a history of the north society of Middletown, Ct.
from 1650 to 1800
with genealogical and biographical chapters
on early families.
Charles Collard Adams
New York: Grafton Press, 1908.
[transcribed by Coralynn Brown ]

While the name of Sage is a familiar one in Wales, England and Scotland, there having been a Bishop Sage in the latter country, the first known of our David Sage is the following :
"Quarter Court in Hartford-1st Thursday in December, A. D. 1655.-Samuel Wells, plaintiff, contra John White, David Sage, Richard Warren, in an action of the case for debeyning of swyne not according to lawe, in the damage of 40 shilli gs." The case was found for the defendants.
The next known of him is the following town meeting vote of May 30, 1663: Middletown, Conn.
    "At the same town meeting was granted to David Sage a house lot on the other side the riverlet on the other side the highway beyond the corner of Goodman White his fence on the west side the highway to Hartford siding by Goodman Stocking lot. So much as may not prejudice the highway or outlet of cattle which the inhabitants on that side shall determine and bound according to their discretion." The bank building stands on this grant.
    On May 23, 1664, there was recorded to David Sage for the above vote a grant of three acres " for a home lott " bounded north and east on the highway, west, common, now Thomas Stow's, south Samuel Stocking. On Feb. 16, 1671, David Sage deeded it to John Kirby in exchange for a part of John Kirby's homestead on what is "Pleasant" street.
On May 9, 1665, there had been recorded to David Sage a "12 square rods" piece of land "whereon his house standeth," bounded E., Highway; W., John Kirby; S., John Wilcox; N., John Kirby." An earlier vote showed that the town had appointed a committee to call on Mr. Sage and make him settle for thus trespassing on what was the "town pound." On Feb. 3, 1671, John Kirby sold to him three acres, bounded, "S. Sage's own land, E. Kirby, N. Stocking, W. common." By a town grant the Sage homestead was extended back to include some of this "common," or unappropriated land, so that at his death it consisted of eight and three-fourths acres.
    This homestead descended by inheritance to Capt. and Deacon Solomon3 Sage, who traded it with Daniel Stocking for the John Clark homestead of twelve acres on Feb. 17, 1761. The Sage house must have stood where the "Daniel Stocking" house stands, now (1908) occupied by tenants, Arnold and Burns.
1. David Sage1 m. (1) Feb., 1664, Elizabeth Kirby, b. Sept. S, 1646, Hartford, (John) and that explains why he took the "town pound" and built next to father Kirby. She d. "about the 23d year of her age." He m. (2) 1673, Marys Wilcox (John, John). who lived next to him on the south side and d. Dec. 7. 1711. He d. Mar. 31, 1703. His headstone and footstone, D. S., are in Riverside Cemetery, Middletown.
    The main parts of his will dated Mar. 27, 1703, are:
    "And first I give and bequeath to my eldest son, David, that lot whereon is the frame of a house called David's lot, and that one and one-half acre lot of boggy meadow which I bought of mother, [Mrs. John Kirby, his first mother-in-law] and the one-fourth of my boggy meadow in Goose Delight, and my great wood-lot on the east side of great river.
    "Item. I give my son John the lot whereon he hath built and doth now inhabit, with my upper lot at Pistol Point, where it buts on Scovil, and the one-fourth of my Goose Delight meadow, and my great wood lot next Wethersfield bounds.
    "Item. My two daughters Bull and Johnson, thirty pounds in pay to each of them, to be paid at my widow's decease.
    "Item. I give my daughter, Mercy, 50 pounds in pay-20 pounds paid as she needs it, the other 30 at her mother's decease.
    "Item. The rest of my estate, personal and real, I leave with my wife, to be managed by my sons Jonathan and Timothy, so that she have a comfortable maintenance her natural life, and at her decease to be shared by said Jonathan and Timothy, debts and legacies paid. It is my will, further, that. my son John should have my two lots in Round Meadow."
The inventory shows that the house at the "Neux" with fifty-seven and one-half acres, that went to John "whereon he lived," was valued at £214-07-06. The homestead of eight and three-fourths acres was valued at £52, barn £12, and "Mansion," £60. In addition he owned 722 acres. Jonathan and Timothy by agreement divided their inheritance, by which the homestead of eight and three-fourths acres on "Pleasant" street went to Timothy2, and in time to his son, Capt. and deacon Solomon3, who sold it in 1761 to Daniel Stocking.
Children by first marriage: -
2. David2, b. Feb. 1, 1665.
3. Elizabeth2, b. June 1, 1666; m. Ezekiel Bull.
4. John2, b. Mar. 6, 1668.
Children by second marriage: -
5. Mary2, b. Nov. 15, 1672; m. Dea. Samuel Johnson.
Jonathan, b. 1674; d. Dec. 16, 1712; m. Nov. 1, 1705, Hannah Bodwell. Children:
Rachel, b. Jan. 1, 1708; m. Nathaniel Ranney. (See the Ranney Family.)
Jonathan, b. Aug. 28, 1711; m. Hannah Gibson, dau. of Deacon Samuel Gibson.
6. Timothy2, b. Aug. 14, 1678.
Nathaniel, b. 1680; d. without issue.
Mercy, b. 1680. She departed this life in the Mass. Colony, Oct. 7, 1711. Her will recorded in Hartford makes gifts to brothers and sisters and gave the name of husband of her sister Elizabeth. She refers to a "little brass kettle" and other things in the keeping of her sister, Mary Johnson, the mother of the Rev. Samuel Johnson, D. D., first president of King's College, now Columbia University.
2. David2 Sage, b. Feb. 1, 1665; m. May 3, 1693, Mary Coultman (John. of Wethersfield), b. Nov. 29, 1672; d. Aug. 3, 1744, Wethersfield. His father built for him on the west side of the road to Hartford. He lost his mind, "a distracted person," and his homestead was bought by his brother Timothy. An account of this affair is recorded on the fly-leaf of the first account book of the Middletown church. The widow ret. to Wethersfield.
Children: -
Mary, b. May 8, 1694; m. Thomas Stedman. (See "Ancient . Wethersfield.")
Elizabeth, b. Oct. 26, 1695; m. Noah Waddams. (See " Ancient Wethersfield.")
3. Elizabeth2, b. June 1, 1666 ; m. Ezekiel Bull of Rhode Island, grandson of Henry Bull, b. 1610, Eng. Lived in Boston, Mass., and Portsmouth and Newport, R. I.; a prominent man and Quaker, who d. Jan. 22, 1694, aged eighty-four, " the last man of the first settlers of R. I." The executors paid £124 to his grandsons. Jireh, Ephraim and Ezekiel. (See Austin's Diet. of R. I.)
4. John2 Sage, b. Mar. 6, 1668; m. Jan. 10. 1693, Hannah Starr;
b. Mar. 24. 1674, dau. of Comfort Starr and Rachel Harris of Middletown (see the Starr Genealogy). He settled in the Nuiks. The inscription on his tablestone reads as follows:
    "Here lies interred the body of Mr. John Sage, who departed this life Jan. ye 22, A. D. 1750-1. in the 83d year of his age. He left a virtuous and sorrowful wife, with whom he lived 57 years and had 15 children; 12 of them married and increased the family by repeated marriages to the number of 29. Of these 15 are alive. He had 120 grandchildren ; 105 of them now living ; 40 great grand-children, 37 of them now living, which makes the number of off-spring 189."
    "Here lies interred the body of Mrs. Hannah Sage, once the virtuous consort of Mr. John Sage, who both are covered with this stone; and there have been added to the numerous offspring mentioned above, 44 by birth and marriage, which makes the whole number 233. She fell asleep September ye 28, A. D. 1153, in the 83d year of her age."
    The original inscription was cut into a lead plate, which was stolen for use in making bullets, as was the one on the tablestone of the Rev. Joseph Smith. The present insert is of white marble and the inscription was cut by Theodore A.7 Sage, b. 1845, Berlin, Conn. (Capt. William6. 1818, Col. Erastus5, 1783. Deacon Jedediah4, 1739, David3, 1703, John2, David1 .)
Of their children: -
Hannah, b. Dec. 21, 1694; m. Samuel Wilcox. (See the Wilcox Family.)
7. John3, b. Apr. 28, 1696.
7a. David3, b. 1703: m. Bathesheba Judd.
8. Ebenezer3, b. Apr. 6. 1709.
Thankful, b. Feb. 9, 1717; m. Benjamin Butler. (See the Butler Family.)
5. Mary2, b. Nob. 15, 1672: d. May 8, 1127: m. Nov. 7, 1694. Deacon Samuel Johnson of Guilford. Conn.. b. June 5. 1670: d. 17 27. They had eleven children. Their second :
Child: -
Samuel. b. Oct. 14, 1696; d. Jan. 6, 1772, boarded here with his Uncle Timothy Sage and studied with the Rev. Joseph Smith. He was known as the "Father of Episcopacy in New England," and was the first Pres. of King's Coll., now Columbia. His son :
William Samuel Johnson, was noted in the formation of the Constitution of the U. S. Descendants have been very distinguished.
6. Timothy2 Sage, b. Aug. 14, 1678; m. Feb. 7, 1706, Margaret Hurlbut (Holibert in town record, b. Feb., 1684. (See the Hurlbut Lineage, and for trouble about fence with Daniel2 Stocking, see the Stocking Family). He inherited the homestead and d. Mar. 18, 17 25, and has a headstone in Cromwell cemetery.
Children: -
Timothy3, b. Feb. 26, 1714; m. Mary Warner.
Children: -
Timothy4, b. 1743, had son Asa who m. Sarah Eells. Tombstone erected by Asa Sage Ranney.
Mary4, b. 1784; m. Calvin Ranney, whose only child was Asa Sage Ranney. (See the Ranney, Family.)
Epaphras4, b. 1757.
David3, b. Mar. 28, 1718; m. Apr. 17, 1746, Sara Stocking, b. Jan. 24, 1728 (Steven, George, Dea. Samuel, George) ; rem. to East Middletown, where he was deacon for fifty-five years and d. 1803.
Child: -
Enoch4, b. 1752; m. Sybil Sage, b. May 27, 1753, dau. of John Sage and Ann Ranney. (See the Ranney Family.) He was del. in Constitutional Convention of 1818.
Child: -
Philip5 Sage, b. Sept. 26,- 1786; m. Vienna Penfield. Judge of Prob., U. S. Coll. of Customs, town clerk. Child:
Charles Henry6 Sage, b. May 5. 1816: m. Eliza Hall : merchant, P. M., J. of P.. Treas. Quarry Co. (See the Hall Family.)
Child: -
John Hall Sage7. Apr. 20, 1847; m. Sept. 16, 1880, Hartford, Conn., Agnes Farwell Kellogg, dau. of Elijah Chapman Kellogg and Harriet Isham. Mr. Sage was ed. in Portland and Bridgeport High Schools. Clerk in Aetna Life Ins. Co., banker since 1873. Fellow and Sec. of Am. Orni. Union, Fellow Am. As. Av. Sc.. Bio. Soc. of Washington, Conn. Hist. Soc. Great authority on Conn. birds ; res. Portland. Conn.
Child: -
Harriet Eliza8, b. Aug. 26. 1884.
9. Solomon3, b. Mar. 24, 1720.
10. Amos3, b. July 1, 1722.
7. John3 Sage (John, David), b. Apr. 28, 1696; m. Jan.-13, 1717-18, Mary Hall (see the Hall Family).
Children: -
Hannah, b. Mar. 15, 1724-5; in. George4 Ranney. (See the Raney Family.)
John, b. Jan. 13, 1726-7; d. Jan. 12, 1805; m. Aug. 7, 1746, Ann Ranney, who d. Aug. 19, 1778. He built, 1761, the house now known as the Ranney-Adams mansion. (See the Ranney Family.)
Child: -
Reuben, b. 1748 ; m. Lucy Ranney (see the Ranney Family).
Lewis Samuel, b. Mar. 10, 1728-9; m. Deborah Ranney, who d. Nov. 27, 1798 (see the Ranney Family).
Children: -
Willett M., b. 1756; d. of smallpox in Rev. War.
Lemuel, b. 1752; m. Lois Savage. Their dau. Harriet, b. 1791 m. Deacon Isaac Sage.
Giles, b. July 28, 1742 ; m. Ann Wright.
Son, Orrin, b. 1787, founded Rochester Theo. Sem. Widow of Giles m. Hezekiah Ranney. She is buried in Rochester, N. Y. (See the Ranney Family.)
7a. Capt. David2 Sage, m. Bathsheba Judd, and rem. to East Berlin.
Sarah4 Sage, m. Ebenezer Steele.
Josiah5 Steele, m. Susanna Lewis.
Allen6 Steele, m. Mrs. Lucy (Jerome) Hart.
Emma Hart7 Steele, m. Marilla Richards.
Oliver Richards8 Steele, b. Nov. 1, 1828, Newington, Conn. ; m. Elizabeth Selden, b. May 7. 1830, Hadlynne, Conn.
Maria Olivia9 Steele, b. Jan. 31, 1860; m. Michel Moracin Le Brun, b. Aug. 6, 1856. Architect; res. Montclair, N. J.
Children: -
Olivia Adele10, b. July 14, 1893.
Pierre Napoleon, b. July 5, 1896.
Elizabeth Selden, b. Apr. 29, 1898.
8. Ebenezer3 Sage, b. 1709, tipper Houses; d. Nov. 26, 1748, Middletown; m. Oct. 22, 1730, Hannah Coleman, b. Sept., 1704, Wethersfield, Conn., dau. of Lt. John Coleman. In the settlement of the estate of Lt. John Coleman, Ebenezer Sage and his wife received £258.05s. Ebenezer was given by his father the homestead purchased for that purpose. He was a blacksmith. He sold the property in 1741 to Nathaniel Riley of Wethersfield, and rem. to Middletown, where he became a very prosperous merchant.
Children: -
11. Comfort, b. Aug. 22, 1731.
Ebenezer, b. Apr. 30, 1734.
Martha, b. Aug. 19, 1736.
Lois, b. Feb. 20, 1743.
[COLEMAN LINEAGE-Thomas1 Coleman, b. abt. 1600, in. Evesham, Co. Worcester, England, was in Wethersfield in 1636, and was one of the dissatisfied ones who rem. to Hadley, Mass., where he d. Oct. 1, 1674. There is no record to tell who was his first wife. But a son was
John2 Coleman, b. abt. 1635; d. Jan. 2, 1711, Hadley; m. May 29, 1663, Hannah Porter of Windsor, Conn., dau. of John Porter, who was killed by the Indians, Sept. 19, 1677.
    Lieut. John3 Coleman, b. 1669, Hadley, rem. to Wethersfield, where he was a large landholder by inheritance and purchase. He m. Apr. 24, 1695, Hannah Wright, b. 1670 ; d. 1708, dau. of James Wright.]
9. Solomon3 Sage, b. Mar. 24, 1719-27; m. Apr. 25, 1745, Hannah Kirby, b. Apr., 1723, Upper Houses. He inherited the David' Sage homestead and on Feb. 10, 1761, exchanged it with Daniel Stocking for the John Clark homestead. On Feb. 27, 1761, he sold the corner lot to John4 Sage, who had m. Ann Ranney and on the same day sold to Comfort Butler, who had m. Sybil Ranney, the house (built, 1663, by Thomas Hubbard) and lot. And on this day he purchased of Willett4 Ranney, the house built by Willett3 Ranney on the farm known as "Timber Hill" farm, originally granted to Thomas' Ranney. He was appointed a deacon Jan. 26, 1775, and served until his death, June 7, 1795. He served in the French-Indian War and as Captain in the Rev. War. He took the census of Middletown Upper Houses as of the first Monday in Sept., 1776, as recorded in the historical part of this volume. A bronze marker of the S. A. R. is at his grave. His son, Capt. Simeon, a soldier of the Rev. Army, is buried in Sheffield, Mass., close to the line of Salisbury, where he lived. Stephen. another soldier, rem. to Sandisfield,Mas. Rev. Seth was a Cong. clergyman.
Of their other Children: -
13. Solomon, b. Aug. 3, 1763.
10. Amos3 Sage, b. July 1. 172:2: m. Rebecca Wilcox. She d._____ . He d._____ , 1759.
His father had purchased of John2 Ranney the latter's homestead when he rem. to East Middletown, and it was given to Amos. The house stood till a few years ago, next north of the residence of M. P. Walsh, and the John2 Ranney descendants, coming to our reunions, have stood on the door stones imbedded in the ground. Amos was a shoemaker and a shoe last he used is in the keeping of the Walsh family. A daughter, Rebecca, m. Oct. 25. 1772, Asher Riley. Of the other
Children: -
14. William4, b. 1748.
15. Nathan4, b. 1752.
16. Elisha4, b. 1755.
11. Gen. Comfort4 Sage, b. Aug. 22, 1731, Upper Houses; m. Jan. 16, 1752, Sarah Hamlin, b. Aug. 3, 1730, Middletown, Conn., eldest child of Col. Jabez Hamlin and Mary Christophers. Col. Jabez Hamlin was the most prominent citizen of Middletown and the first Mayor of the City. Mary Christophers, b. Aug. 25, 1714, New London, was a dau. of the Hon. Christopher Christophers (descendant of Elder William Brewster) and Elizabeth Allen, dau. of Fitz-John Allen.
    Gen. Comfort Sage was ten years of age when his father rem. to Middletown. He became a merchant, a man of great influence, owned a number of slaves, a justice of the peace, appointed quarter-master of the troop of horse in 6th Reg. Conn. Militia, May, 1757; Lieut., May, 1761; Capt., May, 1763. On the day after news was received of the battle of Lexington he marched his troop, including many from the Upper Houses, to Boston, uniformed and equipped; May 1, 1775, appointed Lt. Col. in Col. James Wadsworth's 23d Reg. Conn. Militia, which went to Boston and served to Mar., 1776: mem. General Assembly, May, 1776, and at that session was app. Lieut. Col., 3d Battalion, in Gen. Wadsworth's Conn. State Brigade, "ordered by this Assembly to be raised and march directly to New York. and there join the Continental Army at that place." This brigade was composed of seven regiments, and joined the army at New York. The Conn. forces comprised a portion of Washington's army on Long Island from August to October, 1776, the battle of Long Island, or Flushing, having been fought on Aug. 27. The retreat to New York City and the regiment suffered, Sept. 15, in the retreat from the city. It was in the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28; it remained near by through November and the term of its enlistment expired Dec. 25, 1776. In Oct., 1776, he was app. Colonel of the 23d Reg. The following companies served under him in repelling the attack, July 5, 1777, of Gen Tryon on New Haven; [* = from Upper Houses] *Jared Shepard, *Amos Wetmore, Joseph Kellogg, Joseph Blague, Geo. Hubbard, Jabez Brooks, Jacob Wetmore, John Wetmore, George Phillips, Daniel Stewart and Daniel Clark.
    He was a member of the General Assembly, 1777 to 1786, with few exceptions. In 1784 he was appointed Brigadier General of the 2d Brigade and held the office until 1792. He d. late on Mar. 14, 1799, and was laid out on his bed. Mrs. Sage entered the room and lay down on the bed beside his corpse. One of the family going in latger found her dead, supposedly of a broken heart. The text of the funeral of both was "David and Jonathan were lovely in their lives, and in their death they were not divided."
    When Gen. Washington passed through Middletown enroute for Boston in 1789, Gen. Sage was too unwell to join those who escorted him. But Gen. Washington called on Ge. Sage at his home at the foot of Washington street. The chair in which Gen. Washington set is now (1908) the property of Mr. Charles Eben Jackson. After Benedict Arnold's treachery and Eastern Connecticut became too warm even for his two little sons, they were sheltered and concealed for a time by Mrs. Comfort Sage. Mrs. Abigail (Sage) Hubbard often told of the night when Arnold was burned in effigy. Her mother, Mrs. Comfort Sage, had all the wooden window shutters closed so that the children should be kept in ignorance of the passing event. Years afterward, when Mrs. Hubbard was residing in Montral, one of these little boys, then a young man, called on her and expressed the deep gratitude he should ever feel for the kindloy act the wife of the patriot, Comfort Sage (See the Giles Hamlin Genealogy).
Children: -
Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1753; m. Edward Hallam.
Ebenezer, b. May 22, 1754.
Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1756; m. Maj. Samuel Johnston.
Jabez, b. Dec. 28, 1757; d. at Horse Neck in Rev. Army.
Child: b. Apr. 14, 1758. [transcriber's note: If Jabez was b. in late 1757, it would be impossible for another child to be born less than four months later].
Miehael, b. July 24, 1759; d. on prison ship in Rev. War.
Esther. b. June 14, 1761; d. Sept. 17, 1762.
Esther, b. Apr. 5, 1763; m. Dr. Stephen Ranney. (See the Ranney Family.)
Geo. Hamlin, b. Jan. 23, 1765; d. unm.
Comfort, b. Feb. 3, 1767 ; d. Feb. 3, 1786.
Hannah, b. Jan. 28, 1769; m. Gurdon Saltonstall.
Christopher, b. Sept. 19, 1771; d. unm.
17. Abigail5, b. Sept. 5, 1774; m. Elizur Hubbard.
12. Epaphras4 Sage, bapt. Oct. 16, 1757; d. May 28, 1834; m. Sept. 30, 1779, Elizabeth Welles5 Ranney, dau. of Fletcher Ranney. (See the Ranney Family.) She was named after her maternal ancestor, Governor Thomas Welles. He was a Rev. soldier, and built in 1800 the fine mansion in the Nooks owned and occupied by his granson, Charles P. Sage and which was burned in 1905. His pension papers show he enlisted five times, serving three times under Capt. Jared Shepard, once under Capt. Joseph Blague and once under Capt. Amos Wetmore. He was in the battles of Stillwater, Sept. 19 and Oct. 7, 1777. Later he served as Ensign, Lieut., and Captain of Militia.
Of their Children: -
18. Justus5, b. 1782.
Epaphras, b. 1793; m. Salome Goodrich.
Children: Charles P., and Henry L., res. in Cromwell.
13. Solomon4 Sage, b. Aug. 3, 1762; d. 1823 ; m. June 27, 1788, Anna Williams (John, Jehiel), bapt. Sept. 19, 1762.
Child: -
Ezra5 Sage, b. 1796; m. (1) Bathsheba M. Wilcox ; m. (2) Emeline Belden. Their son:
John Newell6, b. June, 1837; m. Feb. 5, 1860, Elizabeth A. Robinson. He served in 24th Reg. Conn. Vols. and d. Feb. 12, 1865. Child:
Dr. Frederick H. Sage, b. Apr. 25, 1861; m. June 5, 1889, Bessie B. Ackley. Physician ; res. Middletown, Conn. Children:
Herbert Ackley, b: Aug. 25, 1891.
Newell R., b. June 11, 1893.
14. Capt. William4 Sage, bapt. Jan. 1, 1749; d. Nov. 8, 1833; m. (1) Bathsheba Hollister, . who d. Apr. 17, 1792 ; m. (2) Mar. 21, 1793, Abigail Eells, widow of William White, previously widow of
Jonathan Stow, and dau. of John Eells. cousin of Rev. Edward Eells. (See the Eells Family.) She d. Jan. 19, 1831. Capt. Sage built the " Footit " House. He early served in the Rev. War, was made ensign Oct. 11, 1781. "This assembly do establish William Sage to be Ensign of the 2d Company or Train band in the 23d Regiment in this State."-Conn. State Journal, page 11, and acquired the title of captain by reason of later service in the militia. A bronze marker of the S. A. R. is at his grave.
Children: -
William, b. 1768, grandfather of Henry W. Sage, benefactor of Cornell as also were his sons Dean and William H., the latter now at the head of Albany Trust Co.
Betsy, b. 1769 ; m. Gideon Butler. (See the Butler Family.)
Josiah, b. 1770; m. Sarah Savage. He was known as " Col." Postmaster and local merchant.
Clarissa, b. 1785; m. Capt. James Butler. (See the Butler Family.)
Isaac, b. 1786, deacon ; m. Harriet Sage. Had seven daughters, of which Jane E. m. Rev. E. J. Doolittle. (See the Doolittle Family.)
19. Orrin, b. Jan. 17, 1791.
Susan, b. Mar. 28, 1796; m. Jacob White. (See the White Family.)
15. Capt. Nathan4 Sage, bapt. Aug. 23, 1752; m. Dec. 24, 1772,
Huldah4 Ranney (Joseph, Joseph, Thomas). In 1772 he purchased the homestead of John' Savage and sold it in 1776 when he purchased the house built for Rev. Joseph Smith with land extending to the river. He was a shipbuilder, a sea captain, and a slave holder. He was active in the Revolutionary
War, commanding the Hunter and the Middletown. capturing a British powder ship, which feat was put into verse by the late William Willshire Riley. He also kept a tavern, and the inside
door, with the upper half of glass and on hinges, shows the arrangements of that day for the comfort of the thirsty. In 1795 he was unfortunate, as other patriots had been, and lost his property-. He went to Central New York for the Holland Land Company, settling in Redfield, where he was made a judge. Then he became collector of U. S. customs at Oswego, N. Y., and held the position for many years and until his death. He had buried two sons here. His daughter, Huldah, b. 1778; m. (1) Apr. 1797, Normand Knox, a bank president of Hartford; m. (2) Russell Bunce, grandfather of the late Admiral Bunce. U. S. N. No children. She erected the tombstones for her parents in Oswego, N.Y.
16. Elisha Sage, bapt. Aug. 31, 1755; d. May 30, 1801; m. June 27. 1776, Martha Montague. (See the Montague Lineage.)
He served in the Rev. Army and a bronze marker of the S. A. R. is at his grave. He was a mason, built some of the bridges between here and Hartford. He had the contract for building the exterior walls of the old State House at Hartford, now the City Hall. In 1802 his widow petitioned the General Court to be relieved of the charges made by reason of his having failed to complete his contract on time, alleging that the materials were not promptly furnished. It has been ascertained very recently that Bulfinch was the architect. Nothing further is known of the details than these slight ones, concerning this ancient, 1793, edifice. In 1798 Elisha Sage was sued by the church for $15 pew rent; the papers, however, do not show the result of this effort to collect. She d. Mar. 1, 1839, aged 81.
Children: -
20. Rufus, b. 1777.
Elisha, b. 1779 ; d. 1854; m. Prudence Risley of E. Hartford. Four sons and two daughters were born here. Russell Sage, lately deceased, was born 1816, a few weeks after the family reached their new home in New York.
21. Barzillai, bapt. Aug. 25, 1782.
17. Abigail5 Sage, b. Sept. 5, 1774, Middletown, Conn. ; m. Oct. 7, 1801, Elizur Hubbard, b. Jan. 4, 1775, Tolland, Conn.; lawyer. rem. to Claremont, N. H., abt. 1784; later to Windsor, Vt.; to Montreal, Can. in 1815. Became a judge in Arkansas. He d. of yellow fever at Davidsonville, Ark., Sept. 16, 1819. Widow ret. to Middletown, where she d. Aug. 3, 1864. She often related seeing Lafayette when he visited Middletown.
Of their Children: -
22. Hannah Saltonstall6, b. Feb. 3, 1815.
18. Justus5 Sage, b. 1782; m. Mary Kirby, b. Dec. 26, 1787, Upper Houses. He was a sea captain in the China trade. (See the Kirby Family.)
Children: -
Elizabeth6, b. Jan. 26, 1810; m. Smith Birdsev of Middlefield. Children:
Mary Ann, b. June 29, 1844; d. unm. Aug. 1, 1880. Studied at Mt. Holyoke Sem., and at time of her death was prin. of a Middletown City school.
Esther Coe, b. June 14, 1848; m. Henry- E. Wilcox, of East Berlin. (See Wilcox Family.)
Justus Kirby6, b. Oct. 24, 1814; d. June 2, 1886 ; m. May 12, 1832, Elizabeth Jane Pratt, b. Apr. 8, 1818; d. July 4, 1906, dau. of Jonathan Pratt.
Children: -
Mary Kirby7, b. May 12, 1838; res. Cromwell, Conn.
Ann Elizabeth7, b. Jan. 22, 1842 ; m. July 17, 1866, George Watson Burr, of Middletown, b. Apr. 12, 1816 ; d. Jan. 12, 1894, son of George Burr and Esther Lyman of Haddam, Conn. Children:
Ann May8, b. Apr. 15, 1871; m. Apr. 25, 1894, Waters B. Day; grad. Wesleyan Univ. ; res. Newark, N. J.
George Brainerd8, b. Aug. 7, 1876.
19. Orrin5 Sage, b. Jan. 17, 1791, Upper Houses ; m. May 4, 1817, Blandford, Mass., Ruth Pease, b. Sept. 23, 1789, Blandford, dau. of Abner Pease and Chloe Viets. She d. Dec. 10, 1858, Ware, Mass. He m. (2) Aug. 21, 1860, Cynthia Jenks, b. Jan. 29, 1818, Spencer, Mass. She d. Nov. 30, 1902, Spencer, Mass. He d. June 23, 1875, Ware, Mass. The following biographical notice of Mr. Orrin Sage was found in the journal of Mr. Stillman King Wightman, whose wife's mother was a sister of Mrs. Orrin Sage.
Mr. Orrin Sage, who died at Ware, Mass., June 23d, at the ripe age of eighty-four, was born in Middletown, Ct., Jan. 17, 1791. And was the youngest son, and last survivor of fourteen chldren of William Sage, a native of the same place, a soldier of the Revolutionary War.
    His mother, Bathsheba (Hollister), died when he was but seven months old and he was cared for by his sisters, Goodrich and Clarissa Butler.
Before he was twenty-one years, the Hinsdales of Middletown. started him in business as a merchant in Blandford. Mass. And in 1814 he became sole proprietor, which business he continued until 1848.
    He started many young men in trade, furnishing capital, which gave profitable results. One such partnership near Rochester continued for thirty years.
He represented the town of Blandford in the legislature for 1831-1832 and 1834. And was senator from Hampden Co. in the years 1836 and 1837.
Mr. Sage removed to Ware in 1848 and became President of the Bank in that place, and held the office until 1865.
    His taste for agriculture & horticulture afforded him agreeable employment in the evening of life.
    He was modest and retiring in his nature, quiet and unpretending in his habits.
    He united with the Congregational church in Blandford in 1822 and took a leading part in the erection of a new church building and the support of the Gospel and in various benevolent objects. When he left Blandford he gave a fund of one thousand dollars to the Congregational Society, and afterwards bought and presented them a parsonage.
To the town of Ware he gave a beautiful lot of twenty-five acres for a cemetery, and has provided for its care.
    To Williams College he gave some years ago a scholarship of one thousand dollars, and more recently a fund of thirty thousand to endow a professorship of history and political economy.
    To the town of Osage, County Seat of Mitchell Co., Iowa, of which he was one of the founders and which was named for him, he gave nearly seven hundred acres of land, to establish a public library, and has erected a handsome brick building for its use.
    For more than fifty years, he was a constant and increasingly liberal giver to the American Board of Foreign Missions. While the Home Missions and the American Missionary Societies and other benevolent objects have shared his liberality.
Children: -
Harriet Newell, b. 1818; d. 1899; m. William Hyde. Children:
William Sage Hyde, m. Susan E. Pitt. Children:
Susan Bull, b. 1861; m. F. E. Hawks.
Lucy Ruth, b. 1864; m. Henry K. Hyde ; res. Ware, Mass.
Children: Harriet Sylvia, Ruth, Henry Sage. -
Elizabeth, b. 1872; d. 1892.
Sylvia Sage, b. 1877.
Theodore, b. 1839; d. 1844.
Harriet Sylvia, b. 1845; unm. ; res. Ware, Mass.
Sarah Ruth, b. 1826; unm. Res. Ware, Mass.
20. Rufus5 Sage, b.______, 1777: d. 1826: was for years a deacon ; m. ______ , Jerusha Butler.
Child: -
Elisha L.6 Sage, b. Mar. 31, 1809; m. Jan., 1829, Elizabeth B. Hubbard of Upper Houses. Compiler of the Sage Genealogy. The moving spirit in renovating the old cemetery about 1880; d. Dec. 2, 1883.
Child: -
Elisha Thomas7, b. Mar. 31, 1843; m. Aug. 14, 1865, Martha M. Waterman. Served in 1863-65 in 6th Regt. Conn. Vols. His wife's father and five of his brothers served in the Rev. Army. She is descended from Richard Waterman of Plymouth, Eng. and John Stevens of Eng. ; res. Middletown.
Children living: -
Alice, b. Nov. 9, 1871.
Anne, b. Oct. 21, 1878.
21. Barzillai5 Sage, b. Aug. 25. 1782 ; m.______, Eunice Doud, descendant of Deacon Henry Doud, who settled at Guilford with company of Rev. Henry Whitfield in 1639. He rem. to Newfield street, Lower Middletown, where he d. 1854. Had ten sons and two daughters. Of these :
Children: -
Barzillai Doud6, b._____, 1806; d. 1853; m. May 20, 1831, Elizabeth P. Yale, descendant of Thomas Yale, a founder of New Haven, and Mary Turner (Capt. Nathaniel of Mass. Bay Colony). Children:
Charlotte Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1834; m. Daniel B. Hubbard ; she res. Middletown, Conn.
Ira Yale7 Sage, b. Apr. 4, 1848, Middletown ; m. Jan. 3, 1871, Margaret Alexander, of the Alevanders of N. C., and Byrds of Va. State Regent D. A. R. of Ga. Soc., Col. Dames, V. P. of Ga. Soc. He is civil engineer, on railway construction and management; res. Atlanta, Ga. Children:
Ira Yale8, Jr., b. Dee. 15. 1875; m. Aug. 2. 1901, Atlanta, Ga., Elizabeth Tante, b. 1883, dau. of Samuel Tante and Emma Norvelle, atty.-at-law; res. Atlanta, Ga.
Child: -
Ira Yale, 3rd, b. Aug. 15, 1902.
Herbert Alexander, b. Apr. 9, 1881; attorney-at-law. Res. Atlanta. Ga.
Dennis6, b. Aug., 1817, Middletown, Conn.; d. July, 1897, East Milton, Mass.; m. Dec. 31, 18.62, Lucy Weldon Rogers, 2d dau. of William Rogers, of Hartford, Conn., introducer of electro-silver plating in the U. S.. and Nancy Wilson, of N. Y. Children:
Katherine, b. 1864.
Charles Dennis, b. 1866.
Ernest Lincoln, b. 1868.
Isabel, b. Aug. 13, 1872, Wollaston, Mass.; m. Oct. 10, 1894, Frederick K. Sloan, son of James O. Sloan and Aurelia Treat; res. Hartford, Conn.
22. Hannah Saltonstall6 Hubbard, b. Feb. 3, 1815, Windsor, Vt.; m. Sept. 1, 1840, Middletown, Conn., Hon. Ebenezer Jackson, b. Jan. 31, 1796, Savannah, Ga.; d. Aug. 17, 1874, Middletown, Conn., son of Ebenezer Jackson and Charlotte Fenwick. Lawyer, settling in Middletown; mem. Congress, 1834-5; Epis.; one of the most distinguished citizens of Middletown. In 1856 he introduced Hon. Edward Everett, when delivering his famous oration on Washington, in aid of the effort to purchase Mount Vernon. They were equally noted for their personal appearance on that occasion. The widow d. Sept. 21, 1903, at Middletown, Conn.
Children: -
Mary Selina, b. Aug. 8, 1841.
23. Eliza Anne, b. July 11, 1843; m. Rev. J. W. Bradin, Jr.
24. Robert Nesmith, b. Mar. 11, 1845.
Sophie Hamlin, b. Mar. 30, 1847; d. unm., Mar. 10, 1877.
25. Charles Eben, b. Jan. 25, 1849.
Katherine Frances, b. Mar. 30, 1851; unm.
Margaret Ellen, b. Jan. 25, 1853; unm.
23. Eliza Anne7 Jackson, b. July 11, 1843, Middletown, Conn.; d. Sept. 18, 1888; m. June 25, 1872, the Rev. James Watson Bradin, b. Aug. 27, 1847, son of the Rev. James Watson Bradin, D. D. and Imogene Muzzy. Grad. Trinity Coll., Berkeley Div. School ; rector, Flatbush, L. I., until 1882, since then rector of St. John's, Hartford, Conn.
Children: -
Selina Fenwick, b. Oct. 10, 1873.
Imogene Muzzy, b. Sept. 16, 1875.
Sophie Jackson, b. Jan. 30, 1877
James Watson, b. May 21, 1878.
Annie Saltonstall, b. Aug. 24, 1879.
Percival Hawtree, b. Aug. 31, 1881.
Isabel T. Black, b. Sept. 30, 1887.
24. Robert Nesmith7 Jackson (brother of Eliza Anne), b. Mar. 1.1, 1845, Paris, France ; m. June 1, 1871, Terre Haute, Ind., Sarah Ewing Law, b. Dec. 15, 1851, dau. of Commodore Richard L. Law and Mary Ewing Farrington. Banker, Ind. Rep., Pres. Middlesex Banking Co., since 1875, Epis.; res. Middletown, Conn.
Children: -
Eben, b. Feb. 23, 1877.
Meta Kemble, b. July 22, 1880.
Ruth Parker, b. Aug. 28, 1881.
Richard Law, b. Jan. 21, 1889.
25. Charles Eben7 Jackson, b. Jan. 25, 1849, Middletown, Conn.; m. June 12, 1873, St. John's Epis. ch., Stamford, Conn., Evelyn Quintard, b. Feb. 12, 1852, N. Y., dau. of Edward Augustus Quintard and Mary Matilda Gillespie. Banker, Pres. The Jackson Company, V. P. the Middlesex Banking Co., Treas. of the Berkeley Divinity School, Rep., mein. Mass. Soc. Cincinnati, Epis. ; res. Middletown. Conn.
Children: -
Charles Eben, b. Apr. 22, 1874; d. Aug. 15, 1877.
Edward Quintard, b. July 5, 1875; banker, Middletown, Conn.
Robert Fenwick, b. Dec. 18, 1877; grad. 1900, West Point U. S. Mil. Acad. Retired 1st Lieut. U. S. A.
John Gillespie, b. Feb. 12, 1880; att.-at-law; res. N. Y. City.
Evelyn Quintard, b. Feb. 28, 1882.
William Leigh Pierce, b. Dec. 18, 1887.
Winthrop Alsop, b. Mar. 10, 1889.