptized September 28, 1690
Giles HOOKER, son of Samuel HOOKER, baptized October 12, 1690
Thomas JUDD, son of Thomas JUDD, and Sorah ORVIS daughter of Samuel ORVIS, baptized the same day 1.12. October 12, 1690
Jonathan GRIDLEY, son of Thomas GRIDLEY, baptized November 2, 1690
Matthew HART, son of John HART, baptized December 7, 1690
Ephraim SMITH, son of Ephraim SMITH, baptized December 20, 1690
Rebecca WOODRUFF, daughter of Samuel WOODRUFF, baptized February 8, 1690/91
Benjamin RICHARDS, son of Obadiah RICHARDS, and William JUDD, son of Thomas JUDD, both of Waterbury, were baptized here, April 5, 1691
James GRIDLEY, son of Samuel GRIDLEY, baptized May 3, 1691
Timothy, John and Mary ROOT, children of Stephen ROOT, baptized May 17, 1691
Margaret, Sarah and Elizabeth HIGGISON, children of William HIGGISON, baptized May 17, 1691
Abigail HOOKER, daughter of John HOOKER, baptized May 31, 1691
Ebenezer RICHARDSON, son of Thomas RICHARDSON, of Waterbury, baptized June 28, 1691
Samuel PORTER, son of Samuel PORTER, baptized September 20, 1691
Hannah LEWIS, daughter of Samuel LEWIS, baptized October 11, 1691
Mehitable SMITH, daughter of Jonathan SMITH, baptized October 11, 1691
Samuel THOMPSON, son of Thomas THOMPSON, baptized October 18, 1691
Mary BIRD, daughter of Thomas BIRD, baptized December 27, 1691
Mary HIGGISON, daughter of William HIGGISON, baptized January 10, 1691
Nathaniel PORTER, son of Thomas PORTER, baptized March 28, 1691/92
Hannah NORTON, daughter of John NORTON, baptized May 15, 1692
Mary HUFF, daughter of Jonathan HUFF, baptized May 15, 1692
Samuel COALES, son of Samuel COALES, baptized May 22, 1692
Samuel LEWIS, son of Samuel LEWIS, baptized May 29, 1692