Dorrance Family Inscriptions,
Windham Co., CT
Emma Finney Welch, 1909.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Page 21. No. 4. Samuel Dorrance, born April 28, 1740; married Rebecca Gordon, Sept. 27, 1764.
Page 22. No. 32. Ephraim C., son of Frink Uriah and Mary (Cole) Dorrance, and grandson of Alexander and Elizabeth (Frink) Dorrance. (Note. Alexander and Elizabeth (Frink) Dorrance had a son Uzziel Frink, baptized at the Voluntown Presbyterian Church, July 1, 1798, who died in infancy. Their son Frink Uriah was born in 1802 and died Dec. 30, 1847 in his 46th year.
Page 24. No. 81. Mr. Samuel Dorrance, son of James and Elizabeth (----) Dorrance, married Rebecca Gordon, Sept. 27, 1764. See No. 4. (Note. Samuel Dorrance, son of George and Margery ---- Dorrance, married Margaret Trumbull, October, 1748. Their youngest child, Samuel Dorrance, born August 30, 1770, married Lucy Rudd, October 28, 1793, only daughter of Capt. William Rudd of Scotland Conn.)
Dorrance Inscriptions. Old Sterling Township Burial Ground, Onco, Connecticut. Copied by Emma Finney Welch, June 1-4, 1909.
JOHN and GEORGE DORRANCE, with their families and the Rev. Samuel Dorrance, Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, emigrated from Ulster Co., in the north of Ireland, before April 17, 1723. (Records of the First-Church of Voluntown.) John and George Dorrance settled in that part of Connecticut afterward included in the township of Foster, Rhode Island. The Rev. Samuel Dorrance, their brother (Voluntown Land Records, 1721-1730, Part I, 202), married Elizabeth Smith, August 1, 1726, and lived between Sterling Hill and Oneco, in that part of Voluntown Township afterward included in the township of Sterling, Connecticut.
The following inscriptions were copied in the order in which they stand, beginning with the first row and reading from left to right. First row, Nos. 1-13; second row, Nos. 14-19; third row, Nos. 20-31; fourth row, Nos. 32-33.
1. HORACE son of MR. JAMES DORRANCE & MRS ESTHER his wife who died Feb. the 9th 1803, Aged 3 years and 6 months.
2. In Memory of JOHN son of MR. JAMES and MRS. ESTHER DORRANCE who departed this life Aug. ye 13th A.D. 1792. Aged one year & 11 days. Sweetly he sleeps beneath His precious dust the ---- of God.
3. In Memory of MRS. MARY Daught of MR. JAMES & MRS. ELIZABETH DORRANCE who died May 4th 1777 in ye 31st Year of her age. The precious Soul hath taken flight to Reims of Everlasting day and left ye Body here confind to mix and dwell with fellow clay.
4. Sacred to Memory of MR. JAMES DORRANCE who departed this Life March the 12 A.D. 1799 in the 96th year of his age. I've took my leaveof time and toys Fond of the worlds allure, My Soul proffessed of heavenly joys In Jesus rests secure. Although my body lies in ground Among my kindred clay Twill not be lost nor escape being found At the great rifing day.
5. In Memory of MRS. ELIZABETH, wife of MR. JAMES DORRANCE, who died June 7th 1777 in the 70th year of her age. I hope to fing without a fob the Anthem ever new I gladly bid this dusty gloab and vain delights a dieu.
6. In Memory of MR. JOHN DORRANCE who died Nov. A.D. 1781 in the 76th year of his age.
7. In Memory of MR. GEORGE DORRANCE Who Departed this Life September ye 22 A.D 1754 Aged 79 years.
8. In Memory of MRS. MARGERY ye Wife of MR. GEORGE DORRANCE who Departed this Life April 24 A.D. 1754 Aged 81 years.
9. This Monument is erected to the memory of SAMUEL DORRANCE Esqr who departed this Life FebY 19th 1788 in ye 79th Year of his Age. Man wants but little, nor that little long. How soon muft he refign his very duft. Which frugal Nature lent but for an hour.
10. Sacred to the memory of MRS. MARGARET DORRANCE Confort of SAML DORRANCE Esqr who departed this Life March 20th 1795 in ye 69th Year of her Age. The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when they sleep in duft.
11. In Memory of MR. ARCHIBALD DORRANCE who Died Oct. 3, 1816, in the 60 year of his age. Praises on tombs are trifles vainly spent. A man's good name is his best monument.
12. In memory of MRS. DEBORAH DORRANCE Wife of MR. ARCHD. DORRANCE who died Oct. 1st 1809 in the 44th year of her age. May the sweet remembrance of the juft Flourifh when they are in the duft.
13. In memory of MISS MARTHA DORRANCE daught of MR ARCH. & MRS. DEBORAH DORRANCE, Who died Augst 3rd 1813 in the 17th year of her age.
14. In Memory of the well beloved MR. SAMUEL DORRANCE who died February the 7 A.D 174(?) in the 30th year of his age.
15. In Memory of MRS. AGNESS ye Beloved Wife of CAPT. GEORGE DORRANCE who died Nov. 3d 1776 in ye 53d year of her Age. She in her youth made choice of Christ her Husband and her Friend. She walked by Faith and died beloved and peaceful was her End.
16. In Memory of CAPT. GEORGE DORRANCE of Foster, Who departed this Life December ye 1st A.D. 1793 Aged 78 years. Adieu my children and my friends I go to Christ where ---- where songs of praise ---- Prepayr. for death & meet ---- end.
17. In Memory of MR. JOHN DORRANCE who Departed this life Novembr ye 28 A.D 1752 AE 81 years. The Righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.
18. In memory of MEHITABLE widow of JAMES DORRANCE who died March 6, 1844 in the 83d year of her age.
19. In Memory of JAMES DORRANCE who died April 23, 1833 in the 71St year of his age.
20. In Memory of NANCY DORRANCE who died Jan. 10, 1835 in the 72 year of her age.
21. In Memory of ELIZABETH wife of ALEXANDER DORRANCE who died Oct. 12, 1830. Aged 68 years. Behold & see as you pass by. As you are now so once was I. As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
22. In Memory of ALEXANDER DORRANCE who died April 18, 1840 in the 84th year of his age.
23. Sacred to the Memory of MRS. AMA Confort of MR. ALEXANDER DORRANCE and the amiable Daughter of CAPT. BENJAMIN BURNAM of Lifbon who Departed this Life June 25th 1792 in the 33 Year of her age. She in her youth made choice of Christ. Her hufband and her friend. She walked by faith, fhe died beloved And peaceful was her end. Cut by J Walden Windham.
24. In Memory of MRS. ANNA, wife of Samuel DORRANCE Esq. who died July 1, 1832 in her 81 year. Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord.
25. Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL DORRANCE who Died the 31ft of Auguft 1793 in the 49th Year of his Age. From ftern integrity he never fwerv'd. He honored openly the God he fervd. To us who mourn he has example given And made more bright the path which leads to heaven.
26. In Memory of MAJOR GEORGE DORRANCE who departed this life Jan. 18, 1828 in the 77th year of his age. A lover of truth and an honest man.
27. In memory of MRS SUSANNA wife of MAJ GEORGE DORRANCE who died Aug. 25, 1834 Aged 84.
28. In Memory of JOHN G. DORRANCE who died July 26, 1814 in the 20 year of his age.
29. MEHITABLE Daughter of JAMES & MEHITABLE DORRANCE Died Oct. 16, 1872 Aged 72 years. Dearest Sister thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel But tis God who hath bereft us He can all our sorrows heal.
30. ABRAM DORRANCE Died Aug. 13, 1859 aged 63 yrs. Oh Husband dear - thy name shall dwell In the heart that best thy love can tell Thy loss I mourn and deeply feel. The wound which God alone can heal.
31. SALLY T., Widow of ABRAM DORRANCE & daughter of PELEG & HANNAH PLACE Died Nov. 3, 1871 Aged 68 years 1 mo & 21 days. The pains of death are past. Labor and sorrow cease. And life's long warfare closed at last. Her soul is found in peace.
32. EPHRAIM C. son of FRINK U and MARY DORRANCE died June 28, 1836 Aged 1 year. 8 mo & 16 days. Weep not for me for I am blest And in my Saviours bosom rest. F. Cooley.
33. In Memory of GEORGE, son of ALEXANDER & ELIZABETH DORRANCE who died Aug. 30, 1834 in the 31st year of his age.
In addition to the above there are a number of unmarked graves in this section. The burial plot of the Rev. SAMUEL DORRANCE, fifty feet or more south of that of his brothers JOHN and GEORGE, contains but three graves - his own, his first wife's, and that of his daughter-in-law, Mary, first wife of his son George. Nos. 34-36.
34. In Hopes of A Refurection to Eternal Glory. Here lies interred ye Body of ye REV SAMUEL DORRANCE, A.M. receivd ye Honors of ye University at Glasgow in Scotland A.D 1709 & licenced to preach the Gospel by the Prefbytery at Dumbarton A.D 1711 was the firft ordained Minifter over the firft Church of Christ in Voluntown A. D 1723 and continued to be thir faithful Pastor until A.D 1770 and Departed this Life November 12th 1775 AE 90 years.All vain Endeavours You must quit The Price is held too high No Sums can purchase fuch a grant That Man fhould never die. The Lord reigneth let the people tremble He sitteth between the cherubim. Roberts—sculptor.
35. In Memory of ELISABETH ye Wife of ye REVD SAMUEL DORRANCE died Sept. ye 10 1750 aged 45 years.
36. In Memory of mrs MARY the beloved Wife of mr GEORG DORRANCE & only daughter to mr ROBBART & MARY WILSON who Died Febry ye 19 A.D 1765 & in ye 28 year of her age - think on me You that pas by Prepare to die.
West of the REV. SAMUEL DORRANCE'S lot is the Dixon burial plot. In it are Nos. 37 and 38.
37. In Memory of MR JOHN DORRANCE Son of MR JAMES & MRS ELIZABETH DORRANCE who died March 30th 1777 in ye 39th year of his age. Adieu to ---- Weep not for me I have Recvd ---- Altho to you its out of sight.
38. In Memory of mrs AGNESS the Beloved Wife of mr JOHN DORRANCE, jur Who Departed this life march ye 17 A.D. I765 AE 27 years. from the Grave hear the Cry Improve time prepare to die.
39. In this silent Mansion is deposited the Remains of LEMUEL DORRANCE, Esq. Who departed this earthly Scene April 28, 1812 in the 65th Year of his Age. The Soul that nobler part survives The ruin of the Clay And now an Heir of Glory thrives In Heavens eternal day.
41. Sacred to the Memory of MRS MARY, wife of LEMUEL DORRANCE Esq. who departed this life Novr the 17th A.D 1781 in the 28th year of her Age. The fweet remembrance of the juft Shall flourifh when they fleep in duft.
40. No number 40.
42. In Memory of MRS PRISCILLA Wife of LEMUEL DORRANCE Esq who Died Oct. 25, 1841 Aged 88.
43. LEMUEL son of LEMUEL and MARY DORRANCE Died June 12, 1777.
44. Erected to the memory of MARY daugher to LEMUEL & MARY DORRANCE Esq who died Nov. 24, 1830 Aged 49 years. Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord.
45. OLIVE daughter to LEMUEL DORRANCE Esq and MRS MARY his wife who departed this life Augft the 12 A.D 1786 In the 9th year of her Age. Death is a debt to nature due Which I have paid & fo muft you.
46. In memory of MISS OLIVE, daughr to LEMUEL DORRANCE Esq & MRS PRISCILLA his wife who died May 2nd A.D 1807 Aged 19 years & one month. see Number'd & few my years you Soon yours like mine shall number's be.
47. Erected to the Memory of SARAH S., daughr of LEMUEL & PRISCILLA DORRANCE who died Sept. 26, 1833 AE 37. Friends & Physicians could not save Her mortal body from the grave.
48. PALMER DORRANCE Died Dec. 21, 1873 in the 69th year of his age.
49. LOUISA R. Wife of PALMER DORRANCE Died March 27, 1856 Aged 44 years.
50. SALLY E. daughter of PALMER and LOUISA R. DORRANCE who died Sept. 4, 183 7Aged 2 Years 1 Mo. 4 Days.
51. IRA son of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE died Sept. 20, 1840 Aged 6 mo & 4 Ds.
52. OLIVER son of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE died April 14, 1842 Aged 4 Ds.
53. LEONARD Son of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE died May 20, 1844 aged 6 years & 10 months.
54. CHAUNCY G., Son of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE died Sept. 22, 1844 aged 1 year.
55. GEORGIA L. Daughter of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE died Sept. 14, 1845 aged 21 days.
56. EDWIN DORRANCE Son of PALMER & LOUISA R. DORRANCE Died Jan. 22, 1865 Aged 26 years & 6 months.
The following inscriptions in the same burial ground are those of Dorrance descendants:
57. MARY P. HILL wife of JOHN HILL & Daughter of ALEXANDER & ELIZABETH DORRANCE Died March 15, 1856 Aged 57 Years. Erected by PALMER DORRANCE.
58. CLARRY Wife of OLIVER GREENE Died Jan. 18, 1885 Aged 84 yrs. 3 mos. 26 days.
59 In Memory of Wife of DORRANCE KNOX who died March 16, 1855 in the 83rd year of his age.
60. MARTHA DORRANCE KNOX died Aug. 2, 1845 AE 59.
61. In Memory of MISS MARY WOODWORTH daughter of DOUGLASS and CHARLOTTE WOODWORTH who departed this life August 28, 1827 in the 34 year of her age.
62. Erected to the Memory of HENRIETTA wife of AMOS BRANCH who died May 3, 1834 AE 54. Released from all her cares and woes She rests in calm & sweet repose.
State of Connecticut, Windham County, Sterling, June 7, A.D., 1909.
I hereby certify that I have carefully examined the foregoing list of the burial inscriptions of the Dorrance family taken and compiled by Mrs. Emma Finney Welch from headstones in the Oneco Cemetery in said Town of Sterling, from pages 1 to 16 inclusive, and embracing the numbers from 1 to 62, that I have compared each item with the original inscriptions and find each of them to be a true copy of the original inscriptions. Attest. ORREN W. BATES. Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Town of Sterling, Ct. Note- Numbers 63 to 73 are found in the Family Burial Ground of Michael Dorrance in Foster Township, Providence Co. R.I.
Inscriptions from the Gallup Cemetery. On the Road from Oneco to Portertown, Conn.
74. BENADAM GALLUP died March 30, 1850 in the 88th year of his age.
75. ELIZABETH wife of BENADAM GALLUP who died Sept. 28, 1810 in her 51st year. (BENADAM GALLUP and ELIZABETH DORRANCE both of Voluntown, Conn., were married March 31, 1785.)
76. MARY wife of BENADAM GALLUP Died March 23, 1858 aged 84 yrs.
Inscriptions from the Cemetery at Brooklyn, Conn., South of the Village on the Canterbury and Norwich Road.
77. In memory of MR JAMES DORRANCE who died April 1, 1825 aged 81 years.
78. In memory of MRS ELIZABETH wife of JAMES DORRANCE who died Oct. 23, 1826 Aged 79 years.
79. In memory of JOHN G. DORRANCE who died Aug. 12, 1825 Aged 47 years.
Other descendants of JAMES and ELIZABETH (GORDON) DORRANCE of the name of Dorrance are buried in the Brooklyn Cemetery.
Inscriptions from the Bigalow and Hammond Cemeteries, at Hampton, Conn., Contributed by Mrs. George M. Holt (Abby C. Dorrance) Great Granddaughter ofSamuel Dorrance & Rebecca Gordon.
81. "Erected to the memory of MR SAMUEL DORRANCE who departed this life June 7, 1799 in the 60th year of his age."
82. In memory of MRS REBECCA (GORDON) DORRANCE who died November 3d 1838 aged 95 years.
83. ALEXANDER DORRANCE died Oct. 27, 1801 aged 34 years.
84. REBECCA wife of ALEXANDER DORRANCE died June 16, 1815 aged 50 yrs.
85. MARY L. DORRANCE wife of ALEXANDER DORRANCE JR. died Sept 9, 1849, aged 48 yrs. (Parents of Mrs. Holt.)
86. "Erected to the memory of MRS SARAH wife of JAMES DORRANCE who died Nov. 27, 1794 in the 21st year of her age.
There are other descendants of SAMUEL DORRANCE and REBECCA GORDON, of the name of Dorrance, buried in these cemeteries. Dorrance inscriptions may also be found in the cemeteries at Andover, Columbia, Scotland, Conn., and Bristol, Penna.
1. JAMES DORRANCE, son of James and Elizabeth (----) Dorrance, married Esther Hall, April 19, 1781.
4. JAMES DORRANCE, son of George and Margery (----) Dorrance, married Elizabeth (----) and had:
Sarah, born Aug. 28, 1733, mar. Joseph Alexander in 1759.
Elizabeth, born Oct. 16, 1734, mar. Andrew (?) Knox.
George, born June 25, 1736, mar. Alice Trumbull March 15, 1764.
Their dau. Margaret Dorrance married the first Ashbel Welch, of Windham, Conn., Oct. 15, 1795. Their son, the second Ashbel Welch of Lambertville, New Jersey, married Mary Hannah Seabrook, Oct. 25, 1834..
John, borm Feb. 18, 1738, mar. 1st, Agnes Dixon, Dec. 12, 1759; married, 2d, Lydia (----).
Samuel, born April 28, 1740, mar. Margaret Trumbull, Oct., 1748.
James, born April 1, 1742, mar. Esther Hall, April 19, 1781.
Mary, born Sept. 15, 1744, (Ins. No. 3).
Margaret, born April 1, 1749, mar. (----) Gordon.
Births rec. at Voluntown - Will, Plainfield Prob. rec. Vol. X, 320.
6. JOHN DORRANCE, son of George and Margery (----) Dorrance.
7. GEORGE DORRANCE - who emigrated with wife Margery (----) and sons James, John, Samuel and George. Will rec. at Scituate, R.I.
9. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Esq., son of George and Margery (----) Dorrance, married Margaret Trumbull, Oct., 1748.
11. ARCHIBALD DORRANCE, son of Samuel and Margaret (Trumbull) Dorrance, married, 1st, Deborah Bowen, Feb. 12, 1789; married, 2d, Rhoby (----).
14. MR. SAMUEL DORRANCE, son of John and Mary (----) Dorrance, married Agnes Alexander, dau. of James and Mary (----) Alexander, in 1741 or 1742.
15. MRS. AGNESS DORRANCE, widow of Samuel Dorrance, married, 2d, Capt. George Dorrance, son of George and Margery (----) Dorrance, in or before 1751.
17. MR. JOHN DORRANCE, who emigrated with wife Mary (----), sons Samuel and James, and daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, and Mary. (Will rec. at Scituate, R.I.)
19. JAMES DORRANCE, son of James and Sarah (----) Dorrance, and grandson of John and Mary (----) Dorrance, married Nov. 14, 1793, Mrs. Mehitable (Tuckerman) Greene, widow of John Greene (Voluntown Presb. ch. Records). (Vital rec. of R.I., Vol. III, 28 Foster.)
20. NANCY DORRANCE, dau. of Capt. George and Agnes (Alexander) Dorrance.
22. ALEXANDER DORRANCE, son of Capt. George and Agnes (Alexander) Dorrance, married, 1st, Ama (Amy) Burnham, in or before 1782; married, 2d, Elizabeth Frink, dau. of Uzziel Frink, November 10, 1796.
25. SAMUEL DORRANCE, son of Samuel and Agnes (Alexander) Dorrance, married Anne Tully of Saybrook, Conn., November 15, 1775, daughter of William Tully, and second wife, Elizabeth Lay, of Lyme, Conn.
26. MAJOR GEORGE DORRANCE, son of Capt. George and Agnes (Alexander) Dorrance, married Susanna Stewart.
28. JOHN G. DORRANCE, son of James and Mehitable Dorrance.
30. ABRAM DORRANCE, son of James and Mehitable Dorrance, married Sally T. Place, dau. of Peleg and Hannah Place.
32. EPHRATIM C., son of Frink U. (Uzziel Frink) and Mary (Cole) Dorrance, and grandson of Alexander and Elizabeth (Frink) Dorrance.
34. REV. SAMUEL DORRANCE, brother of John and George Dorrance, married, 1st, Elizabeth Smith, Aug. 1, 1726; married, 2d, Madam Mary Owen, July 1, 1755. He had by first wife:
Gershom, born May 24, 1727, mar. Margery Cook, Nov. 10, 1749.
John, born July 12, 1733, unmarried.
George, born Mar. 7, 1735/6, mar. 1st, Mary Wilson, Jan. 25, 1758; mar., 2d, Elizabeth ----? Col. George Dorrance was killed in the massacre of Wyoming, Pa.
Sarafana, born April 30, 1738, mar. Robert Dixon, Jan. 26, 1758.
Samuel, born Oct. 10, 1740, mar. 1st, Alice (----); 2d, Elizabeth (-----).
James, born July 30, 1743, mar. Elizabeth Gordon.
Lemuel, born Nov. 28, 1746, mar. 1st, Mary Gordon, May 14, 1772; mar., 2d, Priscilla Bradford, dau. of James and Zeriah (Thomas) Bradford.
Births rec. at Voluntown. Will, Plainfield Probate Records.
36. MARY, wife of George Dorrance (son of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith) Dorrance. (Note. Ins. No. 34.)
37. JOHN DORRANCE, son of James and Elizabeth (----) Dorrance. (Note. Ins. No. 4.)
39. LEMUEL DORRANCE, son of Rev. Samuel Dorrance. (Note. Ins. No. 34.)
48. PALMER DORRANCE, son of Alexander Dorrance and second wife, Elizabeth Frink. Mar. 1st, Louisa R. Place, Aug. 3, 1834; mar., 2d, Mary A. Potter, June 18, 1868.
58. CLARRY KING, wife of Oliver Greene and dau. of Enoch and Martha (Dorrance) King. (Ins. No. 80.)
61. CHARLOTTE WOODWORTH, dau. of Lemuel and Mary (Cole) Dorrance. Married Douglass Woodworth, Oct. 20, 1791.
62. HENRIETTA BRANCH, dau. of Lemuel and Mary (Cole) Dorrance.
68. CAPT. GEORGE DORRANCE, son of Michael and Judah (Young) Dorrance.
77. JAMES DORRANCE, son of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith) Dorrance. Married Elizabeth Gordon.
79. JOHN G. DORRANCE, son of James and Elizabeth (Gordon) Dorrance. Married Hannah (----).
81. MR. SAMTEL DORRANCE, son of Samuel and Margaret (Trumbull) Dorrance. Married Rebecca Gordon, Sept. 27, 1764.
83. ALEXANDER DORRANCE, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Gordon) Dorrance. Married Rebecca Dixon, March 18, 1790. She mar., 2d, Isaac Fuller, May 27, 1804.
86. DR. JAMES DORRANCE, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Gordon) Dorrance. Married, 1st, Sarah (----); mar., 2d, Nancy Barstow, June 13, 1802.
Town and Probate Records of Brooklyn, Killingly, Lebanon, Norwich, Plainfield, Voluntown and Windham, Conn.
Town Records of Hampton, Preston and Sterling, Conn.
Town and Probate Records of Coventry, Foster, Providence and Scituate, R.I.
Records of First Presbyterian Church in Voluntown, Conn. (now known as "The Line Presb. Church.") Books I, II, III, 1723-1906.
Records of the Congregational Church at Hampton, Conn.
Kindly send any additions or corrections to MRS. ASHBEL WELCH, 426 West Stafford St., Germantown, Philadelphia.