a history of the north society of Middletown, Ct.
from 1650 to 1800
with genealogical and biographical chapters
on early families.
Charles Collard Adams
New York: Grafton Press, 1908.
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown ]

Andrew1 Warner (son of John), b. in Hertford, England; came to Cambridge, 1632; made freeman there May 14, 1634; to Hartford, 1636; deacon in Mr. Hooker's church; removed to Middletown with sons Andrew, Robert and John; ret. to Hartford and then to Hadley, where he d. Dec. 18, 1684; m. in Hartford, probably as second wife, Hester, widow of Thomas Selden, who d. 1693.
Andrew2 Warner, m. Rebecca, dau of John Fletcher. He d. Jan. 26, 1682, Middletown, and she m. Jeremy Adams, of Hartford, who d. Aug. 11, 1683. She resided in Middletown, where she d. Jan. 25, 1715, aged seventy-seven. Her daughter, Hannah Adams, m. Nathaniel Willett and their daughter Rebecca, m. Thomas2 Ranney.
John2 Warner (Andrew1), settled on the Robert Webster place in Upper Houses, where he d. June 24, 1700. Administration was granted to John, the eldest son, who had settled on what is now (1908) known as the Edward Savage corner. Jonathan3 (John2) had m. Aug. 4, 1698, Elizabeth Ranney, and on the same day Ebenezer2 Ranney had married Sarah Warner. Mary3 Warner had m. John North, by whom he had Mary and Anna, who later married Thomas Wilcox. In 1704, the heirs sold the Warner homestead to the town to be the property of the North Society. The house stood in front of the present (1908) Edward Jones house. In opening the ground in 1904 for water pipes the foundations of the old Webster house were uncovered and some brick and a sandstone taken therefrom are preserved. The sandstone has been set into Stocking Triangle, with "R. W., 1650" carved thereon.
Capt. John3 Warner (Andrew2, Andrew1), m. Anne Ward, dau of Ensign William Ward, whose tombstone, 1690, in Riverside Cemetery, Middletown, is the next oldest one standing there. In 1698 he was given a grant of land in Upper Houses, now (1908) known as the Edwards property. He was a weaver, the grave digger, first clerk and treasurer of the North Socity, writer of wills and inventories, was promoted from time to time till in 1725 he was commissioned captain of the North traine band. His commission is the property of a descendant, Mrs. Ellsworth B. Strong, of Portland, Conn., who also owns his account book showing from 1698 to 1743 his careful method of keeping accounts with about every family residing in Upper Houses, the oldest being that of 1698 with his brother-in-law, John Hulburt. This book tells the trade of many with whom he had dealings, as Joseph Stow, shoemaker; Amos Sage, shoemaker; Ebenezer Sage, blacksmith; Nathaniel Riley, harnessmaker; ezra Carter, tailor; John Kirby, chairmaker; Thomas Stow Jr., wheelwright and carpenter; Edward Shepard, cooper; Samuel Gipson, shoemaker; Roger Gipson, tanner; Hugh White Sr., blacksmith; Samuel Stown, shoemaker; Nathaniel Clark, tailor; Samuel Wilcox, carpenter.
In 1707 he charged Daniel Clark 1s.9d. for expenses on election day; 1707 for Thomas Stowe Jr., "part of your minister's rate, 00 13 00"; 1707 Timothy Sage, Dr. by my minister's rate, 01 11 03."
He deeded his homestead to his son Jabez who after removing to Washington, Conn., sold the property. His tombstone says he held many public offices.
Anna, b. 1702; d. 1709.
Abigail, b. 1704; m. Joseph3 Ranney.
John4, b. 1707; m. 1735, Mary Wilcox (Ephraim).
Jabez, b. _____; m. Hannah Warner, dau. John; rem. 1754 to Washington, Conn., where he d. June, 1787. He carried with him the account book of his father.
Andrew, b. 1713; m. Oct. 19, 1738, Martha Wilcox.
Anna, b. 1716; m. 1739, Ebenezer Clark.
Mary, b. 1720; m. Timothy Sage 2d.
John4 Warner (Capt. John3, Andrew2, Andrew1), b. 1707; m. 1735, Mary Wilcox (Ephraim), had seven children, the oldest of whom was:
Hezekiah5, b. 1736, m. 1759, Lois Penfield, who d. Sept. 25, 1773. They had eight children, the youngest of whom was:-
Junia6, b. Feb. 1, 1773; m. (1) Jan., 1797, Elizabeth Wilcox, Upper Houses; m. (2) 1817, Mrs. Philura (Raymon) Merry; removed to Michigan 1835; d. 1841, Almena, Mich.
Eliza7, b. Aug. 24, 1800; m. Feb. 6, 1820, Joseph Alexander, d. Jan. 29, 1860.
Mary Eliza8 (Alexander) Harrison, b. Aug. 13, 1867; res. West Winfield, N.Y.