With Catalogues of its Officers & Members
From its Organization in 1711 to December, 1853
Robert C. Learned
Northampton, Mass.
Transcribed by Jane Devlin

Samuel EASTBROOK | Concord, MA, 1674 | H. U. 1696 | 13 Jun 1711 |
| 26 Jun 1727 | 53 |
John WADSWORTH | Milton, MA, 1703 | H. U. 1723 | 3 Sep 1729 | 27 May 1741 | 15 Jun 1766 | 63 |
James COGSWELL | Saybrook, 1720 | Y. C., 1742 | 28 Dec 1744 | 5 Nov 1771 | 2 Jan 1807 | 87 |
Solomon MORGAN | Groton, 1744 | | 30 Sep 1783 | Mar 1797 | 3 Sep 1804 | 60 |
George LEONARD | | D. C. 1805 | 3 Feb 1808 | 29 Aug 1810 | Jun 1834 | 51 |
Asa MEECH | Preston, 1775 | B. U. 1807 | 28 Oct 1812 | May 2822 | 1849 | 74 |
Thomas J. MURDOCK | Norwich VT, 1790 | D. C. 1812 | 20 Nov 1822 | | 15 Dec 1826 | 36 |
James R. WHEELOCK | Hanover, N.H., 1790 | D. C. 1807 | 20 Dec 1827 | 8 Apr 1829 | 26 Nov 1841 | 51 |
Dennis PLATT | Danbury, 1800 | Y. C. 1824 | 31 Mar 1830 | 1 Jan 1833 | | |
Otis C. WHITON | Whichendon, Ms., 1794 | D. C. 1815 | 20 Jun 1833 | 17 Jan 1837 | 17 Oc 1845 | 51 |
Charles J. WARREN | Boston, Mass., 1796 | B. U. 1826 | 13 Sep 1837 | 1 Apr 1840 | | |
Walter CLARKE | Farmington, 1812 | Y. C. 1837 | 18 May 1842 | 23 May 1845 | | |
Robert C. LEARNED | New London, 1817 | Y. C. 1837 | 22 Dec 1847 | | | |
Mr. ESTABROOK was the third son of Rev. Joseph ESTABROOK, and married Rebecca, daughter of Rev. Nehemiah HOBART, Newton, Mass. She died soon after her husband and lies by his side in the burial ground just north of the Green. Hobart ESTABROOK, one of their sons, became an esteemed pastor in East Haddam, Willington Society.
Mr. WADSWORTH withdrew from his charge without a regular dismission, under the imputation of immoral conduct. He lived afterwards in his native town, and died (according to tradition) of apoplexy, in the pulpit. His wife was Abigail SPROAT of Middleboro, Mass.; his only son died in youth.
Mr. COGSWELL's parents lived in Lebanon, during his childhood, but afterwards followed him to Canterbury, and died in his house. (See Nos. 229 and 230 of members.) After his dismission hence, he was settled in Scotland from 1772 to 1804, when he removed to Hartford, on account of his many infirmities. There he died at the house of his only surviving child, Dr. Mason F. COGSWELL, having outlived that strength of mind which once made him honored, but not those graces of the heart, for which he was beloved. He was married, first to Alice FITCH of Canterbury; secondly, to the Widow of Rev. Mr. DEVOTION of Scotland, and thridly, to Widow Irena HEBARD. He received a Doctorate from Yale College.
Mr. MORGAN was not educated at College. He had been pastor of a church (since dissolved) in Nazareth Society, Voluntown, from 1772 to 1782. Soon after leaving here, we was settled over the North Church in Canaan, where he died. He married a Widow HASKELL, one of whose sons became President of the University of Vermont. One of his sons graduated at Yale College, but died young, a lawyer in Vermont.
Mr. LEONARD's doctrinal views were not satisfactory to some of the memebers of the church. He afterwards entered the ministry of the Episcopal church, and in that connection officiated at Windsor, Vt., from 1818, till near the time of his death. He died of consumpton, while journeying for the benefit of his health.
Mr. MEECH was not educated at College, but received an honorary degree, while pastor at North Bridgewater, Mass, where he remained from 1800 until 1811. From this place he removed to Canada, and died in Hull, C. W., near the close of 1849. He was thrice married. His second wife and several children were drowned, soon after their arrival in Canada.
Mr. MURDOCK had been from 1819 to 1821, pastor of a church in Portland, Me., which is now extinct. He died, much lamented by his congregation, and sleeps near the first pastor of the church. He was thrice married, but left only a daughter, since deceased.
Mr. WHEELOCK was a grandson of Rev. Eleazar WHEELOCK, the founder and first President of Dartmouth College. He first undertook the practice of law, but changed his profession, was settled successively in Newport, N. H., and in Norwich, Vt. On leaving his station here, he went to Indiana as a missionary; but returning in 1836, with impaired health, was settled in Barre, Vt. Here he was broken up in a few years, by affliction which resulted in partial disorder of his mental faculties. He died in Boston, having been twice married, and leaving several children.
Mr. PLATT began his labors in 1828, at Willimantic, where he organized the church, and remained some two years as an evangelist. Not many months after leaving this church, he went into New York, and has been there since, -- from 1834 to 1842, pastor in Homer; from 1842 to 1845, pastor in Manlius; 1845-6, editor of the Recorder at Syracuse, and from 1846 to 1853, pastor in Binghamton. He married Miss Caroline DWIGHT of New Haven; his oldest son died at Yale College.
Mr. WHITON had been settled previously in North Yarmouth, Me., and in Troy and Westmoreland, N. H. He was afterwards pastor in Scotland, from 1837 to 1841, and thence removed to Harrisville, N. H., where he died suddenly. He was twice married, but without children.
Mr. WARREN had been settled in Attleboro and South Weymouth, Mass., and in Wethersfield. He has been since engaged in various labors connected with the Temperance Reform, and is now Secretary of the New York City Temperance Alliance.
Mr. CLARKE is now pastor of the South Church in Hartford, and has lately received a Doctorate from Williams College.

Eleazar BROWN | 25 Jun 1711 | | 22 Jan 1720 |
Timothy BACKUS | 11 Jun 1719 | 1744 | 28 Feb 1762 |
Thomas BROWN | 1720 | | 13 Apr 1838 |
Deliverance BROWN | 16 Jun 1737 | | 14 Jan 1768 |
John BACON | 16 Jun 1737 | | 19 Feb 1741 |
Stephen FROST | 1 May 1746 | 1770 | |
Samuel HUNTINGTON | 26 Mar 1753 | 1769 | 20 Mar 1797 |
Eliashib ADAMS | 24 Aug 1769 | 1797 | |
Jabez FITCH, Jr. | 25 Jan 1771 | 1796 | 19 Dec 1806 |
Daniel FROST | | 1821 | 27 Aug 1839 |
Joseph MOORE | 23 Feb 1792 | 1821 | 29 Jan 1823 |
Joseph SIMMS | 2 Mar 1821 | 1824 | |
Lucius BACON | 2 Mar 1821 | 1847 | |
John FRANCIS | 28 Dec 1824 | | 24 Jan 1826 |
John M. FRANCIS | 21 Nov 1844 | | |
Thomas G. CLARKE | 21 Oct 1847 | | |
Dea. BACKUS left the Church in 1744, with the Separatists.
Dea. John BACON is not set down in the record among the members received, and his name is therefore not in the list following.
Dea. Stephen FROST was one of those who in 1770 formed the new church in Westminster Society.
Dea. HUNTINGTON was born in Lebanon, and graduated at Yale College in 1743. He was a merchant here. About 1769, he removed to East Haddam, where he died.
Dea. ADAMS removed hence to Massachusetts after 1796, and thence to Maine, where he died.
Dea. FICH was the father of President FITCH of Williams College, and was himself a physician of reputation. After 1795 he followed his children to Vt., and died at Sheldon, in that State.
Dea. Daniel FROST was chosen probably a short time before Dea. MOORE. These two retired from active service on the election of others in 1821.
Dea. SIMMS in 1824 removed to Plainfield, N.Y., where he died.
Dea. KINNE graduated at Yale College in 1804. He and Dea. Lucius BACON retired from active service in 1847. |
In the following catalogue, the names found on the records have been arranged under the years in which they were received, -- the spelling being conformed to modern usage.
Names of females are given as they were at the time of admission. If previously married, the name of the husband is also given, preceded by w. for "wife of", or wid. for "widow of". If females married while members, the husband's name is appended in italics, preceded by --m.-- for "married."
An § prefixed marks those received by letter.
Figures (in a parenthesis) after a name, refer to the father's name, if on the catalogue; --otherwise to that of the mother. A name (in like position) is either the family surname of a married female, or the abbreviated name of the father, when neither parent is named in the catalogue.
Figures in the last column show when the connection with this church came to an end, and the characters and letter preceding show how it ended. They signify, either:--
* that a person died in connection with this church;
or, D. that a person was regularly dismissed to another church;
or, W. that a person irregularly withdrew to some other denomination;
or, Sep. that a person adhered to the Separatists in the schism of 1744;
or, Br. that a person was one of the founders of the Brooklyn church;
or, West. that a person was one of the founders of the Westminster ch.;
or, Ex. that a person was finally excluded from communion.
Miss Mary ADAMS (No. 340) is the first person on the catalogue, now living in Canterbury. After her name the absentees are marked by an A. , that those who desire may ascertain who are the actual resident members.
Or persons received to full communion
June 13, 1711
Samuel ESTABROOK (Rev. Joseph E.) *1727
Eleazar BROWN *1720
Elisha PAYNE (Thomas P.) *1736
Samuel CLEAVELAND *1736
John WOODWARD -- Br. 1734
Stephen FROST, *1728
1712 -
Mary, w. Samuel ADAMS, Sr. *1718
Rebecca, w. William BAKER, (BACKUS)
Mary, wid. Josiah CLEAVELAND, --m R. BOSWELL
Sarah, w. Timothy BACKUS (POST) -- Sep. 1744
Abigail, w. Joseph CLEAVELAND, Sen. (HIDE) *1724
Bridger BROWN, --m. Eben. FITCH, (2)
Elizabeth BACKUS, --m. Nath. BOND
Sarah, w. John PIKE (HIDE) *
Timothy BACKUS, -- Sep. 1744
James HYDE, *1732
1713 -
Mary, w. James HYDE *
Josiah CLEAVELAND (10) -- Sep. 1744
Abigail, w. Josiah CLEAVELAND (3) -- Sep. 1744
Richard ADAMS, Jun. (R. A.) *1733
Samuel BUTTS *1747
Sarah, w. Samuel BUTTS *1727
Thomas BROWN *1738
Rachel, w. Thomas BROWN (LEVENS) *1755
1714 -
Obadiah JOHNSON -- Sep. 1744
Rebecca, w. Obadiah JOHNSON -- Sep. 1744
1715 -
Edith, w. James BRADFORD *
Jerusha FITCH, --m. Dan. BISSELL, (Maj. Jas. F.) --D. 1718
Richard SMITH *1742
Mary, w. Richard SMITH (10)
1718 -
Samuel CLEAVELAND, Jun., (4) *1727
Sarah, w. David KNIGHT, (BACKUS) *
Anna WALTON, --m. Gershom MOTT, (Lawrence W.) *
Joseph SMITH *1765
Elizabeth, w. Joseph SMITH (BURNAP) *1778
1719 -
Rebecca, w. Edward CLEAVELAND, Jun. (3) -- Sep. 1744
John WALTON (Lawrence W.) *
Elizabeth, w. Nathaniel ROBBINS, *1729
1720 -
Daniel FITCH, (Maj. Jas. F.) -- D. 1746
Anna, w. Daniel FITCH (COOK) *1735
Mary, w. Thomas DAVENPORT *
John PIKE *1769
1721 -
Mary, w. John CARTER *
Sarah, w. Sam. CLEAVELAND, Jr., --m. Jno. PROCTOR, (BOSWELL)
Lucy, w. Henry CLEAVELAND (Maj. Jas. F.)
Elisha PAYNE, Jun. (3) -- Sep. 1744
Mary, w. Elisha PAYNE, (Wm. JOHNSON) -- Sep. 1744
Hannah KNIGHT (34) *
Dorcas PAYNE, --m. Dav. ADAMS (3)
Hannah PAYNE, --m. ___ WATTS, (3)
Deliverance BROWN (2) *1768
Abigail, w. Deliv. BROWN, (Rebecca WALDO) *1763
Hannah ADAMS, (Henry A.) *
Solomon PAYNE, (3) -- Sep 1744
Sarah, w. Solomon PAYNE, (CARVER) *1731
1722 -
Benjamin FASSET, -- Br. 1734
____, w. Benjamin FASSET,
Elizabeth DAVIS, (120), *
David MONROE, *1755
Deborah, w. David MONROE, *1748
Moses CLEAVELAND (Aaron C.)
Mary, w. Moses CLEAVELAND, (26)
1723 -
Nathaniel BOND
1724 -
___, wid. ___ ENSWORTH, -- D.
Mary, w. Joseph ENSWORTH, (4)
Obadiah JOHNSON, (26) -- Sep. 1744
Lydia, w. Obadiah JOHNSON (10) -- Sep. 1744
Ebenezer FELCH, -- D.
Jacob JOHNSON, (26)
Mary, w. Jacob JOHNSON, (SHEPARD), *1732
Rachel, w. Jonas SPALDING (10) -- D. 1736
Henry SMITH, -- D. 1735
Hannah, w. Henry SMITH, -- D. 1735
Hannah, w. Jonathan CADY, *
1725 -
Patience DURKEE, (Dea. John. D.)
Eunice, w. Capt. Joseph ADAMS, (SPALDING) *1726
Stephen FROST, Jun. (7) -- West. 1770
Mary, w. Stephen FROST, Jun., (H. ADAMS), *1764
1726 -
John DYER, *
Samuel ADAMS, (John A.)
Amos WOODWARD, (6), *1753
Hannah, w. Amos WOODWARD, (MEACHAM)
Susannah, w. Isaac CLEAVELAND, (Wm. JOHNSON)
Anna, w. Benjamin CLEAVELAND, -- Sep. 1744
Constant PAYNE, --m. W. BAKER, --m. J. PAYNE, (3) -- D. 1738
1727 -
Esther, w. John FISH, (26), *1793
1729 -
§ Margaret, w. Thomas THOMPSON
§ Hannah DAVIS
1730 -
§ Edward SPALDING, -- D. 1735
§ Abigail BUTTS
Sarah, w. Solomon TRACY, *1765
§ Abigail, w. Rev. John WADSWORTH (SPROAT)
§ Tristram BROWN, -- Sep. 1744
§ Abigail, w. Tristram BROWN, -- Sep. 1744
§ Mary, wid. ___ MULCAN, *1760
Mary, w. Joseph ADAMS, Sen., -- D. 1736
§ Joshua PAYNE, -- D. 1736
§ Rebecca, w. Joshua PAYNE, *1736
§ Sarah, w. Noah GILBERT
Abigail, wid. ___ BROWN
Benjamin CLEAVELAND, *1749
1731 -
Lydia, w. Jabez FITCH, (GALE) * 1753
Daniel DAVIS, (120), -- West. 1770
Mary ADAMS, (114), *1733
John PAYNE (3) -- Sep. 1744
Daniel ADAMS, Jun., -- Sep. 1744
Michal, wid. ___ ADAMS, *1752
1732 -
§ Elizabeth, w. Josiah HYDE, -- Sep. 1744
Susannah, w. Capt. Joseph ADAMS (ADAMS) *1790
Solomon ADAMS, (Henry A.)
Abigail, w. Solomon ADAMS (63) *1784
Rebecca ADAMS, (Henry A.)
Ephraim DAVIS
1733 -
Abigail CLEAVELAND, -- m. Sam. ADAMS, (19) -- Sep. 1744
Zerviah SMITH, --m. Wm. WITTER, (31) -- D. 1736
Esther, w. Samuel CARVER
Abigail, w. Edward RAYNSFORD, *1763
Edward CLEAVELAND, Sen. -- D. 1738
Zerviah, w. Edw. CLEAVELAND, Sen. (CHURCH), -- D. 1738
Mary, wid. Rich. ADAMS, --m. Sam. BUTTS, (125)
Mary, wid. ___ HYDE
Elizabeth, wid. Benj. TIBBITS
Elizabeth, w. Tryal BAKER, (130)
Ruth, w. Robert GREEN,
John PIKE (45)
Sarah, w. John PIKE
Mary DAVENPORT, --m. Sam. WILSON, (44), -- D.
1734 -
Simeon WOODWARD, (6) -- Sep. 1744
Sarah, w. Simeon WOODWARD, (BAKER)
1735 -
Noah GILBERT, -- Sep. 1744
Thomas BRADFORD, (166) -- West. 1770
Eunice, w. Thomas BRADFORD, (81)
Mehetabel, w. Moses BOSWELL, (BAKER), *1766
1736 -
Zerviah, w. Isaac ADAMS, (BROWN)
Sybil, w. Benjamin THROPP, (84)
§ Timothy PIERCE
§ Mary, w. Timothy PIERCE
§ Deborah, w. Thomas ADAMS, *1767
Sarah REED
David MONROE, (63)
Mary, w. David MONROE, (VALLET)
1737 -
§ ____, w. Henry ADAMS
§ Thankful HYDE, -- Sep. 1744
§ Gideon COBB, *1759
§ Margaret, w. Gideon COBB, (CLEAVELAND) *1775
Mary CLEAVELAND, --m. Wm. BRADFORD, (19) -- Sep. 1744
Patience ADAMS, (Henry A.) -- Sep 1744
Isaac WOODWARD, -- West. 1770
Elizabeth, w. Isaac WOODWARD
Abigail, w. Benajah DOUGLASS, -- Sep. 1744
Prudence, w. Thomas BOSWELL
Mary, w. Benjamin BROWN
1738 -
Mary BACON, --m. Tim. BACKUS, (Dea. J. BACON), -- Sep 1744
§ Thomas PATTEN
§ Sarah, w. Thomas PATTEN, -- Sep. 1744
James BRADFORD, *1762
Susannah, w. James BRADFORD, (ADAMS) *1752
Mercy, w. James DELOP, (130)
Caleb HYDE, -- Sep. 1744
Lydia, w. Caleb HYDE
Benjamin CLEAVELAND, (28), -- Ex. 1753
Rachel, w. Benjamin CLEAVELANd, -- Ex. 1753
§ Abigail, w. Abraham BROWN
1739 -
Daniel BAKER, (9)
Margery, w. Ebenezer BACON, (MARKHAM), -- Sep. 1744
Esther, w. Nathan RAYNSFORD
§ Margaret PELLET, -- Sep. 1744
William BRADFORD, (166), -- Sep. 1744
Abraham PAYNE, (3)
Ruth, w. Abra. PAYNE, (ADAMS)
David CARVER, -- Sep. 1744
1740 -
Susannah JONES
Priscilla, w. Solomon PAYNE, (Fitch), -- Sep.
Joanna, w. ___ DOWNING
Rachel, w. Wm. CLEAVELAND
Hannah BALDWIN, (Benj. B.)
Susannah, w. Timothy BALDWIN, (7), *1795
John CLEVELAND [Pastor in Ipswich, MA, 1747-99], (19), -- Sep. 1744
Elisha CLEAVELAND, (19), -- Sep. 1744
1741 -
Esther, w. Joseph JACKSON
Within a few years after 28 Dec 1744 -
Prez FITCH, (210)
Elizabeth BROWN
John FELCH, *1754
Hannah, w. Eben. BALDWIN, (READE), *1778
William ENSWORTH, (Joseph E.)
Lydia GALE, *1753
Deliverance CLEAVELAND
Rebecca, w. Deliv. CLEAVELAND, (PAYNE)
Isaac HYDE, *1776
William BOND, -- West. 1770
Joseph SMITH, Jr., (36)
Anthony GLASS, -- West. 1770
Noah WOODWARD, (6)
Sarah DYER, --m. ___ WHITING, (84)
1745 -
§ Jabez FITCH, (Maj. Jas. F.), *1784
§ Abigail, w. Phinehas BROWN
§ MArtha DARBE
§ NAthaniel BOND, (67)
§ Jerusha, w. Ezra CLEAVELAND, -- Ex. 1755
§ Ebenezer DEAN, Jr.
§ Deborah, 2. Eben. DEAN, Jun.
§ Abigail, w. Sam. MONROE
§ Alice FITCH, --m. Rev. James COGSWELL, (210)
§ Rhoda, w. Jacob SMITH, *1778
§ Rhoda, w. Jabez BENJAMIN, -- Ex. 1755
§ Prudence, w. William THOMPSON
1746 -
§ Jerusha, w. Tyxhall ENSWORTH, (FITCH)
§ Thomas KNAPPEN
§ Zebulon RICHARDS
§ Lydia, w. Zebulon RICHARDS,
1747 -
§ Abigail, w. Josiah WILLIAMS
1748 -
§ Samuel COGSWELL, *1752
§ Anne, w. Sam. COGSWELL, *1753
§ James ADAMS, -- Ex. 1755
§ Mary ADAMS
1749 -
Waitstill, w. Charles DAVENPORT
1751 -
Ebenezer ADDAMS
Elizabeth, w. Eben. ADAMS, (SEARS)
§ William PARRISH
Elizabeth WALDEN
§ John BOND
§ Rachel, w. John BOND
§ MEhetable, w. Jabez ENSWORTH, (TRACY), *1757
Eliashib ADAMS, -- D.
Jabez FITCH, Jun. (210) -- D.
§ Elizabeth, w. John BARSTOW
1752 -
§ Samuel HUNTINGTON, -- D.
§ Rebecca, w. Sam. HUNTINGTON, (FAIRBANKS), *1754
Mary, w. David NEVINS, (LOTHROP)
Enos WOOWARD, -- West, 1770
Mary, w. Enos WOODWARD, (BENNET)
Mary, w. Sials WOODWARD, (BADLOCK)
Mary, w. John BADLOCK, *1762
§ Zerviah, w. Richard RAYNSFORD, *1756
§ John BACON, (Dea. J. B.) *1790
Lydia, w. Phinehas ADAMS, (210), *1820
1753 -
§ Robert HERRICK, -- West, 1770
§ Mary, w. Robert HERRICK
§ John HERRICK, (261), -- West. 1770
Phebe, wid. ___ BUTTS
Ruth, w. Samuel CLEAVELAND
1754 -
Sarah, wid. John FELCH, (GREEN) *1776
Daniel FROST, (82), *1758
Elizabeth, w. Dan. FROST, (BOND), *1783
§ Hannah, w. William ENSWORTH, (COGSWELL), -- D.
John DYER, Jun., (84)
Anna, w. John DYER, Jun., (PAYSON), *1776
1755 -
Lucy FITCH, -- m. David ADAMS, (210)
Hannah, w. Samuel PELLET, (UNDERWOOD)
§ Simon FORBS
Thankful, w. Simon FORBES, (ELLIS)
1757 -
Anna, w. James DYER, (WHITING), *1799
1758 -
Abigail, w. Nehemiah ENSWORTH, (DAVENPORT), *
Abigail, w. Gideon COBB, Jun., (84)
Peter WOODWARD, -- West. 1770
Althea, w. Peter WOODWARD, (ARMSTRONG), *1774
Elizabeth, w. John FRENCH
1759 -
Joshua PHINNEY, *1787
Elijah DYER, (84), *1793
Elizabeth, w. Elijah DYER, *1817
Dorothy, w. Samuel HUNTINGTON, (GATES), -- D.
1760 -
Lydia, w. Jabez FITCH, Jun., (HUNTINGTON), -- D.
Ebenezer DEAN, Jun., -- 2d time, -- West. 1770
Deborah, w. Eben. DEAN, Jun., -- 2d time
1761 -
Abigail, wid. Sam. ADAMS, --m. Rich. HALE, *1809
1762 -
Amos WOODWARD, -- West. 1770
Anna, w. Amos WOODWARD, (PATTEN)
Thankful, wid. Joseph BALDWIN (BALDWIN), *1824
Anna, wid. Nathaniel LOTHROP, (FITCH)
Elizabeth, w. Paul DAVENPORT, (82), *1799
1763 -
Susannah, w. Thomas ADAMS, (PECK)
Sarah, w. Solomon ADAMS, Jun., (MEACHAM)
Margaret YOUNG
1764 -
Mary, wid. ____ BALDWIN, *1767
Olive, w. Nathan FISH, (ENSWORTH)
Lucy, w. John BROWN
Lydia, w. Eleazar BROWN
Lydia BOND
1766 -
Reuben PECK
Charity, w. Reuben PECK, (FRENCH)
1767 -
Patience, w. Joseph CARTER, -- D. 1783
1768 -
Asa ASPENWALL, (313), *1789
1770 -
John FISH, *1782
William CARY
Mary, w. Wm. CARY
Mary, w. David MONROE, (WOODWARD)
1771 -
Rachel HERRICK, (263), *
Sarah, w. Darius FISH, (HOWARD), *1813
1772-1777 -
Nathaniel ASPENWALL, *1777
Mary, w. Nath. ASPENWALL, --m. J. BACON, (DARBE), *1803
Hannah, w. Asa ASPENWALL, (BENNET)
Elizabeth, w. Jabez FITCH, (DARBE), *
Betty, w. Jowsph ENSWORTH, (WASHBURN)
Mary, w. William BINGHAM, (NEVINS)
1777-1797 -
Daniel FROST, (267), *1839
Phebe, w. Daniel FROST, (FARNHAM) *1808
Timothy BACKUS, -- D. 1787
David KINNE, *1808
John Bradford ADAMS, (Joseph A.), -- W. 1787
Sarah, w. J. Bradford ADAMS, (294), -- W. 1789
William ADAMS, (260), -- D.
John MOORE, *1823
Hannah, w. Jos. MOORE (SHEPARD), *1841
Betsey MOORE, -- m. S. SHEPARD (326), -- D.
Nancy MOORE, --m. T. SHEPARD, (326), -- D.
David SHEPARD, *
Phebe, w. David SHEPARD, *1825
Henrietta CHESTER, --m. Rev. I. BRIGGS, -- D.
James ADAMS, *1805
Jerusha, w. Jas. ADAMS, (KNIGHT), *1829
Mary, w. John ADAMS, (PARKER), *1798
Sarah FITCH, --m. ____ GREEN, (244), -- D.
Anne FITCH, --m. Rev. Dr. SANDERS, (244), -- D.
Gideon WELLS, *1811
1798 -
Mary ADAMS [oldest resident member], (333)
1801 -
Joseph SIMMS, (John. S.) -- D. 1824
1806 -
Asa BACON, (259), *1819
Abigail, w. Asa BACON, (WHITNEY), *1821
Nathan ADAMS, (289), *1837
John CLARKE, *1832
Theresa, w. John CLARKE, *1819
Betsey CLARK, (345) -- A.
Sarah FISH, --m. Erastus HOUGH, (312), -- D. 1820
Dorothy, w. Samuel PHINNEY, (HYDE), -- D. 1814
1807 -
Priscilla, w. Samuel BACON, (313), *1826
Lucius BACON, (350)
1808 -
Esther, wid. Moses CLEAVELAND, (CHAMPION), *1840
1809 -
Zipporah, wid. Charles MORSE, (BALDWIN), *1817
Philura BACON, (350), *1809
Polly, w. Isaac MORGAN, (335), *1832
Anna ADAMS, --m. ____ MONTEITH, (335), -- D.
Luceba ADAMS, --m. Hervey ALLEN, (335), -- D.
1810 -
Mary, w. Russell WILLOUGHBY, (MORGAN), -- D. 1839
Amy, w. Fitch ADAMS, (342), *1816
1813 -
§ Phebe, w. Joseph SIMMS, (FITCH), -- D. 1824
§ Sarah, w. Thomas COIT, (CHESTER), *1834
§ Hannah, w. Daniel FROST, (STEVENS), *1838
Lot MORGAN, *1834
Keziah, w. Lot MORGAN, (CLEAVELAND), -- D. 1841
Calista MORGAN, --m. Benj. DELOP, (363), -- D. 1819
Anna, w. Lucius BACON, (LAMB)
Sophia BACON, --m. Rev. E. LEARNED, (350), -- D. 1817
Martha, w. Walter HOUGH, *1841
Laura HALE, --m. David HALE, -- D.
§ Asabel ALLEN, *1825
§ John Bradford ADAMS, --2d time, (Joseph A.), *1829
§ Sarah, w. J. B. ADAMS, --2d time, (294), *1813
§ Pratt ALLEN, -- D. 1830
§ John FRANCIS, *1826
§ Irena, w. John FRANCIS, (WALDEN), *1827
§ Susannah, w. Sam. C. ADAMS, (WALDEN), *1842
§ Anna, w. Stephen ROBINSON, (HUNTINGTON), *
Polly BACON, (350), *1814
Nancy, wid. Stedman ADAMS, (462), --D. 1834
Laura PAYNE, --m. Rev. J. FISHER, (462), --D. 1821
1814 -
Maria, w. Rev. Asa MEECH, *
Jerusha, w. Timothy BACKUS, (TRACY), -- D.
§ Abigail ADAMS, --m. Reuben HERRICK, (371)
Lydia, w. Asa PHINNEY, (APPLY), *1815
§ Daniel FROST, Jun., (319), -- D. 1835
§ William KINNE, (322), *1848
1815 -
David PAYNE, (462), -- A.
Nancy MORGAN, --m. Rev. A. McLEAN, (363), -- D. 1833
Elizabeth, w. Sam. L. HOUGH, (ADAMS), -- D. 1834
Sarah COIT, --m. J. KNICKERBOCKER, (461), -- D.
Huldah, w. Anson JOHNSON, (HUNTINGTON), -- D. 1845
Samuel L. HOUGH, (368), -- D. 1834
Luther CLARK [Pastor in Riga, N.Y.; d. in Lisbon; b. in Canterbury], (Seth C.), -- D.
Stephen COIT, (461), -- D. 1834
Sally MOORE, --m. Wm. CHILD, (326), -- D. 1819
Esther MOORE, --m. Sylv. SHEPARD, (326)
1816 -
Hannah, w. Amasa HUTCHINS, (LEFFINGWELL), *1848
Eunice HUTCHINS, --m. Eben. SANGER, (397)
Hannah STEVENS, --m. Edw. PERRY, -- D. 1820
Johannah, w. Rufus ADAMS (BEYERS), -- A.
Mary, w. Andrew HARRIS, (352), -- D. 1843
Fanny CHOATE, *
William DEMING
1817 -
§ Clarissa, w. Simon SHEPARD, (326)
Charles F. MORGAN, (507), *1818
Aurelia WATERS, --m. John MORGAN, -- D. 1823
§ Jesse L. HUNT, -- D. 1822
§ Temperance, w. J. L. HUNT, (BUGBEE), -- D. 1822
1819 -
Louisa, w. Daniel FROST, Jun. (345), *1833
Eunice, w. Joseph GRAVES, (PELLET), -- A.
§ Hannah, w. Solomon PAYNE, (BISHOP), *1825
1820 -
Abigail, w. Luther BINGHAM, (JOHNSON), *
Sybil, w. Joseph FARNHAM, (BALDWIN), *1837
Mansur MANNING, (Rockwell M.)
Susan, w. Mansur MANNING, (SAFFORD)
Alice, wid. Eben. CHAFEE, (FASSET), *1827
Eunice, wid. Merit MORGAN, (HYDE), -- D. 1834
Allen G. CLARK, (Asa C.)
Celinda, w. A. G. CLARK, (DARLING), *1849
Elizabeth ARMSTRONG, -- A.
Olive CLARK, --m. Horace BALDWIN, (Seth C.), *1831
Abigail, w. Waldo BROWN, (FISH), *1850
Lucy BROWN, (422), -- D. 1853
1821 -
Mary Ann WILLOUGHBY, --m. Geo. CLARK, (358), -- D. 1824
Mehetabel ROBINSON, --m. Jabez PARKHURST, (Josiah R.)
Dorcas, w. William BRAMAN, (STEDMAN), *1825
Hannah HUNT, (407), -- D. 1822
Sylvanus SHEPARD, (466), *1844
1822 -
§ William LESTER, *1847
§ Elizabeth, w. Wm. LESTER, (BURGESS), *1842
§ Maria LESTER, --m. Rev. Eb. MEAD, (429), -- D. 1830
§ Harriet M. LESTER, --m. J. B. LATHROP, (429), -- D. 1825
1812-1822 [sic] -
§ Mary, w. John HOWE, *1829
§ Betsey, w. Stephen COIT, (THROOP), -- D. 1834
1823 -
Olive, w. William ASPENWALL, (LEACH)
Alice F., w. Benjamin CHASE, (SPALDING), -- D. 1851
Ruby FELCH, (429), *1850
Lucy SHEPARD, (466)
Mary, wid. Samuel FELCH, (321), *1833
Mary, w. Joseph ADAMS, (BROWN), *1841
Ruby, w. Nathan FISH, (BALDWIN), -- D. 1831
Mary, w. Nehemiah ENSWORTH, (BOSWELL)
Mary, wid. John BARBER, (DAVENPORT), -- A.
Eunice CLARK, --m. John BULLARD, (Seth C.), -- D. 1834
1824 -
Betsey, w. Thomas B. PELLET, (KAZAR)
Catharine, w. Jonathan DENISON, (BROWN), -- A.
John Milton FRANCIS, (Mannaing F.)
Esther, w. Asa GOODSPEED, * 1835
Mary FELCH, --m. ___ CLARK, (439), -- D. 1845
Mary, w. Timothy BALDWIN, -- D. 1848
Lydia, w. John Milton FRANCIS, (WILLIAMS), *1835
Lucinda GOODSPEED, (448), -- D. 1836
Lucy, w. John BULLARD, *
Annah, w. Alpheus MORSE, (ROUSE), *1838
Polly RIXFORD, -- D. 1836
1825 -
Peter M. CLARK, (Seth C.), *1828
Zerviah, wid. Eliashib TRACY, (ADAMS), *
§ John HOWE, -- W.
Lucy, w. Jedidiah JOHNSON, (ABBE), -- D. 1842
1826 -
Thomas A. CLARK, (Seth C.), -- D. 1831
Thomas COIT, (Joseph C.), -- D. 1832
Luther PAYNE, (David P.), *1830
Fitch ADAMS, (260), *1837
Thomas B. PELLET, (Joseph P.)
Sarah ASPENWALL, (Wm. A.), *1851
Simon SHEPARD, *1827
John BULLARD, -- D. 1834
§ Sarah, w. Solomon PAYNE, (BARKER)
Alice, w. Asabel BACON, (Rev. J. FULLER), *1827
Arethusa ADAMS, (440), *1826
Charles CLARK, (Seth C.), -- D. 1828
1827 -
Robert KINNE, (Manuel K.), -- D. 1828
Harriet, w. Rufus WALDO, (466), *1844
1828 -
§ Rufus WALDO, (John E. W.)
Betsey, w. Joseph SAFFORD, (EDWARDS), *1828
1830 -
Louisa GORDON, --m. Simon CUTLER, -- D. 1844
Frances M. ADAMS, --m. S. TRACY, (379), -- D. 1832
Cecilia A. ADAMS, --m. W. P. NOYES, (379), -- D. 1834
Maria E. CHASE, --m. ___ LEWIS, (436), -- W.
John BACON, (342), *1846
Chauncey F. BROWN, (422), -- D. 1831
Elisha A MORGAN, (363)
Wilson POTTER, -- D. 1832
Cynthia, w. Wilson POTTER, (LEONARD), -- D. 1832
Mercy, w. William DEAN, *1837
Philura A. BACON, --m. E. A. MORGAN, (351)
Sarah A. HARRIS, --m. Fred BACON, (401), -- D. 1843
Irene, wid. Benjamin BACON (FARNHAM), *1830
1831 -
§ Caroline, w. Rev. D. PLATT, (DWIGHT), --D. 1834
Elisha H. GREEN, (Dr. Rowland G.), -- D. 1831
Lydia, w. Amasa PELLET, (BINGHAM) -- D. 1850
Osha, w. George SMITH, -- A.
Emerett ASPENWALL, --m. Rev. Geo. WILLARD, (435), -- D.
Olive ASPENWALL, (435)
Jane ASPENWALL, --m. S. MASON, (435), -- A.
Henrietta SAFFORD, --m. M. MORSE, (Jabez S.), *1845
Mary Ann GOODSPEED, (448), -- D. 1836
§ Dorcas REYNOLDS, -- D. 1834
Daniel C. FROST, [Pastor in Hampton, 1840-1841], (385), -- D. 1834
Mehetabel B. LESTER, m. L. SANFFORD, (429), -- D. 1835
§ Almira N., w. Albert ADAMS, (PENDLETON), *1840
Sarah, w. Fitch ADAMS, (MORGAN), -- D. 1849
Dolly KNIGHT, (Dr. Isaac K.)
Anna C. GREEN, --m. Rev. E. I. FULLER, (Dr. R. G.), --D. 1833
§ Dorcas B. BREEN, --m. ____ GREEN, (Dr., R. G.), -- A.
Nehemiah ENSWORTH, (Samuel E.)
Isaac MORGAN, (Isaac M.), *1850
Henry A. MORGAN, (507), -- A.
Daniel MORGAN, (507), -- D. 1837
Asa F. CLARK, [Now Pastor in Peru, Vt.], (418), -- D.
Jedidiah SHEPARD, (466), *1833
Elderkin R. JOHNSON [Now Pastor in New Carlisle, O.], (545), -- D.
William P. NOYES, -- D. 1834
Mary A. MORGAN, --m. Wm. SCRANTON, (507), -- A.
Solomon PAYNE, (Elisha P.)
Harvey HORTON, -- D. 1850
Sally, w. Harvey HORTON, -- D. 1850
Isaac P. ROBINSON, (Josiah R.), *1851
Joseph P. LESTER, (429)
Thomas G. CLARK, (418)
Eliza, w. William KINNE, (EVANS), -- D. 1851
Mary, w. Joseph SAFFORD, (RAYMOND)
Mary Elizabeth DYER, --m. K. KENNEDY, (Elijah D.), -- D. 1843
Susan W. JOHNSON, --m. ___ PENDLETON, (545), -- D. 1831
Florina B. STEVENS, --m. J. P. LESTER, *1837
Esther A. HOUGH, (392), -- D. 1834
Sarah K. COIT, (394), -- D. 1834
Mary E. HARRIS, --m. David YOUNG, (401), -- D. 1843
Alice ARMSTRONG, -- D. 1846
§ Mary C. BRADFORD, (Josiah B.)
Mary BRADFORD, (Thomas B.)
Annai ENSWORTH, (Roswell E.)
Harriet RAYNSFORD, (Eli R.), -- A.
Joseph F. HEBARD, -- D. 1838
1832 -
Mary, w. Paul ADAMS, (LEWIS), -- A.
Lois, w. Perez A. AUSTIN, (CADY)
Emily AUSTIN, --m. D. C. CUMMINS, (536), -- A.
Lois AUSTIN, --m. ___ CADY, (536), -- D. 1845
Aurelia, w. William SMITH, *1839
Phebe F. FROST, (385), -- D. 1835
§ Permelia, w. Joseph F. HEBARD, -- D. 1838
Maria, wid. Luther SPALDING, (462), -- D. 1845
Hannah, w. Nathaniel LUCE, -- A.
Daniel FROST, 3d, (Hezekiah F.), *1837
1833 -
Anson JOHNSON, (Jacob J.), -- D. 1845
Caroline E. JOHNSON, --m. ___ WILLIAMS, (545), -- A.
George D. MORGAN, (363), -- D. 1841
Susan FROST, (Hezekiah F.), *1847
§ Susan P. GLEASON, --m. Jared ROOT, *1835
1834 -
§ William MORGAN, (507), *1844
§ Eunice, w. Wm. MORGAN, (COLLINS), -- A.
1835 -
§ Lydia B., w. Rev. O. C. WHITON, (BROWN), -- D. 1838
§ Lucius CADY, -- D. 1839
§ Lucy F., w. Lucius CADY, -- D. 1839
§ Elizabeth, w. George D. MORGAN, (KELLOGG), *1837
§ Silas MASON, -- A.
§ Abigail, w. Samuel ROBINSON, (GLOVER), -- D. 1839
§ Tabitha G. ROBINSON, (557), -- D. 1839
1837 -
§ Sabrina, w. John Milton FRANCIS, (ALLEN)
§ Samuel L. HOUGH, --2d time, (368), -- D. 1848
§ Elizabeth, w. Samuel L. HOUGH, --2d time, (ADAMS), -- D. 1848
§ Esther A. HOUGH, --2d time, --m. Rev. E. P. DYER, (560), -- D. 1839
§ Eliza C. HOUGH, --m. Rev. A. ROBBINS, (560), -- D. 1843
1838 -
Abraham PAYNE, (515), -- A.
Mary PAYNE, --m. D. B. McLEAN, (515), -- D. 1846
§ Mary, w. George D. MORGAN, (McLEAN), -- D. 1841
1842 -
§ Fidelia, w. Joseph PALMER, (611), *1853
§ Sarah, w. Albert ADAMS, (THOMPSON), -- D. 1849
Mary S. ADAMS, --m. B. W. DELAMATER, (400), -- D. 1852
Mary HUTCHINS, (Joseph H.)
Abby ENSWORTH, (506)
Frances E. HARRIS, (401), -- D. 1843
Augusta C. KINNE, --m. ___ PLIMPTON, (386), -- D. 1844
Waldo F. RAYNSFORD, (Eli R.)
§ JEdidiah ENSWORTH, (Jesse E.)
§ Joanna, w. Jed. ENSWORTH, (CLEAVELAND)
Sarah J. HOUGH, (560), -- D. 1848
§ Mary, w. Rev. W. CLARKE, (CLARK), -- D. 1845
§ Hannah, w. Daniel DIMMICK, (PRATT), -- D. 1846
1843 -
Elizabeth S. WHITE, (Rev. Geo. S. W.)
Sarah B., w. Kirby SAFFORD, (RAYMOND), -- D. 1849
§ Thomas B. PALMER, (Dr. Joseph P.), *1848
§ Caroline, w. Henry ROBINSON, (358), -- D. 1846
William PHINNEY, (384), -- D. 1846
Lydia Ann, w. Wm. PHINNEY, (586), -- D. 1846
Patience, wid. Wm. LEVALLEY, --m. Hez. CRANDALL, (HORTON)
Nancy PHINNEY, (384)
Eliza PHINNEY, (384)
Susan FRANCIS, (591)
Emma, w. Norman PARKS, (591)
§ John FRANCIS, (David F.)
§ Esther, w. John FRANCIS, (WALDEN)
§ Almira, w. Hezekiah CRANDALL, (CLAPP), *1851
George SANGER, (398)
John WALDO, (474), -- D. 1847
John Manning FRANCIS, (447)
Sarah FRANCIS, --m. E. KINNE, (447)
Marvin ADAMS, (376)
1844 -
Martin FELCH, (439)
Simon WALDO, (474), -- A.
David B. FRANCIS, (447), -- A.
Isiah W. FRANCIS, (447), -- D. 1851
Charlotte, w. Zelotes JENKS, (358)
Mary KINNE, (386), -- A.
Harriet WALDO, (474), -- A.
Sarah WALDO, (474), -- A.
John B. PAYNE, (515)
§ Calista, wid. B. DELOP, 2d time, --m. J. L. WOLCOTT, (363), -- D. 1852
Frances KINNE, (386), -- D. 1851
§ Jemima, wid Titus BARBER, (HOLCOMB)
§ Martha B., w. Philip ROBERTS, -- D. 1846
Philip ROBERTS, -- D. 1846
Elderkin WALDO, (474), -- A.
1848 -
§ Sarah M., w. Joseph P. LESTER, (MARSH)
1849 -
§ Sarah B., w. Rev. R. C. LEARNED, (WHITNEY)
§ Erastus KINNE, (Nathaniel K.)
§ Henry MEECH, (Shubael M.)
§ Julia, w. Henry MEECH, (BURTON)
Addison WHEELER, (Warren W.)
1850 -
§ Sarah A., w. George PERRY, (GAGER)
Amy, wid. Richard FENNER, (HARRIS)
1851 -
Maria, w. Sebastian BUTTON, (VANDERPOEL)
1852 -
Mary ENSWORTH, (575)
1853 -
Esther, wid. Elijah GIBBS, (COLEGROVE)
§ Mary H., w. George SANGER, (JOHNSON)
Helen WATERMAN, (Nathan W.)
§ Harriet PEABODY, (Dr. Joseph P.)