a history of the north society of Middletown, Ct.
from 1650 to 1800
with genealogical and biographical chapters
on early families.
Charles Collard Adams
New York: Grafton Press, 1908.
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown ]

Richard1 Treat, of Wethersfield, Conn., b. 1584; bapt. Aug. 28, 1584, in Pitminster, Co. Somerset, England, was the son of Robert (Richard, William, John) and Honora Treat of Pitminster. He m. Apr. 27, 1615, in Pitminster, England, Anna Gaylord, bapt. May 10, 1595, dau. of Hugh Gaylord, of Pitminster, England.
1. Richard Treat1 came to New England about 1638. His youngest child, Katherine, was bapt. June 29, 1637, in Pitminster, England. The first record of him was in Wethersfield. He had three sons and seven daughters, and was known as "Mr." Treat, there being but four of his townsmen who were honored with that prefix. He held many offices, being elected deputy to the General Court fourteen years, assistant eight times. He and two of his sons-in-law, John Deming and Matthew Camfield, were among the patentees of the charter granted in 1662 by Charles II. His will, dated Feb. 13, 1668, is printed in the "Treat Family." Susanna2, b. 1629, m. Robert Webster, who came to Middletown Upper Houses about 1650, and four of their children were born here. He returned in 1659 to Hartford.
2. Honora2 Treat (Richard), b. 1616, bapt. Mar. 19, 1616, in Pitminster, England ; m. about 1637, John Deming, who d. in 1705, in Wethersfield, Conn., where he had settled as early as 1635. He was admitted a freeman in 1645, is named in the Charier of 1662, was a deputy nineteen times and had the title of "Mr." They had ten children, of which
Children: -
Samuel, b. 1646 ; d. Apr. 6, 1709, aged sixty-three, in Wethersfield; m. Mar. 29, 1694, Sarah Kirby, dau. of John Kirby of Middletown Upper Houses. (See The Kirbys of New England.)
David, b. abt. 1652; d. May 4, 1725, aged seventy-three, in Boston, (gravestone in Granary burying ground) He rem. to Boston before 1707. Is frequently mentioned in Sewall's Diary. His son was Rev. David Deming, who graduated at Harvard College in 1700, and res. a few years in Upper Houses. (See the "History" of Upper Houses.)
4. Richard2 Treat (Richard) , b. 1622-3; bapt. Jan. 9, 1622-3, in Pitminster, Somerset Co., England; d. about 1693 in Wethersfield, Conn. ; m. about 1661, Sarah Coleman, dau. of Thomas Coleman, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, afterward of Hatfield, Mass. She d. Aug. 23, 1734, aged ninety-two, in Stepney Society, Wethersfield. He was the oldest son of Richard, and was given the "Treat" farm on the east side of the river, now Glastonbury. On Mar. 11, 1657-8, he was chosen corporal of the Train band of Wethersfield. He d. about 1691, having petitioned for the creation of the town of Glastonbury. He had four children.
5. Governor Robert2 Treat (Richard), b. abt. 1624, Pitminster, England; d. July 12, 1710, Milford, Conn. This place, Wepowage, was purchased of the Indians, Feb. 12, 1639, and was named Milford, Nov. 24, 1640. On account of his extreme youth his name does not appear among the "free planters," but is seventh of the ten names given.
At the first meeting of the planters, Nov. 20, 1639, Robert Treat, though less than sixteen years old, was one of the committee of nine to survey and lay out the lands. He returned to Wethersfield, but in 1648 was again in Milford, where his son Samuel was bapt. Sept. 3, but he being recorded as a member of the church in Wethersfield. The Milford Church Records give the baptism of his nine children. The "Treat Family " contains thirty pages on the "Life and Character of Gov. Robert Treat," from which we quote this summary : "A deputy from Milford for at least six years; from Newark to the Assembly of New Jersey five more; a magistrate in the New Haven General Court, and assistant in that of Connecticut for eight years. He added to these twenty years in the halls of legislation, seventeen years in the chair of deputy governor and thirteen in that of governor, not including the two years under Andros."
9. Capt. Joseph3 Treat. (Robert, Richard), was b. Sept. 17, 1662, in Milford, Conn., and d. Aug. 9, 1721. His first wife was Frances Bryan and the second was Mrs. Elizabeth Merwin. He was sergeant, ensign, lieutenant and in 1708 captain of the first train band. By his first wife he had seven children, and by his second wife he had five children, the youngest being Stephen.
68. Stephen4 Treat (Joseph, Robert, Richard), b. Oct. 10, 1715, in Milford, Conn. ; d. Nov. 13, 1794, aged seventy tine, in Middletown Upper Houses ; m. (1) June 12, 1746, Miriam Clark, b. Mar. 15, 1726-7 ; d. July 12, 1754, and dau. of Joseph Clark and Miriam4 Cornwell (John, John, William) ; m. (2) Dec. 9, 1756, Mrs. Mercy Bronson, of Farmington, Conn., who d. Feb. 28, 1810. Mr. Treat was admitted to full communion in the church at Upper Houses, Aug. 18, 1765. Three of his daughters, Mercy, Anne, and Ruth, were baptized in infancy, and Miriam was admitted to the church, July 2, 1769, upon profession of faith.
Children by first marriage:-
245. Stephen5, b. May 26, 1747; d.___ ; m. (1) Grace Sage ; m. (2)_______ . He and his brother Amos served in Capt. Eli Butler's company in the regiment of Light Horse commanded by Maj. Elisha Sheldon. The company marched Oct. 25, 1776, and was discharged Dec. 25, 1776. Stephen removed about 1820 to Whitestown, N. Y. He had fifteen children.
246. Miriam5, b. Oct. 30, 1748 ; m. (1) Abraham Ranney ; she m. (2) Elijah Fellowes of New York. (See the Ranney Family.)
247. Elizabeth5, b. Oct. 28, 1750 ; d___ ; m. Josiah Wilcox. (See Wilcox Family.)
248. John5, b. Oct. 29, 1752; d. Nov. 18, 1822 ; m. Nov. 27, 1783, Elizabeth Lankton. He rem. to Westfield Society, Middletown, and is buried in Miner Cemetery, an S. A. R. bronze marker having been placed on his grave. He was a private in the company of Capt. Abel Braw, and arrived at New York, Aug. 19, 1776. Was discharged Sept. 19, 1776. Jan. 13, 1777, he enlisted at Wethersfield, Conn., in the first company, Capt. Benjamin Tallmadge, afterwards major of the same regiment, in the second regiment of Connecticut Light Dragoons, Col. Elisha Sheldon, and was discharged at Danbury, Conn., June 12, 1783. His discharge was signed by General Washington. He was in the battle of Brandywine, Sept. 11, 1777, where John Stocking Chauncey of Upper Houses, was captured. Was in the fight which preceded the capture of the light house near New York City, under Col. Tappan, when he was in the "year service" in 1776. He was a pensioner and received a gift of land in the Western Reserve of Ohio.
249. Amos5 , b. Oct. 23, 1757, in Middletown Upper Houses; d. Nov. 6, 1788; m. (1) Feb. 8, 1781, Mary Wilcox, b. Sept. 13, 1756; d. Sept. 1, 1787, dau. of Israel Wilcox and Martha Barnes; m. (2) Dec. 26, 1787, Rebecca Stow, dau. of Samuel Stow and Desire Candee. He and his brother Stephen and many others from the Upper Houses were in the company of Capt. Eli Butler.
Children by the first marriage:-
707. Sibbel6 , b. May 1, 1782 ; d._____, m. Ira Boardman.
708. Abba6 , b. Jan. 19, 1784.
709. Mary6 , b. May 6, 1786; d.______; m. Uri Boardman.
253. Ruth5, b. May 1, 1766; bapt. May 18, 1766; d. in Ohio ; m. Comfort Ranney. (See the Ranney Family.)
708. Abba6 Treat (Amos, Stephen, Joseph, Robert, Richard), b. Jan. 19, 1784, Upper Houses ; d. July 4, 1857; m. (1) Laura Stow, b. Feb. 8, 1790 ; d. Jan. 21, 1834; m. (2) Mar. 2, 1834, Mrs. Nancy (Holmes) Treat, who d. Dec. 5, 1884, and widow of Joseph Lancton6 Treat (705).
Children by first marriage:-
1559. Urania7, b. Feb. 20, 1809; m. Mar. 28, 1828, Solomon M. Miner.
1560. Janette7, b. Apr. 3, 1817; m. Aug. 9, 1837, Hiram Clark.
1561. Amos7, b. Jan. 7, 1819; unm. d. July 12, 1888, Upper Houses.
1562. Sherman E.7, b. Aug. 23, 1828; m. Apr. 12, 1851, Martha Smith.
1563. Miner S.7, b. July 26, 1832 ; m. Nov. 1, 1855, Jane A. Addis; res. West Cromwell.
Lieut. James2 Treat (Richard), b. 1634; bapt. July 20, 1634, in Pitminster, Somerset Co., England; d. Feb. 12, 1709, in his seventy-fifth year, Wethersfield, Conn. ; m. Jan. 26, 1665, Rebecca Latimer; d. Apr. 2, 1734, aged eighty-eight (gravestone), dau. of John Latimer, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield. On her gravestone she is termed "That godly woman Rebecca Treat." James was the youngest son of Richard and received from him by will, his grist mill and lands in Wethersfield, including two homesteads on Broad street. He was made a freeman, May 21, 1657. He was listed as a trooper in 1658, and in 1679 was elected lieutenant of the train band. He was engaged in the Indian Wars. He was a constable, fence viewer, townsman, deputy from Wethersfield, 1672-1707, commissioner, justice of the peace, and member of the governor's council. His inventory, taken Mar. 3, 1709, was £1235- 14s- 2d.
Rev. Salmon3 Treat (James, Richard), b. about 1672 in Wethersfield; d. Jan. 6, 1762, aged ninety (gravestone, Preston, Conn.) ; m. (1) Apr. 28, 1598, Dorothy3 Noyes, b. June 20, 1675; d. Dec. 6, 1714 (gravestone Preston), and dau. of Rev. James and Dorothy (Stanton) Noyes, pastor of the Cong. church of Stonington ; m. (2) Nov. 6, 1716, Mrs. Mary Parks, widow of Capt. John Parks or Parke. Mr. Treat grad. at Harvard Coll. in 1694, and was one of the four young Harvard graduates who received the degree of master of arts at the first commencement of Yale Coll., held at Saybrook in 1702. After refusing a call to Greenwich, Conn., the town of Preston on Dec. 15, 1697, called him, and he accepted on July 4, 1698. It was left to him to locate the church, and he gave for it a site of four acres, on which a church now (1908) stands. He resigned Mar. 14, 1744. In 1750 he made a donation of £87 10s. for a church fund, excluding Church of England, Separatists, Baptists, and any but the Presbyterians from receiving its benefits. His son Samuel became a Separatist minister and his grandson James, a Baptist. He had nine children.
31. Rev. Samuel4 Treat (Salmon, James, Richard) , b. Jan. 21, 1712, in Preston, Conn.; d. Sept. 16, 1773, in Preston; m. Dec. 23, 1751, Elizabeth Stark, of Groton, Conn., who d. Sept. 19, 1772, aged forty-four. He grad. at Yale in 1734, and spent most of his life at Preston. He had ten children, one of whom, Salmon, was a Rev. soldier.
109. John5 Treat (Samuel, Salmon, James, Richard), b. Jan. 15, 1768, in Preston, Conn.; d. July 16, 1854, in North Brookfield, Madison Co., - N. Y.; m______, Elizabeth Frezzell of Tolland, Mass., who d. Nov. 6, 1843, in North Brookfield. Soon after his marriage he removed to Providence, Saratoga Co., N. Y., and in 1809 to N. Brookfield. He was a farmer, and had seven children.
181. Salmon6 Treat (John, Samuel, Salmon, James, Richard), b. May 23, 1801, in Providence, Saratoga Co., N. Y. ; d. July 28, 1889, in Leon, N. Y.; m. Jan. 25, 1825, Julia Ranney, b. Jan. 15, 1805. (See the Ranney Family.) Mr. Salmon Treat removed to Madison Co., when seven years old, and from there to Leon, Cattaraugus Co., where he resided. on his farm. He was a deacon in the first Baptist church, and highly respected in the community.
Children, b. in Leon:-
284. James Morris, b. Sept. 27, 1826.
285. Milo Clinton, b. Apr. 5, 1841.
284. James Morris7 Treat (Salmon, John, Samuel, Salmon. James, Richard), b. Sept. 27, 1826, Leon, New York; m. May 20, 1862, Charlotte S. Patch, b. Aug. 9, 1842. He was a very prominent citizen and Baptist deacon, an extensive breeder of thoroughbred cattle. Died Nov. 1, 1905.
423. J. C., b. Jan. 12; 1865.
424. Laura M., b. Nov. 12, 1871; d. Sept. 28, 1872.
425. Frank M., b. May 23, 1883.
285. Milo Clinton7 Treat (brother of James Morris), b. Apr. 5, 1841; m. (1) Sept. 20, 1870, Clara Minerva Crawford; d.______; m. (2) Jan. 26, 1887, Sarah R. Hakes, of Worcester, Mass. Mr. Treat is a successful dealer in real estate and mines, having traveled extensively in this country and abroad. When he settled in Washington, Pa.., there was one Baptist church, with seventy-three members. Now there are three churches with six hundred members, and five hundred members of the Bible schools. He has contributed thirty thousand dollars to this work. He has built several chapels in Eastern Cuba and is extending his work there. He has been largely interested in educational work in East Tennessee, Northern Georgia and the Carolinas. Has assisted two hundred and sixty-seven ministerial students, all whites, in this section and scattered through the North and West, to get a college and seminary education. There are at all times from forty to eighty of these students on his school list. Has established a Treat Loan Fund of thirty thousand dollars, which he expects to make perpetual. Has invested some thousands in Y. M. C. A. work. In other ways Mr. Treat seeks to work through others.
Mr. Treat's interests in the work of the Society of Middletown Upper Houses is well known to those who have met him at its reunions ; res. Washington, Pa.
Ellis M., b. Nov. 27, 1872; m. Oct., 1899, Mary Taylor, b. Jan. 18, 1875; res. Columbus, 0. Children:
George Arthur, b. Oct. 14, 1900.
Milo Gwynne, b. Nov. .22, 1902.
Ellis Frederick, b. Nov. 22, 1902.
Mila Hakes, b. Sept. 5, 1894.