Military Data Extracted From
Barkhamsted, Conn., & Its Centennial
To Which is Added A Historical Appendix
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

Our Soldier Boys
The following is a list of Barkhamsted men who served in the war of the Rebellion, so far as it has been possible to obtain them. It is not claimed that all these should be credited to Barkhamsted. The town probably had very few soldier in the service, because there were but few to serve, owing to its limited population, but as has been stated after the close of the war, many of the new commers had been soldiers, and the names are here given as a part of our town history. Probably the list is incomplete, and very likely some names are omitted that should be included.
So many years have passed since the "last revolutioner" passed away, and so many of their posterity have removed from this vicinity, that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain a correct list of all in our town who helped by service in the field, to make us a Nation. For the same reason it is very difficult to ascertain the length of time they seerved, or where, or in what battles they participated. So far as any credible information has been received of these details, they are appended to the names.
In The War of The Revolution
Lieut. Gideon MILLS, probably served from Simsbury
Lieut. James S. SLADE, served in the old French & Indian war
Abner SLADE, his son, probably from Ellington
Lieut. Abiel HOSKINS, probably from Simsbury
Solomon HUMPHREY, probably from Simsbury
Ephraim BARBER, probably from Simsbury
William TAYLOR, probably from Simsbury, was in the battle of Monmouth
Martin MOSES, probably from Simsbury
Ashbel MOSES, probably from Simsbury
Humphrey CASE, probably from Simsbury
Solomon NEWELL, probably from Southington
Nathaniel COLLINS, probably from Southington
David LEE, from Farmington, stood guard over the spy Andre
Amasa MALLORY, from Hamden, at the defense of New Haven when captured by the British, 1779
Asa GILBERT, probably served from New Hartford
John FRAZIER, at the battle of Saratoga & surrender of Burgoyne
Daniel BURWELL, probably served from Milford
Nehemiah ANDRUSS
Samuel PIKE, James PIKE, John PIKE (father & sons)
Thomas WILDER, probably from Barkhamsted
John IVES, probably from Barkhamsted
Wait MUNSON, probably from Wallingford
Medad MUNSON, probably from Wallingford
Samuel RICE
Humphrey Quamino, a mulatto
William WILSON, in the battle of Monmouth
In The War of 1812-14
In the war of 1812-14, bark was also well represented, but no complete list has been obtained, and I have been compelled to rely largely upon oral information for the list which is appended below. It is almost certain that this is not a complete list, from the fact that at that time this was relatively a populous country town, having in 1810 more then 1500 inhabitants. -
Jesse IVES, served at New London
Edar TAYLOR, served at New London
Elijah CANNON, served at New London
Abner ROSE, served at New London
Enoch BURWELL, probably from Milford, served at New London
Joseph BURWELL, probably from Milford, served at New London
James EGGLESTON, played the fife at the battle of Sacket's Harbor at the eastern end of Lake Ontario.
Stephen A. FRENCH
Newberry MERRILL
In The Mexican War
The town have but few soldiers in the Mexican war, so-called, in 1846. The general sentiment of the town was adverse to it. It was looked upon generally as causelessly provoked and carried on in the interests of humon slavery -- an opinion sincerely held, and which we can see, as we read our nation's history by the lurid light of the Rebellion, was correct. We give you the names of all such as have been obtainable: -
Captain Justin HODGE
Alvin FORD
Thomas SHAW, died in Mexico
George BETTS, of Center Hill, often known as "George HAYWARD", enlisted in the United States army, and, as we have been informed, was killed in one of the Indian wars on the frontier.
The Rebellion of 1861--65'
Justin HODGE, R.Q.M., 1st Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 23 Apr 1861, promoted Q.M. - Leiut. Col.
John WHITE, Co. B., 2nd Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 7 May 1861
George W. BURWELL, son of Lewis, served in Harris Light Cavalry, NY, died in service, buried at Soldiers' Home, Washington D. C., grave #3657
Jerome MANCHESTER, Co. A, 1st Squadron Cavalry, enlisted 12 Aug 1861
Albert E. MERRILL, Co. A, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 8 Aug 1861
Lyman DOOLITTLE, Co. K, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 29 Dec 1863
Charles BEHR, Co. B, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 1 Oct 1864
Benjamin T. CHATFIELD, Co. E, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 7 Oct 1864
Peter KARR, Co. M., 1st Cavalry, enlisted 14 Nov 1864
William ALLEN, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 17 Nov 1864 - unassigned recruit
Thomas O'NEIL, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 26 Nov 1864 - not taken upon rolls
William STUART, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 1 Nov 1864, not taken upon rolls
Henry SMITH, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 30 Nov 1864, not taken upon rolls
Thomas WHITE, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 6 Oct 1864, not taken upon rolls
Robert NELSON, 1st Cavalry, enlisted 23 Nov 1864, not taken upon rolls
John KING, Co. A, 1st Artillery, enlisted 6 Oct 1864
George ILLMENSER, Co. B, 1st Artillery, enlisted Sep 1862
Daniel McGRATH, Co. D, 1st Artillery, enlisted 4 Oct 1864
James MARSHALL, Co. F, 1st Artillery, enlisted 4 Oct 1864
George A. ROOT, Co. K, 1st Artillery, enlisted 23 May 1861
Sheldon L. RICE, Co. K, 1st Artillery, enlisted 23 May 1861
Winthrop H. PHELPS, Chaplain, 2nd Artillery, appointed 4 May 1863
George C. CURTIS, Co. C, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 19 Dec 1862
Chester Dwight CLEVELAND, Co. E, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 1 Aug 1862, promoted Major
Edwin S. BEECHER, Co. E, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 1 Aug 1862
Anthony B. GUERNSEY, Co. E., 2nd Artillery, enlisted 29 Jul 1862
Charles A. HART, Co. E, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 9 Aug 1862
Henry A. REXFORD, Co. E, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 12 Aug 1862, killed at Cold Harbor, 1 Jun 1864
Ruel S. RICE, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 14 Aug 1862
Watson H. DEMING, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, e. 13 Aug 1862
Henry H. GRIFFIN, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 18 Aug 1862
Alfred C. ALFORD, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 7 May 1861, re-enlisted 28 Jul 1862 - killed in action 19 Sep 1864, at Winchester, Va., buried in Riverton.
Charles BURR, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 7 Aug 1862
William BURKE, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 2 Sep 1862
Wayne B. CASTLE, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 15 Aug 1862
Willian H. TIFFANY, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 9 Aug 1862
Orvill B. TIFFANY, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 20 Aug 1862 - promoted 2d Lieutenant
Timothy B. CANNON, Co. F, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 5 Jan 1864
Franklin ANDRUS, Co. K, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 30 Jul 1862, killed at Cold Harbor, Va., 1 Jun 1864
Noah HART, Co. L, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 21 Jan 1864
Timothy O'CONNOR, Co. --, 2nd Artillery, enlisted 7 Oct 1864
Richard NORTON, Co. A, 5th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 18 Aug 1863
William H. BAKER, Co. C, 5th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 18 Aug 1863
John H. WARD, Co. C, 5th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 27 Aug 1863
Henry WATTS, Co. C, 5th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 18 Nov 1864
Jeremiah JENNINGS, Co. I, 5th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 22 Jul 1861 - minor, discharged 19 Feb 1862
Franklin J. ATWATER, Co. B, 6th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 12 Sep 1861, d. 19 Aug 1862, of wounds received at Fort Wayne
James DUNN, Co. B, 7th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 15 Nov 1864
Joel W. OAKES, Co. H, 7th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 16 Feb 1864
Perlin F. RUST, Co. C, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 7 Oct 1861
James E. PELTON, Co. C, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 25 Sep 1861 - wounded at Antietam
Elijah WHITE, Co. C, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 25 Sep 1861 - killed at Antietam
John WILSON, Co. D, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, e. 1 Sep 1863
William A. SMITH, Co. E, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 1 Sep 1863 -- killed at Chapin's Farm, 29 Sep 1864
George W. OLDS, Co. F, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 15 Oct 1864 -- not taken upon roles
Clayton H. CASE, Band, 10th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 26 Oct 1861
John MURPHY, Co. E, 10th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 30 Sep 1861
Henry B. F. ROOT, Co. E, 10th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 30 Sep 1861
Henry B. LEE, Sergeant, Co. F, 7th Regiment, enlisted 9 Sep 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant 1 Mar 1864 -- killed 16 Aug 1864, at Deep Botton, Va., buried on the field.
William Wallace LEE, Co. F, 2nd art, enlisted 15 Aur 1862 -- rejected by surgeon on account of disability
Edwin R. LEE, Captain, Co. D., 11th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 27 Nov 1861 -- killed at Newbern, N.C., 14 Mar 1862. I was conversing with him the morning of the battle. He was killed about 9 o'clock a.m. I was present at his burial, on the bank of the Neuse River, the day after the battle. He was afterwards brought North and buried at Pleasant Valley. He was a young man of talent, and a gallent soldier. -- H. R. J.
Bradley D. LEE, Q. Mr, 2nd art, enlisted 1 Aug 1862 - Appointed Captain & A.C.S., 22 Mar 1864
Francis ROZE, Co. E, 11th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 14 Nov 1864
Salvator SARDINI, Co. E, 11th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 4 Nov 1864
Isaac ELWELL, Co. I, 12th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 24 Feb 1864
Joseph ELWELL, Co. I, 12th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 24 Feb 1864 -- d. Dec 1864
Theron BARBER, Co. D, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 30 Dec 1861
Orvill A. ROOT, Co. D, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 30 Dec 1861
William H. TUCKER, Co. D, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 7 Jan 1862 -- d. 6 Dec 1865
Ellsworth CASE, Co. E, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 27 Feb 1862
William KINSELLA, Co. K, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 29 Sep 1864
Andrew WALTER, Co. K, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 24 Sep 1864
Julius F. SEARLE, Co. E, 14th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 26 Aug 1863 -- d. 23 Feb 1864
Elisha S. BOOTH, Co. F, 14th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 24 Jul 1862 -- d. 5 Jan 1863, of wounds
Charles O'NEAL, Co. --, 14th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 15 Nov 1864
Franklin B. DAVIS, Co. A, 16th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 14 Aug 1862
Thomas MURRAY, Co. I, 16th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 23 Nov 1864
Abel P. BEERS, Co. K, 25th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 20 Aug 1862
Nathan COE, Co. G, 27th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 10 Sep 1862
Augustus EGGLESTON, Co. G, 27th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 10 Sep 1862
Henry C. CLEVELAND, Co. F, 28th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 23 Aug 1862
James W. STANNIS, Co. F, 28th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 28 Aug 1862
George H. GOODWIN, Co. F, 28th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 29 Aug 1862
Myron N. HUBBARD, Co. F, 28th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 25 Aug 1862 -- d. 6 May 1863, Barrancas, Florida
George A. BROWN, (colored) -- 29th Connecticut Volunteers, enlisted 7 Oct 1864
Our Soldier Boys In Other States
A large number of our boys, as in many other country towns, had left the old home and residing elsewhere, served loyally and faithfully in the army, but are not credited to our town for obvious reasons, nor were they claimed as part of our quota. So far as it has been possible to obtain the list, it is here given, not only as a matter of history, but for information to our sons and daughters abroad. It is the result of much painstaking and correspondence, even if it be incomplete. -- W. W. L.
James R. CUMMINGS, son of Alexander, Surgeon, 12th Connecticut Volunteers
Wilbur D. FISK, son of Carlisle A., Lieut., 14th Connecticut Volunteers, badly wounded at Antietam
George H. CLARK, son of George H., in the Valley, Colonel of a Regiment from Rochester, N.Y.
Phillip C. HAYES, Colonel of an Illinois Regiment, born on the Timothy HAYES farm.
Henry WOOD, son of the cabinet maker, Colonel of an Ohio Regiment
Samuel WOODRUFF, son of Eben C., 16th Connecticut Volunteers, died in service, buried in Berlin, Connecticut.
Lowell M. CASE, son of Eliphalket, 16th Connecticut Volunteers, died in service, buried in Canton, Connecticut
George W. EGGLESTON, son of James, 12th Connecticut Volunteers
Aurelius BURWELL, son of Marcus, served in an Ohio Reg't
Egbert BURWELL, son of Marcus, served in a Mass. Reg't
Hiram F. SQUIRE, son of Bela, served in a Conn. Reg't
Ruel W. PERKINS, as a boy lived several years with Medad MUNSON, 2nd Conn. Heavy art, killed at Cold Harbor 4 Jun 1864, buried on the field
Sheldon CASE, son of Truman, served in a Penn Reg't, d. at Racine, Wis.
Fayett ALFORD, son of Lora, served 3 yrs in 1st Colorado Reg't
George A. PARKINTON, 6th Connecticut Volunteers
Sherman M. BLAIR, son of Sherman, 23rd Connecticut Volunteers
James BLAIR, son of Sherman, United States Army
Charles H. PINE, son of Samuel, 2nd Conn. Heavy art
George RANSOM, son of George, at Riverton, 27th Connecticut Volunteers, I think
Anson B. COOK, son of James H., served in a N.Y. Reg't
Albert T. COOK, son of James H., served in a Ohio Reg't
Cyprian RUST, 8th Connecticut Volunteers, killed at Antietam
Marcus BROCKWAY, son of Dr. Marcus, served in a Ohio Reg't
Theodore BROCKWAY, son of Dr. Marcus, 8th Connecticut Volunteers
Elias CASE, son of Dudley, in 12th or 13th Connecticut Volunteers
Frank AUSTIN, son of William, 13th Connecticut Volunteers, volunteered as one of the forlorn hope at Fort Hudson
Orlow ROOT, son of Orrin, 38th Connecticut Volunteers
Kosky HODGE, son of Col. Justin, 12th Connecticut Volunteers, I think
George T. CARTER, son of Hiram, served in 27th Mass. Reg't; afterwards 2nd Lieut. United State colored troops
Joseph Warren CARTER, son of Joseph, served in a 3 months Reg't, and in 12th Connecticut Volunteers.