The East Haven Register
In Three Parts
Compiled by Stephen Dodd,
Pastor of the Congregational Church in East Haven
Part III, Containing An Account of the Deaths
In the Families Named in the Second Part
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin ]

The present place of burial in East-Haven, was sequestered for that use in 1707. Previous to that time, some of the dead were buried on the west side of the Green; but they were generally carried to New-Haven. And previous to the year 1773, the catalogue is irregular and imperfect. It was collected, principally, from the records of East-Haven, New-Haven, and the monuments of the graves. From the year 1773, it is regular and generally accurate. (m = months, w = weeks, d = days)
1647 - -- ---, Thomas GREGSON, first white settler in E. Haven (na)
1650 - 9 Oct, Mary, child of of Deacon John CHEDSEY, 2 w
1651 - 2 Jan, Elizabeth, child of Matthew ROWE, 8 m.
6 Oct, Ephraim, twin child of Thomas MORRIS, 3 d.
1652- 3 Sep, Daniel, son of Matthew ROWE, 20 m.
1653 - 28 Jun, John, son of George PARDEE, 20 m.
1659 - -- ---, Edward HITCHCOCK, one of the Southend men (na)
-- ---, Joseph, son of Matthew ROWE, 1
1660 - 8 Sep, son of Henry LIDON (na)
1662 -
27 May, Matthew ROWE, the first of that family
13 Jun, Hannah, child of John PORTER, 6 m
-- ---, Wm. LUDDINGTON, the first of this name & family
2 Jan, Hannah, child of Matthew MOULTHROP, jr., 10 m
1663 -
2 Jan, James, son of James DENISON, 1
26 May, John, son of Thomas SMITH, 10 w.
10 Aug, John, son of John POTTER, 14 m.
31 Aug, John, son of John DAVENPORT, jun., 7 w.
1664 -
4 Dec, Anna, wife of John MORRIS, (na)
1667 -
4 Jun, Daniel, son of Deacon John CHEDSEY, 10
-- ---, John LINDON & Michael DELANO
-- ---, Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas PINION.
1668 -
16 Oct, John, son of James DENISON, 3
-- ---, Francis BROWNE, the first of that family.
21 Oct, John, son of Eliakim HITCHCOCK, 2 m.
-- ---, Rebecca, child of John COOPER, jun., 2
22 Dec, Matthew MOULTHROP, the father of this name
-- ---, Elizabeth, wife of John MORRIS.
1669 -
17 Aug, Joseph POTTER
16 Nov, Samuel, son of John POTTER, 1
-- ---, Matthias HITCHCOCK, one of the South-end men.
-- ---, A child of John MORRIS.
1670 -
-- ---, William HUNTER
21 Dec, Infant son of John POTTER.
1672 -
14 Jan, Thomas, son of Thomas SMITH, 5 m.
May, Jane, widow of Matthew MOULTHROP.
1673 -
27 Apr, Benj. LINGE, a first settler at Stony River
11 Jul, Eliphalet BALL, 23
21 Jul, Thomas MORRIS, father of the MORRIS family
1674 -
22 Apr, Rev. Nicholas STREET, father of the STREET family.
11 Dec, John THOMPSON, father of the East-Haven THOMPSONs.
1675 -
23 Jan, Mary, child of John AUSTIN
10 Feb, John, son of John AUSTIN, 7
15 Jun, Hannah, wife of John POTTER, in childbed, 36
28 Aug, Benjamin LIXON.
1676 -
4 Mar, Wm. ANDREWS, a purchaser of Southend.
Apr. Nicholas PINION
-- ---, Mary, wife of Thomas BARNES.
-- ---, Henry LUDDINGTON, a young man.
2 May, Rebecca, wife of Jonathan TUTTLE.
3 Jun, Thomas, son of William HOLT, 23
1677 -
-- ---, Elizabeth ROSE
14 Oct, Samuel, son of MAtthew MOULTHROP, 4 m.
1679 -
-- ---, Ralph RUSSEL, the father of the E. Haven RUSSELs
1681 -
-- ---, John Russel.
-- ---, Ann MEW, only child of Ellis MEW.
1683 -
4 Apr, Mary, wife of John AUSTIN - & her Infant.
27 Oct, Mary, child of John AUSTIN, 3
-- ---, John PARDEE, 30
1684 -
Edward VICKARS -- & Edmund TOOLEY
3 Aug, Edward, son of Ralph RUSSEL, 10
13 Aug, Mercy, wife of George PARDEE, jun.
30 Dec, Elizabeth, wife of William TUTTLE.
1687 -
Joseph, son of Joseph RUSSEL, 5 w.
1688 -
-- ---, Elizabeth, wife of Deacon John CHEDSEY
16 Jul, Elizabeth, daughter of do.
31 Dec, John CHEDSEY, Deacon of the first Church, N. H., & father of all the CHEDSEY family, 67
1689 -
21 Sep, Alling, son of Alling BALL
27 Oct, John, son of Joseph PARDEE, 7
23 Nov, John COOPER
-- ---, William ROBERTS
13 Dec, John, son of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, 2
1690 -
22 Feb, Dorothy, wife of Capt. Alling BALL
-- ---, John AUSTIN, the father of the East & New-Haven family.
-- ---, John ASBILL
-- ---, Joseph TUTTLE, 62
8 Apr, Eleanor, widow of John THOMPSON, 1st
Dec, Mercy MALLORY
1691 -
1 Feb, Matthew MOULTHROP, jun., 53
15 Feb, Thomas MALLORY, 30
1692 -
15 Jan, Anna, wife of Caleb CHEDSEY
1693 -
13 Feb, Serg't John THOMPSON, jun.
-- ---, John CHEDSEY, 42.
1699 -
4 Aug, Abigail, child of Thomas GOODSELL, 2
1700 -
-- ---, George PARDEE, the father of the East & North-Haven PARDEEs, 71
1701 -
19 Sep, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph PARDEE
1 Nov, Mary, child of Samuel RUSSEL, 3
1702 -
4 Jun, Jane, widow of Thomas GREGSON, above 80
17 Aug, A child of Samuel RUSSEL.
1703 -
25 Dec, Hannah, wife of Caleb CHEDSEY
1704 -
Feb, Ann, widow of Ellis MEW
May, Eliakim HITCHCOCK
5 Oct, Ralph, son of Samuel RUSSEL, 14 m.
1705 -
Jan, Lieut. Samuel HOTCHKISS
-- ---, Nathaniel BOYKIM
1707 -
19 Feb, James, child of Samuel HOTCHKISS, 8 d.
28 Jul, Elizabeth, child of Wm. LUDDINGTON, 8
22 Apr, Lydia, child of Daniel COLLINS, 2 m.
-- ---, Nathaniel HITCHCOCK
26 Nov, Samuel POTTER, 32
Dec, Serg't John POTTER, the father of the East-Haven POTTERs, 70
22 Dec, Joshua HOTCHKISS
1708 -
1 Jul, Mary, child of John MOULTHROP, 10
1709 -
27 Feb, Mary, wife of John HITCHCOCK
14 Mar, Abel, son of Joseph CHEDSEY, 7 d.
27 Mar, Sarah, child of Henry LUDDINGTON, 6
22 May, Sarah, wife of John DAWSON, 21.
1710 -
12 Jan, Hannah wife of John MORRIS
27 Feb, Mary, wife of Jahn HITCHCOCK
Jul, Capt. Alling BALL,Jun. 54
Oct 10, Simeon, Thomas PINION
15 Oct, Hannah, wife of Thomas TUTTLE
19 Oct, Thomas TUTTLE, 68
1711 -
May 11, James, son of Samuel HOTCKHISS, 68.
8 Jul, Abigail, daughter of Thomas SMITH, 28
20 Sep, Samuel HEMINWAY, the 1st, about 75
10 Dec, John MORRIS.
1712 -
-- ---, Joseph CHEDSEY, 57
-- ---, Thomas BARNES, jun., 59
-- ---, Jemima WOODING
-- ---, Joseph MORRIS, 56
17 Dec, Martha, wife of Rev. John DAVENPORT, Stamford.
25 Dec, Samuel THOMPSON, 36
28 Dec, Abigail, daughter of do, 8
-- ---, Sarah, wife of Eliakim HITCHCOCK.
1713 -
3 Jan, Elisabeth, wife of Isaac BRADLEY, 56
12 Jan, Isaac BRADLEY, father of the E. Haven BRADLEYs, 62
19 Jan, Widow Hannah HOTCHKISS, 41
30 Jan, Samuel MOULTHROP, 36
20 Feb, Deacon Caleb CHEDSEY, 52
14 Feb, Serg't John MOULTHROP, 46
12 Mar, Serg't John POTTER, jun., 46
22 Apr, David AUSTIN, 43
16 May, Thomas GOODSELL, 67
24 Oct, Lydia, child of Daniel COLLINS, 3
13 Dec, Elisabeth, child of John LUDDINGTON, 3
17 Dec, A child of Richard DARROW, 6 m.
1714 -
30 Jan, Hannah, 2d wife of Robert DAWSON, 49
23 May, Mary, wife of Thomas ALCOCK
14 Jul, Silence, of Joshua AUSTIN, 4 m.
1715 -
5 Feb, Abraham, child of Abraham HEMINWAY, 3 w.
12 Mar, daughter oflisha, child of Henry LUDDINGTON, 7 m.
-- ---, Elisabeth, widow of John POTTER, jun., 42
1716 -
28 Apr, Joseph, son of Matthew MOULTHROP, 17
28 Jun, Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, killed by the upsetting of a cart, 14
10 Jul, Isaac BRADLEY, jun.
23 Oct, Sarah, widow of Capt. Alling BALL, jun., 57
27 Oct, Daniel CHEDSEY, son of Caleb CHEDSEY, 21
24 Oct, Lydia, of Daniel COLLINS, 3
1717 -
16 Jan, Rev Samuel STREET, Wallingford, in the 43d year of his ministry, above 75.
19 Feb, James, son of Samuel HOTCHKISS, 7 w.
-- ---, Joanna JONES
20 Jul, Abigail, widow of John DAVENPORT, jun.
-- ---, Samuel THOMPSON, 41
1718 -
24 Apr, Sarah, wife of Lieut. Thomas SMITH
1719 -
8 May, James DENISON, 78
4 Jun, Hannah, wife of Isaac PENFIELD, 27
19 Dec, Edward GRANNIS
1720 -
-- ---, Daniel, child of Abraham CHEDSEY, 1
4 Apr, Hannah, child of Eliphalet PARDEE, 3
20 Oct, Sarah, wife of Rev. John WOODWARD, 33
1721 -
25 Apr, John THOMPSON, 3d, 54
1722 -
15 Aug, Isaac, child of Abraham HEMINWAY, 18 mos
1723 -
12 Mar, John POTTER, 3d, 28
3 Sep, Eliphalet PARDEE, 45
25 Oct, Mehitabel, wife of Thomas DAWSON
12 Nov, John PARDEE
22 Nov, George PARDEE, jun., 58
1724 -
13 Feb, Capt. John RUSSEL, 59
26 Jun, Samuel RUSSEL, 53
15 Nov, Stephen ROWE, 27
16 Nov, Capt. Thomas SMITH, the father of the SMITH family, about 90
1725 -
1 Jan, Amos, son of Daniel COLLINS, 20
18 Mar, Sarah, widow of Thomas GOODSELL, 62
-- ---, James MORRIS, abt 39
4 Dec, Eliphalet, son of Eliphalet PARDEE, 13
1726 -
25 Feb, Samuel, son of Samuel THOMPSON, 6
17 Apr, Thomas MORRIS, 44
18 Apr, Thomas SHEPARD, father of the SHEPARD family
-- ---, Priscilla, widow of Sergt. John THOMPSON, 80
26 Sep, Ebenezer CHEDSEY, 61
-- ---, James, son of do.
8 Oct, Samuel CHEDSEY, 28
-- ---, Thomas WAY
-- ---, John AUGER, 40
5 Dec, Nathaniel HITCHCOCK, 48
10 Dec, Anna, widow of Eleazar MORRIS
1727 -
27 Jan, William BRADLEY, 45
-- ---, Thomas SMITH, 3d, 30
-- ---, Henry LUDDINGTON, 48
-- ---, John MOULTHROP, 31
24 Dec, Elisabeth SMITH, widow of Thos. SMITH, 51
1728 -
1 Jan, Priscilla, widow of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, 57
24 Apr, Martha ALCOCK, 21
29 Jun, Joseph, son of Sergt. John THOMPSON, 18
1729 -
-- ---, Rebecca, widow of Nathaniel HITCHCOCK, 47
-- ---, Daniel, son of Abraham CHEDSEY, 1
1730 -
-- ---, James HITCHCOCK, 27
-- ---, Daniel, son of Abraham CHEDSEY, 6 m.
25 May, Anna, child of Abraham HEMINWAY, 7
1 Jul, Hannah, child of Abraham CHEDSEY
19 Jul, Hannah, widow of Rev. Samuel STREET
22 Nov, Sarah, wife of John BALL, 75
1731 -
1 Jan, John BALL, 82
5 Feb, Rev. John DAVENPORT, Stamford, 62
-- ---, James PARDEE, abt. 45
-- ---, John DENISON, 54
1732 -
28 Aug, John DAWSON, 55
8 Nov, John HOWE, 65
1734 -
3 Mar, Jacob, son of Eleazar MORRIS, 4
8 Mar, Mabel, wife of Abraham CHEDSEY (with twins), 39
3 Apr, Samuel, son of David AUSTIN, 2 m.
3 Nov, Sarah, wife of John MOULTHROP, jun., 36
1735 -
5 Mar, Mary, child of Abraham CHEDSEY, 8
-- ---, John LUDDINGTON, 41
Those that follow, died with the throat ail
1736 -
13 Oct, Abigail, child of James DENISON, 5
27 Oct, Andrew, child of Thomas ROBINSON, 3
9 Nov, Mary, child of Thomas DAWSON, 10
11 Nov, Dorothy, child of Gideon POTTER, 3
17 Nov, Hannah, child of Thomas ROBINSON, 5
-- ---, Hannah, child of John HITCHCOCK, 19
20 Nov, Ame, of Joseph TUTTLE, 10
27 Nov, Comfort, of do, 5
-- ---, Ichabod, of John SMITH, 2
-- ---, James, of do, 7
25 Dec, Lydia, of Samuel SMITH, Foxon, 10
-- ---, Desire, of Joseph GRANNIS, jun., 4
30 Dec, Samuel, of Samuel SMITH, Foxon, 10
-- ---, Thankful, of Isaac HOWE, 5
-- ---, David, of Benjamin MALLORY, 2
1737 -
8 Feb, Joseph, of Thomas DAWSON, 2
-- ---, Daniel, of Daniel LUDDINGTON, 9
9 Feb, Mary, of Thomas DAWSON, 4
-- ---, Hannah, of James WAY, 1
-- ---, Infant of Daniel BRADLEY.
25 Feb, Samuel, of Samuel THOMPSON, (Foxon), 5
-- ---, Joseph of Thomas ROBERTS, 9
12 Mar, Mercy, of Samuel THOMPSON, (Foxon), 8
-- ---, Mary, of do, 2
5 Jul, Mary, of Eleazar MORRIS, 11
Those who died with other diseases in 1736 & '7, are:
1736 -
11 Nov, Elisabeth, widow of Samuel GASKILL
1737 -
2 Feb, Enoch, of Dan MOULTHROP, 1
3 Feb, Sergt. John HEMINWAY, 61
-- ---, William LUDDINGTON, 51
10 Feb, Abigail, wife of Joseph HOLT, 49
-- ---, Child of Edward CANNODIS
3 Apr, Mary, wife of Abraham CHEDSEY, 30
-- ---, John BROWN
-- ---, Benjamin MOULTHROP, 30
1738 -
6 Mar, Lydia, wife of Rev. Jacob HEMINWAY, 57
28 May, James, of John SMITH, 8
11 Jul, Samuel RUSSEL, 43
21 Jul, Sarah, wife of Samuel RUSSEL, 42
-- ---, Joseph GRANNIS, jun., at sea, 35
-- ---, Samuel GOODSELL, 54
1739 -
-- ---, Rebecca, wife of Samuel BARNES
26 Feb, Rebecca, wife of David AUSTIN
-- ---, Samuel POTTER, 31
-- ---, John SMITH, 71
1740 -
12 May, Matthew MOULTHROP, 3d, 70
15 May, Timothy DAWSON, 24
17 May, Hannah, wife of Daniel LUDDINGTON
5 Sep, Mary, wife of Joseph TUTTLE
16 Oct, Samuel, of Samuel SMITH, Foxon, 4
22 Dec, Samuel HOTCHKISS, 57
1741 -
3 May, Abigail, wife of Thomas ALCOCK, 58
7 Jun, Levi, of Daniel HITCHCOCK, 2
21 Oct, Jerusha, of Gideon POTTER, 3 m.
1742 -
8 Apr, Stephen of Stephen AUSTIN, 7
The following died with fever & dysentery: -
15 May, Joseph, son of John HOWEL, 8
30 Aug, Hannah, child of John BECKET
20 Aug, Mehitabel, of John RUSSEL, 10
4 Sep, John, of John RUSSEL, 12
15 Sep, A child of John RUSSEL, 9 m.
9 Sep, A child of Daniel POTTER
-- ---, Eunice of Daniel POTTER, 11
12 Sep, Desire, of John HOWEL, 4
-- ---, Matthew, of Matthew MOULTHROP, 4
-- ---, Thankful, of Matthew MOULTHROP, 14
13 Sep, Sarah of Matthew MOULTHROP, 10
-- ---, Joanna MALLORY, 33
15 Sep, Hannah, wife of Daniel POTTER
-- ---, Lois, child of Daniel POTTER, 5
17 Sep, William, of Deodate DAVENPORT, 8
19 Sep, Mercy, of Benjamin MALLORY, 6
-- ---, Dorothy, wife of Benjamin MALLORY, 40
20 Sep, Hosea, of Daniel POTTER, 7
-- ---, Mary, of James WAY, 4
22 Sep, Timothy, of Israel MOULTHROP, 6
28 Sep, Anna, of Thomas ROBERTS, 3
-- ---, Titus, of John DAWSON, 20
29 Sep, Samuel, of Samuel HOLT, 2
1 Oct, Enos, of Samuel SMITH, Foxon, 10
5 Oct, Eunice of Thomas ROBERTS, 7
6 Oct, Abigail, of Jonathan AUSTIN, 4
9 Oct, Abigail, wife of Edward CANNODIS
-- ---, Samuel & another child of Patterson SMITH
10 Oct, Mary, of Thomas ROBERTS, 5
11 Oct, Mary, wife of John DAWSON, 52
12 Oct, Eleanor, wife of Samuel SMITH, Foxon, 41
18 Oct, Mary, child of John SHEPARD, 12
3 Nov, Sergt. John THOMPSON, 51
7 Nov, A child of Samuel SMITH
20 Nov, Abigail NEWMAN.
1743 -
21 Feb, Puderson, of David AUSTIN, 4 w.
31 Mar, Sarah LUDDINGTON, 29
30 May, Thomas LUDDINGTON, drowned, 25
10 Jun, Mercy, wife of Joseph HOLT, 44
-- ---, John LUDDINGTON, jun., 20
The names of those who died with dysentery:
20 Aug, Jesse DENISON, 25
21 Aug, Abigail, his wife, 24
24 Aug, Tim, of James INDIAN.
25 Aug, Thankful, of Gideon POTTER, 15
26 Aug, Samuel, of Samuel HEMINWAY, 4
27 Aug, Moses, of Moses THOMPSON, 17
1 Sep, Sarah, of Enos POTTER, 11
3 Sep, Abigail, widow of John MOULTHROP
-- ---, Nancy, servant of John HEMINWAY, 75
-- ---, Abigail, 2d wife of Nathaniel BARNES, 22
4 Sep, Joseph, of John HEMINWAY, 15 m.
6 Sep, Mercy, wife of Joseph TUTTLE, 46
7 Sep, Mary, widow of John HEMINWAY, 71
10 Sep, Sarah, of Hezekiah CAMP, 2
11 Sep, Mary, of Abraham CHEDSEY, 8
15 Sep, John, of John SHEPARD, 12
16 Sep, Jemima, of Daniel HITCHCOCK, 13
19 Sep, Josiah, of Jonathan GOODSELL, 18 m.
20 Sep, Matthew, of John ROWE, jun., 19 m.
22 Sep, Esther, of David WAY, 23
28 Sep, Mary, of John SHEPARD, 12
30 Sep, Joan, wife of James INDIAN
11 Oct, Mehitabel, of James RUSSEL, 11
18 Oct, Sibyl, of James DENISON, 13
19 Oct, Anna, wife of Capt. Samuel SMITH, 57
23 Nov, Mercy, widow of William LUDDINGTON, 75
1744 -
9 Jan, Mercy, widow of William LUDDINGTON, 75
18 Feb, Stephen, of Stephen AUSTIN, 9 m.
23 Jun, John HOWEL, 35
15 Oct, Josiah, of Jonathan GOODSELL, 9 m.
19 Nov, John MORRIS, 60
24 Dec, Desire, of Gideon POTTER, 9
1745 -
30 May, Serg't Samuel GOODSELL, 61
2 Jun, Sarah, wife of Matthew MOULTHROP, 4th, 38
19 Jul, Jacob, of Patterson SMITH, 4 m.
29 Jul, Abigial, of John WASHBURN, 7
3 Aug, Matthew of Matthew MOULTHROP, 3
15 Aug, Mary, widow of Matthew MOULTHROP, 3d, 68
26 Aug, Mary, of Isaac CHEDSEY, 10
-- ---, Two children of Thomas ROBINSON
1746 -
14 Feb, Rev. John WOODWARD, 74
1 Jul, Jared, of Zebulon BRADLEY, 2m
3 Sep, Elizabeth, wife of THomas WHEDON
2 Nov, Thomas GOODSELL, jun., A. M., 42
1747 -
20 Jan, Daniel POTTER, 46
1748 -
28 Apr, Matthew MOULTHROP
-- ---, Samuel HOLT -- at sea
1749 -
9 Jan, Sarah, relict of John THOMPSON, 54
7 Apr, Rachel, wife of Noah TUTTLE, 46
1 Sep, Sarah, of Enos POTTER, 11
9 Sep, Rosewell, of Deodate DAVENPORT, 7
1 Oct, Ebenezer, of Ebenezer DARROW, 7
1750 -
15 Jan, Lolly, of Benjamin PARDEE, jun.
-- ---, Eleazar MORRIS, 62
6 Aug, Hannah, of Stephen MORRIS, 6
17 Aug, Amos, of Stephen THOMPSON, 5
29 Dec, Matthew ROWE, 67
1751 -
22 Aug, Lois, of Daniel AUGER, 2
-- ---, Samuel, of Samuel HOTCHKISS, Northford, 5
29 Aug, Sarah, of Samuel HOTCHKISS, Northford
22 Sep, Thomas, of Samuel HOLT, 4
27 Sep, Elizabeth, 2d wife of Sam'l BARNES, 45
-- ---, Anna, of Daniel HOLT, 10
13 Oct, Thankful, of Gideon POTTER, 5
31 Oct, David, of Daniel HOLT
20 Nov, Samuel GOODSELL, killed at a saw-mill in Northford, by a log rolling upon him, 41
19 Dec, Elizabeth, wife of John POTTER, 3d, 78
1752 -
26 May, Levi, of David POTTER, 6 m.
11 Aug, Abraham HEMINWAY, killed by lightning, 75
-- ---, Benjamin SMITH, blind & insane
15 Aug, Eliphalet, of Ebenezer PARDEE, 1
1753 -
2 Jan, Sarah, wife of Jacob GOODSELL, 25
20 Jan, Hannah, wife of Thomas SHEPARD, jun., 17
-- ---, Infant of Thomas SHEPARD, jun.
1 Nov, Isaac, of Thomas SHEPARD, 15
7 Nov, John LUDDINGTON, 58
1754 -
21 May, Noah PARDEE, 33
10 Jun, Lois, child of Joshua AUSTIN
27 Aug, John, of Patterson SMITH, 10
25 Sep, Peter WOODWARD, 58
7 Oct, Rev. Jacob HEMINWAY, 70
22 Oct, Isaac PENFIELD, 70
26 Dec, Thomas SMITH, 4th, of small-pox, 35
30 Dec, William, of Deodate DAVENPORT, 10
1755 -
-- ---, Abigail, 2d wife of Deacon Thomas SMITH, 76
1756 -
17 Feb, Isaac, of Enos POTTER, 20
Mar, Dorcas, 3d wife of Samuel BARNES
10 Jun, Jemima, wife of Stephen SMITH, 27
11 Jun, Daniel HOLT, 45
Jul, William, of Jonathan ROBERTS, 2
8 Sep, Samuel THOMPSON, 46
27 Sep, John, son of Amos MORRIS, 3
-- ---, Mercy, 2d wife of Caleb HITCHCOCK, & formerly widow of Samuel HOLT, 46
1757 -
2 Apr, Thomas ALCOCK, 80
20 Apr, Capt. Samuel FORBES, 54
1758 -
23 Mar, Samuel BRADLEY, 72
7 May, Mary, wife of Nathaniel LUDDINGTON, 62
18 Jun, Lydia, wife of Capt. Deodate DAVENPORT, 52
30 Dec, Gideon POTTER
1759 -
12 Jan, Thomas DAWSON, 72
29 Jan, Dan MOULTHROP, of consumption, 56
1760 -
13 Jan, Capt. Zebulon BRADLEY, N. York, small-pox, 46
12 Feb, Lydia, widow of Dan MOULTHROP, meazles, 43
29 Mar, Deacon Joshua AUSTIN, 86
May, Abel, son of Abel SMITH, 18
25 Jul, Elizabeth, child of Amos MORRIS, 3
6 Sep, Elizab., daughter of Rev. John WOODWARD, 50
6 Dec, Rebecca, wife of Matthew ROWE, 76
8 Dec, Mary, widow of Samuel GOODSELL, above 70
-- ---, Mehitabel, widow of Deac. Joshua AUSTIN
22 Dec, Lydia, wife of Abel SMITH, 45
1761 -
1 Jan, Caleb CHEDSEY, 3d, 23
-- ---, Deacon Daniel HITCHCOCK, 52
-- ---, Sarah, wife of John SHEPARD, 49
-- ---, Abigail, wife of Caleb CHEDSEY, jun, 62
10 Jan, Elizabeth, wife of Azariah BRADLEY, cons., 21
16 Jan, Joseph TUTTLE, 68
22 Jan, Samuel, son of Isaac CHEDSEY, 7
23 Jan, Abigail, widow of Deac. Daniel HITCHCOCK, 53
27 Jan, Isaac PARDEE, 37
Jan, Abraham CHEDSEY, 60
-- ---, Bathseba, his wife, 53
3 Feb, Thankful, of Gideon POTTER, 8
17 Feb, Moses THOMPSON, 63
-- ---, William WOODWARD, 43
-- ---, Lydia, widow of Russel GRANNIS
[This winter, there was a great mortality among heads of families, som of which are above named. The disease is said to have been a very malignanat pleurisy. Of those who had it, very few survived, and some of the sick died in a few hours.]
24 Feb, Benjamin BARNES, 68
1 Jun, Eliphalet LUDDINGTON, 63
-- ---, John PARDEE, of North-Haven, 77
5 Jul, William, son of Stephen MORRIS, 2
3 Dec, Deacon Deodate DAVENPORT, Esq, 55
1762 -
17 Apr, John HEMINWAY, 45
21 Jul, Capt. Samuel BARNES, 63
3 Sep, Amasa, of Samuel TUTTLE, 5 d.
-- ---, Deacon Thomas SMITH, about 90
1763 -
8 May, Mary, wife of John RUSSEL, 66
10 Jun, Lois, child of Joshua AUSTIN, 4
6 Jul, a daughter of Abraham BRADLEY, 6 w.
7 Aug, Infant of Samuel TUTTLE, 1 d.
-- ---, George PARDEE, the 3d
1764 -
March, Ziba ROBINSON
29 Aug, Abigail, wife of Joshua AUSTIN, 31
23 Oct, Sarah, 2d wife of Capt. Stephen SMITH, 28
19 Nov, Sarah, wife of Dan BRADLEY, 34
1765 -
6 Jan, Capt. Samuel SMITH, 84
27 Jan, Desire, wife of Rev. Nicholas STREET, 20
7 May, Jared, son of Abraham BRADLEY, 4 m.
15 Jul, Mercy, wife of Samuel DAVENPORT
26 Jul, Enoch, son of Jacob HITCHCOCK
30 Dec, Desire, widow of Moses THOMPSON, 58
1766 -
9 Jun, Thomas ROBINSON
7 Jul, Mary, child of Joel TUTTLE, 3
12 Jul, Stephen, of Joseph BISHOP, 3
15 Dec, Abigail, wife of Timothy WAY, 23
1767 -
8 Jan, Elizabeth, widow of Isaac PENFIELD, & wife of Caleb CHEDSEY, jun., 62
18 Jan, Rebecca, wife of Abel COLLINS, 65
4 Feb, Lieut. Isaac BLAKESLEY, 63
19 Mar, Gideon POTTER, 41
28 May, Samuel, son of Samuel THOMPSON, 24
9 Aug, Lydia, of Samuel SMITH (Foxon), 22
5 Sep, Mary, wife of do, 63
9 Sep, Gideon, of Gideon POTTER, 3
1768 -
25 Jan, Jesse, of Eliphalet PARDEE, North-Haven, 10
7 Jul, Levi, son of Samuel GOODSEL, jun., 23
21 Sep, Eleazar BROWN, 72
1769 -
5 Mar, Abigail, child of Jacob HITCHCOCK,
4 Mar, Jacob, child of do
18 Apr, Penfield GOODSEL, 27
3 May, Moses Augustine, son of Rev. N. STREET, 14 w.
14 Sep, Joseph BISHOP, 64
1770 -
21 Mar, Widow Mary PARDEE, N. Branford
31 Aug, Anna, child of Timothy TUTTLE, 16
-- ---, Abigail, wife of Nathaniel JOCELIN, 70
-- ---, Samuel SMITH, (Foxon), above 70
3 Oct, Bethiah Miles, child of Samuel TUTTLE, 7
2 Nov, Mary, wife of William LUDDINGTON, colic, 60
1771 -
10 Apr, Samuel, child of John CHEDSEY, 10
16 Jun, Deborah, widow of Samuel CHEDSEY, 77
29 Sep, Enos PARDEE, Northford, 81
1772 -
5 Apr, Bethiah, child of Samuel TUTTLE, 14 d.
2 May, Dorcas, child of Timothy WAY, 2
9 Sep, Elizabeth, child of Samuel BARNES, 17 m.
The number of deaths in the preceding catalogue, is 507

In the following catalogue, no names are mentioned, but those that belonged within the town of East-Haven... A part of the following catalogue was recorded by Rev. Mr. STREET; and he generally dated on the day of burial. This error in date, I have in some instances corrected.
9 Jan, Huldah, wife of Rosewell WOODWARD, consump., 60
21 Jan, Elizabeth, child of Benjamin BISHOP, 2
26 Jan, Mary, wife of Samuel SMITH (Foxon), childbed, 28
7 Feb, Patterson SMITH, fit, 63
17 Feb, Hezekiah, son of Ichabod BARNES, croup, 5
24 Feb, John, son of John FULLER, canker rash, 4
28 Feb, John, of David MOULTHROP, croup, 3
8 Mar, Sarah, 6, & Lois, 4, of John FULLER, canker rash, buried together.
12 Mar, Abraham, of Jacob PARDEE, 1
-- ---, Chloe, a black child of Sam'l THOMPSON, c. rash, 4
29 Mar, Abel COLLINS, fit, 67
21 Apr, Edward RUSSEL, pleurisy, 75
6 May, Thomas, of Thomas ALLEN, 2
18 Jun, Samuel Amma, of Samuel TUTTLE, croup, 6
30 Jun, Mehitabel, wife of Daniel BRADLEY, dysentery, 71
2 Jul, Sarah, wife of James DENISON, dys, 47
7 Jul, Sibyl, child of Jacob BRADLEY, dys, 15
10 Jul, Dorothy, 10, & James, 5, of James DENISON, dys, buried together
-- ---, Mary, of Stephen BRADLEY, dys, 10
30 Jul, Thankful, wife of Joseph MALLORY, dys, 43
15 Aug, Infant of John GOODSELL, 2 d.
21 Aug, John, son of John BARNES, dys, 6
27 Aug, Lydia, of Abraham CHEDSEY, 1
10 Sep, Roswell WOODWARD, fit, 66
17 Sep, Sarah, wife of Caleb HITCHCOCK
23 Sep, Abigail, child of Josiah BRADLEY, 8 m.
27 Sep, A child of Stephen MOULTHROP, 6
4 Oct, Infant of Noah TUCKER, 1 d.
19 Nov, Jared, of Elisha ANDREWS, dys, 3
2 Dec, Edward VEAL, 80
25 Dec, Cajoe, servant of Amos MORRIS, drowned, 45
30 Dec, John DELIVERANCE, died at sea, 30
1774 -
4 Jan, Thomas, of Ichabod BARNES, 4
11 Feb, Benjamin, son of James SMITH, 20
16 Feb, Child of Russel GRANNIS, 5
26 Feb, Elisabeth, of Samuel HOLT, cholera, 5 m.
2 Mar, Mary, widow of Rev. John WOODWARD, 82
12 Mar, Diana, wife of Richard DARROW, 84
16 Sep, Lois, of widow Lois MOULTHROP, dys, 4
-- ---, Charles O'NEAL, at sea, 29
27 Sep, James DENISON, lock jaw, 55
12 Oct, John, of Azariah BRADLEY, c. rash, 6 m.
18 Oct, Lieut John RUSSEL, consump., 80
-- ---, Desire, daughter of Timothy THOMPSON, dys., 18
22 Oct, Martha SLAUGHTER, dys., 48
25 Oct, Lucretia, child of William BRADLEY, dys., 8
7 Nov, Desire, wife of Benjamin SMITH, dys., 51
10 Nov, Huldah, of Levi PARDEE, dys., 1
12 Nov, Mehitabel, of Benjamin PARDEE, dys., 12
1775 -
1 Jan, David Penn GAYLORD, 77
5 Feb, Tureman, of Joseph RUSSEL, c. rash, 8 m.
17 Mar, A child of David MALLORY, c. rash, 1
19 Mar, Richard DARROW, 94
30 Apr, Jacob GOODSELL, burnt in a fish house, 52
1 May, Job SMITH, consump., 58
4 May, Infant of Thomas ALLEN, 2 d.
9 May, Timothy, of Elisha ANDREWS, cholera, 2
12 Jul, David, of Joseph BISHOP, by lightning, 17
10 Aug, Amos, of Dan GOODSELL, gravel, 24
28 Oct, Stephen MORRIS, dropsy, 60
7 Nov, Hannah HOWE, consump., 28
11 Nov, Child of William BRADLEY, 18 m.
3 Dec, Child of Stephen PARDEE, 18 m.
-- ---, Lyman, of Abel SMITH, 5
1776 -
26 Apr, Edward RUSSEL, jun., pleurisy, 47
27 Apr, Joseph HOTCHKISS, consump., 50
15 Aug, James, of Job SMITH, consump., 15
Sep, Elijah, of Job SMITH, in battle on Long Island, 18
-- ---, Samuel SMITH (half-mile), dys, 37
-- ---, John, of Elam LUDDINGTON, c. rash, 15 m.
-- ---, Benjamin BISHOP, consump., 30
-- ---, Thomas SMITH, burnt in a fire ship, 34
16 Oct, Amasa, of Ambrose SMITH, fever, 7 m.
18 Oct, Child of Gershom SCOTT, 2
-- ---, Anna, of James BROTON, 4
12 Nov, Hannah, wife of Stephen THOMPSON, nerv. fev., 52
-- ---, Nathan ANDREWS, d. a prisoner in N. Y., 32
1777 -
6 Jan, Ame, wife of Jedediah ANDREWS, jun., & infant, in child-bed, 18
30 Mar, Caleb HITCHCOCK, 65
5 Apr, John MALLORY, 24
19 Apr, Timothy TUTTLE, jun., fever, 17
20 Apr, Street CHEDSEY, pleurisy, 20
24 Apr, Mary FORBES, 70
24 May, Infant of Joseph MALLORY, 3 w.
Jul, Black child of John WOODWARD, whooping cough, 1
17 Jul, Russel GRANNIS, consump., 50
1 Sep, Lydia, wife of Deac. Amos MORRIS, 50
25 Oct, Deac. Samuel HEMINWAY, Esq., dropsy, 65
12 Nov, Samuel, of Levi CHEDSEY, kicked by a horse, 3
1 Dec, James THOMPSON, pleurisy, 42
-- ---, Isaac POTTER, British Prison Ship, N. Y., 18
3 Dec, Abigail, of Samuel GOODSELL, c. rash, 2 m.
14 Dec, Eli HEMINWAY, drowned, 24
1778 -
17 Jan, Sarah, wife of Samuel BRADLEY, 83
6 Mar, Polly, of Samuel SMITH, jun., 2
19 Jul, Hannah, of Isaac MALLORY, 11 m.
20 Aug, Tony, nervous fever, 27
22 Oct, Capt. Timothy TUTTLE, 54
29 Oct, Amos, of Amos, MALLORY, 2 m.
17 Nov, Mary, wife of Samuel HOLT, 37
31 Dec, Daniel GRANGER, fever, 22
1779 -
12 Jan, Capt. Ezra FIELDS, consump., 48
17 Jan, Mayr, widow of John HEMINWAY, b. colic, 58
-- ---, May, Infant of Jared BISHOP
29 Jun, Mehitabel PARDEE, of Levi, croup, 5 m.
5 Jul, Isaac PARDEE, killed at the British invasion of East-Haven
21 Oct, Zebulon BRADLEY, killed in battle at sea, 26
The following four were taken at the same time, and perished in the prison ship the following winter. -
-- ---, Richard PAUL, 16
-- ---, Jacob PARDEE, Jun, 21
-- ---, Asa BRADLEY, small-pox, 33
-- ---, Abijah BRADLEY, 29
23 Oct, Isaac, of Capt. Isaac CHEDSEY, consump., 3
1780 -
12 Feb, John THOMPSON, died at sea, 26
25 Feb, Orphana, wife of Samuel COOK, consump, 24
18 Mar, Samuel, of Levi POTTER, c. rash, 10 m.
-- ---, Medad SLAUGHTER, prison ship, New York, 20
25 Oct, Timothy, of Levi FORBES, scalded, 2
25 Nov, Asher MOULTHROP, fever, 71
9 Dec, Rosewell BRADLEY, at sea, 25
13 Dec, Daniel BRADLEY, 84
1781 -
17 Jan, Azel, son of Abraham CHEDSEY, drowned, 12
15 Feb, Mary MALLORY, consump., 38
19 Mar, Giduo, servant of John WOODWARD, consump., 65
18 Apr, John, HOWE, at Fort Hale, 45
26 May, James, of John WOODWARD, c. rash, 10 m.
3 Jun, Daffe, child of Rose, fever, 3
8 Jun, John WALKER, in battle, Long Island, 16
18 Jun, Child of Rose, c. rash, 5
3 Jul, Stephen, of Joseph BISHOP, lock-jaw, 14
7 Jul, Sarah O'NEAL, nervous fever, 20
-- ---, Hannah, widow of Thomas DAWSON, 82
5 Aug, Louis, 2d wife of Capt. Amos MORRIS, consump., 48
25 Dec, Edward GOODSELL, consumption, 32
28 Dec, Hannah, wife of Matthew MOULTHROP, 74
1782 -
9 Jan, Lydia, widow of Caleb HITCHCOCK, 60
10 Jan, Isaac LUDDINGTON, consumption, 40
-- ---, Infant of Jesse LUDDINGTON, 2 d.
1 Feb, Mehitabel, widow of Samuel HEMINWAY, pleur., 68
16 Feb, Samuel BRADLEY, dropsy, 32
17 Mar, Anna, widow of Timothy TUTTLE, consumption, 50
-- ---, Caleb BRADLEY, 68
17 Apr, Mary, of Stephen BRADLEY, jun., fit, 15 d.
19 Apr, Daniel, of Daniel BROWN, whooping cough, 7
20 Apr, Widow Mabel UTTER, 75
2 May, Child of Cuffee, 10 m.
10 Jun, Catherine RUSSEL, 85
20 Jun, Enos BRADLEY, fall from mast-head, 20
4 Jul, Benjamin PARDEE, mortification, 69
11 Jul, Jared HEMINWAY, consumption, 33
18 Aug, Benoni PARDEE, king's evil, 25
27 Oct, Abigail, wife of Nathaniel BARNES, colic, 63
-- ---, Joseph, son of Daniel BRADLEY, W. India fever, 19
-- ---, Elihu MOULTHROP, W. India fever, 35
20 Dec, Child of Peter & Betty, 14 m.
1783 -
5 Mar, Desire, wife of Ephraim CHEDSEY, childbed, 27
9 Mar, Cate, servant of Deac. Stephen SMITH, 11
20 Mar, Asahel, infant of Abraham CHEDSEY, 7 d.
1 Apr, Levi, son of Samuel SMITH, 8 m.
2 Apr, Elisabeth, wife of Samuel SHEPARD, a rupture, 48
6 Apr, Mary ABBOT, 70
7 Apr, Peggy, servant of widow PARDEE, 30
8 Apr, Infant of Joseph SMITH, meazles, 4 w.
2 May, Samuel, of Levi CHEDSEY, 1 w.
12 May, Sarah, of Samuel BARNES, meazles, 9
1 Jun, Anna, wife of John CHEDSEY, leprosy, 55
22 Jul, Jeremiah, of Samuel BARNES, small-pox, 17
29 Aug, Daniel SMITH, gravel, 56
7 Sep, Emily, of Amos MALLORY, c. rash, 2
17 Sep, John CHEDSEY, bilious fever, 63
19 Sep, Isaac BRADLEY, nervous fever, 65
20 Sep, Dan, of Edmund BRADLEY, 2
20 Oct, William DAY, bilious fever, 40
21 Oct, Mary PARDEE, dropsy, 57
22 Nov, Polly, of Elihu GRANNIS, croup. 5
1784 -
7 Jan, Benjamin SMITH, cancer, 68
14 Jan, Jedediah ANDREWS, 3d day ague, 76
-- ---, Infant of Thomas SHEPARD, 1 d.
29 Mar, Mehitabel, of Joseph RUSSEL, consumption, 19
14 Mr, Isaac GRANNIS, jun, nervous fever, 27
21 Jun, Isaac, of Isaac BARNES, scalded, 18 m.
12 Jul, Susannah, a twin child of Gurdon BRADLEY, 2 w.
29 Sep, Elizabeth, widow of Jedediah ANDREWS, tertian ague, 60
1 Oct, Elam LUDDINGTON, cholera, 30
-- ---, Isaac HOTCHKISS, fever at sea, 30
20 Oct, Joseph SMITH, small-pox at sea, 36
4 Nov, Jemima PARDEE, pleurisy, 84
7 Nov, Jacob SMITH, hurt by lifting, 32
9 Dec, Infant of Jesse LUDDINGTON, 6 w.
1785 -
1 Jan, Infant of Sarah MOULTHROP, 1 d.
3 Feb, Child of Jehiel ARNOLD, 2 m.
6 May, Darius HICKOX, consumption, 26
14 May, David GRANNIS, drowned of Southend, 42
-- ---, David MALLORY, drowned off Southend, 36
22 May, Desire PARDEE, nervous fever, 23
10 Jul, Jared HEMINWAY, consumption, 36
30 Aug, Daniel CHEDSEY, small-pox, 17
-- ---, Nancy, of Enos HEMINWAY, c. rash, 4
23 Sep, James, of Nehemiah SMITH, by opium, 1
28 Sep, Elisabeth, wife of Joseph HEMINWAY, consumption, 34
27 Dec, Elisabeth, wife of George, fever, 22
1786 -
-- Jan, Patience, child of George KING, dys., 8
13 Jan, Samuel THOMPSON, peripneumony, 81
26 Jan, Rebecca, of George KING, dys, 2
27 Jan, Sarah, widow of Patterson SMITH, fit, 67
28 Feb, Elisabeth, of Levi POTTER, fits, 4 m.
1 Apr, Abigail, widow of Henry O'NEAL, 100
10 Mar, Joseph, of George LANCRAFT, worms, 9
27 Jun, Susannah, wife of Joshua AUSTIN, fever, 50
-- Aug, Infant of Jesse LUDDINGTON, 1 w.
28 Aug, Reuel, of Levi PARDEE, consumption, 10 m.
27 Sep, Elisabeth, wife of Daniel AUGER, pleurisy, 65
-- Nov, Mary, widow of John THOMPSON, 85
-- Dec, A twin child of Ira SMITH, 1 d.
-- ---, Huldah, of Asa MALLORY, worms, 2
-- ---, Israel, of Samuel MOULTHROP, worms, 7
-- ---, Thomas ALLEN, nervous fever, 40
20 Dec, Isaac MALLORY, small-pox, 55
1787 -
6 Jan, Benjamin FORD, shot by his own gun, 35
8 Jan, Jared, of John SHEPARD, 18
9 Jan, A twin child of Ira SMITH, 5 w.
17 Feb, Hannah, wife of Samuel HEMINWAY, consumption, 34
22 Apr, Noah PARDEE, yellow fever, 30
29 Jun, Thankful, wife of Robert DAWSON, consumption, 60
12 Jul, Susannah, dys, 15 d.
8 Sep, Justus, of Stephen BRADLEY, jun., dys., 4
24 Oct, Widow Mary HIGGINS, 76
15 Nov, Infant of Jesse LUDDINGTON, 4 d.
8 Dec, Elisabeth, widow of Eben'r ROBERTS, pleurisy, 60
1788 -
21 Jan, Mary, widow of Capt, Ezra FIELDS, consumption., 55
26 Jan, Moses PAGE, 84
22 Mar, Woodward Hervey, of John HUNT, worms, 2 m.
30 Mar, Stephen PARDEE, jun., small-pox, 63
4 May, Infant of Jared THOMPSON, 4 w.
7 May, Olive, wife of Joseph GRANNIS, small-pox, 56
9 Jul, A twin child of Edward BRADLEY, 4 w.
30 Abigail, wife, & her Infant, of Jacob MOULTHROP, consumption, 26
28 Aug, Jared, son of Asa MALLORY, cancer, 10
14 Sep, Esther, widow of Joseph HOTCHKISS, putrid fev., 59
+ Loring, of Job SMITH, 3
20 Sep, Uriel, son of Edmond BRADLEY, 2
+ Sarah, of John HUNT, kicked by a horse, 9
9 Oct, Daniel BROWN, hurt by lifting, 45
15 Oct, Israel MOULTHROP, 82
30 Oct, Gideon HOTCHKISS, diarrhea, 19
6 Dec, Gideon, of Asaph HOTCHKISS, 3 w.
+ Sarah CLARK, fever, 18
12 Dec, Caleb, of Jesse LUDDINGTON, cholera, 6
1789 -
11 Jan, John ROWE, dropsy, 74
18 Feb, Hannah LUDDINGTON, asthma, 68
17 Mar, Andrew, servant of Capt. Isaac CHEDSEY, dropsy, 28
27 Mar, James of John MORRIS, worms, 8
23 Apr, Jeremiah BRADLEY, killed in raising the Church house, 22
30 Jun, Joel TUTTLE, cramp, 71
25 Aug, Mary, of William BRADLEY, worms, 2
7 Sep, Hannah, widow of John ROWE, consumption, 71
24 Sep, Joseph, of Daniel BRADLEY, 3
7 Dec, Widow Lydia GRANNIS, a rupture, 60
15 Dec, Adah, of Edmond BRADLEY, 16 m.
23 Dec, Mary, wife of Isaac CHEDSEY, consumption, 77
1790 -
17 Feb, Esther, widow of Stephen MORRIS, palsy, 69
9 Mar, Eben Tyler, of Moses HEMINWAY, kicked by a horse, 4
21 Mar, Mehitabel, widow of Thomas GRANNIS, palsy, 77
5 Apr, Phillis, 90
+, Child of Dick, 3 m.
1 May, Samuel MOULTHROP, consumption, 60
+ Mary RUSSEL, consumption, 17
3 May, Mercy PARDEE, dropsy, 60
20 May, Lieut. Isaac SMITH, pleurisy, 50
17 Jul, Infant of Leavit PARDEE, 7 d.
27 Jul, James A. BROTON, fit, 73
27 Jul, China, scalded, 35
25 Aug, Tabitha, wife of Philemon AUGER, consumption, 33
3 Sep, Isaac, of Jared THOMPSON, worms, 3
19 Sep, Abraham, of Stephen TUTTLE, cons, 2
+ Russel, of Nathaniel GRANNIS, worms, 2
12 Dec, Abigail, widow of Eliphalet LUDDINGTON, 90
23 Dec, Mary, wife of Ambrose SMITH, childbed, 39
31 Dec, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel THOMPSON, palsy, 80
1791 -
9 Jan, Hannah, widow of Isaac BRADLEY, jaundice, 66
18 Feb, Sarah, of John HUNT, mortification, 4 m.
16 Apr, Reuel, of Chandler PARDEE, nervous fever, 4 m.
10 May, Lois, of Matthew ROWE, whooping cough, 10 w.
25 May, Thomas, Mr. STREET's servant, consumption, 57
+ John WOODWARD, jun., 79
25 Jun, Mary, wife of John HUGHES, consumption, 30
23 Jul, Wyllys, of Daniel AUSTIN, cholera, 9 m.
8 Sep, Lois, widow of Solomon MOULTHROP, consumption, 45
12 Sep, Mehitabel, widow of Isaac MALLORY, consumption, 57
13 Oct, Henry Freeman HUGHES, consumption, 68
24 Oct, Joseph RUSSEL, Jun., consumption, 19
1 Nov, Hezekiah, of Amos MORRIS, jun., cholera, 18 m.
7 Nov, Susannah ROBETTS, consumption, 34
17 Nov, Mary, widow of John WOODWARD, jun., fit, 76
26 Dec, Daniel, of Daniel HUGHES, consumption, 6 m.
1792 -
24 Mar, Huldah, child of Amos THOMPSON, cholera, 1
10 May, Abigail, wife of Dan GOODSELL, gravel, 65
14 May, Sarah, of Stephen THOMPSON, jun., worms, 2
16 Jun, Lois, wife of Nehemiah SMITH, consumption, 36
13 Aug, A child of Ebenezer HOLT, 1
6 Nov, James, of Nehemiah SMITH, 1
15 Nov, Electa LUCAS, consumption, 18
+ Nancy, of Amos BROTON, 13 w.
1793 -
3 Jan, Keziah, wife of Isaac GRANNIS, 79
2 Feb, Ichabod, of Ambrose SMITH, 3
+ Isaac SMITH, nervous fever, 30
11 Feb, Infant of Samuel GOODSELL, whooping cough, 6 w.
8 Mar, Comfort, wife of Deac. Stephen SMITH, dropsy, 66
18 Apr, Jehiel FORBES, consumption, 60
1 Jun, Anson, a twin child of Edmond BRADLEY, 2 w.
24 Aug, Anna, the other twin of do, 2 m.
15 Jul, Sarah, of John MORRIS, canker rash, 13
25 Jul, Timothy ANDREWS, palsy, 77
30 Jul, Hezekiah THOMPSON, consumption, 21
12 Aug, Capt. Isaac CHEDSEY, 84
18 Aug, Jeremiah, of Jonathan GOODSELL, cholera, 1
20 Aug, Joseph, a twin child of Joseph HEMINWAY, dys, 6
19 Oct, Mehitabel, wife of Jesse LUDDINGTON, consumption, 69
-- Nov, Joseph, of Joseph MOULTHROP, at sea, 18
14 Nov, Priscilla, widow of Daniel HOLBROOK, 86
23 Nov, Child of Cuffee, 2
-- Nov, Daniel TUTTLE, yellow fever, W. Indies, 25
+ Abraham EGGLESTON, do, do
23 Dec, Jeremiah WOODWARD, do, do
1794 -
6 Jan, Jenny, 70
22 Jan, Eleazar FORBES, 20
25 Jan, Reuel, of Joseph HEMINWAY, canker rash, 9
30 Jan, Infant of Jared GRANNIS, 3 d.
6 Feb, Lydia, widow of Matthew LUDDINGTON, 82
7 Feb., Abigail, servant of John WOODWARD, 78
21 Feb, Mary, of Moses HEMINWAY, canker rash, 15
2 Mar, Charles LANGDON, canker rash, 6
6 Mar, Mary ROBERTS, 77
7 Mar, Hannah, wife of Timothy WAY, jun., childbed, 22
22 Mar, Benjamin SMITH, nervous fever, 37
29 Mar, Infant of Capt. GRANNIS, 3 d.
14 Apr, Hannah, of David GREEN, canker rash, 3
19 Apr, James, of Amos BROTON, canker rash, 1
16 May, Twins of Edmond BRADLEY, 2 d.
20 May, Hannah, of John FULLER, 2 d.
21 May, Desire, of Abraham CHEDSEY, dysentery, 8
17 Jun, Mary, of Isaac BRADLEY, canker rash, 18 m.
30 Jul, Hannah, of do., do, 5
2 Aug, Lydia, of Freeman HUGHES, 78
21 Aug, Charlotte, of John CHEDSEY, canker rash, 18 m.
22 Aug, Abraham, of Simeon BRADLEY, pleurisy, 14
25 Aug, Hannah, wife of Joseph HOLT, yellow fever, 52
-- Sep, Levins, of Levi FORBES, died at sea, 18
31 Oct, Lydia PARDEE, consumption, 64
20 Nov, Smith, of Christopher TUTTLE, canker rash, 2
8 Dec, Betsey, of Amos BRADLEY, croup, 1
19 Dec, Samuel BARNES, died at sea, 32
1795 -
7 Jan, Mary, wife of Eleazar HEMINWAY, childbed, 21
16 Jan, Lydia RUSSEL, pleurisy, 68
20 Jul, Ambrose SMITH, lost at sea, 43
26 Jul, Anna, wife of John FORBES, childbed, 21
28 Jul, Richard WOODWARD, 80
29 Jul, Dan GOODSELL, 71
+ Twins of Jacob MOULTHROP, 2 d.
22 Aug, Thankful, wife of Stephen BRADLEY, a rupture, 72
31 Aug, Samuel TOWNSEND, consumption, 53
2 Sep, Jared BARNES, dysentery, 17
26 Sep, Roswell WOODWARD, dys, 20
30 Sep, Child of Dick, dys, 7
6 Oct, Child of Dick, dys, 3
7 Oct, Heminway, of Nathaniel BARNES, dys, 1
8 Oct, John, of John HUGHES, dys, 4
14 Oct, Jacob BRADLEY, dys, 61
20 Oct, Sarah, of John CHEDSEY, dys, 15
23 Oct, John, of John THOMPSON, dys, 12
24 Oct, Hannah, widow of Daniel SMITH, dys, 67
29 Oct, Desire, of Samuel SMITH, dys, 15
4 Nov, Thate, servant of Capt. WOODWARD, dys, 70
5 Nov, Hannah, of Ichabod BISHOP, dys, 18
+ Ransom, of Stephen THOMPSON, jun, dys, 9
8 Nov, David, of Widow MULFORD, dys, 3
12 Nov, Leavit, of Leavit PARDEE, dys, 8
15 Nov, Mehitabel, of Jared PARDEE, dys, 5
21 Nov, A child of Zebulon BRADLEY, dys, 2 m.
24 Nov, Levi FORBES, consumption, 56
7 Dec, Hannah BRADLEY, consumption, 36
15 Dec, Matthew MOULTHROP, 90
31 Dec, A child of Richard WILSON, worms, 8
1796 -
3 Jan, Abigail, wife of Joseph SHEPARD, childbed, 35
3 Mar, Harriet, of Isaac FORBES, 3 w.
13 Mar, A child of Cuffee, 2 m.
6 May, Elizabeth, wife of John RUSSEL, childbed, 22
+ Jared SMITH, died at sea, 24
+ Jesse BRADLEY, lost at sea, 30
+ John PARDEE, dysentery, 27
-- Jun, Twins of John TYLER, 1 & 2 w.
12 Jul, Rebecca, wife of Jared PARDEE, consumption, 40
25 Jul, A child of Richard WILSON, 2
22 Aug, Rachel, of Andrew DAVIDSON, dys. & wh. cough, 1
26 Aug, Eudocia, of Daniel BRADLEY, dys. & wh. cough, 5
25 Aug, James, of Amma BRADLEY, dys. & wh. cough, 17 m.
30 Aug, Julia, of Thomas P. COTTEREL, 3
9 Sep, Rebecca ROBERTS, pleurisy, 75
1 Sep, Justus, of Stephen BRADLEY, 2
11 Sep, Sarah, of Daniel BRADLEY, dysentery, 2
13 Sep, Jared, of Amos BRADLEY, 1
21 Sep, Caleb MOULTHROP, dysentery, 23
25 Oct, Thankful, wife of Jesse LUDDINGTON, consump., 37
22 Oct, Nancy, of Amos BROTON, dropsy, 10 w.
1797 -
26 Jan, Rebecca, widow of William BRADLEY, Pleurisy, 59
22 Feb, Stephen BRADLEY, diabetes, 73
28 Feb, John HEMINWAY, jaundice, 58
9 Mar, Esther, of Amos THOMPSON, croup, 1
14 Mar, Child of Isaac FORBES, jun, 3 w.
10 Apr, Jacob BARNES, nervous fever, 37
6 May, Titus, servant of widow Mary PARDEE, consumption, 18
23 May, Lydia, wife of Josiah MOULTHROP, childbed, 41
25 May, Hannah BROWN, consumption, 24
1 Jun, Elizabeth, wife of Deac. Stephen SMITH, pleur, 63
16 Jun, Anna, widow of Asher MOULTHROP, 84
17 Jun, John WOODWARD, consumption, 46
30 Jun, John, of Nehemiah SMITH, fits, 2
-- Aug, Penfield GOODSELL, lost at sea, 24
3 Nov, Abraham BARNES, quinsy, 20
30 Nov, Amos, of Samuel BARNES, fever, W. Indies, 18
1798 -
27 Feb, Capt. Samuel FORBES, consumption, 67
+ Amos SHEPARD, fever, W. Indies, 25
9 Mar, Infant of Timothy WAY, fits, 1 d.
5 Jun, Nathaniel BRADLEY, fever, W. Indies, 20
2 Sep, Elizabeth, of Matthew ROWE, cholera, 15 m.
10 Sep, A child of Nathaniel YALE, cholera, 3
8 Oct, Abraham O'NEAL, 82
-- Dec, Infant of John RUSSEL, 3 d.
+ Nathan ANDREWS, by a fall from a mast, 19
7 Dec, Anna, widow of Timothy ALLEN, 80
10 Dec, Nathaniel BARNES, 92
13 Dec, Caleb, of Capt Caleb SMITH, croup, 4
31 Dec, Rina, of Asaph HOTCHKISS, croup, 4
+ Margaret JACOBS, 80
1799 -
26 Jan, Robert DAWSON, 81
8 Feb, Jesse LUDDINGTON, dropsy, 77
14 Mar, Levi MALLORY, fits, 50
23 Mar, James, of John THOMPSON, dropsy in the head, 5
5 Jun, Jacob, of Thomas SHEPARD, dysentery, 7
21 Jul, Mary, widow of David MALLORY, consumption, 57
2 Sep, Wyllys, of Jesse MALLORY, drowned, 6
25 Sep, Penfield, of John GOODSELL, nervous fever, 21
2 Oct, Jedediah ANDREWS, consumption, 48
9 Oct, Huldah, of Caleb SMITH, 2d, croup, 10 m.
10 Nov, Mary PARDEE, dropsy, 82
29 Dec, Esther, wife of Stephen HEMINWAY, consumption, 27
1800 -
13 Mar, Infant of Edmond BRADLEY, one of triplets, 1 d.
30 Mar, The other two, buried together, 17 d.
26 May, Cuffee, dropsey, 71
9 Jun, Lydia, of Elisha ANDREWS, 24
10 Jun, A child of Titus SANTFORD, worms, 2
-- Aug, Eli FARREN, yellow fever, W. Indies, 21
-- Sep, The following four were all lost at sea, in a gale, with the vessel:
Capt. Joseph SHEPARD, 38
Roswell SHEPARD, 20
Abiud BARNES, 19
Abraham SHEPARD, 18
24 Dec, Joseph MOULTHROP, mortification, 47
26 Dec, Sarah, widow of Caleb CHEDSEY, bilous fever, 80
1801 -
17 Feb, Sarah, widow of Samuel TOWNSEND, fit, 64
2 Apr, Betsey, of Richard SPINKS, 7
6 Apr, Annis MALLORY, consumption, 22
12 Apr, Infant of Jared GRANNIS, 1 d.
11 Apr, Lydia, wife of Samuel HOLT, dropsy, 55
22 May, Isabel, wife of William, EVERTON, dropsy, 67
16 Jun, Stephen, of Matthew ROWE, drowned, 9
11 Aug, William, of Caleb SMITH, 2d, croup, 13 m.
25 Sep, Martha, wife of Moses HEMINWAY, bilious fev., 49
28 Sep, Betsey, of Moses THOMPSON, killed by a cart, 12
3 Oct, Catherine, widow of Benjamin ROBINSON, 80
30 Oct, Abraham, of Philemon AUGER, dysentery, 4
1802 -
18 Jan, Isaac SHEPARD, nervous fever, 25
9 Feb, Stephen THOMPSON, jun., consumption, 40
26 Feb, Nanne ----, perished in a snow-storm, 75
6 Apr, Mary of Isaac FORBES, jun, croup, 2
19 May, Mary, wife of Jacob PARDEE, dropsy, 68
-- Jun, A child of Job SMITH
-- Jul, Esther, of Timothy THOMPSON, meazles, 2
22 Jul, Simeon BRADLEY, insanity, 71
25 Jul, Samuel HEMINWAY 2d, fever, at Halifax, 24
5 Aug, Elizabeth, widow of Jacob BRADLEY, dysentery, 64
27 Sep, Maria BRADLEY
9 Oct, Hannah, wife of Rev. Nicholas STREET, bilious, 61
+ Jennet, of Hezekiah WOODWARD, cholera, 8 m.
23 Oct, Clarissa PARDEE, consumption, 16
+ Gideon SMITH, died at sea, 27
17 Dec, Amos Wilcox, a twin child of Bela FARNHAM, 3 w.
1803 -
25 Jan, Sarah SMITH, palpitation, 22
18 Feb, Daniel AUGER, fever, 88
20 Feb, John, of Nehemiah SMITH, cholera, 2
9 Mar, Elizabeth, widow of Zebulon BRADLEY, 87
14 Mar, Henry, of Asa LUDDINGTON, cholera, 1
23 Apr, Esther, wife of Timothy THOMPSON, 74
6 Jun, Jared, of Asa LUDDINGTON, drowned, 3
23 Jun, Samuel HOLT, jun., fits, 33
1 Jul, Lydia, wife of Charles WEDMORE, consumption, 34
9 Jul, Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, consumption, 62
18 Jul, James DAVIDSON, 22
4 Aug, Amos BROTON, small-pox, 31
+ A child of John FORBES, dysentery, 2
16 Aug, Amos MALLORY, consumption, 45
1 Sep, George, of Abijah PARDEE, dys, 8
15 Oct, Holbrook EVERTON, dys, 22
17 Oct, Desire, of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, putrid fever, 24
+ Nehemiah SMITH, lost at sea
+ Roger SMITH, do, 20
+ David GRANNIS, do, 20
5 Nov, A child of Edmond BRADLEY, dysentery
+ Betsey, of Samuel FORBES, dys, 2
+ Elvira, of Samuel GOODSELL, dys, 7
11 Dec, Rachel SMITH, consumption, 42
21 Dec, Mary, wife of Deacon Samuel DAVENPORT, fit, 66
22 Dec, Lucy, widow of Russell GRANNIS, jun, 71
26 Dec, Isaac GRANNIS, fit, 36
+ Loly, wife of Thomas BARNES, consumption, 27
1804 -
23 Jan, Pamela, wife of Levi FULLER, childbed, 25
+ A child of Levi COOPER, 1
15 May, Moses THOMPSON, dropsy, 40
3 Sep, A child of --- JENKINS, by a carriage, 1
19 Sep, A child of Samuel GRANNIS, rupture, 5 w.
26 Oct, Charles BISHOP, fit, 60
+ Orlando THOMPSON, yellow fever, W. Indies, 20
-- Nov, John CHEDSEY, jun., the same, 24
10 Nov, Lemuel BARNES, consumption, 22
7 Dec, Mary, wife of John HUGHES, consumption, 47
18 Dec, Mary BRITTON, fit, 29
1805 -
21 Jan, Daniel, of Samuel BRADLEY, consumption, 1
28 Jan, Catherin RUSSEL, consumption, 84
30 Jan, Infant of Timothy THOMPSON, 3 d.
1 Feb, Samuel SHEPARD, 75
24 Mar, Sarah Bradley, of Collins HUGHES, dropsy, 4
29 Mar, Sarah, of Widow PARKS, croup, 5
8 May, Matilda, of Jacob SCHESEY, canker rash, 3
3 Aug, Widow Hannah BARNES< 84
+ Anson, of Enos HEMINWAY, drowned, 18
11 Sep, Sarah Smith, of Christopher TUTTLE, cramp, 17 m.
29 Sep, Flora, servant of James CHEDSEY, dropsy, 15
16 Oct, Eliza Louisa, of Matthew ROWE, consumption, 2
26 Oct, Hannah, wife of John HEMINWAY, fever, 30
9 Nov, Samuel, of Isaac BROWN, croup, 3
10 Nov, Almira, of Isaac BROWN, croup, 10 m.
3 Dec, Zabulon FARREN, 86
10 Dec, John, of John HEMINWAY, fever, 4
12 Dec, Sarah, of Moses THOMPSON, dysentery, 10
16 Dec, Sarah, of Zebra EGGLESTON, 2
1806 -
7 Jan, Rebecca, widow of Joseph TUTTLE, 87
29 Jan, Infant of Henry WELTON, 1 d.
30 Jan, Anna, of Abijah PARDEE, fever, 8
7 May, Abijah DAVIDSON, yellow fever, W. Indies, 22
17 May, Sarah, widow of Anthony THOMPSON, 87
29 May, Abigail GRANNIS, consumption, 22
9 Jul, Ebenezer CHEDSEY, consumption, 69
7 Sep, Hannah, widow of Isaac FORBES, dropsey, 64
10 Sep, Samuel, of Isaac BROWN, cholera, 3 w.
8 Oct, Rev. Nicholas STREET, 76
1 Nov, Infant of Bethuel FLAGG, 1 d.
29 Nov, Charlotte, of Edward R. SMITH, cholera, 8 m.
20 Dec, Phineas CURTIS, pleurisy, 35
1807 -
12 Jan, Agnes, wife of Albergin DARROW, consumption, 30
30 Jan, Mary, widow of Elihu MOULTHROP, 61
19 Feb, Ruth, wife of John WOODWARD, dropsy, 66
27 Mar, John FULLER, consumption, 71
20 May, Hezekiah BRADLEY, yellow fever, W. Indies, 34
8 Jun, A child of Albergin DARROW, consumption, 1
+ Solomon, of William BRADLEY, dysentery, 14
13 Jun, Desire, widow of Zabulon FARREN, dyspepsia, 64
10 Aug, Jacob PARDEE, 80
14 Aug, Daniel TUTTLE, dysentery, 58
11 Aug, Maria, of Leveret BRADLEY, sore mouth, 6 w.
17 Sep, George LANDCRAFT, hurt by lifting, 83
29 Sep, Mary, widow of John MULFORD, consumption, 50
26 Nov, Timothy THOMPSON, 88
30 Nov, Sydney, of Jacob FARREN, burnt, 4
12 Dec, Infant of William WOODWARD, 7 d.
1808 -
13 Jan, Infant of Abraham FARREN, 2 d.
12 Feb, A child of Parson FORBES, 6 w.
13 Mar, Eunice, widow of Samuel BRITTON, 78
30 Mar, Mabel, wife of Justin BRADLEY, childbed, 21
12 Apr, Sarah, wife of William WOODWARD, consumption, 25
23 May, Isaac FORBES, consumption, 66
1 Aug, Infant of De Grasse MALTBY, 1 d.
3 Aug, Street, child of Widow Mary CURTIS, croup, 9
12 Oct, Jane, of Edward R. SMITH, lung fever, 3 w.
+ A child of Elizabeth MALLORY, consumption, 1
10 Nov, Stephen THOMPSON, 85
16 Dec, Sarah, wife of Capt. Isaac CHEDSEY, fit, 80
1809 -
16 Feb, Elizabeth PARDEE, consumption, 34
19 Mar, Edwin, of Amasa FORBES, consumption, 19 m.
27 Apr, Delina, of Elijah ROWE, cholers, 8
21 Jun, Abigail, wife of Joseph HEMINWAY, consumption, 56
8 Aug, Mary PARDEE, consumption, 20
12 Aug, Deborah CHEDSEY, consumption, 84
3 Sep, Infant of Isaac Holt PARDEE, 1 d.
27 Sep, Levi, of Levi POTTER, jun, cholera, 6 w.
28 Sep, Hiram of James HEMINWAY, suffocated by a bean, 4
27 Oct, Sarah, widow of Abraham O'NEAL, 85
27 Dec, Infant of Abraham FARREN, 4 d.
1810 -
11 Jan, Jennet, of Samuel BRADLEY, 2d, cholera, 2
20 Jan, Benjamin SMITH, lost at sea
+ Henry WELTON, lost at sea, 36
+ Harriet, of James BISHOP, scalded, 2
10 Mar, Frances, of Samuel FARREN, croup, 4
3 Apr, Timothy, of Rev. Saul CLARK, cholera, 3 m.
28 Apr, Abraham CHEDSEY, jun, consumption, 36
11 May, James HEMINWAY, typhus fever, 38
18 May, Abigail, widow of Simeon BRADLEY, liver complaint, 68
29 May, Laura, of John HEMINGWAY, typhus fever, 10
2 Jun, Charles THOMPSON, typhus fever, 28
21 Jun, Infant of Lyman HOTCHKISS
9 Jul, Deacon Samuel DAVENPORT, Esq., 70
5 Aug, Sylvester THOMPSON, 20
22 Aug, Michael HARRISON, typhus fever, 35
4 Sep, Daniel, of Aner BROWN, cholera, 4 w.
7 Oct, Sarah POTTER, consumption, 30
+ Capt. Heminway HOLT, lost in a gale at sea, 38
+ Jesse BRADLEY, lost at the same time, 17
+ Capt. Caleb SMITH, lost in a gale at sea, 57
+ Edwrad R. SMITH, at the same time, 27
+ John MOULTHROP, do, 34
+ Isaac GRANNIS, do, 20
21 Oct, Hannah, wife of Abraham FARREN, 40
2 Nov, John WOODWARD, diarrhea, 68
17 Nov, James CHEDSEY, peripneumony, 65
18 Nov, John SHEPARD, jun, typhus fever, 46
6 Dec, Desire Chedsey, of Caleb SMITH, 2d, croup, 4
1811 -
13 Feb, Huldah LUDDINGTON, fever, 19
18 Mar, Chauncey BARNES, drowned, 40
21 Mar, Nancy BRADLEY, consumption, 27
3 Apr, Sophia, wife of Parson FORBES, consumption, 28
4 Apr, John SHEPARD, consumption, 68
29 Apr, Ichabod BISHOP, consumption, 61
15 May, Willet BRADLEY, consumption, 27
17 May, Comfort, wife of Josiah BRADLEY, pasly, 68
9 Jun, Anna POTTER, consumption, 19
16 Jun, Frank DAVIS, typhus fever, 30
+ Hubbard, of Parson FORBES, conm 6 m.
26 Jun, Infant of Isaac FORBES, jun., 3 d.
20 Jul, Daniel of Isaac BROWN, cholera, 5 m.
27 Jul, Huldah, of Isaac FORBES, jun., 4
19 Aug, Horace, of John FORBES, consumption, 1
3 Sep, Kism, fit, 38
8 Sep, Daniel, of Heman MALLORY, cholera, 1 w.
15 Sep, Ruth BISHOP, burnt, 70
+ ASA LUDDINGTON, West-India fever, 41
+ Isaac KIMBERLY, West-India fever, 20
+ Isaac SMITH, lost at sea, 37
3 Dec, Henry of James BISHOP, croup, 10 m.
1812 -
1 Jan, Lois, widow of Jacob SMITH, consumption, 57
12 Jan, Infant of ---- TODD, 3 w.
7 Feb, Joseph GRANNIS, 77
17 Mar, Mary HUGHES, consumption, 22
28 Mar, Abraham CHEDSEY, apoplexy, 71
4 Apr, Azariah BRADLEY, palsy, 78
7 Apr, Huldah HUGHES, consumption, 19
24 May, Lydia, wife of Chandler PARDEE, dropsy, 55
3 Aug, Wyllys, of Amasa MALLORY, consumption, 5 m.
11 Sep, David EGGLESTON, 81
28 Sep, Jennet, child of Samuel BRADLEY, 2d, wh. cough, 5 w.
10 Oct, Olive, wife of John EGGLESTON, dys., 56
1813 -
23 Feb, Matthew ROWE, fever, 56
24 Feb, Richard, of Hezekiah WOODWARD, sore mouth, 3 w.
28 Mar, Nehemiah PERKINS, consumption, 24
15 Apr, Desire, wife of Stephen THOMPSON, putrid fev., 30
8 May, Elisabeth, wife of John SHEPARD, jun, putrid fever, 67
17 May, Amy, widow of John SHEPARD, 3d, putrid fever, 46
4 Jun, Huldah, of Willet FORBES, 3 d.
3 Jul, William VEERTON, 80
+ Infant of Amos BRADLEY, 1 d.
6 Jul, Sarah, wife of Isaac BROWN, childbed, 32
10 Jul, Orpha, wife of Solomon DEWY, fever, 32
2 Aug, Levi, of Levy POTTER, jun, cholera, 18 m.
15 Aug, Elisabeth Isaacs, of Rev. Elijah G. PLUMB, dys, 18 m.
23 Aug, Lydia, wife of Thomas SHEPARD, liver com., 67
26 Aug, Eben, of Asahel BRADLEY, 2d, dys, 8
2 Sep, Merit, of Abner BRADLEY, dys, 5
4 Sep, Desire CHEDSEY, dys, 70
5 Sep, Josiah HEMINWAY, dys, 12
7 Sep, Infant of --- HARRISON, 1 d.
8 Sep, Martha Elizabeth, of Hervey HEMINWAY, 2
10 Sep, Hannah, wife of Abner BRADLEY, dys, 31
14 Sep, James, of Amma BRADLEY, dys, 12
16 Sep, Eli MOULTHROP, dropsy, 61
22 Sep, Charles, of Samuel LINDSLEY, dys, 2
24 Sep, Stephen Augustus, of Stephen WOODWARD, dys, 5
27 Sep, Abraham, of James THOMPSON, 1
30 Sep, Jared, of Asahel BRADLEY, 2d, cholera, 9 m.
+ Jane, of Samuel LINDSLEY, dys, 6
1 Oct, Henrietta, of Stephen SHEPARD, jun, dys, 5
4 Oct, Esther, widow of Deacon Amos MORRIS, dys, 77
6 Oct, Mary, wife of Isaac BRADLEY, bilious fever, 60
14 Oct, Harriet, of Abner BRADLEY, diarrhea, 1
17 Oct, Jennet, of John LARKINS, diarrhea, 1
22 Oct, Benjamin, of Joseph BISHOP, dys, 7
6 Nov, Lois Marina, of Moses A. STREET, dys, 6
10 Nov, Abigail, wife of Christopher TUTTLE, consumption, 49
21 Nov, Deacon Levi PARDEE, diarrhea, 72
+ Infant of Jacob GOODSELL, 4 w.
30 Dec, Lydia Fields, of Isaac H. PARDEE, cholera, 11 m.
1814 -
14 Jan, Joseph HAWKINS, peripneumony, 52
29 Jan, Timothy WAY, dropsy, 69
6 Feb, Edward, of Tyler HEMINWAY, cholera, 3 m.
14 Feb, Wyllys, of Isaac MOULTHROP, consumption, 4 m.
16 Feb, Justin BRADLEY, consumption, 27
29 Jul, Reuben MOULTHROP, diarrhea, 51
30 Jul, Capt. Isaac CHEDSEY, dropsy, 83
11 Aug, Reuel BARNES, at Edenton, N. C., typhus fev,, 21
29 Aug, Levi POTTER, jun, consumption, 34
8 Sep, Frances, of Rev. Saul CLARK, meazles, 10 w.
16 Dec, Hezekiah THOMPSON, in the army, 21
31 Dec, Desire, wife of Samuel THOMPSON, 78
1815 -
10 Jan, Jesse DENISON, gravel, 69
11 Jan, James POTTER, consumption, 25
16 Feb, Sarah ANDREWS, consumption, 35
23 Mar, Lovisa, wife of Joel BRADLEY, head disease, 43
24 Mar, Anna, wife of Isaac FORBES, consumption, 41
7 Apr, Mehitabel, widow of Ichabod BISHOP, fit, 60
21 May, Hezekiah WOODWARD, fever, 52
4 Jun, A child of widow Mary POTTER, 1
24 Jun, Hannah, widow of Abraham CHEDSEY, liver affection, 69
-- Aug, Swayne MOULTHROP, consumption, 24
-- Sep, Anna Maria, of Daniel ROWE, whooping cough, 9 m.
26 Sep, Elizabeth EGGLESTON, dys, 70
29 Sep, Bradley, of Isaac PARDEE, a rupture, 8 m.
2 Oct, Frances Abigail, of Jocob GOODSELL, cholera, 10 m.
21 Oct, Amos MALLORY, dys, 11
+ Col. Asa BRAY, dys, 60
2 Nov, Mary, wife of Amos THOMPSON, typhus fever 62
3 Nov, Barney NELSON, of Daniel ROWE, dys, 8
22 Nov, William, of Willet HEMINWAY, dropsy, 2
11 Dec, Charlotte, wife of Amos MORRIS, jun, consumption, 32
15 Dec, Julia, of Townsend BARTLETT, dysentery, 14 m.
+ Hannah, wife of Asa MALLORY, consumption, 67
+ Silas BARNES, lost at sea, 26
+ Daniel WEDMORE, lost at sea, 23
+ Collins HUGHES, lost at sea, 17
1816 -
5 Jan, Moses HEMINWAY, gravel, 54
22 Jan, Deacon Stephen SMITH, 92
29 Jan, John GOODSELL, fever, 68
3 Feb, Amos Bronton, of Amasa MALLORY, peripneum. 3 m.
6 Mar, Lois, wife of Edward RUSSELL, pleurisy, 45
+ Eunice, wife of Benj'n MALLORY, perpneum, 65
10 Mar, Hannah, wife of Abraham BARNES, consumption, 68
19 Apr, Leuramah, wife of Jeremiah B. DAVIDSON, consumption, 24
-- May, John, of Collins HUGHES, 10
6 May, John CHEDSEY, peripneumony, 68
1817 -
14 Jan, Asahel CHEDSEY, consumption, 36
14 Jan, Sarah, wife of Daniel HUGHES, cancer, 60
-- Feb, Samuel THOMPSON, peripneumony, 80
4 May, Mary, widow of Levi POTTER, jun., consumption, 34
20 May, Samuel TUTTLE, 78
2 Jun, Mary, widow of Samuel THOMPSON, fit, 52
12 Aug, Infant of Roswell AUGER
24 Sep, Amos THOMPSON, typhus fever, 66
1 Oct, Widow Thankful LUDDINGTON, 90
2 Oct, Mary BRADLEY, consumption, 31
16 Dec, Mary, widow of Stephen THOMPSON, dropsy, 82
1818 -
7 Jan, Olive, wife of Justin LUDDINGTON, childbed, 20
4 Feb, Elisabeth, widow of Benjamin SMITH, jun, consumption, 31
13 Feb, Sarah BRADLEY, dropsy, 46
+ Jared GRANNIS, jun, lost at sea, 19
3 Mar, Anna, wife of Dan HOLT, asthma, 71
5 Mar, Stepner PRIMUS, consumption, 50
5 Apr, Amos, of Amasa MALLORY, lung fever, 7 w.
11 May, Mehitabel RUSSEL, dropsy, 73
15 May, Abraham BARNES, consumption, 71
30 Sep, Collins HUGHES, consumption, 53
1 Nov, Joseph TUTTLE, consumption, 29
18 Nov, Amma TYLER, yellow fever, St. Kitts, 28
22 Nov, Edward, of widow FLAVEL, croup, 1
1819 -
11 Jan, Benjamin MALLORY, palsy, 68
13 Apr, Julia BARNES, died instantly, 23
19 Apr, Rosewell, of Wm. BRADLEY, s. pock, Martinique, 20
21 Apr, Dennis, of William BARNES, consumption, 2
26 Apr, Stephen WOODWARD, Esq., dropsy,61
7 May, Mary, wife of Gurdon BRADLEY, palsy, 73
5 Aug, Stephen PARDEE, consumption, 33
13 Aug, Stephen SHEPARD, palsy, 80
26 Aug, John WOODWARD, 51
4 Sep, Willet, of Willet HEMINWAY, cholera, 1
1 Oct, Sarah, widow of Samuel MOULTHROP, 86
Between 18 & 25 Sep, lost at sea in a gale:
Alfort WARTS, 26
James SMITH, 22
Warren SMITH, 21
Leman PARKER, 18
Orin BROTON, 17
7 Nov, George, of Isaac H. PARDEE, diarrhea, 1
13 Dec, widow Eleanor MALLORY, palsy, 70
1820 -
9 Jan, John DAVENPORT, apoplexy, 82
17 Jan, Amoret, of Benj'n PARDEE, bowel obstruction, 9 m.
12 Feb, Merit, of Milton FINCH, bowel obstruction, 3
15 Feb, Samuel BRADLEY, pleursy, 45
28 Apr, Samuel POTTER, consumption, 17
15 Jul, Sherman KINGSBURY, consumption, 56
5 Oct, Samuel Thompson, of Sam'l BRADLEY, 2d, consumption, 11 w.
16 Oct, Sarah-Ann, of Russel HUGHES, consumption, 18 m.
11 Nov, Mary, widow of Isaac LUDDINGTON, 81
1821 -
3 Jun, Sarah, of Abraham THOMPSON, 10 m.
13 Jul, Lois, wife of Moses A. STREET, 43
6 Aug, Anna, widow of John CHEDSEY, consumption, 70
19 Aug, Jonathan FINCH, consumption, 62
3 Sep, Jacob THOMPSON, by shipwreck, 29
16 Oct, Anson TODD, typhus fever, 18
4 Nov, Huldah, relict of Jared HEMINWAY, palsy, 67
5 Nov, John, of widow Mary WOODWARD, accidentally shot, 14
13 Nov, Mary, widow of Edward RUSSEL, jun, 90
16 Nov, Capt. Gurdon BRADLYE, 83
22 Nov, Esther BRADLEY, typhus fever, 23
26 Nov, Hannah, widow of Timothy WAY, pasly, 65
1822 -
1 Jan, Phebe, wife of Gurdon PARDEE, consumption, 42
2 Jan, Jacob CHEDSEY, 2d, consumption, 43
8 Jan, Caleb SMITH, consumption, 51
22 Jan, Willard BRADLEY, consumption, 26
24 May, Samuel STANSBURY, insanity, 51
30 May, Esther, wife of Josiah MOULTHROP, by a fall, 58
15 Jun, Lydia, of Major RUSSEL, cholera, 2
31 Jul, Isaac Holt PARDEE, typhus fever, 41
28 Sep, Joseph HEMINWAY, consumption, 77
25 Nov, Lydia, child of Amos MORRIS, 2
24 Dec, Lue Adeline, child of Bela FORBES, burnt, 1
1823 -
18 Jan, Wm. BROTON, hurt in a tavern, 4 days after died, 22
8 Mar, Infant, of Wyllys MALLORY, 1 d.
17 Mar, Lois, widow of Stephen THOMPSON, jun, consumption, 70
29 Mar, Sarah, child of Samuel LINDSLEY, lung fever, 2
25 Apr, Didamea, wife of Sam'l SMITH, (Foxon), dropsy, 75
29 Apr, Maria, of Milton FINCH, consumption, 4 m.
7 Jul, Mabel, widow of Joseph BISHOP, 91 & 8 m.
2 Oct, Harriet, of John A. THOMAS, dropsy, 7
11 Oct, Deacon A. MORRIS, consumption, 73
13 Oct, Lorana MOULTHROP, cholera, 45
19 Oct, Mary, widow of Charles BISHOP, consumption, 84
29 Oct, Asenath, of Asahel BRADLEY, 2d, consumption, 20
7 Nov, Josiah MOULTHROP, mortification, 70
8 Nov, Samuel SMITH, (Foxon), dropsy, 75
Deaths in 1824, up to the 20th of August. -
18 Jan, Milton FINCH, consumption, 35
24 Feb, Moses A. STREET, 53
29 Feb, Mehitabel, widow of Daniel AUGER, dropsy, 81
21 Mar, Lydia, wife of Isaac MOULTHROP, fever, 31
20 Apr, Bethiah, widow of Samuel TUTTLE, asthma, 82
29 Apr, Benjamin Gates, of Daniel SMITH, cramp, 4 d.
10 May, Desire MOULTHROP, consumption, 31
13 May, Mary, widow of Ebenezer CHEDSEY, 92
19 Aug, Widow Abigail BENHAM, cholera, 70

Containing an account of deaths since the year 1773, in the families which are mentioned in the second part [births & marriages], but residing in other towns:
1779, David MOULTHROP, prison ship, New-York, 26
1787, 3 Feb, Lois, of Stephen ROWE, buried in East-Haven, whooping cough, 5
1788, 3 Feb. Lois, do., do., 3 m.
1789, 15 Jan, Infant, do., do., 3 d.
1790, 27 Dec, Infant, do., do., 3 d.
1793, 3 Feb, Infant, do., do., 4 w.
1800, 18 Dec, Infant, do., do., 3 w.
1813, 16 Sep, Abigail, wife of do., 52
1816, 15 Sep, Stephen ROWE, 57
1786, 21 Jan, Infant of Solomon BARNES, buried in E. H., 1 w.
1789, 9 Aug, Lydia, of do., do., whooping cough, 5
1791, 11 May, Lydia, of do., do., cholera, 2 d.
----, 1 Sep, Infant of do., do., 2 d.
1803, 16 Sep, Lydia, wife of do., consumption, 53
1807, 10 Jun, Solomon BARNES, consump., 54
1790, 19 Sep, Russel, of Nathaniel GRANNIS, buried in E. H., worms, 2
1803, 7 Oct, Martha, wife of do., do.,, dys, 47
1809, 3 Feb, Chloe, wife of do., do., 46
1812, 5 Jun, Nathaniel GRANNIS, 57
1811, 12 Jun, Russel GRANNIS, 45
1799, 6 Jan, Charles of John HUNT, buried in E. Haven, 10
1804, 7 Jun, a grandchild of John HUNT, do.
1818, 24 Aug, Jennet, of John FARREN, diarrhea, 1
----, 1 Nov, Jane, of do., do., 1
1789, 31 Sep, Esther, wife of Addereno FORBES, buried in East Haven, consump., 30
1821, 14 Oct, Lue, wife of Leban PARDEE, buried in E. Haven, typhus fever, 20
1794, 14 Jun, Jared, of Jared BRADLEY, buried in East Haven, c. rash, 16
1814, 15 Jul, Sarah, wife of do., do., typhus fever, 66
1818, 8 Oct, John BRADLEY, New-Haven, typhus fever, 30
1803, -- Nov, A servant woman of Jared BRADLEY, E. H., 79
1822, 22 Mar, Elias BRADLEY, buried in E. H., consump., 36
1794, -- Sep, Josiah, of Jonathan GOODSELL, at sea, 19
1821, 17 Apr, Abigail, wife of do., 85
1788, -- Mar, Irene MOULTHROP, 21
1789, -- Sep, Anna, wife of Dow SMITH, jun, consump., 42
1793, 1 Jun, Kezia, widow of Dow SMITH, 84
1800, -- Jan, Jordan SMITH, consumption, 67
1798, -- Feb, Sarah, wife of Jordan SMITH, 56
1796, -- ---, Martha, relict of Thomas GOODSELL, jun., 96
1802, -- ---, Widow Sarah ELLIOT, their daughter, 62
1774, 31 Aug, Samuel HOTCHKISS, 59
1792, 23 Nov, Martha GOODSEL, cancer, 42
1786, 18 Jan, Dan, of Stephen SMITH, 6
1809, 7 Aug, Dan, of do., yellow fever, N. Y., 24
1784, 22 Mar, Jesse STREET, 43
1792, 19 Jun, Anna STREET, 17
1799, 6 Jan, Orton, of Jonathan FINCH, 4
1774, 7 Oct, Ebenezer HOTCHKISS, 16
1779, 17 Jun, Mary HITCHKISS, 34
1788, 4 Mar, Mary, wife of Eliphalet PARDEE
1789, -- Nov, Abel SMITH, jun, fever
1790, 17 Apr, Abel SMITH, 79
1809, 22 Oct, Lydia, wife of Abel SMITH, 79
1803, 20 Apr, James SMITH, 89
1819, 14 Sep, Lydia, 2d wife of James SMITH, 93
1815, 20 Feb, Thomas SMITH, 53
1800, 13 Oct, Sarah, wife of Thomas SMITH, 39
1795, 4 Oct, Sibyl, child of do., 4
----, 27 May, John, of do., 22 m.
1801, 11 Oct, John, of do., 15
1801, 7 May, Olive, wife of Jude SMITH, 37
1808, 21 Apr, Ruth, wife of do., 31
1822, 14 Dec, Thankful, wife of Oliver SMITH, 70
1789, 15 Nov, Oliver SMITH, 39
1806, 20 Jul, Lois, wife of Oliver SMITH, jun, 27
1815, 27 Mar, Oliver SMITH, jun, 35
1806, 18 Aug, Benjamin, of do., 7 m.
1818, 27 Sep, Sarah, wife of Hervey SMITH, 29
1796, 1 Sep, Mary, wife of James PARDEE, 49
1821, 21 Aug, Samuel HEMINWAY, buried E. H., fever, 71
1796, 25 Aug, Deacon Abraham HEMINWAY, 69
1812, 20 Jan, Mercy, widow of do., 82
1787, 22 May, Damaris, wife of Elnathan STREET, 87
----, 30 Nov, Elnathan STREET, 92
1775, 2 Mar, Anna, wife of Joel TUTTLE, 26
1791, 4 Mar, Julia, child of do., 9 m.
1803, 23 Jan, Sarah, child of do., 23
1822, 30 Nov, Joel TUTTLE, 76
1813, 11 Oct, Edward, of Rev. L. HART, buried E. H., dysentary, 1
----, 16 Oct, Rev. Lucas HART, buried, E. H., dys., 29
1795, 3 Oct, Daniel B., child of Reuben MOULTHROP, Boston, 1
1803, -- Oct, Jared, son of Dan HOLT, at Cayuga, fever, 21
1804, -- ---, William LMITH, do., fever, 30
1807, -- Nov, Elijah BRADLEY, in Georgia, dysentary, 28
1821, 4 Nov, Hannah, wife of Levy CHEDSYE, Woodbury, 78
Total, 85
The whole number of deaths noticed in this work, is 1440