Derby, New Haven Co., CT, Old Episcopal Grave-Yard
Extracted from
The History of the Old Town of
Derby, Connecticut, 1642-1880
Samuel ORCUTT, 1880

Mrs Lucretia ALLIS died Feb 10, 1848, aged 77
Sarah ALLEN died Aug 1, 1850 aged 55
Calm be her sleep as the whisper of even Whe the hands have been clasped and the knees bent in prayer She has chanted her hymn at the portal o Heaven And found the perfection of what she loved here
Susan ALLEN, relict of Samuel ALLEN, died Jul 27, 1837 aged 82
In memory of Martha ALLEN who died on the 16th of May 1825 aged 80 years
Sarah, wife of Moses AUSTIN, Died Apr 12, 1765 ae 87
Lewis S., son of R. S. & B. G. BALDWIN Died Aug 28, 1874 ae 7 weeks
Infant son of R. S. & B. G. BALDWIN Died Feb 28, 1872 ae 2 weeks
This stone is inscribed to the memory of Sarah BALDWIN, wife of Timothy BALDWIN & daughter of Murry H. LESTER of Poukeepsie, who died Dec 21 A D 1812 ae 65
Why are friends ravished from us? 'Tis to bind By soft affection ties on human hearts The thoughts of death which reason too supine Or misemplyed so rarely fastens there
In memory of Timothy BALDWIN who died Aug 30, 1822, aged 73 years
Dr Elijah BALDWIN died Mar 18, 1816 ae 76
Margaret, his wife, died Aug 16, 1823, ae 79
Abigail Akin, their daughter, died Aug 16, 1794 ae 17
Abigail, wife of Timothy BALDWIN, died Jun 5, 1819 ae 33
Margaret BALDWIN died Oct 15, 1854, ae 73
To Sarah Relict of the late Jesse BEACH Esqr who died on the 27th of Jun 1835 And was gathered unto her fathers in confidence of a certain faith in the comfort of a reasonable Religious and holy hope in faborwith the Lord her God and in perfect charity with the world. ae 61 years
Here rests the body of Mrs Abigail BEACH, widow of Rev. John BEACH, of Newtown departed this life Feb7 1738 in the 76th year of her age.
Here lies interred the body of Mr John HOLBOOK who departed this life Jun 5, 1752 in the 53 year of his age
Betsey Hard, wife of Benj B. BEACH died Ded 22, 1874, ae 63 years
Benj B. BEACH died Jun 27, 1877 ae 69
Caroline, daughter of David & Susan BEECHER Died Apr 13, 1842 ae 9 years
John BEERS a Revolutionary Pensioner Died Apr 22, 1848, aged 89
He fell as falls the Oak with years Which storms have rudely beat upon Upon his grave we shed our tears To Heav'n we hope he's gone
In memory of Betsey Ann, wife of John BEERS who died Jan 16, 1841 aged 70 years
We loved her living and we mourn her dead
In memory of John BETTS who died on the 18th of Oct 1805 aged 68 years
Samuel ALLEN died Sep 22, 1811, aged 60
Abigail Mary, wife of Michael BITNER, died Dec 20, 1846, ae 33
Sacred to the memory of the Rev Edward BLAKESLEE, who departed this life on the 15 of Jul 1797 in the 31st year of his age. By this premature death his family are deprived of a kind and affectionate Husband Father and Brother. The episcopal Church of a zealous and faithful master and the public of a disinterested friend.
The memory of the just is blessed Prov 10. 7. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance Psalm 6.
Henrietta, daughter of Rev. E. BLAKESLEE, relict of A. CHAMPLAIN, She went to sleep in Jesus Jun 21 1848, aged 49 years
Entered into Rest
Eliza Grace, daughter of Rev Edward BLAKESLEE, Born Dec 29, 1795, Died Nov 15, 1874
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
George BRISTOL born in 1810 died in 1870
He rests in peace
Ann Smith, daughter of George & Caroline BRISTOL, died Oct 8, 1848, aged 6 years & 10 months
Of such is the kingdom of Heaven
Mary E, daughter of Nathan & Mary A BRISTOL Died Aug 31, 1865, ae 18 y's
Mr George R. BRONSON Died Feb 3, 1853 aged 39 years
Henry W., son of Harvey D. & Elizabeth A. BRONSON, Died Jul 22, 1857, ae 10 y'rs 10 ms
Daughter of Edson L. & Mary E. BRYANT ~ Little Mary Died Mar 15, 1868, ae 10 weeks
Our angel Baby
In memory of Mrs Hannah, wife of the Rev. Daniels BURHANS D.D. Died Apr 12, 1840, aged 66
Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept. 1st Cor 15. 20
Mehitable BURT died Apr 26, 1864 aged 77
David BURT died Feb 2, 1872 aged 82
Hannah BURT died Mar 16 1871 aged 82
Elizabeth BARNFIELD of London Died Mar 20, 1839 ae 75 years
George BARTHOLOMEW Died Jan 28, 1879 ae 73
Harriet A. daughter of Frederick & Augusta B. BOTSFORD died Aug 25, 1813 aet 1 y'r 5 m.
John J. CANFIELD Died Feb 5, 1853 ae 33
Farewell dear brother the last farewell
Sheldon CANFIELD died Mar 14, 1837 aged 61 years
In memory of Mrs Margaret CHARLES, wife of Mr. William CHARLES, died Jun 4, 1809 ae 68
Thrice happy Christians who when time is o'er Shall meet in realms of bliss to part no more
Frances R. Wife of Rev S T CARPENTER, She wtsiJ Jan 4th 1845 ae 26
Our Mother's grave ~ Asenath CARRINGTON Died Apr 11, 1857 ae 68
Ella N, daughter of Anson & Sally M. CHAFFEE, Died Jan 7, 185_ ae 2 y'rs
Sheldon CANFIELD, Died Jan 18 1879, aged 76 yrs
Charolette A. Died Dec 25, 1835 aged 3 years
Sterting Died May 15, 1847, aged 6 years
Craig L. Died Jan 18, 1858, ae 9 years
Children of Sheldon & Charolette CANFIELD
Rev. Elias CLARK, Died in West Salem Wis Oct 29, 1866, ae 53
Clara Elyla, daughter of Rev. Elis & Adelaide S. CLARK, Died Nov 29, 1862, ae 10 mo's
Sweet joyous one Thou wast ours - And thou are still kept for us For Jesus hath taken thee.
In memory of Hannah CLARK, wife of Thomas CLARK Esq., who departed this life Oct 3, 1803, aged 64 years
In memory of Mary Jenett CLARK, daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Mary CLARK, who died Oct 10, 1790 aged 1 yr & 3 mos 10 days
Mr. William CLARK 1763
Mrs Hannah CLARK died Sep 1809 aged 91. Her lineal descendants at the time of her death were 333 viz 10 children, 62 grandchildren 242 great-grandchildren 19 great-great-grandchildren. During her long life her company was the delight of her numerous friends and acquaintances having faithfully performed the duties of life and bein deeply impressed with the reality and importance of religion she died as she had lived satisfied and happy.
Here lies ye body of Charity CLARK, daughter of Mrs Hannah CLARK, aged 11 months & 13 ds died Mar 13, 1753
Sheldon L CLARK, son of William & Mary CLARK departed this life Feb 7, 1825 in the 23 year of his age
This world is fast passing away
Ebenezer CLINTON died Aug 6, 1837 ae 48
Abigail CLINTON died Aug 6, 1837, ae 48
John A. CLINTON, their son, died at Cabotville, Mass. Oct 19, 1845, ae 21
Repent believe whilst you have time For I was taken in my prime
DeWitt F. CLINTON died Apr 4, 1869 31 yrs 8 mos Entered U. S. Navy Jul 22, 1863 Honorably discharged Dec 22 1865 After serving on Ironclad Tecumseh and supply ships Arkansas and Augusta Dismore
Caroline Elisabeth, wife of James COLEMAN, died Jul 22, 1848 aged 29
In memory of Mrs. Lois CURTISS, consort of Sheldon CURTISS Esqr who died Feb 5, 1840 aged 80 years
In memory of Sheldon CURTISS Esqr born Apr 7, 1761, died Feb 16, 1847 aged 86 years
In memory of Harriet CURTISS, daughter of Sheldon & Lois CURTISS, who died Jul 3, 1835 aged 39
In memory of Henry who died May 25 1847 aged 51
In memory of Mr. Oliver CURTISS who departed this life Jan 13, 1794 in the 63d year of his age
In memory of Abijah BEARDLSEE who died Mar 13, 1830 aged 74 years
Hear what the voice from Heaven declares To those in Christ who died Released from all their earthly cares They reign with him on high.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, wife of Mr. Abijah BEARDSLEE died Jan 28, 1816 aged 53 years
Behold and see, you who pass by, As you are now so once was I; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me.
James R., son of Talmage & Betsey BEARDSLEY, died Oct 28, 1832 aged 8 weeks
Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud in Heaven conveyed And bade it bloom there
Sarah, wife of Rev. E. BLAKESLEE & daughter of Rev. R. & A. MANSFIELD Died Dec 23, 1790, aged 32
Asleep in Jesus
Richard Mansfield, son of Rev. Oliver & Caroline HOPSON, Died Apr 28, 1835, ae 4 mos.
Not lost but gone before
In memory of Mr. Stephen MANSFIELD who died Aug 7, 1819 aged 54 years
Alexander CHILD Died Oct 26, 1876, aged 64 years
We mourn our loss
Kneeland, son of Capt. E. F. & L. M. CURTISS Died Aug 31, 1871 ae 13 yrs 6 mos
Capt. Kneeland CURTISS Died Apr 18 1840 ae 51 years
Ann E., his wife, Died Mar 23, 1871, ae 70 years
Their Children
Martha died Nov 11, 1844 ae 15 years
Henry R. Died Oct 28, 1838 ae 7 mos
Flora Bell, daughter of Capt. E. F. & L. M. CURTISS Died May 19, 1847 ae 11 mos.
Charles DAVIS Died Apr 11, 1849 ae 44 yrs
Charles H., son of Charles & Annie DAVIS, Died May 8, 1849, ae 8 yrs & 4 mos
Benjamin F., son of Charles & Annie DAVIS, a Sergt in Co F 7th Regt Conn Vols Served his country 4 years participated In 16 Battles contracted chronic diarrhoea came home and died Mar 13, 1866 ae 23 years
Soldier rest in peace
Mr. Joseph DAVIS died Dec 1806 in the 62 year of his age
In memory of Mrs Joseph DAVIS, wife of Mr. Joseph DAVIS, who died Sep 28, 1788 aged 41 years
My children and friends view my change And remember that you are born to die
In memory of Joseph DUDLEY who died on the 27th of Dec 1819 aged 45 years
In memory of Sabra DUDLEY who died on the 19th of May 1844 aged 48 years
In memory of Miles L. DURAND who died May 8, 1841 aged 39 years
Sarah J, wife of George W. DYER, died Apr 22, 1871 ae 48
Their children
George E died Oct 19, 1871 ae 18
Ida I died Nov 22 1871 ae 14
Mary A. died Oct 13, 1826 ae 11 weeks
Lucinda died Mar 13, 1842, ae 8 weeks
Ellen died Mar 21, 1847 ae 4 yrs
Children of Eliphat & Mary DYER
Richard F., son of Geo. W. & Sarah J. DYER died Aug 26, 1846 ae 13 ms
Ellen L. daughter of George W. & Sarah J DYER died May 17 1852 ae 8 yrs
Frank, son of Edwin & Mary A. ELLS died Oct 12, 1864 ae 11 yrs
Good-by dear friends 'tis hard to part I fear 'twill break your loving hearts But let your flowing tears be dry For I am not afraid to die. And when my body is laid in the tomb Dear mother you and sisters come And plant some flowers o'er me to wave While I am sleeping in my grave. And now dear friends 'twill not be long Ere Death will claim you for his own And when his trying ordeal is past In Heaven may we all meet at last
Franklin, son of Edwin & Mary A. ELLS died Oct 13, 1851, aet 6 mos.
Sweet lovely babe they pains have ceased Thy spirit's gone to be at rest They little head now free from pain Sleeps on they loving Saviour's breast.
Theodore E. ELLS died Oct 10, 1868 ae 37
Stephen M., son of Edwin & Mary A. ELLS, died Dec 3, 1853 aged 20 years & 8 mo.
Farewell my friends whose tender care Has long engaged my love Your fond embrase I now exchange For better friends above
To the memory of Charles Henry, son of Isaac & Diantha FOOT died Mar 23, 1841, ae 2 years 7 mos 15 ds
John W. FLOWERS Died Nov 25, 1854 ae 33
Betsey, widow of Wm J. FRENCH, died Jan 13, 1860 ae 60
James W. died Jan 29, 1850, aged 15 years
A son beloved beyond expression dear A broth kind affectionate and sincere
Phebe A. Died Mar 8, 1848, aged 4 months
This little one we loved so well Has gone to Heaven with Christ to dwell
Children of Wm M & Phebe H. FRENCH
Samuel FRENCH died at Racine Wisconsin, May 28, 1862, ae 72
Judith FRENCH, wife of Samuel FRENCH, died May 8, 1852, ae 58
Sleeps this flesh in hope to rise Waked by the angel's trumpet sound To meet her Jesus in the skies There tune her harp and wear the crown
Henry, son of Charles & Joannah F. GALE, died May 25, 1848, ae 1 yr & 10 m's
Canfield GILLET, born Dec 7, 1765, died May 27 1815, aged 50 years
George GORUM died May 2, 1856 ae 69
Grace S. GORUM, wife of George GORUM, died Aug 23, 1839, aged 52 years & 9 months
In memory of Mr. Ebenezer GRACIE, son of Capt Ebenezer & Mrs. Elizabeth GRACIE who departed this life Apr 1, 1799 in the 24 year of her age [sic]
Rebeca GRACIE, daughter of Eben'r & Eliz'h GRACIE, Died Jun 4, 1814, aged 32
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Death of it's sting disarmed she knew no fear But tasted Heaven while she lingered here
Charity GRACIE, son of Eben'r & Eliz'h GRACIE, Died May 23, 1830, aged 44
The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible Them that sleep in Jesus shall God bring with him
In memory of Henry M. GRACIE, son of Sheldon & Rebecca GRACIE who departed this life Wednesday Oct 2d 1805 aged 16 months
William GRACIE Died Feb 14, 1847 ae 74
Sheldon C. GRACIE, Died Mar 8, 1870, ae 61
There is rest in Heaven
Mrs. Elizabeth GRACIE, relict of the late Ebenezer GRACIE, died Jan 6, 1843, aged 86
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life with is in the midst of the paradise of God. Rev ii vii
Elizabeth GRACIE Died Nov 30, 1866 ae 76
Sarah GRACIE Died Dec 7, 1860, ae 79
John Knox, son of Rockford N. & Margaret A. GRAY, died Jan 4, 1853 ae 10 mo's 10 d's
Sarah, wife of Josiah HINMAN Died Apr 17, 1850 aged 64
In memory of Van Vactor HINMAN who died Oct 7, 1839 aged 28 years
In memory of Mr. Ephraim HARGER who exchanged this mortal Life for Immortality Dec 31, 1797 aged 92 years & 2 months
The memory of the just is Blessed
Benjamin HODGE Died Jul 26, 1868 ae 76. An humble Christian a kind Husband and Father and a faithful friend rests here in hope.
Ann Bartholomew, wife of Benjamin HODGE, Died Jan 2, 1856 ae 60. The record of her faithfulness as wife mother and friend is in the hearts that loved her. Her mortal remains rest here in the sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection through the merits of her Savior in whom she trusted.
Martha A. Ells, wife of George HOPPEN, Born Dec 28, 1842, Died Nov 20, 1870
Grace, wife of Levi HOTCHKISS, Died Aug 30, 1863 aged 72 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Mr. John HOWD who departed this life Jan 29, 1806, aet 70 years
I know that my Redeemer Liveth
Hannah, relict of John HOWD, died Feb 1817 aged 74
Charlotte E., wife of Talmadge N. HUBBARD, died Aug 21, 1854 ae 24
Anna, wife of A. K. HUGES U S N, Born Sep 15, 1823 Died Aug 5, 1856
Emma H. their daughter Died Feb 6, 1855, AE 16 m's
Here lies the body of Nancy HULL, daughter of Samuel & Abigail HULL who departed this life Jul 31st 1785 aged 9 months
In memory of Miss Nancy HULL, daughter of Samuel & Abigail HULL, who died 1806 in the 16 year of her age. She was lovely and pleasant in her life and much lamented in her death
In memory of Mr. Kneeland HULL, son of Samuel & Abigail HULL, who died 1806 in the 29 year of his age. His education was liberal his disposition was pious and his deportment sedate
Lucy Granger, daughter of Henry & Mary P. B. HULL died Jan 8, 1834 aged 15 mos.
William, son of Levi & Mary HULL, died Aug 17, 1833 aet 9 yrs
Edwin, son of William & Lucy Ann HULL died Oct 2, 1841 aged 7 months
The lovely little flower has gone Which dod so cheer our hearts But it has gone to Heaven to bloom And soon we'll meet him ne'er to part
Joseph B. HULL, only son of Henry S. & Mary P. HULL, Died Jan 24, 1863, aged 23 years
Brother rest from sin and sorrow Death is o'er and life is won On thy sumber dawns no morrow Rest thine earthly race is run
Mary P. HULL, wife of Henry S. HULL, Died Mar 9, 1863, aged 54 years
There is a land mine eye has seen In visions of enraptured thought So bright that all which spreads between Is with its radiant glory fraught. A land upon whose blissful shore There rest no shadow falls no stain There those who meet shal part no more And those long parted meet again.
Henry S. HULL Died Nov 23, 1871 ae 70
So man lieth down and raiseth not till the heavens be no more they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep
In memory of Mrs. Lavina HULL, wife of Mr. Samuel HULL Jun, & daughter of Mr. Henry DEMING of Westerfield, who departed this life Jul 4, 1804 aged 23 years
Died Samuel HULL Mar 19, 1844 aet 67
Mrs. Betsey HULL died May 19, 1852 aged 68
In memory of Mr. Samuel HULL who died 1806 in the 63 year of his age. He was a man of a generous heart a friend to the poor the fatherless and the widow
Here rests the body of Mr. Samuel HULL. He was good and kind and beloved while he lived and lamented when dead. He departed this life Sep the 8 1751 aged 50 years
In memory of Abigail, wife of Samuel HULL, who died Mar 20, 1819 ae 68
The heart of her husband did safely trust in her She looked well to the ways of her household and ate not the bread of idleness her children rose up and called her blessed
Im o Emeline L. HUMISTON who was born Dec 10, 1826, and died Nov 8, 1854.
Dear emeline a loved one's laid Beneath this stone in silent shade And must we here our loss deplore Shale we not meet ot part no more The Lord has called and you must go To leave all earthly things below Thy spirit's gone to Heaven to rest With angels ever to be blest
Roswell HUMISTON Died Sep 19, 1864, ae 67
Farewell dear Father thou hast left us For a better brighter home Thou are now where sin and sorrow Pain and death can never come
In memory of Melinda HUMISTON, wife of Roswell HUMISTON, who died Feb 10, 1837, aged 29 years.
Oh lost and mourned admired and loved through life Thou best of daughters and thou faithful wife Sweet be thy sleep and peaceful was they death In hope of Heaven thou didst resign thy breath
Her end was peace ~ Lydia E., wife of Roswell HUMISTON, died Jul 26, 1969, ae 60
Loving hearts are filled with anguish At the thought that thou art gone And the home thy smiles ocne gladdened Are o'er shadowed now with gloom But tis God that hath bereft us And tho hard to say farewell We to him should bou submission For he doeth all things well Thou art not dead but sleepeth One in life how sweet the union One in heart we still remain Still we partake the same communion Still we hope to meet again.
Foster B., son of M C & E S HULL, Died Oct 1, 1873 ae 13 yrs 11 mos
Wilbur S., son of M C & E S HULL, Died Nov 15, 1865, ae 3 yrs 3 mos
Dear Willie we hope to meet thee
In memory of Mrs. Sarah B. HUMPHREYS, wife of Capt. James HUMPHREYS who departed this life May 11, 1786, 10 days after the birth and death of her first child in the 24th year of her age
Maria E. HUMPHREYS Nov 9, 1867 ae 69
Edward E., son of the late Elijah & Maria HUMPHREYS, Born Jun 20, 1834 Died Aug 27, 1870
This marble marks the place of the interment of the natural body of May, daughter of Col. William HUNTER, who died Aug 12, 1825, ae 17
She is not here. 'Tis but her veil of clay That moulders into dust beneath thhis stone Mary herself in ralms of fadeless glory Has put a robe of fadeless glory on This monumental urn is not designed To tell of beauties withering in the tomb Her brightest charms were centered in a mind Which still prevail and will forever bloom.
Her conscious soul Allied to angels hails the glorious change And joins the blest societies above In all the freshness of imortal youth There is a world of bliss hereafter else Why are the bad above the good beneath The green grass of the grave.
Stephen JEWETT died May 29, 1823 in the 88th year of his age
Life's duty done as sinks the clay Light from its load the spirit flies While heaven and earth combine to say How blest the righteous when he dies.
Maria E., daughter of Daniel JUDD, died Feb 9, 1864, ae 38
Beloved while we weep for thee Faith wpes the tears we shed This mortal shall immortal be With Christ thy living head
Capt. Lockwood KEENEY died May 1, 1848, AE 44
Also Francis Ann, Daught of Lockwood & Ann Maria KEENEY, Died Apr 16, 1835 ae 18 ms.
Edna A., daughter of Lorenzo D. & Amelia R. KENNEY, Died Oct 21, 1851, ae 5 yrs
Sarah, wife of Ethel KEENEY, died Mar 6, 1820, ae 45
Sarah, daughter of Ethel & Sarah KEENEY, died Apr 4, 1832, ae 25
Kneeland, son of Ethel & Sarah KEENEY, died Apr 1809, ae 7 mos
Capt. Ethel KEENEY died Oct 4, 1837, ae 83
Lockwood, son of Ethel & Sarah KEENEY died Jul 25, 1803, ae 22 mos.
Smarna, wife of Morris KIMBERLY, died Sep 16, 1850, ae 63
Moris KIMBERLY died Jun 2, 1869, ae 85
George H., son of Mary J. LEE, Born Sep 18, 1861, Died Nov 26, 1861
Another bud transplanted to the happy land
Charles C., Born Apr 14, 1854 Died May 14, 1854
William W., Born. Oct 12, 1856, Died Sep 18, 1858
Children of William W. & Mary J. LEE
They budded on earth To Blossom in Heaven
Benjamin F. LEWIS, died May 20, 1871, aged 42
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Henry LEWIS, Died Feb 21, 1848, Age 26
And though lone pilgrims we may roam Nor meet again on time's broad shore We'll meet in Heaven our final home Where parting sceenes are known no more
Judson LEWIS a member of Co B 20 Reg C V Died at Stafford Court House, Va. Feb 21, 1863 ae 29
His country's hour of peril came Thousands went forth He died the same Then let us when we tell their fame In grateful memory breathe his name.
Little Freddie's Grave
Another lamb in Jesus' fold Another earth chain riven The idol of our household band, Our Freddie is in Heaven
In memory of Capt. Joseph LUM who departed this life Feb 24, 1796 in the 81st year of his age
David LUM, son of Capt. Joseph & Mrs. Sarah LUM, a person of eminent endowments both of body and mind he was greatly lamented in the most active stage of live when he seemed to promise extensive usefulness he shared the common lot of mortals and died of the small pox Jan 1, 1770 in ye 28 year of his age.
Sic transit Gloria Mundi
In memory of Reuben LUM who died Jul 22, 1829 aged 48 years
Also of his wife, Charity LUMM, who died di Jan 12, 1807, aged 48 years
Sarah, widow of Reuben LUM, died 1853 ae 96
Inscribed to the memory of Stephen J. MANSFIELD, son of William & Eunice MANSFIELD, Died Aug 12, 1834, ae 33
In memory of William MANSFIELD, who died Oct 1, 1816, ae 53
Eunice, wife of, died Mar 1, 1817, ae 49
Their Children:
Sarah died Jul 4, 1811, ae 19
Abigail Ann died Feb 20, 1798 ae 3$
Charolette died Mar 10, 1799 ae 1 yr & 6 mos
Richard Abijah died Feb 1814 ae 6 weeks
Rev. Richard MANSFIELD D. D. ordained in London, Eng 1748 Rector of St. James Church Derby 72 years, Died Apr 12, 1820, aged 96
Her was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith and much people was added unto the lord. Acts xi 24.
Ann Hull, wife of Rev. R. MANSFIELD, died Aug 20, 1776 - aged 40
Sarah, wife of Rev. E. BLAKESLEE and daughter of Rev. R. & A. MANSFIELD, died Dec 23, 1790, aged 32
Asleep in Jesus
Children of Rev. R. & A. MANSFIELD who died in infancy
Henrietta Feb 3, 1760
Jonathan Dec 10, 1770
Grace Oct 14 1776
Joseph MANSFIELD died Dec 19, 1782, aged 20
Elizabeth MANSFIELD died Feb 22, 1826, aged 70
Forever with the Lord ~ A life of rare devotion to filial duty. This woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did. Acts ix 36
There is my rest. Mrs. Anna HUMPHREY, relict of the late Elijah HUMPHREY, Esqr, buried in Martinico WI, daughter of the late Rev. Richard MANSFIELD D. D. died Apr 11, 1841, aged 85. If Primitive faith exemplary piety and Charity to the Pool could have prevented she had not died
Yet may this marble teach this solemn truth That virtue only can true bliss impart While neither friendship beauty health nor youth Cand shield the breast from death's insatiate dart.
In memory of Abraham MARKS, son of Mr. Mordecai & Mrs. Elizabeth MARKS, who departed this life May the 1st 1766, aged 18 years & 6 months. He was well respected by his acquaintances more especially by the aged.
In memory of Mr. Mordecai MARKS who was born in the city of London where he spent about 20 of ye first years of his life he lived 25 years in ye town of Derby a useful member of society and affectionate husband a tender parent and a constant communicant of the church and on the 8th day of Jan 1771 and in ye 65 year of his age he departed this mortal life in hopes of life immortal.
Hlinttbo Capt Edward MARSHALL who departed this life on Sunday the 30th of May aged 32 years & 24 days.
But oh too soon alas we climb Scarce feeling we ascend The gently rising hill of time From whence with grief we see our prime and all its sweetness end.
A tribute of love and friendship to the memory of Margaret S., only daughter of Samuel & Sarah H. MARSHALL who died Aug 21, 1852 ae 39. In the blessed hope of a glorious immortality It was not meet that she should longer tarry from that bliss which God reserveth for the pure in heart.
Rebecca H., daughter of James & Rebecca MacAULAY Died Apr 14, 1852 aet 2 yrs.
John F. McKNIGHT Died Mar 22, 1853, ae 39
Cynthia, his wife, died Aug 24, 1851, ae 32
James, infant son of Samuel & Margaret MELLOR Died Feb 27, 1849
In memory of John Davis, son of Marius & Betsey MILES, who died Mar 19, 1822, aged 17 years
Hlbtbo Mrs. Zerviah MILES who died Nov ye 15, 1753 in the 8 year of her age [sic]
In memory of Mr. Jonathan MILES who departed this life Feb 21, 1784 in the 84 year of his age
In memory of Betsey MILES, relict of the late Marius MILES of New Haven, who died May 9, 1827, ae 47 years
When thy last breath ere nature sunk to rest Thy meek submission to thy God expressed When they last look ere thought and feeling fled A mingled gleam of hope and triumph shed What to thy soul its glad assurance gave Its hope in death its triumph o'er the grave.
William MILLS Died Oct 2, 1852, ae 39
Susannah, daughter of William & Susannah MILLS, died Aug 18, 1848, ae 18 mos.
This little one That we loved so well Has gone to Heaven There to dwell
In memory of Mr. William MONROE, who died Apr 24, 1819, aged 3 years
In memory of Capt. David MORRIS who departed this life Mar 8, 1810, aet 49
As in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive
In memory of Mrs Mary MORRIS, wife of Capt David MORRIS, 2d Jun 15, 1853, aged 87 years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Kezia MORRIS died Dec 31, 1874, ae 85
Benjamin MOULTHROPE Died Sep 2, 1815, ae 85
Martha, his wife, Died Nov 25, 1809, ae 44
Betsey, their daughter, died Feb 6, 1810, ae 22
Here lies the body of Mr. Nathaniel NICHOLS of Newtown Who finished a pious and Christian life course and exchanged this life for immortality Oct 20, 1767 in ye 25 year of his age
Stephen OSBORNE Died Nov 26, 1824, ae 77
Apame, his widow, Died Oct 1, 1855, ae 87
Nelly, Died Jun 1, 1851, ae 2 years & 7 m's.
Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not
Iassc PEASE died Nov 27, 1825, ae 52
Sarah, wife of Isaac PEASE, died Jan 3, 1830, ae 48
Eleazer PECK died Jul 24, 1878 ae 70
Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
Edward Crafts, son of Eleazer & Ann H. PECK, died Mar 24, 1841, aged 6 years & 6 months
Ann H. PECK, wife of Eleazer C. PECK, Died Jun 3, 1838, aged 29
Charles E., son of Eleazer & Louisa M. PECK, died Sep 19, 1852, ae 11 years
John Verveer, son of Eleazer & Louisa PECK, Died Dec 10, 1850 aged 6 years & 2 months
Jane M., daughter of Eleazer & Louisa PECK, Died Feb 2, 1855, ae 8 y'rs
Suffer little children to come unto me
Lyman G. PHILIPS, born Feb 2, 1826, died Jul 17, 1878
Ellen, wife of, died May 16, 1870, ae 30
Roswell PHILLIPS, Born Oct 2, 1796, Died Apr 12, 1876
Francis, their son, Born Dec 19, 1838, Died at Pt. Lookout, Md., May 16, 1865, While a soldier in the army of the Union.
Sarah PHILLIPS, daughter of Roswell & Susan PHILLIPS, Born Dec 25, 1842, Died Mar 25, 1864
She sleeps in Jesus
Mary E. daughter of Roswell & Susan PHILLIPS, Died Apr 18, 1844, aged 11 years
Jared, son of Samuel & Mary PLUM, aged 2 yrs 6 mos & 9 ds died.
Josiah, son of Samuel & Mary PLUM, aged 4 years 1 mo & 7 ds, died Jul 63 30, 1758
Major POWE Died Sep 12, 1841 aged 54 years & 9 months
Not lost but gone before
Henry Sophocles RITNER died Aug 9, 1845, ae 7 m.
Simon H. REMER, Died May 7, 1867, aged 67
Frances, wife of Simon H. REMER, Died Feb 26, 1877 ae 74
Harriet Hull, daughter of Augustus & Elizabeth P. ROSSETTY died Oct 7, 1834, aged 11 years
Betsey P. ROSSITER died Jun 10, 1842 aged 31
Elizabeth Mansfield, daughter of Samuel & Abby Ann SHERWOOD, Died Jul 1, 1867, ae 29
In memory of Samuel SHERWOOD, who died Sep 13, 1840 in the 45th year of his age
Julia widow of S. R. SIBLEY died Feb 15, 1858, ae 64
Sarah, wife of Elihu SMEAD, Died Jul 27, 1849, ae 49
Sarah A. daughter of Elihu & Sarah SMEAD, died Aug 30, 1849, ae 10
Mr. Wm C. SMITH, Died Sep 19, 1813, aged 49 years
In memory of Mrs. Experience, wife of Mr. William SMITH, who died Mar 3, 1821, aged 35 years & 13 ds.
In memory of Sarah Caroline, daughter of Mr. William & Mrs Experience SMITH, who died Mar 8, 1821, aged 13 years 5 months & 24 days
Samuel J. SISSON, Died Nov 11, 1825, ae 40
Irene his wife Died Mar 7, 1840, ae 50
In memory of Rebecca relict of William C. SMITH, who died Dec 5 1829 aged 73 years
In memory of Abigail daughter of John & Abigail SMITH who departed this life Aug 8, 1794 in the 13 year of her age
Charity SMITH died Mar 19, 1855, aet 80
Lyman SMITH, died Oct 11, 1868, aged 78 years
Jemima H., Relict of Lyman SMITH, died Feb 6, 1876, aged 79 years
Betsey SMITH, wife of Lyman SMITH, died Apr 18, 1838 ae 39
In memory of Capt Isaac SMITH who departed this life Dec 4th 1789 in the 59 year of his age
Oh reader stay and cast an eye Upon the grave wherein I lie For Death has called and conquered me And in a short time will conquor thee
Littley Willie fell asleep Jan 20, 1878, ae 1 yr 8 mos 21 ds, Of such is the kingdom of Heaven, son of Wm. R. & Julia V. STEELE
James, son of George & Sarah HUDDLESTON Died Apr 16 1852 aet 12 yrs
Frederic L. STONE, son of Mr. Leman & Mrs Louisa STONE, aged 16 ob Sep 16, 1818
Leman STONE died May 11, 1847, ae 96
Louisa, wife of Leman STONE, died Feb 3, 1832, ae 69
Louisa Lucia STONE, daughter of Leman & Louisa STONE, died Sep 27, 1829, aged 33
Charles, son of David & Sarah TOMLINSON died Jul 18, 1839 aged 28 years & 4 months.
Prepare to follow me
Mary Jane, daughter of Charles & Jane TOMLINSON, died May 27, 1837 aged 2 years 8 months & 5 ds.
She died ere her expanding soul Had ever burned with wrong desires Had ever spurned at heaven's control Or ever quenched its sacred fires.
Effie M. only daughter of Joseph & Fannie C. TYLER, died Dec 2, 1875 aged 5 yrs 5 ms & 2 days
Hannah Ann, daughter of Wm. & Hannah THOMPSON, died much regretted by her parents Oct 19, 1824, aged 7 years
Abel THOMPSON Died Jan 28, 1862, ae 73
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
In memory of widow Sarah TUTTLE whose character in life was that she was a virtuous woman a good wife an affectionate exemplary parent and a very pious devoted Christian. She departed this life Mar 12, 1769 aged 36 years
In memory of Capt Thomas VOSE who died Sep 30, 1845 aged 73 years
In memory of Ann Mansfield VOSE, daughter of Capt. Thomas & Mrs. Betsey VOSE who died Jan 17th 1811 ae 6 years.
Resigned by her parents in full confidence of the blessed words of our savour that of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Betsey, wife of Capt. Thomas VOSE, Died Dec 9, 1864 ae 82
In memory of Mr. John WASHBAND, who died Jun the 26 A D. 1798 in the 67 year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Experience, wife of Mr. John WASHBAND, who died Aug 10, 1783
Here lyes ye body of Mr. Joseph WASHBAND, aged 38 years & 22 days died Jan ye 23, 1741-2
Little Susie, twin daughter of A W & E M WEBSTER died Jul 13, 1869 4 mos
In memory of Mr. Joseph WHEELER who died Jun 3, 1804 aged 56 years
Also Whittlesey WHEELER, his son, died Dec 15, 1803 aged 19 years
Stop gay friend and drop a tear Youth and age lie buried here
Julia K., wife of Joseph WHEELER & daughter of Gen. W. HULL, died Jun 26, 1842, aged 43
In memory of Jane Mardenbrough, widow of Rev. Calvin WHITE & daughter of John MARDENBROUGH of the Isle of St. Martin West Indies, born May 15, 1784, died Oct 18, 1863
To the memory of Mary Louisa, widow of Giles MARDENBROUGH of the Isle od St. Martin West Indies & daughter of Rev. Richard MANSFIELD, D. D., died May 6, 1863, ae 89
Mrs. Sally WARREN, Died Oct 17, 1833, aged 44 years.
Calm was the hour's impressive scene When silent death thy suffering clos'd No pain nor anguish interven'd But every feature seemd compos'd Then rest in peace this hallowd spot Thy dust shall never be forgot Wile oft affection's tear shall lave Upon they low and silent grave
I H S ~ Capt. Carlton WHITE, born Feb 20, 1801, died [no date given]
Requiescat in pace
I H S ~ Judith Chadeayne Miller, wife of Capt. Carlton WHITE, born Aug 12, 1807, died Jun 30, 1870
Requiescat in pace
Sahra WHITE, daughter of Rev. Calvin & Phebe WHITE, born Apr 19, 1794 died Sep 2, 1856
Requiescat in pace
I H S ~ the sons of Moses & Margaret White CLEMENT baptised 1837, died 1838 aged 2 years
Moses baptized 1840, died 1843 aged 4 years
Dear Father thy will be done
I H S ~ Rev Calvin WHITE died Mar 21, 1853, ae 90
Requiescat in pace
I H S ~ Phebe WHITE, wife of Rev. Calvin WHITE, daughter of Nathaniel & Rachel CAMP of Newark New Jersey, obt Nov 23, A D 1826 aet 51
Her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her. Prov xxxi 28. Requiescat in pace. Amen
In memory of Alfred WHITNEY who died May 28, 1839 aged 33 years
Ann, widow of Archibald WHITNEY, died Nov 22, 1869, ae 85
In memory of Archibald WHITNEY, who died Sep 18, 1842, aged 62 years
In memory of Archibald WHITNEY who died Jan 10, 1849, aged 41 years
In memory of Capt William WHITNEY who died Oct 26, 1839 in his 77 year
Mary his wife died Nov 7, 1807 in her 41 year
In memory of Miss Susan WHITNEY who died Dec 22, 1851 in her 77 year
Henry WHITNEY died Mary 1st 1811, aged 75
Live and immortality are brought to light by the Gospel
In memory of Eunice WHITNEY, wife of Henry WHITNEY, who departed this life Thursday 21st Aug 1794 aged 48 years
Long as the crimson tide shall know The blood which bid it first to flow So long O parent! ever dear Shall sad remembrance linger here
Here lyes ye body of Isaac WHITNEY, son of Capt Henry & Mrs Eunice WHITNEY, who died Oct ye 19, 1769 age 2 yrs 7 mos
Hannah, widow of Abijah WILCOXSON, Died Jan'y 1st 1866, aged 96 years
Abijah WILCOXSON Died Sep 29, 1838, aet 74
John WOOSTER, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Eunice WOOSTER, died Mar 16, 1756 in his 4 year
Ann WOOSTER, daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Eunice WOOSTER died Mar 5, 1756, in her 2d year
In memory of Mr. Thomas WOOSTER died 2d Feb 1777 in 85 year of his age
Beneath this tomb an aged man here lies Who oft relieved the poor and needly ones
Here lyes ye body of Joseph WOOSTER, son of Mr. Thomas WOOSTER & Mrs Sarah his wife, aged 19 years 1 mo & 13 days died Aug 13, 1751
Here lies the body of Eliz'th WOOSTER, daur of Mr. John WOOSTER & Mrs. Eunice his wife, age 2 years & 8 ds, died Aug 8, 1751
In memory of Sarah wife of Wm WOOSTER who died Sep 11, 1839, ae 44
Also Henrietta M. daughter of Wm. & Sarah WOOSTER, died Dec 16, 1835 ae 17
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
In memory of Mr. Daniel WOOSTER who died Apr 3, 1807 ag 78 years
Mourn not for me my children dear Shed for yourselves a mourning tear That you may soar to worlds above Where all is joy and all is love
In memory of Mrs. Sarah WOOSTER, wife of Daniel WOOSTER, who died Oct 13th 1790, in the 36 year of her age
Frederika, wife of John YOUNG, Died May 14, 1867, ae 36 y'rs