Cemeteries in East Hampton
Middlesex Co., CT
List created by East Hampton High School Students
In the Late 60s
[Transcribed by David Wylie]

1. Lake View- on Rt 66 and Rt 196 ( Lake View St. ).
2. Saint Patrick's- Rt 66 and Maple St.
3. Skinnerville-Rt 196 ( Young St. ).
4.Young St- Rt 196 (Young St. ) and Old Young St.
5. Tartia- Tartia Rd. ( off Rt 16 ).
6. Whitebirch- Whitebirch Rd.
7. Waterhole- ( aka South West District ).- Waterhole Rd.
8. Union Hill- Rt 151, ( Moodus Rd ) Middle Haddam.
9. Hog Hill- Hog Hill Rd.
10. Hurd- ( aka Seldon Yard ), Rt 151, ( Moodus Rd ).
11. Old Catholic- Childs Rd ( near Middle School ).
12. Hall- private family- Cone Rd.
13. Griffith- private family- North of DOT property and old Rail road on Rt 66.
14. Hills-private ( one grave? ). North Main St.